Thursday 2 November 2017

3d Forex Llc

NFA Nuevo Reglamento

Ha habido mucha conversación callejera en el mundo Forex con respecto a la nueva regulación de la NFA (Asociación Nacional de Futuros) para los Distribuidores de Forex, cuya principal consecuencia es el aumento del capital mínimo requerido a $ 5Millones en efectivo más un porcentaje de los fondos de los clientes retenida.

En cifras reales esto debería representar alrededor de $ 7- $ 11Millones de efectivo inicial, un valor mucho más alto que los requerimientos reales de la NFA que piden sólo $ 1Million de capital neto.

La revista "Currency Trader" afirma que la nueva regulación podría acabar con el 90% de las corredurías de divisas existentes. Aunque es probable que ocurra la consolidación mayor si la regla pasa.

Puede revisar la opinión de nuestro gurú Tony Juste en el Blog del Asesor o consultar una lista completa de los corredores regulados en nuestra Tabla de Corredores de Forex. También tenemos Francesc Riverola. CEO de FXstreet. com, siguiendo las noticias actuales en el blog de FXstreet. com.

Usted puede revisar las respuestas de los CEO de algunas de las principales empresas de FX a la carta abierta que Francesc Riverola envió y ver cómo los CEO dan su opinión sobre la nueva regulación.

Hay una gran cantidad de Foros donde la gente está hablando sobre el tema. Compruebe los hilos en:

enlaces relacionados

Corredores contra los cuales la NFA ha emprendido acciones legales:

Otros enlaces interesantes de la NFA:

Corredores por encima de 5 millones de capital neto

Si está buscando 200% de ganancias por mes, o por "48 operaciones ganadoras en fila", ¡se ha topado con el sitio web equivocado!

Nuestro modelo Forex tiene soluciones para los cinco errores comunes y cruciales que causan que los comerciantes de divisas fallen. Nuestro sistema de 7 monedas le proporciona señales comerciales que apilan las probabilidades a su favor:

Las ganancias razonables a cambio de tomar riesgos razonables es la meta.



Estimado comerciante de Forex:

Un reciente artículo de FXCM. com, el segundo mayor corredor de divisas en línea de EE. UU., Reveló los resultados de su revisión de más de 12 millones de operaciones de divisas de sus clientes realizadas durante 2009 y 2010. La mayor sorpresa, según FXCM, Casi el 60% de estas operaciones fueron rentables. Mientras que la gran mayoría de sus clientes todavía perdieron dinero!

¿Cómo es eso posible, podrías estar pensando? Bueno, es fácil perder dinero cuando sus operaciones perdedoras equivalen a aproximadamente $ 2.00 por cada $ 1.00 que realice en sus operaciones ganadoras. Eso es exactamente lo que hicieron los clientes de FXCM, y ese rendimiento es sin duda típico de la mayoría de todos los comerciantes de divisas. A PESAR DEL HECHO POCOS LOS ESTÁN ENCONTRANDO, HAY RAZONES ESPECÍFICAS PARA ESTE POBRE RENDIMIENTO, y nuestro sistema de divisas de 7 divisas forex se desarrolla con soluciones específicas Y EFICACES a cada uno de los problemas que hacen que los comerciantes pierdan dinero año después año.





Este error hace que sus pérdidas sean demasiado grandes y sus ganancias sean demasiado pequeñas. Utilizamos modelos econométricos para proyectar el precio del día siguiente, o rango, punto medio y el tamaño de la gama. Y los usan para comprar retrocesos de precios y vender en anticipos de precios. ¿Resultado? Perdemos muchos oficios desfavorables y estamos bien posicionados en los oficios que entramos.


Corregir el error # 1 anterior corrige la mayor parte de este problema; A continuación, utilizar nuestras proyecciones de la gama del día para poner paradas más allá de los límites exteriores de la gama proyectada. Estas proyecciones no son spot-on todo lo que a menudo, pero son muy a menudo lo suficientemente cerca como para darnos el borde que estamos buscando.


Hemos seleccionado 7 pares de divisas que no todos los que a menudo se mueven directamente entre sí. Las ganancias de estos mercados durante las semanas y meses son acumulativas, mientras que las pérdidas en algunos mercados tienden a compensarse con ganancias en otros. ¡Hay magia en la diversificación!


Con las entradas estratégicas y las paradas (mencionadas anteriormente) que limitan nuestros riesgos, podemos permitirnos realizar operaciones, moviendo nuestra parada con precios de cierre, hasta que se detengan. Es decir, dejamos que el mercado nos diga cuándo salir en lugar de saltar en cualquier momento vemos un pips pocos beneficios. ¡Automatizar esta parte del comercio es una gran ventaja!


Al negociar 7 pares de divisas (rara vez estamos en todos los 8 a la vez) somos capaces de limitar posiciones tamaños 0,5% de capital de cuenta en riesgo por mercado negociado. Esto limita tanto la exposición al mercado como a la posición total, así como la reducción máxima.

Nuestro modelo se parece más a un modelo de swing-trading con una característica de tendencia que comienza cuando los precios están en tendencia. De esta manera podemos limitar las pérdidas con paradas más estrictas sin renunciar a la posibilidad de montar una tendencia. Un sistema que utiliza paradas amplias le mantendrá en una mejor tendencia que la nuestra. En la mayoría de las situaciones, sin embargo, estas mismas paradas de ancho te comen en pérdidas cuando los mercados se agitan y la tendencia falla. Además, muchos comerciantes establecer sus paradas sobre la base de su precio de entrada, pero esto por lo general no funciona bien. El mercado no le importa dónde lo obtiene. Nuestro modelo utiliza precios de entrada y de parada estratégicos basados ​​en proyecciones lógicas, abundancia de buena diversificación y límites rigurosos al capital en riesgo para cada operación ingresada.

Nuestro modelo rara vez compra breakouts; En cambio, compra (y vende) en retiradas de precios. Y al requerir un retroceso de precios antes de entrar en un comercio, reducirá la distancia entre su precio de entrada y su parada, mientras al mismo tiempo aumenta la distancia entre su precio de entrada y su precio de salida objetivo. No es ciencia de cohetes, es BALANCE. El equilibrio es la clave, y nuestro modelo de comercio de divisas equilibra las respuestas a las cinco preguntas clave de comercio de divisas (compra o venta, precio de entrada, nivel de parada, puntos de salida y cuántos contratos debo comercio) Usted para superar el mercado de divisas es aparentemente al azar. (Y algunas veces perniciosa).

Siento que debo disculparme por el hecho de que nuestro modelo sólo las medias


Debo enfatizar, una vez más, que nuestro enfoque no es uno de "hacerse rico rápido", que muchos comerciantes parecen estar buscando. Todos hemos visto los anuncios: "sistema secreto devuelve 200% al mes!". "45 operaciones rentables en una fila!" Supongo que estas cosas son técnicamente posibles, pero te desafío a que realmente lograr que sin empujar toda su cuenta comercial en el centro de la mesa y girar la rueda! ¿Y cuál es la reducción máxima en los últimos 5 años que habría resultado de usar uno de estos sistemas? ¡Nunca te dicen eso! Una palabra de precaución que usted probablemente ya conoce: es de conocimiento común que los retornos en muestra que un modelo logra casi siempre son mejores que sus retornos reales en tiempo real, porque los coeficientes del modelo se ajustan al período histórico. Con esto en mente, esperamos (pero no podemos estar seguros de) 100% + devoluciones por año en el comercio en tiempo real.

Por supuesto que podría DOUBLE el% promedio de retorno que nuestro modelo le ofrece. Pero yo también estaría duplicando la reducción máxima de su cuenta: de la expectativa actual del modelo de un DD Máximo de aproximadamente -11% a algo cerca de -22%! No voy a comerciar con este grado de riesgo, así que no voy a pedir que lo haga. Y este retorno esperado de nuestro modelo le ofrece pone, en promedio, sólo el 3% de su capital en riesgo en cualquier momento con picos ocasionales a alrededor del 10% cuando tenemos unos pocos cargos de posición! (Esto supone, por supuesto, que sus paradas realmente le sacan cuando el mercado va en contra de usted! Vea la exención de responsabilidad abajo, el comercio de Forex es arriesgado!)

He encontrado que nunca tiene ningún sentido hablar de retorno aparte de, o ignorando, RIESGO. Ofrecerle un perfil de riesgo aceptable - que nuestro modelo de negociación hace con la precisión de una máquina bien engrasada - PRECARECE US DE OFRECIENDO DEVOLUCIONES OUTRAGEOUS. Nuestro modelo plantea la pregunta "¿Cómo afecta esto mi riesgo?" En cada punto de decisión comercial. Así es como nuestro modelo le dará la ventaja en el comercio, NO UNA FÓRMULA SECRETA!

Los niveles de riesgo en nuestro modelo son establecidos por usted como mejor le parezca. Normalmente, en mis operaciones establezco niveles de riesgo que no superan el 0,5% por divisa negociada, al ingreso, para cada uno de los 7 pares de divisas que el modelo negocia. (Estos son los riesgos por defecto usados ​​en el modelo). Además, el modelo reportará hasta un 2% o 3% del capital total en cada uno de los mercados que están en tendencia. Pero rara vez son más de 3 posiciones de mercado trasladadas en un día. En promedio, alrededor del 2 1/2% del capital de su cuenta de comercio se pone en riesgo a diario, con picos ocasionales hasta un 10%. (Por favor, desplácese hacia abajo a mitad de camino en nuestra página de "Desempeño del Modelo" para ver una vista visual de los porcentajes diarios típicos de riesgo). Nuestro sistema de comercio le da una relación de retorno al riesgo que le resultará difícil de mejorar.

El número de contratos que debe negociar - basado en el tamaño de su cuenta y la preferencia de riesgo programada en el modelo - se calcula para usted para cada comercio en cada mercado que el modelo incluye. Esto, también, es un ingrediente clave en lo que quiero decir con el equilibrio en un sistema comercial. Nuestro sistema equilibra el riesgo y el rendimiento para dar consistentemente una BUENA oportunidad de experimentar una ganancia MUY BUENA. A cambio de tomar un riesgo RAZONABLE.

Esto es todo lo que puedo ofrecerle, pero he aprendido de amarga experiencia que es el sello de comercio consistente y rentable. El resto de este sitio web expone sobre muchas de las tácticas comerciales mencionadas anteriormente.

Haga clic aquí para obtener información de precios o para comprar una copia del modelo completo de 7 monedas.

Haga clic aquí para ver la estrategia innovadora que utilizamos para aumentar los retornos y reducir el riesgo.

Fundador & amp; Presidente,

Modelos de Forex, LLC


La negociación en el mercado de divisas es una oportunidad desafiante donde los rendimientos por encima del promedio están disponibles para los inversionistas educados y experimentados que están dispuestos a tomar un riesgo por encima del promedio. Sin embargo, antes de decidirse a participar en el comercio de divisas (FX), debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, el nivel de experiencia y el apetito por el riesgo. No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder.


Jesse Livermore - comerciante legendario que hizo y perdió tres fortunas en el mercado de acción - aprendió el valor de una parada bien-puesto como adolescente en las "tiendas del cubo" de Boston en los 1900s tempranos. En su mejor momento, equilibró cuidadosamente su entrada en el mercado, sus paradas protectoras y sus puntos de salida.

Sus dos secretos para el éxito eran el control emocional para dejar que sus ganancias corrieran a máximos escandalosos, sin ser asustado fuera del mercado, y la paciencia para esperar el precio adecuado para entrar en una posición.

Si bien el enfoque de Livermore era más intuitivo que nuestro enfoque técnico, su enfoque en equilibrar todos los aspectos de la negociación - incluso el control de riesgos, cuando no estaba atrapado en un mercado desbocado al que sólo tuvo que sumergirse - es similar a nuestro uso de Estadísticas para lograr el mismo efecto de equilibrio.

242 F. 3d 325 - Comisión de Valores y Bolsa v. Forex Asset Management Llc et al.

Michael y Donna Whitbeck ( "los Whitbecks") apelan la orden del tribunal de distrito que aprueba la decisión de Dan R. Waller ( "Receiver"), el receptor designado para supervisar los activos relacionados con Forex Asset Management, L. L.C. ( "Forex"), para distribuir los activos de Forex sobre una base proporcional. Afirmamos.

* Los Whitbecks se enteraron de una oportunidad de inversión en moneda extranjera con Forex a través de un infomercial de radio dado por Kosova, el individuo que supuestamente controla Forex. Posteriormente, los Whitbecks asistieron a un seminario sobre oportunidades de inversión con Forex y escribieron un cheque a Forex por $ 100,000. Varios meses más tarde, después de recibir declaraciones que reflejaban un rentable retorno de su inversión de $ 100,000, los Whitbecks asistieron a otro seminario. Después del seminario, los Whitbecks decidieron invertir dinero adicional, y sacaron un préstamo de $ 800,000 para hacerlo. Los Whitbecks entonces escribieron un cheque a Forex por $ 800,000, que dieron a Kosova. Kosova informó a los Whitbecks que sus fondos serían colocados en una cuenta separada con el fin de invertir el dinero de manera más agresiva.

Kosova depositó el cheque de $ 800,000 de Whitbecks en una cuenta de FAM Preferred Trading Corporation ( "FAM Preferred") en NationsBank.1 Los registros que documentan las transacciones de la cuenta de FAM Preferred muestran sólo un depósito, específicamente el cheque de $ 800,000 de Whitbecks.

Además de la cuenta en NationsBank, FAM Preferred también mantuvo una cuenta de corretaje con Rosenthal Collins Group, L. P. ( "Rosenthal"). Después de depositar los $ 800,000 en la cuenta FAM Preferred, Kosova transfirió $ 750,000 a la cuenta de Rosenthal. Los $ 750,000 depositados en la cuenta de Rosenthal eran el único depósito hecho en esa cuenta. Los Whitbecks afirman que los únicos otros retiros de la cuenta de NationsBank eran cubrir el coste de los honorarios de la transferencia de alambre, y un cheque de $ 8.500 a se.

Después de que Whitbecks invirtiera 900.000 dólares con Forex, la Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) presentó una queja contra Kosova y Forex por supuestamente participar en un plan para defraudar a los inversionistas. Como consecuencia de la denuncia de la SEC, los activos de Forex, Kosova y las entidades propiedad y controladas por Kosova fueron congelados y un receptor fue designado.2 Los Whitbecks no fueron nombrados como partes en la demanda entre la SEC, Forex y Kosova, Ni se movieron para intervenir de acuerdo con la Regla Federal de Procedimiento Civil 24.

El Receptor designado para administrar los activos de Forex-Kosova determinó que el programa de Forex había acumulado aproximadamente $ 2.5 millones de deuda y retenido aproximadamente $ 1.150.000 de activos.3 Después de analizar las deudas adeudadas y calcular el monto de los activos restantes, el Receptor determinó que Los activos deberían distribuirse proporcionalmente para tratar a los acreedores por igual, porque ninguno de los acreedores tenía una "reclamación garantizada [o] preferencia legal". De acuerdo con el plan, cada inversionista "participaría en la distribución en función del porcentaje de su pérdida, en comparación con las pérdidas de todos los reclamantes no pagados".

Antes de aprobar el plan de distribución del receptor, el tribunal de distrito solicitó objeciones al plan, por lo que recibió dos, uno de los cuales era de los Whitbecks. De acuerdo con el plan de administración, la inversión de $ 800,000 de Whitbecks debía ser tratada de manera idéntica a los otros fondos de inversión de Forex. Esto se debió a que el Administrador Judicial determinó que los $ 800.000, mientras se colocaban en una cuenta separada, era simplemente otra inversión en el programa de divisas en divisas, por lo que debían analizarse de manera similar a las contribuciones de los otros inversores. Para apoyar su posición, el receptor observó que los Whitbecks escribieron ambos sus $ 800.000 y $ 100.000 cheques a Forex. Por lo tanto, la inversión de los Whitbecks con Forex se calculó en 900.000 dólares, de los cuales se debían 878.000 dólares. Debido a que se debían 878.000 dólares, en virtud de una distribución proporcional que recibirían 33,09 por ciento de los activos restantes.

Los Whitbecks, sin embargo, argumentaron que debido a que su cheque de $ 800,000 fue colocado en una cuenta segregada, deberían recibir todos los fondos que quedaban en las cuentas de FAM Preferred y Rosenthal. Sin embargo, los Whitbecks no afirmaron que algo más que una distribución pro rata debía realizarse con respecto a su inversión inicial de $ 100,000, ya que estos fondos se mezclaron con fondos de otros inversionistas de Forex.

Después de considerar las objeciones de los Whitbecks, el tribunal de distrito confirmó el plan porque determinó que el "Plan del Receptor provee los medios más equitativos de abordar todos los daños de la víctima", y que los Whitbecks no presentaron [] Cualquier hecho que elevaría sus reclamos sobre los de los otros inversionistas ". El tribunal también señaló que se le otorgó "amplia discreción en la supervisión de una liquidación de acciones [y que podría] aprobar un plan siempre y cuando [fuera] justo y equitativo".

Los Whitbecks apelan la orden del tribunal de distrito que aprueba el plan de distribución del Administrador Judicial. Antes de revisar los méritos de la apelación de Whitbecks, hay dos problemas de umbral que requieren nuestra atención. Primero, debemos determinar si los Whitbecks tienen legitimidad para presentar esta apelación. Aunque las partes no han planteado esta cuestión, podemos plantear su sponte. Véase Lang v. French, 154 F.3d 217. 222 n.28 (5ª Cir. 1998) (reafirmando el principio de que las cuestiones relativas a la legitimación pueden ser "planteadas por un tribunal de apelación"). Nuestra preocupación con respecto a la posición de los Whitbecks se debe a que los Whitbecks no fueron nombrados como partes en la queja de la SEC, ni trataron de intervenir de acuerdo con la Regla 24. Como dijo el Tribunal Supremo en Marino v. Ortiz, 484 US 301 304,108 S. Ct. 586, 588, 98 L. Ed.2d. 629 (1988), "[l] a regla de que sólo las partes en una demanda, o aquellos que se convierten en partes, pueden apelar una sentencia adversa está bien resuelta."

Si bien existe una regla general de que los no partes en una demanda no tienen capacidad para apelar, hemos declarado previamente que existen excepciones. Por ejemplo, en el caso Castillo v. Condado de Cameron, Tex. 238 F.3d 339 (5 ​​de Cir., 5 de enero de 2001), donde se nos pidió determinar si Texas tenía legitimidad para revisar una serie de medidas cautelares después de ser despedido De la demanda subyacente, reafirmamos el principio de que "si el decreto afecta los intereses [de un tercero], a menudo se le permite apelar". En 349, citando Estados Unidos v. Chagra v. San Antonio Light Div. De Hearst Corp. 701 F.2d 354. 358 - 59 (5a Cir. 1983); Ver también In re Indice de carne de vacuno. Litigios en materia de competencia. 589 F.2d 786. 788 (5a Cir. 1979) (declarando que "el Quinto Circuito ha sido indulgente al oír las apelaciones de no partes").

Adicionalmente, en Castillo enfatizamos que este Circuito aplica una prueba de tres partes al decidir si un no-partido puede apelar. Nos preguntamos si la persona no participante participó efectivamente en los procedimientos que figuran a continuación, que las acciones pesan en favor de la audiencia de la apelación y que la parte que no es partícipe tiene una participación personal en el resultado. '" Carné de identidad. (Se omitieron las citas). Por otra parte, hemos citado favorablemente un caso por nuestro circuito hermano, Commodity Futures Trading Comm. V. Topworth Int'l, Ltd. 205 F.3d 1107. 1113 (9a Cir. 1999), en el cual el tribunal determinó que un no - El acreedor de una parte que se oponía a un proyecto de plan de distribución de la administración judicial tenía legitimidad porque tenía un interés legítimo en los procedimientos y había participado adecuadamente en los procedimientos mediante la presentación oportuna de su reclamación, la presentación de objeciones y la audiencia sobre la reclamación. Además, en Castillo reafirmamos la afirmación que hicimos en Chagra de que "los acreedores no partidistas que afirman derechos en procedimientos de administración judicial pueden apelar órdenes que afecten a sus intereses legítimos". Carné de identidad. Citando Chagra, 701 F.2d en 358-59.

Para determinar si la apelación de Whitbecks es apropiada, aplicamos nuestra prueba de tres partes. En primer lugar, de acuerdo con el primer criterio de la prueba, encontramos que los Whitbecks participaron en los procedimientos en el tribunal de distrito en la medida en que sus intereses estaban involucrados. La participación de los Whitbecks se demuestra mediante tres acciones: (1) presentar una notificación de que eran parte interesada; (2) su movimiento por un volumen de negocios de los activos en la cuenta preferencial de FAM y respondiendo a la respuesta del Receptor a su solicitud de volumen de negocios; Y (3) presentar una objeción al plan de distribución propuesto por el Receptor.

En segundo lugar, las acciones pesan en favor de escuchar la apelación porque la orden de distribución afecta sustancialmente a los intereses de Whitbecks y el tribunal de distrito solicitó objeciones a la orden de distribución. Por otra parte, a diferencia de otros casos en los que se ha constatado que no existe, escuchar la apelación de Whitbecks no frustrará otro principio legal. Véase Searcy v. Philips Elecs. N. Am. (Observando que hemos aplicado más estrictamente la regla de que los no partes no pueden apelar en el contexto de la acción colectiva porque de lo contrario "podría frustrar el mecanismo de la Regla 23") , Citando a Walker v. City of Mesquite, 858 F.2d 1071. 1074 (5ª Cir. 1988) (declarando que los miembros de la clase no nómadas deben tratar de intervenir si desean apelar una decisión sobre la clase porque para oír una apelación por un no Partido que no ha intervenido "resultaría en la frustración del propósito detrás del litigio de clase").

En tercer lugar, encontramos que los Whitbecks tienen una participación personal en el resultado del plan de distribución porque el método por el cual se distribuyen los fondos, específicamente si los fondos colocados en la cuenta Preferred de FAM se distribuyen proporcionalmente o se dan exclusivamente a los Whitbecks Modificar sustancialmente la cantidad asignada a los Whitbecks bajo el plan de distribución.

En consecuencia, aunque los Whitbecks no eran partes en la demanda ni trataron de intervenir, encontramos que tienen derecho a apelar porque cumplen con nuestro criterio de tres partes para no presentarse como parte. No obstante, advertimos que esta decisión no indica que las partes recibirán un pase libre para evitar el cumplimiento de las reglas de intervención.

La segunda cuestión limítrofe con la que nos presentamos es si podemos ejercer la jurisdicción sobre este recurso porque es una decisión final en virtud del 28 USC 1291, una decisión interlocutoria conforme al 28 USC 1292, una sentencia no final certificada como Final bajo [] Fed. R. Civ. P. 54 (b), o cualquier otra orden o sentencia no final a la que se aplique una excepción ". Vea el Ctr de Compras de Briargrove. Joint Venture v. Pilgrim Enter. Inc. 170 F.3d 536. 538 (5ª Cir., 1999).

Los Whitbecks afirman que se trata de una apelación de una orden final, y por lo tanto, tenemos jurisdicción bajo 28 U. S.C. 1291. Estamos en desacuerdo con los Whitbecks de que la orden del tribunal de distrito es una orden final porque no "pone fin al litigio sobre el fondo [] sin dejar nada que el tribunal haga sino ejecute la sentencia". En 538-39. En su lugar, la decisión es sólo una parte del litigio general de la SEC. En consecuencia, debemos determinar si existe otra fuente de jurisdicción para oír la apelación.

Creemos que la doctrina de la orden colateral provee la autoridad para revisar la orden en apelación.6 Una orden es apelable en virtud de la doctrina de la orden colateral si "cae [en] esa pequeña clase [de decisiones] que finalmente determina las reclamaciones De derecho separable y colateral de los derechos reivindicados en la acción, demasiado importante para que se le niegue la revisión y sea demasiado independiente de la causa misma para exigir que la consideración de apelación se aplace hasta que todo el caso sea juzgado ". Cohen v. Beneficial Indus. Loan Corp. 337 U. S. 541, 546, 69 S. Ct. 1221, 1225 - 26, 93 L. Ed. 1528 (1949).

