Tuesday 24 October 2017

Forex Contacto 1s

1er Contacto Forex

Detalles del mapa

Parece que no tenemos una dirección específica para 1st Contact Forex, lo que hace que las instrucciones sean complicadas. Este negocio podría no tener un escaparate oficial, o podría moverse a varias ubicaciones a lo largo del día.

¿Tiene usted más información específica sobre la ubicación de 1st Contact Forex? ¿Por qué no lo dijiste? Puedes mejorar Yelp y compartirlo aquí.


Castlewood House 77-91 Nueva Oxford St Londres WC1A 1DG Reino Unido Bloomsbury

Teléfono +44 808 141 2335

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¡Hola pionero de la moda! Puedes escribir sobre First Contact Forex haciendo clic aquí.

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¿Es ésta su empresa?

Reclama tu página de negocio y accede a tu cuenta gratuita de Yelp para Empresas.

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Resumen de información comercial

Advertencia de riesgo: Trading CFDs es riesgoso y puede resultar en la pérdida de su capital invertido. Asegúrese de comprender los riesgos que implica y no invierta más de lo que puede permitirse perder. Lea la información completa sobre el riesgo. ForexTime Ltd está regulado por CySEC bajo licencia No. 185/12.

Advertencia de riesgo: Su capital está en riesgo. Es posible perder más de lo que invierte.

Utilizamos cookies para guardar sus preferencias y proporcionarle una experiencia más localizada. Si acepta el uso de cookies, puede continuar navegando. Por favor, consulte nuestra Política de Cookies para obtener detalles completos y cómo puede optar por no participar.

Si sigue navegando, acepta nuestra Política de cookies.


1er contacto con Forex - www.1stcontactforex. com

Refina tu búsqueda

Use las herramientas a continuación para refinar su búsqueda mostrando únicamente reseñas con un cierto número de valoraciones de estrellas o para mostrar únicamente las opiniones de un determinado período de tiempo. Por ejemplo, haga clic en "1 estrella" para mostrar las opiniones que tenemos que recibieron una calificación de 1 estrella o "En el último mes" para mostrar sólo los comentarios publicados en el último mes.

Mostrar sólo opiniones con estrellas de:

5 Estrellas 134

4 Estrellas 13

3 Estrellas 2

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1 Estrella 3

Promedio de calificación en el tiempo

En el último mes ***** (De 0 comentarios)

En los últimos 6 meses *** (Desde 1 opiniones)

En los últimos 12 meses * (De 1 opiniones)

Se muestran 141 a 152 de 152 resultados. Anterior 1 & hellip; 7 8 Siguiente

Escrito el: 07/04/2012

La primera vez que he hecho algo como esto, pero fue tan fácil y la gente en la primera Contacto Forex fueron muy útiles para obtener mi cuenta en funcionamiento, también ayudando con los diferentes números de cuenta bancaria extranjera, etc Te mantienen informado de los avances por correo electrónico Y mensajes de texto más un buen tipo de cambio. Ciertamente me transferiré regularmente de ahora en adelante & hellip; Leer la reseña completa

1er contacto Forex £ 10 bono de referencia para el servicio de transferencia de dinero

El primer servicio de transferencia de dinero Forex de contacto ofrece a los clientes actuales un bono de 10 libras por cada nuevo cliente al que se refiera.

Obtendrás un bono de 10 € por cada amigo que te refieres en línea y que complete una transferencia con 1st Contact Forex.

Para participar y referir a tus amigos, debes ser un miembro registrado con 1st Contact Forex.

A continuación, puede iniciar sesión en su cuenta y hacer clic en el botón & # 8220; Refer A Friend & # 8221; Para acceder a tu enlace de referencia único o compartirlo con tus amigos en las redes sociales.

Cuando alguien se registra con 1st Contact Forex a través de su enlace de referencia y completa su primera transferencia de dinero, se le acreditará un bono de 10 €.

A continuación, puede retirar el bono de 10 € cuando lo desee eligiendo un destinatario, y 1st Contact Forex transferirá su comisión de remisión de forma gratuita al destinatario de su elección.

Revise el primer programa Forex Refer A Friend para más detalles y para comenzar a participar hoy.

Si usted es un miembro de 1st Contact Forex que desea compartir su enlace de referencia, no dude en publicar su enlace en la sección de comentarios de este artículo.

El número de referencias que puede ganar son ilimitadas y se acumularán hasta que se cobren.

Para poder participar, debe ser un cliente de transferencia de dinero de 1ª persona.

Bonos alternativos de transferencia de dinero para clientes estadounidenses

1er Contacto Forex

1st Contact Forex ofrece a las personas que viven y trabajan en el Reino Unido una amplia variedad de servicios. Nos especializamos en el banco internacional a las transferencias bancarias del dinero. Nuestros clientes procesan sus transacciones en línea y usan sus tarjetas de débito. Por lo tanto, nuestros clientes están garantizados 24 horas al día.

1st Contact Forex está registrado con HM Customs and Excise en el Reino Unido como un negocio de servicios monetarios con el número de registro MSB 12148630.

Sabemos que la transferencia de dinero es costosa y requiere mucho tiempo y, por lo tanto, hemos asegurado un equipo de corredores en la mano para ayudar a nuestros clientes en caso de que necesitan asistencia personal y orientación.

Ponemos mucho de nuestro esfuerzo en la obtención de los mejores tipos de cambio. Transferimos a granel mientras el banco hace transferencias individuales. Nuestras transferencias son procesadas a granel y por esta razón somos capaces de proveer relaciones bancarias preferibles, internacionalmente. Esto nos permite hacer enormes ahorros en honorarios que pasamos a nuestros clientes. Para añadir a esto, todos nuestros clientes reciben automáticamente cada 5 ª transferencia gratuita.

1st Contact Forex es capaz de transferir fondos a casi cualquier parte del mundo, sin embargo, nuestros clientes más populares existen en Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Polonia, Sudáfrica, Canadá, Estados Unidos y países de la zona euro.

Si los clientes encuentran que su país no está listado como una opción en el sitio web, los clientes pueden llamar a 1st Contact Forex y nuestro amable personal verá lo que pueden hacer para ayudar.

Servicios clave

Última actualización. 15 de mayo de 2013

Actualizaciones Just In.

&dupdo; FreeIndex Ltd 2016

Acerca de CMS

El comercio en línea comienza aquí


CMS Forex cuenta con equipos de soporte al cliente formados para asegurar que sus valiosos comerciantes reciban el apoyo y la atención que necesitan. Los equipos de apoyo se enorgullecen de ser receptivos, cortés, y & mdash; Por encima de todo lo demás & mdash; experto.

CMS Forex se compromete a hacer que su experiencia comercial sea lo más fluida posible. Puede comunicarse con los equipos de asistencia al cliente por teléfono, correo electrónico o chat en vivo.

¿Preguntas relacionadas con ventas o cuentas?

Preguntas sobre la plataforma VT Trader?

Si abrió una cuenta a través de nuestro sitio web antes del 30 de noviembre de 2014, su cuenta está en FOREX. com. Para obtener información acerca de su cuenta o cualquier pregunta relacionada con la cuenta, póngase en contacto con Gain Capital Group LLC & ndash; FOREX. com.

Llamada gratuita: 1.877.FOREXGO (367.3946) Int'l: 1.908.731.0750 10AM Domingo a 5PM Viernes (ET) y sábado 9AM a 5PM (ET)

Chat en vivo con un representante de Forex. com

GAIN Capital Group LLC Bedminster Uno 135 US Highway 202/206 Bedminster, NJ 07921, EE. UU.

Si tiene preguntas sobre el software VT Trader o necesita asistencia técnica, póngase en contacto con Visual Trading Systems.

Vttrader@cmsfx. com Preguntas y soporte técnico de VT Trader

VT Trader & trade; Es un producto licenciado de Visual Trading Systems, Inc.

1er Contacto Forex

Detalles del mapa

Parece que no tenemos una dirección específica para 1st Contact Forex, lo que hace que las instrucciones sean complicadas. Este negocio podría no tener un escaparate oficial, o podría moverse a varias ubicaciones a lo largo del día.

¿Tiene usted más información específica sobre la ubicación de 1st Contact Forex? ¿Por qué no lo dijiste? Puedes mejorar Yelp y compartirlo aquí.


Castlewood House 77-91 Nueva Oxford St Londres WC1A 1DG Bloomsbury

Número de teléfono 0808 141 2335

¡Sé el primero en comentar!

¡Hola pionero de la moda! Puedes ser el primero de ese comentario 1st Contact Forex.

Seleccione su calificación.

¿Es ésta su empresa?

Reclama tu página de negocio y accede a tu cuenta gratuita de Yelp para Empresas.

Actualizar inmediatamente la información de la empresa

Responder a comentarios y mensajes privados

Vea el cliente que lleva su página de negocio genera

Supervisar cuántas personas ven su página de empresa

Reclama este Negocio

Resumen de información comercial

1er contacto Forex puede ayudarle a ahorrar cuando envía dinero al extranjero

Información verificada correctamente el 18 de marzo de 2016

Si usted está mirando el envío de dinero en el extranjero de una manera rápida, segura y rentable, Forex 1 contacto vale la pena comparar.

1st Contact Forex, propiedad de 1st Contact Group, comenzó a ofrecer servicios de transferencia de dinero y divisas en 2001. Cuenta con más de 60.000 clientes registrados y realiza más de 140.000 transacciones cada año. Su facturación anual pronto llegará a los 200 millones de dólares. Tiene su sede en Londres, Inglaterra, y sucursales en Australia y Sudáfrica.

Última actualización de las tarifas: 18 de marzo de 2016

Esta empresa es un negocio registrado de servicios de dinero con HM Customs & amp; Excise en el Reino Unido. Posee una Licencia Australiana de Servicios Financieros (AFSL) emitida por la Comisión Australiana de Valores e Inversiones (ASIC) para operar en divisas. Cumple con todos los requisitos relacionados con capital y liquidez y sigue las políticas y procedimientos establecidos por sus banqueros corporativos, ANZ y Barclays.

1st Contact Forex le permite transferir dinero a una gran cantidad de países en todo el mundo de una manera segura. Utilizando sus servicios, puede guardar en forma de honorarios.

Tipos de cambio Forex

Cuando se ocupa de 1st Contact Forex puede obtener tipos de cambio competitivos, especialmente en comparación con los bancos, porque este negocio no tiene que preocuparse por los gastos generales típicos. Además, este negocio lleva a cabo transferencias a granel, lo que lo hace a la espera de mejores tarifas. A su vez, transfiere los ahorros a sus clientes. Si desea ver los tipos de cambio que se ofrecen, simplemente tiene que visitar el sitio web de Forex 1 contacto.

En la página de inicio, seleccione Dólares australianos (AUD) como la moneda de вЂ~from†™. Introduzca la cantidad que desea transferir y seleccione la moneda a la que desea transferir el dinero. Tan pronto como lo haga esta primera Contacto Forex le informa del tipo de cambio existente. Esta es la tarifa que se aplicará a su transferencia, siempre y cuando la complete dentro de un período de tiempo determinado. Esto se debe a que los tipos de cambio que ofrece la 1ª Contacto están sujetos a cambios.

Usted puede ver el tipo de cambio que ofrece Forex ofrecido para la transferencia de dólares australianos a Libras de Gran Bretaña el 20 de enero de 2016 a continuación.

Monto mínimo de transferencia y países disponibles

No hay un límite mínimo o máximo que pueda transferir a través de Forex. Si usted don†™ t encontrar el país que desea enviar dinero a en la 1 ª Contacto Forex sitio web que puede ponerse en contacto con un representante de la empresa para saber si hay alguna ayuda está en oferta. Estos son algunos de los destinos populares donde puede enviar dinero desde Australia.






Sri Lanka



Emiratos Árabes Unidos

Estados Unidos

¿Qué tipos de transferencias puede realizar con Forex 1?

Puede transferir dinero electrónicamente a cuentas bancarias en diferentes países del mundo utilizando los servicios de 1st Contact Forex. También le permite transferir dinero a cuentas de tarjetas de crédito en Sudáfrica.

Usted puede beneficiarse más mediante el envío de grandes cantidades porque este negocio funciona en una escala móvil, donde las sumas más grandes atraer mejores tasas.

Puede garantizar un tipo de cambio si desea enviar una cantidad equivalente a más de GBP1,000. 1st Contact Forex le permite asegurar un tipo de cambio por adelantado pagando tan poco como el 10% de la cantidad que desea transferir como depósito.

El proceso de registro y transferencia

Puede registrarse con 1st Contact Forex utilizando una simple aplicación en línea. Activa su cuenta el mismo día hábil que recibe copias de su comprobante de dirección residencial y pasaporte. Si desea transferir el equivalente a AU $ 20,000.002 o más que usted tendrá que presentar documentos adicionales para verificar la fuente de los fondos.

1st Contact Forex acepta pagos a través de tarjetas de débito ya través de banca por Internet. Usted tiene que usar su nombre y apellido como referencia cuando realice transferencias usando banca por Internet. Si usted no proporciona su nombre y apellido usted tiene que enviar por correo electrónico la primera prueba de Forex del pago de modo que pueda asignar sus fondos para la transferencia.

Si utiliza la banca por Internet para realizar una transferencia, los fondos compensados ​​pueden tardar hasta tres días hábiles en llegar a la cuenta del cliente de la primera divisa de contacto. Una vez que esto ocurra y usted proporciona toda la documentación requerida, los fondos convertidos llegan a la cuenta en el extranjero nominada dentro de tres días hábiles.

¿Cuáles son los pros y los contras de usar Forex 1?


Puede obtener mejores tipos de cambio en comparación con la mayoría de los bancos

El dinero puede llegar al destinatario más rápido de lo que sería si usted elige un banco

Cada quinta transferencia que realice con 1st Contact Forex no atrae ninguna comisión

No hay un límite mínimo para cuánto puede transferir

Puede hablar con un representante de Forex por primera vez por teléfono llamando a su número gratuito de Australia


Usted no puede iniciar transferencias en persona

No puede enviar fondos con su tarjeta de crédito

¿Qué otros productos y servicios ofrece 1st Contact Forex?

1st Contact Forex se especializa en la transferencia de fondos a nivel internacional. No proporciona ningún otro servicio. 1st Contact Group, propietario de 1st Contact Forex, es una organización con sede en el Reino Unido. Ofrece soluciones de impuestos, servicios para contratistas, servicios financieros, visas y servicios de inmigración, asistencia en el empleo y soluciones de reubicación.

Preguntas reales de usuarios anteriores

¿Este servicio está disponible para los no residentes?

Sí, lo es, siempre que presente documentos que puedan verificar su identidad y dirección residencial.

¿Hay una aplicación disponible para realizar transferencias?

No, 1st Contact Forex no proporciona una aplicación para dispositivos móviles todavía.

¿Cómo comprobar su progreso de la transferencia de su dinero?

Puede hacerlo en línea o por teléfono.

¿Cómo puedo enviar los documentos necesarios para verificar mi identidad y domicilio?

Puede hacerlo visitando el sitio web Correct Forex 1 y utilizando su herramienta de carga. Puede escanearlos o tomar fotografías y enviar las imágenes a través de correo electrónico. También puede enviarlos por fax.

¿Qué documentos tengo que proporcionar si deseo transferir grandes cantidades?

Estos pueden incluir copias de extractos bancarios con nóminas, extractos bancarios de cuentas de ahorros, prueba de herencia recibida o prueba de venta de activos. Puede enviar impresiones de banca por Internet, así como fotografías o imágenes escaneadas. Usted no tiene que presentar copias certificadas.

¿Qué documentos tengo que proporcionar si deseo transferir grandes cantidades?

Estos pueden incluir copias de extractos bancarios con nóminas, extractos bancarios de cuentas de ahorros, prueba de herencia recibida o prueba de venta de activos. Puede enviar impresiones de banca por Internet, así como fotografías o imágenes escaneadas. Usted no tiene que presentar copias certificadas.

¿Cuál es el primer contacto Forex? Reconocer un programa de Friend†™?

A través de este programa usted está a ganar $ AUD $ 20 la primera vez que un amigo que usted se refiere usa primero Contacto Forex para hacer una transferencia. Tu amigo consigue hacer la primera transferencia sin pagar ningún honorario.

El uso de Forex de contacto para enviar dinero en el extranjero puede conducir a ahorros. Sin embargo, es importante que compare sus opciones primero.

¿El contenido fué de ayuda para ti? No si

Exención de responsabilidad - Hive Empire Pty Ltd (negociable como finder. com. au, ABN: 18 118 785 121) proporciona información factual, asesoramiento general y servicios sobre productos financieros como un Representante Autorizado Corporativo (432664) de Advice Evolution Pty Ltd AFSL 342880. Por favor Consulte nuestro FSG - Productos Financieros. También ofrecemos asesoramiento general sobre productos de crédito bajo nuestra propia Licencia de Crédito ACL 385509. Consulte nuestra Guía de Crédito para obtener más información. También podemos proporcionarle asesoramiento general e información objetiva sobre una variedad de otros productos, servicios y proveedores. También somos un representante corporativo autorizado de Countrywide Tolstrup Grupo de Servicios Financieros Pty Ltd. ABN 51 586 953 292 AFSL 244436 para el suministro de productos de seguros generales. Consulte nuestro FSG - Seguro General. Esperamos que la información y el asesoramiento general que podemos proporcionarle le ayudarán a tomar una decisión más informada. No somos poseídos por ningún banco o asegurador y no somos un emisor del producto o un abastecedor del crédito. Aunque cubrimos una amplia gama de productos, proveedores y servicios, no cubrimos todos los productos, proveedores o servicios disponibles en el mercado, por lo que puede haber otras opciones disponibles para usted. También no recomendamos productos, servicios o proveedores específicos. Si decide solicitar un producto o servicio a través de nuestro sitio web, usted tratará directamente con el proveedor de ese producto o servicio y no con nosotros. Nos esforzamos por asegurar que la información en este sitio es actual y precisa, pero debe confirmar cualquier información con el proveedor de productos o servicios y leer la información que puede proporcionar. Si no está seguro de que debe obtener asesoramiento independiente antes de solicitar cualquier producto o comprometerse a cualquier plan. (C) 2016.

Las imágenes de terceros son propiedad de sus respectivos dueños y copia; Todos los demás contenidos copyright 2016 by finder. com. au

Información importante sobre este sitio web

Finder. com. au es uno de los principales sitios web de comparación de Australia. Comparamos entre un amplio conjunto de grandes bancos, aseguradores y emisores de productos.

Finder. com. au tiene acceso a los detalles de la pista de los proveedores que figuran en nuestros sitios. Aunque ofrecemos información sobre los productos ofrecidos por una amplia gama de emisores, no cubrimos todos los productos disponibles. Debe considerar si los productos que aparecen en nuestro sitio son apropiados para sus necesidades y busque asesoramiento independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.

La identificación de un grupo de productos, como 'Top' o 'Best' es un reflejo de las preferencias del usuario basadas en los datos actuales del sitio web. De forma regular, los analíticos impulsan la creación de una lista de productos populares. Cuando estos productos están agrupados, no aparecen en ningún orden en particular.

Cuando nuestro sitio enlaza con productos particulares o muestra los botones "Ir al sitio", podemos recibir una comisión, un cargo de referencia o un pago.

Tratamos de adoptar un enfoque abierto y transparente y proporcionar un amplio servicio de comparación basado. Sin embargo, usted debe ser consciente de que mientras somos un servicio independiente, nuestro servicio de comparación no incluye todos los proveedores o todos los productos disponibles en el mercado.

Algunos emisores de productos pueden ofrecer productos u ofrecer servicios a través de múltiples marcas, compañías asociadas o acuerdos de etiquetado diferentes. Esto puede dificultar a los consumidores comparar alternativas o identificar a las empresas detrás de los productos. Sin embargo, nuestro objetivo es proporcionar información que permita a los consumidores comprender estas cuestiones.

Por favor lea las condiciones de uso de nuestro sitio web para obtener más información sobre nuestros servicios y nuestro enfoque de la privacidad.

¡Noticias emocionantes!

¿Cansado de deletrear su nombre por teléfono?

First Forex Broker Inc

First Forex Broker Inc Número de teléfono

Next Caller ® proporciona números de teléfono para 14 millones de empresas en los Estados Unidos.

Nuestro objetivo es encontrar el número de teléfono de First Forex Broker Inc más fácil, ya que a veces es sorprendentemente difícil encontrar el número de teléfono del servicio al cliente de una empresa.

Por favor no contacte a Next Caller para sus primeras necesidades de servicio al cliente de Forex Broker Inc.

Probamos el número de teléfono de First Forex Broker Inc mensualmente, si por casualidad usted tiene algún problema, por favor háganoslo saber :)

La búsqueda del número de teléfono de First Forex Broker Inc es impulsada por Next Caller Directory Assistance.

El primer número de teléfono del Forex Broker Inc se ha verificado exacto hace 1 año.

¿Tiene cosas mejores que hacer que repetir su nombre y dirección por teléfono?




Toda la información en este sitio web es sólo para fines educativos y no pretende proporcionar asesoramiento financiero. Cualquier declaración sobre beneficios o ingresos, expresada o implícita, no representa una garantía. Su comercio real puede dar lugar a pérdidas, ya que no se garantiza el sistema de comercio. Usted acepta las responsabilidades completas de sus acciones, operaciones, ganancias o pérdidas y acepta que el equipo de eforex-trading. com y cualquier distribuidor autorizado de esta información sean inofensivos de cualquier manera.

El comercio de divisas puede implicar el riesgo de pérdida más allá de su depósito inicial. No es adecuado para todos los inversores y debe asegurarse de que entiende los riesgos involucrados, buscando asesoramiento independiente si es necesario.

Usted entiende que no existe un sistema de comercio o servicio de recomendación que esté libre del riesgo de pérdida. Los propietarios y administradores de Eforex-trading. com no implican ni garantizan que obtendrán ganancias y usted acepta que los dueños, administradores, oficiales, directores, empleados, consultores, agentes o afiliados de eforex-trading. com no se hacen responsables del desempeño De su cuenta de trading o pérdidas comerciales en su cuenta. Usted asume toda la responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida y otros daños, incluyendo pero no limitado a pérdidas consecuentes, pérdida de comercio, pérdida especial, indirecta, incidental o cualquier otro daño.

El rendimiento pasado no es un indicador del rendimiento futuro. Las inversiones de la divisa llevan los altos riesgos asociados con el apalancamiento usado. Siempre debe consultar con su asesor financiero antes de invertir en cualquier cuenta de forex gestionado. Las inversiones en Forex están sujetas al riesgo de contraparte, ya que no existe una organización central de compensación para estas transacciones. Un distribuidor de divisas puede ser compensado a través de comisión y / o propagación en operaciones de divisas. El administrador es compensado posteriormente por el distribuidor de divisas.

&dupdo; 2011 - 2014 Eforex-trading. com

Aprenda a evitar las estafas forex

Hay un número desconcertante de corredores de divisas en línea, algunos de ellos sin escrúpulos. ¿Cómo un principiante comerciante elegir un corredor de buena reputación y evitar ser víctima de una estafa forex? Easy-forex, un pionero grupo de comercio de divisas en línea, ofrece algunas respuestas.

P: ¿Qué es exactamente una estafa forex?

R: La definición es amplia. Wikipedia describe una estafa forex como cualquier esquema de comercio utilizado para defraudar a los comerciantes al convencerlos de que pueden esperar obtener un alto beneficio negociando en el mercado de divisas. En la práctica, una estafa forex puede ser la falta de devolución de dinero debido a los comerciantes (como cuando desea retirar fondos o terminar una cuenta), una falta de transparencia en el precio y la ejecución de las transacciones, la falta de respuesta a las quejas de los clientes y la orientación De los individuos vulnerables.

P: ¿Qué debo buscar?

R: Aquí hay una lista de verificación que puede ayudar para una fácil referencia.

Nuestra lista de chequeo Forex Scam

Promesas de altos beneficios

Promesas de altos beneficios son a menudo un signo de una estafa forex. Easy-forex siempre recuerda a sus comerciantes de los riesgos involucrados en el comercio de divisas.


¿Está el corredor regulado con la autoridad relevante en su región? Si no, hay una buena probabilidad de que no esté adecuadamente protegido. Easy Forex Trading Ltd está regulado por la Comisión de Valores e Inversiones de Chipre y su licencia es transferida a todos los Estados miembros de la UE (incluyendo Noruega, Islandia y Lichtenstein). En Australia Easy Forex Pty Ltd está regulado por la Comisión Australiana de Valores e Inversiones.

Educación y entrenamiento

Si usted es un principiante, es absolutamente esencial para equiparse con conocimiento antes de comenzar a operar. ¿Cuán educativo es el corredor? Es el método de negociación fácil de entender desde el sitio web? ¿Qué herramientas y recursos están disponibles para ayudarlo a aprender? Por ejemplo, ¿hay una biblioteca completa? ¿Cómo es la información del mercado y el corredor utiliza fuentes de noticias de clase mundial como Reuters?


¿El corredor revela todos los honorarios relevantes? ¿Están fijados y claramente establecidos los diferenciales de los pares de divisas? Los corredores que ofrecen poca o ninguna propagación pueden ser vistos como fraudes forex ya que sus márgenes pueden ampliarse cuando el mercado es volátil. Easy-forex garantiza spreads fijos, sin importar lo que el mercado esté haciendo.


Su relación con su corredor es una calle de dos vías. ¿El corredor es lo suficientemente flexible como para empezar con un bajo nivel de apalancamiento y crecer más sofisticado en su negociación cuando esté listo? Por ejemplo, ¿ofrece cuentas escalonadas? Un buen corredor se asegurará de que usted es apoyado por un administrador de servicio de cuenta personal que actúa como una guía como tomar sus primeros pasos en el comercio de divisas. Una vez que usted es más confidente en su comercio usted tendrá la oportunidad de tener su propio distribuidor personal para apoyarle en su comercio y para entender mejor el mercado de divisas.


No utilice un corredor que no tenga sistemas bien conocidos de seguridad en Internet y pagos. Pregunte si el sitio está protegido por los gustos de VeriSign o SSL. Y pregunte cómo se maneja la compensación de tarjetas de crédito.

El elemento humano

No te olvides de esto. Aunque un corredor puede estar en línea, ¿la gente actúa de verdad? ¿Tienen oficinas físicas en todo el mundo? ¿Puede comunicarse con su agente y obtener un servicio individual de un ser humano? ¿Son el tipo de personas con las que puedes lidiar? Pregúnteles qué sistemas tienen para quejas y vea con qué facilidad responden.


