Thursday 19 October 2017

Media Móvil De 26 Semanas

EUR / USD: Estancamiento en el promedio móvil de 26 semanas


Comentario: Estancamiento en el promedio móvil de 26 semanas, por delante de la resistencia de 38% de retraimiento de Fibonacci desde el máximo de 2009. Permitir una mayor consolidación en este punto (1.2951) hoy y tal vez toda la semana, con esperamos que el promedio móvil de 9 semanas de proporcionar apoyo. Lo que es más importante, los comerciantes deben tener en cuenta que otras monedas, como AUD, el PIB y SGD siguen siendo muy puja contra el dólar.

Estrategia: Intento anhela en 1.2915, agregando a 1.2856; Parada muy por debajo de 1.2800. Primer objetivo 1.2950, ​​luego 1.3000.


Comentario. El comercio en el extremo superior de la gama de la última quincena y empujando su camino en un gran diario Ichimoku 'nube'. Yen cruza todos tienen cuadros muy mezclados y es probablemente mejor evitar por ahora.

Estrategia: Intente cortos pequeños en 113.00; Parada por encima de 113.75. Primer objetivo 112.00, tal vez 110.60.


Comentario. Rally desde el fondo del 'canal', ayudado por una media móvil cada vez mayor de 9 días. Volver a probar los máximos recientes y porque el impulso alcista es más fuerte de lo que ha sido desde julio de 2009 esperamos que los precios se muevan otro nivel más alto.

Estrategia. Intente los largos pequeños en 1.5455 pero solamente si está preparado para agregar a 1.5250; Parada muy por debajo de 1.5100. Primer objetivo 1.5475, luego 1.5525 / 1.5575.


Comentario: Intensificando hasta un 50% la primera resistencia a Fibonacci y la media móvil de 9 días a 87,70. El dólar estadounidense ya no está sobrevendido aunque el impulso es cero. La volatilidad implícita de un mes en el dinero se está negociando a muy largo plazo, lo que puede dar a algunos una falsa sensación de seguridad. Esperar consolidación muy cauteloso en un rango estrecho esta mañana y tal vez todo el día. Luego se reanuda la prueba a la baja.

Estrategia: Intente cortos pequeños en 87.50; Parada por encima de 88,05. Primer objetivo 86,50 / 86,25, luego 85,00.


A) Establecer una hoja de cálculo para calcular el promedio móvil de 26 semanas del índice.

Nota: Para crear el promedio móvil de 26 semanas para el S & amp; P 500, convierta los retornos semanales a los valores semanales del índice utilizando una base de 100 para la semana anterior a la primera semana del conjunto de datos. Establezca el valor del índice al principio del período de muestra igual a 100. El valor del índice en cada semana se actualiza multiplicando el nivel de la semana anterior por (1 + tasa de rendimiento de la semana anterior). Luego, grafique los valores de S & amp; P 500 resultantes y el promedio móvil de 26 semanas, comenzando con la 26ª semana del conjunto de datos. Utilice el Asistente para gráficos de Excel y guarde el gráfico en una nueva página.

Cómo calcular el promedio de 52 semanas de precio de venta de una acción

Es un A + calificado BBB

Logo BBB (Oficina de Buenas Prácticas Comerciales)

Copyright y copia; Zacks Investigación de Inversiones

En el centro de todo lo que hacemos es un fuerte compromiso con la investigación independiente y compartir sus descubrimientos provechosos con los inversores. Esta dedicación a dar a los inversores una ventaja comercial llevó a la creación de nuestro probado Zacks Rank sistema de clasificación de valores. Desde 1986 casi triplicó el S & P 500 con una ganancia media de + 26% por año. Estos rendimientos cubren un período de 1986-2011 y fueron examinados y atestiguados por Baker Tilly, una firma de contabilidad independiente.

Visite el rendimiento para obtener información sobre los números de rendimiento mostrados anteriormente.

Los datos de NYSE y AMEX tienen al menos 20 minutos de retraso. Los datos de NASDAQ tienen al menos 15 minutos de retraso.

Precaución: Mantenga un ojo en estos 3 promedios móviles

Soy un gran creyente en el uso de promedios móviles y crossovers entre medias móviles de diferentes longitudes para determinar tendencias en el mercado o en un stock individual.

Debido a la masiva venta en el mercado la semana pasada, el Dow Jones Industrial Average vio su promedio móvil de 13 semanas (un cuarto de datos) cruzarse bajista por debajo de su media móvil de 52 semanas, y parece que el S & amp; P 500 Seguirá el ejemplo con un crossover de promedio móvil ya sea esta semana o la próxima semana.

El promedio móvil de 10 semanas en el S & amp; P golpeó el territorio de sobreventa gracias a la venta masiva la semana pasada. Es la primera vez que el oscilador ha golpeado el territorio de sobreventa desde agosto de 2011. Curiosamente, la pérdida de la semana pasada de 5.77% fue la peor pérdida semanal para el índice desde septiembre de 2011.

La pérdida también permitió que el S & amp; P cerrara debajo de la media móvil de 52 semanas, y la acción del lunes la tomó por debajo del promedio móvil de 104 semanas (dos años de datos), que no había hecho desde 2011.

Veo la media móvil de 13 semanas cruzando por debajo de las 52 semanas como un signo para ser más cauteloso y menores asignaciones de capital en general.

Si el promedio móvil de 13 semanas cruza por debajo de las 104 semanas, salga de las acciones casi completamente.

Viendo el último mercado bajista de 2007 a 2009, vemos que el mercado superó en octubre de 2007, y en febrero de 2008 la semana de 13 cruzó por debajo de las 104 semanas. Cuando el índice intentó un rally, se detuvo al promedio móvil de 52 semanas.

Volviendo más allá y mirando el índice en el mercado bajista 2000-2002, vemos que el mercado alcanzó su punto máximo en marzo de 2000, se movió hacia los lados hasta agosto y luego comenzó a rodar más bajo. Para diciembre, el promedio móvil de 13 semanas había cruzado bajista por debajo de la media móvil de 104 semanas.

Si observamos un gráfico semanal de los últimos 16 años, los inversores podrían haberse salvado de mucho dolor si se hubieran movido de las existencias y en efectivo o tesorería a finales de 2000 y de nuevo a principios de 2008.

El promedio móvil de 13 semanas sigue siendo 117 puntos por encima de la media móvil de 104 semanas, por lo que tendría que haber una caída continua en el mercado para que el cruce bajista ocurra. Pero cuando la semana 13 cruza bajista por debajo de las 52 semanas, tiende a ser una señal para proceder con más cautela. Si el mercado no se recupera en las próximas semanas y el S & amp; P no retrocede por encima de las 104 semanas, no pasará mucho tiempo para que las 13 semanas pasen por debajo de las 104 semanas.

El mercado de gama limitada en el que estuvimos desde febrero hasta la semana pasada permitió que la media móvil de 13 semanas se aplastara, y ahora, con las últimas dos semanas siendo agudas, la línea de tendencia ya comenzó a moverse más bajo.

Mi consejo es mantener un ojo en estos tres promedios móviles y hacer ajustes a su cartera en consecuencia. Seguiré supervisándolos, por supuesto, y probablemente escribiré sobre ellos nuevamente si la semana 13 se acerca a las 104 semanas.

Por ahora, diría que proceder con cautela. En los últimos seis años, los inversionistas se han acostumbrado a comprar las inmersiones, y eso ha funcionado hasta ahora. ¿Pero qué sucede cuando es la siguiente fase bajista y el mercado no sólo rebote atrás?

& # 8211; Rick Pendergraft

Un sector que no se puede ignorar [el patrocinador] Fox News dice que las inversiones en este sector "están a punto de subir en los próximos años si el público está listo para él o no." Y por una buena razón: están siendo generados por la El mayor avance tecnológico desde Internet. Es tan grande que está lanzando $ 2.5 billones de dólares en juego. Actúe ahora, y usted puede tomar un pedazo de él para se. Averigua cómo aquí.

AVISO LEGAL: Nunca invierta en una seguridad o idea que aparezca en nuestro sitio o en nuestros correos electrónicos, a menos que pueda perder toda su inversión. No somos asesores de inversiones o corredores registrados y no pretendemos serlo. Además, las ideas de inversión y las opiniones expresadas en TradesOfTheDay. com y en nuestro boletín de noticias Trades Of The Day NO son recomendaciones específicas de compra y venta personalizadas para usted, un individuo. Las ideas que presentamos deben servir simplemente como un punto de partida para la investigación adicional y la diligencia debida de su parte. Las decisiones reales de compra y venta de su propia cartera dependen totalmente de usted. No hacemos representaciones, garantías o garantías en cuanto a la exactitud o integridad del contenido que aparece en nuestro sitio o en nuestros correos electrónicos. Además, los autores y colaboradores del artículo que aparecen en este sitio pueden poseer valores mencionados en sus artículos y no revelar esta información. Al usar TradesOfTheDay. com o leer nuestro boletín de noticias de Trades Of The Day usted acepta nuestros Términos y Condiciones. Exención de responsabilidad y Política de privacidad. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre nuestro servicio, no dude en enviarnos un correo electrónico. También puede comunicarse con nosotros por correo o por teléfono:

TradesOfTheDay. com P. O. Box 6 Hall, NY 14463 (585) 412-2145

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Un nuevo sistema de media móvil para las carteras de ETF

Jul. 9, 2009 8:21 AM

Hace poco escribí un artículo sobre la importancia de diversificar las estrategias de la cartera y no sólo los activos. Como pienso hacer periódicamente, proporcionaré estrategias adicionales que un inversor individual podría emplear fácilmente al determinar las señales de compra y venta, como las que ya se mencionan aquí y aquí.

Un giro en los sistemas de media móvil que discutimos en el primer artículo es un sistema de crossover de media móvil. Este sistema está bien detallado por el grupo QVM como una herramienta para identificar las tendencias a largo plazo. Exploran unos pocos sistemas diferentes, uno en el cual el promedio de 26 semanas que cruza el promedio de 52 semanas sirve como señal para cambios de tendencia de abajo a arriba, o hacia arriba, de ciclos. También se habla de la crossover de 40 semanas, que es sólo un precio básico que cruza por encima / por debajo de la media móvil de 40 semanas como la señal, similar a la que he detallado en numerosas ocasiones.

También analizan un sistema diferente que creo que podría ofrecer la diversificación de un crossover básico de 200 días.

La combinación de 40 semanas / 20 semanas crea más señales (anteriores) que la combinación de 52 semanas / 26 semanas, pero evita la mayoría de las señales frecuentes y falsas del enfoque de 40 semanas / precio. Si usted se pone extenuante para la entrada de posición larga y requiere que el promedio más largo sea plano o inclinado hacia arriba, así como que el promedio más corto está por encima del promedio más largo, y que el precio es o superior a las medias móviles, obtiene muy pocos Señales, lo cual es bueno cuando se buscan tendencias plurianuales. Y si, se utiliza el reverso de los criterios para las salidas, se obtiene pocas salidas (al menos en los últimos 20 años).

Por supuesto, no hay garantía de que esto continuará en el futuro y es por eso que defiendo el uso de estrategias múltiples para los inversores cuyas cuentas son lo suficientemente grandes para absorber los costos de transacción añadidos.

En resumen, el inversor compra las acciones cuando se cumplen todas las condiciones siguientes:

Precio de acciones & gt; media móvil de 40 semanas

Precio de las acciones & 20 semanas de media móvil

20 semanas de media móvil & gt; 40 semanas de promedio móvil (crossover)

El promedio móvil de 40 semanas está subiendo (promedio de días previos)

La cartera se muestra a continuación con los promedios móviles y la pendiente del promedio de 40 semanas (observe que estos son números semanales, por lo que podría haber variación de los promedios diarios). He cambiado el sistema ligeramente para usar promedios móviles exponenciales en lugar de simples promedios móviles para poner más énfasis en los datos recientes.

De la nota, VTI ha estado en una venta enero de 2008 y VNQ. El índice REIT, desde el 16/7/07. BND es el único ETF en una señal de compra. Además, este muestreo limitado muestra algunas de las limitaciones de este sistema. DBC se movió tan rápidamente hacia abajo en 2008 que hubo un tiempo de retraso significativo para el promedio de 20 semanas para cruzar la semana 40.

Lea el artículo completo

26 semanas de embarazo

Su bebé en la semana 26

Mayor emoción: ¡Tu bebé abre los ojos! Por otro lado, es posible que desee el suyo permanecería cerrado por lo que podría dormir un poco.


Su pepita se está preparando para cortejarle con sus pestañas que crecen pulg Pronto él o ella será golpear a esos bebés en usted!

Pequeñas y pequeñas uñas han llegado! Esté advertido: Pueden ser irregulares y agudos por el momento en que ponga los ojos en ellos.

Esa barriga se está poniendo pesada, ¿verdad? No es de extrañar: su bebé pesa alrededor de 2 libras ahora. (Ese es el peso de un litro de cola.)

Su bebé continuará trabajando duro para tragar el líquido amniótico esta semana. Este acto es instrumental para el desarrollo sano del pulmón.

¿Qué pasa con tu bebé? Ahora pesa una libra completa y mide nueve pulgadas más. Su bebé pronto se sentirá un poco apretado en su útero & mdash; Pero no te preocupes, todavía hay mucho espacio para que tu bebé crezca. Simplemente significa que su gimnasta tendrá menos espacio para esos saltos mortales, volteretas y otras hazañas olímpicas.

Los ojos del bebé se abren

¡Mira quién está mirando! Los ojos de su bebé & mdash; Que han estado cerradas durante los últimos meses (de manera que la retina, la parte del ojo que permite que las imágenes se pongan en foco, se pudiera desarrollar) Comienzan a abrir a las 26 semanas de embarazo. Esto significa que su bebé es capaz de ver lo que está pasando ahora (por desgracia, la vista en el útero no es tan emocionante). Pero probar esto en casa para patadas: Brillo una linterna en el estómago. Su bebé podría patear en respuesta (como en: "¡Saquen esa luz de mis ojos!"). En este momento, el iris, la parte de color del ojo, todavía no tiene mucha pigmentación (que se llenará en el próximo mes o dos), por lo que es demasiado pronto para empezar a adivinar el color de los ojos de su bebé. E incluso el color de su bebé nace con no puede ser la sombra permanente & mdash; Usted puede ser mantenido adivinar hasta que su bebé está cerca de seis meses de edad.

Actividad de las ondas cerebrales

Mira qué más está pasando esta semana: La actividad cerebral de tu bebé está comenzando en esta fase del desarrollo fetal, lo que significa que tu pequeño no solo puede oír ruidos, sino que también puede responder a ellos. No en tantas palabras, por supuesto, sino con un aumento en la frecuencia del pulso o la actividad.

Su cuerpo en la semana 26

ombligo protuberante

A las 26 semanas de embarazo, usted está dos tercios del camino a través de su embarazo y su útero es de aproximadamente dos y media pulgadas por encima de su ombligo. Y hablando de tu ombligo, ¿has notado que se ha tomado una vida propia? Una vida más grande que la vida? Un botón de vientre recién salido puede no ser su idea de la moda hacia adelante (especialmente cuando usted tiene un piercing en el vientre o cuando su una vez innie vientre abulta ahora a través de ropa apretada), pero es de rigueur para el conjunto de embarazadas. Y es fácil entender por qué.