Con el fin de determinar si una orden entra dentro de la clase de decisiones discutidas en Cohen, la orden debe cumplir con cada uno de los tres requisitos siguientes: "[debe] determinar de manera concluyente la cuestión en disputa, resolver una cuestión importante completamente separada de los méritos de La acción, y ser efectivamente irrecuperable en apelación de una sentencia final. "" Dardar contra Lafourche Realty Co. Inc. 849 F.2d 955. 957 (5ª Cir. 1988), citando Coopers & amp; Lybrand c. Livesay, 437 US 463, 468, 98 S. Ct. 2454, 2458, 57 L. Ed.2d. 351 (1978).

La decisión del tribunal de distrito de aprobar el plan de distribución del Administrador Judicial encaja dentro de los límites de la doctrina de la orden colateral. En primer lugar, determina de manera concluyente la manera en que deben distribuirse los activos de la administración. En segundo lugar, se resuelve una cuestión importante con respecto a la distribución de los activos, que está separado de los méritos de la queja de la SEC contra Forex y Kosova. Tercero, es efectivamente irrecuperable en apelación porque los activos de la administración judicial serán distribuidos, y probablemente irrecuperables, mucho antes de que la acción presentada por la SEC esté sujeta a revisión de apelación. Por lo tanto, debido a que este caso cumple con los requisitos de la doctrina de orden colateral, conservamos la jurisdicción para escuchar la apelación de Whitbecks.

Volviendo a los méritos de la apelación de los Whitbecks, analizamos la decisión del tribunal de distrito de aprobar el plan de distribución del Administrador Judicial por un abuso de discreción, porque el tribunal de distrito "actuaba conforme a sus facultades inherentes de equidad" cuando aprobó el plan. Durham, 86 F.3d 70. 72 (5ª Cir., 1996) (señalando que el criterio de abuso de discrecionalidad se aplica cuando un tribunal de distrito "impone un recurso equitativo"). Además, "al formular decretos sobre la equidad, el tribunal de primera instancia está investido de un amplio poder discrecional [,] [y] el examen en apelación es correspondientemente estrecho." »Quenzer c. Estados Unidos, 19 F.3d 163. 165 , 1993).

Tanto el tribunal de distrito como el Administrador Judicial confían en Durham para la proposición de que una distribución proporcional era un recurso equitativo permisible en el presente caso. En Durham, los acusados ​​estaban comprometidos en un "esquema para defraudar a los [inversionistas] a través de un negocio de financiamiento de préstamos por adelantado". Durham, 86 F.3d a 71. Aunque la mayoría de los fondos de los inversionistas se disiparon en el momento en que los activos de los demandados fueron congelados, aproximadamente 83.000 dólares estaban disponibles para su distribución. De esta cantidad, todos menos aproximadamente $ 8,800 fueron trazables a siete de los trece inversionistas. Uno de los inversores, Claremont, rastreó a sí mismo aproximadamente $ 70,000 de los $ 83,000. A pesar de la evidencia incontrovertida de que $ 70,000 de los $ 83,000 eran trazables a Claremont, el tribunal de distrito determinó que la equidad requería que el dinero se distribuyera proporcionalmente. En apelación, confirmamos la decisión del tribunal de distrito, señalando que "al ingresar una orden de restitución, la adhesión a principios de equidad específicos, incluidas las reglas relativas al rastreo, está" sujeta a la discreción equitativa del tribunal ". A las 72 (citas omitidas). Aunque admitimos que "el rastreo habría sido permisible", confirmamos la decisión del tribunal de distrito porque el tribunal consideró las posiciones de los distintos inversores y, aplicando su discreción, determinó que permitir que Claremont rastreara sus fondos resultaría inequitativo. Carné de identidad. A 72 - 73ºC.

Aplicando los principios enunciados en Durham, el tribunal de distrito en este caso no abusó de su discreción al rechazar la reclamación de los Whitbecks, y determinó que era más equitativo distribuir los activos restantes de Forex pro rata. El tribunal de distrito examinó cuidadosamente los argumentos de los Whitbecks y la posición de las otras víctimas de fraude. Además, el tribunal de distrito determinó que los hechos no apoyaban un recurso que elevaría la demanda de los Whitbecks por encima de las otras víctimas y, en consecuencia, determinó que una distribución proporcional proporcionaría un remedio justo y equitativo. Por lo tanto, el tribunal de distrito "usó su discreción de una manera lógica para dividir el dinero", y, por lo tanto, no abusó de su discreción al aprobar el plan. Carné de identidad. A 73

Los Whitbecks, sin embargo, argumentan que el saldo restante en las cuentas preferidas de FAM, es decir, $ 777.372, no debe distribuirse proporcionalmente porque el único depósito hecho en esas cuentas fue el producto de su inversión de $ 800,000. Los Whitbecks ofrecen argumentos en virtud de la ley federal de suspensión de pagos, la ley común de Texas en relación con los fideicomisos constructivos y la ley de bancarrota análoga para respaldar su posición.

En primer lugar, los Whitbeck afirman que Durham es inaplicable porque implica rastreo, mientras que el presente caso no implica rastreo porque los fondos no se mezclaban; Esta es una distinción sin una diferencia. Tanto en Durham como en el presente caso se nos pidió revisar la decisión de un tribunal de distrito de conceder una forma de compensación equitativa sobre otra. Si bien en Durham pudo haber sido permitido que el tribunal de distrito rastreó los fondos y, si bien en el presente caso pudo haber permitido que el tribunal de distrito asignara todos los fondos separados a los Whitbecks, El tribunal de distrito debe elegir el recurso equitativo solicitado por Claremont o los Whitbecks. Más bien, en ambos casos, el tribunal de distrito, actuando como un tribunal de equidad, se le concedió la discreción para determinar el remedio más equitativo. No perturbaremos el ejercicio permisible de discreción de una corte de distrito en apelación.

A pesar de la decisión de Durham, los Whitbecks insisten en que el análisis pertinente para el presente caso se encuentra en la decisión del Cuarto Circuito en Anderson vs. Stephens, 875 F.2d 76 (4th Cir., 1989). En Anderson, el Cuarto Circuito decidió "la cuestión estrecha de si era apropiado que el tribunal de distrito declarara que los cheques depositados en una cuenta después de la entrada de una orden de congelación debían incluirse en la cuenta general y Distribuidos pro rata ". Carné de identidad. En 78. El Cuarto Circuito sostuvo que los fondos no debían distribuirse proporcionalmente, sino que debían devolverse a los inversionistas originales, porque "el propósito de la orden de congelación era detener toda actividad de la cuenta []" y , Por lo tanto, nada se podría haber agregado a la cuenta después de que se congeló. Carné de identidad. A los 80. Aunque los Whitbeck sostienen que Anderson defiende la proposición de que los fondos segregados no deben estar sujetos a una distribución proporcional, encontramos que la estrecha participación de la corte en Anderson se basa en el estado de las cuentas como congeladas, en lugar de la naturaleza segregada De los fondos. Por lo tanto, el razonamiento aplicado en Anderson es inaplicable al presente caso.

Los Whitbecks también afirman que tienen derecho a los fondos preferidos de FAM porque FAM Preferred es una entidad legal separada y "cuando un esquema de inversión fraudulenta involucra más de un programa de inversión, los inversionistas en cada programa tienen prioridad en los activos de su Programa particular ". Los Whitbecks, sin embargo, no plantearon este argumento en el tribunal de distrito cuando se opusieron al plan de distribución, y por lo tanto este argumento se pierde. Vea Governor & amp; Co. del Banco de Escocia contra Maria S. J. MV 211 F.3d 261. 265 n.3 (5ª Cir. 2000) (señalando que cuando una "reclamación no se presenta en un tribunal de distrito, los [moventes] deben demostrar la existencia de un error claro que afectó a su Derechos sustanciales, y también debe persuadirnos para ejercer nuestra discreción para corregirlo ") (citas omitidas).

Adicionalmente, los Whitbecks argumentan que tienen derecho a un fideicomiso constructivo sobre el dinero en las cuentas preferidas de FAM según la ley común de Texas. En Durham, sin embargo, esta Corte declaró que incluso cuando es permisible imponer un fideicomiso constructivo, el tribunal de distrito lo hace "solamente" donde la equidad y la justicia lo exigen ". Durham, 86 F.3d en 73, citando Rosenberg v. Collins, 624 F.2d 659. 663 (5a Cir., 1980). Los Whitbecks no han demostrado que el tribunal de distrito abusó de su discreción al determinar que la equidad y la justicia exigían un remedio diferente en este caso.

The Whitbecks further contend that analogous bankruptcy law dictates that they are entitled to all of the remaining assets in the FAM Preferred accounts. Inasmuch as this case may be resolved by application of Durham, which involved a similar type of distribution as the one presented in this case, we need not rely on bankruptcy law for this non-bankruptcy case.

Finally, the Whitbecks contend that the district court erred in approving the plan of distribution to the extent that it proposes to deduct any expenses of the receivership from their funds in the FAM Preferred accounts, since they did not benefit from the receivership. The Whitbecks cite no authority for this argument, and have made no showing that the district court abused its discretion in approving a plan that would deduct the Receiver's fees and expenses from the total assets prior to distribution. Accordingly, this argument likewise fails.

Because we find that the district court did not abuse its discretion when it approved the Receiver's plan, we AFFIRM.

Premieretrade Forex, LLC v. FXDirectDealer, LLC, No. 1:2012cv07006 - Document 30 (S. D.N. Y. 2013)

Court Description: OPINION AND ORDER: For the foregoing reasons, PremiereTrade Forex, LLC's petition to confirm the award is GRANTED. Specifically, the Court confirms Category 1 and Category 2 damages in the amount of $945,612.74, costs in the amount of $ ;177,346.32, attorney's fees in the amount of$122,040.00 (totaling $1,244,999.06), post-award, pre-judgment interest on the aforementioned total at 9% from July 20, 2012 to the date of entry of judgment; and grants post-judgment i nterest at a rate provided by 28 U. S.C. § 1961 from the date of entry of judgment until payment. The Clerk of the Court is directed to calculate the interest accordingly, and enter judgment in favor of PremiereTrade Forex, LLC. (Signed by Judge Paul A. Crotty on 5/16/2013) (js)

Download PDF USDC SDNY DOCUMENT ELECTRONICALLY FILED DOC #: _________________ DATE FILED: May 16, 2013 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x PREMIERETRADE FOREX, LLC. Petitioner. 12 Civ. 7006 (PAC) - against. OPINION & ORDER FXDIRECTDEALER, LLC. Respondent. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x HONORABLE PAUL A. CROTTY, United States District Judge: Petitioner PremiereTrade Forex, LLC ( PT ) brings this action pursuant to the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U. S.C. § 9, to confirm an arbitration award in its favor. Respondent FXDirectDealer, LLC ( FXDD ) cross-petitions to vacate or modify the award. PT holds seminars and sells books and software on foreign exchange trading. (Dkt. No. 14 ¶ 7.)1 FXDD is a registered retail foreign exchange dealer. (Id. ¶ 6.) They are parties to an Introducing Broker Agreement ( the Agreement ) which provides that FXDD will pay PT a brokerage fee or commission for introducing foreign exchange customers to FXDD. The Agreement has a broad arbitration clause calling for the arbitration of all controversies, causes of action, and equitable claims under the commercial dispute rules of the American Arbitration Association ( AAA ). (Dkt. No. 1 Ex. A ¶ 34.) The record is silent on how the three arbitrators were selected, but it would be customary for each party to select one arbitrator, and for the two to select the third. The parties submitted their dispute over brokerage 1 Dkt. No. 14 is FXDD s Cross-Petition to Vacate or Modify the Arbitration Award. References to the parties submissions will be by docket number. Dkt. No. 1 contains PT s petition to confirm the award. Dkt. No. 15 is FXDD s memorandum in support of its cross-petition, which was amended by the addition of a table of contents without alterations to the substance in Dkt. No. 25. Dkt. No. 18 is PT s memorandum in support of its motion to confirm the award/in opposition to FXDD s cross-petition. Dkt. 26 is FXDD s reply memorandum. 1 fees and commissions which PT claims FXDD owed for the customer introductions PT made to FXDD. On May 2, 3, and 4, 2011, the three AAA arbitrators heard testimony from seven witnesses and considered more than 150 exhibits to resolve the parties dispute concerning fees allegedly owed to PT by FXDD. BACKGROUND After hearing testimony about which party had the duty to ensure that customers introduced by PT were correctly identified on FXDD s records as having been introduced by PT, the panel held that it need not decide the issue. It found instead that FXDD s own records concerning accounts for certain customers constituted an admission by FXDD that PT introduced those customers. (Dkt. No. 1 Ex. B (arbitration order) at 5-6.) The panel concluded that FXDD owed PT fees to any extent they were unpaid for those customers. Accordingly, the arbitrators ordered an audit to provide the information needed to make an award. FXDD recommended Titus, a Milwaukee-based audit firm that FXDD had used on a prior occasion, and PT agreed to FXDD s recommendation. Titus calculated the rebates owed based on FXDD s records and issued two reports. The parties responded to the reports through rounds of comments to Titus, briefings to the panel, and telephone conferences. Based on the entire record, the panel (1) ordered FXDD to pay Category 1 and 2 claims totaling $945,612.74, but held that PT failed to establish its Category 3A claim of $4,851,157.86; (2) awarded PT $177,346.32 in costs and $122,040.00 in attorney s fees pursuant to Section 34 of the Agreement, and (3) granted post-Award interest at a rate of 9% on damages, fees and costs that are unpaid within thirty days of the award, excluding amounts PT already paid to the AAA. (Dkt. No. 1, Ex. B at 11.) The three arbitrators set forth their award in a thorough, well-reasoned and unanimous opinion, dated July 20, 2012. 2 When FXDD failed to comply with the arbitrators award, PT filed its petition, dated September 17, 2012, to confirm the award. In addition, PT seeks attorney s fees and costs for bringing this action, pre-judgment interest from July 20, 2012 (the date of the award) to the entry of judgment at a rate of 9% (Dkt. No. 1 at 5-6, 8), and post-judgment interest at 9% from the date of judgment until PT is paid in full (id. at 8; Dkt. No. 18 at 25). On October 18, 2012, FXDD filed its cross-petition to vacate. DISCUSSION I. The Scope of Judicial Review of Arbitration Awards The role of a district court in reviewing an arbitral award is narrowly limited, and arbitration panel determinations are generally accorded great deference under the FAA. Agility Pub. Warehousing Co. K. S.C. v. Supreme Foodservice GmbH, 840 F. Supp. 2d 703, 710 (S. D.N. Y. 2011) (quoting Tempo Shain Corp. v. Bertek, Inc. 120 F.3d 16, 19 (2d Cir. 1997)). [A] motion to vacate filed in a federal court is not an occasion for de novo review of an arbitral award. Wallace v. Buttar, 378 F.3d 182, 189 (2d Cir. 2004). A party petitioning a federal court to vacate an arbitral award bears the heavy burden of showing that the award falls within a very narrow set of circumstances delineated by statute and case law. Carné de identidad. (quoting Duferco Int l Steel Trading v. T. Klaveness Shipping A/S, 333 F.3d 383, 388 (2d Cir. 2003)); see D. H. Blair & Co. Inc. v. Gottdiener, 462 F.3d 95, 110 (2d Cir. 2006). The Federal Arbitration Act ( FAA ) provides four specific statutory grounds for vacating arbitration awards. Jock v. Sterling Jewelers Inc. 646 F.3d 113, 121 (2d Cir. 2011); see 9 U. S.C. §§ 10(a)(1)-(4). The grounds enumerated in Section 10(a) are: (1) corruption, fraud or undue means in procurement of the award; (2) evident partiality or corruption in the arbitrators; (3) specified misconduct on the arbitrators part; and (4) where the arbitrators exceeded their 3 powers. Carné de identidad. In Hall Street Associates, LLC v. Mattel, Inc. 552 U. S. 576, 585-86 (2008), the Supreme Court suggested that the statutory grounds for vacatur were the exclusive basis for vacatur. The decision cast doubt on whether manifest disregard survives as a basis for vacatur. The Second Circuit read Hall Street, however, as reconceptualiz[ing] [manifest disregard] as a judicial gloss on the specific grounds for vacatur, and with that interpretation, held that manifest disregard remains a valid ground for vacating arbitration awards. Stolt-Nielsen S. A. v. AminalFeeds Int l Corp. 548 F.3d 85, 94-95 (2d Cir. 2008). The Supreme Court held that it would not decide whether manifest disregard survives our decision in [Hall Street], as an independent ground for review or as a judicial gloss on the enumerated grounds for vacatur set forth at 9 U. S.C. § 10. Stolt Nielson S. A. v. AnimalFeeds Int l Corp. 130 S. Ct. 1758, 1768 n.3 (2010). Thus, the Second Circuit continue[s] to recognize [manifest disregard] as a valid ground in the wake of the Supreme Court s decision[s]. Schwartz v. Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc. 665 F.3d 444, 452 (2d Cir. 2011). FXDD relies on three grounds for vacating the award: the arbitrators alleged misconduct, excess of authority, and manifest disregard of the law. FXDD also relies on 9 U. S.C. §§ 11(a) and 11(b) in support of its alternative argument for modification of the award. II. Alleged Errors in the Titus Methodology Modification under 9 U. S.C. § 11(a) is generally limited to patently obvious mistakes on the face of the award. Section 11(a) does not permit modification where the award is not the result of some careless or obvious mathematical mistake, but rather the disposition of a substantive dispute. Fellus v. Sterne, Agee & Leach, Inc. 783 F. Supp. 2d 612, 619 (S. D.N. Y. 2011) (quotation omitted). 4 Vacatur of an arbitration award is permissible where the arbitrators exceeded their powers, or so imperfectly executed them that a mutual, final, and definite award upon the subject matter submitted was not made. 9 U. S.C. § 10(a)(4). The Second Circuit has consistently accorded the narrowest of readings to [S]ection 10(a)(4). The focus of our inquiry in challenges to an arbitration award under section 10(a)(4) is whether the arbitrator[ ] had the power, based on the parties submissions or the arbitration agreement, to reach a certain issue, not whether the arbitrator[ ] correctly decided that issue. Jock, 646 F.3d at 122 (quotations omitted). As to FXDD s request for modification pursuant to Section 11(a), FXDD argues that the arbitrators disregarded the Agreement s provision for calculating damages; and instead adopted a method based on the Titus Report that was at odds with the method prescribed by the Agreement. (Dkt. No. 14, ¶¶ 44, 45.) The Agreement sets the broker fee as 2 pips per round turn lot traded in the major currency pairs (EUR/USD USD/CHF, USD/JPY, GBP/USD). (Dkt. No. 1, Ex. A Page 10 of 12, ¶ 3).2 Relying on the Titus Report, the arbitrators accepted a calculation based on $10 per $100,000 lot traded. (Dkt. No. 14, Ex. 8 Page 5.) Whatever else might be said about this argument, it is clear that FXDD is not seeking to correct a numerical miscalculation. Instead, FXDD seeks a review on the merits of the arbitrators method for calculating damages. FXDD made this objection regarding Titus pip calculation in its September 12, 2011 letter to the panel (Dkt. No. 14, Ex. 9 at 1-2), and again in its February 1, 2012 response to Titus Supplemental Report (id. Ex. 18 at 3-5). Section 11(a) is not intended to enable relitigation of a substantive controversy. See Companhia de Navegacao Maritima Netuma v. Armada Parcel Serv. Ltd, 2000 U. S. Dist. LEXIS 558, at *18-19 (S. D.N. Y. 2000) 2 Titus equates one pip to $10, based on March 2012 pip values at the time Titus calculated the rebates. In its response to FXDD s critique of its method, Titus explained that one pip (or $10) per $100,000 lot traded is the same as 2 pips per round turn lot of $200,000. (Dkt. No. 14 Ex. 19 at 2.) 5 ( [T]he word miscalculation implies inadvertence or an error caused by oversight. ). No inadvertent, mathematical miscalculation appears on the face of the opinion. The arbitrators choice to adopt Titus method was a reasoned determination on a substantive issue falling outside the scope of Section 11(a). Carné de identidad. at *22 (quoting Oceana Shipping Corp. v. Thos P. Gonzalez Corp. 442 F. Supp. 997, 1000 (S. D.N. Y. 1977)).3 FXDD s next contention under Section 10(a)(4) is that the arbitrators exceeded their authority by improperly rewriting the Agreement. This contention has no merit. FXDD s own explanation of the Agreement s rebate scheme is that the rebate amount would be $10 per $100,000, if the counter currency is USD (e. g. EUR/USD). (Dkt. No. 15 at 13.) It is only when the counter currency is not USD (e. g. USD/JPY) that the rebate amount varies, based on the pip value of the counter currency which may not be $10. FXDD s objection is that the arbitrators relied on a standardized pip value of $10 without regard to the currency pair, while the Agreement calls for the proper calculation of pip values for each pair. (Dkt. 26 at 3.) The arbitrators decision to use the expression of $10 per $100,000 did not disregard the Agreement provision, but rather adhered to its essential mandates. There is nothing objectionable in using plain English to express the calculation of the amount owed, which after all was not going to be expressed in pips, but rather in dollars. The Court notes that in Titus letter dated March 22, 2010 to the panel, Titus identified the method prescribed by the Agreement as the basis for its calculations and explained that calculations are based on 2 pips per round turn exactly as is provided in the IB agreement. 3 FXDD also makes much of Titus alleged error in calculating rebates based on a total volume instead of a roundturn basis. As with the issue of the standardized pip values, FXDD concedes that it did in fact raise this issue with the arbitrators (Dkt. No. 26 at 4). The arbitrators decision to adopt Titus methodology, over FXDD s objections, evidences a deliberate choice, not an inadvertent error. 6 (Dkt. No. 14, Ex. 19 at 2-3.) Upon review, the panel agreed that the Titus method as described in the letter was sound and appropriate. (Dkt. No. 1, Ex. B at 7.) There is no basis for FXDD s contention that the tribunal rewrote the provision; to the contrary, the panel agreed with Titus that its method of calculation was as provided in the Agreement. As for the calculations performed for the unspecified currency pairs, FXDD concedes that the Agreement was silent, setting forth no express term that the arbitrators could have contradicted. (Dkt. No. 15 at 13.) There is no legitimate ground for vacating the award here, as long as the arbitrator is even arguably construing or applying the contract or acting within the scope of his authority. ReliaStar Life, 564 F.3d at 86. The arbitration clause in the Agreement plainly gave the arbitrators the authority to award damages for breach of that agreement. (Dkt. No. 1, Ex. A ¶ 34.)4 The damage award had to be expressed in dollars, not pips. FXDD s objection to the amount awarded relates to the correctness of the arbitrators decision, not to the arbitrators authority to render it. FXDD s request to vacate the award on the aforementioned grounds must be denied. III. Category 1 Damages And Attorney s Fees FXDD seeks vacatur and modification of the award, under 9 U. S.C. 10(a)(4) and 9 U. S.C. § 11(b), respectively, to subtract Category 1 damages ($316,407.34) and attorney s fees ($122,040.00) from the award. FXDD argues that the arbitrators wrongfully awarded damages based on the underpayment of rebates (Category 1 rebates) because that issue was raised for the first time in post-hearing closing briefs. (Dkt. No. 14, ¶¶ 51, 53, 56.) FXDD complains that as a result, it did not have the opportunity to conduct discovery or present witnesses on underpayment 4 The Agreement reads: All controversies, causes of action, and equitable claims arising out of or relating to this agreement. shall be resolved by binding arbitration. [t]he parties authorize the arbitrator(s) to grant equitable relief, as well as monetary damages. (Id.) 7 at the hearing. (Id. ¶ 58.) PT maintains that it raised the issue at the outset in the Amended Claim, its pre-hearing brief and at the hearing itself. (Dkt. No. 18 at 15-16.) FXDD does not contest that the determination of Category 1 damages was arbitrable. The Agreement has a broad arbitration clause mandating the arbitration of all controversies, causes of action, and equitable claims arising out of or relating to this agreement, or the business dealings between the parties, and authorizing both equitable and monetary relief. (Dkt. No. 1, Ex. A ¶ 34.) It contains no specific prohibitions on that authority. Further, FXDD does not dispute that PT requested Category 1 damages (albeit belatedly according to FXDD). The relief granted was not sua sponte, but at the request of one of the parties. FXDD s Section 10(a)(4) claim must be rejected since the arbitrators acted within the scope of their authority. See Fahnestock & Co. Inc. v. Waltman, 935 F.2d 512, 515-16 (2d Cir. 1991) (finding that the arbitrators did not exceed their authority where the issue was arbitrable and submitted by the parties). FXDD s Section 11(b) claim fails for the same reasons. See Vertical UK LLP v. Dundee Ltd. 2011 U. S. Dist. LEXIS 63136, at *7-8 (S. D.N. Y. 2011). FXDD contests the arbitrators award of attorney s fees because the Agreement does not authorize a separate award of attorney s fees apart from actual expenses incurred in the arbitration. (Dkt. 14 ¶¶ 63, 65.) FXDD s assertion that the Agreement only authorizes costs and expenses, but not attorney s fees, is incorrect. The arbitration clause plainly includes attorney s fees: The prevailing party, as determined by the arbitrator(s), shall be entitled to recover from the other party all costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney s fees) incurred in connection with the arbitration. (Dkt. 1, Ex. A ¶ 34.)5 Even without the specific 5 Nor does the word incurred suggest that PT was required to have already paid their attorneys to recover the claimed amount from FXDD. Rubin v. Empire Mut. Ins. Co. 25 N. Y.2d 426, 429 (N. Y. 1969) ( Suffered means paid; incurred means become liable for. ). 8 language here, the Second Circuit recognize[s] an arbitrator s authority to grant attorney s fees absent a specific prohibition as long as the parties have agreed to submit the issue to arbitration. Schaad v. Susquehanna Cap. Grp. 2004 U. S. Dist. LEXIS 15772, at *18-19 (S. D.N. Y. 2004) (citing Synergy Gas Co. v. Sasso, 853 F.2d 59, 64 (2d Cir. 1988)). The Court notes that in the arbitration proceeding, FXDD, too, requested attorney s fees. It is now foreclosed from arguing that attorney s fees were beyond the panel s authority simply because the award was unfavorable to it. FXDD s argument that the award of fees was beyond the arbitrators authority is rejected. FXDD s other objections are without merit. FXDD insists that PT was required to include records to support that it actually incurred fees. (Dkt. No. 14 ¶ 64.) FXDD cites no authority6 in support of this position, nor is there such a requirement that the prevailing party produce records of actual expenditures. See Fiero Bros. Inc. v. Southwest Sec. Inc. 2000 U. S. Dist. LEXIS 5566, at *13 (S. D.N. Y. 2000) (confirming a fee award derived from estimates rather than billing records and receipts because the parties failure to submit documents did not remove the fees and expenses issue from the panel s consideration. ). FXDD contends that PT was not a prevailing party because PT only recovered on Category 1 and Category 2 damages but did not recover Category 3A damages. The Court has no difficulty concluding that a recovery of $ 945,612.74 was substantial relief in light of the scope of the dispute concerning unpaid commissions under the Agreement. Sykes v. RFD Third Ave. I Assoc. LLC, 833 N. Y.S.2d 76, 77-78 (N. Y. App. Div. 2d Dep t 2007). PT seeks fees and costs for filing the instant petition. Normally, this is not allowed absent statutory authority; and the FAA does not authorize fees in actions to confirm arbitration awards. 6 Purdue v. Kenny A. 559 U. S. 542 (2010) did not involve attorney s fees determined by an arbitration panel, nor did it involve confirmation of an award. 9 N. Y. City Dist. Council of Carpenters Pension Fund v. Eastern Millenium Construction, 2003 U. S. Dist. LEXIS 21139, at *8 (S. D.N. Y. 2003). A court may exercise its inherent equitable powers to award fees, however, when opposing counsel has acted in bad faith, vexatiously, wantonly, or for oppressive reasons. First Nat l Supermarkets, Inc. v. Retail, Wholesale & Chain Store Food Employees Union Local 338, 118 F.3d 892, 898 (2d Cir. 1997) (quoting Chambers v. Nasco, Inc. 501 U. S. 32, 45-46 (1991)). A court may award fees when the party challenging the award refuse[s] to abide by an arbitrator s decision without justification. Carné de identidad. (quoting Int l Chem. Workers Union v. BASF Wyandotte Corp. 774 F.2d 43, 47 (2d Cir. 1985)). The arbitration clause s reference to fees is not sufficiently broad to directly encompass actions to confirm the award. The language refers only to fees. incurred in connection with the arbitration. (Dkt. No. 1 Ex. A ¶ 34.) The Agreement does not authorize fees for any and all related proceedings. Cf. N. Y. City. Dist. Council of Carpenters Pension Fund v. Timberline Interiors Inc. 2011 U. S. Dist. 150400, at *8-9 (S. D.N. Y. 2011) (granting fees where the arbitration agreement specifically permitted them upon the confirmation of the arbitrator s award. or on any appeal therefrom. ). Nonetheless, PT urges the Court to exercise its equitable powers on the grounds that FXDD acted in bad faith in challenging the award where the arbitration clause included a final, binding and non-appealable provision. This is insufficient to establish bad faith conduct. See N. Y. Hosp. Medicina. Ctr. v. 1199 Nat l Health & Human Servs. Employees Union, AFL-CIO, 2000 U. S. App. LEXIS 31323, at *5 (2d Cir. 2000) (finding lack of bad faith in bringing a petition to vacate, notwithstanding clause in the agreement providing that the award of the arbitrator shall be final, conclusive and binding. ). FXDD defended its position in the arbitration proceeding and has appeared in the present 10 proceeding to challenge the award. Accordingly, the Court declines to award PT fees and costs for preparing its petition to confirm the award. IV. Refusal to Re-Open the Hearing and Permit Direct Questioning of Titus Courts may vacate arbitration awards where the arbitrators were guilty of misconduct. in refusing to hear evidence pertinent and material to the controversy. 9 U. S.C. § 10(a)(3). Arbitral determinations will not be reopened for review under this provision except where fundamental fairness is violated. Tempo Shain Corp. v. Bertek, Inc. 120 F.3d 16, 20 (2d Cir. 1997). Arbitration procedures are generally more relaxed than those that govern in federal court. See Gilmer v. Interstate/Johnson Lane Corp. 500 U. S. 20, 31 (1991) ( Although those procedures might not be as extensive as in federal courts, by agreeing to arbitrate, a party trades the procedures and opportunities for review of the courtroom for the simplicity, informality, and expedition of arbitration. ) (quoting Mitsubishi Motors Corp. v. Soler Chrysler-Plymouth Inc. 473 U. S. 614, 628 (1985)). Arbitrators possess broad latitude to determine the procedures that govern their proceedings, to hear or not hear additional evidence, to decide if evidence is relevant, material, or cumulative, and otherwise restrict the scope of evidentiary submissions. See Commercial Risk Reinsurance Co. v. Sec. Ins. Co. 526 F. Supp. 2d 424, 428 (S. D.N. Y. 2007). FXDD alleges that the arbitrators engaged in misconduct when they refused to permit FXDD to reopen the record to consider damages evidence from their own expert, or directly crossexamine Titus representatives, including the author of the Titus Report. (Dkt. No. 14 ¶¶ 74, 76; Dkt. 26 at 7.) FXDD takes issue with the matching procedure used by Titus to identify unpaid broker fees, whereby Titus matched a list of PT s clients to FXDD s accounts based on email 11 addresses, names, and zip code. Yet FXDD had many opportunities to object to Titus matching procedure in its written responses to Titus reports, and in fact identified instances of alleged failure in the matching procedure. (Dkt. No. 14, Exs. 9, 18, 20.) FXDD s objection relates not to missed opportunities to be heard, but to the arbitrators decision not to credit FXDD s criticisms. With respect to FXDD s allegation that the arbitrators did not permit FXDD the opportunity to directly question Titus at the telephone conferences, FXDD does not dispute that it was present at the conferences and permitted to make objections. Nor is there any dispute that FXDD initiated the selection of Titus as an auditor. Having seen the Titus reports and not liking them, FXDD wanted to bring on a new expert, presumably one who would be more favorable. The arbitrators decision not to re-open testimony to receive potentially cumulative evidence from a new damages expert was within their discretion. Besides, FXDD had more than ample opportunity to oppose Titus calculations. Under these circumstances, FXDD was not deprived of a fundamentally fair proceeding. Contrary to FXDD s assertion that the arbitrators refused to hear damages evidence, the arbitrators considered FXDD s objections on the issue of damages. (Dkt. No. 1, Ex. B at 6.) FXDD commented on Titus methodology during a November 28, 2011 telephonic hearing before the Tribunal. (Id.) With respect to Titus January 27, 2012 Supplemental Report, FXDD was given the opportunity to and did comment in writing on it. Titus addressed each of FXDD s criticisms in detail in its March 22, 2012 letter to the tribunal, which the panel considered. (Id. at 3, 6, 7.) The panel then held another telephone conference on May 30, 2012 to entertain objections. In the end, the panel found that FXDD s criticisms of Titus reports were without merit, stating that the tribunal is fully satisfied that the methodology used by Titus in all its work reported to the Tribunal is sound and appropriate and that Titus August 26, 2011 Main 12 Report, October 18, 2011 follow-up letter, January 27, 2012 Supplemental Report, and March 22, 2012 follow-up letter are correct and probative and may be relied on. (Id. at 7.) FXDD s disagreement with the award does not mean the panel refused to consider FXDD s position. V. FXDD s New York Defenses Manifest disregard of the law is a limited doctrine, which requires something beyond and different from mere error in the law or failure on the part of the arbitrators to understand or apply the law. Jock, 646 F.3d at 122 n.1 (internal quotations omitted). The court must consider first, whether the governing law alleged to have been ignored by the arbitrators was well defined, explicit, and clearly applicable, and second, whether the arbitrator knew about the existence of a clearly governing legal principle but decided to ignore it or pay no attention to it. Carné de identidad. (internal quotations omitted). An award will be confirmed if there is even a barely colorable justification for the outcome reached. Schwartz, 655 F.3d at 452. Even where explanation for an award is deficient or non-existent, we will confirm it if a justifiable ground for the decision can be inferred from the facts of the case. Duferco Int l Steel Trading v. T. Klaveness Shipping A/S, 333 F.3d 383, 390 (2d Cir. 2003). FXDD argues that the arbitrators acted in manifest disregard of New York law by failing to entertain the barrage of theories that FXDD claims absolves it of payment: waiver, estoppel, ratification, account stated and laches. (Dkt. No. 14, ¶¶ 80, 83, 84.)7 But the arbitrators are not called upon to write a law review article on these topics; it is sufficient if the decision is consistent with the parties Agreement. The Court can easily infer a valid basis for the arbitrators decision not to apply FXDD s claimed defenses to bar recovery. FXDD only surmises that PT knew about the payment deficiencies based on PT s receipt of daily and 7 The Agreement specified that New York law would govern their disputes. (Dkt. No. 1 Ex. A ¶ 27.) 13 monthly rebate reports. (Id. ¶ 86.) If, as PT contends, it did not in fact possess specific knowledge of FXDD s failure to pay or underpayment, it could not have earlier interposed its claims, and FXDD s defenses would not apply. See Bakalar v. Vavra, 2012 U. S. App. LEXIS 21042, at *3 (2d Cir. 2012) ( In order to prevail on laches, [the defendant] had to show that. [the complainants] were aware of their claim. or should have been aware of their potential. rights. ); Capitol Records, Inc. v. Naxos of Am. Inc. 372 F.3d 471, 482 (2d Cir. 2004) (quoting Airco Alloys Div. Airco Inc. v. Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. 430 N. Y.S.2d 179, 187 (N. Y. App. Div. 4th Dep t 1980)) ( Under New York law, a claim of waiver requires proof of an intentional relinquishment of a known right with both knowledge of its existence and an intention to relinquish it. ); Babbit v. Vebeliunas (In re Vebeliunas), 332 F.3d 85, 93-94 (2d Cir. 2003) ( Under New York law, the elements of equitable estoppel are with respect to the party estopped. knowledge of the real facts. ). As for FXDD s argument that the arbitrators award was impermissibly based on speculative damages, as explained above, the arbitrators had a basis for finding that Titus calculations reflected actual damages with reasonable certainty. VI. Pre - and Post-Judgment Interest In addition to confirmation of the arbitrators award of post-award interest, PT requests that the Court separately grant pre-judgment interest on the entire judgment of nine percent (9%) per annum from July 20, 2012 [the date of the award] until PT is paid in full. (Dkt. No. 1 at 1, 8; Dkt. No. 18 at 25.) While styled as pre-judgment interest in the petition, it is clear that the additional relief PT seeks is both pre - and post-judgment interest. PT s request for separate prejudgment interest is denied. To the extent PT s request for pre-judgment interest refers to pre-award interest, the Court will not grant interest that the arbitrators in this action explicitly denied. (Dkt. No. 1 Ex. B, at 14