Con el surgimiento de los medios de comunicación social se ha convertido aún más fácil para descubrir cómo es un corredor genuino. ¿Su corredor participa en comunicación abierta con sus clientes a través de cualquiera de las redes más establecidas como Facebook, Linked In o Twitter?

Advertencia de Riesgo: Forex, Commodities, Options y CFDs (OTC Trading) son productos apalancados que conllevan un riesgo sustancial de pérdida hasta su capital invertido y pueden no ser adecuados para todos. Asegúrese de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados y no invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Consulte nuestra renuncia de responsabilidad completa. EF Worldwide Ltd

EF Worldwide Ltd

Easy Forex & reg; Es una marca registrada. Copyright y copia; 2016. Todos los derechos reservados.

Información de contacto de FXCM


Inversión de alto riesgo Advertencia: La negociación de divisas y / o contratos por diferencias en el margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida en exceso de sus fondos depositados y por lo tanto, no debe especular con el capital que no puede permitirse el lujo de perder. Antes de decidir negociar los productos ofrecidos por FXCM usted debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos, situación financiera, necesidades y nivel de experiencia. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio en margen. FXCM proporciona asesoramiento general que no tiene en cuenta sus objetivos, situación financiera o necesidades. El contenido de este sitio web no debe interpretarse como un consejo personal. FXCM recomienda consultar con un asesor financiero independiente.

Haga clic aquí para leer la advertencia de riesgo completo.

FXCM es un Comerciante de la Comisión de Futuros registrado y Comerciante de Divisas al por menor con la Commodity Futures Trading Commission y es miembro de la National Futures Association. NFA # 0308179

FXCM Inc., una compañía cotizada en Bolsa de Nueva York (NYSE: FXCM), es una sociedad de cartera y su único activo es una participación mayoritaria en FXCM Holdings, LLC. Forex Capital Markets, LLC ( "FXCM LLC") es una filial directa de FXCM Holdings, LLC. Todas las referencias en este sitio a "FXCM" se refieren a FXCM Inc. y sus subsidiarias consolidadas, incluyendo FXCM Holdings, LLC y Forex Capital Markets, LLC.

Tenga en cuenta que la información de este sitio web está dirigida únicamente a clientes minoristas y que algunas de las representaciones aquí contenidas pueden no ser aplicables a los Participantes Elegibles del Contrato (es decir, a los clientes institucionales) según se define en la Ley de Intercambio de Mercancías y la Sección 1 (a) (12).

Copyright y copia; 2016 Mercados de divisas. Todos los derechos reservados.

55 Water St. 50th Floor, Nueva York, NY 10041 Estados Unidos

1er Contacto Código de Descuento Forex

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Obtener diariamente actualizado 1 º Contacto código de descuento de Forex, código de cupón de 1 º Contacto Forex este mes de marzo. Compre en 1stcontactforex. com y aproveche los cupones y ofertas de Forex. 1st Contact Forex es 100% parte del 1er Grupo de Contacto, que se estableció en 1994 y ofrece una gama de servicios a las personas que viven y trabajan en el Reino Unido. En 2001, 1st Contact Forex comenzó a ofrecer transferencias de dinero y servicios de divisas a sus clientes - servicios tradicionalmente proporcionados por los bancos de la calle principal y agentes de transferencia de dinero más grandes. Ellos vieron la oportunidad de ofrecer un servicio de transferencia de dinero rápido, seguro y rentable, con tipos de cambio muy competitivos y un nivel de servicio muy alto, que ofrece a los clientes acceso constante a consultores expertos, ya sea por teléfono o por correo electrónico.

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El mercado de divisas, o forex para el corto, es un mercado donde se pueden intercambiar divisas de varios países, como el dólar estadounidense, el euro dólar, el yen japonés y más. Es el mayor intercambio financiero en el mundo, y puede negociar más de billones de dólares cada día. Esto es muy superior al volumen de los mercados de los Estados Unidos combinados.

Hay muchas ventajas a negociar el mercado de divisas, incluyendo el hecho de que está abierto las 24 horas del día. Para darle una representación visual de esto, aquí una figura que muestra las horas que varias regiones del mundo están abiertas para negociar.

En esta figura se puede ver una superposición entre la sesión de Londres y la sesión de Nueva York, entre las 8am y las 11am EST. Los mercados de divisas experimentan la volatilidad y el volumen más altos durante esa superposición, que también coincide con las liberaciones de importantes emisiones económicas estadounidenses.

El mercado de divisas es también un mercado muy líquido, y tiene una gran cantidad de apalancamiento que le permite controlar una gran cantidad de dinero con una pequeña cantidad de capital. Los corredores por lo general no cobran una comisión por sus operaciones; Usted apenas paga la extensión (la diferencia entre la oferta y el precio de la pregunta) para el par de la modernidad que usted está negociando. El mercado de divisas le permite hacer los mismos tipos de comercio que haría en la mayoría de los otros mercados. Por ejemplo, puede comprar largo y vender en corto, puede utilizar detener las pérdidas, y puede establecer metas de beneficios.

Al negociar monedas se negocian como "pares". Esto significa que usted no está negociando solamente el dólar de los EEUU o el dólar del euro individualmente. Los intercambiarás como el par EUR / USD, que es el par de divisas Euro / Dólar. La relación de valor entre las dos monedas determinará su tipo de cambio y si el par sube o baja en valor.

Artículos de Forex Trading

Para obtener más información sobre el comercio de divisas, echa un vistazo a estos artículos gratuitos:

Programas avanzados de Forex

Si está interesado en una formación más avanzada en el mercado de Forex, le recomendamos que consulte estos programas:

Forex Profit Accelerator & # 8212; Este programa revela 4 métodos separados para ir después de potencial de ganancias en los mercados de divisas utilizando un enfoque único para el comercio de estos mercados las 24 horas en una base de fin de día. Los oficios tienen una duración de 1 a 2 semanas, en promedio.

Mecanismo de la renta de la divisa & # 8212; Si te gusta la idea de comercio acelerado, entonces este programa es para ti, porque te muestra cómo día de comercio de los mejores pares de divisas utilizando 3 métodos comerciales diferentes diseñados para ir después del potencial de ganancias rápidas. Los oficios tienen una duración promedio de 5 a 10 bares.

Forex ProfitCaster & # 8212; Para este programa, desarrollamos un método altamente visual e innovador que utiliza patrones triangulares para detectar el potencial de ganancias en los mercados de divisas a través de múltiples marcos temporales. Los oficios tienen una duración promedio de 5 a 10 bares.

Forex Profit Multiplier & # 8212; Si el día de comercio de divisas es demasiado agitado para usted, pero todavía te gusta el comercio más de una vez al día, este programa es perfecto porque es todo sobre el comercio de barras de 4 horas en los 8 mejores forex Pares Los oficios tienen una duración promedio de 5 a 10 bares.

Forex Market Open - Las primeras señales producidas + 83 PIPs de EURUSD

Ojalá todos con sus amigos y familiares celebraban la gran sesión de fiestas. Creemos que aún estamos de humor festivo. Casi todos los corredores de la divisa han reanudado su trabajo y los comerciantes también están empezando a especular para ganar algo de dinero. También hemos empezado mucho. Hemos añadido la sección para 2016 en nuestra página de rendimiento como de costumbre para publicar todos los resultados de este año. Aquí la página de rendimiento comercial para el mes de enero & # 8211; 2016. & gt; & gt; https://www. preferforex. com/forex-signal-result-jan-2016

Nuestra primera alerta de comercio de divisas fue enviada hoy a nuestros miembros premium. Hemos negociado en EURUSD para ir a corto como análisis de apoyo a corto plazo movimiento bajista en el par que nos recompensó mucho. La señal de Forex de hoy fue la siguiente:

Orden de mercado Vender EURUSD desde 1.0933-35 SL 1.0970 TP 1.0900, 1.0875, 1.0850

Apenas cierre el comercio archivamos +83 PIPs de este comercio.

Tome la mano del experto para mejorar su comercio con nuestra señal forex bien estructurada. Gracias por estar con PreferForex.

Características Premium de la señal - Entrada específica, SL pequeño mayor TP, Configuración de bajo riesgo, Guía de gestión comercial, Rendimiento honesto, Pendiente & amp; Pedidos de mercado, seguimiento de correo electrónico durante el comercio de ejecución, pequeña cuota de suscripción mensual, garantizado PIPs, mensaje de texto en cualquier móvil, soporte rápido. Estamos orgullosos de publicar nuestro último resultado comercial Todos los resultados anteriores desde 2013 & gt; & gt;

Paquetes de Señales Premium

Advertencia de riesgo

Tenga en cuenta que el comercio de divisas y el comercio de otros productos apalancados implica un nivel significativo de riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Antes de emprender cualquier transacción de este tipo debe asegurarse de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados y, si es necesario, buscar asesoramiento independiente de su asesor financiero. Cualquier opinión, noticias, investigación, alerta, análisis, precios u otra información se proporcionan como comentario general del mercado no constituyen consejos de inversión.


PreferForex. com & related sites are DMCA protected. Don't Copy Anything

Recent Trading TIPS

I was the lucky 1st prize winner of $5.000 in China’s exclusive contest. FX Arena has changed how I will trade forever. The opportunity to win such big cash prizes with zero/little investment is exactly what the forex market needed. I advise anyone who has not yet opened an account to try it.

Traders lose a great deal in regular forex trading but here you can only lose the cost of a ticket, or come out with huge winnings. I entered with no expectations, and came out $5.000 richer!

Thank you for making me a happy trader FX Arena!

Fang Qiang, Shanghai

When I saw there was a contest with a $50.000 prize pool and only $55 to enter, I knew I had to take my chances.

Over the 2 week duration my position changed several times but I kept on trading, which managed to gain me 1st place winning $13.000! FX Arena has given me the chance to win big with a small investment which I never thought was possible.

Everyone should enter the Big Big contest, you never know how much you will win!

Happy Easter Everyone!

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Hello to everyone at Forex, My package arrived here in Manila yesterday, the highlight of my (and my daughter's!) day. Todo estaba intacto y llegamos en buenas condiciones. Sólo quería elogiar a todos por el excelente servicio y la comunicación que mantuvo conmigo durante toda la transacción. Aprecié especialmente las actualizaciones de correo electrónico diciéndome qué artículos habían llegado. I've recommended Forex World to several people and I myself will be availing of your service sometime again this year.

Hello to everyone at Forex, My package arrived here in Manila yesterday, the highlight of my (and my daughter's!) day. Todo estaba intacto y llegamos en buenas condiciones. Sólo quería elogiar a todos por el excelente servicio y la comunicación que mantuvo conmigo durante toda la transacción. Aprecié especialmente las actualizaciones de correo electrónico diciéndome qué artículos habían llegado. I've recommended Forex World to several people and I myself will be availing of your service sometime again this year.

Sólo un comentario sobre su servicio. Me gusta mucho todo este proceso. Tan eficiente y menos tiempo en comparación con una empresa que yo estaba usando por lo menos un buen 2 años. A partir de ahora, sólo enviaré dinero a través de su establecimiento y lo recomendaré a todos mis amigos aquí en Canberra. ¡Buen trabajo!

− R C - Canberra

I do know you have a very good reputation, so I thank you for your company’s integrity and am happy to do business with you.

Queremos agradecerle por ser tan preciso y tan rápido en su servicio. Hemos estado muy impresionados con su impecable y entrega y recepción de nuestros productos. We will be happy to contact you in the future for any remittance so as to again be pleasantly surprised by the superior performance of FOREX.

We have used FOREX for shipping boxes from Australia to the Philippines before, and have been very happy with the service

News and updates


The Psychology of Forex Trading

I have been a trader long enough to know a thing or two about how most people think while trading the market. You see, most people experience similar thinking patterns and emotions as they trade the markets, and we can learn many important things from the differences in the way losing traders think and the way winning traders think .

I would be lying to you if I said that success in the Forex markets depends entirely on the system or strategy you use, because it doesn’t, it actually depends mostly on your mindset and on how you think about and react to the markets. However, most Forex websites trying to sell some indicator or robot-based trading system won’t tell you this, because they want you to believe that you can make money in the markets simply by buying their trading product. I prefer to tell people the truth, and the truth is that having an effective and non-confusing trading strategy is very important, but it’s only one piece of the pie. The bigger portion of the pie is managing your trades correctly and managing your emotions correctly, if you do not do these two things you will never make money in the markets over the long-term. • Why most traders lose money

You have probably heard that most people who attempt Forex trading end up losing money. There’s a good reason for this, and the reason is primarily that most people think about trading in the wrong light. Most people come into the markets with unrealistic expectations, such as thinking they are going to quit their jobs after a month of trading or thinking they are going to turn $1,000 into $100,000 in a few months. These unrealistic expectations work to foster an account-destroying trading mindset in most traders because they feel too much pressure or “need” to make money in the markets. When you begin trading with this “need” or pressure to make money, you enviably end up trading emotionally, which is the fastest way to lose your money.

• What emotions should you watch for in yourself while trading?

To be a little bit more specific about “emotional” trading, let’s go over some of the most common emotional trading mistakes that traders make:

Greed – There’s an old saying that you may have heard regarding trading the markets, it goes something like this: “Bulls make money, bears make money, and pigs get slaughtered”. It basically means that if you are a greedy “pig” in the markets, you are almost certainly going to lose your money. Traders are greedy when they don’t take profits because they think a trade is going to go forever in their favor. Another thing that greedy traders do is add to a position simply because the market has moved in their favor, you can add to your trades if you do so for logical price action-based reasons, but doing so only because the market has moved in your favor a little bit, is usually an action born out of greed. Obviously, risking too much on a trade from the very start is a greedy thing to do too. The point here is that you need to be very careful of greed, because it can sneak up on you and quickly destroy your trading account.

Fear – Traders become fearful of entering the market usually when they are new to trading and have not yet mastered an effective trading strategy like price action trading (in which case they should not be trading real money yet anyways). Fear can also arise in a trader after they hit a series of losing trades or after suffering a loss larger than what they are emotionally capable of absorbing. To conquer fear of the market, you primarily have to make sure you are never risking more money than you are totally OK with losing on a trade. If you are totally OK with losing the amount of money you have at risk, there is nothing to fear. Fear can be a very limiting emotion to a trader because it can make them miss out on good trading opportunities.

Revenge – Traders experience a feeling of wanting “revenge” on the market when they suffer a losing trade that they were “sure” would work out. The key thing here is that there is no “sure” thing in trading…never. Also, if you have risked too much money on a trade (starting to see a theme here?), and you end up losing that money, there’s a good chance you are going to want to try and jump back in the market to make that money back….which usually just leads to another loss (and sometimes an even larger one) since you are just trading emotionally again.

Euphoria – While feeling euphoric is usually a good thing, it can actually do a lot of damage to a trader’s account after he or she hits a big winner or a large string of winners. Traders can become overly-confident after winning a few trades in the market, for this reason most traders experience their biggest losing period’s right after they hit a bunch of winners in the market. It is extremely tempting to jump right back in the market after a “perfect” trade setup or after you hit 5 winning trades in a row…there’s a fine line between keeping your feet grounded in reality and thinking that everything you do in the markets will turn to gold.

Many traders enter into a tailspin of emotional trading and losing money after they hit a string of winners. The reason this happens is because they feel confident and euphoric and forget about the real danger of the market and that ANY TRADE CAN LOSE. The key to remember here is that trading is a long-term game of probabilities, if you have a high-probability trading edge, you will eventually make money over the long-term assuming you follow your trading edge with discipline. But, even if your edge is 70% successful over time, you could still hit 30 losing trades in a row out of 100….so keep this fact in mind and always remember you never know WHICH trade will be a loser and WHICH will be a winner. • How to obtain and maintain an effective trading mindset

Obtaining and maintaining an effective Forex trading mindset is the result of doing a lot of things right, and it usually takes a conscious effort on the trader’s behalf to accomplish this. It’s not necessarily difficult to achieve, but if you want to develop an effective trading mindset, you have to accept certain facts about trading and then trade the market with these facts in mind…

You need to know what your trading strategy (trading edge) is and you need to master it. You have to become a “sniper” in the market instead of a “machine gunner”, this involves knowing your trading strategy inside and out and having absolutely NO questions about what the market needs to look like before you risk your hard-earned money in it.

You need to always manage your risk properly. If you do not control your risk on EVERY single trade, you open the door for emotional trading to take hold of your mind, and I can promise you that once you start down the slippery slope of emotional Forex trading. it CAN be very hard to stop your slide, or even recognize that you are trading emotionally in the first place. You can largely eliminate the possibility of becoming an overly-emotional trader by only risking an amount of money per trade that you are 100% OK with losing. You should EXPECT TO LOSE on any given trade, that way you are always aware of the very real possibility of it actually happening.

You need to not over-trade. Most traders trade way too much. You need to know what your trading edge is with 100% certainty and then ONLY trade when it’s present. Once you start trading just because you “feel like it” or because you “sort of” see your trading edge…you kick off a roller coaster of emotional trading that can be very hard to stop. Don’t start over trading and you will likely not become an emotional Forex trader.

You need to become an organized trader. If there is something that is the “glue” that holds all of the points I’ve discussed in this part together, it is being an organized trader. By organized, I mean having a trading plan and a trading journal and actually using both of them consistently. You need to think of Forex trading like a business instead of like a trip to the casino. Be calm and calculating in all your interactions with the market and you should have no problem keeping the emotional trading demons at bay.

Syllabus Of All Chapters


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Making The First Forex Trade

Now that you have completed the first three lessons of this course, you have the basic information you need to make your first forex trade. Before you take that first step and commit your money to a trade, there is something more you can do to help prepare yourself for the real world of trading:

Most online forex brokers offer practice accounts that simulate the real trading experience. Instead of risking your hard-earned cash, you can trade using virtual money. The lessons you learn using a practice account are immediately transferable to live accounts, so to receive the greatest benefit, you must treat the practice account seriously and trade as if you were trading real money.

Do this for at least a few weeks and then make an honest assessment of your performance. If you have more losing trades than winning trades, you must adjust your strategies and continue practicing before you open and fund an actual trading account.

Many new traders find it difficult to replicate the success they have on a practice account once switching to a live trading account. This is often due to a tendency to alter trading practices once "real" money is involved.

I work full time, can I still make use of your service and trade around my job?

Full time trader and founder of Forex Mentor Pro, Marc trades Forex from his home in the sunny Canary Islands specialising and teching his own M1-M2 trading systems.

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Yes of course, if you decide its not for you just contact us during the trial period and we will cancel any further membership fees for you.

How long will it take me to become a profitable trader?

This varies from trader to trader so we can not give you an exact amount of time, some members pick it up quickly and excel while others take much longer.

Do I need any other expensive services to learn to trade, like charting?

No, we will show you where you can get a charting platform and everything you need for free. You can use a free demo account while you learn so there is no other cost involved.

Do you offer a signal service so I can copy your trades?

No, we are not a signal service. Our aim is to teach you how to find profitable trades for yourself so you are not reliant on us. In our daily video analysis we do show in advance where and why we are looking for trades but these are for educational purposes only and not intending as signals.

What's the minimum amount I can trade with on a live account?

With some of our recommended brokers you can open a live trading account with as little as $200 but we always recommend that you start on a demo account until you have a firm grasp of trading.

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Risk Warning: Forex and Contracts for Difference (CFDs) are leveraged products. El comercio de estos productos es altamente especulativo y supone un riesgo considerable. Tenga en cuenta que incluso los inversionistas bien informados y experimentados pueden experimentar grandes pérdidas potenciales como resultado del comercio de Forex y CFDs. En consecuencia, los inversores deben ser plenamente conscientes de todos los riesgos involucrados en el comercio de divisas y CFDs y aceptar todas las consecuencias negativas asociadas con dicho comercio. Por favor, siempre recuerde que el comercio de divisas y CFD puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Es deseable que los inversores que consideran el comercio, para hacerlo sólo con el dinero que pueden permitirse el lujo de perder. También se recomienda buscar asesoramiento financiero independiente si es necesario.

CommexFX Ltd is authorized and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission(CySEC), license number: CIF 153/11. CommexFX does not provide brokerage services for citizens of the United States of America.


Trading in the Foreign exchange market requires knowledge, enthusiasm and the desire to succeed.

Successful FX trading befits traders who endeavour to first understand the exciting mechanisms of global markets and then apply their knowledge when opportunities arise. They thrive to becoming experts at identifying investment opportunities and at taking calculated risk.


Every discipline has its own jargon and the Foreign Exchange Market offers its own lexicon, that is rich in both financial terms and concepts, such as: Bid, Lot, Spread, Leveraging, etc. BoursePro’s instructors will provide individually designed training sessions to empower its clients to make well informed decisions and to take calculated risk when investing.


The Foreign Exchange Market is by far the largest market in the world. It involves a volume of transactions that reaches on average $5.3 trillion per day. Traditionally reserved to large financial institutions, the FX market has for the past ten years been available to the wider public and individual investors mainly thanks to internet based trading platforms. BoursePro offers you the opportunity to discover the advantages and particularities of these exciting markets through its own trading platform and cutting edge-technology, bringing real-time financial information to your desktop and smartphone.


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Identifying Some Forex Candlestick Patterns

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So You Want to Trade Forex?

Created by EQUITIES Magazine

The current volatility and fluctuation in global currencies have attracted investors and traders to the foreign exchange market. The growing popularity of trading Forex, though, has also created the need for improved regulation to better protect beginners.

Thanks to the Commodities Futures Modernization Act of 2000, regulating bodies like the U. S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the National Futures Association have taken on larger roles in establishing proper procedures with the goal of improved oversight and stricter requirements.

"The industry is continuously growing," says Larry Dyekman, director of communications and education for NFA. "Growth with no regulation is ripe for fraud. Customers have lost hundreds of millions of dollars. The CFTC has taken much legal action and hopes that new requirements and regulation [will help] a lot of this fraudulent activity disappear."

As a self-regulating agency for the U. S. futures market, the NFA reports to the CFTC. The Commodities Futures Modernization Act requires that any firm acting as a counterparty to futures contract transactions must belong to some form of regulatory organization.

"There are a lot of reasons Forex is a little more difficult to regulate," Dyekman says. "It's more global, and there's no central clearinghouse. These dealers are acting as the counterparty to the trade, so it's not as transparent as on-exchange futures contracts. So when you don't have that kind of transparency and liquidity in a central location, it's a little harder to regulate."

There are a few major differences when comparing Forex trading to trading stocks. Whether these features create an advantage or disadvantage depends on the investor's preference. Retail Forex operators like FXCM, which boasts more than 100,000 live accounts, have made it easier than ever for beginning traders to enter the market.

"True 24-hour access is a major advantage that the Forex market has over equities and futures—it eliminates weekday overnight risk for traders," says Brendan Callan, managing director of sales and customer services for FXCM. "They can trade as news breaks on the other side of the world, and transaction costs are substantially lower than in the equities and futures market. Leverage capabilities are another draw. In Forex, retail traders can leverage their accounts 100 to 200 times. We don't suggest using that much leverage, but the ability to do so gives them a great deal of flexibility with their trading strategies."

Callan adds that FXCM shifted away from serving as a counterparty to trades, adopting a "No Dealing Desk" execution model three years ago. Forex brokers usually generate revenue by collecting bid-ask spreads, or pips. "FXCM simply passes on the best prices from the many banks that we have clearing relationships with," Callan says. "We don't need them to lose in order to earn revenue, which is the case with many of our competitors, who trade against their own clients."

When selecting an appropriate Forex broker to use, Dyekman recommends that traders do their due diligence and investigate each firm. "Before making any decisions about trading in Forex or any investment decisions, you need to know the product you're going to trade and know who you're trading with," he says.

On the flip side, increased regulation has put the onus on Forex operators to know their customers. The Patriot Act of 2001 requires that all financial institutions verify the identity of their customers as part of an anti-money laundering program. The NFA has put in place a program designed to mirror that of the federal government. In addition to identity verification, brokers are also required to evaluate customer information to provide the appropriate risk disclosures.

"We have a rule that requires our members to obtain certain information from a potential customer before accepting them," Dyekman says. "Things like their name, address, income, net worth, and their experience in trading the product they're going to be trading. There are definite procedures that we ask the firm to follow when they open a new account for a customer."

However, for investors looking to capitalize on the ups and downs of the Forex market, the information gathering and verification process to open and fund an account could take longer, says Darren Rennick, director of transaction software developer M2 Global.

M2 has developed a patent-pending technology called card-integrated acquiring, which streamlines the verification process for Forex brokers and shortens the time it takes to transfer money in and out of trading accounts. For many brokers, the quickest way for customers to fund an account still takes at least one or two days.

"Let's say you open up a trading account, but then it takes five days to get your money into your account and start trading," Rennick says. "You can imagine how frustrating an experience that is for somebody who wants to trade. It's so volatile an industry that the opportunity that you're looking to capitalize on might be gone after five days. The challenge is that it's not particularly easy for people to fund their trading accounts. M2 has solutions to a lot of these problems."

Rennick says that the technology works similarly to how online retailers complete transactions. M2 provides the Forex broker with a merchant account, and through that account, the company's proprietary technology will verify the customer's identity, process the transaction, and fund the account.

"Nobody's come up with a solution until now," Rennick says. "It's patent pending, so we just need to educate people about how it works, why it conforms to NFA regulations—which it does—and then walk them through the technical implementation aspect of it. It's a simple thing to do. The issue that we have right now is that it's new."

After the account is opened, traders should also fully understand the strategies and the potential consequences that they expose their portfolio to. One major risk that beginning traders need to be aware of is the power of using leverage, which is a popular investment strategy that magnifies the impact of trades and market movements.

"Leverage is the big one," Callan says. "Clients that come to this market need to use leverage wisely. Relatively speaking, Forex moves very little. A 1% to 2% move in a day would be considered significant volatility. While 1% to 2% isn't much, if you are leveraged 100 times, that becomes a 100% swing on your account in one trading day. As they say, leverage is a double-edged sword."

For investors that want to trade on the Forex market, Dyekman stresses that due diligence and information gathering is a must. "[The NFA website] goes into a lot of details that you should know," he says. "Please do your due diligence. It's a volatile market place, and you have to have a certain temperament to deal with it."

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Descargo de responsabilidad: Trading forex en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.