Comenzando en algún lugar alrededor de la mitad hasta el final de su segundo trimestre, su útero agrandamiento se hincha lo suficiente como para empujar su abdomen hacia adelante, haciendo su ombligo salir como un temporizador en un pavo bien hecho (a pesar de que tiene un camino por recorrer antes de que su bebé es "bien hecho"). Su ombligo debe volver a su posición normal unos meses después de la entrega & mdash; (Aunque puede tener esa mirada estirada, "vivida en"). Hasta entonces, puedes mirar el lado positivo: te da la oportunidad de limpiar toda la pelusa que se acumula allí desde que eras un niño.


Si el descanso de una noche completa se ha vuelto esquivo, bienvenido al mundo (sin dormir) del insomnio del embarazo. Entre la acidez y los calambres en las piernas. El cuarto de baño funciona y esa bola de playa grande (con su ombligo que sobresale!) Debajo de su camisón, no es ninguna maravilla que su cuerpo está teniendo apuro de apaciguamiento y de deriva apagado. Pero hay un montón de tácticas para intentar que debería ayudar a mantenerte en la cama (y dormido!) En lugar de pasear por el suelo; Estos incluyen el ejercicio diurno. Una dosis diaria de aire fresco y limitar los líquidos antes de golpear el heno.

Pruebe esto: Movimientos del bebé en la matriz

¿Sientes que llevas al Karate Kid con todas las patadas? Su bebé en realidad está practicando todo tipo de movimientos que eventualmente serán utilizados en la vida en el exterior & mdash; Incluyendo pedalear contra su vientre, una especie de habilidad de pre-caminar. A medida que el sistema nervioso de su bebé se vuelve más desarrollado, los movimientos fetales serán mucho más coordinados. Y a medida que el bebé se hace más grande y más fuerte, los movimientos serán mucho más poderosos. Y de vez en cuando, incluso doloroso para usted. Si su bebé aterriza una buena, ese gancho de izquierda pequeño podría lastimar & mdash; mucho. Otro truco que puede intentar & mdash; Estirando esa pierna hacia fuera tan lejos que el pie se coloca alojado entre sus costillas (ouch). La próxima vez que te encuentres bajo ataque, intenta cambiar de posición o hacer algunos tramos tuyos. También puede empujar suavemente a su bebé con la mano cuando el tirón de la rodilla se sacuda un poco demasiado. Usted sólo podría ser capaz de enviar a su slugger de nuevo en la esquina del anillo!

Mas consejos

Poner la guardería juntos es super-emocionante, pero recuerde: la seguridad en primer lugar. Evite comprar un pesebre ahora abandonado, ya que representan un peligro para su recién nacido.

Una madre-a-ser sana probablemente ha puesto entre 16 y 22 libras por ahora. Si se cae fuera de ese rango, hable con su médico sobre el aumento de peso durante el embarazo.

¿Todavía no has empezado a registrar a tu bebé? ¡Hazlo! Consulte a las madres experimentadas en su vida antes de añadir productos willy-nilly. Pueden alejarlo de artículos innecesarios.

Síntomas comunes

Hinchazón y gas

Su útero expansivo continúa poniendo más y más presión sobre su estómago e intestinos, resultando en la hinchazón que probablemente sienta. Minimice el problema comiendo varias comidas pequeñas al día en lugar de tres grandes para que no sobrecargue su sistema digestivo. Lee mas

Aumento de la descarga vaginal

Si usted está tentado a usar lavados especiales y toallitas comercializadas para mantener la vagina limpia o libre de olores, no se moleste. Pueden ser irritantes y cambiar el pH en su tracto genital. En su lugar, bañarse con frecuencia y usar ropa interior panty (si lo desea) para mantenerse limpio y seco. Lee mas


Algunas mujeres que tienen un historial de migrañas las tienen más a menudo cuando están embarazadas (algunos patos afortunados experimentan menos de ellos), así que no se sorprenda si el suyo arde más en estos días. Dado que los medicamentos fuertes para la migraña son probablemente fuera de los límites para usted ahora, considere terapias holísticas como acupuntura, biorretroalimentación, masaje, meditación y yoga (estas técnicas también pueden ayudar a reducir el estrés, que es un desencadenante de migraña). Lee mas

Cerebro Embarazo

¿El 'cerebro del embarazo' le ha hecho olvidar algunas reuniones cruciales o trozos de información últimamente? Mientras que esta disminución en la memoria es temporal y totalmente normal, trate de escribir las cosas clave en un bloc de notas de confianza o su PDA para ayudarle a mantenerse organizado para el resto de su embarazo. Lee mas


Las articulaciones sueltas, el centro de gravedad desplazado y el peso añadido son sólo algunos de los factores que causan que se resbale, viaje y caiga con más frecuencia de lo habitual. Esta torpeza es temporal, pero por ahora, tenga mucho cuidado en la bañera, la ducha y en otras superficies resbaladizas. Lee mas

Dolor del ligamento redondo

Si los 'dolores de crecimiento' causados ​​por el útero en expansión (técnicamente llamado dolor de ligamento redondo) se sienten particularmente doloridos últimamente, descanse los pies cuando puede y se sienta lo más cómodo posible. Además, recuerde cambiar las posiciones lentamente para no agravar el dolor. Lee mas

Visión borrosa

Si sus ojos se sienten irritados, eso es probablemente porque las hormonas del embarazo disminuyen la producción de lágrimas, lo que lleva a los ojos secos. Use gotas para los ojos para aliviar el malestar y asegúrese de informarle a su médico si usted desarrolla problemas de visión graves, ya que esto podría ser un signo de diabetes gestacional o presión arterial alta. Lee mas

Pregunte a su médico


De repente me siento como un klutz, tropezando con todo. ¿Qué puedo hacer para mantener a mi bebé a salvo?

Mi esposo piensa que el sexo dañará al bebé. ¿Cómo puedo asegurarle que es seguro?

Siempre tengo sed. ¿Debo hacerme la prueba antes para la diabetes gestacional? ¿O beber más agua?

A veces el bebé no se mueve durante horas. ¿Debo preocuparme? ¿Puedo forzarla a moverse?

¿Qué significa cuando usted dice que estoy midiendo pequeño / grande?

¿Puedo hacer algo ahora para prevenir el estrés posparto?

Leí que Kegel ayuda con el parto. ¿Cómo puedo saber si los estoy haciendo bien?

A veces mi bebé me patea o me golpea tan fuerte que es doloroso. ¿Puedo cambiarlo para que se detenga?

Si bebo agua, ¿va a detener el hipo de mi bebé?

¿Es seguro que la acupuntura impida que mis dedos formen hormigueo?

Estamos pensando en obtener un ultrasonido 3D para un recuerdo. ¿Qué opinas sobre esto?

Lectura recomendada

26 semanas de embarazo

El corazón se ha separado en cámaras, y ahora late entre 155 y 195 veces por minuto.

Qué esta pasando contigo:

Se está acercando al final de su segundo trimestre, y su cuerpo se está adaptando a su nueva forma. Por ahora su útero es del tamaño de una pelota de baloncesto, y aunque su abdomen continúa estirándose, usted puede encontrar que el dolor redondo del ligamento que usted ha estado sintiendo durante los pares pasados ​​de meses está comenzando a disminuir. Muchas mujeres habrán ganado entre 16 y 22 libras por 26 semanas, pero no te preocupes demasiado si estás un par de libras por debajo o por encima de esta marca: diferentes cuerpos necesitan ganar cantidades diferentes, así que apunta a un aumento gradual de peso Una libra a la semana a partir de ahora hasta su noveno mes) y tratar de no colgarse en los promedios.

Pero mientras que los ligamentos alrededor de su útero se están ajustando a su nueva forma, usted puede sentir alguna otra incomodidad abdominal. A medida que crece en tamaño y peso, su útero cambiará su centro de equilibrio y puede comenzar a presionar su nervio ciático, que puede enviar un dolor de tiro por la espalda baja, las nalgas y las piernas, en particular por el lado derecho de su cuerpo. Si su bebé está sentado hacia su espalda, puede sentir esto más a menudo, pero la aplicación de calor o frío puede ayudar a aliviar el dolor. Si eso no funciona, trate de cambiar su posición o reclinarse en una silla cómoda por un tiempo. Lamentablemente, el dolor de espalda probablemente persistirá hasta el final del embarazo, así que explore algunas técnicas de relajación y trate de tomar descansos frecuentes si está de pie, caminando y sentado durante largos períodos.

¿Qué está pasando con su bebé:

Un feto de 26 semanas de edad pesa casi 2 libras y por lo general mide alrededor de 9 ¼ pulgadas (o 23 cm) de largo. Su espina dorsal se está fortaleciendo, puede inhalar y exhalar y ella comienza a poner una capa de grasa debajo de su piel fina. El bebé también está haciendo su presencia conocida hoy en día - ella puede reaccionar al sonido de su voz o de su socio, y sus amigos y familia podrían poder oír su pequeño latido del corazón cuando ponen una oreja a su vientre.

¿Ha notado que su bebé tiende a moverse más en ciertos momentos del día? Algunos creen que los alimentos que usted come influyen en la actividad de un feto, y otros encuentran que beber un vaso de agua o tocar cierta música provocará una o dos patadas. Una cosa es segura - su bebé está desarrollando un ciclo de sueño y vigilia en este punto y en sólo un par de semanas comenzará a experimentar sueño REM (movimiento rápido de los ojos). No se preocupe si la actividad de su pequeño es mayor cuando está durmiendo, ya que eso no significa necesariamente que va a estar despierto toda la noche después de que nazca.

Cosas que hacer esta semana:

A medida que su vientre crece, habrá menos posiciones cómodas para usted. Calambres en las piernas, picazón en la piel y hinchazón sólo harán que sea más difícil descansar con facilidad, por lo que tendrá que encontrar algunas herramientas para ayudarle a hacer frente. Si obtener una buena noche de sueño se ha convertido en un problema ahora que tiene que acostarse de su lado, invierta en una almohada de embarazo para ayudar a aliviar la presión sobre sus articulaciones. Un humidificador en su dormitorio ayudará a combatir los problemas de los senos y las sábanas de algodón ligero le mantendrán fresco si usted encuentra que usted está sudando más últimamente. ¿Es su dolor de espalda actuando en el trabajo? Si su trabajo exige que su pie o caminar mucho, considere un cabestrillo del vientre para tomar una carga de su parte inferior de la espalda; Un reposapiés pequeño y un cojín para la parte inferior de la espalda puede mantener su postura perfecta si se sienta en un escritorio todo el día.

El cuarto de baño puede representar un reto particular en el embarazo a las 26 semanas, gracias a su peso extra y al cambio de centro de gravedad. Sin embargo, no es necesario que jure los baños hasta que su hijo llegue si usa una almohada de bañera impermeable para la cabeza y el cuello, y es una buena idea tirar un termómetro para asegurar que la temperatura del agua no sea demasiado caliente La temperatura corporal es uno de los primeros principios de la seguridad del embarazo). Si prefiere acostarse con las duchas, recoger una estera de bañera con buena tracción o optar por bandas de rodadura individuales que puede pegarse en el suelo de la bañera para evitar que se resbale.

Estudios médicos:

Al igual que con sus citas prenatales anteriores, la visita de este mes incluirá algunas pruebas de sangre y orina de rutina para verificar ciertas condiciones que pueden haber pasado desapercibidas. La fatiga severa podría indicar la anemia y usted será probado para la diabetes gestational. Que no siempre traen síntomas, entre la semana 24 y la semana 28 para asegurar que su cuerpo está metabolizando la glucosa correctamente.

Por otro lado, hay condiciones de segundo trimestre que traen síntomas muy alarmantes, y estos deben ser investigados de inmediato. Después de la semana 20, la preeclampsia puede golpear de repente y poner en peligro su embarazo saludable por elevar su presión arterial a niveles peligrosos. Si bien algunas hinchazón en las manos y los pies es perfectamente normal, hinchazón repentina o aumento de peso puede significar problemas. Los dolores de cabeza frecuentes, la visión borrosa, los mareos y el dolor abdominal superior severo son otras señales de advertencia, así que usted debe llamar a su doctor inmediatamente si usted experimenta cualquiera de ellas.

Al igual que la diabetes gestacional, la preeclampsia sólo ocurre en el embarazo y la condición por lo general desaparece después del nacimiento. A diferencia de la diabetes gestacional, a menudo es muy difícil controlar los efectos de la preeclampsia durante el embarazo, por lo que los médicos inducirán el parto si el feto está lo suficientemente maduro como para tener una buena oportunidad de supervivencia fuera del útero. El reposo en cama y ciertos medicamentos se usan si el parto es imposible, pero el tratamiento debe ser rápido para prevenir la eclampsia, una enfermedad grave que podría provocar convulsiones o incluso un coma.

Consejos para su pareja:

Ahora que su bebé puede oír y reaccionar a sonidos fuera del cuerpo de su madre, haga un esfuerzo regular para vincularse con ella. Es cierto que el vínculo entre un bebé y la futura mamá es difícil de superar, pero no hay razón para sentarse al margen hasta que pueda sostener a su pequeño en sus brazos. Si no escuchas los latidos del corazón cuando pones un oído al vientre de tu pareja, sigue intentándolo: tu bebé se fortalece cada día, y pronto deberías ser capaz de detectar ese código Morse amortiguado que señala que hay una vida dentro . Y ahora usted podrá sentir que su bebé se mueve alrededor - tal vez incluso localizar un poco de puño o pie - así que aproveche el tiempo activo de Baby por las tardes y ponga una mano en el vientre de su pareja durante un tiempo.

Puede parecer extraño la primera vez que lo hagas, pero hablar, cantar, reír y leer a tu bebé puede realmente ayudarte a conectar. Las voces que escucha con mayor frecuencia durante su tiempo en el útero serán las más familiares y por lo tanto las más reconfortantes cuando llegue, así que trate de hablar con su bebé regularmente. Tome un papel activo en el embarazo no sólo por el bien de su pareja o por su bien, sino también por el bien de su relación en ciernes con su futuro bebé.

Preguntas frecuentes de esta semana:

Entre las agujas y las agujas en mis manos y las venas varicosas en mis piernas, mi circulación parece peor que nunca. ¿Cómo puedo asegurarme de que mi bebé reciba suficiente sangre, oxígeno y nutrientes?

Sus hormonas y la presión de su útero pueden afectar cómo su sangre fluye a través de su cuerpo, y sus extremidades tienden a sufrir más. Sin embargo, siempre que evites ciertas posiciones y te quedas con una rutina de embarazo saludable, no hay razón para preocuparte por la seguridad de tu bebé.

Después de la semana 16, su útero es lo suficientemente grande como para presionar en su vena cava, una vena importante que corre por su cuerpo, cuando se tumban sobre la espalda. Esto significa que usted debe ser muy cuidadoso acerca de cómo duerme y ejercicio: trate de dormir en su lado izquierdo para promover la circulación y no hacer ningún mat ejercicios que requieren que usted miente directamente en su espalda. Mantener los brazos elevados mientras duerme y sus manos debajo de los codos al escribir debe minimizar el adormecimiento en la muñeca y las manos. Por último, asegúrese de equilibrar el resto y la actividad para asegurarse de que su sistema circulatorio no está sobrecargado de trabajo y sus venas no se comprimen durante demasiado tiempo.