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Thread: Fcm Broker List

Fcm Broker List

Here is the lists of selected broker by CFTC (October 31, 2008):


Last edited by PipDiddy; 12-22-2008 at 11:17 PM. Reason: Link Violation

Join Date Dec 2008 Posts 6

i've checked all that support Metatrader4 platform is: 9 ALPARI (US) LLC 39 FOREX CAPITAL MARKETS LLC 58 I TRADE FX LLC 65 INTERBANK FX LLC 96 ODL SECURITIES INC

Join Date Dec 2008 Posts 6

Currenex White Label partnership Broker


Join Date Dec 2008 Posts 6

Which Is the best Broker - FCM regulated

Adjusted Net Capital for :

1. Alpari (US) LLC. $18.212.006 2. FOREX CAPITAL MARKETS LLC (FXCM). $122,924,629 3. I TRADE FX LLC = $18,411,086 4. INTERBANK FX LLC = $40,892,161 5. ODL SECURITIES INC = $19,991,817

Note:" Adjusted Net Capital = Current Assets - Liabilities - Charges Against Capital"

Adjusted Net Capital for :

1. Alpari (US) LLC. $18.212.006 2. FOREX CAPITAL MARKETS LLC (FXCM). $122,924,629 3. I TRADE FX LLC = $18,411,086 4. INTERBANK FX LLC = $40,892,161 5. ODL SECURITIES INC = $19,991,817

Note:" Adjusted Net Capital = Current Assets - Liabilities - Charges Against Capital"

Great result friend. Forex Capital Markets is really a good forex broker. I have tried its demo account.

Join Date Dec 2008 Posts 6

Great result friend. Forex Capital Markets is really a good forex broker. I have tried its demo account.

But Some people Say that Fxcm Server for metatrader is too slow for order execution

Regarding the list of 139 FCM's (futures commission merchants) in post #1 of this thread:

1. That October 2008 CFTC report is badly out of date. The latest (monthly) report can be found at ---

Note that the next report (with data as of July 31, 2011) will be released by the CFTC in about a week.

2. Most of the brokers listed by the CFTC do not offer retail forex trading accounts. The few that do offer retail forex are now identified in the report as RFED's (retail foreign exchange dealers), a designation which did not exist in October 2008.

See the column labeled "Reg As" in the report, and note "a" at the end of the report, to identify the RFED's.

3. Of the 123 brokers in the current (June 30, 2011) report, there are 13 retail forex brokers (RFED's) listed, as follows:


The number in front of each name is the broker's numerical position in the CFTC's alphabetical listing.

Noticia importante

FX Solutions LLC has terminated its retail forex operation as of March 1, 2013.

In an effort to provide the highest quality of service to our customers, we have made arrangements as follows:

I. Active Accounts (excluding China residents)*

We transferred the custody and clearing of these accounts to GAIN Capital Group, LLC (“FOREX. com”) on March 1, 2013. You can contact FOREX. COM via www. forex. com or 877-367-3946. *Active accounts generally include those that have had activity on GTS or MT4 within the last three years. Please see Section III below regarding handling of accounts for residents of Afghanistan, Congo, Ivory Coast, Libya and Nigeria. II. Active Accounts for China residents (balance greater than$100.00)**

We transferred the custody and clearing of these accounts to City Index Limited. You may contact them for support at clientservices@fxsol. co. uk or +44-203-194-1503.

**Active accounts generally include those that have had activity on GTS or MT4 within the last three years.

III. All Other Accounts

This includes the following: - Dormant Accounts (generally no activity for 3 years or more); - Clients of IFX Markets, Inc./CBFX not included in I and II above; - Residents of Afghanistan, Congo, Ivory Coast, Libya and Nigeria; and - China residents with a balance of $100.00 or less.

Should your account fit one of these categories, it has been or will be escheated as unclaimed property to your last known state of residence for United States residents or to the State of New Jersey for foreign residents. If your last place of residence was California or Puerto Rico, please follow the escrow agent contact instructions below. You may contact City Index Limited for additional information at (855) 352-7609 (US Residents) / +44-203-194-1503 (non-US Residents) or via email at clientservicesus@fxsol. co. uk .

California and Puerto Rico

If the last known address we have for you is in California or Puerto Rico or you have received an email from FX Solutions on or around April 22, 2013 noting that your funds have been conveyed to an escrow agent, please contact City Index Limited at (855) 352-7609 (US Residents) / +44-203-194-1503 (non-US Residents) or via email at clientservicesus@fxsol. co. uk for assistance on whether you should be routed to the escrow agent.

If as of May 23, 2013 you had an uncashed check from FX Solutions LLC or received an email around May 24, 2013 from FX Solutions noting that your funds have been conveyed to an escrow agent, please contact City Index Limited at (855) 352-7609 (US Residents) / +44-203-194-1503 (non-US Residents) or via email at clientservicesus@fxsol. co. uk for assistance on whether you should be routed to the escrow agent.

We would like to thank you for being a highly valued customer of FX Solutions LLC and wish you the very best in your future trading.

The Team at FX Solutions

Introducing Brokers

FXCM's Introducing Broker (IB) program allows firms to receive compensation for directing new clients to FXCM. Whether you are a trading education company, signal provider or offer other value added services for traders, FXCM provides customized solutions through our wide range of products and services to help fit your needs.

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Inversión de alto riesgo Advertencia: La negociación de divisas y / o contratos por diferencias en el margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida en exceso de sus fondos depositados y por lo tanto, no debe especular con el capital que no puede permitirse el lujo de perder. Antes de decidir negociar los productos ofrecidos por FXCM usted debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos, situación financiera, necesidades y nivel de experiencia. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio en margen. FXCM proporciona asesoramiento general que no tiene en cuenta sus objetivos, situación financiera o necesidades. El contenido de este sitio web no debe interpretarse como un consejo personal. FXCM recomienda consultar con un asesor financiero independiente.

Haga clic aquí para leer la advertencia de riesgo completo.

FXCM es un Comerciante de la Comisión de Futuros registrado y Comerciante de Divisas al por menor con la Commodity Futures Trading Commission y es miembro de la National Futures Association. NFA # 0308179

FXCM Inc., una compañía cotizada en Bolsa de Nueva York (NYSE: FXCM), es una sociedad de cartera y su único activo es una participación mayoritaria en FXCM Holdings, LLC. Forex Capital Markets, LLC ( "FXCM LLC") es una filial directa de FXCM Holdings, LLC. Todas las referencias en este sitio a "FXCM" se refieren a FXCM Inc. y sus subsidiarias consolidadas, incluyendo FXCM Holdings, LLC y Forex Capital Markets, LLC.

Tenga en cuenta que la información de este sitio web está dirigida únicamente a clientes minoristas y que algunas de las representaciones aquí contenidas pueden no ser aplicables a los Participantes Elegibles del Contrato (es decir, a los clientes institucionales) según se define en la Ley de Intercambio de Mercancías y la Sección 1 (a) (12).

Copyright y copia; 2016 Mercados de divisas. Todos los derechos reservados.

55 Water St. 50th Floor, Nueva York, NY 10041 Estados Unidos

Heads up for anybody with accounts with these dealers.

The last few weeks has seen the NFA foreclosing on a lot of forex dealers who are undercapitalized. The following firms have been shut down as a result:

1) United Global Markets, LLC Today the CEO just sent an email out to clients saying they were going out of business because they could not meet their capital requirements.

2) Trend Commodities Limited On June 19 the NFA shuttered Trend Commodities due to fraud and for failing to meet their capital requirements.

3) Spot FX Clearing Corp On June 14 the NFA shuttered SpotFX due to fraud and for failing to meet their capital requirements.

4) FX Option1 Inc. On June 7 the NFA shuttered FX Option1 due to fraud and for failing to have adequate security deposits for customers.

5) Spencer Financial LLC On May 17 the NFA shuttered Spencer Financial due to fraud and for failing to meet their capital requirements.

6) Alpha Forex On May 14 the NFA shuttered Alpha due to fraud and for failing to meet their capital requirements.

Do you have money with the following? their current capital - IF SO GET OUT NOW One World Capital $1,105,000 Open E Cry LLC $1,062,810 Velocity4X $1,587,000 Direct Forex LLC $1,523,000 Easy Forex US Ltd $5,011,644 - they are above the 5 mio threshold but only just and with a name like that - get out. 3D Forx LLC $ 2,525,372 E FX Optioons LLC $1,709,752 FiniFX $1,464,000 Forex Club $3,304,000 Forex International Investments Inc $1,464,620 Forward Forex $1,793,767 FXCM LLC $759,689 GFS Futures & Forex $3,074,000 Nations Investments $1,699,000 Royal Forex Trading $1,102,000 SNC Investments $1,565,000 Tradition Securities $781,869 I Trade FX -$3,039,000 Note these guys are already bankrupt --- negative capital. MB Futures $3,080,000 Money Garden Corp $3,399,844

I can't stand FXCM just as much as anyone else, but you really need to learn how to read their balance sheets. Capital requirements and balance sheets are two completely different things.

They made, what $200 million last year? Don't quote me on that, but they definitely aren't even close to hurting.

I-TradeFX are the remnants of CFG Trader - aka, run.

The only ones I'd question on your list are Velocity and One World. Although, One World has a few pending CFTC/NFA reparations cases against them.

Thanks for your heads up on these, for those not as familiar with these issues as we are.


Scroll down, I was way off - but they have roughly $120 million in working capital.

Again, I cannot stand them and will never trade there again. But, for what it's worth.


I happened to notice this post. I trade with them right now, not a large account or anything, but I decided to call in and see what they have to say about the situation. I checked everything myself after they gave me the info and it adds up: FXCM LLC is simply an FCM they founded a long time ago in case they want to offer futures trading. Forex Capital Markets is the FDM that allows forex trading. So, if you look at the CFTC data under "Forex Capital Markets" you will see they have about $55 million in excess capital. They also told me to check the contract is signed when I opened an account it is says you are opening with "Forex Capital Markets". They're obviously doing fine as you pointed out yourself. I still prefer to trade with Oanda but that's another issue. At least my withdrawal will go through


Scroll down, I was way off - but they have roughly $120 million in working capital.

Again, I cannot stand them and will never trade there again. But, for what it's worth.

Just curious does anyone well any successful trader have a good word to say about FXCM. Know i won't be opening an account with them anytime soon from what i've read !


DE ACUERDO. I've heard lots of negative info about lots of broker. Does anyone have at least some positive?

What broker do I use if I want to open an account and deposit $10'000 there? $20'000? I know the answer is simple - any broker will do. But I do want to receive at least double the invested capital without constant re-quotes, news hang-ups and being stop-hunted. An MT4 broker that allows scalping, using EAs and 200:1 leverage.

Any? Oh and it would be great if it was in Europe but not Cyprus or something. I will have to pay taxes and I want them to pay taxes as well. Off-shores don't pay taxes to anyone or pay very little ones.

Last edited by Shinigami ; 29-06-2007, 02:28.


The typical guy who wants to post something. No mater of truth, no matter of lies, no matter of anything, the important is to post.

If somebody wants to read my (not short) answer, is in Cat thread, specifically here


YOU must be very carefully before writing a lot of B. S. and create panic for nothing .

Heads up for anybody with accounts with these dealers.

The last few weeks has seen the NFA foreclosing on a lot of forex dealers who are undercapitalized. The following firms have been shut down as a result:

1) United Global Markets, LLC Today the CEO just sent an email out to clients saying they were going out of business because they could not meet their capital requirements.

2) Trend Commodities Limited On June 19 the NFA shuttered Trend Commodities due to fraud and for failing to meet their capital requirements.