A 6-Hour, Step-by-Step Comprehensive Homestudy Video Course That Takes You Through The Essential Elements of Forex Trading.

Dear Aspiring Forex Trader,

Most newcomers to Forex marvel at the potential of being able to participate in the world’s largest business – presently valued at over $4 trillion in transaction per day . Yet the learning process required to become a Forex trader for many can be a daunting task. The lack of a structured approach to learning the foundational elements of Forex trading often leaves many traders feeling confused and lacking the confidence needed achieve trading success.

To help address this, the Forexmentor team has developed a brand new video course that is designed to cut through the clutter of trading jargon and to equip you with a solid foundation for trading the Forex.

The Fast Track to Forex course is hosted by one of our leading mentors - Frank Paul. A full-time trader himself, Frank is instrumental in helping hundreds of Forexmentor members understand difficult trading concepts. He was responsible for the hugely popular Forex Profits with MACD course and more recently SystemsLab . FXM TrendTrader and COT MarketWatch .

Frank's known for presenting bewildering topics in a plain-spoken way that does not intimidate even those brand-new to the game. A logically sequenced progression through all the core concepts, clearly explained and richly illustrated . will make this not only a great way to immerse yourself in the field but also a practical reference going forward.

Here's just a random selection of some of the many valuable insights you will gain from Frank’s presentation:

How Currencies are Quoted (Module 1): In the Forex, all currencies are bought and sold in pairs, the first currency being the “Base”, the second the “Quote”. Learn how the relationship between the Base and Quote affects the total value of your transaction.

Contract Sizing (Module 1): Contract sizing refers to the total amount of currency you wish to control to facilitate your per-order profit objective. Learn how you can maximize your profit potential for each trade by utilizing a larger number of small lots for a given level of risk.

Account Equity and Margin (Module 2): The maximum amount of currency you can control is directly dependent on how much money you have in your account times the leverage you specify to your broker. Learn the ‘cardinal rule’ of risk management.

Trade Readiness (Module 2): Everybody has a different learning curve – it's helpful to focus on what you need to be successful, not what somebody else needs. Learn how to create benchmarks of success to be attained in your demo account before going 'live'.

Pros & Cons of the “Fundies” (Module 3): Fundamental Analysis has a useful role to play for the strategic minded trader, but it must be approached in a judicious fashion. Discover the strengths and potential pitfalls of Fundamental Analysis and how to apply it to your trading approach.

Maximizing Interest Rate Differentials . The Carry Trade (Module 3): A ‘Carry Trade’ is a currency pair where there is a substantial gap in the interest rates of the two countries paired. Find out how the nuts and bolts of the Carry Trade works and how to play both sides of the market to earn interest on your trade.

Overview of Technical Analysis Tools (Module 4): There are five basic categories of technical analysis indicators, each of which has slightly different uses and strengths – here you’ll find out what those are and how to put them to advantage within your own trading approach.

Chart Pattern Basics (Module 4): Did you know that there are two basic types of Chart Patterns – so called ‘Continuation’ patterns and ‘Reversal’ ¿patrones? Learn about the most popular varieties of each and gain some valuable insights on how to trade them.

Trading Styles Simplified (Module 5): Size of profit target, time in the trade, and per-trade risk are the three variables which define and overall trading approach. Here we discuss how those and related variables differ with respect to four common trading styles: position trading, swing trading, day trading, and scalping.

Popular Trading Strategies (Module 5): Once you have a trading style that suits your personal situation, the next step is to consider one or more common trading strategies. Here we learn the setup and basic trading rules of seven of the most popular, including: Rangebound, Breakout, Trend, Pivots, Patterns, Divergence, and Elliott Wave.


People who are new to the Forex market but have trading or investing experience in other markets and but wish to know what sets Forex apart

Those completely new to the field of trading in general who are looking for a practical, well presented introductory overview

Newcomers who are curious but perhaps not sure if it’s the right opportunity for them and want to know more before making the commitment to proceed with demo and live trading

Traders frustrated by other introductory courses that failed to address all-important aspects of personal development such as trade readiness and what you need to succeed in this exciting market

From "What's a Pip?," to "Trading Elliott Wave," Fast Track to Forex is an excellent overview for the beginning, as well as the intermediate forex trader. Frank Paul discusses many topics which successful traders must know, and offers helpful advice for further study in various areas of particular interest. Those who have previously traded stocks or commodities would benefit from this course before trading the forex market. I highly recommend all of Frank's materials." - Larry Johns

I've been studying your Fast Track to Forex DVD and I must say it has opened up worlds for me considering that I'm absolutely new at this. Thank you for creating this course. Best regards, - Lunga John Radebe

If all that weren't enough, Frank has agreed to 'go the extra mile' for us and offer a terrific value for first time course subscribers. Check out these amazing bonuse learning resources.


Inspired by trading principles taught by Peter Bain, Frank developed this simple and very effective trading system based on a unique format of four Moving Averages (the ‘four sisters’) together with two other indicators, Stochastics and Parabolic SMI. In this report Frank explains how to set up the indicators, what specific type of readings we look for within the Moving Averages, and how to identify entry and exit points on valid readings using the two supplemental indicators and pivots. A wonderfully ‘visual’ system that maximizes the old trading adage ‘buy the dips in the uptrend, sell the rallies in the downtrend.


The Parabolic-SMI indicator developed by Welles Wilder (inventor of RSI and DMI) is an excellent trading tool that is not fully understood by some traders. In this well explained and illustrated report Frank documents four different exciting applications for the indicator including precision entry points within validated top-down analysis, placement of the initial protective stop, placement of trailing stops to reduce risk and lock in profit as the trade progresses, and confirmation of trend. You want tight entry points with limited risk? ¡No busque más!


Elliott Wave (EW) is both a theoretical framework for understanding how the market works, as well as a practical set of tools for identifying, executing and managing high-probability trade setups. In this report Frank introduces you, by way of clear and simple language free of technical jargon, to some of the most important concepts of EW theory and provides a simple program of study that will get you up and running with wave counts, Fibonacci retracements, and pretty much all the basics you’ll need to become a full-fledged Elliott-ician.

CD de audio

Get the entire course in MP3 format (Audio only). Listen to the entire course from the convenience of your car or when you are on the road. You can also store the course on your MP3 player. NOTE: This bonus is only available with the DVD version of the course.

The Fast Track to Forex Video course is truly a fantastic resource that's an absolute must have for all Forex traders. If you are familiar with Frank's other products, you already know that he delivers the best education value to our members. I urge you to take advantage of the introductory offer now and save.

Peter R. Bain Founder of Forexmentor. com


North America Clients: Please call Toll Free: 1-800-516-0234 International Clients: Please call: +1-604-953-0234

SATISFACTION MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: The on-line version of the course includes life-time access. If you are not completely satisfied with "Fast Track To Forex", simply return it within 30 days with no questions asked. (Non-refundable handling fees: $30 for online course returns. $50 DVD returns)


Module 1: Forex Market Overview

1. Welcome Aboard 2. A Brief Rundown 3. What is Forex Anyway 4. What Forex Can Do For You 5. Size & Scope of Forex 6. Daily Global Turnover 7. Trading Centers Around the Clock 8. Who Participates in this Market 9. The Interbank Market 10. The Role of the Broker 11. How Currencies Are Quoted 12. The Currency Majors 13. What's a Pip 14. How Profits Are Made in Forex 15. Bid, Ask & Spread 16. Order Execution Types 17. Market Order Example 18. Entry Order Example 19. Contract Sizing 20. Margin & Leverage 21. Rollover & Interest 22. Recap

Module 2: What You Need to Trade the Forex

1. What You Need to Trade the Forex 2. Your Trading Workstation 3. Multiple Monitors 4. Single Monitor 5. Selecting a Broker 6. Selecting a Charting Package 7. Recommended Charting Platforms 8. Daily Trading Log 9. Power of Planning 10. Monitoring Your Progress 11. Trade Readiness 12. Funding a Live Account 13. What's Your Trading Style? 14. Furthering Your Forex Education 15. Working with a Mentor 16. Recap

Module 3: Introduction to Fundamental Analysis

1. Fundamental Analysis Defined 2. Standard Economic Indicators 3. Price Drivers 4. Pros & Cons of the "Fundies" 5. Inflationary Scenario 6. Deflationary Scenario 7. Central Banks 8. Key Players 9. Interest Rate Announcements 10. Rate Differentials & the Carry Trade 11. How the Carry Trade Works? 12. Contrarian Analysis 13. Fundamentals Not Reported in the Mainstream 14. Media 15. News that Matters, News that Doesn't 16. How Economic Data is Usually Reported 17. Using a News Calendar 18. News Formats 19. News Calendars 20. Sample of News Calendars (Daily FX) 21. Sample of News Calendars (Forex Factory) 22. Staying On Top of News 23. Trading the News 24. Non-Farm Payroll (NFP) Trading Example 25. Recap

Module 4: Introduction to Technical Analysis

1. Technical Analysis Defined 2. Bar & Candlestick Basics 3. How Bars and Candles Compare 4. What Bars and Candles Look Like On a Chart 5. What's in a Chart (Price and Time) 6. Overview of Technical Analysis Tools 7. Moving Averages and MACD 8. Moving Averages and MACD Examples 9. Oscillators Explained 10. Using Other Indicators 11. Trading Chart Patterns 12. Using Pivot Levels 13. Using Oscillators 14. The Stochastics Momentum Indicator 15. Volatility Indicators 16. Bollinger Bands 17. Chart Pattern Bascis 18. Common Reversal Patterns 19. Double Top and Head and Shoulders 20. Common Continuation Patterns 21. Flags and Pennants 22. Elliott Wave Theory Overview 23. Sample Elliot Wave Count 24. Fibonacci Basics 25. Elliot Wave and Fibonacci Working Together 26. Recap

Module 5: Find Your Winning Edge

1. Trading Styles Defined 2. Position Trading Defined 3. Position Trading Example 4. Swing Trading Defined 5. Swing Trading Example 6. Day Trading Defined 7. Day Trading Example 8. Scalping Defined 9. Scalping Example 10. Popular Trading Strategies 11. Trading a Rangebound Market 12. Rangebound Trading Example 13. Breakout Trading Defined 14. Breakout Trading Example 15. Trading with the Trend 16. Trend Trading Example 17. How to Trade with Pivots 18. Pivot Trading Example 19. Trading Chart Patterns 20. Trading Chart Patterns Example 21. How to Trade Divergence 22. Divergence Trading Example 23. Trading Elliot Wave 24. Elliot Wave Trading Example 25. Putting it Together 26. Recap

Frank Paul began his Forex career in 2004. In 2007, he joined the Forexmentor team, authoring a number of our most popular and enduring online and DVD training resources including FXM Trend Trader, Trendline Mastery. Learn Forex Now!. Fast Track to Forex. Forex Profits with MACD. FX SystemsLab Monthly. y más. Frank’s underlying philosophy of Forex trading success is to trade only in the direction of a strong trending market, buying at or close to corrective tops or bottoms for high Reward/Risk performance.

Prior to his career in the Forex industry, Frank spent a total of 16 years in a number of marketing and operations roles primarily in management consulting and online commerce. Frank possesses an MBA degree from the University of British Columbia, as well as a Bachelor of Arts degree. He lives with his wife and two young children in Vancouver, Canada. Favorite pastimes include mountain biking, skiing, swimming, literature, film, and music.

Trendline Mastery Trader's Club Ongoing trendline trading education with real time application examples and opportunity identification-focused resources presented in both streaming video and PDF files. more В»

Trendline Mastery Course Frank and Peter show you the importance of Trendline and Trend Channel analysis and why Forex traders must master these concepts in order to trade successfully. more В»

TrendTrader Plus consists of a foundational course and a comprehensive suite of online resources and real-time services designed to help you apply a unique trend-trading method to the daily Forex market action. more В»

Learn Forex Now! is a comprehensive, practical and most of all – completely realistic – overview of what the Forex industry is all about and what it takes to become a competent practitioner within it. more »

Fast Track to Forex is a foundational course designed to offer new traders a comprehensive introduction to all the nuances of trading the Forex market. more В»

Forex Profits with MACD Master one of the most powerful & widely used tools of tchnical analysis! This is a practical guide to understanding & applying MACD Indicator for Forex trading. more В»

FX SystemsLab is a series of 12 comprehensive Forex trading systems courses with weekly illustration videos and support material. more В»

“First of all, I want to thank you for what you've taught me to date. I've been following you enthusiastically for months now, and I'm very impressed with your knowledge and professionalism. ” - Ruth M.

“Hi Frank, I just really wana thank to you the way you people help us is amazing. I have no words to thank you. The Best thing I like about you and your teaching is you just simplify everything. You make everything very much simple and cleared this is your best quality I like. ” - Hafiz A.

“Good morning sir and happy new year. Just to say a big thank you for Saturday's video, it make trading simple and effortless. God will continue to bless you with more wisdom and am very happy with the way you move the candles forward in explaining how price unfold. It's very educating and it's a privilege to know you. Am planning to start my trading back this year but I just can't stop keeping up with ur weekly videos, there is nothing like it. Thanks again. ” - Toyin G.

“Gear Frank: Thanks so much for all of the wonderful emails and programs you have offered over the past few years on Forex Mentor. com. I listen to your weekly videos and I find they are *the best* anyone on the market makes. You describe each system very clearly and in detail. It's impossible not to learn a great deal from your lessons. I don't mind that some of them 20 minutes or longer - you offer so much in that short lecture and it's very easy to understand. You always offer great guidance and easy-to-use systems. Thank you for your help - please keep the videos coming! ” - Marina

Risk Disclosure Statement: Trading currencies on margin involves a high level of risk which may not be suitable for all investors. Leverage can work against you just as easily as it can work for you. Before deciding to trade currencies you should carefully consider your trading and financial objectives, level of experience, and appetite for risk. The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some, or possibly all of your trading capital. Therefore, you should not fund a trading account with money that you cannot afford to lose. It is recommended that you seek advice from an accredited financial advisor if you have any doubts as to whether currency trading is right for you. No representation or guarantee is offered or implied as to the trading results that may be attained by applying concepts presented herein. Any losses incurred by traders unsuccessful in applying these ideas or methods are the sole responsibility of the trader and Currex Investment Services Inc (d. b.a “Forexmentor”) and its principals, contractors and assigns will be held safe from prosecution in any form.

© 2003-2016 Forexmentor. com. Todos los derechos reservados.

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Successful Trading



Financial Security

RISK WARNING: Foreign exchange (Forex) and Contracts for Difference (CFD) trading involve a high degree of leverage. Leverage can result in losses as well as gains. Losses can exceed your deposit. These products involve a substantial risk of loss may not be suitable for all investors and you should consult an independent advisor if you are not sure whether Forex or CFDs are a suitable investment.


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Latest Forex Demo contests & Competitions in 2016

All Demo contests 2016.

Featured Demo contest: FX Rodeo - Weekly contests!

FX Rodeo held by MFXBroker, is a series of “ 24 hours duration ” Forex demo contests with 300$ prize fund for each round!

The contest starts every week from 10:00 on Thursday till 10:00 on Friday. Los 10 mejores ganadores se determinan como ganadores basados ​​en el balance máximo de la cuenta. Prizes are absolutely in cash and withdrawable!

Accounts initial balance is 5000 USD. Stop out level is 0% with a leverage at 1:200. Lot volume and number of opened positions are not limited as well. Using expert advisors are not allowed.

XM Weekly Demo Contest

Regulated by: CySEC, FCA

XM runs 4 Demo contests each month, each contest lasts for 1 week. Total 20,000 USD premio en un mes, cada semana 5000 USD Premio en efectivo para los 90 mejores ganadores. Trade and gain the highest profit and become a winner of XM weekly Contest! All Prizes are withdrawable with no restriction, added to your trading account. Initial balance - 10000$, leverage 1:50, Scalping allowed, EA not allowed.

5000 USD shared between top 90 winners!

1st winner. 1150$

82nd - 90th winners: 9$

Every Wednesday on 12:00 PM

Fibogrouo - Trader's Triple Chase 2016

Regulated by: CySEC, FSC

FiboGroup Trader's Triple Chase Forex Contest consists of three rounds - Demo. En vivo y PAMM. En la primera ronda, los operadores compiten en las cuentas demo durante una semana. Top 10 winners are chosen based on the highest profitability and percentage of max drawdown which isn’t more than 30%. 1st round winners get 100$ pre - deposited NDD Real accounts, ready for second round - live stage.

En la segunda ronda, el operador con el mejor resultado se convertirá en el ganador de la segunda ronda y se le otorgará una cuenta PAMM con un premio de 1000 USD. Los ganadores pueden retirar estos fondos al final de la segunda ronda en caso de que hayan negociado más de 0,5 lote durante la semana.

Ganadores de las dos primeras rondas, participarán en la 3ª ronda del concurso - PAMM. 3rd round will last until 16 Dec 2016. At 3rd round, PAMM managers will receive points based on the result of managing the PAMM accounts at the end of each week, only if the result exceeds more than 5%. At this stage, the profits can be withdrawn.

The winners of the 3rd round will be determined by lottery, which takes place on December 20, 2016.

1st round - 100$ Live account for top 10 winners

2nd round - 1000$ PAMM account for first place winner

3nd round - PAMM accounts pre - loaded with $10 000, $15 000 and $25 000 for 3 winners

FxArena Contest Platform

To participate in FxArena Demo contests, you’ll need to buy tickets, depending on which type of contest you choose, FxArena tickets cost from as low as 6$ up to 55$. At FxArena, Prizes are as pool, it depends on the number of contest participants and the traders with the highest balance will win and share the prize pool. Los premios son en efectivo y disponibles para retiro sin limitación.

Para obtener más información sobre los Concursos de Comercio de FxArena, lea la Reseña de Concursos de FxArena.

Ticket price: 6$ (5$ + 1$ participation fee)

Contest duration is just 1 week

Minimum 15 registrant required for contest

Contest takes place every week

Leverage is set at 50:1, EAs are allowed

Late registrations accepted within 5 days

ICMarkets Forex Demo Trading of the year

Regulated by: ASIC

Forex Demo contest with 10,000 cash prize by a leading Australian Forex Broker, IC Markets! Initial balance for contestants is 10,000$ with a leverage at 1:100. Traders who gain the highest equity at the end of the contest, become the top 10 winners. Those who reach 50% drawdown will be disqualified from the contest. Prizes are given to IC Markets Live accounts and are withdrawable with no restriction.

8th - 10th place $100

Squared Financial - MyFxBook Demo Contest

Regulated by: Central Bank of Ireland

Participants account balance is 50000$ with a leverage of 200:1. Top 3 traders with the maximum balance are the winners. The prizes are given to winners as a funded Live account at Squared Financial Broker, within 20 days after the winners are announced. Prizes are withdrawable, however they can be withdrawn after 30 days.

First place 3500 USD

Second place 1000 USD

Third place 500 USD

Tradeo Demo Contest

Regulated by: CySEC

Tradeo Demo contest with 5,000 USD Funded Live accounts for top 10 winners! Contestants initial account balance is 50,000$ and the leverage is 200:1. Se requiere un volumen de negociación mínimo de 100 lotes. Los ganadores recibirán sus premios dentro de los 15 días posteriores al final del concurso. Terms and conditions for winners prizes are specified later in time by the Tradeo Broker.

3rd place $55 4th place 250$ 6th - 10th place 140$

FX Trader of the Year

Regulated by: FCA (UK)

HantecFX in partnership with FxStreet runs a great demo contest with 10,000$ prize for top 3 best traders as winners. Contestants get 10,000 initial balance on demo accounts with leverage 100:1. Only EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, USDCHF, Gold and Oil can be traded in this contest. Winners prizes can be withdrawn by trading 5 lots per each 100$ of prize amount. Profits can be withdrawn with no limitation, however with any withdrawal of profit, prize amount will be written off.

1st place - $5000

2nd place - $3000

3rd place - $2000

Starts on 11 Oct

IronFx Demo Contest 2016

Regulated by: CySEC, FCA, ASIC, DFSA

IronFx 2016 Demo Contest has started, win an FC Barcelona VIP Pack or 5000 USD! Participants are given 100,000 Demo accounts. Top 3 winners are selected by three factors - Percentage in Profit (First priority), Percentage of relative breakdown and Profit factor. Registration for contest is valid until the end of contest! You can join at any time! Winners should complete necessary lots in order withdraw their prizes.

1st place 5000$ or an FC Barcelona VIP Package

21 Dec - 31 Jan 2016

& Gt; & gt; Continue to BestFXBonus

Why Trust Capital

Licensed by the Central Bank of Lebanon (BDL)

Regulated by the Capital Markets Authority (CMA)

Exceptional Trading Conditions

Quick and easy funding and withdrawal methods

MT4 platform - one of the most widely used platforms for

online trading

Different account classifications with different leverages

Multilingual customer support from 7:00 to 21:00 GMT

24 hour trading desk support throughout the working week

Few minutes to open an account

Trust Capital Trading Conditions

Tight Spreads

as low as 1.8 pips on EUR/USD; 50 cents on XAU/USD

Flexible Leverage

from 1:100 to 1:400

No Volume Limit

on trades, minimum trade size is 0.10 lots

No dealer intervention;

Direct market access

with no trading restrictions

Negative Balance Protection

on all accounts traded

No Swaps

on overnight positions for frequently traded accounts

Comments from Our Traders

Hi Vance, I want to thank you for what you do!

Before signing up I completely ignored your member feedback page. ¡jajaja! Because it was on your site, I just assumed they were coerce or manipulated. In hindsight, now that I’m a member, I see it’s just feedback page. All from your members, completely honest and organic. Which makes that page even more impressive!

I have to say I signed up because you’re down to earth, serious, very experienced, and accessible. You also cover all aspects of trading, not just strategy.

The fact that your not a “youtube forex celb”, didn’t surprise and is a positive for you, IMO! There are too many that live on teaching forex rather then actually trading forex!

I like your motto of education is watching you, and training is you watch us. It explains exactly what your program is all about.

Your on going mentorship is of me great value to me and not to mention your entertaining and informative morning sessions!

Your 1cent trial is a no-brainer and your 12 monthly payment plan is very generous.

I don’t have any hesitation recommending Vance to beginners or non beginners, who are serious about being ‘consistently profitable’ in forex!

Moment of Clarity A few weeks ago I had a moment of clarity. After a year of learning Forex with Vance and trading it all came together. It was one of those moments when everything you have been studying, practicing and researching all comes together in one coherent thought. The moment of Ah Ha! I get it now! That is what happened for me. For a year now I have been studying with Vance and trading. I have been learning more and more as the time went on. Practicing and doing research. It was just shortly after I started posting fundamentals in the Team Fundamentals Forum that I had insight. I was listening to one of the morning live recordings and Vance was talking about short and medium term trades. I am not sure what he said or what he was showing, but at that moment everything came together and I knew exactly what he was talking about, what the market fundamentals meant and what my trading plan meant. It was the best feeling I have had in a very long time concerning Forex. It was also the first time since I started this I didn’t get an anxiety attack or upset stomach at the thought of trading a live account. I realized that there is not a difference, as long as I follow my trading plan. By no means am I done learning or looking for guidance from Vance, far from it. It just means I understand what Vance has been teaching us and it allows me to learn more. The foundation that Vance is teaching is more important than anything you will learn in Forex. Without it you will fail and lose all your money. My motto is Patience and Persistence. Don’t rush it, don’t force it. Be Patient and Persist in your learning.

I am truly enjoying your program. It is more than trading; it is a way of thinking and a way of life. The holistic approach Vance teaches not only helps you with your trading, but with everyday life. His advice and recommendations for reading have helped improve what I do and how I do it. This is a great course and it is hard to put a price on all the benefits you get. Keep an open mind truly listen to what is being said and you will do more than master currency trading, you will begin to master your life.

I’ve been trading forex for about 8 years since 2006. Throughout the first 7 years I spent thousands of dollars on countless online trading methods, robots, mirror trading, and none of them worked for me. I was blowing my account over and over again. On top of all my losses, I spent all day and night glued to my computer monitor looking at charts. I had no profit and no life, and even though I was working from home, I was spending more time on my charts than with my own family. I was consumed with trying to make forex my livelihood and main source of income, but my untrained efforts only brought me to more debt and a huge sense of failure. It felt almost impossible to make money trading. Most people would have probably stopped trading completely after losing over $10,000, but I still believed it was possible to make a living trading forex. When I came across Vance’s Art of War video on youtube, I was trading a small account ($1000) unsuccessfully. The free online videos and free e-books that I read and watched, showed his general method of trading which was so simple, yet so precise and accurate. I was even starting to make consistent profit following just his youtube videos, so I knew that I stumbled onto what I have been looking and hoping for all these years. The fact that he was giving away his method for free and not some sneaky tease method only to lure you in to pay for some software or EA and then leave you to fend for yourself, was unique to me. So I put my live account on hold and joined his forexartofwar program. Vance helps you create a trading plan, using his proven method, designed specifically for each individual trader. His training, forum, insight, and expertise are like nothing I’ve ever come across. For the first time in 8 years, I am trading with a step by step plan that he helped create for me to trade successfully with consistent profit. I don’t spend my entire day glued to my charts anymore. I have strict rules that I follow which now gives me the freedom and peace of mind I never had trading forex. Although I still have more to learn through my experience, I am greatly appreciative to Vance and everyone in the forum who has helped me get to where I am today. I’ve learned more about my trading and myself personally in the last 7 months from Vance than I have in the last 7 years on my own.

I really love your philosophical approach to trading. I now truly appreciate the interconnectedness of all that is. Your program has given me all the necessary tools for me to develop my own skill.

I could write an essay detailing the value of your guidance; but to put it succinctly, thank you for being the signpost that has shown me the path of least resistance. I’m grateful for the wealth of knowledge and training you have provided me. Thanks for keeping it real!

I signed up with Vance about 7 months ago. I have been busy with my two little daughters, so I’ve been working on the program very slowly. Vance’s program has many great qualities. For me, it’s extremely flexible. And because Vance watches your progress PERSONALLY, you receive top notch education. The live sessions are great. You interact DIRECTLY with Vance and other traders. Vance does not just give you information and learning material and tells you to go figure it out. He watches your practice trades and gives you personal feedback. And for me, that is the most valuable education I can get anywhere.