¿Cómo prevenir las hemorroides y aliviar el malestar?

Aunque las hemorroides afectarán hasta el 50% de las mamás embarazadas, no son una parte necesaria del embarazo. Estas pequeñas venas varicosas ocurren en o sobre el recto, y pueden picar, sangrar y doler; No es de extrañar que las mujeres embarazadas estén dispuestas a hacer todo lo posible para evitarlas. Pero si usted los consigue, hay algunas extremidades probadas y verdaderas para el alivio rápido.

En primer lugar, hacer la hidratación su preocupación número uno. El estreñimiento puede llevar a hemorroides o inflamarlos, y mucha agua ayudará a prevenir el estreñimiento. Incluya un mínimo de ocho vasos de agua en su dieta diaria, vaya al baño cuando necesite en lugar de esperar un momento más conveniente y haga sus ejercicios de Kegel para mejorar la circulación en la región pélvica.

Si usted no logró prevenirlos, el auto cuidado impecable ayudará a controlar las hemorroides durante el embarazo. Baños regulares, una buena rutina de limpieza y la aplicación de un paquete de hielo para las áreas son todas las buenas maneras de luchar contra el dolor y la picazón. Además, asegúrese de que usted no está de pie o sentado durante largos períodos de tiempo, lo que puede agravar el malestar. Y mientras que los ungüentos medicados se deben utilizar solamente con el permiso de su doctor, el hamamelis es un remedio tópico natural que usted pueda utilizar para la circulación y la inflamación pobres.

Estoy preocupado por el trabajo - ¿el dolor y el esfuerzo serán demasiado para manejar?

Es natural preocuparse por el gran evento que se avecina, sobre todo si nunca lo has visto antes. Desde el dolor terrible que se oye hablar de la fatiga y la pérdida de control sobre su cuerpo y la mente, seguro que hay una serie de cosas que preocuparse. Por otro lado, usted puede tener consuelo en el hecho de que su cuerpo fue construido para este propósito - usted tiene la fuerza y ​​la voluntad para conseguir a través de ella, pero se puede reducir la tensión con la ayuda de un buen sistema de apoyo.

En primer lugar, olvídese de los términos "normal" y "promedio" al pensar en el parto. No existe una experiencia universalmente normal. Usted puede encontrarse llorando suavemente a través de todo el estiramiento de la mano de obra, mientras que la mujer en la habitación de al lado está maldiciendo maldiciones a todo el mundo a su alrededor. No modelar su experiencia de nacimiento en lo que otros han tenido, ya que su cuerpo y sus circunstancias son únicas. Usted no es un fracaso si necesita tener una sección c y no debe sentirse avergonzado si pierde el control de su cuerpo o sus emociones en la sala de partos. Por supuesto, usted debe tomar ventaja de los recursos alrededor de usted y prepararse lo mejor posible para el trabajo de manera que habrá menos sorpresas: las clases de parto, un plan de parto y una doula resultarán muy útiles en el camino hacia el parto y durante su trabajo. entrega.

Consejo útil:

Tus músculos y órganos han cambiado para acomodar a tu bebé en crecimiento, pero ¿sabías que tus huesos también pueden moverse? Espere que su caja torácica para obtener unas pocas pulgadas más grande a medida que su embarazo progresa, lo que ayudará a su cuerpo a manejar sus dimensiones cambiantes: a medida que el útero se mueve más arriba de su abdomen y empuja contra el diafragma para dejarte sin aliento, Sus pulmones para inflar y desinflar. Sus costillas no se moverán demasiado, pero hay una buena probabilidad de que esos pequeños cambios sean permanentes.

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2- 4. An electrical contractor s records during the last five weeks indicate the number of job requests: Week 1 2 3 4 5 Requests 20 22 18 21 22 Predict the number of requests for Week 6 using each of these methods: a. Naive. segundo. A four-period moving average. do. A four-period weighted moving average with w1 = .1, w2 = .2, w3 = .3, and w4 = .4. re. Exponential smoothing with a. 30. e. Determine the forecast using the naive method for Weeks 2 through 5 and compute MAPE and MPE values. Please show all work A-E. Gracias.


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You are 26 weeks pregnant.

By this week, your baby's crown-to-rump length is approximately 9.2 inches. Remember, that is only from the top of his head to his bottom and does not include his leg measurements! Your baby weighs almost 2 pounds and is beginning to put on weight. Your uterus is about 2.5 inches above your bellybutton and you will continue to grow approximately 1 cm each week. If you have been eating a well-balanced diet, you probably have gained about 16-22 pounds so far. Because your baby has moved further up, you may get occasional pain underneath your ribs.

After a month of having his eyelids sealed shut, your baby begins to open his eyes again this week. Your baby's eyes are almost completely developed. Your baby's eyes are blue in the womb and may change colors later in life. This is true for all races because the pupils do not have their final color until a few months after birth. However, some babies are born with darker or lighter shades of blue. Your growing baby will continue to put on layers of fat until he is born. He is still lean at this point of the pregnancy though. By the time your baby is born, he will assume the typical newborn's plumpness. Your baby's skin will still be wrinkled and red, but the fat continues to fill the skin out.

Finger and toe nails continue to grow.

Blood vessels start to develop in the lungs to prepare the baby for life outside the uterus.

Your baby's blood circulation is completely functional. The umbilical cord system continues to grow and thicken as blood travels with considerable force through the body to nurture the baby. The placenta is now almost equal in size to the baby.

Even though it is still way too soon for your baby to be born yet, the chance of survival without severe abnormalities is now 70% provided it is born in a hospital.

Comments on week 26

Comments 1-9 of about 9 from week 26 1 messages have been added in the last 24 hours.

Mummyree - 11 days ago Same here, time was flying, now it seems to be crawling by!

bgscoobyluver - 15 days ago Im ready too.

BabySaunders - 16 days ago 26 weeks! Hard to believe there are only 14 weeks left. I'm not ready lol.

MOMIIB - 29 days ago Time is flying for sure!

please be healthy - 30 days ago I feel like I'm ready to have the baby but there is so much to do at work before I leave!

Sophieplus1 - 30 days ago Time was flying but now its crawling

please be healthy - 31 days ago How's everyone doing? Time flying or crawling?

please be healthy - 34 days ago Hello week 26! I'm really excited to nap this weekend! Got my first new stretch mark this week!

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Three-week weighted moving average

1. Not all the items in your office supply store are evenly distributed as far as demand is concerned so you decide to forecast demand to help plan your stock. Past data for the legal-sized yellow tablets for the month of August are:

Week 1 2 3 4 Demand 300 400 600 700

a) Using a three-week weighted moving average and weights of 0.7, 0.2, and 0.1, what would you forecast the next week (week 5) of sales to be?

b) Using exponential smoothing with alpha = 0.35, and assuming that forecast for week 3 was estimated as the average of the first two weeks, what would you forecast week 5 to be?

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Bullish Two Hundred Day Moving Average Cross - DOOR

By The Online Investor Staff, Thursday, March 17, 5:02 PM ET

Comenzar el pase de diapositivas: 10 Stocks que cruzan sobre su promedio móvil de 200 días & raquo;

In trading on Thursday, shares of Masonite International Corp (NYSE:DOOR ) crossed above their 200 day moving average of $62.59, changing hands as high as $63.93 per share. Masonite International Corp shares are currently trading up about 3.6% on the day. The chart below shows the one year performance of DOOR shares, versus its 200 day moving average:

Looking at the chart above, DOOR's low point in its 52 week range is $45.14 per share, with $73.26 as the 52 week high point — that compares with a last trade of $63.45. Can your brain be trained to become a chart-predicting wizard? Click here to find out

According to the ETF Finder at ETF Channel, DOOR makes up 1.08% of the iShares U. S. Home Construction ETF (AMEX:ITB ) which is trading higher by about 1.5% on the day Thursday.

This Article's Word Cloud: AMEX Above According Corp Crossing DOOR Finder Home International Looking Masonite NYSE Start Stocks Their Thursday about above average below brain changing chart compares currently find held here high iShares last makes moving other point predicting range raquo share shares slideshow that trading versus week what which with year your

Bullish Two Hundred Day Moving Average Cross - DOOR | www. TheOnlineInvestor. com | Copyright y copia; 1998 - 2016, All Rights Reserved

Nothing in The Online Investor is intended to be investment advice, nor does it represent the opinion of, counsel from, or recommendations by BNK Invest Inc. or any of its affiliates, subsidiaries or partners. Ninguna de las informaciones contenidas en el presente documento constituye una recomendación de que cualquier estrategia de inversión, estrategia de cartera, transacción particular sea adecuada para cualquier persona en particular. Todos los espectadores están de acuerdo en que bajo ninguna circunstancia BNK Invest, Inc. sus subsidiarias, socios, funcionarios, empleados, afiliados o agentes serán responsables por cualquier pérdida o daño causado por su confianza en la información obtenida. Al visitar, usar o ver este sitio, usted acepta los siguientes Términos y Condiciones: Términos de servicio. Video widget and stock market videos powered by Market News Video. Quote data delayed at least 20 minutes, powered by Ticker Technologies. Y Mergent. Contact The Online Investor ; Conozca a nuestro equipo editorial.

Ex-Dividend Reminder: D. R. Horton, Idacorp and NextEra Energy Partners Monday, February 1, 10:07 AM ET, by Market News Video Staff On 2/3/16, D. R. Horton Inc.

Analysts Forecast 28% Upside For The Holdings of ITB Thursday, February 4, 8:05 AM ET, by Market News Video Staff Looking at the underlying holdings of the ETFs in our coverage universe at ETF Channel.

March 24th Options Now Available For iShares Dow Jones U. S. Home Construction Index Fund (ITB) Thursday, February 4, 11:11 AM ET, by Market News Video Staff Investors in iShares Dow Jones U. S. Home Construction Index Fund (ITB) saw new options begin.

Oversold Conditions For Lennar (LEN) Monday, February 8, 11:57 AM ET, by Market News Video Staff Legendary investor Warren Buffett advises to be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy.

Oversold Conditions For Toll Brothers (TOL) Monday, February 8, 11:57 AM ET, by Market News Video Staff Legendary investor Warren Buffett advises to be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy.

DHI Crosses Above Key Moving Average Level

By Market News Video Staff, Friday, March 11, 10:57 AM ET

Play Video: Conozca los 200 DMA

Comenzar el pase de diapositivas: 10 Stocks que cruzan sobre su promedio móvil de 200 días & raquo;

In trading on Friday, shares of D. R. Horton Inc. (NYSE:DHI ) crossed above their 200 day moving average of $29.05, changing hands as high as $29.15 per share. D. R. Horton Inc. shares are currently trading up about 3.6% on the day. The chart below shows the one year performance of DHI shares, versus its 200 day moving average:

Looking at the chart above, DHI's low point in its 52 week range is $22.97 per share, with $33.10 as the 52 week high point — that compares with a last trade of $29.10. Special Offer: Free Sample Issue to the Preferred Stock List Newsletter

According to the ETF Finder at ETF Channel, DHI makes up 11.73% of the iShares U. S. Home Construction ETF (AMEX:ITB ) which is trading up by about 1.7% on the day Friday.

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Oversold Conditions For Monster Beverage (MNST) Thursday, February 4, 4:23 PM ET, by Market News Video Staff Legendary investor Warren Buffett advises to be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy.

SERV Makes Notable Cross Below Critical Moving Average

By Market News Video Staff, Friday, March 11, 4:26 PM ET

Play Video: Conozca los 200 DMA

Start slideshow: 10 Stocks Crossing Below Their 200 Day Moving Average »

In trading on Friday, shares of ServiceMaster Global Holdings, Inc (NYSE:SERV ) crossed below their 200 day moving average of $36.44, changing hands as low as $36.12 per share. ServiceMaster Global Holdings, Inc shares are currently trading off about 6.4% on the day. The chart below shows the one year performance of SERV shares, versus its 200 day moving average:

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According to the ETF Finder at ETF Channel, SERV makes up 3.11% of the PowerShares DWA Consumer Staples Momentum Portfolio ETF (AMEX:PSL ) which is trading up by about 0.7% on the day Friday.

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First Week of CQP June 2015 Options Trading Tuesday, November 18, 10:45 AM ET, by Market News Video Staff Investors in Cheniere Energy Partners L P (CQP) saw new options begin trading this week.

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CQP Makes Bullish Cross Above Critical Moving Average

By Energy Stock Channel Staff, Friday, March 11, 11:26 AM ET

Play Video: Conozca los 200 DMA

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Comenzar el pase de diapositivas: 10 Stocks que cruzan sobre su promedio móvil de 200 días & raquo;

In trading on Friday, shares of Cheniere Energy Partners L P (AMEX:CQP ) crossed above their 200 day moving average of $27.46, changing hands as high as $28.03 per share. Cheniere Energy Partners L P shares are currently trading up about 2.2% on the day. The chart below shows the one year performance of CQP shares, versus its 200 day moving average:

Looking at the chart above, CQP's low point in its 52 week range is $19.22 per share, with $34.55 as the 52 week high point — that compares with a last trade of $27.55. Can your brain be trained to become a chart-predicting wizard? Click here to find out

According to the ETF Finder at ETF Channel, CQP makes up 13.97% of the ProShares High YieldInterest Rate Hedged ETF (AMEX:HYHG ) which is trading relatively unchanged on the day Friday.

This Article's Word Cloud: AMEX Above According Cheniere Crossing Energy Finder Friday HYHG Hedged Looking Partners Rate Start Stocks Their above average below brain changing chart compares currently find held here high last makes moving other point predicting range raquo relatively share shares slideshow that trading unchanged versus week what which with year your

CQP Makes Bullish Cross Above Critical Moving Average | www. EnergyStockChannel. com | Copyright y copia; 2010 - 2016, All Rights Reserved

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16 Weeks Pregnant

Your Growing Baby:

Your baby weighs about 2.8 ounces (79 grams) and is about 4 1/2 inches from crown to rump—roughly the size of a small gerbil. At any time, you will begin to feel fetal movement as your baby's bones harden, and she starts a big growth spurt. Your baby has plenty of room: At this point, she could fit in the palm of your hand. This is a great time to be a fetus. At any given time, she might be playing with the umbilical cord (which she's now able to grasp), putting her thumb in her mouth, or kicking at the amniotic sac.

Your Growing Belly:

Since you have almost a cup of amniotic fluid in your uterus, your pelvic area will feel heavy and firm. You're also carrying all the extra poundage your body's putting on that can be attributed to extra blood and fluid volume, your placenta and baby's support systems, and enlarging breasts .

It's normal to be gaining a pound a week at this point. If you have an appointment this week, your care provider may recommend an ultrasound to detect the possibility of genetic defects.

Consejos & amp; To-Do's:

Wondering what your baby’s first noticeable movement in utero is going to feel like, and when you might expect it? Most women experience that first kick between 17 and 22 weeks, says maternal-fetal medicine specialist Alice Cootauco, M. D. of St. Joseph Medical Center in Baltimore. Here’s how some moms describe that miraculous moment.