3) Spot FX Clearing Corp On June 14 the NFA shuttered SpotFX due to fraud and for failing to meet their capital requirements.

4) FX Option1 Inc. On June 7 the NFA shuttered FX Option1 due to fraud and for failing to have adequate security deposits for customers.

5) Spencer Financial LLC On May 17 the NFA shuttered Spencer Financial due to fraud and for failing to meet their capital requirements.

6) Alpha Forex On May 14 the NFA shuttered Alpha due to fraud and for failing to meet their capital requirements.

Do you have money with the following? their current capital - IF SO GET OUT NOW One World Capital $1,105,000 Open E Cry LLC $1,062,810 Velocity4X $1,587,000 Direct Forex LLC $1,523,000 Easy Forex US Ltd $5,011,644 - they are above the 5 mio threshold but only just and with a name like that - get out. 3D Forx LLC $ 2,525,372 E FX Optioons LLC $1,709,752 FiniFX $1,464,000 Forex Club $3,304,000 Forex International Investments Inc $1,464,620 Forward Forex $1,793,767 FXCM LLC $759,689 GFS Futures & Forex $3,074,000 Nations Investments $1,699,000 Royal Forex Trading $1,102,000 SNC Investments $1,565,000 Tradition Securities $781,869 I Trade FX -$3,039,000 Note these guys are already bankrupt --- negative capital. MB Futures $3,080,000 Money Garden Corp $3,399,844

But, for me is the simple and classic "why most traders lose money?". Because follow the crowd?

Very few traders win money because they get ahead of the crowd. Most traders lose money because they are accident trades - they came, they lost, they vanished. Thats statistics. Its evil. Don't trust it. Don't trust a single moving average as well (but you can trust their cross of different MAs!)

About brokers - yep, there are brokers without the license. There are brokers with little capital. But instead of scaring people "these brokers will be bankrupt!" you should post which brokers use MT4 platform and allow minimum deposits smaller than $10'000 and seem to be successful.


Very few traders win money because they get ahead of the crowd. Most traders lose money because they are accident trades - they came, they lost, they vanished. Thats statistics. Its evil. Don't trust it. Don't trust a single moving average as well (but you can trust their cross of different MAs!)

About brokers - yep, there are brokers without the license. There are brokers with little capital. But instead of scaring people "these brokers will be bankrupt!" you should post which brokers use MT4 platform and allow minimum deposits smaller than $10'000 and seem to be successful.

Well, the truth is that "most" traders do actually lose money, however the market is a net-sum market, so the smaller minority of winning traders are doing quite well. and as you mentioned, new traders tend to enter the market for the first time without a plan or risk management in place, so naturally they get creamed. For that reason it can be said that "most" traders lose, but as I have said before in this Forum, I know a lot of traders that are doing very well.

So for me the lesson is simple: plan a trade, then trade your plan. and stay far away from the "fly-by-night" brokers.

Espero que ayude.

Heads up for anybody with accounts with these dealers.

The last few weeks has seen the NFA foreclosing on a lot of forex dealers who are undercapitalized. The following firms have been shut down as a result:

1) United Global Markets, LLC Today the CEO just sent an email out to clients saying they were going out of business because they could not meet their capital requirements.

2) Trend Commodities Limited On June 19 the NFA shuttered Trend Commodities due to fraud and for failing to meet their capital requirements.

3) Spot FX Clearing Corp On June 14 the NFA shuttered SpotFX due to fraud and for failing to meet their capital requirements.

4) FX Option1 Inc. On June 7 the NFA shuttered FX Option1 due to fraud and for failing to have adequate security deposits for customers.

5) Spencer Financial LLC On May 17 the NFA shuttered Spencer Financial due to fraud and for failing to meet their capital requirements.

6) Alpha Forex On May 14 the NFA shuttered Alpha due to fraud and for failing to meet their capital requirements.

Do you have money with the following? their current capital - IF SO GET OUT NOW One World Capital $1,105,000 Open E Cry LLC $1,062,810 Velocity4X $1,587,000 Direct Forex LLC $1,523,000 Easy Forex US Ltd $5,011,644 - they are above the 5 mio threshold but only just and with a name like that - get out. 3D Forx LLC $ 2,525,372 E FX Optioons LLC $1,709,752 FiniFX $1,464,000 Forex Club $3,304,000 Forex International Investments Inc $1,464,620 Forward Forex $1,793,767 FXCM LLC $759,689 GFS Futures & Forex $3,074,000 Nations Investments $1,699,000 Royal Forex Trading $1,102,000 SNC Investments $1,565,000 Tradition Securities $781,869 I Trade FX -$3,039,000 Note these guys are already bankrupt --- negative capital. MB Futures $3,080,000 Money Garden Corp $3,399,844

I think Easy Forex and FXCM are legit company.

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Luciano Kelly

I am a living witness that if you're brave enough to dream it, it can happen, you have to be determine that no matter what it takes you're not going to stop, you're not going to quit, you're not going to give up until you make your dream become a reality.

At the age of 16 I started learning Forex. I took several Forex courses and I was determined that I was going to be one of the greatest Forex traders. Hace seis años, cuando empecé a operar Forex profesionalmente, estaba cometiendo muchos errores y no ganaba mucho dinero. I decided to start doing my own market research, determined that I would develop a trading strategy that would make me consistent profits. It was hard, I had to do hours and hours of chart analysis and technical analysis experimenting with a wide array of trading systems and methodologies none of which prove to be as consistent as I had hoped.

After 3 years of market research and chart analysis and after reading over 11 different books on Trading I discovered the trading method that changed my life. A trading method that I have back tested an improved upon creating my very own technique, The Four Step Confirmation Technique.

When I left college after completing my BSc in biotechnology and organic chemistry, I started trading Forex full time because from the age of 16 I had always dream of becoming a professional Forex trader and having my own Investment company. I also new that as long as you work for someone else they are controlling your destiny and I never wanted anybody signing my paycheck but me.

I made this course to help traders because I know how difficult it can be trading Forex if you don't have a proven trading method. This course is not a get rich quick course, so if that's what your looking for then don't, take this course. This course is however a course that will equip you with the knowledge to make a comfortable living online.

You see In life we have to take chances and I took a chance 6 years ago with Forex and it has carried me literally from nothing to something. I now have my own private money management company, Loretta FX, LLC, where I manage my own capital and that of investors. You can do anything you put your mind to!

Курсы от Luciano Kelly

Forex Trading For Beginners

Luciano Kelly, Professional Forex Trader at Loretta FX, LLC

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Build A Career In Forex Trading - Learn Fundamental Analysis

Luciano Kelly, Professional Forex Trader at Loretta FX, LLC

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How I Trade Forex Successfully

Luciano Kelly, Professional Forex Trader at Loretta FX, LLC

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Making A Living Online Trading Forex

Luciano Kelly, Professional Forex Trader at Loretta FX, LLC

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Gecko Software, Inc. 271 N. Spring Creek Pkwy. Ste. AProvidence, UT. 84332 USA Phone:800-862-7193 Email:gecko@geckosoftware. com Website:www. NewsMiner. Info Product:NewsMiner, Software designed to scan and rank major news networks for top financial stories. Includes 3D heat maps, charts, and news. Requirements: WinXP/Vista/7/Mac OSX/Lynix200 MB free hard disk space, 1024×768 screen resolution (minimum) Larger recommended. RAM 2GB (more is better). Requires Internet connectivity, CPU: 2.4 GHz or higher. Price: $98.00 includes, Stocks, Futures & Forex, news scanning and ranking capabilities, with no monthly fee. ———————————————– by Kent Kofoed, PitNews Magazine ———————————————– The NewsMiner software is

Trading in currencies is one of the easiest ways to make money especially if you have the best FOREX indicator. This is a program that assists you in identifying currencies that you should place your money on and it can also predict the future trading options. You will have a worthwhile experience because the system will work for you especially if you are starting out in this trade and you have little or no experience. Therefore, you need to go for the best FOREX indicator because there are so many

There is a new forex robot coming to the market, ForexBulletProof created is designed to make money for any trader automatically by using the power of the Meta Trader platform to allow automatic trading. Forex BulletProof is not overly ambitious, it promises a modest 5% return on your investment every month which may seem low, but most users of this product are not seeking quick returns, rather a steady but guaranteed rate of return. To prove this claim, the Forex BulletProof comes with six years worth of detailed returns, and

The Forex Trading Pro System is a guide to trading Forex that relies on price action. Es una mejor manera de negociar el Forex que los populares sistemas de indicadores y desordenado gráficos indescifrables. Publisher’s Description The Forex Trading Pro System is the system that makes the Forex market easy to trade. Te enseña las estrategias exactas y los sistemas utilizados por los comerciantes profesionales. Ningún otro sistema se acerca a lo que éste tiene que ofrecer. Ningún otro sistema intenta realmente entender el mercado. No other system

Forex MegaDroid is developed by Albert Perrie and John Grace and it went live in early 2009. The two forex trading experts got 38 years’ of combined trading experience what they needed to develop artificial intelligence software that automatically analyzes on the Forex market. as I predicted, it rocked the Forex industry… I mean, I already had some facts about the robot but what I saw yesterday after the product launched simply raised the bar quite a few levels… To start, PERFORMANCE:

2009-11: 6,894.36% (1068 days) 2008:

What Exactly is Forex AutoMoney? Forex AutoMoney is a Forex trading signal provider. What this means is that you just login to the member area of Forex AutoMoney, get your signals for whichever forex pair you wish to trade in (currently, this service deals in 18 currency pairs), and make the recommended trade at the recommended time.

How does Forex AutoMoney work? The members of the Forex AutoMoney membership receive entry and exit points into and out of the Forex market. The basic principles are that you

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Below is an email I received and feel I shud share with this forum:

"The last few weeks has seen the NFA foreclosing on a lot of forex dealers who are undercapitalized. The following firms have been shut down as a result:

1) United Global Markets, LLC Today the CEO just sent an email out to clients saying they were going out of business because they could not meet their capital requirements. 2) Trend Commodities Limited On June 19 the NFA shuttered Trend Commodities due to fraud and for failing to meet their capital requirements. 3) Spot FX Clearing Corp On June 14 the NFA shuttered SpotFX due to fraud and for failing to meet their capital requirements. 4) FX Option1 Inc. On June 7 the NFA shuttered FX Option1 due to fraud and for failing to have adequate security deposits for customers. 5) Spencer Financial LLC On May 17 the NFA shuttered Spencer Financial due to fraud and for failing to meet their capital requirements. 6) Alpha Forex On May 14 the NFA shuttered Alpha due to fraud and for failing to meet their capital requirements. Do you have money with the following? their current capital - IF SO GET OUT NOW One World Capital $1,105,000 Open E Cry LLC $1,062,810 Velocity4X $1,587,000 Direct Forex LLC $1,523,000 Easy Forex US Ltd $5,011,644 - they are above the 5 mio threshold but only just and with a name like that - get out. 3D Forx LLC $ 2,525,372 E FX Optioons LLC $1,709,752 FiniFX $1,464,000 Forex Club $3,304,000 Forex International Investments Inc $1,464,620 Forward Forex $1,793,767 FXCM LLC $759,689 GFS Futures & Forex $3,074,000 Nations Investments $1,699,000 Royal Forex Trading $1,102,000 SNC Investments $1,565,000 Tradition Securities $781,869 I Trade FX -$3,039,000 Note these guys are already bankrupt --- negative capital. MB Futures $3,080,000 Money Garden Corp $3,399,844

Yup, the boom has finally dropped. Very very good news for all retail traders.


Sorry, don't know about those IB's. It should be easy to find out though, usually ( if the firm that they are clearing through is legit ) the sponsoring broker will make them post info around their website and such.

STIFX is a knownful company for its superior financial products techology, analysis, and best customer service they provide. I am trading with STIFX and all there clearing firms are legit, the funds are totally secured. The best thing i like is quick deposit and quick withdraw of funds, along with the support makes a good trade for myself. I dont know about Avail trading, never heard of it.


STIFX is a knownful company for its superior financial products techology, analysis, and best customer service they provide. I am trading with STIFX and all there clearing firms are legit, the funds are totally secured. The best thing i like is quick deposit and quick withdraw of funds, along with the support makes a good trade for myself. I dont know about Avail trading, never heard of it.

George, did you notice that our STI account can be connected to ODL server as well? are they the same?


Amen, have you become now client of stifx? Well STIFX has its own advantages as well. i dont know its better if you contact the support, that will be a good thing


hello, i'm newbie and interested with crownforex and fxclearing because they're only 1 pip spread. CROWN FOREX FX|Clearing - Welcome!

could anybody help me about their reputation, financial and else (I don't know how to choose a good broker, what the things should be considered. )


I heard a lot of bad things about Crown forex. And from looking at their loop holes to get out of allowing anyone to be profitable from the 1 pip spread are disgusting. As far as FX Clearing, I have never heard of them before seeing this thread, but I just checked out their site and they don't allow Canadian or US residents to open an account! I was disappointed, since their spreads are nice and they advertise great trading conditions. If anyone else has info about this broker, please post here.



I heard a lot of bad things about Crown forex. And from looking at their loop holes to get out of allowing anyone to be profitable from the 1 pip spread are disgusting. As far as FX Clearing, I have never heard of them before seeing this thread, but I just checked out their site and they don't allow Canadian or US residents to open an account! I was disappointed, since their spreads are nice and they advertise great trading conditions. If anyone else has info about this broker, please post here.

Sorry, took some time off from trading, but both of those brokers are bad. Bad fills, bad servers, etc. and the 1 pip spread is a fairy tale. It's designed for traders that lose. If you make consistant winning trades, doesn't matter how long you hold them open, they will move you to the wider spreads.


Sorry, took some time off from trading, but both of those brokers are bad. Bad fills, bad servers, etc. and the 1 pip spread is a fairy tale. It's designed for traders that lose. If you make consistant winning trades, doesn't matter how long you hold them open, they will move you to the wider spreads.

Most if not all the threads seen here is about broker to avoid. Are there not recommendations on which is good - better - best?

Rifster, who is your broker?


Most if not all the threads seen here is about broker to avoid. Are there not recommendations on which is good - better - best?

Rifster, who is your broker?

Currently I use Dukascopy. It's a great ECN if you have enough for the min deposit ($25k), but Hotspot is another good ECN. I have a few friends that use Hotspot and they like the fills, spreads, etc.


Currently I use Dukascopy. It's a great ECN if you have enough for the min deposit ($25k), but Hotspot is another good ECN. I have a few friends that use Hotspot and they like the fills, spreads, etc.

After my recent experience with Aleccohfx . I now see regulation as a pre-requisite when choosing a broker, so both of your recommendations raise 'issues' - Dukascopy is unregulated, whereas Hotspot is under-financed:


After my recent experience with Aleccohfx . I now see regulation as a pre-requisite when choosing a broker, so both of your recommendations raise 'issues' - Dukascopy is unregulated, whereas Hotspot is under-financed:

Hi, just one thought with the exception to say NFA regulations are only for US and the world is ti big. But let's say we choose to put our money in the US

Bear Stearns accomplished 100xtimes regulations than any regulated Forex Broker and. how are shareholders today?


Copyright 2005-2015, MQL5 Ltd.

Everything Forex

1. Friday, November 30th, 2007 (1:45 a. m. New York Time) SWITZERLAND First, we will have Swiss CPI y/y which is expected to come out at 1.5% versus 1.3%. I think if it comes out at 1.3%, same as last quarter, USD/CHF may possibly go up by 30 pips or more in the first hour of the report. On the other hand, if it reads 1.7% or higher, I think USD/CHF may possibly go down by 50 pips or more in the first hour of the report. SUMMARY: Report: Swiss CPI y/y. Buy on USD/CHF if the number will be 1.3% or lower. Sell on USD/CHF if the number will be 1.7% or higher

2. Friday, November 30th, 2007 (8:30 a. m. New York Time) CANADA Then we will have Canadian GDP coming out at 8:30 a. m. The market is mostly talking about annualizing reading which is expected to come out at 2.2%; however, the m/m reading is also important. In my opinion, I would watch the m/m reading and make sure the annual does not conflict. If the m/m reads at 0.4% or higher, I think USD/CAD may possibly go down by 30 pips or more in the first hour of the report, and EUR/CAD may possibly go down by 50 pips or more in the first hour of the report. If on the other hand we will see a reading of -0.1% or more negative, I think the USD/CAD may possibly gain 30 pips or more, and EUR/CAD may possibly gain 50 pips or more in the first hour of the report. That's pretty much all for Friday. I would skip the Chicago PMI as it was not performing too well recently.

3. Sunday, December 2nd, 2007 (7:30 p. m. New York Time) AUSTRALIA On Sunday we have the Trade Balance coming out of Australia. We still don't have consensus for this indicator; however, last month it came out at -1.9B. Whenever the consensus gets posted which would be probably on Sunday right before this indicator, just add +1 B (+1000 M) to go long on AUD/USD, and probably expect a move of 35 pips in the first 30 minutes of the report. If on the other hand I see the number coming out worse by -1 B (-1000 M), I would go short on AUD/USD and expect a move of 35 pips or more in the first 30 minutes of the report. Remember that this number is negative so when it came out more negative, that's worse, and when it comes out less negative, then it's better.

4. Monday, December 3rd, 2007 (4:30 a. m. New York Time) UK On Monday we will have the UK Manufacturing PMI coming out at 4:30 a. m. New York time. This indicator has had very ugly history recently as the market did not care too much about it so I would just skip this indicator.

5. Monday, December 3rd, 2007 (10:00 a. m. New York Time) USA Then at 10 a. m. New York time will will have U. S. ISM Manufacturing Index coming out. This is a tough one because for the last 3 months as the manufacturing indicators have not been mattering what we had was readings very close to consensus so it is hard to judge what kind of market reaction it will do to this indicator. Probably this is the most important manufacturing indicator in the world because it is so old and so reputable. The forecast is 50.5, and I will go more conservative on this one. If the reading is 53 or higher, I would go short on GBP/USD and expect a move of 40 pips or more in the first 30 minutes of the report. If on the other hand we see a reading of 48 or lower, that would be bad for the U. S. dollar, and I would possibly go long on GBP/USD and expect a move of about 40 pips or more in the first 30 minutes of the report. Don't get desperate on this one; try to get an entry after the initial spike within 10 pips of the pre-release price, maybe even less - depending on the price action.

6. Monday, December 3rd, 2007 (7:30 p. m. New York Time) AUSTRALIA Then at 7:30 p. m. New York time we will have Retail Sales together will building approvals coming out of Australia. The consensus is not posted yet, previously we saw reading of 0.8% so I will assume the consensus would be to the lower end this month, maybe 0.3% or so. On Monday before the report look at the consensus. Whatever the consensus is, add 0.4 for a possible buy on AUD/USD, and subtract 0.4 for a possible sell on AUD/USD. So if it comes out higher than expected by 0.4%, I would go long on AUD/USD and expect a move of about 40 pips or more in the first 30 minutes of the report. On the other hand, if it comes out worse by -0.4% or more negative, I would go short on AUD/USD and expect a move of 40 pips or less in the first hour of the report.

Trends may be rarer than trading ranges, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be traded. This strategy uses two time frames to identify the trend, an overbought-oversold indicator to pinpoint entry and a trailing stop to protect gains on profitable trades.

Many technical trading strategies revolve around the assumption that markets will hover within a given range — Y con razón. Seventy percent of the time markets will bounce back and forth between support and resistance levels, or fluctuate randomly. The rest of the time, market behavior is characterized by persistent price moves — trends — that shatter support and resistance levels.

Although these basic probabilities work against traders who try to exploit trends, the potential rewards can be worth the risk. It is possible to increase your ability to capitalize on trends by locating trend signals, identifying specific entry points within the trend and using risk management techniques to limit losses.

The following sections will explain how a trading system based on these concepts works especially well in the foreign exchange (Forex), or curre n c y, market, particularly with the “major” currencies — the U. S. dollar, Euro, Japanese yen, British pound, Swiss franc, Canadian dollar and Australian dollar. More than 85 percent of transactions in the $1 trillion per day Forex market involve the majors.

The strategy uses two charts with different time periods (10-minute and hourly), along with two technical indicators: a 200-bar moving average and a 14-bar slow stochastic study.

Step 1: Identify a trend. Compare the moving averages on the 10-minute and hourly charts. A trend is in effect when price is consistently above/below the moving averages on both charts.

Step 2: Pinpoint entry. Once you’ve identified a trend, look for the following two conditions at the same time on the 10-minute chart: 1) the market is no more than 20 points above (to buy) or 20 points below (to sell) the moving average; and 2) the fast stochastic line crosses above the slow stochastic line below 20 (to buy) or crosses below the slow stochastic line above 80 (to sell). These conditions indicate: 1) the currency is currently in a short-term uptrend or downtrend; and 2) the currency has paused or pulled back (reflected by the higher low stochastic reading and the fact that price is within 20 points of the moving average) and is poised to turn (because the fast stochastic line is crossing back above or below the slow line).

Step 3: Ride the trend. Set a trailing stop after the initial trade entry. On a long position, enter a stop-loss order 10 points below the 200-period moving average on the 10-minute chart. In the case of a short position, place the initial stop 10 points above this moving average. As the trade goes in your favor, raise (for a long trade) or lower (for a short trade) the stop to protect profits.

Forex Models, LLC

Forex Models, LLC Announces Upcoming Indianapolis/ Louisville Forex Training Seminar

Indianapolis, IN, March 19, 2014 --(PR. com )-- Forex Models, LLC, an Indianapolis based forex trading system development company, will conduct a 3-day forex training seminar in Franklin, Indiana, Wednesday May 14 through Friday May 16. The venue is conveniently located 30 minutes south of Indianapolis and 90 minutes north of Louisville. The seminar will focus on the reasons most forex traders today lose money, just as they have for the past 25 years, and what can be done about it. Some of the causes for so many losses in forex trading are market-related while others are trader-related. The seminar will cover both of these topics.

“Forex trading has special issues,” states Forex Model’s President, James McCune, “unlike other markets, central bankers and politicians devote considerable effort and resources to keeping their country’s exchange rates stable. a goal that works directly against the objectives of forex traders.” To overcome this, the company’s forex trading model shifts away from the conventional strategy of “buy high and sell higher” to one closer to “buy low and sell high.”

In other words, rather than exclusively buy or sell price “breakouts,” Forex Models uses an innovative 3-system forex trading model that buys (and sells) earlier in a price move. so there is still some room for further price movement to give traders a chance to achieve a profit.

The first two days of the company’s 3-day seminar will cover all of these forex trading issues—market-related as well as trader-related—and the appropriate remedies for each of them. (The company’s website, http://www. ForexModelsLLC. com provides a short explanation of the three forex trading systems that make up the model, and presents a graphic that demonstrates how the three systems interact in the model to generate trading profits.)

On the 3rd day of Forex Models’ 3-day trading seminar attendees will get their personal copy of the firm’s forex trading system(s) and will be taught how to update, maintain, and trade the model. Any questions interested persons may have about the seminar, and the trading model attendees will take home with them following the 3 days of extensive training, are answered on Forex Models, LLC's website: http://www. ForexModelsLLC. com

Forex Models, LLC James A. McCune 609 933 2687 Contact http://www. ForexModelsLLC. com

Forex Model's 3 Proprietary Trading Systems

By entering the forex markets during the early, middle, and late stages of a presumed trend traders have the best chance to experience a gain.

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Daemon Goldsmith – Order Flow Trading for Fun and Profit Sale page :_http://www. amazon. co. uk/Order-Flow-Trading-Profit-SIGNED/dp/B009YIBQT8 Hardcover: 205 pages Publisher: Goldsmith Holding Corp; 1st Edition edition (2011) ASIN: B009YIBQT8 Average Customer Review: Be the first to review this item Amazon Bestsellers Rank: 3,354,541 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) The Order Flow Trading label has been applied…


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If you are looking to participate in the forex trading market you need to find yourself one of the best forex brokers.

There's a lot of buzz in the market about HiWayFX that offers a complete integrated multi asset software trading platform. A trader can trade commodities, stocks, indexes, ETFs and CFDs, all from the same trading platform. It requires a minimum initial deposit of $250.