I am a curious person by nature. I have dabbled in a lot of different educational/financial concepts. I have always been looking for a great way to get involved in the financial market. When I ran across ForexArtOfWar. com I thought it was just another one of those websites that wanted to take your money and leave you high and dry. I entered my contact information in on the website and did not expect anything to come of it. The next morning I awoke to a call from Vance. I thought “wow, they seem on top of it, for sure this is just one of those telemarketers.” He told me about a free 30 day trial to the complete education of the website and then hands on training with a reasonable cost after a month. I thought to myself we will see what happens after 30 days right? I was travelling for work then, so I had quite a bit of free time. I began learning as much as I could as quick as I could. I got to a point where I had learned the concepts (so I thought). I was thinking they would just say thanks for your money, now go out and use your money to practice what we taught. That was not what happened at all. I was told to not open a live account and just practice under the direction of Vance and his team until I knew exactly what was happening. So….Here I sit about 6 months after running into ForexArtOfWar. com and I am getting much closer to live trading. I feel a million times more secure about what is happening in the Forex market than I did before. I had no knowledge at all. I now know that when I do start live trading, I will understand the logic of the market well enough to experience success. Vance has characteristics that are not found very often in people. For some reason, he wants to mentor us as we grow and make us better Forex traders. It is as if everything he does is only to help others. That is a very admirable trait that the majority of us do not possess.

I am brand spanking new to forex trading and have been navigating my way through the site and level 1 videos and training. Needless to say everything feels a bit daunting but just sitting and focusing every day and not letting my fear and slow progress discourage me is great.

I am usually very impatient but realized that will just land me into deep water in the world of forex trading. Just having to go through everything step-by-step with the assistance of the trainers is forcing me to focus, master and then move on at a reasonable pace.

What I find particularly motivating is to see how different people are progressing to different levels every day – that is really very inspirational to me and it keeps me focused and exited to keep going. This is a great learning community and exactly what a newbie like me needs. There is no ra, ra, ra about how much money is made and no moaning and complaining about how much is lost.

Vance, thank you for creating such a great space to learn and thank you everyone for building and maintaining such a great positive learning community.

If you are looking for an edge in the Forex market, this is the place to be. Fundamental and technical education is important, but training and discipline is what sets an Art of War trader apart from the rest of the market. You know you are working with the real deal when the program has been developed and centered around principles from the one and only, Sun Tzu.

What really sets this program apart from the others is the psychological training you receive as well. It is what gives you the edge as a trader. You must conquer yourself before you’re even able to survive in the Forex market. The added benefit of having psychological training is that it has positively influenced all aspects of my personal life too!

Working with Vance and his team is a pleasure. The training and social environment is friendly and more importantly, focused. If you want a professional, no nonsense, down to earth, practical, and encouraging approach to Forex, then Vance is your man. It’s affordable, and you get more than you pay for – provided you apply yourself and put trust in the program.

I feel that I could not have done this any quicker with anyone else. From zero trading experience to going live in just 5 months – and without any compromise to the quality of education or training. Joining this program has made me feel very grateful for having saved $$$ and years of grief from failure.

THANK YOU Vance and team!

Vance’s flexibility and patience allowed me to combine this training with employment and college work. I’ve been training with vance for a little over 18 months now. I’ve been supplementing university work with trading in my free time so I have subsequently progressed significantly slower through the training process than my fellow traders here at FAW. I was initially surprised at vance’s dedication to each individual trainee’s skills and circumstances. In the beginning I’d often remind Vance of how I’m getting on as I knew he had 100s of trainees and didn’t want to be forgotten in the haystack, however overtime Vance’s actions made it clear that he sculpts the program around each individual’s interests and skills so I had nothing to worry about!

Now at level 3, Vance and I spent hours (30min at a time) developing and perfecting a high probability trading setup that I am confident using. The amazing thing is that I did it all by myself! This is why I believe Vance is great at being patient with his trainees, as contrary to other Forex programs, Vance waited until I observed the correct behavior myself and merely guided me in the correct track. Vance allowed me to write and develop every part and nuance of my own system for myself which gives me a solid sense of satisfaction and credibility when executing decisions in real time.

The most valued facet of this program however is the complimentary wisdom he gives. Vance’s methodical and psychological approach to not just trading, but real world experiences has really taught me a lot and helped me address daily encounters with more of a logical, planned perspective. His rants about expectations, consistency, execution and assumptions I tend to find increasingly interesting as often his life experiences and advice are ones I find value in and appreciate.

Becoming a member of this program is quickly shaping out to be one of my most proudest decisions of my life at the age of 22! I would certainly recommend a friend to try at least a couple of months with the FAW team, and once you see the light, you’ll want to never leave

Disclaimer: Forex Art of War and Vance Williams believe that customer should be aware of the risks associated with over-the-counter, spot Forex. Forex trading is highly speculative in nature which can mean currency prices may become extremely volatile. Forex trading is highly leveraged, since low margin deposits normally are required, an extremely high degree of leverage is obtainable in foreign exchange trading. A relatively small market movement will have a proportionately larger impact on the funds you have deposited. You may sustain a total loss of your funds. Since the possibility of losing your entire cash balance does exist, speculation in the Forex market should only be conducted with risk capital you can afford to lose which will not dramatically impact your lifestyle.

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CMS Forex

Trading on the foreign exchange market, which is also known as the forex market, has become more popular than ever. Whether you’ve been trading on the forex market for some time – or would like to start doing so – one of the first decisions you’ll have to make is which forex broker to use. There are many different options, and selecting an experienced and reputable broker is vital. In this review, we will take a closer look at one of the most well-known forex brokers today: Capital Market Services, LLC – or CMS Forex .

About CMS Forex

When it was founded back in 1999, CMS Forex was a rather humble operation. The combined efforts of a group of software developers, currency trade brokers and professional traders, CMS Forex was built from the ground up. Slowly but steadily, it began to build up its reputation in the industry and began growing by leaps and bounds over the following ten years. Today, CMS Forex is recognized as one of the most reputable forex traders in the world; its main headquarters are located in the Empire State Building in New York City, New York, and much of its reputation revolves around its signature trading software, VT Trader.

In addition to its New York headquarters, CMS Forex has several branches that span the globe, allowing it to better serve the private, retail and institutional clients that it has developed around the world during the more than ten years that it’s been in business. CMS Forex’s locations include CMS Forex UK in London, CMS Forex Japan in Tokyo, Capital Market Services International in Bermuda and additional locations in Boston, Saint Petersburg and Shanghai.

Key Registrations

CMS Forex is registered with the:

National Futures Association (NFA)

Futures Commission Merchant (FCM)

Financial Services Agency (FSA) of Japan

Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) of the United States

Contact Information At A Glance

Should you choose to do business with CMS Forex, you’ll want to keep all of its relevant contact information handy in case issues, concerns or questions arise. Los fundamentos son los siguientes:

Toll-Free Phone Number: 1 (866) 51-CMSFX or 1 (866) 512-6739

Local Phone Number: 1 (212) 563-2100

Fax Number: 1 (212) 563-4994

Direct Dealing Desk: 1 (212) 563-6454 or 1 (212) 563-5151

Email Support: customersupport@cmsfx. com

Online Support/Live Chat: www. cmsfx. com/en/about-cms/contact-us

Vital Trading Information About CMS Forex

CMS Forex’s operations revolve around its signature trading software, which is known as VT Trader. VT Trader is a user friendly and intuitive program that allows beginners and more experienced forex traders alike to get involved with ease. The software can be downloaded from the CMS Forex website, and is available as a mobile app as well. With a customizable interface, chart-based trading, a bevy of risk management tools, custom alerts, 100+ technical indicators and many other key features, CMS Forex’s VT Trader trading software simplifies the experience of successfully trading on the foreign exchange market.

There are many other important things to know about trading on the forex market with CMS Forex. These points are highlighted below for your convenience.

Minimum Deposit Amounts

At $25, CMS Forex’s minimum deposit amount for opening an account is competitively low. This greatly reduces the uncertainty that many people have about getting involved in foreign exchange trading and makes the forex market accessible to a much larger range of people.

Account Set-Up

The process of opening up an account with CMS Forex is streamlined and easy. An online application form can be filled out and submitted in minutes; from there, it generally takes a short period of time to get approved. Upon approval, you will receive an email from CMS Forex customer support which will prompt you to complete the process.

Demo Accounts

Like many other large, reputable forex brokers, CMS Forex allows interested persons to open up a demo or practice account. The only difference between using a practice account and a real account with CMS Forex is that with a practice account, you aren’t trading with real capital. Instead, you can learn the ropes of the VT Trader software and familiarize yourself with CMS Forex without any risk whatsoever. Links on the main website allow you to sign up for a practice account.

Dealing Desk

CMS Forex boasts a topnotch dealing desk that always works with customers’ best interests at heart. For instance, should the market move against you, the CMS Forex dealing desk will often execute your order at your original price. With phone-based and online accessibility, the CMS Forex dealing desk can meet the needs of virtually any foreign exchange market trader, creating a more robust and strategic experience.

Leverage Limits

Leverage limits vary from forex broker to forex broker. In the case of CMS Forex, a leverage limit of 100 to 1 is used. For example, in order to take on a $200,000 contract or lot, a minimum margin of $2,000 is necessary. For major currency pairs – like USD/JPY and EUR/USD – a 1% margin is used for a maximum leverage of 100:1; for minor currency pairs – like USD/HKD and ZAR/JPY – a 4% margin is used for a maximum leverage of 25:1.

Trailing Stops

CMS Forex offers trailing stops to its traders as a part of its suite of risk management tools.

Trading Spreads

No commissions are charged by CMS Forex. Instead, it makes much of its revenues from Bid/Ask spreads. For the most popular currency pairs – USD/JPY and EUR/USD – CMS Forex offers 2 Pip fixed spreads. Fixed spreads are also used for other popular currency pairs; for instance, USD/CHF has a 5 Pip fixed spread, while NZD/USD has a 4 Pip fixed spread.

Variable spreads are available on non-major currency pairs. EUR/CHF, for example, has spreads as low as three.

La línea de fondo

The conventional wisdom seems to be that CMS Forex is a reputable and reliable forex broker. Some rumblings that this broker trades against its customers are largely overshadowed by the glowing and positive reviews that can be found online. For its easy-to-use software, topnotch customer support and trader-friendly features, CMS Forex is one of the best foreign exchange brokers around.

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2 Comments of “CMS Forex”

Nice broker, helpful CS guys

CMS is by far the best Forex platform for the retail trader.

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Online Forex Sites

Online Forex News

UFX launches MassInsights on new platform The forex broker's new ParagonEX 4.0 platform features MassInsights, a revolutionary trader behavior tracking technology.

Trade360 adds five top ETFs to site Market Vectors Gold Miners (GDX), United States Oil Fund, LP (USO), SPDR S&P 500 (SPY), PowerShares QQQ Trust, Series 1 (QQQ) and SPDR EURO STOXX 50 (FEZ) are all operational on one of the world's hottest new trading portals.

Secure Trading partners with BlockEx BlockEx will integrate Secure Trading's payment platform into its digital currency exchange operating platform, increasing its ability to consistently handle high traffic.

New STOCK. com binary options sticking to regulation in cutthroat industry Trading in forex is gaining volume and binary options platforms are becoming more popular, but how do clients know if they are getting value for their money and their funds are secure? It's all in the regulation.

Stocks rallied after ECB QE announcement, and brokers encourage clients to spread portfolios With the latest Swiss franc crisis and fall on the euro, concentration on high risk forex strategies has seen many lose equity. But some brokers are pushing clients to reduce risk by connecting with the stock indices and gaining a solid portfolio.

Swiss franc crisis moves traders from high-risk speculation to solid investment channels Confidence and interest in high leveraged, high risk services are fading as traders look to more solid investment channels such as stocks and bonds with more accessible CFD instruments.

Stock. com traders get support through EURCHF shakeup Millions were won and lost on the Swiss National Bank announcement on Thursday as the fallout from the bank's decoupling from the euro took effect.

NetoTrade launches major update to NetoTrade mobile trader iOS app NetoTrade LTD announced the launch of a major new version of the company’s highly popular Netotrade Mobile Trader app on iTunes.

eToro secures $27 million in new financing to fuel continued global growth eToro, the world’s leading social investment network, today announced that it has secured an equity round from the leading Chinese venture capital firm Ping An Ventures, a VC under Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd. the largest non-state owned integrated financial services conglomerate in China and SBT Venture Capital, a fintech focused fund whose main partner is Russia’s largest bank.

Alfatrade now offers trading signals for global FX traders The idea on financial trading has been modified with the arrival of online trading platforms and signals. Alfatrade has rightly caught the pulse of the updated traders and come up with the most convenient solutions for the same.

YesOption wins Best Technical Analysis of 2014 award Leading online forex and binary options trading platform – YesOption has once again made the news by being awarded the prestigious award of ‘Best Technical Analysis of 2014’ by top financial news portal Daily Forex.

YesOption launches free trading signals promotion Leading Online trading platform YesOption, the first online broker to offer both Forex and Binary Options from the same single platform announced today that it will be offering free binary options trading signals for 2 weeks, available to all new depositors at YesOption.

NetoTrade launches new Russian website NetoTrade Global Investments LTD, a premier investment company and global Forex brokerage, has just launched its new Russian website, enabling clients to access its Forex Tutorials, Product Information, Market Analysis and Trading Advice in the Russian language.

Stocks and shares now available on eToro eToro, the world’s largest social investment network, has today added stocks to its social investment platform, giving consumers a fundamentally new way to engage with major brands they believe in.

eToro reaches 50 million user trades eToro, the world’s largest social investment network, has reached the major landmark of 50 million trades by its users. This number shows the success of the company’s vision of making the financial markets accessible for everyone to trade in a simple and transparent way.

eToro social investment network receives FCA license eToro, the world’s largest social investment network, has announced that it has been licensed by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to offer financial services to its users under a UK broker license.

Gold and Japanese Yen options come to 24option When economic and political uncertainties abound across the globe the traditional safe havens for investors have included the Japanese Yen (JPY) and precious metals such as gold.

24option introduces profitable platinum trading options Traders and investors are well aware of the benefits of trading in precious metals such as gold and silver. Now, the binary options broker 24Option has introduced options trading in another popular and lucrative precious metal – platinum.

24option introduces new 5-minute option product These options allow a trader to place a bet on the direction of an asset price in the next 5 minutes and if the option finishes in the money the trader receives up to 75% payout.

Make an investment in just two minutes with 24option These new options pay out as much as 75% of the initial investment when finishing in the money and were created to satisfy a need from traders for extremely short term expiration options.

eToro releases new social alerts mobile app (PRESS RELEASE) -- eToro, the world’s largest investment network, is making it easier than ever for users to harness the wisdom of the crowds through …

Get the latest review of the financial markets at UFX Markets UFXMarkets delivers daily financial news and technical analysis providing all the information that Forex traders need to trade the currency, commodities, indices and CFD markets with confidence.

24option offers binary trading on coffee Coffee is a great way to energize your mind and body, and now it is also a great way to energize your bank account as 24option introduces trading in this popular commodity.

eToro to hold live "hangout" with professor Sandy Petland and Dr. Yaniv Altshuler of MIT eToro, the world’s largest social investment network is delighted to host a live “Hangout” with Professor Sandy Petland and Dr. Yaniv Altshuler of MIT.

FOREX significa divisas, lo que significa mercado de divisas. El mercado Forex es donde las monedas se venden, compradas, en forma de paridad. En el mercado Forex, todas las divisas se negocian en tiempo real, 24h / 24h, 7J / 7J. The Forex is open since few years to individuals, single investors wishing to diversify their investments or pure speculators. El acceso al mercado de divisas para los individuos se ofrece a través de corredores de Forex.

CUIDADO. FOREX es un mercado volátil por el apalancamiento que se ofrece a usted. En consecuencia, siempre existe un riesgo de importantes pérdidas financieras. Tribuforex proporciona a sus internautas algunas ideas y análisis comerciales, pero no será responsable en caso de pérdidas. The main goal of www. forex-tribe. com is to offer a tool allowing traders to share forex between them.

&dupdo; Copyright www. forex-tribe. com 2016

Forex Regulators

The regulation of investment business and capital markets is generally aimed at achieving the following objectives:

maintaining confidence in the financial system;

contributing to the protection and enhancement of the stability of the financial system;

securing a certain level of protection for investors; y

reducing the extent to which a business can be used for the purpose of financial crime

It is no longer a secret that while selecting a forex or binary options broker to work with, the first thing that comes to the investor’s mind is to find out how credible that broker is and whether it can be trusted. The fact that the broker’s business is supervised by a regulatory authority gives the investor more credibility, confidence, protection and a certain level of comfort to do business.

World Regulatory Authorities that Regulate Forex Brokers

If you want to learn more about the regulatory authorities of the countries in which we provide licensing solutions, please click on any of the links below:

British Virgin Islands

&dupdo; 2016 Starting Business . Todos los derechos reservados.

PipHut University

Course Title: Forex Basics

Strategy, Backtesting, Alert Setup


Welcome to our first official “course” from PipHut University! This first learning module is meant to be a general, “getting started” course for traders – if you have been trading for awhile then a lot of this will be review, but you NEED to skim through and then take the QUIZ to test your knowledge! We also recommend taking the quiz BEFORE you start so you can test your knowledge before you start – don’t worry – you can take it multiple times!

Course Title: CandlePRO

Strategy, Backtesting, Alert Setup


Welcome to PipHut University’s second official course: CandlePRO, 10-Candle Strategy, Strategy Creation with Backtesting and Alert Setup. As always, we recommend taking the quiz BEFORE you watch the videos and read the material. You can then take it again after you are done and compare your results!

Over the years PipHut has accumulated a lot of different help topics, glossary items, strategy articles etc. and for the first time you can find the best of these articles below. These articles span everything from “what is a pip” to “7 Tips to Improve your Trading” all the way to more advanced CandlePro strategies.

If you have any suggestions or comments feel free to add your comment or question at the bottom of any page!

Basic - Forex Fundamentals

Intermediate - CandlePro

CandlePro User Guide

CP Strategies Part 1


Forex Strategies 101

5 Necessary Components of a Successful Strategy

CP Strategies Part 2

Creating a strategy for you

Fundamental steps of your strategy

Strategy: High Forecast Strength

Strategy: High Reward/Risk

Strategy: Trend Trading

Strategy: Pullbacks

Advanced - CandlePro

We provide Daily tips @ free of cost - Forex Signals

We provide forex Fund managers - Money Managers

The Forex account opened in the name of Client, so no need to pay any commission or charges to any one - Account Name

The profits comes Directly to Client account, after that only we are going to get commission from client through bankwire, paypal. - Profit Control

The Account Control every thing under client. we are just going to trade the Client account as Fund Manager - Account Control

Whenever the client wish to take withdraw they can have the Profit-Flexibility .

For more information --

Average Returns & Profit Share

Monthly Average Returns В В - -> We have been averaging 30% returns per month form our clients

Profit Sharing Break Up

Below 10% profit   - -> If your account makes 10% & below, we don’t charge a profit share from our clients Above 10% profit    - -> If we generate more than 10% profits in your account, the profits are shared on a 60% / 40% Basis (60% Client / 40% Trader) Above 100% profit  - -> Once the customer account reached more than 100% within a month then the profit shared on 50% - 50% (50% to client / 50% to trader) Risk of capital  - -> 10% Mode of withdraw   - -> We recommend our clients to make withdrawals once there is a 30% profit in their account or monthly once, whichever comes first

Jump-start your financial growth Join the world's most exciting and liquid market Be MPowered →

Risk warning: Trading foreign exchange or contracts for differences on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Existe la posibilidad de que usted pueda sostener una pérdida igual o mayor que toda su inversión. Por lo tanto, no debe invertir o arriesgar dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Debe asegurarse de que entiende todos los riesgos. Before using ServiceCom Ltd. services please acknowledge the risks associated with trading.

El contenido de este sitio web no debe interpretarse como un consejo personal. ServiceCom Ltd. recommends you seek advice from an independent financial advisor.

&dupdo; ServiceCom Ltd. Authorized and regulated by the Security and Exchange Commission Privacy Policy Terms and Conditions Terms of Business

In the history of the development of mankind barter market has always played an important role and gradually began to appear more civilized purchase goods for a certain equivalent. First there were the jewels, but gradually began to appear different monetary units.

Forex history began to emerge in the Middle Ages, when they began to emerge interstate banks that provided financial exchange operations and given the contractual documents which have been recognized. This system quickly became popular and won many fans, and of course the number of such transactions started to increase rapidly.

DC Forex (Centro de operaciones de Forex) - se trata de una empresa de corretaje especializada, que acordó un contrato y proporcionar servicios de mediación para el comercio de margen de mercado de divisas. DTs proporcionar a los operadores de Forex la oportunidad de hacer ciertas transacciones, a continuación, acumulan el mismo tipo de transacción y en su nombre, el ejercicio de la operación de interbancario de comercio, que se realiza por el deseo de los comerciantes en el mercado de divisas.

In the course of trade in the Forex market is very important for good luck trader sentiment. Therefore, for successful trading, they just need to properly configure themselves and overcome their own fears.

If a person has a computer and a connection to the World Wide Web, one can try his or her hand at trading in the Forex market. It is enough to find a small start-up capital to register a trading account with, and, of course, to examine all the details of the process of currency speculation.

It should be remembered that the international Forex market is very complex and diverse. Options, how to trade on it, there are hundreds and thousands. Naturally, all of them addressed in the books or courses is not possible, so in most cases it comes down to learning the main points that have already help you choose the right way in the future.

Think about the present global economic state of affairs, which reveals no signs of truly getting better; it is not any surprising that a lot of us try to find ways to earn additional money - if at all possible, much more extra money.

Forex Rebates Service

Forex "Rebates" Service is a wonderful opportunity for our clients to decrease spread for all account types!

The number of clients who have fulfilled the conditions and got "Rebates": 150220.

The program is working on the permanent basis and available to all clients with demo, cent, standard, and ECN accounts, who passed the complete verification .

Terms and conditions of "Rebates" Servicio:

"Rebates" is calculated based on the monthly turnover of closed transactions in the trading account.

"Rebates" service is not available for those accounts, which have active "Welcome Bonus 1.0" or "Welcome Bonus 2.0" bonuses.

"Rebates" is available for all account types on the MetaTrader4. MetaTrader5 and cTrader .

Payments are made on the first day of each month with the comment "Rebates" in the account history.

You can find detailed information on trading volume in the Live Account, "Your Rebates " sección.

"Rebates" that you receive are not a bonus and there are no special conditions for them, a client can use them any way they want.

The "Rebates" amount directly depends on the monthly turnover of closed transactions in the trading account. The levels are:

Trading volume in lots

Cent accounts (per 1 lot)

Standard accounts ECN-FixSpread (per 1 lot)

* - The rates for ECN-Pro NDD accounts are displayed as a percentage of the total amount of commission paid by the client at the end of the month.

Only closed orders are taken into account when calculating trading volume. The calculation starts from 00:00:01 the first day of every month. Show examples

Example 1: Your trading volume during a month on standard account is 3200 lots (USD currency). The Rebates to be transferred to your account on the first day of the next month will be 3200 * 2 USD = 6400 USD.

Example 2: Your trading volume during a month on cent accounts is 8000 cent lots (USD currency). The Rebates to be transferred to your account on the first day of the next month will be 8000 * 0.5 cents USD = 4000 cents USD or 40 USD.

Example 3: For example, your ECN account currency is USD and the total commission for 5 000 lots closed within a month comprises 27 000 USD. Then, as a rebate, you will receive 27 000 / 100 * 20 = 5 400 USD.

All closed orders of all currency pairs are taken into account when calculating trading volume.

Risk Warning: Forex trading implies that you're voluntarily taking possible risks of losing your funds.

Advertencia de Riesgo. Hay un alto nivel de riesgo involucrado en el comercio de productos apalancados como Forex. Usted no debe arriesgar más de lo que puede permitirse perder, es posible que usted puede perder más de su inversión inicial. Usted no debe operar a menos que entienda completamente la verdadera extensión de su exposición al riesgo de pérdida. Al negociar, siempre debe tener en cuenta el nivel de su experiencia. Si los riesgos involucrados no parecen claros para usted, por favor solicite un asesoramiento independiente a un especialista externo.

This website contains general information, which refers to the following companies of RoboForex group:

RoboForex (CY) Ltd is regulated by the CySEC, license No. is 191/13.

RoboTrade Ltd is regulated by the IFSC, license IFSC/60/271/TS/15.

The website is the property of RoboForex (CY) Ltd.

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For Clients


© RoboForex, 2009-2016. Todos los derechos reservados.


You’re about to visit the website of RoboForex (CY) Ltd (regulated by the CySEC, license No. 191/13).

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Forex Cargo UK Company History

Incorporated in the UK and registered with Companies House in August 1999 as FOREX CARGO UK Co. Ltd.

We are the FIRST FOREX CARGO entity in the UK.

Renamed, for trading purposes, as UMAC-FOREX following the reorganization of the Company in 2003. However, our Company registered name did not change. We are still FOREX CARGO UK Co. Ltd.

Comprometidos con la excelencia y la satisfacción del cliente. Our record speaks of what we can do to the Filipino community in the UK.

Trusted and proven - Since August 1999, we have shipped more than 100,000 balikbayan boxes . Thank you valued customers for your trust and support.

Exceptional customer service and wider coverage - We have nine (9) active delivery vans . the largest amongst Balikbayan box shippers in the UK. And still looking to adding more vans this year and opening franchises in countryside areas.

Investing for the future to serve you better and provide more value added services

UMAC Philippines Company History

UMAC FORWARDERS EXPRESS, INC. is named as such to honor the legacy of the late Chairman of the Forex Family of Companies, Teodoro (Uncle Mac) M. Carino Jr.-UMAC.

UMAC Philippines emerged right after the death of Mac in mid 2003. With a strong belief and determination to build and form UMAC FORWARDERS EXPRESS, INC. together with innovative people in the industry.

UMAC's workforce in the Philippines has over 19 years experience in the processing and clearing of balikbayan boxes from all over the world, and it's pioneer delivery force has taken part in the delivery of MILLIONS of boxes nationwide in the Philippines. UMAC has maintained its worldwide connections and affiliates in Hongkong, Macau, Singapore, Korea, Bangkok, Guam, Saipan, New Zealand, Canada, Europe and the Middle East.

Upon its founding, UMAC Express Forwarders North America Inc. (UMAC USA) opened it's locations in the whole of California, Washington State, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Washington D. C, UMAC Nevada, Texas, and Sydney, Australia. By mid 2006, UMAC expects to cover and represent most states in the U. S.