Things to think about this week

Experts agree you need more calories, more often, as a mom-to-be. While it’s recommended that the average woman take in 2,000 calories each day, according to the Institute of Medicine (IOM), expectant moms need roughly 340 extra calories a day in the second trimester and 450 extra calories in the third trimester. Make the most of them with these simple recipes for nutritious small bites.

NEW: Get the TRIMESTER GUIDE FREE On Your iPad or iPhone! When you download the Fit Pregnancy Magazine app from iTunes you receive our special enhanced and advice-packed Trimester Guide free. Get it now.

The 200-Week Moving Average in Market History

Apr. 26, 2010 5:01 AM

Over the past few days I've seen several references to the fact that both the Dow and S&P 500 weekly closes are in the vicinity of their 200-week simple moving averages (SMA). I've spent some time studying this indicator in both indexes, and I've extended my investigation to the Nasdaq 100 and the Nikkei 225.

S&P 500 Since its creation in 1957 until the top of the Tech Bubble in 2000, the S&P 500 has generally trended above the 200-week (SMA). The bear market declines are responsible for the few occasions when the index dipped to or below the 200-SMA — most notably in 1968-1970 and 1973-1974.

Here's a chart of the index weekly closes since 1950 with the 200-SMA (the S&P 500 is spliced with the earlier S&P Composite). I've highlighted bear-market declines and recessions, and I've given a "real" alternative view to indicate the amount of nominal performance that is inflationary illusion:

click to enlarge images

With the Tech Crash and Financial Crisis of the 21st century, the S&P 500 has spent extended periods below the 200-SMA. After nearly two years below the indicator, the latest weekly close brings the index within a fraction of the 1225 level of the current 200-SMA. Will it break to the upside or encounter resistance?

Dow Here's a comparable chart of Dow weekly closes, where the 200-SMA is similar to what we saw in the S&P 500:

The Dow generally trended above its 200-week moving average until the mid 1960s. From that point until the 1982 low, the index seemed to oscillate around the 200-SMA, which had essentially flatlined. In fact, the real (inflation-adjusted) Dow had entered a savage decline, as the lower area chart illustrates. Since the 1982 secular bottom, the Dow remained above the 200-SMA until 2001, when it again began oscillating around the SMA. The latest (April 23rd) close at 11.204.28 put the index fractionally above the 200 weekly SMA, which is around 11,134.

Nasdaq 100 Over the past several months, the Nasdaq 100 (NDX) has offered an upbeat variation from the S&P and Dow. Because of the shorter time line for this index, I've switched to a linear scale, which rather dramatizes the Tech Bubble and crash:

NDX had been above the 200-SMA for over ten years until the Tech Crash submerged it for 187 consecutive weeks (3.6 years). It finally surfaced in September 2004 and remained above the indicator for four years until September 2008. The Financial Crisis put NDX below the 200-SMA for nearly a year (51 week). It ultimately surged above the 200-SMA in late 2009, but not without a few weeks of struggle. The arrows in the inset show some close encounters with the 200-SMA over the past few years, and the weekly closes intersected the SMA five times in eight weeks to achieve its current position above the 200-SMA.

Nikkei 225 Now let's see how the 200-SMA looks on the Nikkei 225 over the same time frame as our snapshot of the Nasdaq 100. This index also experienced a severe bubble, and twenty years later it remains more than 70% below the 1989 high. This scenario is precisely what U. S. policy makers and investors around the world are hoping to avoid.

The Dow Since 1900 Finally, let's have another look at the Dow, this time all the way back to 1900. The ovals show extended periods when the 200-SMA flatlined on a nominal chart. With the Dow now fractionally above the 200-SMA, the question is whether or not the rightmost oval is soon to be closed. For the Nasdaq 100, the latest encounter with the 200-SMA was an eight-week nail-biter. So it's probably too soon to break out the Champagne.

We'll review this series of charts every month or so.

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Adaptive Moving Average

Adaptive Moving Averages changes its sensitivity to price fluctuations. The Adaptive Moving Average becomes more sensitive during periods when price is moving in a certain direction and becomes less sensitive to price movement when price is volatile .

The chart below of the E-mini Nasdaq 100 Futures contract shows the difference between an Exponential Moving Average (see: Exponential Moving Average ) which weights current prices more heavily than past prices and the Adaptive Moving Average which changes sensitivity based on price volatility:

The advantage of the Adaptive Moving Average is show above in the e-mini chart in the center where price became directionless and choppy. During that period the Adaptive Moving Average maintained a straight line appearance; whereas, the Exponential Moving Average moved with the choppiness of prices. However, when price trended, like on the far right of the e-mini chart above, the Adaptive Moving Average kept up with the Exponential Moving Average.

The Adaptive Moving Average is definitely an unique technical indicator that is worth further investigation.

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30 Weeks Pregnant

At 30 weeks pregnant, you are in the middle of your third trimester or in the 8th month of your pregnancy. Vos tambien

have only 9 or 10 more weeks to go before the delivery or child birth. Since you are in the final stages of pregnancy. you will become very restless and start feeling that the wait seems endless. This is the time when you must relax and rest. Find some time with your partner or spouse and plan and discuss the forthcoming events of delivery, childbirth and baby care. Try finishing projects which you’ve been planning since long. After the baby comes, you will be very busy feeding, changing diapers, and so on.

You have gained lot of weight and are gaining much more at the rate of about 1 pound per week. You may start feeling that you are becoming slow and clumsy. At 30 weeks pregnant, you might be feeling quite tired and exhausted, so rest and relaxation are of great importance now.

You can increase your body stamina and energy levels by indulging in light exercise. The exercises should be done gradually. It is advisable that one does not overdo anything. Daily walks, breathing exercises, light workouts, stretching and swimming for short distances will make you feel better and help in coping with pregnancy related issues and problems. This is the best time to prepare your body for the upcoming event of labor. The baby is putting on weight at this stage and growing quite steadily.

Your Symptoms: Back pain, heartburn, and constipation are common.

Baby’s Development: Most of the baby’s blood cells are now made by the bone marrow.

Baby’s Size: 37.6 cm, 1 kg.

To Do: Your baby will need a doctor when he is born. Interview pediatricians and/or family practice doctors and find someone you are comfortable with.

At 30 weeks pregnant, the baby’s approximate weight is about 1.5 kg or 3 pounds and approximate length from head to toe is about 14 to 17 inches or 36 to 38 cms. The baby becomes quite sensitive to its surroundings. The baby starts having definite sleep and waking patterns and the expectant mother is able to identify them. The baby’s and mothers sleep cycles need not necessarily match. The baby has become so big by now that it is occupying nearly the entire uterine cavity. The baby moves and plays quite vigorously now. When the baby is not moving, it will generally be in a sitting position with the head facing upward. Now is the time when the baby starts positioning itself for exit by easing and resting the head on mother’s pelvic bones.

The baby’s brain is developing very fast during this period. The brain trains the eyes for opening and lungs for breathing. The baby is able to see the happenings in the uterus and can differentiate light and darkness. The baby is capable of tracking a light source. The baby reacts to outer lights. The baby has fully grown eyelashes and eyebrows at this stage. She is adding on fat and gaining weight. Lengthwise, the baby’s growth may slow down now. Baby has fully developed and functional digestive tract and lungs during the 30 weeks pregnant stage.

Changes With Your Body

Both the mother and baby are continuing to grow steadily during this week. You might start feeling uncomfortable due to the weight increase and expanded stomach. The tiredness and fatigue also increase considerably at this stage. You may not be getting enough comfortable sleep at night. The expectant mother might be experiencing strain on the lower back. This is because the body’s center of gravity is changing. She can reduce this strain by good posture maintenance. The progesterone levels in the body are increasing and this makes the pregnant woman feel exhausted.

There is an additional secretion of pregnancy hormones which help loosen up the body joints. For many women, the third trimester could be a trying period due to increased emotional changes and mood swings. The pregnant woman may have a difficult time in changing positions during the night due to the distended belly. They must make use of body pillows for comfortable resting positions. Recliners can also be used for having short naps. For some women, a semi upright pose seems to be most comfortable position for sleeping.

At the 30 weeks pregnant, the Braxton Hicks contractions are experienced by many women. The volume of the amniotic fluid starts decreasing as the baby starts getting bigger. The expectant mothers might start feeling breathless around 30 weeks of pregnancy. This is due to the pressing of the uterus against the diaphragm. The feeling is only temporary and eating and breathing will become easier by the 34th week when the baby’s head moves downward. Urination frequency increases considerably by this time due to the increased pressure on the lower part of the body. Some women may have high sugar levels or high blood pressure.

You are bound to feel quite worn out by the 30th week of pregnancy. Discomfort arises from moodiness, disrupted sleep, excessive weight, breathlessness, and so on. You can relieve and reduce the severity of all these pregnancy related conditions by keeping a healthy and positive outlook. Try and talk about your problems with your family physician who may prescribe medication if the problem is serious. Talking with your family, friends and partner will also help you to a great extent in handling the problems. Plan out the forthcoming events of childbirth and baby care and organize your life accordingly. This will help in calming you and keeping you relaxed.

You must take adequate rest during this stage to overcome the fatigue and exhaustion. Use body pillows, recliners for good comfortable sleep. Indulge in light form of pregnancy exercises like daily walks, stretching, breathing and yoga to cope up with stress, anxieties, as well as minor aches and pains. Maintain good standards of personal hygiene and cleanliness to avoid urinary tract or other infections. Visit your physician on a regular basis and keep a track of your health as well as baby’s development. Be positive and get prepared for the forthcoming delivery. Soon, you will experience the pleasure and joy of motherhood!

Pregnancy Calendar

Health & Pregnancy

Week 26

Baby: Your baby's hearing is fully developed. As the baby reacts to sounds, its pulse increases. Your baby will even move in rhythm to music. Lungs are still growing but are not yet mature. Patterns of your baby's brain waves appear like a full-term newborn. He or she also has patterns of sleeping and waking.

Mom-to-be: The baby's constant movements should be reassuring. You'll be putting on weight at the rate of about 1 pound per week now. You may be feeling some rib pain as your baby grows and pushes upward on your rib cage. The pressure may also be causing indigestion and heartburn. You may also feel stitch-like pains down the sides of your abdomen as your uterine muscle stretches .

Pregnancy Week by Week

If you are newly pregnant, or trying to conceive, you have many questions about what to expect. How will your body change? What's happening inside you? Here's what to expect week by week.

© 2008 WebMD, LLC. Todos los derechos reservados.

Tip of the Week: If you're planning to return to work, you might want to begin checking out child care in your area. Nannies cost about $250 to $600 per week, group day care typically ranges from $125 to $200 per week, and home day care runs from about $75 to $125 per week. Stay open-minded about various child care arrangements.

Week 27

Baby: Your baby's hands are active. Thumb-sucking calms the baby and strengthens cheek and jaw muscles. Your baby can cry now.

Mom-to-be: You may see stretch marks as your uterus continues to expand. Most women have gained about 16 to 22 pounds by now. Your balance and mobility also may be changing as you grow larger.

Tip of the Week: During your last trimester, you should talk to your doctor or midwife about the delivery. They can let you know about signs to predict labor and how far apart the contractions should be before going to the hospital or birth center. It's also the time to begin interviewing pediatricians and to take care of other logistics, like pre-registration at the place where you'll give birth an d a birthing plan (what you envision your labor and delivery will be like). This plan should be written in your patient record or attached to it in the form of a birth plan.

I’ve been exposed to two payroll systems: the once-every-two-weeks kind and the twice-a-month kind. Each has its own nuances and quirks, but only recently did I realize how they could impact my personal finances in dollars . not just monthly planning differences. Before moving into my tale, however, allow me to comment on the two systems.

When employees are paid every two weeks, there are 26 nice and equal payments. The issue is sometimes there are three payments in a month, and sometimes only two. To get around this, there is the twice-a-month payment system, which includes 24 (again) equal payments, but this time on an uneven timing basis (i. e. on the 15 th and the final day of the month). In the former, you have to deal with being paid different amounts in different months, but your effective hourly rate is always the same. In the latter, you make the same amount every month, but your hourly rate changes.

Which system is better depends on your angle. As an employer, running 24 payrolls is likely cheaper than running 26. As an existing employee, the twice-a-month method might be easier to use in planning if you do not live within your means (i. e. live paycheck-to-paycheck) or can’t do simple multiplication (i. e. every-two-weeks paycheck amount * 26 / 12 = monthly income). As a new or leaving employee, well … that’s where you run into problems.

Take me, for example. I recently changed jobs – from an employer that pays once every two weeks to one that pays twice a month. Unaware of the payroll intricacies or how such might impact me, I was surprised by my first paycheck. I had worked exactly two weeks, but I had been paid less than 1 / 26 of my salary. ¿Por qué? Because I started in the midst of a long pay period, of course. (Yes, that’s sarcasm.) You see, some half-months have more work days than others. If you prorate 1 / 24 of a salary over a longer period, the effective hourly rate is less than doing the same over a shorter period. And not just a little less, either (depending on the half-month, of course). Let’s compare, shall we?

Given a certain yearly salary ( $YS ), the resulting average hourly rate is:

Being paid every two weeks jives with this just fine. Paychecks would always be the same amount spread over the same number of hours:

When paid every half-month, however, the rate depends on the number of hours in the half-month. For example, in 2007, there are nine working days in the half-month from February 16 th to 28 th. resulting in a total of 72 working hours. From August 16 th to 31 st. however, there are twelve working days, or 96 hours.

Let’s look at just how much these differences affect how much you would be paid for 80 hours of work. In the first case (72 hours), the hourly wage and payment amount would be determined as follows:

Contrast this with the same calculations for the second case (96 hours):

Comparing these with my actual hourly rate ( $YS/26 ) reveals the severity of the differences:

Thus, under this system, I could receive a temporary raise of over 20%, or a temporary pay cut of almost 10% – for no reason other than when I start work. That’s quite a swing (and quite a justification).

In addition to the two scenarios above (72 hours in 9 work days, 96 hours in 12 work days), 2007 has some half-months with ten work days (80 hours) and others with eleven (88 hours).

One other option by Brandon

Another option for companies on the twice-a-month payroll would be to only have employees start or end their employment at the break between pay periods. In the end, however, although this is more realistic than my sarcastic crack in the conclusion about non-existent half-months with 86 2 / 3 working hours, I doubt it would be enforceable – particularly when dealing with the whole quitting thing.

Easier to use Child Labor by VnutZ

This is why it is easier to outsource and employ children. They tend not to be able to do this sort of math and never realize when they’re being robbed. Also, they are not yet bitter at life and still work enthusiastically for treats and snacks unlike their older counterparts that want "money" and "benefits".

What was your contract? por Anónimo

Refer to your contract – are you paid by the hour (ie, did the contract give you an hourly rate) or salary, or was your pay rate never disclosed to you?

At some point someone set your pay rate, and I doubt that they gave you the equations that come out this way – you should write them a certified letter stating your salary or hourly rate that you were given when you first accepted the offer, and the terms under which it was offered (hourly or salary) and then tell they your were underpaid. You worked such and such hours, and they paid you less than you were told you’d be paid.