They provide various account reports, like:

Account Value Summary - An online monthly account statement where you can view current account balance (realized P&L) for a selected month, as well as all deposits, withdrawals, interest earned.

Detailed Transaction Listing - Lists complete trade detail for any selected date range, including deal date, currency pair dealt, trade direction (buy or sell), contract size.

Open Positions - A summary view of all open positions, including contract size, USD value, average rate of open positions, reval rate (current market rate), and unrealized P&L.

Order History - Provides detail on all order activity for a selected data range, including order entry date and time stamp, listing of all cancelled and/or executed orders, along with its reference number.

Rollover History - Provides rollover details for any transaction held open past 5:00pm ET, including rollover rate and USD value. May be generated for any given date range.

Realized P&L - Lists complete trade detail with P&L for any selected date range, including deal date, currency pair, trade basis, contract size and executed deal rate.

Rollover Rates - Rollover rates are updated every day by 12:00pm ET to reflect the rates for the current trading day. The amount shown is denominated in the base currency of the account.

Written 6w ago • No para la reproducción


IB SM. InteractiveBrokers. com ®, IB Cuenta Universal SM. Interactive Analytics ®, IB Opciones Analytics SM. IB SmartRouting SM. Portfolio Analyst TM y IB Trader Workstation SM son marcas de servicio y / o marcas comerciales de Interactive Brokers LLC. Documentación de apoyo para cualquier reclamo e información estadística se proporcionará a petición. Los símbolos de negociación que se muestran son sólo para propósitos ilustrativos y no pretenden presentar recomendaciones.

El riesgo de pérdida en el comercio en línea de acciones, opciones, futuros, divisas, acciones extranjeras y bonos puede ser sustancial. Las opciones no son adecuadas para todos los inversores.

Para obtener más información, consulte el apartado "Características y riesgos de las opciones estandarizadas". Para obtener una copia, visite http://www. theocc. com/about/publications/character-risks. jsp. Antes de negociar, los clientes deben leer las declaraciones pertinentes de divulgación de riesgos en nuestra página de advertencias y exenciones de responsabilidad: http://www. interactivebrokers. com/disclosure. La negociación en margen es sólo para inversores sofisticados con alta tolerancia al riesgo. Usted puede perder más que su inversión inicial. Para obtener información adicional sobre las tasas de préstamos con margen, consulte http://www. interactivebrokers. com/interest. Los futuros de seguridad implican un alto grado de riesgo y no son adecuados para todos los inversores. La cantidad que puede perder puede ser mayor que su inversión inicial. Antes de negociar futuros de valores, lea la Declaración de divulgación de riesgos de futuros de seguridad. For a copy visit http://www. interactivebrokers. com/disclosure. Existe un riesgo sustancial de pérdida en el comercio de divisas. La fecha de liquidación de operaciones en divisas puede variar debido a las diferencias de zona horaria y los días festivos. Cuando se negocia a través de los mercados de divisas, esto puede requerir fondos de préstamos para liquidar operaciones de divisas. La tasa de interés de los fondos prestados debe ser considerada al calcular el costo de las operaciones en múltiples mercados.


INTERACTIVE BROKERS LLC is a member NYSE - FINRA - SIPC and regulated by the US Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Headquarters: One Pickwick Plaza, Greenwich, CT 06830 USA www. interactivebrokers. com

INTERACTIVE BROKERS CANADA INC. Is a member of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) and Member - Canadian Investor Protection Fund. La negociación de valores y derivados puede implicar un alto grado de riesgo y los inversores deben estar preparados para el riesgo de perder toda su inversión y perder otros montos. Interactive Brokers Canada Inc. es un distribuidor exclusivo para la ejecución y no proporciona asesoramiento ni recomendaciones sobre inversiones en relación con la compra o venta de valores o derivados. Oficina registrada: 1800 McGill College Avenue, Suite 2106, Montreal, Quebec, H3A 3J6, Canadá. www. interactivebrokers. ca

CORREDORES INTERACTIVOS (INDIA) PVT. LIMITADO. Es miembro de NSE. BSE y NSDL [http://www. sebi. gov. in]. Regn. Nº NSE: INB / F / E 231288037 (CM / F & O / CD); BSE: INB / F / E 011288033 (CM / F y O / CD); NSDL: IN-DP-NSDL-301-2008. CIN-U67120MH2007FTC170004. Domicilio social: 502 / A, Times Square, Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri Este, Mumbai 400059, India. Tel: +91-22-61289888 / Fax: +91-22-61289898 www. interactivebrokers. co. in

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NFA brokers | NFA registered Forex brokers

Soon we will be looking for Brokers that are NOT stuck in the NFA and the CFTC's new rules. Where is the list of non nfa brokers? That's where I am going to move my money. 10:1 is a joke. And anything less than 200:1 is a waste of time because you cant' make money using low leverage. Yeah sure it's "safe" but you are investing a LARGE chunk of your money, which could be used for other ways to generate income. So that's why I need high leverage.


January 28, 2010

¡Gracias! Lightspeed Financial has been added to the NFA brokers list.

LiteForex is regulated by Seychelles International Business Authority (SIBA).


January 23, 2010

What about Liteforex who is their regulator??


January 19, 2010

light speed is a nfa nember


January 19, 2010

InvesttechFX is not regulated.


January 18, 2010

hi could you please tell about investtechfx


January 15, 2010

Global Clearing Group is registered in Belize and is not regulated. It clears trades through CAUFEX (Caucasus Financial Exchange), an institution supervised by the Financial Supervisory Agency (FSA) of National Bank of Georgia.


January 14, 2010

Please, I would like to know if Global Clearing Group Ltd IS REGULATED?


January 13, 2010


January 13, 2010

is it ikofx register to NFA


January 10, 2010

Regulated brokers with mini accounts and mini lots. Please use our Advanced Forex Broker Search to find matching brokers.


January 10, 2010

which of the broker is the render the best sevice for beginer?


Está bien. I've added it to FSA brokers list. Gracias.


Forex. com is a FSA broker isn't?


December 30, 2009

Instaforex is a Russian company, it is not an NFA member.


December 30, 2009

how about instaforex?


December 21, 2009

CitifxPro belongs to Citigroup, which I was able to check today is registered with NFA #0388448.


December 20, 2009


December 20, 2009

Gracias. I'll double check one more time when NFA stops giving errors on results page. It happens on NFA's website regularly recent months.


December 19, 2009

Just as a matter of record, CitiFX Pro is not a member of the NFA but rather a member of the FDIC (for insurance purposes).


December 1, 2009

Forex-Metal is not regulated by NFA, they comply with Uruguayan and Panamanian laws.


December 1, 2009

hi what about WWW. forex-metal. com


November 25, 2009

That's correct, kev

for US based brokers joining the NFA is not mandatory. A firm is free to decide whether they want it or not.


November 24, 2009

Is it a legal requirement that US based brokers be members of the NFA? It seem to me it is not and that, as a self regulatory body, it is up to the individual firm to decide if they want to join or not.

It is often said the "all US based brokers are NFA" but that's just not the case. For example, IamFx. com or GallantFX. com.

These companies do have a separate custodian of funds so there is a separation of client funds form company funds to protect the client funds.


November 20, 2009

FXCH is rubbish broker and fuck with clients money they don t respond to clients requests their telepnoe numbers never answered their live chat staff never answer and they reply emails very rarely. They have fucked with my account and closed my positions at much higher rates than market forcefully i made a deposit and they have n t credited my money in my account and never issued me new pw when i lost my old one. If someone can guide me how to fuck their ass just let me know about it at my email mehaider777(a)yahoo. com


November 12, 2009

that's a good advice, right now, however, we're not ready to take on monitoring such stats. The latest updates on such complaints can be checked at NFA website:


November 9, 2009

Hello BrokerGuru how about a list that shows which brokers have the most complaints against ? Do you know if GFT. IBFX or FastBrokersFX have a lot of complaints against them? Thank you Amin


November 1, 2009

Finotec is registered with FSA in UK.

FxOpen is registered with FSC of Mauritius.

Broco is regulated by Federal Financial Markets Service - is the federal executive body that controls and supervises activity in the financial markets, including the activity of exchanges, and issues the relevant regulations in Russia.

UWC is regulated by CySEC - The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission, as well as falls under MiFID – the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive.


November 1, 2009

Does Broco and UWC have a regulatory bodies above them.


November 1, 2009

fxopen register nfa?


October 30, 2009

Finotec it's registreted?


October 29, 2009

Yes, they are NFA members. According to NFA records UFXBank is an introducing broker.

There is a short reference on their contact page: Regulation: NFA ID: 0400478 Company: UFX TRADE LLC.

PD Quick note: the word "Bank" in the UFXBank's name doesn't refer to being a bank.


October 28, 2009

Is UFXBank really registered with NFA? Why I dont see any information in their website. The way they develop their website something like a bucket shop broker.


16 de octubre de 2009

No, Marketiva is not an NFA member.


16 de octubre de 2009

is marketiva not a registered member?


October 14, 2009

No, they are not.


October 13, 2009

is FXCH - Foreign Exchange Clearing House regulated. Consejo amable


October 12, 2009

YMG Development is a New Zealand company, they are not registered and not required to register with NFA, only US brokers and brokers conducting business in US should be registered with NFA.

In New Zealand there is Securities Commission - New Zealand's main regulator of investments; but there is no mandatory registration for Forex dealers unless a company deals with futures contracts. At present moment New Zealand’s regulatory environment has not addressed the question of protecting retail Forex clients.


October 12, 2009

is YMG Development registered with NFA and if not do they registered with any other regulated firm?


September 25, 2009

Masterforex is not registered with NFA. It is a non regulated broker, who complies with general Seychelles laws only.


September 25, 2009

pls is masterforex registered with NFA and if not do they registered with any other regulated firm.


23 de septiembre de 2009

No, Caya Capital Markets NZ Limited is not registered with NFA. They are a New Zealand company, and are registered with local authorities: The New Zealand Securities Commission.


23 de septiembre de 2009

is caya is registered in NFA please tell me as i have invested huge money in that. ina_imeco()yahoo. com


September 16, 2009

Thank you for ATC, added them. FXPRO is not registered with NFA, but they are regulated by: CySEC, FSA UK, AMF France, BaFin Germany


September 16, 2009

you may forgot ATC registered with NFA

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A Guide to Forex Trading in 2016

You are at the right place if you want to start trading with currencies or just want to get informed about new trends in the industry. An awful lot have changed in the past few years and in our opinion the most changes are welcome.

Conditions are better than ever for traders with lower costs, better platforms, more products, and whole new features that were unknown even a few short years ago.

But with new features comes complexity; having experts helping you in finding your way in this business is a chance that you should grab.

What does FX Universal provide?

Well, first of all, our philosophy.

We treat forex trading as a business. a business that can change your life if you put the needed effort into it and follow the advice of experienced players. We will help you take the first steps and guide you through the whole process of becoming a forex trader.

Nuestra experiencia

We have seen it all, believe us. Scams, brokers that came and went, strategies that proved to be one-day wonders you name it… We look at brokers through a different eye than a novice trader and we know what to look for when choosing a company that you will trust with your money.

We can also help you in learning the basics and start analyzing prices and fundamentals concerning currencies. Choosing your resources and filtering the vast amount of available information is not an easy feat. We can save you a lot of time and money by showing you the right direction—and the bad ones, of course.

Before we go through the steps that you should follow let’s see how the industry stands and what the new trends are.

What has changed?

We have talked about changes, but what are they exactly?

The internet boom made forex trading mainstream but at the beginning, it was kind of a “wild west” environment with lots of questionable companies and some outright scams that cast a shadow of doubt over the industry. Now, forex is at another level; it has matured and you have a strong online community that can help you in determining whom to trust and whom should you be aware of.

A boom in tradable products

It is not uncommon nowadays that you can trade with hundreds of pairs including exotic currencies that some of you have probably never heard of. This is great news for all the new traders from around the world as they can trade with their own currencies or just manage their currency risk.

Also, diversification is easy now, as you can choose from many different asset classes through CFDs (contracts for differences) that have spread very quickly and now are a common feature by most brokers.

Características adicionales

Social trading, managed accounts, and automated trading and expert advisors, are the buzz words of forex currently. These features might be good for a beginner (like social trading) or help experienced traders earn more (managed accounts) but, all in all, make forex much more attractive for everyone.

The smart device revolution

Trading on mobile devices is here, and it is here to stay. Smartphones and tablets change the way we live and also change the way we trade—for better or worse. As always a new technology is both an opportunity and a danger. Be sure to read our take on the topic to learn more!


Funding you account is also different than it was before. The advent of cheap, secure, and quick online solutions have changed the way that most traders transfer their money. Using these new services might save you time and money, and keep your personal data safe.

How to Start?

Before you start “live” trading you should first find a broker. Of, course everyone wants to find the “Best Broker ”. As you will see there is no such thing, but what we have is even better than that—a pre-selected list of great providers. We know that we don’t know everything, but we are pretty sure that we know these firms and if you choose from them you won’t get scammed and you will trade with one of the best brokers out there.

Before you choose you should know the basic factors that determine which company you should choose:

Where do you come from?

This narrows your choices unfortunately as some countries have strict rules that limit forex trading. If you want to know more check out our article about the topic.

How much capital do you have?

Not all brokers are friendly with beginners and those who want to start trading with a small amount of capital. Also, if you are more experienced and have above average savings you should choose a provider that serves all your needs to optimize your results.

Now, you might go right to our broker reviews, but we think it is wiser to read through our articles before you go on and decide on your broker.

Our list of preferred brokers:

Let’s get started together!

As you can see, there is a lot to cover, but don’t worry we will be there to help you with every step. Also, we urge you to read the comments of your fellow traders and share your own opinion and experience with us.

With the help of our community, we are sure that you will be on the right track to becoming a successful trader in 2016!

Control Your Investments with a Self-Directed IRA

El conocimiento es poder. Control is key, and diversity is essential in building wealth towards retirement. Self-directed IRAs offer complete control in choosing your own investments and give you the freedom to choose alternative investments to build income in traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs and other savings plans.

Real Estate IRA

Your self-directed IRA can purchase a property, renovate and flip it for a quick return or hold the property for several years to make a profit through rental income. There are many types of real estate investments to choose. The point is, with a self-directed real estate IRA, the choice is yours to make.

Mortgages & Notes

Private lending has become a popular investment tool for self-directed IRA owners. Your IRA plays the part a bank normally would and extends loans for mortgages and trust deeds, secured and unsecured notes, as well as judgments and structured settlements.

Single Member LLC

Single member LLCs, also known as checkbook IRAs, are a unique investing tool that sophisticated investors utilize in order to facilitate the purchase of alternative investments.

Private Placements & Private Stock

Acquiring private funding is one way that LLCs, C corporations, limited partnerships and a few other entities gain capital to grow their businesses. Providing funds from your self-directed IRA to invest in private placements is a great way to diversify your portfolio.

Precious Metals

Precious metals such as gold, silver, palladium and platinum offer investors exceptional IRA diversification and potential appreciation in today’s economy. Precious metals are often touted as a hedge against market instability and inflation. You can also purchase gold and silver bullion, as well as American Eagle gold and silver coins.

Foreign Currency & Futures Trading

Foreign currency exchange and futures trading are alternative investments allowed as assets in self-directed IRAs and are gaining popularity among individual investors.

Some examples of other investment options that you can hold in your self-directed IRA include:

Oil & Gas Rights

Tax Certificates

Structured Settlements

Commercial Paper

Notas convertibles

Productos básicos



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Accounts Receivable Factoring

Equipment Leasing

Relaciones con inversores


Inversión de alto riesgo Advertencia: La negociación de divisas y / o contratos por margen de diferencias conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida en exceso de sus fondos depositados y por lo tanto, no debe especular con el capital que no puede permitirse el lujo de perder. Antes de decidir negociar los productos ofrecidos por FXCM usted debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos, situación financiera, necesidades y nivel de experiencia. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio en margen. FXCM proporciona asesoramiento general que no tiene en cuenta sus objetivos, situación financiera o necesidades. El contenido de este sitio web no debe interpretarse como un consejo personal. FXCM recomienda consultar con un asesor financiero independiente.

Por favor, haga clic aquí para leer la advertencia de riesgo completo.

FXCM es un Comerciante de la Comisión de Futuros registrado y Comerciante de Divisas al por menor con la Commodity Futures Trading Commission y es miembro de la National Futures Association. NFA # 0308179

FXCM Inc., una compañía cotizada en Bolsa de Nueva York (NYSE: FXCM), es una sociedad de cartera y su único activo es una participación mayoritaria en FXCM Holdings, LLC. Forex Capital Markets, LLC ( "FXCM LLC") es una filial directa de FXCM Holdings, LLC. Todas las referencias en este sitio a "FXCM" se refieren a FXCM Inc. y sus subsidiarias consolidadas, incluyendo FXCM Holdings, LLC y Forex Capital Markets, LLC.

Tenga en cuenta que la información de este sitio web está dirigida únicamente a clientes minoristas y que algunas de las representaciones aquí contenidas pueden no ser aplicables a los Participantes Elegibles del Contrato (es decir, a los clientes institucionales) según se define en la Ley de Intercambio de Mercancías y la Sección 1 (a) (12).

Copyright y copia; 2016 Mercados de divisas. Todos los derechos reservados.

55 Water St. 50th Floor, Nueva York, NY 10041 Estados Unidos

5 Forex Trading Tips – Dos and Don’ts of Currency Exchange

Forex trading is coming into fashion with investors in 2015. Some of the appeal of currency exchange investing stems from high-tech improvements that allow easy access even for newbie investors. And some of the appeal comes from the potential forex trading market that does more than $3 trillion in daily volume, vs. less than $30 billion in a typical day for the NYSE.

And, of course, forex trading is high-octane and has many investors seeing dollar signs.

However, before you consider jumping into the currency exchange market, there are some key items that every investor should know. Here are five key forex trading tips:

Currency Investing Is Simple, But Not Easy: One of the appeals of forex trading is the idea that there are only a small number of global currencies to trade, vs. thousands of publicly traded stocks. But don’t confuse this simplicity with the idea that currency exchange investing is easy. This small list of currencies is tied to big-picture trends and often complex issues of geopolitics and central banking. That means it’s very difficult to be successful at forex trading without a good understanding of world events and the modern monetary system.

Movements Are Small, But Stakes Are Big: Movements in currencies are often quite small. In fact, movements of 1/100th of a percent, referred to as “pips,” are the common denomination of movement. That’s a far cry from stocks, where even a 1% move is not anything to sneeze at. But keep in mind that while movement in currency prices can be small, the standard lot size is 100,000 units of a currency — so a little goes a long way.

Leverage and Its Risks: Since standard lots are so large, that often requires traders to borrow to make trades of substantive size. After all, 100,000 units of a currency can quickly top $100,000 in total value for a single position. This kind of borrowing is called “leverage,” and can leave unwitting forex traders open to big risks if they make the wrong call. Trading with someone else’s money leaves little margin for error, so be aware of the risks that inherently come with trading large lots of currencies.

Trading Around the Clock: Currency trading is more accessible than ever before thanks to technological improvements, and that gives you access to the largest investing market in the world. But since foreign exchange is global, that means a 24-hour market that allows you (or in some cases, forces you) to trade around the clock. Some of the best forex traders are tied to their computers at odd hours, so make sure you know the commitment before you dive in.

Forex Trading Is Aggressive and Sophisticated: Personally, I would strongly advise all investors to consider forex a very aggressive asset class, and unnecessary part of the typical portfolio. Like penny stock investing or short selling or other high-risk strategies, you can make some serious money if you’re right … but the risks are huge if you’re wrong. The complicated nature of these approaches means that rookie traders can get eaten alive, so only veteran traders with nerves of steel should consider playing the currency exchange market at any scale.

Jeff Reeves is the editor of InvestorPlace. com and the author of The Frugal Investor’s Guide to Finding Great Stocks. Al momento de redactar este documento, no ocupaba ninguna posición en ninguno de los valores antes mencionados. Write him at editor@investorplace. com or follow him on Twitter via @JeffReevesIP .

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Nial Fuller – Google+ – Nial Fuller is an Australian based Professional Forex Trader who helps others learn to trade forex through advanced Forex trading training and mentoring.

I'm not sure if the final signal should be a pin bar or not, maybe non pin bar is …. Forex trading fakey Strategy False Break Setup. by Nial Fuller …

Sep 9, 2014 & # 8230; And yes nial fuller teaches the fakey, but the article I published, which I'm guessing …. He taught forex trading and published free forex signals.

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Nial Fuller, a professional trader, points out that “lower time frames are going to have more false signals and whipsaws.” Another disadvantage is the amount of …

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30/01/2016 · Nial Fuller Price action forex education method. & # 8230; This Nial Fuller’s method has proven very good for me. & # 8230; Forex Signals Reviews;

Price Action Forex Trading Strategies | Written by Nial Fuller Inside bar stall patterns finding market turning points. Leer más & # 8230; Trading Pin Bar Reversals Price …

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Scenario for how much money a simple and risk controlled forex day trading strategy can make, and guidance on how to achieve that level of success.

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The allure of forex day trading is that you can trade 24-hours a day, unfortunately that doesn’t mean you should. Day traders should only trade a forex pair when …

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– The DIY day traders: 'I lost £250k but made it all back and more …Oct 15, 2014 … Mr Muccio, a father of three from Bromley, said he had made £220 the previous day from forex trading between pounds, dollars, euros and yen …

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It requires some reasonable amount of skill, that usually has to be learned with experience. If you are just beginning to trade forex, day trading probably isn’t for …

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In late trade on Tuesday the currency was buying US71.38¢, little changed from its exchange rate a day earlier. Tuesday’s headline act for forex markets was the Reserve Bank of Australia’s interest rates decision. Los …

The rupee resumed lower at 67.45 per dollar against Tuesday’s closing level of 67.35 at the Forex market MUMBAI … It hovered in a range of 67.51 and 67.17 during the day. The dollar index was up by 0.17 per cent …

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Hours to avoid and the best times to day trade the USD/JPY. Here are the best hours for day trading the USD/JPY, in the 24-hour a day forex market.

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India’s military is deployed on the border with China as well as Pakistan and says it has to plan for … 2.49 lakh Crore is 2.49 trillion Indian Rupees and at current exchange rate of 1USD

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M/s Business & Business Associates is a register Forex Firm with Registrar of Firm in Islamabad and Franchise by under the shelter of State Bank of Pakistan …

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Live rates is one of the leading trading tools at iFOREX. Stay updated with exchange rates and trends and make more-informed trading decisions.

Welcome to FX Exchange Rate – this is a free and useful website devoted to share live foreign exchange rates prices and charts. It provides currency conversion …

Description of the currency markets, including the differences between Forex and futures … Forex markets trade the actual exchange rate between two currencies. & # 8230; Stream TypeLIVE …. 15 Things You Pay For That You Can Get for Free.

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Berita Gold Forex Hari Ini Discuss Investment, Forex, Multi Level … & # 8211; CariGold – CariGold Portal: Discuss Investment, Forex, Multi Level Marketing, Stocks, Businesses and Money Making Opportunities The world’s largest Gold and Precious Metals experts website. Kitco is the leader in Gold Price Quotes, Charts, News and Expert coverage. Ato Fx Conversion Rates Aug 25, 2014 … 8 What

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RISK WARNING: Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Before deciding to trade foreign exchange you should carefully consider your monetary objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your deposited funds and therefore you should not speculate with capital that you cannot afford to lose. You should be aware of all the risks associated with foreign exchange trading, and seek advice from an independent advisor if you have any doubts. Las rentabilidades pasadas no son indicativas de resultados futuros.

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About BabyPips. com

FOR 10 YEARS, BabyPips. com was been the premier destination on the Web for learning how to trade the Forex market. In 2005, we started providing content in the form of educational articles and lessons, having since evolved into offering so much more. We now offer daily articles on Forex news, trading strategies, and market analysis on important Forex topics and events, the School of Pipsology lessons and quizzes, a Forex Forum of 200,000+ members and 500,000+ posts, an economic calendar to stay on top of important Forex events, and a collection of Forex tools to aid you in finding a forex broker or performing Forex calculations. Everything you need to get started in trading Forex is right here.