With pride, UMAC is strongly dedicated in serving Filipinos worldwide with only the best quality and most reliable service. UMAC is firmly committed in making Filipinos overseas become closer to their families back in the only place we call home. the Philippines.

We are glad to inform you that UMAC FORWARDERS EXPRESS INC. complied with all the requirements for accreditation. Our company is a duly accredited INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT FORWARDER certified by the PHILIPPINE SHIPPERS' BUREAU and DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY (DTI).

Inicio & raquo; Education » Learn Forex Trading

Learn Forex Trading

With Our Comprehensive Forex Beginner's Course

Welcome to our forex trading course. If you feel like you’re a penguin in the desert when reading about forex trading, don’t worry, our forex course is here to guide you and help you through your journey in the kingdom of money .

Our forex education aims to introduce the trader to the basics of how to trade forex. Nobody wants to have a brutal freshman experience as he takes his baby steps to a new activity. By enlightening the new trader as to what he shouldn’t do in the markets, we aim to minimize the birth pains of his budding career. The new trader can expect to find a no-nonsense discussion of the various pitfalls and dangers associated with currency trading in these pages, but he will also find a good deal of advice on what he should do: study, be patient, be humble, and don’t gamble.

Sound interesting? Read on then, here’s our first lesson.

Many of us have been fascinated by the shiny, colorful world of currencies as children, and even those of us who have little interest in the forex market have engaged in some form of currency trading while traveling outside their homeland. Lee mas

This fun quiz consists of 35 questions and cover many different topics from technical to fundamental analysis of the Forex markets. It is totally free, no registration required and you will both have fun and also find out about your. Lee mas

Our first grade in forex literacy is for understanding how to read the price quote. In forex, currencies are always quoted in pairs. In other words, it’s only possible to value a currency in terms of another one. Lee mas

A pip is the smallest amount of movement a price quote can make. In other words, each tick of the price quote is a pip. When EUR/USD moves from 1.2786 to 1.2787, for example, it has moved by one pip. Lee mas

It’s very important that the trader gain a good grasp of these two concepts before engaging in any deals, because leverage and margin determine the lifespan of any trading account in a far more decisive manner than either technical or. Lee mas

There are a lot of nations in the world and consequently a large number of currencies to choose from when trading. The currencies of Brazil, Russia, China, the Eurozone, Turkey, Japan, South Africa and Canada are popular with large and. Lee mas

So we know what the forex market is, and we know what we want to do with it: We want to make money. How do we make money? That’s where we must understand forex analysis. See also forex technical analysis. Lee mas

As we mentioned before, prices do not cause prices. The reasons that lie behind price movements in the forex market are the subject of fundamental analysis, and those familiar with trading stocks should have little trouble in becoming familiar with fundamental. Lee mas

The beginnings of technical analysis is usually dated to the Dow theory, and to the early part of the 20th century. Over the years, many contributors have created indicators, oscillators and moving averages of all sorts to increase the arsenal. Lee mas

Needless to say, any method that works is a good method. Conversely, any trading method that fails — however convincing the arguments behind it — is useless. Lee mas

What is a trading style? It’s simply what a trader or speculator enjoys or feels most comfortable doing while interacting with the market. They can be valid for both long and short term trading, and for different styles different indicators. Lee mas

Forex day trading is the style of the short-term speculator. The reasoning behind a day trading style, is that there are times when exceptionally fast market developments allow exceptional profits in a very short time. Lee mas

Forex swing trading is a form of range trading. The swing trader attempts to capitalize on periods of market indecision, and aims to make use of support and resistance lines, channels and price patterns such as tops and bottoms in. Read More

Forex scalping aims to make use of small price movements and the bid-ask spread in order to turn a quick profit in a short time. Although each profit is naturally small, significant sums may be gathered by persistent trading. Lee mas

None of these trading styles offer an unblocked path to success, or a sure way to doom for the trader; the successful trader can choose any method he feels comfortable with. Lee mas

In a previous chapter, we discussed what technical analysis is. In this section, we’ll take a look at the various indicators and patterns that are used in technical analysis. Lee mas

Resistance and support lines are price levels which temporarily halt or reverse the continuous movement of the trend. When the trend is bearish, support lines are created where sellers are temporarily (or sometimes permanently) exhausted and cannot press the quote. Lee mas

As we noted previously, technical analysis concerns itself with the patterns created by the price quote changing throughout the day and beyond. Through the last century, studies of stock prices have supplied traders with valuable tools for evaluating those price patterns. Lee mas

Technical indicators are utilized by traders in the same way that price patterns are. In the case of indicators the purpose is to give the chaotic jumble of prices and quotes some resemblance of order through the employment of simple. Lee mas

Fundamental analysis concerns itself with the causes of price movements. It doesn't attempt to predict future price movements per se, but because economic events move far slower than market developments, it's usually the case that a phenomenon established by fundamental. Lee mas

Gross domestic product (GDP) is a measure of all goods and services produced inside a country's borders. As such, it doesn't include imports, even though imports can add to job creation and prosperity in an economy. Lee mas

We mentioned in the previous section that we’d be discussing inflation, and it’s time to look at one of the two major indicators of inflation that the markets tend to watch at all times. Lee mas

The second type of inflation indicator, the Consumer Price Index (CPI), has far greater bearing on the choices of policy makers (such as the US Federal Reserve), and the market in general attaches to it a far greater degree of. Lee mas

The commitment of traders report is a little different from the previous indicators. It doesn’t measure any economic indicator, but merely states the holdings of commercial and speculative participants in various futures markets which are mostly concentrated in New York. Lee mas

As we noted before, fundamental analysis offers the best guidance for determining price trends. To give a simple example, in a stable economic environment, with good economic growth, and healthy employment statistics, central banks are almost certain to respond to. Lee mas

Human beings are emotional creatures. We love, we hate, we adore, worship and despise, we can be enthusiastic, and we can be cautious. The canvass of our lives is colored by the palette of emotions, and indeed it's impossible to. Lee mas

We have already discussed what leverage is, and what it offers to the trader. Let us here take a look at the impact overleveraging can have on trader psychology. Lee mas

Undercapitalization is closely related to leverage, since, contrary to what many people believe, higher leverage actually increases risk-capital requirements. While the broker allows the client to control higher amounts through less initial capital through high leverage, because price swings are. Lee mas

Money management is about the proper application of the points we discussed: Capitalize the account sufficiently, do not overleverage, be disciplined about profit taking, and avoiding losses. There's nothing that difficult about doing this. Lee mas

You've read through all (or most of) the articles, have gone through all the warnings and precautions about unrealistic expectations, reckless and risky practices, and compulsive trading, and what not, and you are still interested in forex? You're not intimidated. Lee mas

In the past, currencies were traded on the phone, and banks prefer audio contact between counter parties as a means of building trust even today, but the individual trader will have all of his needs satisfied simply by opening an. Lee mas

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OptiLab Partners AB Fatburs Brunnsgatan 31 118 28 Stockholm Sweden

La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Ninguna información o opinión contenida en este sitio debe ser tomada como una solicitud u oferta para comprar o vender cualquier moneda, capital u otros instrumentos financieros o servicios. El rendimiento pasado no es ninguna indicación o garantía de rendimiento futuro. Por favor lea nuestra renuncia legal.

The School of Pipsology quizzes are back! Updated, refreshed and itching for someone to take them already! That means YOU . Think you've got what it takes to get that perfect 100% score? Test your forex knowledge NOW!

* 43 total quizzes to test your smarts!

* All questions are multiple choice .

* Quiz scores are recorded and the history is saved to your user account .

* Scores are also saved to your public Profile page (hide scores if you're shy).

* Share your quiz scores with friends and compete for top honors!

* More questions to come!

Choose a quiz below to get started. And don't forget that you can take the same quizzes directly from the School of Pipsology . at the end of each lesson.

School Quizzes by Grade Level


Jardín de infancia


Escuela intermedia

Escuela de Verano

Escuela secundaria

Freshman Year

Sophomore Year

Junior Year

Senior Year


Need a little more study time?

Todas las horas son GMT -3. The time now is 02:14 AM .

Aprenda cómo negociar Forex. BabyPips. com Is The Beginner's Guide to Forex Trading. Your Best Source for Forex Education on the Web.

Learn how to trade Forex

Forex market in itself is the same as any other: commodity market, stock market, or the one that is near your house. All of them have similar features; the difference is only in the goods offered and the methods of making a deal.

Since Forex is a currency market, it’s obvious that the product it offers is foreign exchange currency. Your job as a trader is to buy currency at a cheaper rate and sell it at the more expensive. The difference is your profit. You can also do it in reverse. Knowing that the price for the currency will go down, you sell it at the expensive rate and buy it back later at a cheaper price. The difference in price makes your forex profit

Forex: You can do it!

Beginners may find it difficult to understand how to trade forex and how to make money in Forex trading. In fact, the Forex trading is no big deal and everyone can do it. All you have to do at first is to open an account at RoboForex broker website, download and install the program where you can trade – trade terminal. You can work just as on demo-account, where you can practice and sharpen your skills as a trader, so on the real account, where you can make real money.

To understand how millions of traders earn money with FOREX trading, all you need is to give one minute of your time.

Forex newbies sometimes find it difficult to understand how exactly one can gain on the differences in exchange rates. To explain this, let us consider an example - how to forex trade. Once you open a forex trade account with a RoboForex, of say $100, you need to define the upper and lower limit on the chart of the currency pair, say EUR / USD, and decide what you do: buy or sell. Assume that on October 3 you predict that the quotes will rise, and thus you buy EUR 7500 at the price of 1.318, making a deal of 7500*1.318 = USD 9885. This is possible due to the level that allows you to make transactions worth 100 times more than you have at your account. On October 27 the rate rises up to 1.42. You decide to sell EUR 7500, making a deal worth of 7500 * 1.42 = USD 10,650. Your earnings amounted to 10650 - 9885 = USD 765

The visual information is always easier to understand and to remember, therefore, we suggest that you take at a look at the video course, that we offer for free and learn some skills necessary to trade forex successfully.

MetaTrader4 is the most popular program for traders around the world to make their deals. All you have to do is to download and install it on your computer so that you can also start working on Forex.

The more accurate the analysis of the market is, the more profitable deals you can make. We offer you daily forex analysis from the best market experts. Keeping your eye on the news and forecasts, will make you gain hand in forex trading much faster.

How much money do you need to trade?

To start trading on the forex market one doesn’t need a big amount of money, as it may seem at a first glance. Thanks to the level that Roboforex offers, you can enter into transactions amounting to tens or hundreds of times greater than the sum in your account. For example, with the deposit of $ 50 and 1:100 level, you can make a deal amounting to $ 5,000

Risk Warning: Forex trading implies that you're voluntarily taking possible risks of losing your funds.

Advertencia de Riesgo. Hay un alto nivel de riesgo involucrado en el comercio de productos apalancados como Forex. Usted no debe arriesgar más de lo que puede permitirse perder, es posible que usted puede perder más de su inversión inicial. Usted no debe operar a menos que entienda completamente la verdadera extensión de su exposición al riesgo de pérdida. Al negociar, siempre debe tener en cuenta el nivel de su experiencia. Si los riesgos involucrados no parecen claros para usted, por favor solicite un asesoramiento independiente a un especialista externo.

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It was important for me to have full control or to take matters into my own hands. Me encontré con Trading 212 y después de comparar con otros corredores me registré una cuenta. I've been with them for over a year and the great thing is that you have full control on your money and a really serious and helpful customer support team. Todas mis preguntas son contestadas en el acto. Lo que diferencia a Trading 212 son las numerosas mejoras para hacer más efectivo el comercio.

A great way to be introduced to the world of trading. This platform gives you a Practice Account where you can learn the ins and outs of trading. Helpful advice and tools. Fácil de usar. Utilicé la cuenta de la práctica por algunas semanas y todavía la uso para dirigirme. Comenzó a operar con una cuenta real hace un par de meses y hacer un buen retorno y disfrutar del proceso también. Muy recomendable.

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Trading 212 es una excelente plataforma. The interface is clear and straightforward, it's the most convenient platform I've come across so far. Colocar órdenes y órdenes pendientes, etc. es mucho más fácil que en otras plataformas. Because of the large variety of trading instruments, it's easy to find instruments that I want to trade with. I will continue using Trading 212. Keep up the good work!

I have been using Trading 212 for a long time. Antes de comenzar, hice un montón de investigación en varios corredores y plataformas y opté por Trading 212 debido a su asistencia al cliente, la rapidez con la que resuelven nuestras preguntas, inquietudes o problemas del sistema. I am very thankful for the high professional service and for the people who do their best so that the platform works perfectly every day.

Search Results for: Forex Sl

10 results found.

4H Box Breakout @ Forex Factory - Forex peace army – forex trading forum, Forex forums with free forex trading education, forex brokers reviews and more. Mt5 - forex traders portal, Forex traders portal for metatrader users. monitoring, trader contests, forex analysis, trading education, forex trading forum and free @mt5.com mailboxes. Different types forex orders | learn fx trading | oanda, Learn about order types in forex a limit order is an order to buy or sell a currency pair, but only when certain conditions included in the original trade. İstanbul Wall Günbatımı ve Göl Forex Tablo - 40 x 60 cm | Read Sources Forex market analysis - forexcycle. Offering free forex market technical analysis, forex signals and forex trading courses. the information presented in this site is based on market cycle..Sl, tp und pending-order nicht ausgeführt? bid und. Es ist jedem mal schon so ergangen: sie setzen einen stop loss, der kurs kommt nahe dran, erreicht die sl-linie aber nicht, doch trotzdem wird der stop. Alex tanuka - forex nautilus system, Forex nautilus is developed on the sliding trend with implementation of 2 discreet filters. thanks to those filters the execution of the indicator is more.4h box breakout @ forex factory, 4h box breakout trading systems man, this must be my lucky day. i found a thread earlier i like on the 1 hour chart but i like this one even better as it's a.

How To Trade Like A Forex Pro. Little Dirty Secrets And Surprisingly. | Read Sources Free forex signals - piphut. Free forex signals, technical analysis, trader forums, forex articles and resources from the perspective of an independent trader..Forex peace army – forex trading forum, Forex forums with free forex trading education, forex brokers reviews and more.

Forex trgovina kao suvremen način poslovanja | Forex Croatia | Read Sources Different types forex orders | learn fx trading | oanda, Learn about order types in forex a limit order is an order to buy or sell a currency pair, but only when certain conditions included in the original trade.

Alex tanuka - forex nautilus system - Forex nautilus is developed on the sliding trend with implementation of 2 discreet filters. thanks to those filters the execution of the indicator is more. 4h box breakout @ forex factory - 4h box breakout trading systems man, this must be my lucky day. i found a thread earlier i like on the 1 hour chart but i like this one even better as it's a. Thv system, final edition @ forex factory - Thv system, final edition trading systems i want to beg everybody to read well the first two posts; everything is explained and will be updated in those lines.

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We are Foreign Currency Exchange Specialist

I wanted to take a quick moment to talk with you about the importance of knowing how to choose the best Forex Provider for your currency transactions. As you’ll see, there is more than meets the eye when it comes to doing currency transactions. Cheapest is not always the cheapest in the long run, and most expensive… well, it never ensures you of quality customer care… you really need to know what you are doing and who you can trust.

You see, all too often I hear the stories of people who have fallen in to the trap of dealing with the company who promises the best conversion rate and ends up being disappointed.

The reality is, currency exchange is an important part of life. Especially, for the importing or exporting business owner. When you make regular transactions even the smallest fluctuation in exchange rates will have an enormous impact on your business. Too many businesses trust their bank to process their transactions for them because it is easier.

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Falling Wedge

Estás aquí. Centro de aprendizaje Forex & gt; Level MEDIUM > Chart Patterns

The falling wedge is a bullish reversal pattern formed by two converging downward slants. To confirm a falling wedge . there must have oscillation between the two lines. Each line must be touched at least twice for validation.

This pattern marks the shortness of sellers. This one is characterized by a progressive reduction of the amplitude of the waves. The highest reaches during the first correction on the support of the wedge will form the resistance. A second wave of decrease will then occur, but with lower amplitude, which make appear the weakness of sellers. A second wave is formed thereafter but prices will decrease less and less at the contact with the resistance. Volumes are then at their lowest and gradually decrease as the waves. The movement then has almost no selling power which indicates the willingness of a bullish reversal.

The target price is given by the highest point that resulted in the formation of the wedge.

Here is a graphical representation of a falling wedge :

Here are some statistics about the falling wedge :

- In 92% of cases, there is a downward exit - In 63% of cases, the target of the pattern is reached once the resistance broken - In 47% of cases, a pullback occur on the resistance - In 27% of cases, false breakout occur

- The spacing between each contact point on lines must be important otherwise it could be a pennant.

- More the trend lines are sloped, more the upward movement will be violent.

- The downward retracement is usually two times faster than the formation of the wedge

- Pullbacks are harmful to the performance of the pattern.

- The breakpoint is generally located around 65% of the length of the falling wedge .

- Falling wedges which are large give better performance than narrow wedges

The classic strategy: Entry: Take a long position at the breakout of the resistance Stop: The stop is placed below the last lowest Target: Theoretical target of the pattern Advantage: The theorical target of the pattern is almost always reached (88%). Disadvantage: There is 1/4 of false breakouts

The aggressive strategy: Entry: Take a long position on a point of contact on the support starting from 50% of the length of the wedge Stop: The stop is placed below the last lowest that has been done Target: Theoretical target of the pattern Advantage: In 92% of cases, the exit is upward Disadvantage: The upward breakout is not yet confirmed

Chart patterns are at the basis of technical analysis. They are distinguished into three categories: Reversal Patterns – Continuation Patterns – Neutral Patterns. Los patrones gráficos se forman en los gráficos de datos históricos de diferentes pares. Aparecen en todos los plazos.

FOREX significa divisas, lo que significa mercado de divisas. El mercado Forex es donde las monedas se venden, compradas, en forma de paridad. En el mercado Forex, todas las divisas se negocian en tiempo real, 24h / 24h, 7J / 7J. The Forex is open since few years to individuals, single investors wishing to diversify their investments or pure speculators. El acceso al mercado de divisas para los individuos se ofrece a través de corredores de Forex.

CUIDADO. FOREX es un mercado volátil por el apalancamiento que se ofrece a usted. En consecuencia, siempre existe un riesgo de importantes pérdidas financieras. Tribuforex proporciona a sus internautas algunas ideas y análisis comerciales, pero no será responsable en caso de pérdidas. The main goal of www. forex-tribe. com is to offer a tool allowing traders to share forex between them.

&dupdo; Copyright www. forex-tribe. com 2016

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The goal of this Meetup is to share ideas and help each other become better traders. If you have a trading idea that you would like to present, please send me an email with your presentation at least a couple of weeks before the Meetup that you would like to present at. All levels of traders are welcome, and as many successful traders may testify, there's always something that can be learned from sharing and teaching, too. Just be mindful that trading is a commitment and isn't for those who are looking to make a quick buck. There are a multitude of resources we have in our files section. Limited handouts will be available, and it's first-come first-served, so come on time. As group organizer I am a founder of a trading company called TradingMetro, which means that I can afford to lend resources to the group on occasion. I also author a daily industry blog called PipStop. This is an open group where anybody and any conversation trading related is welcome.

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Vancouver Forex Meetup - Speaker Announced

Hi Traders. I hope you are enjoying today's sunshine. We are meeting tonight. Sorry for the late speaker announcement. Tonight Eric Johnson is speaking about currency. Aprende más

February 17 · 7:00 PM

Vancouver Forex Meetup - Speaker Announced

Hi Traders Our speaker this month is Marshall Yin. Marshall last spoke to our group in Dec 2014 and March 2013 when he talked about his expert advisor. Desde entonces. Aprende más

January 20 · 7:00 PM

Vancouver Forex Meetup-speaker announced

Happy New Year Traders. Once again we plan to meet to share ideas and information about trading currencies. We are scheduled to meet on Wednesday January 20, 2016 at 7pm. Aprende más

Dec 16, 2015 · 7:00 PM

Vancouver Forex Meetup - Speaker Announced

https://youtu. be/DJz4E7VyeSw Hi Traders We are meeting on Wednesday Dec 16 at 7pm at the Rustic Llama Coffee Bar located at 3675 East Hasting at Boundary Road. Ahi esta. Aprende más

Nov 18, 2015 · 7:00 PM

Vancouver Forex Meetup - Speaker Announced

Hi Traders We meet again on Wednesday Nov 18, 2015 at 7pm at our favourite watering hole The Rustic Llama Coffee Bar. Our speaker this month is Caroline Hui who has been. Aprende más

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As of June 2009, there is in excess of $600 million in customer funds trading on platforms offered by FXCM. Over 150,000 live accounts trade through trading platforms offered by FXCM from over 150 countries, with an average of 8,000,000 trades executed each month; moreover, customer support is provided in over a dozen languages. FXCM has received numerous awards from the investment community, including Best Currency Broker from Shares, Best Retail Foreign Exchange Platform from FX Week and Best Foreign Exchange Specialist from Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities. In addition to currency trading, FXCM offers educational courses on forex trading, and provides research through DailyFX. com

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Search Results for: Gap Forex

3 results found.

Forex Alerts, techniques, systems for live currency trading - Forex gaps. | thegeekknows | eur/usd forecast, Good day to all. welcome to another koala forex education series. learning forex made easy! today let us discuss about forex gaps. what is a forex gap. Mt4 trading gap excel @ forex factory, Mt4 trading the gap with excel trading discussion. 28pair currency strength double-gap momentum strategy, For many years i look at the market in a different way. here i present: the 28pair currency strength double-gap momentum strategy or short name double-gap strategy. Trading Gap Forex Strategies | Read Sources Forex gap strategy — weekly forex trading strategy, Forex gap strategy — is an interesting trading system that utilizes one of the most disturbing phenomena of the forex market — a weekly gap between the last. Forex gap: profit trading forex gap, The weekend forex gap is one of the most robust and profitable setups to trade in the forex markets, with most gaps typically filled within 24-48 hours of the monday. Forex weekend gap, Please note we use tallinex as a forex broker and the results achieved are based on the tallinex broker weekend gap timing. all though it would appear in practice. Forex alerts, techniques, systems live currency trading, Forex trading alerts, forex techniques and systems provided for live currency trading. regular live forex trading webinars in the live forex market.

Basic forex and binary option terminology - Outback Adventure Treks | Read Sources What weekend gaps forex market? - fxkeys. Hi davor, thank you for your kind words. this is really great that you are a gap trader also and you are very happy with it. ¡felicitaciones! obviously you have a. Forex gaps. | thegeekknows | eur/usd forecast, Good day to all. welcome to another koala forex education series. learning forex made easy! today let us discuss about forex gaps. what is a forex gap.

Forex trading information learn about forex trading www earnforex com. | Read Sources 28pair currency strength double-gap momentum strategy, For many years i look at the market in a different way. here i present: the 28pair currency strength double-gap momentum strategy or short name double-gap strategy..

Forex weekend gap - Please note we use tallinex as a forex broker and the results achieved are based on the tallinex broker weekend gap timing. all though it would appear in practice. Forex alerts, techniques, systems for live currency trading - Forex trading alerts, forex techniques and systems provided for live currency trading. regular live forex trading webinars in the live forex market. 22# gap trading system - forex strategies - forex - Home page; Revisiones de productos forex; Blog forex; Archivo de blog; free forex trading signals and forecast; herramientas; binary options trading strategies; opciones binarias.

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the Forex-Assistant

If I could come up with a way for you to quit your job and retire - and I mean really retire, like move to the Caribbean kind of retire - would that pique your interest.

The idea sure got my attention. It’s all I could dream of. If businesses could replace us workers with robots, why couldn’t we replace our jobs with robots? Surprisingly, that answer did come to me, but not as I had first imagined. It turned out to be quite simple.

Think about this, we’ve all had to pay tax preparers year after year to figure out our taxes, until a couple of amazing software programs became available – and now we can all do our own taxes right on our home computers. If something as complicated as US tax laws can be automated, then automating retirement investments could surely be possible!

Every year investment managers are paid a small fortune to barely keep their clients afloat, we have all questioned whose interest they have at heart. Now, after 5 years of research and testing, we can replace those investment managers (middleman) with reliable computer software.

To get investors interested in their company, investment managers want to show high returns without boldface lying and the more they make their clients the more they make themselves. To have higher returns, they have to take more risks to achieve those returns. They believe that their expertise can make up the difference. That’s why they bought housing derivatives. When they can make their client more money, they make more for themselves and when they lose money because they accepted higher risks, they only lose the clients money.

I will let you in on a much safer way to get higher returns, cut out the middle man. Today over 75% of trades are made by a computer. Even your investment managers use computers to decide what trades to make. The only thing that stops any of us from doing the same and thereby retiring and living off of our investments, is that we don’t know how.

There are two simple answers, either learn how or let the computer do it, we can help either way. You see when we started, there was only the one option, learn how. And we did.

Our specialty is retirement and investment programs, with an emphasis on safety as found on the foreign exchange currency market.

We have developed several advanced trading robots designed to assist traders as well as investors. We have a focus on financial safety and security.

We were established in 2007 by Bob Llewellyn, from the desire to find a way for anyone to be able to have an income no matter where they choose to live.

In our study of retirement programs, in an effort to evaluate and refine them, we quickly realized that the new forex market was exceptionally well fitted for this research primarily because the forex market is the most transparent market on the planet, and it was extremely young at less than a dozen years old.

At that time, no one had created a trading system specifically for this market. During this process, our researchers developed a new type of trading specifically designed for the forex market which was mathematically based. The basic difference between the traditional methods of trading brought over from stock markets and the futures market vs the new system of trading is that the traditional, fundamental, and technical styles focus on the prediction of price movement, where the new systemic systems were developed to use the entire historical trading range as a singular unit requiring very little in the way of forecasting. This new focus has led to several new types of trading programs. In 2008 we introduced the GoldenGrid system.

We develop simple and easy to use software that takes the worry out of investing, and puts more profit in your pocket!

Retirement Investment Software enables you to replace your investment manager. Attach this easy to use software to your broker account and watch your profits climb! Don’t pay an investment manager whether or not he makes you a return – take the control and ensure yourself of a good return on your investment. RISE wins more than 99% of its trades. Check out this first of its kind, fully automated, no-loss, home investment program – specifically for non-US investors.

* US investors – see the P-I-G.