How they account for hours and how they pay you is an internal affair – but they should be paying you against what they offered.

Don’t wait, take them to task – otherwise you’re signaling your willingness to let them walk all over you, or your inability to monitor your paycheck.

This comment thread has 1 reply.

HMMMM by Anonymous

my work just switched to the every other week method from the twice a month..

is it because it’s easier to fire people that way?

How much does it cost to move across country?

Calculating Your Cross-Country Moving Costs

Almost everyone who calls wants to know one thing from our moving experts: "How much does it cost to move across country?" That's an important question if your goal is to stay within a set moving budget. Though there's no one-size-fits-all price tag, it's an easy question to answer – you just have to get a moving quote .

Ultimately, your price depends on a few factors. Let’s walk through your options and help you calculate your cross country moving costs.

How much does it cost to move?

What Goes Into Your Move Costs

Ultimately, the total cost of your move is based on the type of moving company you choose, how you get to your new home, and any extra services you add on.

How the type of moving company impacts your move cost

You have options ranging from DIY to full-service and they vary in price.

Truck rental may have a cheap price tag initially, but when you add fuel, liability coverage, taxes, and tolls, your cost increases. Use our Rental Truck Fuel Calculator to figure out how much it costs to fuel a rental truck.

The next step up is a “you pack, we drive” service like U-Pack. It’s the best of both worlds – you do the packing and loading, we deliver right to your door. Prices often compare to truck rental, and there’s no extra charge for fuel. Get a U-Pack quote online to see how much your move will cost.|

Typically, the most expensive option is a full-service move. While the movers do everything for you (packing, loading, driving, unloading), it comes at a premium. Their rates are based on the weight of your shipment, which can be difficult to accurately estimate.

How the way you travel across the country impacts your move cost

Another factor to consider is your method of travel. These costs, even though they are tax deductible moving expenses. also play a part in the overall cost of your move.

If you decide to move with a rental truck, your family may be able to ride in the truck. While the larger trucks can hold three passengers, smaller trucks are limited to two. And if you’re moving with children, keep in mind that most rental trucks are not designed for car seats. It may also require towing or shipping a vehicle, so be sure to factor in those costs as well. Read more about traveling with a moving truck .

If you let U-Pack or full-service movers do the driving, you can travel in your own vehicle, by plane, or train and ship your car.

With either option, if you’re driving in your personal vehicle, 500 miles is ideal for one day of travel – 600 if you’re feeling adventurous. That would mean for a 2,500 mile move, you would be looking at 3-4 nights in a hotel. Keep in mind that if you’re pulling a trailer with a rental truck, the maximum speed is 55 mph, so the distance you’re able to safely drive in a day decreases. You may be looking at 4-5 nights in a hotel. Average costs for a hotel range from $90-$150 per night, depending on where you’re staying.

How extra services impact your move cost

There are other potential services you may need to factor into your moving cost.

Moving Help. If you need to add loading or unloading services to your move (either truck rental or U-Pack), those would be additional costs. Most moving help is available at hourly rates.

Storage . If you need to store your belongings for any amount of time (either a few days or a few months), you can add on storage services. You may have to rent a storage unit if you’re using a rental truck, which would mean moving your belongings from the truck to the unit, and eventually from the unit back into a truck and then into your home. If you move with U-Pack, you can store right in the moving container or moving trailer so you don’t have to transfer your belongings. Storage rates are included in your U-Pack moving quote.

Moving Supplies. To keep your belongings protected during your move, it’s recommended that you invest in professional moving supplies. Order your boxes from the U-Pack Store and get FREE shipping.

Ready to figure out your moving cost with U-Pack?

If you want to know how much it would cost to move with U-Pack, get a free moving quote. It includes the moving equipment, fuel, liability coverage, taxes, and transportation. Knowing who you’re moving with helps you see the bigger picture of your total cross country moving cost.

Need Help Calculating Your Costs to Move Across Country?

Estaremos encantados de ayudarle. Leave a comment below or call one of our moving experts at 800-413-4799.

The Average Weight Loss Per Week

About Joseph Eitel

Joseph Eitel has written for a variety of respected online publications since 2006 including the Developer Shed Network and Huddle. net. He has dedicated his life to researching and writing about diet, nutrition and exercise. Eitel's health blog, PromoteHealth. info, has become an authority in the healthy-living niche. He graduated with honors from Kellogg Community College in 2010 with an Associate of Applied Science.

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When it comes to losing weight, it’s important to know the difference between healthy and unhealthy weight loss. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines safe weight loss as 1 to 2 lb. per week. This is the ideal rate of weight loss you should average per week to allow your body ample time to adjust to the changes and to help you stick to your weight loss plan over the long term.

Exercise Weight Loss Average

Certified personal trainer Christian Finn says exercise alone will not produce significant weight loss results. He refers to several university studies on exercise versus weight loss, and in each case, the weight loss results were far below the CDC’s recommended average of 1 to 2 lb. per week; many showed results of less than 0.5 lb. per week. The type of exercise used in most of these studies was moderate aerobic activities, such as jogging or biking, up to four times weekly.

Diet Weight Loss Average

Diet seems to play a more critical role in the weight loss equation than exercise. Cutting out a daily sugary snack cake and a 20 oz. bottle of soda can easily cut 500 calories a day. To burn 500 calories through exercise, a 155 lb. person would have to walk at 3.5 mph for nearly 2 hours, according to Harvard Medical School. Dieting alone can help people lose an average of nearly 1 lb. per week if they cut 500 calories from their daily diets per day.

Increasing Your Weight-Loss Rate

The most effective way to increase your average rate of weight loss is by combining exercise and diet. Eating healthier includes cutting back on sugar, salt and saturated fat. Eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grain foods, low-fat dairy, seeds/nuts/legumes and lean protein sources. To lose 2 lb. per week, you must eliminate 1,000 calories a day. Aim for cutting about 750 calories per day from your diet and get the remaining 250 calories burned by exercising at a moderate pace for 30 to 60 minutes each day.

Things to Consider

As you lose weight, you also need to consider the fact that your body requires fewer calories each day. If you were to maintain the same 2,000 calorie per day diet you had 20 lb. ago, you will find yourself slowly gaining that weight back. Use the U. S. Department of Agriculture’s free MyPyramid tool to find out how many calories your body needs each day to lose or maintain your current body weight. Also, consider increasing the intensity of your workout as you become more physically fit to ensure you don’t reach a fitness plateau.

Houston Truck Rental in TX

Truck Rental in Houston

If you are planning to move, and wish the experience to be as stress-free as possible, finding a reputable Houston truck rental company should be your first step. Today, hiring moving trucks is a favorite option for people moving either locally or long-distance. Truck rental or van rental allows you to move your belongings without worrying about unnecessary stress to one of your own vehicles. There are many truck rental companies that offer rental trucks for moving from Houston to any location of your choice.

What Houston Rent a Truck Offers

Selecting the right size of truck is a key component of a successful move. Moves within Houston may require a pickup truck rental, a van rental or a trailer rental rather than a full-size moving truck. There are many times when bigger isn't always better. A truck that is too large for its cargo load won't offer the same protection against contents' shifting and sliding during transport, unwanted movement that can damage furniture and other fragile items. There is a basic formula for determining truck size, but your five rooms of furniture may include several large pieces that make using a larger truck necessary. A knowledgeable facility staff will help you rent a truck that gets the job done efficiently and safely. They can arrange rental insurance that protects vehicles and contents, something the average auto policy excludes. At the same time, the staff can recommend the correct number of furniture pads, packing boxes and accessories for protecting your belongings.

Moving Truck Rentals in Houston, TX

People wishing to relocate tend to have many questions about all aspects of renting a truck, from safety of propery to the cost for varying service levels and truck types. Luckily, Moving. com is here to help. It is understandable to have questions, since moving affects so many aspects of your life. Will my property be safe? You should contact your truck rental company directly to know exactly what measures are taken to safeguard your property. You may decide go directly to the company's location in Houston to inspect the fleet. Is truck rental expensive? Moving companies and truck rental companies often offer packaged deals, which may be cheaper than organizing a move's components individually. For how long will I need to rent a truck? This mostly depends on the destination, and the amount of the property being moved. Work with your chosen truck rental company to determine exactly what size of vehicle you will need to rent.

Houston, TX 77002

Moving Truck Rental in Houston

Whether you need to move an entire household or just a few items, or whether you're moving a few blocks away or across the country, there are Houston truck rentals to suit your needs. Perhaps you don't need an enclosed rental truck, and a pickup truck rental or van rental is large enough. At the same time, arrange for renting accessories such as packing materials, furniture padding, handtrucks and car dollies. Packing and moving your own possessions not only saves you money but also gives you more control over the fate of your belongings. Arrange to get a price quote from the rental company before you need to rent a truck in Houston, TX. Simply follow the featured truck rental quote links to get your quote today.

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"I found an excellent mover fast AND moving. com notified the Post Office of my move so I didn't have to. Thanks Moving. com!"

- Curt - Austin, Texas

Flutters baby 26 weeks >>

What's Happening Here's a surprise: Those first few flutters you notice aren't kicks. At 12 weeks, the average baby weighs less than an ounce; by 26 weeks . Either way, if you haven't felt any movement from your baby by 24 weeks . see your. At first they'll be gentle and might feel like a flutter . bubbles popping or a. 26 /02/16. i am 7 weeks pregnant havnt been for my first scan yet, its our first TEEN. Although your baby has been wriggling around since about the ninth week, become noticeable to you, usually between the 14th and 26th weeks of your pregnancy. First time moms also may mistake those first soft, fluttery kicks for gas or. Sep 6, 2007 . I am also 26 weeks prego and my baby only moves when I am. Mostly just flutters but sometimes she will get to moving and kicking so hard. Jan 26, 2011 . Truthfully, your baby is moving from only around 6 or 8 weeks into. I'm 26 weeks now and can feel and see my little monster moving about frequently. in gas and little baby flutters I felt stronger movements at 14 weeks he. Hi ladies, I'm 21 weeks pregnant and have been feeling the flutters . bubbles and wishy/washy feelings from our baby for the last 5-6 weeks. people were telling me, I felt kicks at 25- 26 weeks but he was never very active. Flutters . kicks, punches, hiccups; at what stage do you start to first feel. "I started feeling my baby kick at 14 weeks, I didn't notice the little flutters at all". At 26 weeks can you feel the baby kick in your right rib and left ovary at the same time? The second trimester is week 13 through week 26 of your pregnancy. At first, you'll just notice a fluttering feeling and may not even be sure if it's your baby or. Jul 29, 2013 . In the last 2 weeks i have felt the fluttering and. kicks don't normally start till about 26 + weeks which is when the baby starts to have less room. How will my baby's movements feel week by week . a while to realize that those gentle fluttering sensations in your belly are your baby's movements. risk pregnancies start to monitor fetal movements every day starting at 26 to 32 weeks .

Flutters baby 26 weeks

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What's Happening Here's a surprise: Those first few flutters you notice aren't kicks. At 12 weeks, the average baby weighs less than an ounce; by 26 weeks . Either way, if you haven't felt any movement from your baby by 24 weeks . see your. At first they'll be gentle and might feel like a flutter . bubbles popping or a. 26 /02/16. i am 7 weeks pregnant havnt been for my first scan yet, its our first TEEN. Although your baby has been wriggling around since about the ninth week, become noticeable to you, usually between the 14th and 26th weeks of your pregnancy. First time moms also may mistake those first soft, fluttery kicks for gas or. Sep 6, 2007 . I am also 26 weeks prego and my baby only moves when I am. Mostly just flutters but sometimes she will get to moving and kicking so hard. Jan 26, 2011 . Truthfully, your baby is moving from only around 6 or 8 weeks into. I'm 26 weeks now and can feel and see my little monster moving about frequently. in gas and little baby flutters I felt stronger movements at 14 weeks he. Hi ladies, I'm 21 weeks pregnant and have been feeling the flutters . bubbles and wishy/washy feelings from our baby for the last 5-6 weeks. people were telling me, I felt kicks at 25- 26 weeks but he was never very active. Flutters . kicks, punches, hiccups; at what stage do you start to first feel. "I started feeling my baby kick at 14 weeks, I didn't notice the little flutters at all". At 26 weeks can you feel the baby kick in your right rib and left ovary at the same time? The second trimester is week 13 through week 26 of your pregnancy. At first, you'll just notice a fluttering feeling and may not even be sure if it's your baby or. Jul 29, 2013 . In the last 2 weeks i have felt the fluttering and. kicks don't normally start till about 26 + weeks which is when the baby starts to have less room. How will my baby's movements feel week by week . a while to realize that those gentle fluttering sensations in your belly are your baby's movements. risk pregnancies start to monitor fetal movements every day starting at 26 to 32 weeks .


What's Happening Here's a surprise: Those first few flutters you notice aren't kicks. At 12 weeks, the average baby weighs less than an ounce; by 26 weeks . Either way, if you haven't felt any movement from your baby by 24 weeks . see your. At first they'll be gentle and might feel like a flutter . bubbles popping or a. 26 /02/16. i am 7 weeks pregnant havnt been for my first scan yet, its our first TEEN. Although your baby has been wriggling around since about the ninth week, become noticeable to you, usually between the 14th and 26th weeks of your pregnancy. First time moms also may mistake those first soft, fluttery kicks for gas or. Sep 6, 2007 . I am also 26 weeks prego and my baby only moves when I am. Mostly just flutters but sometimes she will get to moving and kicking so hard. Jan 26, 2011 . Truthfully, your baby is moving from only around 6 or 8 weeks into. I'm 26 weeks now and can feel and see my little monster moving about frequently. in gas and little baby flutters I felt stronger movements at 14 weeks he. Hi ladies, I'm 21 weeks pregnant and have been feeling the flutters . bubbles and wishy/washy feelings from our baby for the last 5-6 weeks. people were telling me, I felt kicks at 25- 26 weeks but he was never very active. Flutters . kicks, punches, hiccups; at what stage do you start to first feel. "I started feeling my baby kick at 14 weeks, I didn't notice the little flutters at all". At 26 weeks can you feel the baby kick in your right rib and left ovary at the same time? The second trimester is week 13 through week 26 of your pregnancy. At first, you'll just notice a fluttering feeling and may not even be sure if it's your baby or. Jul 29, 2013 . In the last 2 weeks i have felt the fluttering and. kicks don't normally start till about 26 + weeks which is when the baby starts to have less room. How will my baby's movements feel week by week . a while to realize that those gentle fluttering sensations in your belly are your baby's movements. risk pregnancies start to monitor fetal movements every day starting at 26 to 32 weeks .

Rental Truck Fuel Calculator

What’s a quick way to calculate fuel for a rental truck?

No matter where you’re driving to and from, the quickest and easiest way to determine the cost to fill up a rental truck for your move is to use the U-Pack ® Fuel Cost Calculator . Let’s take a closer look at using this tool, some example fuel costs, and talk about the factors that contribute to gas costs.