School of Pipsology

BabyPips. com offers an easy-to-understand guide for teaching beginners how to trade the foreign exchange – Forex – mercado. The foundation of the website has always been the School of Pipsology, the first and most comprehensive collection of Forex lessons on the web, which starts with the basics of Forex, such as Forex brokers, fundamental and technical analysis, Japanese Candlesticks and support and resistance levels, and then advances readers to other topics, such as chart patterns, Fibonacci, risk management, time-frame analysis, position sizing, using a trade journal, setting stop-losses and identifying your trading style. Along the way, readers are tested on their retention and understanding of the material by taking lesson-ending quizzes. With over 43 lessons and their accompanying quizzes, there’s no shortage of learning potential.


Our Blogs authors cover the Forex market from different angles, ensuring you have plenty of reading material for the day. With over 13,000 posts already made, stay updated on the following forex topics and more:

Developments in the forex industry, such as changing broker regulations, new currency

Finding, developing, backtesting, and rating of different mechanical, expert advisors (EA)

Finding the best looking short term currency trade setup for the upcoming

Follow Pip Surfer as he trades his Cowabunga System

Commentary for each forex trading session on economic news & data, shifts in sentiment, and upcoming FX events to watch out for

Forex Gump discusses macroeconomics, forex trading, pop culture, and everyday life

Technical analysis discussion that will show currency price action playing out in the markets and chart patterns forming in real-time.

Price action analysis of the Australian Dollar. New Zealand Dollar. and the Canadian Dollar. as well as their respective economies, and how commodities prices may affect their long term movements.

Follow Huckelkiwi Pip, a Forex beginner (or noob) journey on the use of classical charting methods, as well as her development of her own mechanical system. Not only will she talk about Forex, but she’ll also share how her day of trading went.

Foro de Forex

As a member of BabyPips. com, you get access to one of the largest Forex Forums around. Over 300,000 members make the Forums their home, having posted over 500,000 times. Many threads have been around for years and are still active today,

Use the Forums to seek out experienced Forex traders, ready to lend a helping hand in developing your trading skills and answering your questions. You’re easily not the first Forex trader with questions about how to trade, when to trade, what to trade, and who to trade with. The Forums are filled with answers and experiences to those same questions from the Forex traders before you. Use what they’ve learned in the past to become a better Forex trader today.


WE KNOW YOUR PAIN . When we first started trading forex, it was extremely hard to find information online for beginner traders in general, but even harder to find anything educational that could be applied to our own trading. If we did find something interesting, the content only covered a handful of forex-related topics and few sources specialized in forex – everything was scattered. We were left to learn about topics such as support and resistance on one website, about MACD on a second website, trading psychology on yet another website, money management on a 10th website…you get the idea.

We knew there was a better way.

The first stop on our journey was creating BabyPips. com, so new traders such as yourself had a single place to go to for all things Forex. We created BabyPips. com to be the complete and quality educational resource for all forex traders anywhere on the Web.

Make Pips. Keep Pips. Repetir.


Born with no super powers (except for supreme Tetris skills and killer crossover dribbles), after being exposed to a strange market called the Foreign Exchange, we mutated from super hunky underwear models into stud-muffin currency traders, and the FX-Men was formed.

While we don’t claim to possess supertrader abilities (not yet anyway) or market wizardry, we have developed the ability to generate positive pips in the currency markets. And while we also lose pips in the market, we possess the incredible power of making more pips than we lose.

But we’re not here to project pocket hole-burning bolts of “hot tips” at oblivious victims.

We, the FX-Men, are here to use our awesome abilities to protect newbie traders from losing all their money in the Forex market either from their own poor trading decisions or from the Brotherhood of Evil Marketing Wizards, the Forex’s equivalent of snake oil salesmen who lure the innocent with foolish claims of easy money and holy grails.

You’re probably wondering to yourself…”Just how are they going to be able to offer such protection without superhuman abilities?”

Since we can’t fly house to house and trade with you individually, or have freakish strength to keep them evil marketing wizards away from you, or transfer our thoughts to you using strictly our minds, we will use something more powerful…education. We’re gonna educate you through BabyPips. com.


Dr. Pipslow is an ancient and revered trader of currencies. He doesn’t look like it but he’s actually 600 years old. Dr. Pipslow traded pounds when it actually weighed pounds. He is the wisest and most powerful member on BabyPips. com and has trained or partially trained every member. He achieved the status of Forex Trader at age 50 and the rank of Forex Master at 100. Following his training, Dr. Pipslow is said to have spent 100 years in self-imposed solitude, attempting to attain a higher level of understanding for the Forex. As a BabyPips. com contributor, Dr. Pipslow draws on his own experience of costly mistakes as well as the observation of others to identify and develop methods for conquering self-defeating trading behaviors, what he calls your dark side. He believes the most significant action that you can do to improve trading profits is to work on yourself. Really understanding yourself and how you think can give you an edge that others in the market don’t have. And he wants to help you get that edge.

Big Pippin was born to parents whom we can only assume were the coolest cats on their block back in the day. This smooth talking, overconfident kid was someone who knew that in order to get the Bling Bling he always wanted, he would have to go beyond working the typical 9-5. Then on one magical day, he came across an advertisement regarding the Forex and instantly he knew that this was his way to getting all the Ice he ever dreamed of. However it wasn’t instant success for BP. Seeing how he was overconfident, he began trading like a maniac and he soon realized that he was actually gambling with his money. If there’s one thing Big Pippin doesn’t do, that’s gamble with his money. He started to read and learn everything about the trade and discovered Dr. Pipslow. Under the tutelage of Dr. Pipslow, along with knowledge he amassed himself, he has evolved into the true Big Pippin of the Forex.

Pipcrawler was born in Pipbuktu. He lived as an orphan, losing his parents in an oil market crash. He was taken in by a wealthy man, secret central bank robber, Mr. George Pipros, who raised him as a currency trader. Pipcrawler eventually found out his foster parent’s deep and dark secret and decided he also wanted to become a notorious central bank robber. Because Mr. Pipros wouldn’t share his secrets, Pipcrawler set out on his own. After traveling vast lands in search of another central bank robber to learn from, he ran into a monk named Pipdhi. The monk convinced him to give up his aspirations to rob central banks and to return to trading currencies. He introduced Pipcrawler to his longtime friend Dr. Pipslow who performed his voodoo mental magic on Pipcrawler. Through this process, Pipcrawler became one weird Forex trading freak. With his tremendous natural agility, Pipcrawler is able to quickly trade back and forth between currency pairs pulling positive pips at a high percentage.

Pip Diddy was originally a famous super underwear and sock model. He changed his name to avoid the pestering paparazzi but his real name is synonymous with “whitey tighties”. He grew tired of partying with gorgeous models, driving fast cars with spinning rims, and wearing large diamond chains. He wanted to start a new life (while keeping the Ice). One night at a popular disco club, he met Big Pippin. BP was kickin’ it in the VIP lounge when he saw PD from afar and wanted to introduce himself to see if he could hustle some free socks. After a few minutes of conversation, Pip Diddy told Big Pippin, “I like yo style. How do you make yo paper?” And the rest was BabyPips. com history. One of the first students of the School of Pipsology, Pip Diddy was a natural forex trader and after a year of intense effort, he began to bag positive pips left and right. Don’t be fooled by his good looks. There is a brain behind that beauty. If the foreign exchange had the equivalent of a ladies’ man, he would be it. Everywhere he goes, he gets mobbed by pips. He’s like a super pip magnet.

Forex Gump is his incognito name. His real name is Feras Gimp. When he was a kid, his parents would make him hunt and gather food. So every day, he would go fish at a nearby lake and gather corn from the fields. This process took him all day and left no time for him to play. Play time actually didn’t matter because he had no friends to play with anyway because they all to busy hunting and gatheing food as well. One day, while resting under an apple tree, an apple fell and hit him on the head. He came up with an idea where if he focused on just fishing and he could find somebody to focus on just gathering corn, maybe they could finish working faster and have enough time left to play. So he tried it and it worked. He wanted to fully understand why this worked and that’s where he discovered his love for economics. He later became a senior macroeconomics professor at Pipvard University in Pipston, Pipsachusetts. After several decades there, one day he decided to stop teaching. Leaving campus that afternoon, as he reversed out of the parking lot, he reversed into a pristine Bentley. It was Dr. Pipslow’s car. He had been invited by the school to demonstrate his ability to float currencies. When they met each other, Dr. Pipslow already knew who Feras was. He told Feras not to worry about his whip and explained to him that BabyPips. com needed a macroeconomics expert and wondered if he was interested. Feras was. So the following day, Feras changed his name to Forex Gump and created Piponomics.

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General Contractor



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Relieving staff of time consuming processes and complicated regulatory environmental conditions

Procurement Management Technical Assistance

Construction management

Construction bid document expertise



Coordination of partners and consultants

Network of professionals and construction trades-people that are

De confianza

consciente de los costos

Knowledgeable in the regulatory environment of government assisted housing

Committed to the team approach of delivering the completed project on time within budget

Government Program Innovation Strategy Technical Assistance

Ability to combine money from several housing programs and agencies

Layering of multiple housing resources

Develop creative outcomes

Technical assistance for regulatory compliance and timely reporting

Implement training programs for staff to:

Gain recognition as a HUD certified CHDO (Community Housing Development Organization)

CHDO enables recipient agencies for set-aside funding from HUD HOME program

Engage in collaborative partnerships

Management and Administrative Technical Assistance

Ability to systematically evaluate

Physical needs

Refinancing options

Capital improvement planning for aging properties

Monitor third party management companies for program compliance

Transformation Planning and Feasibility Analysis Technical Assistance

Ensure all persons in need of housing have equal physical access

Create innovative plans for housing authorities to achieve universal access with available resources

Enable housing authorities to be in compliance with federal and NYS ADA requirements

Scrutinize local or consolidated plans or comprehensive housing strategies

Regional Economic Development Councils favorable review

Furtherance of identified goals

Improve funding outcomes

Communication with Executive Directors and Board of Commissioners to ensure

Appraisal of progress

Understanding process and intended outcomes

Coordination with nationally known experts in all aspects of affordable housing and public housing industry

Ability to react quickly to new opportunities

Maximize benefits to clients

On staff relocation specialist

Extensive knowledge of the Uniform Relocation Act

Ability to ensure fair treatment and minimal emotional and physical stress for all parties involved

Ability to coordinate during rehabilitation or demolition

Act as intermediary between owners, management, contractors and tenants to guarantee smooth transitions

Establishment of:

Líneas de tiempo


Coordination of community meetings

Relationships with tenants is managed while meeting all requirements at federal state and local levels.

Engineering-grade 3D data in seconds.

Real-time viewing on the tablet.

Electrical data captured with the DPI-8.

Below deck on the U. S.S. Constitución.

Naval submarine mooring hardware.

Instant 3D reconstruction.

Below deck on the U. S.S. Constitución.

Office space in Tokyo Shibuya Mark City.

Real-time quality feedback.

Cannon at the Tower of London.

Captured with the DPI-8 Kit.


Free Forex game was created to help you acquire the skills, knowledge, and abilities to become a successful trader in the foreign exchange market. Just download for free this forex game and start learning forex trading. Play this game, learn trading tricks, and soon you will become a Pro at Forex market!

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Forex CTA, LLC (Forex Currency Trade Advisors)

Many Forex traders at the present time are getting top performance for their funds, inviting additional inflows every day. Be it a low or a high volume trade, Forex brokers are the right partners who ensure smooth transactions. Forex brokers are the mediators between the trader and the currency exchange market. They help the trader to buy or sell foreign exchange in the currency market. Especially for retail Forex trade, a Forex broker is necessary. With hundreds of Forex brokers available, finding the best one to suit your requirements requires no small amount of research.

Before entering the currency trading market, one must have a thorough knowledge of trading methods, risks and limitations. After this initial study, the first step to trade in the Forex market is to open a live trading account with a Forex broker. With so many brokers available today, choosing the right one is a necessity. You should always select a broker that provides world class customer service and a quick response time for enquiries.

Features of a good broker. A good broker should be one who is reliable and with whom your funds are safe and secure. It is necessary that the broker is registered. They should possess a good track record in handling trades and funds. The bid/ask spread the brokerage uses for each currency pair should be taken into account also. A larger spread means that a significant amount of money will be charged by the broker regardless of the profit or loss made in that trade. A reputable trading firm might have smaller spreads and charge less than a less reputable firm or not, though it is usually better to use the more reputable firm for trading. A good broker will provide a hassle-free, online trading platform, where one can get the feel for trading with a demo account at current rates. This will provide the best simulated trading experience and one can make an easier transition to trading after practicing in this simulated environment.

The initial deposit that is made when opening a trading account should be reasonable and an amount that if lost would not be a significant loss of equity for the investor.

One should be able to deposit and withdraw funds with ease from their broker. There should be provisions to withdraw funds within a minimal time frame. Margin trading leverage should be kept to a reasonable level for beginners having small size accounts to trade. A good broker should also provide excellent customer service and other needed assistance and should be of great help to traders on any level.

We are Forex Specialists at FCTA and provide education, training, and software at http://www. forex-cta. com/downloads. html on the web.

Please remember, every successful investment portfolio should include a Forex account. Mis mejores deseos,

Great benefits of Forex Trading

The time of the year is near when we should evaluate our decisions, see how well that we've done during the year and prepare a plan for the coming year. If you're already trading the Forex Market. congratulations to you! But for those who're not, or are in any doubt, Forex Currency Trade Advisors, LLC wants to walk you through some of the great benefits of Forex Trading .

First and foremost, Forex is a huge (think $5 trillion a day) market, with most trading concentrated in only a few currencies. This means there is always liquidity making it easy to get into and out of trades at any time, even with large lot sizes. There are few limitations on trading currencies. You can go long/ short and use leverage to increase your potential gains (or losses), depending on your appetite for risk and level of conviction.

Likewise, there are no time limitations or 'working hours' in Forex. It's always money time and you can enter or leave the market at any time of the day, except for weekends. This gives you optimum control to enter or exit the market as you wish.

Take stock of your options in a worldwide marketplace and look for new ventures and opportunities. Forex trading allows you entry into a global society of traders, putting you in contact with great investors that are living the dream of independence and self-determination that also opens one up to new ventures for other possible businesses.

Still skeptical about trading Forex? You can get started in Forex trading with smaller accounts, some with as little as $3000 while trading with leverage of many times the value of your investment. Where else could you possibly setup a business for such a small investment? So, why not give it a try? Plus, with our new automated Forex trading software. currency trend calculation and prediction is made much easier. Learn more about our automated Forex trading software at www. forex-cta. com/downloads .

¡Comercio feliz! We are Forex Specialists and provide education, training, and software athttp://www. forex-cta. com for your assistance. Remember, every successful investment portfolio should include a Forex account, Barry Taylor, Managing Partner Forex CTA, LLC www. forex-cta. com barry@forex-cta. com 1-844-829-7856

Best Forex Software Available

Today’s fast moving and connected global marketplace requires the most sophisticated software tools to profitably trade. To meet the needs of our exclusive clients we have developed an automated Forex trade signal generator software package that can accurately predict short-term market moves and produce profitable trades with a tested accuracy of over 75%.

It is simply the Best Trading Software that is available!

Two key points of this new release to consider:

- 12 Forex currency-pair modules including the EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, NZDUSD, USDCAD USDCHF, USDJPY, EURJPY, GBPJPY, CHFJPY, CADJPY, and AUDJPY are currently available. - A full refund guarantee to you, our valued client, if the software fails to produce enough trades to generate profit sufficient to cover the initial cost of the software within 90 days.

For seven years we have prided ourselves on our trading program’s efficiency and profitability and our growing numbers of satisfied customers. Not only do we support our new clients but we are keen to build stronger relationships with them. We have been diligently working for years to transfer our deep experience into a stable and secure suite of software packages that we are now proud to offer to you at very reasonable prices.

We are Forex specialists and provide education, training, and software to fulfill your trading needs. Please visit our website www. forex-cta. com for more information! At Forex-CTA we believe that every investment portfolio should include at least one Forex account .

The global forex market is where foreign currency is exchanged. Its use goes beyond just trading for profit. For example, a business may be based in a country but have workers in, or products it purchases from another that need to be paid for in the local currency from that country. Forex can help a business in dealing with these type of scenarios. This article can help you learn more about Forex and what its use means to the business world.

Understand your personal goals and financial ability:

Currency exchange involves financial risk no matter what your trading system might be. By knowing what you want to achieve and the capital you have to put at risk, you can use your trading system smartly and lessen the risks that you take. Awareness of these things is one of the keys to success.

If you just got into a fight with a family member or friend, refrain from trading for a while. One of the worst things that you can do is to trade when you are in an emotional state, as these emotions will heavily influence your decisions. Clear your head and get back to trading when in a clearer state of mind.

Though forex trading is done between pairs of currencies, it is important to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each one. If one currency is dropping against another currency, research the fundamentals of why this is occurring. A currency might be weak against another currency but strong against a different one, or just weak across the board. Knowing the individual currency strengths will better help you understand trading in currency pairs.

A good forex trading tip is to not fight the current market trends if you’re a beginner. Going with the current trends can give peace of mind. However, if you decide to trade against the trends, you need to be well informed or else you’re taking a gamble.

Another forex trading tip is to remain humble and be able to keep things in perspective.

You can’t expect to win every time. With a mindset like that you won’t last very long as a trader. Accept failures as they come and learn from them, and don’t overly celebrate your wins either. The key is for the losses to just be a part of the process for realizing future gains.

If you do not have much money to trade in a forex account, then be conservative. A good strategy will build your capital base over time while mitigating financial risk. Forex brokers of all different types exist to service your needs. Our company and website are setup to help you navigate the web and make decisions about what best suits your own needs. Visit www. forex-cta. com to learn more!

Always set take-profit and stop-loss orders when placing trades. These trade instructions can capture brief price spikes as profits and limit losses when moves are contrary to your trades.

Also, have some kind of exit strategy in place if you plan to be successful in Forex trading. Do not just let things go and hope for the best. Using these tools as a part of your trading strategy will greatly assist you and help create success.

Before you choose any automated signal software that you are going to use, do a lot of research on “Expert Advisors” that offer this product. Many companies can overcharge you for their services and may not deliver what they promise. Read reviews and look for evidence that the software you are interested in works before you purchase it. Ours has a guarantee, when used properly, over 90 days to recoup all of your initial investment.

When using leverage make sure you understand it:

Because forex trading normally allows you to make only very small profits compared to how much you invest most traders employ leverage of 50:1 or more in their trading. The use of leverage can amplify gains to one’s own advantage but unfortunately the converse of this statement is also true.

Before you decide to trade in the Forex market, you need to learn all you can about it. It is important to learn the terms, charting, and at least the basics of fundamental & technical analysis, and basic strategies that successful traders use. You can learn a lot from books, blogs and videos, or visit sites that teach this knowledge or organize it like our own site forex-cta. com. Also, don’t be afraid to ask questions from more knowledgeable sources.

Do not stay in a losing position for too long. Perhaps a losing trend might reverse eventually, but in the meanwhile, the money you have invested cannot be used for anything else and holding losing trades for a long time is a loser’s habit. You should not get in the habit of moving stop losses nor prematurely closing winning trades. We hope the information in this article has been helpful for your understanding of the benefits and risk that Forex trading offers. We are Forex Specialists and provide education, training, and software at www. forex-cta. com. We believe that every diversified portfolio should contain at least one forex account.

¡Comercio feliz! We are Forex Specialist and provide education, training, and softwarehttp://www. forex-cta. com/downloads. html for your assistance. Remember, every successful investment portfolio should include a Forex account, Barry Taylor, Managing Partner Forex CTA, LLC www. forex-cta. com barry@forex-cta. com 1-844-829-7856

How to make money using Forex Software

At Forex CTA (Currency Trade Advisors), LLC we specialize in professional education and training, while also developing & licensing forex trading software with a documented and tested accuracy of 75%.

It can be challenging to decipher all the elements that go into making money off of foreign exchange. That's why we have developed software to help you streamline trading with excellent chances for profitability.

We are currently finishing the work of finalizing our proprietary trading software packages. We will be releasing these currency-pair software modules by summer's end. Check back soon for your opportunity to get the first online updated release! www. forex-cta. com

What you can expect to get from our software:

Each currency pair will generate enough profitable trades within 90 days to recoup the initial purchase price of the download with entry of one (1) lot per trade on each signal generated. In the event the software fails to produce enough good trades to generate a profit within 90 days sufficient to cover the initial cost of the software a full refund will be given to the purchaser and the software download module/s will be disabled.

We offer twelve of the best currency-pairs in for trading in the world: EUR-USD GBP-USD USD-CHF USD-JPY AUD-USD USD-CAD NZD-USD AUD-JPY CAD-JPY CHF-JPY EUR-JPY GBP-JPY

We believe that, “every investment portfolio should include a Forex account”. Our goal is to help investors to diversify by including foreign exchange in their portfolios and therefore mitigating risk in stock, bond, commodities, and real estate markets downturns. We look forward to your inquiries into the exciting and potentially lucrative world of Forex trading.

¡Comercio feliz! We are forex specialists and provide education, training, and software assistance.( http://www. forex-cta. com/downloads. html ) Best Regards, Barry Taylor Managing Member Forex Currency Trade Advisors LLC www. forex-cta. com barry@forex-cta. com 1-844-829-7857 (toll-free)

Forex Currency Trade Advisors, LLC is neither a registered Investment Advisor nor a Broker/Dealer. Readers are advised that all information is issued solely for informational purposes and is not to be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy, nor is it to be construed as a recommendation to buy, hold, or sell any currency. All opinions, analysis and information included herein are based upon sources believed to be reliable and written in good faith, but no representation or warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, is made including, but not limited to any representation or warranty concerning accuracy, completeness, timeliness or appropriateness.

Forex trading can be hard to understand due to the many swings and fluctuations in the market. The global forex marketplace exchanges over five trillion dollars a day, that’s a lot to keep up with! At Forex Currency Trade Advisors LLC ( www. forex-cta. com) we are forex specialists that provide education, training, and professional advice to help you navigate the waters of the turbulent foreign exchange market. We believe that every diversified investment portfolio should include a forex account. To achieve your optimal results in the forex market there are a number of factors to consider.

World Events / War & Peace The forex market responds to both economic and world events as trends affect the world’s currencies and countries both positively and negatively. A country that is viewed as being a safe haven for assets, though it might be participating in a war, could still see its currency increase in value; while a country that is viewed negatively and is not viewed as safe, such as Russia in its recent Ukraine invasion, might see assets flee from its economy and its currency depreciate in value even though they might feel as justified in their actions as any other nation. Other countries, such as Switzerland and Japan, that are not participants in a conflict might see their own currencies appreciate as assets flee to these “safe havens”. A stigma may linger over a country’s involvement in a conflict for many years or decades after the fighting is done, still affecting investor perceptions, investment flows, and currency valuations despite subsequent events that should have dimmed the collective memory of those events long past.

Economy Economic factors have a large effect on the value of a nation’s currency. If an economy is growing within a country then the native currency will likely be appreciating in value due to capital flows that are seeking to participate in the economic growth that is taking place. Stock markets and property values will likely be rising while interest rates on bonds might be rising as well, all attractive considerations for foreign money to flow into a prosperous nation’s economy. However, if there is rising inflation, then typically this will influence a nation’s currency value to fall as its purchasing power erodes. A Look at GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is warranted by careful investors as well since this is an indicator of how much the economy in a country is growing (or declining) and is a good indicator of which way interest rates may be headed (i. e. currency values may rise when industrial growth and production are healthy).

Government Policy Governments implement policies to encourage positive economic conditions which may result in an increasingly valued currency. Fiscal and monetary policies may be implemented to boost certain industries and segments of the economy. In conditions of economic bubbles or overheating, the central bank of a country may implement certain monetary policies to diminish the allure of certain investment markets. The huge financial resources that are controlled by governments and central banks make any decisions/policies implemented by them have a large impact on the markets they are meant to have an effect upon and can cause currency values to reach high levels of volatility. Intentional interventions may also occur by governments and central banks as nations attempt to either support their national currencies when exchange values reach undesirably low levels, or the converse when currency interventions attempt to de-value a currency to make a country’s export products cheaper in the global marketplace.