The Passive Income Generator replaces your investment manager! Just as you would use a tax preparation program like TurboTax to replace your tax preparer, you can use The P-I-G to replace your investment manager. T he P-I-G program uses a basket hedge approach, and though it opens trades at various points and time, when it’s time to close they all close together for a total net profit, every time. Those profit average around 15% annually. Over 15% and no losses, what investment manager can say that .

Why not consider this fully automated, no-loss, home investment program for your own family’s retirement needs? – What is more, the Passive Investment Generator works on all U. S. brokers as it was developed specifically for US investors .

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To get the best of both worlds, might we recommend a little diversification and use RISE on one account with half of your forex investment capital, and Pegasus on the other.

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Before I tell you how my system works and how good it is, please check the results first by clicking the button on the left. Seeing is believing! See first, invest later!

If you are happy with the results, you can read further. Otherwise, there is no point wasting our time if you are not satisfied with them.

How the PAMM-MAM system works:

It consists of 3 integrated sub-systems.

The first system uses 3 indicators to determine if there is up - or downtrend.

The second system executes long-term trades within the range of 10-35 pips to take advantage of the trend and consolidation phases.

The third system compounds many short-term trades within the range of 2-5 pips from each other to maximize profits.

I try to ENTER at the bottom of an uptrend or at the top of a downtrend and EXIT when the trend reverses.

If I am right, I can make many pips. If I am wrong, I lose just a few pips due to a low Draw-Down value.

However, if the system starts making more money, I can use additional equity to add more trades or increase the Order Size.

The trades are CLOSED by a Trailing Stop, Invisible Stop Loss/Take Profit or Equity Drop.

Maximum EQUITY DROP (also called “Draw-Down” or “Risk Management”) is no more than 25% (usually around 10-15%).

PROFITS are from 5-20% per day to 100-500% per month (see the results to make sure it’s true).

Of course sometimes the system can make more profits, sometimes less which depends on the market volatility and pairs we trade.

I usually trade 1-2 major PAIRS at the same time.

SPREAD is not very important, but it shouldn’t be too high. Best spread is from 1-3 pips, even 4-5 pips is OK, but more than that is too much.

All three systems use different TIME-FRAMES (each of them uses two Time-Frames)

4H & 1W for determining the trend and executing Middle Range trades

5M & 4H for executing compounding trades to maximize profits



Until recently I traded manually, but I asked one very good (and expensive) programmer to code this system for me so now I don’t have to trade manually any more.

The system is really good since it works both in trends and consolidations. Even if the market reverses for a short while and then trends again, the system can take advantage of it and doesn’t lose money in such a situation. It also increases the order size when the equity is higher to make even more profits faster.

I call it a “ PAMM-MAM System ” since I use it mainly on PAMM and MAM accounts to trade for my clients. It’s not forbidden by the brokers since it doesn’t use any method taking advantage of broker’s weaknesses which might lead to profit cancellations.

It works the same way on:

Demo and Real Accounts

Micro, Mini, Standard, ECN, and all other accounts

ECN, STP, Market Makers and all other brokers

For more information about our system, deposits, brokers, etc. please contact me at:


La negociación en los mercados de divisas en el margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los individuos. El alto grado de apalancamiento ofrecido en los mercados de Forex puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Before deciding to trade in the foreign exchange markets you should carefully consider your investment objectives, your level of experience, and your risk appetite. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de algunos o todos de su equidad y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Only true discretionary cash should be used in trading. Usted debe tomar conciencia de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna pregunta o preocupación sobre cómo una pérdida afectaría a su estilo de vida.

&dupdo; 2016 PAMM-MAM. Todos los derechos reservados.

Be a Winner in the Forex Masters Contest!

Deltastock is giving its new clients the opportunity to participate in the monthly Forex Masters Demo Contest and win prizes.

Register for a free Demo account in the Delta Trading platform with an initial capital of 10,000 EUR and start trading Forex, Gold and Silver as well as CFDs on Shares, Indices, and Futures.

Each month Deltastock is giving away up to 1,700 EUR in prizes . which will be distributed among the top 10 participants with the highest balance in their demo accounts.

1st place - 20% Trading Credit on the first deposited amount - up to 500 EUR ;

2nd place - 20% Trading Credit on the first deposited amount - up to 300 EUR ;

3rd place - 20% Trading Credit on the first deposited amount - up to 200 EUR ;

4th to 10th place - 20% Trading Credit on the first deposited amount - up to 100 EUR .

The prizes will be given as Trading Credits upon opening a live trading account and depositing funds and can be used for trading on margin for a period of 1 month; after which they will be withheld from the clients’ accounts. The participants may withdraw the positive difference between the current account balance and the trading credits of the award plus the initially deposited amount at any time.

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How Forex Brokers Work

Like any other business in the history of business, your broker’s raison d’etre, is to make as big a profit as possible. There are about as many ways to go about this as there are brokers. For those who are in it for the long haul, however, it is generally best to adopt a set of practices which are deemed fair by their clients: certain boundaries are set, and operating beyond them can cost a brokerage its reputation, and along with it its clients. Straying outside these boundaries, therefore, is not considered as being in line with the long term goals of the business. How strictly these boundaries are enforced, especially when there is little chance of clients ever even becoming aware of any transgression, again varies from business to business. For the sake of simplicity, in this article we assume that everyone in the business is squeaky clean, as if every client could peek into the broker’s back office at any time and dissect every trade. This is obviously not the case, and many brokers do take advantage of this opaqueness, but the details of that are best left for another discussion.

So without further ado, let’s get into the details of how forex brokers function. Somewhat removed from the top-tier interbank market, retail forex brokers are there to provide a service that would otherwise not be available, that is, giving an investor with a $10,000 bankroll the chance to speculate in the up-until-recently very exclusive forex market. There are generally considered to be 2 types of brokers providing access at the retail level: Electronic Communications Networks (ECNs) and Market Makers. ECNs are generally somewhat more exclusive, requiring larger deposits to get started, but are seen as providing more direct access to the interbank market. As we will see, there are certainly advantages to this, but some disadvantages as well. Market makers, on the other hand are more often than not, the counter party to their clients’ trades, creating somewhat of a conflict of interest, whereas ECNs profit from commission fees charged directly to the clients, regardless of the result of any trade, they are seen as being completely impartial – an ECN has no incentive for a client to lose money. In fact, one could argue that an ECN stands to profit more if a client is successful, meaning that s/he will stay around longer and they will be able to collect more commission fees from them. A market maker, on the other hand, being the counterparty to a client’s trade, makes money if the client loses money, providing an incentive for some shady practices, particularly in an unregulated market. The extent to which this happens varies among individual brokers. There are also some benefits to trading with a market maker (see our ECNs vs. Market Makers article) Some brokers also provide a service that doesn’t quite fit into either category – they route different orders differently, depending on complex algorithms, or on a dealing desk, that analyze each order and attempt to fill it in the way that will be most beneficial to the broker’s bottom line. They can offset some client orders against one another, effectively creating an in-house market, they can choose to be the counterparty to a client’s trade (trade “against” the client), or they can offset their position with a hedge through a higher-tier counterparty. Note that the market maker is mainly concerned with managing its net exposure, and NOT with any single individual’s trades. They are NOT gunning for your stop losses specifically, but may be gunning for clusters of stops.

If you have already read the first article in the series, Structure of the Forex Market. you will recall that market mechanics are responsible for the variation in bid/ask spreads, and also for slippage. So it seems the two biggest novice traders’ pet peeves are not so much a function of who their broker is, but rather their lack of understanding of the way the forex market operates. A broker that offers a fixed spread tends not to fill orders during periods of low liquidity because this would expose them to undue risk, and as much as their job is to cater to their clients, remember they are in business primarily to make money for themselves. Some brokers also offer guaranteed order fills, such as “guaranteed stop losses”. Again, if there is no counter party to take the trade, they have to expose themselves to risk in order to fulfill this guarantee, so don’t be surprised if you see such a broker quoting different/delayed prices around important trend lines or support/resistance levels. Be especially aware of brokers who offer both guaranteed fills AND fixed spreads. When a broker offers something that seems too good to be true, you would be wise to question how exactly their business model is able to support such a risky practice. As a general rule, a broker will help you only when your interests are aligned with theirs. On the other hand, brokers provide a very valuable service, without which you wouldn’t have the opportunity to profit from the forex market, so please think about how it all comes together before blaming your broker for everything.

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No se hace ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las mostradas. De hecho, hay frecuentemente fuertes diferencias entre los resultados de rendimiento hipotético y los resultados reales logrados posteriormente por cualquier programa de comercio en particular. El comercio hipotético no implica riesgo financiero, y ningún registro de operaciones hipotético puede explicar completamente el impacto del riesgo financiero en el comercio real.

Toda la información en este sitio web es sólo para fines educativos y no pretende proporcionar asesoramiento financiero. Any statements about profits or income, either expressed or implied, do not represent a guarantee. Su comercio real puede dar lugar a pérdidas, ya que no se garantiza el sistema de comercio. You accept full responsibilities for your actions, trades and profit or loss, and agree to hold the developers and resellers of the RoboMiner, RoboMiner Pro, GapMagic, Forex Cantata, Forex Cantata III, Aussie Battler, American-Gridrunner, PipStrider, PipStrider II, PiopStrider III, Forex Prospector. GT-Shadow EA's, the EA-Companion, and any authorized resellers or distributors of this information harmless in any and all ways.

Copyright y copia; 2009 - 2014 Forex Goldmine

Forex Harvester Review

The vendor of Forex Harvester is Mark Marshall. This promotion is actually about the new version of the original robot, Forex Harvester 2 (H2.0). This robot is allegedly based on the manual strategies of Mark himself as well as “some really good traders with proven track records” and is backed by a good support team. However, the robot has not yet proven itself in real live trading and the claims are backed purely by statements of demo accounts.

Forex Harvester Claims

Some really strong claims are made, like the following: “This is THE single best home-based business available ANYWHERE at ANY price …”, and “ it blows all other so-called EA’s totally out of the water”. According to the vendor the buyer can expect gross profit of 10-15% per month, doubling his compounded trading capital every six months. The vendor backs the strong claims with forward tested results, apparently from a demo account, since he promises that he will give feedback when he begins to use it in a live account. The results (from the demo account) reveal a success rate of 90%. Testimonials are from people using the robot in demo accounts. They are impressed by the support from Mark Marshall and his team.

How does the Forex Harvester work?

The vendor only gives a number of features of the robot, but nowhere explains exactly how it works. Apparently the robot usually trades only within the first few hours of the week. Filters are said to be set to avoid bad trades and overtrading. By means of their Pip Amplification Technology (P. A.T.) the robot is then able to maximize profit from a trade, while minimizing risk at the same time. It seems like more than one profit targets are set and that the EA exits regularly to lock in profits.

Other features of Forex Harvester The system can be used with any major currency pair: USDJPY, EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCHF and EURJPY. Their proprietary Pip Amplification Technology (P. A.T.) is said to get the most out of the movement while minimizing risk. The management system is set up in such a way that the trader will know exactly what the largest possible loss is for a particular trade. However, due to P. A.T. the actual loss (if things tun against you) may be half that size depending on market movements. Part of money management strategy is to lock in profits, but no detail is given as to how this is done – probably by means of more than one profit target per trade. The EA also avoids most Major News events to protect trading capital. The Robot is capable of dealing with all quote formats. As low as $250 trading in micro accounts. Leverage can be as high as 1:500 or as low as 1:50.

The Forex Harvester Package

For the price of $147 you get:

The latest version of Forex Harvester, Forex Harvester 2 (H2.0) trading robot; all future upgrades are at no charge.

The ORIGINAL Forex Harvester.

Unlimited Support at their advanced client service & support site.

Charter Membership at their gated community.

Access to their recommended broker.

Access to our their custom VPS service for a “very reasonable” monthly fee (no details given). When you subscribe to this service, you get a SECOND license to H2.0.

Guarantee: Thirty days money back guarantee.

My Forex Harvester Test Results and Conclusion

I tested Forex Harvester for almost 5 months and the net profit over that period was 6%. In the end I decided to stop the test, because the performance was just not as good as advertised. See my testing stats and account statement on the Forex Robot Testing page. Based on my own test results I wouldn’t recommend this product and would definitely suggest that you focus on one of the robots on my Top 5 list or subscribe to my weekly robot testing newsletter.

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Forex Charts Book. Series of Free Forex ebooks

The very first look at a newly opened chart usually gives traders a little or no clue what the market is currently doing.

It usually appears like that wavy indefinite graph you see below.

A trader must «reorganize» it into a very clear picture to be able to trade.

Analysis usually starts with defining the trend. It may be needed to switch to a bigger time frame (hourly, daily) to see where exactly the market price is heading: up or down.

Having done that a trader can plot a trend line. Note the rule of placing trend lines for uptrend and downtrend.

For uptrend a trend line is plotted below the price action to indicate a support level.

For downtrend — above the price action to mark the level where resistance occurs.

For more information about trend lines visit: http://www. forextrendline. com

«Always trade with the trend». or at least try to — the gold rule in trading. That's why we want to find a direction of the trend.

Price can form channels. A channel is a corridor with parallel lines in between which the price moves.

The longer the price stays in a channel the stronger the channel becomes.

Trading strategy: watch for the price attempting to trade out of a channel. Once the first bar is closed outside the channel it is time to execute a trade in the direction where this break-through has occurred.

Copyright y copia; Jeff Boyd Authors & Publishers Inc. All Rights Reserved

FX Nitro Review

Note: See my test results and recommendation at the bottom of this review.

Fx Nitro was developed by some programmers and has been sold by someone called Johnny Livermore since August 2009. You actually get three robots: Two operate only in the EURCHF on the 5 minutes timeframe, while the third one (see below) operates on the EURGBP on the 15 minutes timeframe. They have profit targets of only 9 pips and stoplosses of 36 pips.

Unfortunately the domain of FxNitro, fxnitro. org, has not been renewed and following the FxNitro-link brings the following message to your screen:“I’m afraid FXNitro is not returning the results we would like provide to you; therefore, we will be temporary closed until we come up with new and better version. Current customers will have continued support from us. We will be directing you to our favorite forex program…”. You are then re-directed to the webpage of Forex Revolution. He makes no promises to prospecting clients, but claims a 99.75% accuracy and a profit factor of 44.3% trading with this robot.

Credibility of vendor of FXNitro

He supports his claim by an updating forward test statement from a live account, revealing the following: 92 trades in the EURCHF pair from the 3rd of January 2009 to the 1st of September 2009, making $13003.50 profit in a $10,000 account. Of these 92 trades only one was negative. Very hard to believe, but this is what the screenshot shows! He claims that the average consecutive wins of this robot is as high as 371 trades. In another account a profit of 1000% profit in one month is shown. Some independent test shows accuracy of 93%+. Backtest summaries are provided as well to support the claims.

How does FXNitro work?

The FXNitro Main EA + Fractal Edition are trading in the EURCHF pair on the M5 timeframe, while the Low Frequency robot is trading EURGBP on M15 timeframe. The main FxNitro robot has 7 different strategies and each of these has its own set of indicators (in total up to 50 indicators, plus some custom indicators). It opens up to 5 trades at the same time. Trades are exited with fixed targets and stoplosses.

Other features of FXNitro

Risk management: The EA has a built-in risk management system, but the sizes of the lots can also be determined manually to bring them in line with balance percentage risk levels. The default settings do not accommodate ECN brokers which require market orders. FX Nitro has a special moving-average stop-loss algorithm, which means that it is the moving average of the pair that triggers the stop loss, not the prices. Other settings for stoploss, targets (Take Profit) and breakeven are available.

The FXNitro package

For $147 you get three robots:

the FXNitro EA (one compiled. ex4 file + 3 custom indicators)

the FXNitro Low Frequency EA (one compiled. ex4 file + 1 custom indicator)

the FXNitro Fractal Edition EA (one compiled. ex4 file)

Then you also get the following supporting material:

a 47 page PDF installation guide

a 26 page PDF user guide

preset files for different brokers

some bonus material

Guarantee: 30 days money back guarantee.

My FX Nitro Test Results and Conclusion

I was quite excited about the FX Nitro product when it launched, but I was very disappointed by the way it turned out. The EA quickly started making large losses and after 2 months of testing my account was down by 44%. The original owner of the product also sold it to someone else and bailed out on his customers.

See my testing stats and account statement on the Forex Robot Testing page. Based on my own test results I wouldn’t recommend this product to anyone and would definitely suggest that you focus on one of the robots on my Top 5 list or subscribe to my weekly robot testing newsletter.

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Do you want to learn how to trade and make money in the foreign exchange market? Then I have good news for you.

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Ready To Be Rich has partnered with forex guru, Mark So to bring you a one-of-a-kind and comprehensive seminar that will introduce you to the world of forex.

Here are the details:

WHEN: April 16, 2016, Saturday from 2:00 to 4:00 PM

WHERE: Suite 1503A West Tower, Philippine Stock Exchange Center (Tektite), Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Here are some of the things you’ll learn in this Forex Orientation Seminar:

What are the two critical ingredients you need to make money in Businesses; and why you can never retire on a business alone.

What are the two critical ingredients you need to make money in Investments; and why you should start now.

How wealth is never destroyed, only transferred; and how this fact relates to the foreign exchange market.

How to trade the Forex Market using the “See-Saw” and “2 Cups of Water” estrategias.

What is the Risk to Reward Ratio and why it matters if you want to make money in Forex Trading

What is “Short” and “Long” trading; and how can you immediately put it to practice with your physical money

How to know if forex trading is for you .

How to measure true success in forex trading.

I have attended this seminar and I can tell you that the things above is just the “tip of the iceberg”. You will learn a lot more and discover a new, exciting and legitimate way to make money today.

Mr. Mark So teaching about Forex Trading

The normal price for this orientation seminar is P2,500 but when you sign up through Ready To Be Rich below, you only need to pay P500 .

Again, this will be on April 16, 2016 – Saturday, 2:00 to 4:00 PM . The seminar will be held at Suite 1503A West Tower, Philippine Stock Exchange Center (Tektite), Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City.

The registration fee is only P500 – but only if you register below:

Still having second thoughts or you’re not available on April 16th?

No worries, this Forex Orientation Seminar happens every month. And once you register and pay, you can attend it as many times as you want!

That’s right! If for any reason you suddenly can’t make it on the said date, then you can just wait for the next schedule on the following month and attend that.

Plus, if you feel that you need to review the concepts that was discussed, then you can attend the seminar again and again every month until you fully understand how forex works.

Isn’t that a great deal!?

Don’t let these opportunities to learn pass you by. Again… you can either:

Choose the best option for you today.

——– Advertencia de Riesgo. Trading foreign exchange carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Be sure to know your investment objectives and personal risk tolerance before participating in forex trading.

Please keep in mind.

While providing a general idea of how MCFX works, the demo version has a number of major limitations when compared to the paid versions. The limitations are as follows:

Available Resolutions You can only use the following basic resolutions: 1 tick, 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day. All other resolutions are available in the full version.

Data Quality The demo data server is not monitored as closely as our production servers. As a result, there may be gaps and interruptions in the data flow.

History You can receive only the most recent 500 bars for any resolution, starting with the current bar.

Active charts You can only have five charts open at any one time. If you attempt to open more than five, you will receive a "no data" mensaje.

Free MCFX Demo

Here you can download a demo of our MCFX platform, which is streamlined for Forex trading. You can evaluate available functionality, interface and performance before subscribing to the paid version.

If you are on the internet lately (and you must be in order to be reading this article) then you have probably seen an advertisement for a popular form of trading called Forex trading. Before you jump on the bandwagon and open up a Forex trading account, let’s take a moment to explore a question […]

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InvestOnlineTrading. com is dedicated to delivering the best investing solutions and trading strategies for online investors. We focus on helping individual and institutional investors to identify investment opportunities, avoid potential risks, increase return on investment (ROI), optimize investment portfolios, and ultimately equip them with strategic insights and operational skills in the online trading markets that include […]

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Thanks for the advice on penny stocks, is there a newsletter of journal I could see before investing in penny … Ed BoWell | 26Jun11 | Más

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Well, if you’re like I was when I caught a glimpse at this forex cyclone robot, you’re probably wondering to yourself-- if it works so well, then why doesn’t everyone use it?

And why haven’t you heard about it until now?

Well, it’s for the same reason why Warren Buffet didn’t personally pick up the phone and call you to tell you years ago to invest in Kentucky Fried Chicken, Taco Bell, Hershey, Geico, and the tons of other stocks that has made him billions of dollars in profits-----It’s SUPPOSE to be a secret, otherwise no one would profit.

So what makes you so special that I’m willing to give away my secret to you today?

It’s simple: I like you. I like you because you’re here and the simple fact that you’re here tells me 3 things:

That you want financial security

That you want to provide a better life for you and your family

That you really need some help to make it all become a reality

Well, here’s some great news for you: Whether you know it or not, you’re on the right track to profiting big time in the forex market. The easiest way to become successful in the forex market or at anything is life is to simply follow the footsteps of someone else who has been successful at it---That’s me.

But that’s just only the beginning. The next step is to eliminate your risks of losing your hard earned money-----Yes, I said it---there are risks that go alone with trading, but there’s a fast and easy way to get around it and here’s how:

Don’t rely on the human brain---screw-ups are bound to happen……

When it comes to forex trading, I know that you’re either in 3 categories: A complete newbie, an intermediate trader, or an advanced trader.

Regardless of which category you’re in, at some point you’ve probably thought about seeking the advice of a stock broker or a financial representative of some sort.

But according to a recent report by Money Magazine, 82% of financial representatives offering advice are in no better financial shape than the customer is. The conclusion: You’re better off taking a wild guess in the forex market yourself.

¡GUAUU! Now I know that stat might have blown you right out of your seat. But when you really think about it, no one knows it all---heck we’re all human and the DNA of our brain says that screw-ups are bound to happen----Knowing this fact is the exact reason why YOU can’t afford to put your money at risk, because you’ll probably lose it.

But with this amazing forex trading robot that you just saw in the video above, you’ll:

Have around a 90% chance of profiting on every trade that you make

This is just a quick note to let you know that I have lost count of the amount of money that I have lost on different things I have tried UNTIL I came to your site.

Now I will have total freedom and will be able to do whatever I want in life! I owe you guys big time.

- Mark & Dax (Fairfield, CA)

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Thanks for a great product!

- Johnathan (Wichita, KS)

And perhaps the best part about it is that The Forex Cyclone Robot is backed by a…

I’m so sure that The Forex Cyclone Robot will provide you with the results that you’re looking for that I’m going to take all of the risk away from you and protect your small investment today for 60 days.

That’s right, you have a full 60 days to try out this profit-producing tool and if for some reason you feel that The Forex Cyclone Robot fell short of your expectations, then all you have to do is let me know and I’ll insist that you let me refund 100% of your money. No se hicieron preguntas. It’s just that simple.

All I ask is that you give The Forex Cyclone Robot an honest try!

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General Forex Questions

The Foreign Exchange market, also referred to as the "FOREX" or "Forex" or "Retail forex" or "FX" or "Spot FX" or just "Spot" is the largest financial market in the world, with a volume of over $4 trillion a day. If you compare that to the $25 billion a day volume that the New York Stock Exchange trades, you can easily see how enormous the Foreign Exchange really is. It actually equates to more than three times the total amount of the stocks and futures markets combined! Forex rocks!

What Exactly Do I Need To Start Trading Forex?

You will need a computer with an internet connection. That is all you need to start trading Forex.

What Other Software Do I Need?

Forex Cyclone is designed to work with the Forex Metatrader 4 trading platform. This platform is offered by many Forex Brokers as a free download.

An Expert Advisor is an automated script that is coded in MQ4 that works in conjunction with the Metatrader 4 platform. The automated script executes trades for you automatically.

Can Forex Cyclone Run When I Am Away?

Yes, since Forex Cyclone is an automated program it can be left unattended to execute trades when you are away. All trades will be performed as set forth by your settings in Forex Cyclone.

What If My PC Loses Power Or My Internet Goes Down?

Simply relaunch Metatrader 4 (MT4) and turn on Forex Cyclone. Forex Cyclone will then continue trading.

What Happens When The Market Closes on Weekend?

You can leave your Metatrader 4 (MT4) and Forex Cyclone running. Once the market opens again Forex Cyclone will kick back into action and start trading again.

What Is a Demo Vs. a Real Account?

Demo accounts are just what they sound like - Demos. We suggest you use Forex Cyclone on a Demo account first to check compatibility with your Broker and Expert Advisor. Always test on a Demo account first before trading on a real account.

Do I Need a Server To Run Forex Cyclone?

No, Forex Cyclone can be run straight from your house - All you need is a PC and an Internet Connection.

Brokers and Trading Platform Setup

Do I Need To Use A Specific Broker?

Forex Cyclone is an Expert Advisor (EA) that trades on the Metatrader 4 (MT4) platform. You are not limited to only one broker. You can pick and choose what Broker best suits your needs and go with them.

What is the Metatrader 4 (MT4) Platform?

MT4 is an online trading platform designed for financial institutions dealing with the Forex market. The platform includes all necessary components for brokerage services via internet including the back office and dealing desk. You can download the MT4 platform directly from your Broker website.

Who Are The Top Brokers That Utilize Metatrader 4 (MT4)?

Listed below are the top brokers that use the MT4 trading platform - they are listed in no particular order.

PS: Remember, once you say yes to The Forex Cyclone Robot, it’s backed by a 100% money back guarantee, so you have absolutely nothing to lose.

PPS: You want to make profitable trades, you want more money in your pocket and you want to secure a financially stable future for you and your family…And the 1 thing that you do know is that you need help to make all of this happen.

The Forex Cyclone Robot takes all of the guess work out of forex trading and consistently hands you winning trades---you literally don’t have to do anything to win big in the forex market.

Click here to order now and start reeling in Warren Buffet-style profits--------Not with the human brain, but the easy way------ The Forex Cyclone Robot way!