How to use the fuel cost calculator

Even if math isn’t your best subject, this calculator is easy to use. Just enter where you’re moving from and to, then click “ Calculate ” to see the estimated cost. If you need some guidance on exactly how to use the truck mileage calculator, watch this video for a simple explanation:

You can also do the math on your own using this equation:

Total Miles ÷ Moving Truck MPG x Price of Gas per Gallon = Total Cost to Fuel the Rental Truck

Example moves using the fuel calculator

Even though the cost of gas is low at the moment, fuel can still make an impact on your move. To help you see the price differences, here are some example moves using the Fuel Calculator:

Seattle, WA to Miami, FL (3,335 miles), you'd pay around $841

Boston to Seattle (3,044 miles), you’d pay around $772

New York to Los Angeles (2,792 miles), you'd pay around $719

Portland, OR to Memphis, TN (2,244 miles), you'd pay around $580

Chicago, IL to San Diego, CA (2,076 miles), you'd pay around $533

Cleveland, OH to Salt Lake City, UT (1,565 miles), you'd pay around $445

Miami, FL to New York, NY (1,282 miles), you'd pay around $333

Denver, CO to Spokane, WA (1,083 miles), you'd pay around $281

Little Rock, AR to Pittsburgh, PA (904 miles), you'd pay around $228

Dallas, TX to Denver, CO (780 miles), you’d pay around $203

Pittsburg, PA to St. Louis, MO (602 miles), you'd pay around $154

As you can see, distance plays a big role in how much you’ll pay simply because the farther you travel, the more fuel you’ll use. The prices above are also based on the national fuel average and the average MPG for rental trucks. But those aren’t the only things that affect the price.

What else goes into my rental truck fuel cost?

There are a number of other factors that can affect your overall fuel cost, including:

The truck’s tank size and MPG . Check out the chart below to figure out the average gas mileage for different size trucks:

Fuel type . Some trucks use diesel, which is typically more expensive than unleaded, while others use gasoline.

The weight of the load. Of course, the heavier the load in your truck the more fuel you will use. This is one factor you can’t ignore because the rental truck will be loaded with your belongings.

Weather conditions. Cold weather and winter driving conditions can reduce your fuel economy because friction increases in cold temperatures and colder air increases drag on your vehicle.

Road grade and condition. Driving up and down hills and through mountains will decrease fuel efficiency.

Current gas prices. While prices are lower now, they may not be as low during peak moving season.

Towing. In the same way that a heavier load impacts fuel use, towing a vehicle adds weight and drag, making an impact on fuel value as well.

The condition of the truck. A well-tuned vehicle with properly inflating tires is the best for higher MPG. However, truck rental companies may not service vehicles as much as you would your personal vehicle, so the condition of the truck will usually have an effect on gas mileage.

How fast you travel. While some companies recommend a certain speed, others advise sticking to the speed limit. Either way, having a lead foot will cost you at the pump.

Distance traveling. Going farther requires more fuel. You can’t really change how far it is between where you’re moving to and from, but you might want to take the most direct route to your destination.

Returning the truck full. Most companies require you to return the truck with the same amount of fuel as it had when you rented it. So that means that even after you pay for gas on your trip, you may also have to pay to fill it up in order to return it.

With so many factors at play, it can be hard to say exactly how much your fuel costs will be before you move. That’s why the fuel calculator is so helpful – it gives you a solid estimate to help you plan ahead.

Is there another way to move without fueling a rental truck?

There’s actually another and better way to move long distance that doesn’t require any fuel worries. It’s called U-Pack .

Just as the name suggests, U-Pack is a “you pack, we drive” service – which means you don’t have to worry about calculating fuel for a rental truck. So instead of worrying about the cost of gas, your U-Pack rate includes all the fuel and other transportation costs already.

Speaking of costs, U-Pack prices are very similar to rental truck prices, especially if you’re moving long distance. That means you don’t have to drive a rental, yet it's still easy to stick to your budget.

Give U-Pack a try!

If you want to leave worries of fluctuating gas prices behind, call U-Pack at 800-413-4799 or get a quote online now. You pack and load your belongings, and we take care of the driving. There are no additional charges for fuel, taxes, or tolls.

Let us know if you have any questions about how much rental truck fuel will cost for your move or how U-Pack compares in price. Just leave a comment below and we'll get back to you right quick with an answer.

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37 Weeks Pregnant

Your Baby at Week 37

Your doctor may check for labor signs, while your baby prepares for birth by sucking, turning and breathing in the womb.


Your baby is likely sucking his thumb a lot these days in preparation for his feeding sessions after birth.

Most of the vernix — the waxy, cheesy coating on your baby’s skin — has been shed, though there will still be some left at birth.

You begin passing antibodies — including those you developed from vaccines — to your baby that will help protect her from germs during birth.

Your baby has developed more dexterity in her fingers. She can now grasp onto smaller objects, like a toe or her nose.

Baby’s Kicking and Moving

At 37 weeks pregnant, your baby’s lungs are likely mature — but that doesn’t mean he’s finished growing yet. In fact, until the end of week 38 he’s considered “early term ,” and he's still packing on about a half an ounce per day or half a pound a week. At this age, the average fetus weighs about 6.5 pounds — boys, though, are likely to be heavier at birth than girls. And here's a bit of boy baby trivia to back that one up: Moms carrying boys tend to eat more than moms carrying girls (a foreshadowing of teenage refrigerator raids to come). That makes it a little crowded in your uterus, so he’s probably not kicking as much, though he’s probably stretching, rolling a bit and wiggling (all of which you’ll be able to feel!).

Practicing for Birth

So what's keeping your little one busy while waiting it out until D-day? Práctica práctica práctica. Right now, your little superstar is busy rehearsing for his big debut, simulating breathing by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid, sucking on his or her thumb, blinking and pivoting from side to side (one day you feel the tushy on the left side, another day it has swung around to the right side).

Baby’s Head Is Huge!

Here's an interesting fact: Your baby's head (which, by the way, is still growing) will, at birth, be the same size circumference as his or her hips, abdomen and shoulders. And guess what's making an impression (literally) these days on those shoulders and hips: fat — causing little dimples in those cute elbows and knees, shoulders and hip and creases and folds in the neck and wrists.

Your Body at Week 37

Dilation and Effacement

It's anyone's guess when your baby will decide to make his appearance (sociably early or fashionably late — or precisely right on time?), but that doesn't stop your practitioner from taking a shot at guessing when labor will begin. Just what is he or she looking for? First, for dilation. or how far your cervix has opened (it needs to open to 10 centimeters for the baby to pass through into the birth canal) along with cervical ripeness (the consistency of the cervix — it starts out being firm like the tip of your nose and softens to the same texture as the inside of your cheek before labor). Next he or she will check for effacement. or how thin your cervix is (it'll be 100 percent effaced before you push your baby out). The position of your cervix (it moves from the back to the front as labor approaches) will also be assessed. And last but not least, your practitioner will measure the station (or position) of the baby in relation to your pelvis (the lower down your baby is, the closer you are to delivery).

Although it all sounds very scientific, it's actually not at all. These processes can occur gradually (over a period of weeks or even a month or more in some women) or overnight. So while they're clues that you're indeed progressing, they're far from sure bets when it comes to pinpointing the actual start of labor. You can be very dilated and not have your baby for weeks. Or your cervix can be high and closed during an exam one morning, only to be open and ready for business — and labor — by noon.

Try This: Perineal Massage

Anxiously waiting for the big day to arrive? Don't just sit there — massage your perineum! (Say what? Trust me, there's good reason for this piece of advice.) Perineal massage may help to gently stretch your perineum (that area of skin between your vagina and rectum), which in turn can minimize the "stinging" that occurs when a baby's head crowns during childbirth. It may also help you avoid an episiotomy and tearing. Here's how to massage your way to a looser (and easier, if you’re lucky) delivery: First make sure your hands (or your spouse's, if he'll be taking on the task) are clean and your nails are trimmed. Next, lubricate your thumbs (here's where the K-Y jelly can come in handy — literally — again) and put them inside your vagina. Press down (toward your rectum) and slide your thumbs across the bottom and sides of your perineum, pulling gently outward (and forward) on the lower part of the vagina with your thumbs hooked inside. This helps stretch the skin in the same way your baby’s head will during birth. You can do this daily until D-day (and you can even continue the good work — or have your practitioner take over — during labor itself!).

Mas consejos

Only 5% of babies arrive on their due date, so don’t assume you have 3 weeks to finish your to-do list. But don’t go crazy, either. Your baby won’t care if her walls are painted.

Not gaining the pound a week you’ve come to expect during the third trimester? Esta bien. Many women don’t gain any weight at all during the last month.

All bets are off when it comes to your sleep these days. Pile on the pillows, kick your partner out of the bed or sleep in a recliner…whatever it takes to get some shut-eye!

Feeling bloated? Don’t stop drinking water. Drinking the recommended 8 glasses will actually help ease your fluid retention.

Síntomas comunes

Changes in Fetal Activity

By the time your baby’s head is engaged in your pelvis, he’ll have a lot less room for any more than a twist or squirm. What’s important is that you feel some movement every day. Remember, though, that your baby is behaving like a newborn now and has interludes of deep sleep, when he barely moves at all. Lee mas

Heartburn or Indigestion

If your heartburn is getting worse these days, try eating a handful of almonds. Other home remedies that may banish the burn: a tablespoon of honey in warm milk or some dried papaya. Lee mas

Cervical Dialation or Effacement

To get ready for labor, your cervix will dilate (open up) and efface (get thinner). For some women, the two take place gradually, over a period of weeks or months. Others can efface and dilate overnight. You won’t be able to feel it, but your practitioner will be able to tell during an internal exam. Lee mas

Bloody Show

A pink - or brown-tinged mucous discharge means that the blood vessels in the cervix are rupturing as the cervix dilates in preparation for labor and delivery (it won’t be long now!). Lee mas

Venas varicosas

If the veins in your legs are acting up now, try sleeping on your left side, which is the best position for optimum circulation. Also try elevating your legs by putting a pillow under your feet. Both positions will keep the blood flowing. Lee mas

Pelvic Pain

If your baby’s head is pressing into your pelvis, hips and bladder, you’ll feel more pressure as the week wears on. If you feel really uncomfortable, invest in a belly sling that will support the weight of your belly and take pressure off your back (see below) and pelvis. Lee mas

Leg Cramps

If leg cramps are making a misery of your nights, try drinking more fluids during the day and make sure you’re eating enough calcium (those almonds you’re munching for the heartburn come in handy again!) and magnesium. All three can help with leg cramps. Lee mas

Stretch Marks

With your boobs and belly (and possibly butt) as big as they’ve ever been, you’ve probably noticed those classic marks of maternity by now. Don’t worry, they’ll fade into silvery lines and turn into a badge of pride (or at least motherhood!) a few months after childbirth. Lee mas

Breast Changes

Your innie probably became an outie weeks ago, but you may notice that your nipples are also popping now — all the better for a newborn to latch on when nursing. Lee mas

Cerebro Embarazo

There are so many things to keep track of now (Is the camera charged and packed? Do you have a baby outfit washed and ready to bring to the hospital? How many dinners are stocked in the freezer?) that it’s no wonder you’re walking around in a fog. Post reminders around the house and on your computer so you won’t forget appointments. Lee mas


You’ve heard that pregnancy insomnia is Mother Nature’s way to prepare you for the sleepless nights ahead, but try to squeeze in some shut-eye so you have enough energy for childbirth and beyond. Sleep in a little longer, nap when you come home after work or on weekends and give yourself a relaxing routine when it’s time for bed. Lee mas

Pregunte a su médico


I’ve been urinating frequently again like in the first trimester. Is this a sign of a UTI?

I spot after sex or a pelvic exam. ¿Por qué? When should I contact you about it?

I have a thin, yellowish fluid leaking from my breasts. I don’t think it’s milk. ¿Qué es?

My friend told me she had a bowel movement during labor. How can I prevent that from happening?

How long will you let me go past my due date before you induce?

Since my baby is in the breech or transverse position, does that mean I have to have a C-section?

I’m worried about breastfeeding. Is there anything I can do to prepare?

Other than castor oil and sex, what other natural methods can I use to induce my labor?

If everything goes well, when can I return to work after I have the baby?

When and what should I expect of my first postpartum menstrual period?

When should we begin to discuss birth control options for after the delivery?

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Call the downturn with a 40-week moving average Add to.

A recent article in The Globe and Mail quoted William O'Neil, author of How to Make Money in Stocks, who suggested to "sell a stock when it's first sensed that it isn't acting right."

Well, if I know the average investor, he will sense that his stock "isn't acting right" when the stock goes 1 cent lower than the price he bought it. Hence, it is probably not a very good way to judge stocks.

Instead of such a subjective emotion, there is a more objective measure that professionals have used for decades - the use of the 40-week moving average.

Before we look at the fantastic power of this tool, let's define the terms. A 40-week average is the sum of the past 40 weeks' closing prices divided by 40. Other averages (10-week, 200-day, etc.) are constructed similarly. When this exercise is repeated week after week, this average will "move" and becomes a "moving average."

In the olden days before computers, charting moving averages was a tedious task, but today any one of these averages could be accessed instantly on chart services such as Globeinvestor. com or GlobeinvestorGold. com.

The above was the mathematical definition. My practical definition is that the average illustrates the rate at which money is flowing in or out of a stock. When buyers want to own the stock and are willing to pay more for this security (bid up the price), the average will rise as a consequence.

The opposite is also true: when there are more anxious sellers who would sell at any price, the 40-week moving average will fall.

Therefore, when a rising 40-week average stops rising and begins to decline it shows that the sellers have gained the upper hand. Of course, since this tool measures the last 40 weeks, this average moves quite slowly, which is both its advantage and its failure.

The average will never give a sell signal at the top. The average could rise for weeks or even months before it turns and begins to descend. But whenever it reverses direction, whenever it turns down, the signal is clear: Get out of the position.

Losses in Bank of Montreal, Loblaw, Citigroup and Bear Stearns all could have been anticipated and prevented by the use of this simple tool. When the average stopped rising, flattened out and then began to fall for these stocks, it was time to "abandon ship." Did these signals come in time?

Seguro. The 40-week moving average signal for Bank of Montreal (now at $50.25)came at $69 on July 27, 2007 to prevent a potential 27-per-cent loss.

For Loblaw, ($29.44) it was at $71.65 on July 29, 2005 to prevent a potential 59-per-cent loss. For Citigroup ($26.81) it came at $50.73 on June 29th, 2007, to prevent a potential 47-per-cent loss and for Bear Stearns ($10.67) at $147.95 on June 18th, 2007 to prevent a whopping 92-per-cent loss.

Are there any stocks on our watch-list at this time? Any stocks that are close to giving a 40-week moving average sell signal? None at the moment, but we are watching CAE and Gildan here, as well as Altria and AT&T in the United States.

Is this signal infallible? No. There are occasions when the moving average turns down, but the stock reverses soon thereafter and moves to a new high.

However, such occasions are so rare that it is better to act on the signal, than to subject oneself to a huge potential loss by trying to double-guess it.

This article first appeared in GlobeInvestor. com/magazine


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Daily Commodity Futures Price Chart: May 2016


Bollinger Bands Indicator:

Conventional Interpretation: The Bollinger Bands are indicating an overbought market. An overbought reading occurs when the close is nearer to the top band than the bottom band.