Natural Disasters Typhoons, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis will have an effect on a nations currency if they are large enough to have a major effect on the victim nation’s economy. In the recent related disasters in Japan that were caused by a massive offshore earthquake in 2011, which caused a tsunami, which in turn caused a nuclear meltdown at several power plants, the effect on the national currency initially was to devalue the currency as the stock market tanked and money fled the country. Later, the massive rebuilding needs of the country caused a large amount of funds to flow back into it, thus reversing the currency’s decline and returning it to higher exchange levels. In nations that have experienced recent disasters of a large scale its citizens may become conservative in their spending habits leading to a reduction in economic growth within that country, causing less foreign investment and declining currency values as a result.

International Trade The demand for a country’s products and services directly relates to its currency’s value. Imports may be higher than exports creating a trade deficit and causing the domestic currency to fall in value. The statistics for the “balance of payment” within a country plays a very important role in determining money value. The formula takes into account their current account (goods bought and sold internationally) + capital account (disposable assets that are non-financial in nature) + financial account (the cross-border flow of money). If a country runs a trade deficit for long enough the value of its currency usually declines leading to higher costs for imports and a natural balancing as people buy fewer imports. If a country runs trade surpluses over time then the opposite process occurs as its currency appreciates in value and its exports become more expensive.

Political Political events have a large effect on investment flows into and out of countries, and thus on the values of currencies. Political instability can create a fall in a country’s currency values as scared money flows to safer places. Investor confidence in political leadership creates strengthening investment flows as capital flows into a country can be strong when stable leadership is in place. Upcoming elections can also affect a country’s currency value if they are perceived to have a de-stabilizing effect on the country.

These are just some of the ever changing factors when it comes to engaging in the forex market. Finding a competent forex specialist to help you navigate through all of these considerations can help you reach your investment potential with the help of healthy forex investment returns!

¡Comercio feliz! We are forex specialists and provide education, training, and software assistance.( http://www. forex-cta. com/downloads. html ) Please remember that every diversified investment portfolio should include a forex account. Best Regards, Barry Taylor Managing Member Forex Currency Trade Advisors LLC www. forex-cta. com barry@forex-cta. com 1-844-829-7857 (toll-free)

Forex Currency Trade Advisors, LLC is neither a registered Investment Advisor nor a Broker/Dealer. Readers are advised that all information is issued solely for informational purposes and is not to be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy, nor is it to be construed as a recommendation to buy, hold, or sell any currency. All opinions, analysis and information included herein are based upon sources believed to be reliable and written in good faith, but no representation or warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, is made including, but not limited to any representation or warranty concerning accuracy, completeness, timeliness or appropriateness.

How to Start a FOREX LLC Company

Choose a unique company name that is not being used by another LLC in the state you are filing in. You can check to see if a name is open by making an inquiry at the Secretary of State Office in your state. Several state government websites allow you to search for this information online (see Resources).

File the Articles of Organization paperwork for a limited liability corporation (LLC). Some people choose to use a lawyer, while others do the paperwork themselves. Filing fees vary from state to state--you'll need to include those with the filing, which is done at a local courthouse or sent to the Secretary of State office. No special paperwork beyond the normal LLC papers are needed to set up a new Forex LLC company.

If you are going to be working as a Forex broker, you must get certified as a broker in your country of residence. In the United States this means a Series 7, Series 63, and a Series 65 (or sometimes a 66) license. You will also need to pass the National Association of Securities Dealers Series 3 test. If you're not going to be working as a broker, then you can skip this step and simply proceed after getting the LLC set up.

If necessary, create an "operating agreement" to explain the format and function of your company. Once again most people choose to have a lawyer draw up these papers, which are then filed with the Secretary of State office and cover issues like management powers, payment to owners, and split up of the company in a partnership. In most states this isn't legally required, but if there is more than one owner to the LLC, it's a critical step, and a good idea even for a sole proprietor owned LLC.

Take care of any local or state business licenses that are necessary. These costs can vary from state to state, as some areas have both state and local business fees and licenses, while others have neither. Take care of all these licensing agreements and your Forex LLC will be ready to go.


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404 significa que el archivo no se encuentra. Si ya ha subido el archivo, el nombre puede estar mal escrito o está en una carpeta diferente.

Otras posibles causas

Puede obtener un error 404 para las imágenes porque tiene Hot Link Protection activado y el dominio no está en la lista de dominios autorizados.

Si va a su url temporal (http: // ip /

Username /) y obtener este error, tal vez un problema con el conjunto de reglas almacenadas en un archivo. htaccess. Puede intentar cambiar el nombre de ese archivo a. htaccess-backup y actualizar el sitio para ver si se resuelve el problema.

También es posible que haya borrado su raíz de documento de forma inadvertida o que su cuenta tenga que ser recreada. De cualquier manera, póngase en contacto con HostGator inmediatamente a través de teléfono o chat en vivo para que podamos diagnosticar el problema.

¿Estás usando WordPress? Consulte la sección sobre errores 404 después de hacer clic en un enlace de WordPress.

Archivos perdidos o rotos

Cuando obtenga un error 404 asegúrese de comprobar la URL que está intentando utilizar en su navegador. Esto le dice al servidor qué recurso debe intentar solicitar.

En este ejemplo, el archivo debe estar en public_html / example / Example /

Observe que el CaSe es importante en este ejemplo. En plataformas que hacen cumplir la sensibilidad de mayúsculas y minúsculas y E xample no son las mismas ubicaciones.

Para los dominios addon, el archivo debe estar en public_html / addondomain. com / example / Example / y los nombres distinguen entre mayúsculas y minúsculas.

Broken Image

Cuando usted tiene una imagen que falta en su sitio usted puede ver una caja en su página con con una X roja donde la imagen falta. Haga clic derecho en la X y elija Propiedades. Las propiedades le dirán la ruta y el nombre de archivo que no se pueden encontrar.

Esto varía según el navegador, si no ves una casilla en tu página con una X roja, haz clic derecho en la página, luego selecciona Ver información de la página y ve a la pestaña Medios.

En este ejemplo, el archivo de imagen debe estar en public_html / images /

Observe que el CaSe es importante en este ejemplo. En plataformas que imponen la sensibilidad de mayúsculas y minúsculas PNG y png no son las mismas ubicaciones.

Al trabajar con WordPress, 404 Page Not Found los errores a menudo pueden ocurrir cuando un nuevo tema ha sido activado o cuando las reglas de reescritura en el archivo. Htaccess se han alterado.

When you encounter a 404 error in WordPress, you have two options for correcting it.

Option 1: Correct the Permalinks

Log in to WordPress.

From the left-hand navigation menu in WordPress, click Settings > Permalinks (Note the current setting. If you are using a custom structure, copy or save the custom structure somewhere.)

Select Default .

Click Save Settings .

Change the settings back to the previous configuration (before you selected Default). Put the custom structure back if you had one.

Click Save Settings .

This will reset the permalinks and fix the issue in many cases. If this doesn't work, you may need to edit your. htaccess file directly.

Option 2: Modify the. htaccess File

Add the following snippet of code to the top of your. htaccess file:

# BEGIN WordPress <IfModule mod_rewrite. c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index. php$ - [L] RewriteCond % !-f RewriteCond % !-d RewriteRule. /index. php [L] </IfModule> # End WordPress

If your blog is showing the wrong domain name in links, redirecting to another site, or is missing images and style, these are all usually related to the same problem: you have the wrong domain name configured in your WordPress blog.

The. htaccess file contains directives (instructions) that tell the server how to behave in certain scenarios and directly affect how your website functions.

Los redireccionamientos y la reescritura de URL son dos directivas muy comunes encontradas en un archivo. htaccess, y muchas secuencias de comandos como WordPress, Drupal, Joomla y Magento agregan directivas al. htaccess para que puedan funcionar.

Es posible que necesite editar el archivo. htaccess en algún momento, por varias razones. Esta sección explica cómo editar el archivo en cPanel, pero no lo que necesite ser cambiado (puede que tenga que consultar otros artículos y Recursos para esa información.)

Hay muchas maneras de editar un archivo. htaccess

Editar el archivo en su computadora y subirlo al servidor a través de FTP

Utilice el modo de edición de un programa FTP

Utilice SSH y un editor de texto

Utilice el Administrador de archivos en cPanel

La forma más fácil de editar un archivo. htaccess para la mayoría de la gente es a través del Administrador de archivos en cPanel.

Cómo editar archivos. htaccess en el Administrador de Archivos de cPanel

Antes de hacer cualquier cosa, se sugiere que haga una copia de seguridad de su sitio web para que pueda volver a una versión anterior si algo sale mal.

Abra el Administrador de archivos

Inicie sesión en cPanel.

En la sección Archivos, haga clic en el icono Administrador de archivos.

Marque la casilla de raíz del documento y seleccione el nombre de dominio al que desee acceder desde el menú desplegable.

Make sure Show Hidden Files (dotfiles) " is checked.

Click Go . El Administrador de archivos se abrirá en una nueva pestaña o ventana.

Busque el archivo. htaccess en la lista de archivos. Puede que tenga que desplazarse para encontrarlo.

Para editar el archivo. htaccess

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PremiereTrade Forex Do NOT buy Premieretrade AI, company does not honor valid refunds Altamonte Springs Florida

If your business is willing to make a commitment to customer satisfaction Click here now..

I bought the PremiereTrade AI software in order to test it out for Forex trading, because they offered a 15 day free trial. (although you have to buy it and request refund before the time expires) After attending their 8 hour training class in Seattle, I went home and called them in order to cancel and get a refund.

The software is relatively easy to use, but it is slooow, even running on a good system with plenty of ram and fast internet connection. Also, I had no luck with the video, radio broadcasts or the dvd tutorial. Even had some tech guy from the company try to fix it but he too failed.

Wow, what a runaround trying to find someone that could help me with my refund! Finally talked with who I assume was a senior customer support manager who made it very clear that I would not be receiving any refund. According to him, because I had not returned the software at the training class. Of course no-one told me that I had to return it AT the training class, only the day OF. Also, it's funny that their software did not arrive in the mail until the day of training so there would have been no way for me to return it during class anyway. Also, when I first called to cancel, the person made a point of time/datestamping my call and sending an email to a dept. to notify them of the cancellation. Of course, who knows if this person actually did it or not.

I'm now in the process of filing complaints with BBB, FTC, Credit Card company, and here in order to get the word out on this company and their selling practices. Hopefully people will get wise and not do business with them.

Daniel Issaquah, Washington U. S.A.

This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 02/28/2006 12:11 AM and is a permanent record located here: http://www. ripoffreport. com/r/PremiereTrade-Forex-LLC/Altamonte-Springs-Florida-32701/PremiereTrade-Forex-Do-NOT-buy-Premieretrade-AI-company-does-not-honor-valid-refunds-Alta-178490. El tiempo de contabilización indicado es hora local de Arizona. Arizona no observa los ahorros de la luz del día así que el tiempo del poste puede ser Montaña o el Pacífico dependiendo de la época del año.

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Programa corporativo de la defensa: La mejor manera de manejar y de reparar su reputación del negocio. Esconder las quejas negativas es sólo una Band-Aid. Los consumidores quieren ver cómo las empresas se encargan de los negocios. Todas las empresas tendrán quejas. Cómo las empresas se encargan de esas quejas es lo que separa las buenas empresas de las malas empresas.

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0 Author 1 Consumer 0 Employee/Owner

Updates & Rebuttals

AUTHOR: Michael - (U. S.A.)

SUBMITTED: Wednesday, April 11, 2007

POSTED: Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I would like to respond and clarify this situation. When we sell our software we offer a refund period of 15 days or the end of the one day training class whichever comes first. We do not offer a free trial, which is the reason this customer paid for the product.

Our refund period is in our presentation and it is clearly stated in the contract that this customer signed, we don't hide anything from our customers. What concerns me most about this post is that this customer when speaking to us let us know that he could not actually afford to buy this product and he only bought it in order to try it out and then return it by the end of the warranty period.

This is the equivalent of buying the big screen TV that you can't afford so that you can watch the Superbowl and then taking it back before you're return period expires. In this case he waited too long and his return period expired, which is why we did not authorize a refund for his purchase. We did offer all the training and support that this customer might need to make him successful in his trading, but he refused to accept our offer of training.

PremiereTrade is a Training and Education company, and we at PremiereTrade pride ourselves on offering the highest level of training anywhere in the industry. Our software which is a tool for achieving trading success is incredibly fast with live streaming data that updates by the second.

We attempted to help him correct his issues running the software but he had already figured it out and fixed his problem. This customer did file complaints against us asking for a refund, and all of institutions that he filed with sided with us in this matter. I would like to add that our offer of training for this customer to become successful still stands.

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Securities and Exchange Commission, Plaintiff, v. Forex Asset Management Llc, Etc; Et Al, Defendants. Michael Whitbeck; Donna Whitbeck, Movants - Appellants, v. Dan R. Waller, Receiver, Appellee. 242 F.3d 325 (5th Cir. 2001)

Appeal from the United States District Court For the Northern District of Texas.

Before WIENER, BARKSDALE, and EMILIO M. GARZA, Circuit Judges.

EMILIO M. GARZA, Circuit Judge:

Michael and Donna Whitbeck ("the Whitbecks") appeal the district court's order approving of the decision by Dan R. Waller ("Receiver"), the receiver appointed to oversee the assets connected with Forex Asset Management, L. L.C. ("Forex"), to distribute the assets of Forex on a pro rata basis. We affirm.

* The Whitbecks learned of a foreign currency investment opportunity with Forex through a radio infomercial given by Kosova, the individual who allegedly controls Forex. Thereafter, the Whitbecks attended a seminar regarding investment opportunities with Forex, and wrote a check to Forex for $100,000. Several months later, after receiving statements reflecting a profitable return on their $100,000 investment, the Whitbecks attended another seminar. After the seminar, the Whitbecks decided to invest additional money, and they took out a loan of $800,000 in order to do so. The Whitbecks then wrote a check to Forex for $800,000, which they gave to Kosova. Kosova informed the Whitbecks that their funds would be placed in a separate account in order to invest the money more aggressively.

Kosova deposited the Whitbecks' $800,000 check in an account held by FAM Preferred Trading Corporation ("FAM Preferred") at NationsBank.1 The records documenting the FAM Preferred account's transactions show only one deposit, specifically the Whitbecks' $800,000 check.

In addition to the account at NationsBank, FAM Preferred also maintained a brokerage account with Rosenthal Collins Group, L. P. ("Rosenthal"). After depositing the $800,000 into the FAM Preferred account, Kosova transferred $750,000 into the Rosenthal account. The $750,000 deposited into the Rosenthal account was the only deposit made into that account. The Whitbecks assert that the only other withdrawals from the NationsBank account were to cover the cost of the wire transfer fees, and an $8,500 check to themselves.

After the Whitbecks invested $900,000 with Forex, the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") filed a complaint against Kosova and Forex for allegedly engaging in a scheme to defraud investors. As a consequence of the SEC complaint, the assets of Forex, Kosova and the entities owned and controlled by Kosova were frozen, and a receiver was appointed.2 The Whitbecks were not named as parties to the suit between the SEC, Forex and Kosova, nor did they move to intervene in accordance with Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 24.

The Receiver appointed to manage the Forex-Kosova assets determined that the Forex program had accumulated approximately $2.5 million of indebtedness, and retained approximately $1,150,000 worth of assets.3 After analyzing the debts owed and calculating the amount of the remaining assets, the Receiver determined that the assets should be distributed on a pro rata basis in order to treat the creditors equally because none of the creditors had a "secured claim. [or] legal preference." According to the plan, each investor "would share in the distribution based upon the percentage of their loss as measured against the losses of all of the unpaid claimants."

Prior to approving the Receiver's distribution plan, the district court sought objections to the plan, for which it received two, one of which was from the Whitbecks. Pursuant to the receivership plan, the Whitbecks' $800,000 investment was to be treated identically to the other Forex investment funds. This was because the Receiver determined that the $800,000, while placed in a separate account, was simply another investment in the Forex foreign currency program, and therefore should be analyzed similarly to the other investors' contributions. To support its position, the Receiver noted that the Whitbecks wrote both their $800,000 and $100,000 checks to Forex. Therefore, the Whitbecks' investment with Forex was calculated at $900,000, of which they were owed $878,000.4 Because they were owed $878,000, under a pro rata distribution they would receive 33.09 percent of the remaining assets.

The Whitbecks, however, argued that because their $800,000 check was placed in a segregated account they should receive all of the funds that remained in the FAM Preferred and Rosenthal accounts. The Whitbecks did not, however, assert that something other than a pro rata distribution should be performed with regard to their initial $100,000 investment, as these funds were commingled with other Forex investors' funds.

After considering the Whitbecks' objections, the district court affirmed the plan because it determined that the "Receiver's Plan provide[d] the most equitable means of addressing all of the victim's harms[,]. [and] the Whitbecks [did] not present[] any facts that would elevate their claims above those of the other investors." The court further noted that it was afforded "wide discretion in the supervision of an equity receivership. [and that it could] approve a plan as long as it [was] fair and equitable."

The Whitbecks appeal the district court's order approving the Receiver's distribution plan. Prior to reviewing the merits of the Whitbecks' appeal, there are two threshold issues that require our attention. First, we must determine whether the Whitbecks have standing to bring this appeal. Although the parties have not raised this issue, we may raise it sua sponte. See Lang v. French, 154 F.3d 217, 222 n.28 (5th Cir. 1998) (reaffirming the principle that questions regarding standing may be "raised by an appellate court sua sponte"). Our concern regarding the Whitbecks' standing stems from the fact that the Whitbecks were not named as parties in the SEC's complaint, nor did they seek to intervene in accordance with Rule 24. As the Supreme Court stated in Marino v. Ortiz, 484 U. S. 301, 304,108 S. Ct. 586, 588, 98 L. Ed.2d. 629 (1988), "[t]he rule that only parties to a lawsuit, or those that properly become parties, may appeal an adverse judgment is well settled."

While there is a general rule that non-parties to a suit do not have standing to appeal, we have previously stated that exceptions exist. For instance, in Castillo v. Cameron County, Tex. 238 F.3d 339 (5th Cir. Jan. 5, 2001), where we were asked to determine whether Texas had standing to seek review of a series of injunctions after it was dismissed from the underlying suit, we reaffirmed the principle that "'[i]f the decree affects [a third party's] interests, he is often allowed to appeal.'" Id. at 349, citing United States v. Chagra v. San Antonio Light Div. of Hearst Corp. 701 F.2d 354, 358-59 (5th Cir. 1983); see also In re Beef Indus. Antitrust Litig. 589 F.2d 786, 788 (5th Cir. 1979) (stating that "[t]he Fifth Circuit has been lenient in hearing the appeals of non-parties").

Additionally, in Castillo we emphasized that this Circuit applies a three-part test when deciding whether a non-party may appeal. We inquire "'whether "the non-part[y] actually participated in the proceedings below, the equities weigh in favor of hearing the appeal, and the non-part[y] ha[s] a personal stake in the outcome."'" Id. (citations omitted). Moreover, we favorably cited a case by our sister circuit, Commodity Futures Trading Comm'n v. Topworth Int'l, Ltd. 205 F.3d 1107, 1113 (9th Cir. 1999), in which the court found that a non-party creditor who objected to a proposed receivership distribution plan had standing because he had a legitimate interest in the proceedings, and had participated adequately in the proceedings by timely filing his claim, filing objections, and attending the hearing on the claim. Furthermore, in Castillo we reaffirmed the statement that we made in Chagra that "[n]on-party creditors who assert rights in receivership proceedings may appeal orders affecting their legitimate interests." Carné de identidad. citing Chagra, 701 F.2d at 358-59.

To determine whether the Whitbecks' appeal is proper, we apply our three-part test. First, in accordance with the first prong of the test, we find that the Whitbecks participated in the proceedings in the district court to the extent their interests were involved. The Whitbecks' participation is demonstrated by three actions: (1) their filing a notice that they were an interested party; (2) their moving for a turnover of the assets in the FAM Preferred account and replying to the Receiver's response to their turnover request; and (3) their filing an objection to the Receiver's proposed distribution plan.

Second, the equities weigh in favor of hearing the appeal because the distribution order substantially affects the Whitbecks' interests and the district court solicited objections to the distribution order. Moreover, unlike other cases in which standing has been found not to exist, hearing the Whitbecks' appeal will not frustrate another legal principle. See Searcy v. Philips Elecs. N. Am. Corp. 117 F.3d 154, 156 (5th Cir. 1997) (noting that we have more strictly enforced the rule that non-parties may not appeal in the class action context because to do otherwise "could frustrate the Rule 23 mechanism"), citing Walker v. City of Mesquite, 858 F.2d 1071, 1074 (5th Cir. 1988) (stating that nonnamed class members should seek to intervene if they desire to appeal a decision regarding the class because to hear an appeal by a nonnamed party who has not intervened "would result in the frustration of the purpose behind class litigation").

Third, we find that the Whitbecks have a personal stake in the outcome of the distribution plan because the method by which the funds are distributed, specifically whether the funds placed in the FAM Preferred account are distributed pro rata or given exclusively to the Whitbecks, will substantially alter the amount allocated to the Whitbecks under the distribution plan.

Accordingly, while the Whitbecks were not parties to the suit nor did they seek to intervene, we find that they have standing to appeal because they meet our three-part test for non-party standing. We caution, however, that this decision does not indicate that parties will be given a free pass to avoid complying with the rules of intervention.5

The second threshold issue with which we are presented is whether we may properly exercise jurisdiction over this appeal because it is either a "'final decision under 28 U. S.C. 1291, [an] interlocutory decision under 28 U. S.C. 1292, [a] nonfinal judgment certified as final under [] Fed. R. Civ. P. 54(b), or some other nonfinal order or judgment to which an exception applies." See Briargrove Shopping Ctr. Joint Venture v. Pilgrim Enter. Inc. 170 F.3d 536, 538 (5th Cir. 1999).

The Whitbecks assert that this is an appeal from a final order, and therefore we have jurisdiction under 28 U. S.C. 1291. We disagree with the Whitbecks that the district court's order is a final order because it does not "'end the litigation on the merits [] leav[ing] nothing for the court to do but execute the judgment.'" See id. at 538-39. Instead, the decision is only one part of the overall litigation by the SEC. Consequently, we must determine whether there is another source of jurisdiction to hear the appeal.

We believe that the collateral order doctrine provides the authority to review the order on appeal.6 An order is appealable by virtue of the collateral order doctrine if it "fall[s] [into] that small class [of decisions] which finally determine claims of right separable from, and collateral to, rights asserted in the action, too important to be denied review and too independent of the cause itself to require that appellate consideration be deferred until the whole case is adjudicated." Cohen v. Beneficial Indus. Loan Corp. 337 U. S. 541, 546, 69 S. Ct. 1221, 1225-26, 93 L. Ed.1528 (1949).

In order to determine whether an order falls within the class of decisions discussed in Cohen, the order must meet each of the following three requirements: "'[it must] conclusively determine the disputed question, resolve an important issue completely separate from the merits of the action, and be effectively unreviewable on appeal from a final judgment.'" Dardar v. Lafourche Realty Co. Inc. 849 F.2d 955, 957 (5th Cir. 1988), citing Coopers & Lybrand v. Livesay, 437 U. S. 463, 468, 98 S. Ct. 2454, 2458, 57 L. Ed.2d. 351 (1978).

The decision by the district court to approve the Receiver's distribution plan fits within the confines of the collateral order doctrine. First, it conclusively determines the manner in which the receivership assets should be distributed. Second, it resolves an important issue regarding distribution of the assets, which is separate from the merits of the SEC's complaint against Forex and Kosova. Third, it is effectively unreviewable on appeal because the assets from the receivership will be distributed, and likely unrecoverable, long before the action brought by the SEC is subject to appellate review. Therefore, because this case meets the requirements of the collateral order doctrine, we retain jurisdiction to hear the Whitbecks' appeal.

Turning to the merits of the Whitbecks' appeal, we analyze the district court's decision to approve the Receiver's distribution plan for an abuse of discretion because the district court was "acting pursuant to its inherent equitable powers" when it approved the plan. United States v. Durham, 86 F.3d 70, 72 (5th Cir. 1996) (noting that the abuse of discretion standard applies when a district court is "impos[ing] an equitable remedy"). Furthermore, "'[i]n shaping equity decrees the trial court is vested with broad discretionary power[,] [and] appellate review is correspondingly narrow.'" Quenzer v. United States, 19 F.3d 163, 165 (5th Cir. 1993).