To your success

CFTC REGLA 4.41 - LOS RESULTADOS DE RENDIMIENTO HIPOTÉTICOS O SIMULADOS TIENEN CIERTAS LIMITACIONES. DESCONOCIDO UN REGISTRO DE RENDIMIENTO REAL, LOS RESULTADOS SIMULADOS NO REPRESENTAN COMERCIO REAL. TAMBIÉN, DADO QUE LOS COMERCIOS NO HAN SIDO EJECUTADOS, LOS RESULTADOS PUEDEN TENERSE COMPARTIDOS POR EL IMPACTO, EN CASO DE, DE CIERTOS FACTORES DE MERCADO, COMO LA FALTA DE LIQUIDEZ. LOS PROGRAMAS DE COMERCIO SIMULADOS EN GENERAL ESTÁN SUJETOS AL FACTOR DE QUE SEAN DISEÑADOS CON EL BENEFICIO DE HINDSIGHT. NO SE HACE NINGUNA REPRESENTACIÓN QUE CUALQUIER CUENTA TENDRÁ O ES POSIBLE PARA LOGRAR GANANCIAS O PÉRDIDAS SIMILARES A LOS MOSTRADOS. В No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. De hecho, hay frecuentemente fuertes diferencias entre los resultados de rendimiento hipotético y los resultados reales logrados posteriormente por cualquier programa de comercio en particular. El comercio hipotético no implica riesgo financiero, y ningún registro de operaciones hipotético puede explicar completamente el impacto del riesgo financiero en el comercio real. Toda la información en este sitio web o cualquier e-libro comprado en este sitio web es sólo para fines educativos y no pretende proporcionar asesoramiento financiero. Cualquier declaración sobre beneficios o ingresos, expresada o implícita, no representa una garantía. Su comercio real puede dar lugar a pérdidas, ya que no se garantiza el sistema de comercio. You accept full responsibilities for your actions, trades, profit or loss, and agree to hold Forex Cyclone and any authorized distributors of this information harmless in any and all ways.

New Improved Website!

Making a Forex Trading Plan

There is one thing all Professional traders have in common and that is they all have a trading plan. The reason a trading plan is so important is because the plan is what a trader uses to make their trades, manage their trades and take profit.

A trading plan is just like a rule book that includes all the information on how a trader trades. Having a solid trading plan will ensure a trader is consistent in their trading and follow their rules.

Trading Forex is very different from every other job in their world because there are no rules. There is no one telling a trader how much to trade, when to trade or how to trade. Rules are very important to a trader because without them they are just another gambler. Another way to think about a trading plan is a business plan. The plan outlines how your business runs and operates.

What Should a Trading Plan Contain?

A trading plan needs to cover every scenario you are likely to encounter when trading. Things like what you trade, how you trade and how you manage those Forex trades need to be in there as well as things like how much you will risk per trade and what your goals are.

Trading plans can act as check lists. For example a trading plan will cover exactly what it is you are looking for to make a trade. An example using the Pin Bar may be:

Trade only daily Pin Bar’s

Trade Pin Bar’s only with the obvious trend

Pin Bar must form at logical support or resistance area

I will not trade into support or resistance area

I will only trade Pin Bar’s that have noses 3x the size of the body

These are only a few example of what you may have in your plan. Your plan will need to include the set criteria for every setup you take.

Once you have a checklist for what signals you are going to take you will need to include in your plan how you manage your trades. This is one of the most important points. As I said above the Forex market has no rules. When you are in a trade there is no one to tell you when to take profit or when to cut your losses. This is a must in your plan otherwise you will get into trades and have no idea how to manage them.

Make Sure You Include the Small Things

Whilst it is very important to have your trade check list in your trading plan, you have to make sure you don’t forget the other important things. These are the sorts of things such as:

Money management used

How much you will risk per trade

How will you place stops

How often will you monitor trades

What you are going to use to target profits

Trading goals

The basic rule when writing your trading plan is if you are going to come across it in your trading, it should be in your written plan. The more details you cover in your plan, the more consistent your results will be.

Write it Down and Follow it!

A trading plan is no use unless it is written down. Having your plan in your head is a waste of time because when it comes to the crunch and you are under pressure you will forget or go with what your gut is saying. Write out your plan and stick it beside your trading area or computer. Have it on you at all times when trading!

After you have a plan the key is to follow it. I know this sounds simple but many traders write a plan with the best intentions and then at the first hurdle they fail to follow it. An example of this is a trader has written in their plan not to trade against the trend. A Pin bar then forms but it is against the trend. The trader will take this trade thinking to themselves, “I will just take this one setup as it looks so great”. They will then watch it as it goes onto to be a loss. They will then kick themselves for not following their plan. This is a very common problem. Plan your trade and trade your plan! Always!

Give Your Plan a Chance to Work!

The other common mistake traders make is throwing their plan out at the first losing trade. What often happens is a trader will make a few winning trades and then experience a loser. They will then forget all about the plan and move on.

You need to let your plan work out over many trades. The best way to think about your plan is how a casino thinks about their business. The casino knows that they will lose money here and there. What they work on is the fact that over many gamblers playing many games, they will make more money than what they lose. They may have a few losses in a row but by following their business plan they will come out on top, they know they have an edge built in to all of their games and that this will play out over a large sample size.

Having a sound price action trading plan is your edge and only a lack of patience and discipline are your enemies.

You need to give you plan a chance to work out. Don’t throw it away after one loss! Think like a casino.

More Trading Lessons On Forex Trading Plans

Stick With Your Method and Think Like a Casino

Forex Trading Journal | Example Included

Smart Money Forex

Learn How To Trade Forex The Right Way – For FREE!

Want to learn how to trade Forex like a pro? Need a rock-solid trading method, money management plan, and advice on how to be the best Forex trader you can be? You’ve come to the right place!

I’m Phil, and I run SmartMoneyForex. com. Many of you will know me as phil838 from Babypips, and as the author of Phil’s Basic Chart Analysis Trading Method.

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The First Deadly Trading Sin Of The Remote Forex Trader: Greed

Greed Can Force The Remote Forex Trader Into An Early Retirement

In the markets, greed is often a good thing. It is what drives companies to perform well, and what drives much of the markets movement. ItВ’s the effort that the remote forex trader will expend trying to make a profit that creates the market movement that enables you, as a remote forex trader, to succeed.

The desire to make money is what motivates a remote forex trader to become successful. But the desire to succeed is different from the desire to get every bit of possible profit from a trade. This kind of reckless greed makes a remote forex trader hold on to their position long after the downside has started to outweigh the upside, until risk outweighs potential reward.

Here's an example: a remote forex trader sees that a particular stock is starting on a run; it's reported good news and is already up 20% for the day. The volume is still building; it's stable at the current price; the market is rallying strongly; and it looks like it will go higher. The remote forex trader buys 1,000 shares at $6 a share. By 12:15 P. M. the stock has raced up to $10 - a gain of over 66% for the day, and a profit of $4,000 on 1,000 shares.

This remote forex trader knows that round number price points, like $10, are psychological barriers for the remote forex trader and that if a stock is going to stop rising, it will probably be near a point like this. As it turns out, after momentarily shooting to $10.03, the price stops rising and starts to go down.

The remote forex trader also knows that he should sell now and re-buy later. But instead of acting wisely, he keeps thinking, В“What if it goes to $12 before it stops? What if it makes a 100% gain? How will I ever forgive myself for missing out on another $2,000 profit because I sold too soon? В” His greed conquers his trading experience.

Of course, what ends up happening is that the stock drops down to $9.50 and then $8.75, ending the day at $8.90. The next day the market opens down and the remote forex trader is lucky to get out at $8.70, down $1,300 from the profit he could have had.

The way the remote forex trader gets around the lure of excessive greed is to take profits consistently. It doesn't matter if the stock goes up another dollar or two after you're out of the position. The important thing is that the remote forex trader made a clean profit and is ready to go on to the next trade with even more capital than he had before.

Going on to the next trade is better than staying in the old one once it's gotten too risky, because the next trade will have an upside that outweighs the downside. (If it didn't, the remote forex trader wouldn't have any reason to get into the position in the first place.) The old trade's downside has begun to outweigh any further gains heВ’s likely to make.

If the remote forex trader locks in profits, he may miss a few highs, but heВ’ll stay consistently ahead. ItВ’s better to be consistently profitable than to risk losing what you have already gained. ItВ’s also wise for the remote forex trader to consider setting his goals for solid gains, not for the maximum possible gains. Aiming always for the most possible profit for a trade locks you into a В‘greedyВ’ mindset that will hinder your success in the long run.

Trading Well And Making Money

Which do you think comes first?

If you’re looking for the latest tactics and shortcuts to make money trading, then this is NOT for you.

It’s nothing personal — I just don’t have any answers if you want to make money without first investing the time and effort to get yourself educated.

You see, the retail Forex industry is largely filled with unrealistic promises … and if you’re not careful, it’s easy to buy into the whole “trade with a laptop on the beach” dream.

Not that it’s impossible (I trade on-the-go myself), but it’s probably going to take you at least a year or two.

And the best way to get there is to focus on your trading education .

So how can we be sure we won’t waste each others’ ¿hora?

If you don’t just want a quick-fix way to trade Forex, but are willing to dedicate time and effort to develop and practice new trading skills

If you’re past the “get rich quick” phase, and want to build a personal trading framework for a sustainable income

If you want to learn effective principles and not just passing fads

Then you’re at the right place.

Get the free Retail Forex Manifesto report by clicking the image below:

I’ll see you on the inside.

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Make Millions With Forex Robots

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Forex (or foreign exchange) trading presents small, independent investors with an exciting opportunity to make money. However, before you dive into this type of investing, it is important to learn as much… [Más]

Learn Forex Trading – Basic Concepts To Guide You

Foreign currency exchange or Forex can be a productive and profitable venture. This can happen only if you know very well how you must trade Forex. Just like any business you pursue, you need to start… [Más]

Forex Advice for Beginners

Forex technical analysis is the best program for many investors for three reasons. This program analyzes patterns on currency charts and the price action of each pair, the information is current, and extends as far in the past as … [Read More. ]

Venturing into the Forex market for the very first time can be somewhat intimidating so many people are looking for Forex advice for beginners. Those that trade Forex effectively will find that there is plenty of money to be made … [Read More. ]

Are you looking for a business that you can do right from the comfort of your home? A business that you should consider doing is Forex trading. It is possible to make money online trading currency pairs. However, the market is … [Read More. ]

Automated forex trading is the practice of using any automated forex trading software, sometimes referred to as "forex robots", for trading in the foreign currency market. This automated forex … [Read More. ]

Forex is all about timing and if you don't have the right timing you could lose lots of money. Therefore, if you want to get into Forex trading you got to have an Automated Forex system. In the Forex … [Read More. ]

Finding the best forex robot and reading through a reliable forex robot review online is a surefire way for you to boost your forex trading business. If you wish to be an expert in your trade, this … [Read More. ]

Forex training is an essential part of being a successful forex trader. Potential forex traders should prepare for trading by arming themselves with forex trading knowledge and at least the forex … [Read More. ]

The information era has made it extremely easy for the novice investor to learn Forex online. One will be able to find advice and tools that will help the new investor map out a trading plan that will … [Read More. ]

More and more people today turn to Forex with high hopes of creating a new stream of income. Very good idea I can say! But, believe me; it's not that easy as many cunning marketers make it sound like, … [Read More. ]

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How Does Forex Trading Work?

If you are on the internet lately (and you must be in order to be reading this article) then you have probably seen an advertisement for a popular form of trading called Forex trading. Before you jump on the bandwagon and open up a Forex trading account, let’s take a moment to explore a question plaguing many—How does Forex trading work?

¿Qué es Forex? Every country has its own type of currency (although some share, like the countries that use the Euro). Each of these currencies has a value for trade when used within its originating country, but it can also be purchased using the currency of another country—like when you travel to another country and must purchase its currency with that of your own. And while a currency’s value might be fixed in terms of trading it for goods in its own country, it can vary when stacked up against the currencies of other countries.

For example, let’s say that you live in Canada and use three Canadian dollars to buy orange juice every day. If you want to trade those three Canadian dollars for U. S. dollars, you might get four U. S. dollars on Tuesday, but only three and a half on Wednesday if the Canadian dollar falls or the U. S. dollar rises. But no matter how many U. S. dollars you can get for your three Canadian dollars, you can always buy the same amount of juice in Canada—unless the store raises its prices.

Capitalizing on Value Variances When people trade equities, they attempt to buy into the equity (or stock) at a low price. This means they buy 100 shares of XYZ stock for $X. Their goal is to hold their 100 shares of XYZ until it reaches a higher price and they can sell it for more than they bought it for. Forex traders have the same objective, but they want to buy and sell currencies instead of stocks.

For example, let’s say that the Euro can buy two U. S. dollars today. An investor might invest 100 Euros into buying 200 US dollars. As the U. S. dollar rises in value compared to other currencies, it will take more Euros to buy it, and the investor will get more Euros back when he sells his or her U. S. dollars than he spent to buy them.

Buying and Selling When you take part in Forex trading, you will basically be buying and selling currencies. Each currency will have a bid price and an ask price. The bid price is the amount you can buy the currency for and the ask price is the amount you will likely be able to sell it for. The bid price on any given day will be higher than the ask price, and the spread—or difference between the two—is the amount that the bank takes for effectuating the sale.

Forex Risks If you really want to understand how Forex trading works. then you need to understand the risks involved. First of all, currency prices can vary based on many different local and global economic factors and events. This makes it extremely hard to predict trends, which makes profitable Forex trading difficult for new investors. And while you may be able to expertly anticipate the movement of your own country’s currency, other countries may prove less easy to predict. In some instances, countries with fixed currency prices may decide to let their currency have a flexible and dynamic value (as China recently did) and its entry into the market can have unexpected results.

Secondly, many investors forget to diversify their Forex holdings, choosing instead to simply trade one country’s currency for another’s. Just as in stock trading, limiting your holdings to just one company or currency gives you little protection against downside risk and could expose you to loss that you can’t afford.

Third, many investors don’t understand how the fees and commissions add up with Forex trading. Fees and commissions eat into the amount you can afford to invest, and that can hurt an investor’s ability to profit. Comparing the spread, commission charges and account fees of various brokers is the best way to factor this in and ensure you get the most advantageous account.

As with any investment opportunity, Forex offers investors a great way to make a return on their investment, but it also offers many risks. Forex trading is not an automatic money maker and actually requires a certain sensibility in order to make it profitable.

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Various Types of Forex Analysis

In this article we will be looking at the various forms of fx analysis with two main categories that most traders pay attention to. They are Technical Analysis and Fundamental Analysis .

This is the juice that keeps forex traders alive. The more you understand the value of analysis, the better a trader you should become in due time. It is a general fx newbie mistake to ignore these but it is often at their own peril. There are literally hundreds of books covering forex analysis, so if in doubt, pick one up.

Some Traders just stick to Technical Analysis and some Fundamental Analysis. It is best to be fluent in both - which is often easier said than done. With that said, you have to remember that Practice, Makes Perfect. and the more you practice practice practice, the better you develop as a trader. If there is one piece of advice you should ever remember about trading currencies is just that - 'Practice makes perfect' . Don't expect to wake up a millionare by Friday. Learn about these important aspects of trading first and of course Demo Trade First with one of our selected Brokers . Take Baby Steps.

Análisis técnico

Examples of this include Chart analysis and Trend Analysis . When most traders think of technical analysis, the first thing that comes to mind is Charts.

The basic job of a Technical Analyst in trading is to look for patterns happening and most importantly past patterns. They believe that what happened in the past is most likely to happen in the future. They could be very right, but it is impossible in my view to trade on just this theory. Other factors have to be included. Technical analysts mainly look out for what is known as support and resistance levels and use these to determine whether to buy or sell a currency.

Of course it is not as simple as that. There are many other indicators that Technical Analysts use to determine their trades. Lets's dive into charts for a brief moment.

Technical Analysts use chart analysis simply because charts are the easiest way to represent historical price movements visually. As the name implies, it is just that. Reading Charts and deciphering what is the next likely move to happen to a currency pair. A lot of traders use charts and similar trading rules and ideas. This makes the market also behave in similar ways therefore assisting techinal analysts make some decent profit from their trades if there predictions were correct.

Because Forex is a 24 hour market . it provides fx analysts with a large amount of data that can be used to measure future activity resulting in an ever increasing significance of statistical data. This makes it perfect for traders to use technical tools like Charts, Indicators and Trend Lines .

Fundamental Analysis

The job of a Forex Fundamental Analyst trader is to evaluate different countries currencies and economic states. This includes social, economic and political factors. News Reports, economic data and social political events coming out are indeed very similar to news coming out about a particular company for stock traders to speculate on.

You could see the relevance of fundamental analysis and why some traders only use this type of analysis to determine whether to make a trade or not. It is highly effective and mostly used by long term fx traders.

There are practically thousands of fundamental strategies that are employed by traders due to the vast amount of fundamental data. Each to their own as they say. Commodity prices are also used as fundamental data to determine future currency activity.

The underline idea of fundamental trading analysis is to determine who's economy is growing and who's isn't. Sounds simple right. It could be if you know everything. But of course this is never the case. Later on I will be going deeper into fundamental analysis and how you can use this to your advantage to execute profitable trades. This is quite handy for news enthusiasts.

Sentiment Analysis

Another form of fx trading analysis which you cannot afford to ignore is Sentiment Analysis . Some say it is easier to read people than machines. Tú decides. Important thing to know here is, essentially, people just like you run these markets. They make the trades. Okay you can argue that there are automated robots, but just remember that they were programmed by someone just like you. They were not born out of thin air.

As a trader in any markets, you have to Make Decisions . You need to know whether to buy or sell. This decision firmly rests with you. For instance, you might want to short the Euro having read a news article or studied some charts. You firmly believe this will short. Usted espera y espera y usted decide cortocircuito de todos modos. To your utter surprise, it goes long. You cannot stop it. You are now looking at a red screen and all your monies have vanished into thin air!

This is why it is important to gauge market sentiment. You have to remember that one person or individual cannot control the market. It is a mixture of all the views, ideas and opinions of all participants in the markets. This combo is what is referred to as Market Sentiment. The emotions of all the traders combined explain the current direction of the markets.

In the above scenario, it would have been clearly better to either leave the trade alone or go long because that is what the market sentiment was suggesting against all logic fundamental and technical. In other markets like stocks and options, traders can look at the overall traded volume as a sentimental indicator. If price has been rising, but volume declining, this could signal that it is time to sell and vice versa.

With Spot Fx, Sentiment Analysis can be a bit tougher since it is traded over-the-counter (OTC) and hence does not pass through a centralised exchange. If you read the previous article on Types of Forex Trading . You may have picked this up. There are weekly reports you can look at to gauge market sentiment, but as newbie, it is not important right now. Later in your forex journey, you will learn about these. In conclusion, Sentiment Analysis although not as major as Technical and Fundamental analysis, should not be ignored. Understanding Market Sentiment, will help you and will come in time.

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South Florida Forex Meetup

South Florida Forex Meetup

South Florida Forex Meetup Group: Welcome to South Florida's newest Forex Meetup group. A great way to meet other traders all sharing a common interest. We will be scheduling a virtual meetup very soon. This is a Meetup that our members can be a part of, right from home!! Keep a…

South Florida Forex Meetup Group:

Welcome to South Florida's newest Forex Meetup group. A great way to meet other traders all sharing a common interest.

We will be scheduling a virtual meetup very soon. This is a Meetup that our members can be a part of, right from home!!

Keep a lookout for our next Meetup. Learn to trade forex from other successful traders!!

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Highly profitable FX indicator that I use everyday to make big successful trades.

This new innovative indicator predicts the price movements and turns them into profit. The special signal generating technology used in Forex Profit Master is the most successful method that has been under serious tests for the last 2 years. It passed every test with outstanding results, so now you can use it too and make winning trades one after another.

Forex Profit Master performs difficult calculations and analyzes the market conditions to figure out where the current trend is going to go and how strong it will be. Your trading experience is about to radically change, making Forex exceptionally profitable and easy.

To be honest, when we were working on the smart algorithm behind Forex Profit Master, we did know that we are going to create a powerful beast… But we’ve never thought it would generate such incredible results, as the ones we started getting from the very first tests. This is a monster… A monster that works and makes huge pips with every trade… We did it!

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Forex Profit Master is extremely easy to understand and use. There is nothing to learn and you don't need any trading experience… The indicator will tell you when to buy or sell and also alert you with a sound or even send you a notification email with all details about the current trade.

With all the hard work that we’ve put in this project, we have achieved the highest possible level of quality. Are you ready to trade forex like a professional and watch your trading account literally explode from profit?

Trading with this Indicator is like having your own professional trader giving you advice on every trade. You are going to change the way you think about Forex in just a few minutes from now. Take my word for it!

Unique combinational algorithms technology for maximum profit from every trade.

Forex Profit Master is based on special combinational algorithms technology that enables it to predict price movements with laser accuracy.

This indicator also uses a special three-step market noise filtration system that removes almost all false signals. It works with M15, M30, H1, and H4 time frames with unique built-in settings for each timeframe.

We’ve also implemented special unique settings for the pairs that this powerful indicator is designed to work on! Unique settings help get the most out of each timeframe and pair.

Different pairs have different tendencies and it's important to adjust to them to win more trades. Forex Profit Master has taken care of this for you. The most profitable and reliable settings for each timeframe and currency pair are already built-in.

As soon as you open Forex Profit Master on the selected pair and timeframe, the corresponding preset settings will automatically activate and the indicator will start generating laser accurate buy and sell signals for you. T his Indicator is hard coded to find only the best entry points that generate maximum profit!

The unique signal generating technology used in Forex Profit Master is armed with a special filtering and trend identification system that puts false signals close to zero and enables the indicator to generate a signal right before the trend explodes into a certain direction.

We are bringing you the best Forex trading tool available on the internet and we know you are going to love it!

From confusion and anxiety to massive trading confidence and rock solid consistent profits!

Quit torturing yourself with over-complicated trading strategies and see how easy and simple it is to trade with Forex Profit Master. While other traders bang their heads against their computers without getting anywhere, you could practically have your trading account grow right in front of your eyes.

Are you ready to start getting full advantage from all the hidden profit opportunities that are always there but always go unnoticed? Now is the best moment to change that! With a super reliable and smart trading software by your side, you will be much more than shocked to find out how easy it is to detect those trading opportunities and profit from them. It’s truly amazing!

Trading successfully is easy if you trade with Forex Profit Master.

This indicator does not require you to learn all the complicated and hard to understand trading strategies.

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This Shockingly Accurate Indicator will take your trading results to a whole new level!

Become an unstoppable trading “Titan” following the signals of this indicator and start getting the type of income you need to live a luxury and independent life. Forex trading doesn't have to be difficult. It's actually very easy and very profitable! All you need to be successful is a trading software that you can rely on.

We developed a powerful trading software that generates truly smart signals. We wanted to create a perfect indicator for people who want to make big profit without spending countless hours in front of their computers.

This indicator will tell you exactly when to buy and when to sell and play a sound alert, send you an email or inform you via push notification when a new signal is generated. With Forex Profit Master you will spend minimum time and make maximum profit.

Just imagine how much free time you will have! Time to enjoy with family and friends! We want you to have fun with your life!

Y ou will be using Forex Master Profit for years to come. And You will never want to trade without it!

No matter if you are new to forex or if you've been around for a while, you most probably already tried a lot of different trading systems. Most of them promise to make you a winning trader but in the end of the day don’t work near as well as you have expected. Forex Profit Master is here to bring back your hope for success!

We have configured this powerful indicator to prevent losses, reduce risk and avoid those unexpected rapid trend reversals. Forex Profit Master is specifically engineered to make steady profit without taking any unnecessary risks.

Stop wasting your time with all the fake promises that you've been given before. Now, you are on the road to success and we will guide you all the way through!

With Forex Profit Master everything gets better:

Eliminate all the stress from your trading.

It's a well known fact that trading psychology makes up to 90% of your success so you need a professional indicator that will give you confidence with your trading. You will start seeing how pleasant Forex trading actually is only when you stop being emotionally involved. With Forex Profit Master you no longer have to stare at the charts trying to analyze and predict the next price movement.

We are here to show you how to trade stress-free. You are going to start entering those winning trades with confidence. Never again you will have to worry about whether the market is going to go against you. We have already figured out everything for you! Forex Profit Master has been developed to give traders absolute comfort and confidence with every signal.

Automatic Alerts to inform you of every signal

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Just imagine how profitable your trading will become when you start using Forex Profit Master. Think about how confident and proud you will feel when you make your first big winning trade! I personally guarantee, that this indicator is going to change the way you think about Forex.

It is based on the most advanced trading algorithms that will enable you to make big stable profit everyday. Without thinking and worrying. We have put a lot of work in Forex Profit Master and now it's time for you to take advantage of it!

Will you be one of the smart people, who understand that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity that can completely change their life, take it and run with it? Or will you choose to keep doing what you've been doing and keep getting what you've been getting? See, your success depends on the choices you make.

Es sencillo. If you pass on the golden opportunities like this one, you will keep standing on one place. You are on this very page right now, because you are looking for something that could help you improve. You are determined to make a big change and start living your life to it's fullest.

Forex Profit Master will provide you with laser accurate buy/sell signals and I will help you with every step of the way down the path to success. Don’t let this golden chance slip through your fingers. This trading software is unlike any other tool ever made. Stop losing and take immediate advantage of this simple yet super effective forex indicator!

The most safe and reliable Indicator you will ever use.

Now you will always have crystal clear buy/sell signals regardless of the speed of the market. Our goal was to create an incredibly powerful Indicator that keeps traders ahead of the market, maintaining safety and minimizing the risk at all times. Now, you are finally assured that you only take trades when there is a solid trend in place with a high probability of winning. No more random trades!

Forex Profit Master is accurate, reliable and convenient. If you use it, you can make money without any sweat regardless of your level of trading experience. Even if you have only made 1-2 trades in your whole life, you can still easily make profit with this indicator. This is your chance to live this life on your own terms. You deserve this. We want you to be happy with your trading and life in general!

Forex Profit Master works extremely well for beginners, experts and even those who know absolutely nothing about trading. It literally takes just 2 minutes to start trading with this indicator. Download the indicator, attach it to your charts and enter a new trade as soon as Forex Profit Master generates a signal for you! Exit the trade when it reaches the target profit level or when you are advised by the software to do so.

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My name is Richard, it has been up to 2 years now trading Forex. Its been so rough and disappointing until I finally got Forex Profit Master. Forex Profit Master is a good trading indicator due to its simplicity, clear path to success that simplify the trading equation as simple as A-B-C. Trading sometimes around an hour or 45 min a day using the Forex Profit Master.

As a family man, I do not have much time to sit down in front of my computer, but with the Forex Profit Master system with alarm built in and clear Buy/Sell direction, I only have to go to my PC and place the trade when I hear the alarm. Me encanta. Now I am winner every day! Muchas gracias!