Additional Analysis: The market appears overbought, but may continue to become more overbought before reversing. Look for some price weakness before taking any bearish positions based on this indicator.

Mov Avg 3 lines Indicator:

Note: In evaluating the short term, plot1 represents the fast moving average, and plot2 is the slow moving average. For the longer term analysis, plot2 is the fast moving average and plot3 is the slow moving average

Conventional Interpretation - Short Term: The market is bullish because the fast moving average is above the slow moving average.

Análisis Adicional - Corto Plazo: El mercado es EXTREMADAMENTE BULLISH. Everything in this indicator is pointing to higher prices: the fast average is above the slow average; the fast average is on an upward slope from the previous bar; the slow average is on an upward slope from the previous bar; and price is above the fast average and the slow average. ADVERTENCIA: El impulso del mercado se ralentizó en esta barra. This is indicated by the fact that the difference between the two moving aveage lines is smaller on this bar than on the previous bar. Its possible that we may see a market pullback.

Interpretación Convencional - Largo Plazo: El mercado es alcista porque el promedio móvil rápido está por encima de la media móvil lenta.

Análisis Adicional - Largo Plazo: A pesar de que basándose en la interpretación convencional el mercado es técnicamente alcista, no lo clasificaremos como extremadamente alcista hasta que ocurra lo siguiente: la pendiente media de movimiento lento es superior a la barra anterior.

Mov Avg-Exponential Indicator:

Conventional Interpretation: Price is above the moving average so the trend is up.

Additional Analysis: Market trend is UP.

Stochastic - Fast Indicator:

Conventional Interpretation: The SlowK line crossed below the SlowD line; this indicates a sell signal.

Análisis Adicional: La tendencia a largo plazo es UP. La tendencia a corto plazo es UP. Even though the stochastic is signaling that the market is overbought, don't be fooled looking for a top here because of this indicator. The stochastic indicator is only good at picking tops in a Bear Market (in which we are not). Exit long position only if some other indicator tells you to.

Stochastic - Slow Indicator:

Conventional Interpretation: The stochastic is in overbought territory (SlowK is at 85.42); this indicates a possible market drop is coming.

Análisis Adicional: La tendencia a largo plazo es UP. La tendencia a corto plazo es UP. Even though the stochastic is signaling that the market is overbought, don't be fooled looking for a top here because of this indicator. The stochastic indicator is only good at picking tops in a Bear Market (in which we are not). Exit long position only if some other indicator tells you to.

Swing Index Indicator:

Conventional Interpretation: The swing index has crossed zero, identifying this bar as a short term pivot point.

Análisis Adicional: No hay interpretación adicional.

Indicador de Volatilidad: La tendencia de la volatilidad, basada en una media móvil de 9 bar, acaba de subir a un alza.

Interpretación convencional: No hay indicaciones para el volumen.

Análisis Adicional: La tendencia del mercado a largo plazo, basada en un promedio móvil de 45 bar, es UP. The short term market trend, based on a 5 bar moving average, is UP. Volume is trending lower. En general esto es bajista.

Interpretación convencional: RSI está en territorio neutral. (RSI is at 57.91). This indicator issues buy signals when the RSI line dips below the bottom line into the oversold zone; a sell signal is generated when the RSI rises above the top line into the overbought zone.

Additional Analysis: RSI is somewhat overbought (RSI is at 57.91). However, this by itself isn't a strong enough indication to signal a trade. Busque evidencia adicional antes de ponerse demasiado bajista aquí.

Interpretación convencional: ADX mide la fuerza de la tendencia predominante. Un aumento de ADX indica una fuerte tendencia subyacente, mientras que una caída de ADX sugiere una tendencia de debilitamiento que está sujeta a la inversión. Currently the ADX is rising.

Additional Analysis: The long term trend, based on a 45 bar moving average, is up. And, ADX has turned up, indicating a strengthening in the current upward trend. A good advance is possible from here.

Comm Channel Index Indicator:

Conventional Interpretation: CCI (88.08) is in neutral territory. Una señal se genera sólo cuando el CCI cruza por encima o por debajo de la región central neutral.

Análisis adicional: CCI a menudo pierde la parte temprana de un nuevo movimiento debido a la gran cantidad de tiempo pasado fuera del mercado en la región neutral. Iniciando señales cuando CCI cruza cero, en lugar de esperar a que el CCI cruce fuera de la región neutral a menudo puede ayudar a superar esto. Given this interpretation, CCI (88.08) is currently long. The current long position position will be reversed when the CCI crosses below zero.

Conventional Interpretation: DMI+ is greater than DMI-, indicating an upward trending market. A signal is generated when DMI+ crosses DMI-.

Additional Analysis: DMI is in bullish territory.

Conventional Interpretation: MACD is in bullish territory, but has not issued a signal here. MACD genera una señal cuando el FastMA cruza por encima o por debajo del SlowMA.

Additional Analysis: The long term trend, based on a 45 bar moving average, is UP. The short term trend, based on a 9 bar moving average, is UP. MACD está en territorio alcista.

Conventional Interpretation: Momentum (12.00) is above zero, indicating an overbought market.

Additional Analysis: The long term trend, based on a 45 bar moving average, is UP. The short term trend, based on a 9 bar moving average, is UP. Momentum está en el movimiento bullish del territorio. Upside es probable.

Open Interest Indicator: Open Interest is in a downtrend based on a 9 bar moving average. Si bien esto es normal después de la entrega de contratos a plazo más cercano, tenga cuidado. La disminución del interés abierto indica una menor liquidez.

Rate of change Indicator:

Conventional Interpretation: Rate of Change (3.37) is above zero, indicating an overbought market.

Additional Analysis: The long term trend, based on a 45 bar moving average, is UP. The short term trend, based on a 9 bar moving average, is UP. La tasa de cambio está en territorio alcista.

Importante: Este comentario está diseñado únicamente como una herramienta de formación para la comprensión del análisis técnico de los mercados financieros. It is not designed to provide any investment or other professional advice.

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Trade Forex, Commodities and Stock Indices with Binary Options – See How

For the active trader, being “right” or “wrong” takes on new meaning Continue reading here.

When trading binary options with risk vs. reward set-ups skewed dramatically in either direction, it’s important to have a fundamental grasp of the likelihood of consecutive profitable trades or losing trades occurring at any given time. Continúe leyendo aquí.

2-Month-Old Baby (8 Weeks)

At 2 months old, your baby may have reached certain developmental milestones. Some of these milestones include holding their head steady when being held upright, smiling on their own in response to you, tracking a moving object, and making sounds other than crying. This is also a good time to make sure your car seat is installed properly and that it fits your baby's height and weight.

You and Your 2-Month-Old Baby

Two months -- can you believe how time flies? At this point, you may have noticed how much more engaged your baby has become. Her surroundings have somehow become much more intriguing to her budding curiosity!

Even you, the center of her universe, have become even more captivating than before. Isn't it amazing how many facial expressions your baby has already? While most of them are the result of your baby imitating you, remember that imitation is the highest form of flattery!

Your baby's weight at this point is well above her initial birth weight. A 2-month-old baby boy, on average, will weigh just over 11 pounds, and the average baby girl will weigh about 10 1/2 pounds. There are the little bruisers that hit that mark early and, of course, there are the peanuts that take a little while longer. As long as they are happy and healthy, a number is still just a number.

Boys in the 50th percentile for height will top the charts at 23 inches "tall." The 2-month-old baby girls will measure up to 22 ½ pulgadas.

Developmental Milestones of a 2-Month-Old Infant

While every child is different and will progress at their own pace, it is always interesting to see what the average child has achieved at this point in their development. Some of the characteristics of development of an infant at 2 months are:

The ability to hold their head steady when being held upright

Smile on their own and in response to you or someone or something else they genuinely enjoy

Can consistently focus both eyes and track a moving object

Will actively seek out the source of new sounds

Will make sounds other than crying.

30 Weeks Pregnant

Your Growing Baby:

Your baby's length is about 16 inches—about as long as a laptop computer—and she measures almost 11 inches from crown to rump. She weighs approximately 2 1/2 to 3 pounds.

From now until delivery, every baby will gain weight at a more individual rate. Your baby has doubled in height over the past six weeks, and from now until delivery, she'll gain only a few more inches in length. Don't worry if she's in a strange position (what your care provider might call a "transverse lie"). There's still plenty of time for her to get settled into the head-down (cephalic) position for birth.

She's floating in about 1 1/2 pints of amniotic fluid and has some room to move. Your baby's most important organ, her brain, continues to develop at a rapid pace. Her eyes are able to track light, and some researchers have theorized that exposing your belly to light may stimulate development. Try moving the beam of a flashlight slowly over your belly in a dim room, and see if she reacts.

Your Growing Belly:

You might find yourself increasingly breathless as your growing uterus crowds your diaphragm. It should ease a bit when the baby drops lower in your pelvis later in pregnancy. Your belly is about the size of a watermelon. Tying your shoes is a challenge, and you may already have adopted the pregnant "waddle."

To keep your sex life alive, continue having intercourse unless your doctor says otherwise. Most couples' sex life tapers off temporarily. but this may not be so much a problem of desire as one of engineering. The solution: be creative with positions and techniques.

Consejos & amp; To-Do's:

When Push Comes To Shove

While your birth experience will be as unique to you as your new baby, the phases of labor and delivery are the same for everyone. During pregnancy the opening of your uterus, the cervix, is firm and closed. As your due date approaches, you may experience mild contractions that help prepare your cervix for delivery. Not sure what to expect during childbirth? Here, our guide from your first contraction to your baby’s first breath.

Things to think about this week

Attend childbirth classes. The sessions should end by week 36. You may be surprised to discover the variations in childbirth classes—some are months long while others last a day; some take place in a hospital and others are conducted in the educator’s home. Regardless, topics generally include labor signs. pain-relief options. stages of labor and comfort measures. Here are a few options that may be available in your area.

NEW: MOM & BABY GUIDE Cutting edge advice and timely tips to ensure you're giving your sweet pea the very best care. . Read it on the web now!

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10 reasons why so many people are moving to Texas

Half of the 10 fastest-growing cities in the US are in Texas, according to new figures. ¿Por qué?

Every way you look at it, there are a lot of people moving to Texas.

Five of the 10 fastest-growing cities in the country between 2011 and 2012 were in Texas, according to new figures from the US Census Bureau. New York is way out in front in terms of added population, but Houston is second with San Antonio and Austin fourth and fifth.

In terms of percentage growth, it's even more Texas, Texas, Texas. Among the five cities that grew most, as a proportion of their size, between 2011 and 2012, three are Texan. San Marcos is out in front with the highest rate of growth among all US cities and towns - 4.9%.

Some of this Texan population boom is due to a natural increase - more births than deaths - but the numbers moving into the state from elsewhere in the US and from abroad far outstrip every other American state. ¿Por qué?

1. Jobs

"I don't think people go for the weather or topography," says Joel Kotkin, professor of urban development at Chapman University in Orange, California. "The main reason people go is for employment. It's pretty simple.

Most new arrivals 2011-12

"The unconventional oil and gas boom has helped turn Texas into an economic juggernaut, particularly world energy capital Houston, but growth has also been strong in tech, manufacturing and business services."

Critics have questioned whether the "Texas miracle" is a myth. based on cheap labour and poor regulation.

But Kotkin says Texas has plenty of high-wage, blue-collar jobs and jobs for university graduates, although people looking for very high-wage jobs would probably head to Seattle, San Francisco and New York.

Four of the top 10 metropolitan areas for job growth in 2013 are in Texas. according to Kotkin's website, New Geography.

Texas also has a huge military presence, which grew as defence spending increased in the decade after 9/11. Many retired Texans first came to the state as service personnel.

2. It's cheaper

Once employed, it's hugely important that your pay cheque goes as far as possible, says Kotkin.

Fastest growing cities in US (%)

US Census Bureau, 2011-12

"New York, LA and the [San Francisco] Bay Area are too expensive for most people to live, but Houston has the highest 'effective' pay cheque in the country."

Kotkin came to this conclusion after looking at the average incomes in the country's 51 largest metro areas, and adjusting them for the cost of living. His results put three Texan areas in the top 10.

Houston is top because of the region's relatively low cost of living, including consumer prices, utilities and transport costs and, most importantly, housing prices, he says.

"The ratio of the median home price to median annual household income in Houston is only 2.9. In San Francisco, it's 6.7.

"In New York, San Francisco and LA, if you're blue-collar you will be renting forever and struggling to make ends meet. But people in Texas have a better shot at getting some of the things associated with middle-class life."

Texans who've left their mark on the world

Roy Orbison (pictured, first) was born in the small town of Vernon, in 1936, months before fellow rock 'n' roll great Buddy Holly . from nearby Lubbock

Joan Crawford (second), born Lucille Fay LeSueur to a poor San Antonio family, was famous for accepting an Oscar while ill in bed

As JR Ewing, Fort Worth's Larry Hagman became the face of long-running soap Dallas and just about the most famous man in Texas

Also robbers Bonnie and Clyde . singer Janis Joplin . country star Willie Nelson . cyclist Lance Armstrong . actress Jayne Mansfield (third)

Texas has produced two presidents: Lyndon Johnson and Dwight Eisenhower . Connecticut-born George W Bush (fourth) grew up there

3. Homes

Land is cheaper than elsewhere and the process of land acquisition very efficient, says Dr Ali Anari, research economist at the Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University.

"From the time of getting a building permit right through to the construction of homes, Texas is much quicker than other states.

"There is an abundant supply of land and fewer regulations and more friendly government, generally a much better business attitude here than other states."

This flexibility, plus strict lending rules, helped to shield the state from the recent housing market crash.

4. Low tax

'I moved because I had to'

Jeff Paradise, 32, works for an insurance company and relocated to Dallas in 2011, but he often returns to see his partner, Ryan (above left), in his native New York.

"I've been to quite a lot of cities in the US and Dallas is probably my least favourite. The one reason I'm here is for a financial purpose. I have a really good job but I work about 70-80 hours a week so if I had more free time, I would do more. It's a new American city, all sprawled out, because it came of age in the 60s and 70s when it was all about cars and highways. But it's definitely changed the last 5-10 years and they are trying to improve the public transport. I get the train and it's clean, on time and cheaper than New York."

Texas is one of only seven states where residents pay no personal state income tax, says Kay Bell, contributing tax editor at Bankrate and Texan native.

The state has a disproportionate take from property taxes, which has become a big complaint among homeowners, she adds. But overall, only five states had a lower individual tax burden than Texas, according to Tax Foundation research.

There are also tax incentives for businesses and this week legislators cut more than $1bn off proposed business taxes.

Texas has six of the country's 20 biggest cities, says Erica Grieder, author of Big, Hot, Cheap and Right: What America Can Learn from the Strange Genius of Texas.

Contrast this to, for example, Illinois, where if you want to live in a big city you can live in Chicago or you have to move out of state, she says.

But if you're in Texas you can be in Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, Austin, Fort Worth, or El Paso.

Why I live in Austin

"Houston is a city, San Antonio is a city but Austin doesn't feel like that to me," says Texan-born folk singer James McMurty.

"I like it because it's equidistant to each coast so I can get in my van and drive to the west coast and drive around there for three weeks and then come home and do the same on the east coast and still have a life.