Both the district court and the Receiver rely on Durham for the proposition that a pro rata distribution was a permissible equitable remedy in the present case. In Durham, the defendants were engaged in a "scheme to defraud [investors] through an advance fee loan financing business." Durham, 86 F.3d at 71. Although the majority of the investors' funds were dissipated by the time the defendants' assets were frozen, approximately $83,000 was available for distribution. Of this amount, all but approximately $8,800 was traceable to seven of the thirteen investors. One of the investors, Claremont, traced to itself approximately $70,000 of the $83,000. Despite the uncontroverted evidence that $70,000 of the $83,000 was traceable to Claremont, the district court determined that equity required that the money be distributed pro rata. On appeal, we upheld the district court's decision noting that "[i]n entering a restitution order, adherence to specific equitable principles, including rules concerning tracing are 'subject to the equitable discretion of the court.'" Id. at 72 (citations omitted). Although we acknowledged that "tracing would have been permissible," we upheld the decision of the district court because the court considered the positions of the various investors and, applying its discretion, determined that allowing Claremont to trace its funds would prove inequitable. Carné de identidad. at 72-73.

Applying the principles enunciated in Durham, the district court in this case did not abuse its discretion in rejecting the Whitbecks' claim, and determining that it was more equitable to distribute the remaining Forex assets pro rata. The district court carefully considered the Whitbecks' arguments and the position of the other fraud victims. Further, the district court determined that the facts did not support a remedy that would elevate the Whitbecks' claim above the other victims, and accordingly determined that a pro rata distribution would provide a fair and equitable remedy. Thus, the district court "used its discretion in a logical way to divide the money," and, therefore, did not abuse its discretion in approving the plan. Carné de identidad. at 73.

The Whitbecks, however, argue that the remaining balance in the FAM Preferred accounts, namely $777,372, should not be distributed pro rata because the only deposit made into those accounts was the proceeds from their $800,000 investment. The Whitbecks proffer arguments under federal receivership law, Texas common law regarding constructive trusts, and analogous bankruptcy law to support their position.

First, the Whitbecks claim that Durham is inapplicable because it involved tracing, whereas the present case does not involve tracing because the funds were not commingled; this is a distinction without a difference. In both Durham and the present case we were asked to review a district court's decision granting one form of equitable relief over another. While it may have been permissible in Durham for the district court to have traced the funds, and while it may have been permissible in the present case for the district court to have allocated all of the segregated funds to the Whitbecks, in neither case was the district court required to choose the equitable remedy requested by Claremont or the Whitbecks. Rather, in both cases the district court, acting as a court of equity, was afforded the discretion to determine the most equitable remedy. We will not disturb a district court's permissible exercise of discretion on appeal.

Despite the Durham decision, the Whitbecks urge that the apposite analysis for the present case is found in the Fourth Circuit's decision in Anderson v. Stephens, 875 F.2d 76 (4th Cir. 1989). In Anderson, the Fourth Circuit decided "the narrow issue of whether it was proper for the district court to rule that checks deposited in [an] account. after entry of [a] [] freeze order were to be included in the general account and distributed pro rata." Carné de identidad. at 78. The Fourth Circuit held that the funds were not to be distributed pro rata, but rather were to be returned to the original investors, because "the purpose of the freeze order was to stop all activity of the [] account," and, therefore, nothing could have been added to the account after it was frozen. Carné de identidad. at 80. Although the Whitbecks argue that Anderson stands for the proposition that segregated funds should not be subject to a pro rata distribution, we find the court's narrow holding in Anderson to pivot on the status of the accounts as frozen, rather than the segregated nature of the funds. Therefore, the reasoning applied in Anderson is inapplicable to the present case.

The Whitbecks also claim that they are entitled to the FAM Preferred funds because FAM Preferred is a separate legal entity and, "when a fraudulent investment scheme involves more than one investment program, the investors in each program are entitled to priority in the assets of their particular program." The Whitbecks, however, did not raise this argument in the district court when they objected to the distribution plan, and therefore this argument is forfeited. See Governor & Co. of the Bank of Scotland v. Maria S. J. MV, 211 F.3d 261, 265 n.3 (5th Cir. 2000) (noting that when a "claim [i]s not presented in district court, the [movants] must show the existence of a plain error that affected their substantial rights, and also must persuade us to exercise our discretion to correct it") (citations omitted).

Additionally, the Whitbecks argue that they are entitled to a constructive trust over the money in the FAM Preferred accounts under Texas common law. In Durham, however, this Court stated that even where it is permissible to impose a constructive trust the district court does so "only 'where equity and justice demand.'" Durham, 86 F.3d at 73, quoting Rosenberg v. Collins, 624 F.2d 659, 663 (5th Cir. 1980). The Whitbecks have not shown that the district court abused its discretion in determining that equity and justice called for a different remedy in this case.

The Whitbecks further contend that analogous bankruptcy law dictates that they are entitled to all of the remaining assets in the FAM Preferred accounts. Inasmuch as this case may be resolved by application of Durham, which involved a similar type of distribution as the one presented in this case, we need not rely on bankruptcy law for this non-bankruptcy case.

Finally, the Whitbecks contend that the district court erred in approving the plan of distribution to the extent that it proposes to deduct any expenses of the receivership from their funds in the FAM Preferred accounts, since they did not benefit from the receivership. The Whitbecks cite no authority for this argument, and have made no showing that the district court abused its discretion in approving a plan that would deduct the Receiver's fees and expenses from the total assets prior to distribution. Accordingly, this argument likewise fails.

Because we find that the district court did not abuse its discretion when it approved the Receiver's plan, we AFFIRM.

1 FAM Preferred is a separate corporation from Forex.

2 At the time the accounts were frozen there was $27, 372 in the NationsBank account and $750,000 in the Rosenthal account.

3 Although the Receiver identified 87 investors, who had invested over four million dollars, forty-five of the investors previously had their investments returned to them.

4 The Receiver found that $22,000 of the $800,000 was returned to the Whitbecks shortly after their deposit.

5 We note that granting the parties standing in the present case is at variance with the decisions of the Third and Seventh Circuits. See S. E.C. v. Black, 163 F.3d 188, 196 (3d Cir. 1998) (stating that "Marino only requires that a court deny an appeal from non-parties who have not obtained or sought intervenor status."); see S. E.C. v. Wozniak, 33 F.3d 13, 14 (7th Cir. 1994) (stating that a non-party who did not intervene may not appeal). However, this case only emphasizes the circuit split that previously existed based on our analysis of the rule of non-party standing in Castillo and our previous cases.

6 Because we find that we have jurisdiction under the collateral order doctrine, we do not consider whether 1292(a)(2) also provides jurisdiction.

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FXCM has an impressive network of Forex liquidity providers, including major financial institutions and banks, prime brokers, etc. Therefore, FXCM FX broker is capable of offering competitive spreads on currency pairs. FXCM traders note quick execution of all orders and appreciate prices the company offers. Most of expert FXCM reviews highlight the company's transparency in all fields whether it is product line, customer service or partnership.

FXCM has representative offices across the globe, including the US, Hong Kong, Italy, Germany, Japan, Australia and FXCM UK. With affiliates located in large financial centers of the world the company provides Forex traders with exceptional products and services.

FXCM offers a wide range of platforms to meet requirements of traders of different levels. Clients can choose between Trading station platforms (web, mobile and desktop) and 3d Party platforms (FXCM Metatrader, Mirrortrader, Zulutrade and Ninjatrader). FXCM MT4 is an upgraded version of the most popular trading platform – it is integrated seamlessly with No dealing Desk FX execution. However, traders have an option to try out a risk-free demo account to verify platforms' functionality and work out their trading strategy.

Other important benefits are:

& Mdash; Financial standards (FCMs are required to meet financial standards and submit financial reports) — Transparency of business practices (NFA follows formal proceedings against FCMs; so traders can easily find out whether a broker has problems with regulators or clients) — In case of dispute with FCM, investors can appeal to the NFA or the CFTC for problem-solving.

FXCM broker is the winner of numerous awards, including “2013 Best Retail Broker Northern America” from Global Financial Market Review; “2013 Customer Service”, “2013 Overall Clients Satisfaction”and “2013 Online Education Materials” from Investment Trends; “2013 Best Sell-Side Analysis Contributor: DailyFX” from FX Street and many others.

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Over the last few months, I have received plenty of calls about monetizing leased instruments. This is disturbing, since I know that 99.9% of these deals end in lost money. In this short article, we will cover the most common scam in 2013, the “ instrument monetization program “. If you haven’t heard of it by now, I’m sure you will soon. Unfortunately, it has spread amongst the broker community like a “plague”….

Steps of the “Monetization Scam”

1. The client looks for a way to attain project funding or enter private placement with less money than is actually required. 2. Broker introduces the idea of leasing a bank instrument/account using swift message confirmations (MT 799. MT 760. MT 103). 3. Broker claims that if the client pays a small fee for this leased asset/Swift MT 760 /799/103/etc. a private lender will monetize it, which will fund their project or give them enough money to enter private placement. 4. Client sends fees to swift provider, thinking they can get a LOAN against the swift to fund project and/or enter private placement, BUT after it’s receipt, the 3rd party “monetization company” or “private placement platform” can not perform. 5. Provider & brokers keep the client’s money since they have provided the service stated in the contract. They then move on to the next client who is under the impression that leased assets/swift messages can be monetized. Big Money!

In most cases, the swift company will do whatever they need to sell their services. In fact, most of them will make is sound like it is very easy to “monetize” the swift message/leased asset. This is how the scheme is designed. If they provide you the swift message services and meet the contract, they can not be held liable if your other deal doesn’t work out.

In summary, this scam is predicated upon the misunderstanding of the monetization process. Think about it this way, if I was to lease a BMW to you, could you take it to the bank and get a loan against it? No, because I still hold the title. The reality is, leased bank instruments are no different. If you are leasing an instrument, it will never be an acceptable form of collateral for banks or private lenders . This is not some theory, it’s common sense…

Please do yourself a favor, and DO NOT get involved in these transactions. Whether you think it can work or not, it’s ALWAYS a waste of your time. The fact is, millions of dollars are lost every year due to this process. Hopefully, by reading this article, you can avoid the disaster before it’s too late…

In any business, it is important to know who to deal with, and who stay away from. In the private placement world, it’s even more critical. In fact, there are more brokers/“traders” who offer fake …

In today’s private placement world, there are tons of “brokers” out there who will take any proof of funds they can get. Happy to finally find an “investor”, these inexperienced brokers promise the world, all …

In 2009, there are now more people than ever who are looking for private placement programs. Even with such a small and “private” niche, approximately 3000 prospective brokers/investors type “private placement program” into Google every …

Financial experts recommended portfolio diversification for two reasons: Firstly, a diverse portfolio allows investors to minimize their losses should the prices of some of their assets go down. Secondly, it makes for an effective long-term …

In today’s world, brokers are used in almost every major industry. Whether you’re buying a new shirt or a car, the fact is, a broker made that product available to you. Given their importance to …

Hello Everyone, With the popularity of “The BLACKLIST of Private Placement Brokers”, we had to create a more efficient way for our readers to interact and view posts. Unfortunately, the Blog format doesn’t support thousands of …

Financial experts recommended portfolio diversification for two reasons: Firstly, a diverse portfolio allows investors to minimize their losses should the prices of some of their assets go down. Secondly, it makes for an effective long-term …

Despite the portrait the media may paint, all hedge funds are not the same. In fact, every hedge fund has its own secret sauce which defines its goals, strategy, and risk tolerance. Though this seems …

Recently, futures trading has grown immensely, and the great thing is, it can only get bigger. You may be asking yourself “What’s lead to the massive growth in commodity trading? Well, the answer is obvious, …

In recent years, with the innovation of technology and the development of a global economy, there has been a tremendous amount of wealth which has been generated. Today, we now have far more millionaires than …

Bannockburn Global Forex Financials And Key Performance Indicators (KPIS)

DISPLAYED IN GRAPHICAL FORMAT / SPREADSHEET FORMAT (To View Data In Table / Spreadsheet Format See Above)

Below are Bannockburn Global Forex financials and other business metrics displayed in table format. (Copy and paste into spreadsheet) To view the graphs below, unlock this company report for $199 or Upgrade to a PrivCo Basic Subscription for site-wide access to all PrivCo private company research reports.

BANNOCKBURN GLOBAL FOREX Revenues ($ MM): (Displayed as graph)

To view the above graph:

BANNOCKBURN GLOBAL FOREX Total Employees: (Displayed as graph)

To view the above graph:

BANNOCKBURN GLOBAL FOREX Productivity (Revenue/Employee) ($): (Revenue Per Employee, Displayed as graph)

To view the above graph:


How To Day Trade Forex & Futures Successfully

Sometimes we fall into the trap of thinking that trading profitably, whether in equities, indexes, futures, Forex, options or any other instrument cannot be difficult. Prices can only go up or down and, so long as you can predict the direction correctly more times than you get it wrong, you will be OK.

Have you learned yet that, sadly, it doesn’t work like that? Firstly, there are costs involved in trading, whether you win or lose. For this reason a simple majority of winning trades is not enough. Secondly, there is a deep psychological aspect to trading, which really must be experienced to be appreciated. Thirdly, you have to deal with the reality that successful trading means being profitable all the time, month in and month out. This requires constant care and attention, and a deep self-awareness.

To consider how to trade forex or futures successfully, you must understand your motivation. Do you see your buying and selling activity as a business, which will pay your mortgage and all other expenses reliably into the future? Or do you see it as a game, where the thrill of the chase and the adrenaline rush of a big win are more important even than the amounts of money involved.

One thing is for sure, there are no quick fixes or magic bullets. There is no robot that can come even close to fulfilling the requirements of consistent, repeatable, profitable trading. You must strive from the start to gain a deep understanding of all aspects of trading, and then you must carefully apply what you have learned, on a continuous basis. It means being familiar with the Technical Analysis of charts if for no other reason than that nearly all of the traders with whom you will be competing pay close attention to this subject.

And it means being in a position to use software routines to assist you in placing and managing trades so that they are placed efficiently and managed effectively to lock in profits and preserve your equity. In short, there is no honor in attempting to trade without giving yourself every conceivable advantage. Remember that once you lose your equity, or even a substantial proportion of it, you are out of trading. The psychological mountain that must be climbed to come back from a position where you have lost half your stake makes climbing in the Himalayas look like a garden path.

Your trading awareness is about knowing for yourself what must be done at any given time. This could, for example, mean being out of the market altogether for extended periods. Valutrader makes every effort to lead you along the way and to suggest actions (or inaction) from time to time with our software and with our words, but your goal has to be to gain the ability to leave the comfort of this particular nest and learn to make these decisions for yourself, without hesitation.

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As CTO, Jim will lead product development and drive innovation as head of research and development. Jim is the founding father of YSU's Innovation Center and is currently a Product Engineer for a forging manufacturer on the vanguard of component development for the transportation industry. Jim holds a Bachelor's degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering from YSU.

As CEO, Daniel will lead business development and strategic alignment for JuggerBot 3D. He is one of the original Ambassadors to Additive Manufacturing at Youngstown State University and is currently a Supplier Development Engineer for a tier one automotive supplier. Daniel holds Bachelor's degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering from YSU.

Zac has a great deal of manufacturing experience, currently working as an Industrial Manufacturing Engineer for the nation's leading tank head manufacturer and having ten years of professional welding experience. As COO, Zac controls process design and all aspects of the supply chain. Zac holds a Bachelor's degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering from YSU.

Entrepreneurs in Residence




Bannockburn Global Forex

Many of our transactions and clients at RA Partners are global in nature and there exists a need for foreign exchange. We have partnered with Bannockburn Global Forex, LLC to provide this service. Bannockburn is a boutique capital markets trading firm specializing in currency advisory and payment services and our arrangement with them provides our clients exchange rates much more cost-efficient than what their banking competitors offer in the market. RA Partners will work with you to arrange the movement of cash to take advantage of this partnership.

Visit Bannockburn’s website below.

Our Key Services

3D Mammography

W e are pleased to be the first area facility to offer the benefits of 3D mammography, the newest advancement in breast imaging and diagnosis. Also known as “Tomosynthesis,” 3D mammography creates a series of low dose, thin slice breast images, reducing the effects of overlying tissues allowing earlier detection of small cancers that might otherwise go unseen, while at the same time significantly reducing callback rates from screening. We believe so strongly in the value of tomosynthesis that all mammograms performed at Suburban Radiology are 3D exams. Please call 251.459.8230 for more information or to schedule your screening 3D mammogram.

Wide Bore MRI

P repare for a completely new experience. Our 1.5T MRI brings together many features to provide both patient comfort and cutting edge technology:

∙Widest patient opening available (71cm) plus ambient lighting and air flow.

∙Quietest MRI currently available for all exams. You have to not hear it to believe it.

∙Short bore design allows feet first positioning for many exams.

∙16 channel magnet provides superior image detail and faster scan times.

Low Dose CT

A t Suburban Radiology LLC we take patient safety seriously, and our CT equipment takes your safety to the next level. Featuring Toshiba’s new Aquilion™ PRIME system, our CT service provides imaging without compromise for every patient and every exam.

Built-in, personalized, dose-reduction technologies deliver the lowest x-ray dose possible to achieve the most detailed images possible, so you can feel confident that your CT scan will be as exceptional as you are.


W e provide a broad range of diagnostic ultrasound services, including breast ultrasound and ultrasound-guided breast procedures, such as core needle biopsy. We selected Toshiba’s award-winning flagship equipment, the Aplio 500, which received the highest vendor ratings. This is no surprise given Toshiba’s advancements in every aspect of technology and performance.

The results are astonishing image quality across all organ systems.

preguntas frecuentes

¿Dónde están ubicados?

Our address is 6576 Airport Blvd, directly across from the new Walmart grocery, adjacent to Providence Hospital. A map is provided above for directions or navigation.

How do I schedule an exam?

Almost all imaging studies (except screening mammography) require a written order from your doctor. We will work closely with their office to make certain the appropriate test is ordered; that it is pre-authorized by your insurance, if needed; and that you are provided clear instructions in preparation for the exam.

Does insurance cover outpatient radiology charges?

Sí, lo hace. In fact, outpatient imaging studies may provide significant savings over what hospitals charge for the same exam. Depending on your coverage it could mean a substantially lower out-of-pocket cost. If your policy requires a copay or deductible, we will collect that from you at the time of service. We accept most forms of payment including checks, cash, and credit/debit cards.

Are your radiologists board-certified?

Yes, they are. Our physicians are certified by The American Board of Radiology. They also have Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) training. Our technologists are experienced and registry-certified in their respective areas, and all staff meet mandated continuing education requirements.

Why should I choose Suburban Radiology LLC?

Latest technology across all modalities.

Physician-owned and patient-centered

Convenient, private location

Lower exam costs (compared to hospital)

Immediate report and image access for your doctor

Well-trained, experienced staff

I’m concerned about radiation risk. ¿Debo preocuparme?

Keep in mind that we are all exposed to a steady “background” level of radiation everyday simply by living on earth. The diagnostic x-rays utilized in many imaging procedures, including CT scans and mammography, are safe when used with care. The amount of radiation, or dose, generated in most examinations is relatively small, and the benefits greatly outweigh the risk of harm. Our CT scan equipment provides personalized dose-reduction technology in order to keep your exposure as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) while producing high-quality images to assist in diagnosis. Special consideration must be given to women who are pregnant, as radiation can be harmful to a developing fetus. You must notify the technologist or other personnel if there is any possibility you are pregnant. No concern about radiation risk exists with MRI or Ultrasound since these modalities do not use x-rays.

How will I find out the results of my exams?

Soon after your test is completed, a board-certified radiologist will interpret the images and issue a report for the ordering physician. Typically, the written report is immediately faxed to the doctor’s office, but depending on clinical urgency or exam findings, the radiologist may telephone your physician as well. In any case, you may speak directly with the radiologist concerning the findings if you would like, unless your doctor specifies that he or she will be providing you the results. Mammography patients have direct on-line access to their screening results.

Will I have to have an IV or injection for my test?

For CT and MRI, exams may be performed without IV contrast, with IV contrast, or both. The scanning protocol depends on your symptoms, your doctors orders, and many other factors. Rest assured that our trained staff will follow accepted guidelines to best evaluate your clinical condition.

Should I bring prior exams that I had at another facility when I come for my appointment?

Sí. If you are being referred to us based on findings from a hospital or other office, it is imperative that you arrive with all pertinent exams and reports for comparison. Most centers will provide you with a CD containing your studies. Without those in hand, our radiologist cannot provide the most accurate interpretation.


Lymac, LLC generates prospects in the Gulf Coast Region and Gulf of Mexico Shelf. We own licenses to over 6,000 square miles of 3D seismic data on the Shelf and have a team of geoscientists actively developing prospects ranging from low risk-shallow-bright spot plays to higher risk-large reserve prospects. Lymac also seeks to participate in a wide variety of oil and gas investments ranging from purchase of working interest in ready to drill prospects generated by third parties, to financing of land plays and purchase of landowner royalty and overriding royalty. PowerPoint - Today's Energy Reality: "We Are In A Deep Hole"

Lymac is currently in the initial stage of raising funds for its Lymac Energy Fund-I, LLC to invest in various oil and gas opportunities. Please contact us to learn more about investing in oil and gas or to make a prospect submittal.

Forex Education Center

Trading Tools

The World of Global Trading

An overview of the trading market, different financial instruments explained and the main factors that drives the market.

Topics covered: Understanding the importance of emotional intelligence while trading, how to deal with the hatred of loss, psychological tools to improve mental behavior as a trader, how a good trading strategy makes it easier to handle emotions.

Uno de los mayores errores de los comerciantes es mal manejo de su capital. In this lesson you'll learn: Why capital management is a must, the most important rules of capital management, how does individual can tailor the best capital management for himself?

This lesson generally explain what is market analysis and how to do it: Technical and Fundamental Analysis. what is the difference? Fundamental analysis, Technical analysis, Chart types and Dow's theory.

Basic Technical Analysis

Technical analysis is a very common way to predict future movements of the market: Most common price patterns, Trends types, Support and resistance.

Advanced Technical Analysis

In this lesson you'll practice pattern recognition and advanced technical analysis techniques: Japanese candle stick charts, how to recognize a pattern, different type of price patterns, pattern risks, and how to trade when a pattern is recognized.

Beginners Course

The advantages of Forex Trading, why Forex is one of the fastest growing markets, why trading is rapidly becoming a favorite among Stock Market investors.

Basic Forex Terms

Familiarization with the basics of Forex, familiarization with many important trading terms, how to do the first step in trading.

Types of Orders

In this lesson we'll learn the different types of orders, how to use the right order type at the right time. The information in this lesson is part of the trading foundations every trader must know.

In this lesson we'll start learning how to combine all the information and use our professional trader's winning strategies and how to choose the strategy that works for you.

Glossary of Concepts

Increase your Forex Knowledge by getting familiar with important trading and market terminology in this wide Forex Glossary.

MT4 Tutorials

Orders and the Terminal window

Opening, Closing and modifying orders, the Terminal Window, account history, reports, alerts and additional options.

Using Types of Orders

Pending orders, trailing stop and changing the profit display.

Adding Indicators to the Graphs

Using objects, adding indicators, help lines, editing and deleting objects.

Some very important configuration features: Display definitions, Patterns, Profiles.

Estrategias Forex

Trend Signal, Channel Strategy, Fractal, Fishing Strip.

Zigzag Breaker, wave Tracker, T-Chaser, Fibo Trap, Zoom In.

Exclusive Indicator developed by our experts. Using our exclusive indicator you can easily identify the following patterns: Crab, Bat, Gartly and Butterfly. On screen display will announce the current automatic analysis.

Forex eBook

Read this important book we have created and start trade smartly. Topics include: • Traders' psychology and behavior. • Essential concepts and terms • Tips for a successful trading • How to use trading tools • Practice basic and important technique's • Learn how to trade • Learn when to trade

Advanced eBook

Advanced Traders eBook. 3D modelled interactive online flipping book for those who love to read.

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