More testimonials will be added soon.

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As of June 2009, there is in excess of $600 million in customer funds trading on platforms offered by FXCM. Over 150,000 live accounts trade through trading platforms offered by FXCM from over 150 countries, with an average of 8,000,000 trades executed each month; moreover, customer support is provided in over a dozen languages. FXCM has received numerous awards from the investment community, including Best Currency Broker from Shares, Best Retail Foreign Exchange Platform from FX Week and Best Foreign Exchange Specialist from Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities. In addition to currency trading, FXCM offers educational courses on forex trading, and provides research through DailyFX. com

Leverage: 200:1 Spread on Majors: 3-5 Pips Account Balance: Regular Account $2000 Mini Account $25 Trading Platform(s): FX Trading Station Country: United States 24 Hour Trading Offered: Yes Free Demo Account Link: Click Here Live Support Web Address: Click Here

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Trade Forex, Commodities and Stock Indices with Binary Options – See How

Structure of the Forex Market

The forex is unique among financial markets in a number of ways. One of these is that it was not traditionally used as an investment vehicle. It had, and still maintains to some extent, a somewhat more utilitarian purpose. In today’s globalized economy, most businesses have some international exposure, creating the need to exchange one currency for another in order to complete transactions. For example, Honda builds its cars in Japan and exports them to the United States, where an eager American buyer exchanges his dollars for a brand new Honda. Some of this money has to make its way back to Japan to pay the factory workers that built the car, but first those dollars have to be exchanged for Japanese yen, since that is the currency the Japanese factory workers are paid in. Transactions such as this are facilitated by international banks and are done through a mechanism known as the foreign exchange market, or forex. Since banks are used to facilitate these cross-border transactions, they naturally want to be paid for their services. This payment comes in the form of a bid/ask spread – offering to buy the desired currency at a slightly lower price than they are willing to sell it at, and pocketing the difference. Considering the fact that more than $3bn moves through the forex market daily, these seemingly small fees can add up to a significant sum.

Since the 1970’s most of the world’s major currencies have been on a (mostly) free-floating exchange mechanism, allowing for exchange rates to be determined by market forces, that is, supply and demand. I say “mostly” because there have been times when major central banks have intervened in the market to manipulate exchange rates by either buying or selling large amounts of their currency, but normally this only takes place in extreme situations. There are also other central banks that choose to manage their currencies much more strictly, but these are a minority in the developed world. So in most cases, this free-floating exchange rate mechanism allowed currencies to fluctuate against one another much more, and this in turn opened the door to speculation on the future movement of exchange rates. The banks’ intimate knowledge of the forex market, and their high level of capitalization allowed them to be the first to speculate in the forex market, and to significantly increase their profits by doing so. An unfortunate consequence of this speculation however was that liquidity at certain times became scarce, and some necessary transactions could not be completed. In order to solve this problem, banks turned to expanding the number of participants in the market to include non-banks, thereby generating sufficient order flow (liquidity distribution) to complete clients’ transactions, and also to profit from these newer and less knowledgeable market participants. These less experienced forex market participants first included large funds (such as the legendary Quantum Fund), but nowadays also include your local retail forex dealer.

Another unique feature of the forex market is that it is an over-the-counter (OTC) market, meaning that there is no central exchange (like a stock exchange) where transactions take place. Instead, top-tier transactions are made in the “interbank market”, which is a collection of the world’s largest money center banks, all free to trade currencies amongst each other at whatever rate they can agree on. Of course, it may be difficult to find your way around such a maze, so the brilliant minds at the leading banks developed the Electronic Broking System (EBS) to enable participants to easily see at what rates all the other participants are willing to deal at. A competing system was also developed by Reuters (D2). Today, one is preferred over the other mostly on the basis of which currency pair you want to trade, with EBS used mostly for EUR/USD, USD/JPY, EUR/JPY, USD/CHF and EUR/CHF, and Reuters D2 used for all other currency pairs. In 2006, EBS was acquired by ICAP. It should be noted that while these services provide a centralized structure for pricing information, they DO NOT constitute a centralized exchange. The forex is still very much an OTC market.

The 2nd tier of the market is made up of smaller bits of larger multinational institutions. This is when, for example, a bank branch in the US deals with another branch of the same bank in, say, Japan. So when you walk into your local branch and want to exchange currency, they will give you a quote which is not exactly representative of the interbank exchange rate. You are free to shop around for a better quote, and you would often be wise to do so, as rates can vary significantly from one bank to another.

Most retail forex brokers are a part of the 3rd tier, as they often deal with only a single 2nd tier liquidity provider. This is not always the case, as some retail brokers offer direct access to multiple liquidity providers, and are therefore themselves a part of the 2nd tier. This is particularly true of Electronic Communication Networks (ECNs), who normally route retail traders’ orders directly to the interbank market. For more information about how these differences affect retail traders, please read our article on How Forex Brokers Work .

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Forex UK – An Exciting Way to Play the Money Market

So what is forex trading exactly? Basically it’s the buying and selling of a range of different currencies. The main aim is to make money but there are other reasons such as needing to transfer a large sum of cash abroad or regular trading with another company in another currency. In the UK forex trading has become a popular pastime for many people who are looking to invest their time as well as their money and come out on top with a generous profit. Forex is actually a quick way of saying foreign exchange. And describes the process when investors and speculators buy and sell currencies in the foreign exchange market. Currency values are constantly changing, on a daily and even hourly basis, they go up but they also go down. The UK forex trader can take advantage of these fluctuations by selling and buying at the right time. Let’s imagine what happens: take the American dollar and the British pound. If the dollar’s value goes up, when compared with the pound, a sensible investor will try and sell any dollars they have and buy British pounds. If the value of the pound then rises this investor will now be in a position to buy more dollars than they started with at the beginning. And make that all important profit.

What’s on Offer in the UK Forex Trading Market?

Forex trading UK has become an attractive method of playing the money markets for both business and private individuals and transactions can range from values as small as a few hundred currency units to millions. But why do forex traders like it so much? It has some qualities that are particularly attractive. Greater market liquidity, it’s more likely you’ll make a profit and the spreads are very low. In forex trading a spread is quite simply the difference between the price a currency is sold and bought at.

To make forex trading even more attractive many different UK forex trading brokers offer incentives in the form of bonuses. These bonuses are to entice new customers into the forex trading market and make use of the trading services they offer.

Exchange Rates Lead Trading in Forex UK

As we’ve already said forex trading UK involves the buying and selling of a range of different currencies. Any profit made will depend on the exchange rate in place at the time of the transaction, in the foreign exchange market. Business in this market isn’t done at a central deposit or exchange but is undertaken by players in the foreign exchange market. And these participants can be in various locations all round the globe.

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It’s very rare for a currency to keep a relative value for any length of time and two currency values are rarely the same. This fluctuation is what makes forex trading such an interesting way of making money. Exchange rates are always changing, so you need to keep an eye on those markets and understand what is happening in many different countries. Watching and understanding world politics and business developments can help you predict currency fluctuations, influence your trades and hopefully improve your success.

Basic Terms Explained in our 1st Forex Trading Guide

Before you get too involved in forex trading it’s a good idea to understand some of the jargon used. This first part of our forex trading guide will introduce you to some common forex terms.

Transactions are made using units of currency, the smallest obviously being one. Standard lot size is 1000 currency units but trades can be done in a variety of sizes, as long as they’re in increments of 1000 e. g. 2000 or 10000.

Leverage is a way for investors to use borrowed money when trading in the forex market. Different brokers have different leverage levels and they’re usually expressed as a ratio. 50:1 leverage for example means you only have to deposit $20 but leverage allows you to trade up to $1000. You’ll be in a better position to take advantage of the tiniest fluctuations in exchange rates because you can trade more money than you have in your account. There is a down-side however. Investing more means you also stand to increase your losses by a substantial amount.

Pips are units that measure profit and loss. When a pair of currency rates are given they’re quoted to four decimal places. If we look again at USD and GBP (US dollars and British pounds) a quote for the pair could be given as GBP/USD at 1.67. If at a later date this rises to 1.73 then the GBP has risen in value by 5 pips.

Understanding a Quote

Trading in forex is always done in currency pairs. In the example above the British pound would be worth 1.67 and then 1.73 US dollars.

How Much Will Forex Trading UK Cost?

When you work with a broker they make their profit in the spread. There are no fees or commission. The spread, which is measured in pips, could be a profit or loss. The most popular currency pairs are USD/EUR, EUR/GBP and GBP/USD and so have the lowest spreads.

A Few Fascinating Forex UK Facts

As you’re already looking at this website we know that you’re seriously considering investing some of your own time and money in the foreign exchange market but may have heard a few things on the grapevine that are holding you back from a commitment. To help we’re going to lay some of these myths and untruths to rest so you can forge ahead, confident you’ve made the right decision.

There is little regulation but control is through the forces of supply and demand. There is no trading floor like the stock exchange, which makes trading accessible for the average person

You don’t need to have a complicated strategy, simple is best. Think how you would explain your strategy and if it’s too difficult to put into words you’ve made your trading system far too complex. The simpler your strategy, the easier it will be for you to stick to it, and it’ll be more effective

Don’t be tempted to overtrade. You don’t need to be on it 24/7 and multiple trades don’t translate to multiple profits

All bar 15% of currency movements are done using only 7 currency pairs. These pairs will include one of the following currencies: British pounds, dollars from the US, Australia, Canada and New Zealand, Japanese yen, the Euro and Swiss francs

50% of forex trading takes place in the UK or the United States. Of that 50%, one third is undertaken in the UK, with 16% of participants being in the US

Keep careful records of all your transactions and try and keep a journal. There’s no guaranteed instant win like a lottery. You need to keep an eye on what you’ve done to help you in future trading transactions

Except for the weekend, trading takes place 24 hours a day

Don’t think you’re dabbling in something new. Trading in currency has been going on since biblical times.

Some UK Forex Offers Certainly Worth Considering

When you’ve decided to enter the world of forex trading you’re going to be looking for some help. The best place to go is a forex broker and there are certainly plenty about. Most have an awful lot in common but the devils in the details and these little details could make all the difference.

When considering various brokers keep in mind the trading costs and on a lesser note the different pairs they’ll allow you to trade in. Many brokers will also allow you to trade in shares, indices or commodities and CFD’s (contracts for difference), if you fancy a change. As with forex trading, costs are low because of low spreads. Take into consideration the complexity and swiftness of their trading platforms too.

Best Forex brokers for UK

And now it’s Time for a bit of a History Lesson

It’s always good to know the origin of something you’re considering investing some of your hard earned money in so let’s look at how forex began, in the hope we’ll be able to fuel your enthusiasm further.

The modern foreign exchange market only goes back a few decades. However money has been around for much longer than this. The Pharaoh’s were the first to use it and it’s been around in one form or another ever since then. In the Middle Ages money changers came into existence and they started the whole system of exchanging coins from different cultures. Around that time another form of currency was introduced in the form of paper money.

Right up until World War I everything stayed pretty much the same and little speculation occurred. After World War I the forex market underwent significant change due to the volatility of various currency markets. It wasn’t viewed very positively though, by either business or the general public. In 1931 the Gold Standard was removed but this just led to an easing off in the activity of the forex market. After 1931 a number of changes took place, giving the forex market the position it holds today. The Current Situation of the Foreign Exchange Market Nowadays, modern currencies are totally independent of one another and anyone can trade in them. Anyone who wants to take part in the forex trading market is able to do so and stand to make a good profit too. Supply and demand is the most important factor although Central Banks do occasionally become involved in getting a currency back to a desirable level.

UK Forex Regulation

Foreign exchange trading in the UK is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). As the regulatory body it maintains a registry of Authorised and EEA Authorised brokers. An Authorised broker is one whose base is in the UK and has been given permission to carry out forex transactions. An EEA Authorised broker is one that has been registered with the FCA but is regulated in its own country. The EEA status is given to firms in another European Economic Area country and involves being issued a “passport” to deliver cross border services to residents of the UK. Although regulated in their home country and not subject to FCA they are still required to comply with agreed EEA standards.

Because of the UK’s standards for regulation it’s seen as a very stable environment in which to do business. The FSA strives to provide fair relationships between forex brokers and their investors. There is also an investor compensation scheme in place. Required Standards for an FCA Regulated Forex Broker. There are a number of requirements and standards that have to be met if a company is to become a FCA regulated forex broker. These include monitoring the quality of the bank where the investors funds will be held, that clients funds are kept separate from the company’s. As well as having to regularly submit financial reports and undergo detailed annual audits.

When you’re looking to start forex trading you need to make sure that the broker you’re using is registered and authorised by the FCA. If the broker is currently “passported” to do business in the UK you’d be wise to contact them and ask for further details about their procedure for complaints and compensation arrangements, before you invest any of your money.

Interesting Forex Facts and Figures

Since 2004, forex trading has more than doubled

Between April 2007 and 2010 forex trading increased by 20%

The largest forex trading centre is London

In 2010 London’s forex trading turnover was nearly 40% of global forex trading figures

A currency’s quoted price is usually the London market price

The US dollar is the most widely traded currency. The Euro comes in second followed by the Japanese Yen, the British pound and the Swiss franc

The largest traders are banks and other financial concerns

EUR/USD is the most popular currency pair

Forex market trading figures are 4 times that of the world’s GDP

Who are the Players in the Forex World?

Although Banks are the biggest, many other kinds of business and individuals dabble in the forex trading market. Commercial companies use foreign exchange transactions when they want to pay for goods or services. This kind of exchange has little impact on market rates because they are often of minimal amounts.

As we’ve already said, Central banks play a very important role. Because they can influence and ultimately control interest and inflation rates and the supply of money. Although they may not admit it they do in fact have targets for the value of their currency and hold large reserves of foreign currencies which when used correctly can influence the market. National banks of a country also have a part to play. On a daily basis they fix the rates for monetary exchanges and these rates are often used to indicate future trends and used by other banks, traders and dealers.

Hedge Fund companies are very aggressive currency speculators. Their transactions are on the whole speculative and they have no real desire to keep hold of any currency they buy. These companies control billions of equity dollars and hold enormous speculative power. Companies who manage pension and endowment funds for other companies also use the foreign exchange market to help in the progression of foreign currency transactions.

Retail foreign exchange traders are also known as brokers and dealers. Brokers work for a client and aim to get them the best price possible, using the spread to cover the costs. Dealers work only for themselves.

Two further players are foreign exchange companies and money transfer/ remittance companies. You’ll find these on your high street or when you travel abroad. They aren’t traders as such but offer currency exchange or payment to another country.

We think we’ve answered the question “What is forex trading?” and hopefully you’re now a bit more clued up on the forex market and are itching to get things underway. The best advice we can give is do your research and get as much help as you can. Finding the right trading platform, software, systems and using the right strategy will be much easier if you get some help from a trustworthy, knowledgeable and experienced forex broker. Take full advantage of any free demos and tutorials before you take the plunge and start investing real money. Just like any market, prices can go up but they can also come down. Be sensible, don’t get carried away and you should be successful without too much risk involved.

It’s really up to you how much time, money and effort you dedicate to this new form of investment but we hope you find the right balance and enjoy watching and playing the market as much as we do. Almost $5 trillion are traded, invested and speculated with on the forex market but it’s important to remember there’s always a risk. Being disciplined and working to a clear strategy will certainly help to keep this risk to a minimum.

Risk Warning - Your capital is at risk. Trade with caution, these products might not be suitable for everyone so make sure you understand the risks involved!

Foro de Forex mt5.com & ndash; Introducción. El mercado de divisas es alto rendimiento y medio arriesgado de tomar el beneficio de las operaciones con las tasas de cambio. Los instrumentos de trabajo en el mercado Forex determinan de muchas maneras el resultado del comercio de divisas que realizan los participantes en el mercado de divisas. Clientes de los corredores. Cada corredor de Forex ofrece su propio terminal, sin embargo la mayoría de los corredores y los comerciantes coinciden en la elección de MetaTrader 4 y terminales MetaTrader 5. Este foro se crea para aquellos que prefieren el terminal de la serie MetaTrader en el comercio de Forex.

Foro de Forex mt5.com & ndash; Discusión comercial. Forex previsiones del mercado, opiniones independientes de los comerciantes novatos y expertos del mercado de divisas & ndash; Todo esto se encuentra en el forex-foro de la discusión de los oficios. Una sólida experiencia de trabajo en Forex es preferible, pero todos los recién llegados incluyendo Forex-newbies pueden venir y compartir su opinión también. Ayuda mutua y diálogo & ndash; El objetivo principal de la comunicación en Forex-foro, dedicado a la negociación.

Foro de Forex mt5.com & ndash; Diálogo con corredores y comerciantes (sobre corredores). Si tiene experiencia negativa o positiva de trabajo con Forex broker & ndash; Compartirlo en Forex Forum, relacionado con las cuestiones de la calidad del servicio de Forex. Usted puede dejar un comentario sobre su corredor que dice sobre ventajas o desventajas de trabajo en Forex con él. Las revisiones de corredores de los comerciantes agregados constituyen una calificación. En esta calificación se puede ver a los líderes y forasteros del mercado de servicios de Forex.

Free discussions at the Forex Forum mt5.com You are a trader and want to relax? Entonces Foro de Forex para las discusiones libres es para usted. No hay dudas de que la conversación sobre temas cercanos al mercado Forex es preferencial. Aquí encontrará bromas acerca de los comerciantes, la caricatura de los corredores de Forex y Forex de tasa completa fuera de la parte superior.

Bonuses for communication at Forex Forum mt5.com This forum is created by traders for traders and is meant for deriving of profit. Sin embargo, cada post en el foro de Forex le da a su autor un bono de divisas. Que puede ser utilizado en el comercio de Forex en la cuenta abierta con uno de los patrocinadores del foro. Este pequeño regalo se presenta con el objetivo de recompensar a los comerciantes profesionales por pasar tiempo en nuestro foro.

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DF Markets DFMarkets. com Review

What we think about DF Markets

DF Markets is a forex and CFD broker registered in the United Kingdom. Regulated by the FCA, it offers safe and secure trading with excellent conditions. The broker is MiFID compliant and is registered with the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), which allows compensation of up to £50,000 per customer.

In 2014 DF Markets acquired a spread betting license from the FCA and is now offering this service exclusively to UK residents.

Currently the broker offers a wide range of bonuses. First time depositors are entitled to a welcome bonus upon request (in order to get it, you need to get in touch with the broker’s customer support team), and a £50 bonus for referring friends. Another attraction point is DF Markets' demo contest, in which three skilled traders get to share a prize pool of 600 euro every month.

Spread betting clients are eligible for a first deposit bonus of 10% up to £1,000, and can participate in a monthly contest as well - the prize pool there is £1,000/month.

Over 1,100 trading instruments are available at DF Markets: these include currencies, precious metals, futures, shares, indices and exchange traded funds (ETFs). Something that we are not used seeing are the so called Cash CFD’s - contracts for difference traded at a 100% margin; these are suitable for long-term, low-risk investments.

Trading is possible via the broker's own platform DFTrader, which is available in three versions - desktop, web and mobile. The platform is easy to use by a novice trader but it is also comprehensive enough to meet the needs of more experienced users as well. It is mostly standard but there are some peculiar features such as conditional orders - a tool for semi-automated trading, which allows you to build trading strategies.

There is no requirement for the minimum amount of the initial deposit – you can start with as little as £1, however you should keep in mind that at a maximum leverage of 1:200 you won't be able to open any sensible positions with such a small amount.

There are two types of spreads offered by DF Markets: fixed (2 pips on EUR/USD) and variable (target spread on EUR/USD: 0.8 pips) - it is up to traders to choose. You should keep in mind that the variable spreads are known to widen during major news releases but this apart, the broker's execution is flawless. Slippage occurs on very rare occasions, and positive price corrections (e. g. positive slippage) happen as well.

Traders` reviews for DF Markets Add review

Los últimos corredores de Forex

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With all these economic hardships around us, a bit of extra money is always welcome, or a career change for that matter. In both cases, one solution is to begin understanding the various markets that make up the world economy, and profit from that knowledge. You can turn a profit through Forex trading and/or binary options trading.

¿Qué es Forex?

The Forex market is where the world’s most important currencies meet and change ownership. This is the market that says how many euros you pay for a British pound, American dollar, or Japanese yen. The principles behind it are extremely simple and only involve the basic law of demand and offer. The more people want a certain currency, the higher its price goes. Consequently, the price goes down when people aren’t looking for that currency. Once you understand that, you can join other beginners in trading and go deeper.

This system is a global one and is unique, as well as almost impossible to manipulate by shady or greedy characters. About 4 trillion dollars are traded each day on this market at a global scale, and most of those funds can be made available almost instantly; that is the mark of a high degree of liquidity. Also, trading never stops, with the exception of Saturday and Sunday when everything is closed down.

Some years ago, only banks, wealthy companies or individuals were able to get a foothold in the currency trading world, but things are quite different now. These days, anyone with 100 dollars or so in his pocket can download a trading platform and start making money from price fluctuations. The same platforms can be used in options trading.

Find more about Forex brokers

¿Cuáles son las opciones binarias?

Just as the name suggests, with binary options there are only 2 possible outcomes: you either get it right with your prediction and get money or wrong, and you receive nothing. Mainly used in Europe, they can be classified as cash-or-nothing and asset-or-nothing options. They have other names depending on the region they are traded, but their function is basically the same. Similarly to stock trading, a risk is involved when dealing with Forex and binary options too. If you don’t know what you are doing, don’t do it at all. But, if you inform yourself beforehand, the odds are you will earn a nifty sum.

For example, you buy a cash-or-nothing option pack at a company whose stock is trading at a certain level, with a binary payoff of 2000 dollars. When the maturity date comes in and that company’s stock is trading above the level previously agreed, the 2000 dollars are yours. If that level is not met, you will get nothing.

Find more about Binary Options Brokers

For more information on Binary Options

How Do You Make Money With Forex And Binary Options?

Thanks to online trading, and the Internet in general, you can now get in touch with the best online trading brokers and receive personal training on the exact ways of profiting from the markets. Usually, brokers will stick to only one market and specialize in it, thus being well equipped to teach you the works of a specific segment. Traders also perform in a similar fashion.

Forex brokers, as well as binary options brokers execute their clients’ orders to buy or to sell one or more currencies at certain levels, but, as previously stated, they can teach you as well if you are willing to learn.

They will tell you that buying 1 lot at 1.250 on the EUR/USD market and selling it at 1.260 is not a simple as it seems, neither is selling at 1.260 and buying at 1.250. There are many factors to take into consideration and strategies must be formed before actually trading; past evolution, trend lines, current economical indicators, natural disasters, all of them influence whether a currency can do up or down.

Once the basics are solid, you will easily be able to know when to buy and when to sell and profit from both operations. The same is true with binary options. They can be used in any market, but seeing Forex is the more resistant to manipulations than stocks, that should be where you should first try your hand.

The world of trading is a fascinating and vigorous one, simple to learn, yet hard to master, but when you do, the benefits will be extraordinary.

Forex Charts Book. Series of Free Forex ebooks

Types of charts

There are three most commonly used types of charts: line chart, bar chart and candlestick chart. It is optional for a trader what chart type to use.

Line chart contains price's closing value at given time. Values are then connected in one line, which creates a picture / graph of price fluctuations.

Below is an example of a line chart:

Line charts are useful when making reviews over a long period of time.

Bar charts are also called OHLC (HLC) charts. An abbreviation "OHLC" stays for OPEN, HIGH, LOW and CLOSE.

Each segment of these charts — a bar — provides a trader with additional information such as high and low ask prices and also open and close prices for certain period of time. In other words, the whole trading range can be observed.

Here is a sketch of a bar:

The whole chart also becomes more informative.

Candlestick charts are an improved version of bar charts. It is Forex most popular and widely used chart type. And we are going to discover why.

Each bar of the chart is a candlestick, known also as Japanese candlestick (it was invented by Japanese). Because of its appearance candlestick delivers more information than any other line or bar method.

First let's take a look at candlestick itself:

Candlestick carries HIGH, LOW, OPEN, CLOSE for the price and possess a BODY. A color and size of the body supply traders with additional price details.

We are going to learn about different candlesticks later. Now let's take a general look at Forex candlestick chart:

This chart seems more alive and easier to apprehend visually. That's because a trader can quickly tell where the price went up, where it came down, when the price changed its direction and what happened there.

A candlestick chart reveals things that are not visible on other charts. It gives comprehensive information about price on the market and thus helps better understand and predict future price moves.

Copyright y copia; Jeff Boyd Authors & Publishers Inc. All Rights Reserved Forex trading is a high risk investment. All materials are published for educational purposes only.

How to start trading Forex with no money!

Forex trading has taken the world by storm. Millions of people attempt to make their fortune on the Forex market. Unfortunately most of them will loose their money because they did not have proper forex education. Without proper education Forex trading is an expensive gamble. There are various training courses available on the internet but most of them are very expensive.

If you take the time time to learn the art of forex trading you can potentially earn $3,000 or more per month by working about 4 hours per day. Forex trading can be the best home based business you can dream of.

There are even some auto trade systems available today that can do it all for you. In order to make an online fortune you MUST first learn how to do it before you attempt to use your own hard earned money to try and make money on the forex market. There the patient forex trading gurus who earn millions of dollars per month from currency trading every month, but there are also those who loose millions of dollars. The only difference between the winners and losers is that the winners took the time to learn what it is about and they traded with dummy account before the dived into the market. It is not that difficult to make a good profit from forex trading, just about anybody can do it if you are dedicated and serious.

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In short, we develop automated trading systems.

As a result, your computer can buy and sell currencies alone on the foreign exchange market, based on your own strategy. You don't need to stare at your monitor all day. Furthermore you can check the profitability of your trading concepts against historical data in few minutes.

If you are a Forex investor you may know the MetaTrader platform (if not, see our MetaTrader page ). MetaTrader allows you to process trading softwares (named Expert Advisors), completely releases you from the routine market watching and the execution of trade operations.

You need only two things to do that: a good trading concept and a good Expert Advisor. Maybe you have some promising trading ideas but you are not familiar with computer coding. We offer our professional skills and experience that would allow you to execute your trading strategies with less effort, just follow these simple steps below.

1. Send Us Your Trading Idea

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2. Apply Expert Advisor

When you have got the Expert Advisor, it is very important to try out on your demo account first. Generally, every Expert Advisor needs special settings by certain currency pairs and timeframes. We will send you our suggested optimization settings, too.

3. Take Profit

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