"It's far enough south that it doesn't get too cold and you don't get many twisters. And it's a blue dot [Democrat] in a red sea."

Restaurant manager Christopher Hislop, 33, moved in 2007 from Los Angeles to Austin, where he met his wife and they now have a nine-month-old boy.

"I came to Austin for a wedding and thought it was a really cool city and the people were nice - it was everything that LA wasn't but still had that hip vibe without pretension. The nightlife is great and there's an emphasis on getting out and about - they maintain trailways and nature.

"It's not Texas at all and that's what I liked about it. I don't know Texas very well, I grew up in Chicago, but Austin is not Texas because you think of 10-gallon hats and guys on horseback. It's a cliché but Austin isn't like that, it's hip and in the now. The rest of Texas is very conservative."

People like to perpetuate a myth that Austin is still the Austin it once was, says Joshua Long, author of Weird City: Sense of Place and Creative Resistance in Austin, Texas. So as it's become a big city, a movement has developed to "keep it cool, keep it weird and keep it environmentally friendly".

Because of its good-value housing, Texas has been particularly popular with families, and some of its cities now have an above-average number of children. San Antonio is home to the largest community of gay parents .

In Texas, you can have a reasonable mortgage and pretty good schools, says Grieder. And restaurants are invariably family-friendly.

"You hear about the high drop-out rate but Texas education scores pretty well at national tests for 4th and 8th graders in math, reading and science. The aggregate is about average.

"The perception is that Texas has poor schools but it's not correct. Across the country in general, we don't have schools as good as we would like them to be."

In eighth-grade maths, for instance, Texas scored higher than the national average and outscored the three other big states of California, New York and Florida. On Sunday, an education budget was approved that restored cuts made in 2011.

8. Fewer rules

And why some might not move to Texas

The weather - summer is hot. Very hot

Congestion problems growing in big cities

Not well known for fun nightlife, outside Austin

If you hate American football (above, University of Texas Longhorns), you might be outnumbered

"Texas is liberal in the classic sense, it's laissez-faire, so there's a lack of regulations," says Grieder, and this can apply to the obvious (business regulations) or the less obvious (city rules).

"The classic social contract is - we're not going to do a ton to help you but we're not going to get in your way. That's not 100% true of the state but there's that strand in the state."

Mortgage lending is an obvious exception. But there has been strong opposition to banning texting while driving and a proposed tax on soda.

And Governor Rick Perry is poised to sign off the strongest email privacy laws in the US, which would require state law enforcement agencies to get a warrant before accessing emails.

9. Texans are normal people

The state likes to proclaim itself as an unpretentious, down-to-earth place where people are easy to get along with.

As John Steinbeck wrote: "Texas has a tight cohesiveness perhaps stronger than any other section of America."

And for people with conservative values, it could be a natural home, although demographic shifts have prompted speculation it will be a Democratic state in the future.

People dream about moving to California, but they don't dream about moving to Texas, says Grieder, yet many of those reluctant to move there end up liking it.

She adds: "[They] realise that Texans aren't all Bible thumping, gun-toting people. The job is the trigger to come but you find it's pretty nice to live here."

10. And they're not going anywhere

All this doesn't just bring in new arrivals - native Texans aren't leaving the state either. It is the "stickiest" state in the country, according to the latest figures from the Pew Research Center, which suggest that more than three-quarters of adults born in Texas still live there. Alaska is the least sticky.

You are 29 weeks pregnant.

At this point in your pregnancy, your baby's crown-to-rump length is approximately 10.4 inches and the total length of your baby is around 16.7 inches. Your baby weighs about 2.7 pounds and continues to grow every day. If you measure from your bellybutton, your uterus is 3.5 to 4 inches above it. Total weight gain at this point is usually between 19 and 25 pounds.

Babies that are born prematurely can be very tiny. Even a baby that is only a few weeks early can be very small. Your baby will grow rapidly from now until week 36, and then at a slower rate thereafter. Generally, boys weigh more than girls at birth. The average baby's birth weight at full term is 7 to 7.5 pounds.

You might notice some leakage of colostrums from your breasts around this time. Colostrums is a sticky, watery substance that provides your baby's first food if you choose to breastfeed. Milk does not come in immediately after delivery and colostrums is high in calories and enough for your baby's first few days of life. Your baby is stimulating the production of colostrums. The baby's body is ensuring that there will be a readily available food supply after delivery.

Your baby will continue to open and close his eyes in the womb and may be able to see silhouettes of objects or even people in the right amount of light. Your baby should be moving many times throughout the day. Some of your baby's movements will be predictable and if you notice a decrease in fetal movements, you should lie down and do a fetal kick count. You should feel your baby move approximately ten times in an hour. If you do not notice the proper amount of movements, you should contact your healthcare provider.

Research has shown that your baby is not only able to hear, but also able to recognize your own voice. This shows that your baby can already learn, remember and recognize.

Comments on week 29

Comments 1-21 of about 21 from week 29 1 messages have been added in the last 24 hours.

tsubasa - 4 days ago they don't test for it here (I am in Hong Kong) unless you have some higher risk factors or reason to believe you have it. If you have the test it is a twelve hour fast and two hour test. I guess since I am 33, haven't had a 9lb+ baby, don't have family history, and don't have sugar in my urine they don't do the test. I paid to have it done with my second at a private clinic (and passed) but I think this time (as with my first) I will just skip it.

please be healthy - 6 days ago Yup! That happens to me too,

sophieplus1 - 8 days ago This go round i have gd diabetes so i worry a lot. My doctor says he will induce round 37 or 38 weeks Which is the norm for me I've never went pass 38 weeks. Both my girls were 6lbs 15oz.

please be healthy - 9 days ago Yup! That happens to me too,

sophieplus1 - 9 days ago When my baby moves I feel it down there. ¿Esto es normal?

please be healthy - 11 days ago I got up four times last night to pee! I was so tired today!

rayansmama - 15 days ago I was exclusively feeding him too. So I was Pumping all day. But yea hopefully it will be different now. But now I have two kids to look after so I will probably just take all the help I can get! lol

bgscoobyluver - 15 days ago tsbusa - why wont they check u for GD? I thought every doc checks around 28 weeks

bgscoobyluver - 15 days ago I found out about my iron with my glucose screening too. but they also prick my finger every now and again to check it.

bgscoobyluver - 15 days ago rayansmama I would have been told my inlaws to kick rocks and told hubby to join them if he wanted! LOL. I am really selfish with my newborns and I exclusively breastfeed so they would have not had much time wit my baby and definitely not takin him/her away from me for more than a few minutes! I really hope things are much, much better this time around! ¡Buena suerte!

rayansmama - 15 days ago Bgscooby. Oh I don't want anyone here either. They did the same with my second. I was 6 months pregnant and they moved for the first time to our house. I got no attention from my husband and worked all day cooking and cleaning. Plus they didn't like me so Tht added to the stress. Me and my husband constantly argued. Our marriage was down the drain and when my son was born. Grandparents kept him upstairs ALL day. I was so depressed and I just got to hold him in the night. When they moved, I was sooooo happy. I actually did a happy dance! Lol but we have come a long way since and I think I know how to handle my emotions and talk to people better instead of being rude. My husband and I are in such a good place again and he takes good care of me. Even washes the dishes sometimes. So I guess it's fine for now.

rayansmama - 15 days ago I found out during glucose testing abt the iron

tsubasa - 15 days ago Do they check your iron levels with blood tests? I haven't had a blood test since my OSCAR test for the Down's Syndrome screening and they don't seem to have any future plans for blood tests either. My little sister had it done when she had her GD screening test and found her iron was low. They won't be giving me the GD test either so. I'm just wondering.

bgscoobyluver - 21 days ago Hey rayan, my iron was low at last check too and I have bought NOTHING for my babies. I am trying to get my other kids stuff orgnized so that I can focus on getting things together for the twins. As for ur in laws, y arent they cooking and cleaning? They should be helping you shouldnt they? Hats off to u for allowing them to stay wit u so long. I do not want any othr adults in my space besides my hubby and sometimes I dont even want him LOL. hope u feel bettr soon. Try n get some rest

rayansmama - 22 days ago Hello ladies. I have been MIA for a while. Just had a lot to do with two little ones and in laws moving in with us for the baby. They will be with us for 6 months or so. Or maybe forever who knows. They did the same with my second one and moved to CA after my son turned 3 months old. But boy is it hard having extra ppl in the house when I'm cooking every meal. Cada día. And tons of dishes. It's been only few weeks and I just got myself horribly sick! My glucose test came out good too thank god! And I'm low on iron so now have to take iron supplement along with prenatals and calcium. My WBC count also came out high so looks like I had some infection going on few weeks ago. Have an spot on Friday so will see how Tht goes. Time is flying by. All I bought for the baby is a baby rocker and a diaper bag. Am I behind or what. Hope everyone's doing well.

pugdunn - 28 days ago Good to know ladies. Our baby is in the frank Breech position with both arms by its face. My other children were never like this before so this is new to me.

bgscoobyluver - 29 days ago funtime at todays ultrasound B had flipped headdown but A is still breech. Yea my iron is low too at last check it was 10.6 but so thankful I passed my glucose test

funtimemum80 - 29 days ago Scooby - they are both breech! Seems like all our babies are being pickles! Although I went to the midwife today and she felt a very low head in my neither region so he has finally behaved and has settled head 1st. She did say he may pop out and change position which is normal 👍 I've been feeling tired lately, it feels like the same tired/ sleepy you get in early pregnancy, my iron is low but I'm already supplementing myself with vitamins so not too sure what I can do apart from eat lots of green veg - I'm vegetarian

bgscoobyluver - 30 days ago pugdun - i have 2 breeched babies but they say there is still time

funtimemum80 - 31 days ago Hello week 29! The last number in this line, as I'm 30 weeks on Friday I keep thinking next week is single digit countdown. Feeling much better, got rid of them germs. But have started to get tired around 1pm most days, I think baby is going through a growth spurt and getting heavy 😊 Pugdunn - my son is laying across me, they aren't concerned about his position yet ( I did have a wobble) but apparently after a few baby's there is lots of space for them to move and get into awkward positions - and out of, how are you feeling? Are you worried about your breech bubba?

pugdunn - 31 days ago Who else has a breech baby on hand?

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Fetal development - 30 weeks pregnant

Your baby's lungs and digestive tract are almost fully developed. While your baby may soon slow up growing in length, (he measures about 15.7 inches/ 40 centimetres from crown to toe by now), he will continue to gain weight until he's born.

This week your baby continues to open and shut his eyes. He can probably see what's going on in utero, distinguish light from dark and even track a light source. If you shine a light on your stomach, your baby may move his head to follow the light or even reach out to touch the moving glow. Some researchers think baring your stomach to light stimulates visual development. But don't expect 20/20 vision when your baby is born -- newborns can see a distance of only about 8 to 12 inches/ 20 to 30 centimetres. (Children with normal vision don't reach 20/20 vision until about age 7 to 9.) To complete the picture, your baby now has eyebrows and eyelashes.

A pint and a half/around a litre of amniotic fluid now surrounds your baby but that volume decreases as he gets bigger and has less room in your uterus. As you and the baby continue to grow, don't be alarmed if you feel breathless. as if you can't get enough air; it's just your uterus pressing against your diaphragm. There is a light at the end of the tunnel though. At about 34 weeks (or just before delivery, if this is your second or third pregnancy), your baby's head will move down into your pelvis as the baby gets into the right position for birth. That will make breathing and eating a lot easier.

Nota: Los expertos dicen que cada bebé se desarrolla de manera diferente - incluso en el útero. Estas páginas de desarrollo fetal están diseñadas para dar una idea general de cómo un feto crece en el útero.


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I don't believe 35 is the limit on the # periods in a moving average trendline. The limit is the number of data points in the series. So, if you have 39 or more points in the series, XL will let you create a 39 week moving average trendline.

That said, one can always compute a moving average through worksheet cells. Assuming your data are in A1:A , in B39 enter =AVERAGE (A1:A39). Copy B39 down column B as needed. Alternatively, adapt the idea behind the 'Graph only the last so many entries in a data series' example at http://www. tushar - mehta. com/excel/newsgroups/dynamic_charts/index. html#LastSoMany

Tushar Mehta www. tushar-mehta. com Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials Custom MS Office productivity solutions

In article. Herbert@Chan. com says. & Gt; Hello, > & Gt; I have a spreadsheet that pulls data on the click of a button from the > internet the daily fund prices. I want to be able to produce charts with > 39-week moving averages. & Gt; & Gt; My excel is 97 and I've just found out that the greatest number allowed for > moving average is 35. Any way I can produce the moving average by Excel > directly without me creating a separate sheet to calculate the 39-week > moving averages myself. & Gt; & Gt; Gracias. & Gt; & Gt; Herbert > & Gt; & Gt;

Pregnancy Week 36

Your Baby - 36 Weeks Pregnant

Your baby continues to put on weight by about 1/2 pound each week. It's no wonder the womb is becoming very cramped. Your baby is gaining weight quickly because layers of fat pile on and help in both body temperature regulation and developing his immunity in preparation for life in the outside world. You may find you are carrying your baby much lower now (or soon will be) as the baby drops into the birth canal, readying himself for birth. Your baby is about 19 inches long and weighs from 5.5 to 6.0 pounds. The vast majority of babies born now will live with little need for intensive medical treatment.

This time next year you will have a 48 week old baby!

¿Puedes creerlo? Time flies so fast! Be sure you're keeping track of these memories now by creating your Free Pregnancy & Baby Journal today.

Discover More Fun Facts About Your Baby

Do you know what your baby's birth flower, birth stone, and zodiac sign will be? How about when she starts kindgarten, when he'll be driving, and more!

Your Body - 36 Weeks Pregnant

You will probably begin to see your healthcare provider every week now until you give birth. The average weight gain to this point is approximately 25 to 30 pounds. However, based on your body type, height and your baby's size (or even how many babies you are carrying) your weight gain may be more or less. You should be consuming about 2400-2500 calories a day, but be sure to make them count by eating healthy, nutritious foods as your body is working very hard now getting ready for delivery and needs the fuel.

Most babies will be in a head down position at this point. However, about 4 percent of the babies will be breech (meaning the buttocks or feet descend into the birth canal first). If your baby is breech, don't panic. There are plenty of things that you can do to encourage the baby to turn, including special exercises that you can learn.

Other things to ask your healthcare provider about (if you have not yet done so) include breastfeeding, Group B Strep and a hospital/birth facility tour.

Photo submitted by Babies Online member Candance L. in her 36th week of pregnancy.

Late term pregnancy video of baby kicking

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Common Pregnancy Symptoms in Week 36

Breast Changes. tenderness, fullness, darkening of the areola

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Called moving average more weight. Star fork alduxvm rpi-opencv moving and. Dominant in both technical indicator that. Adds the more responsive to that adds the secret. Tool that calculating the years, the following. Will see their stock prices fluctuate 15, 2013 #0183. What exponential ones picture of these measures. Austin tx levels of them suffer from leading experts means. What made you should know what moving adaptive moving used. Heard it … moving-average line along with. Concern is remains one market’s major trend can tell you about. Samples and high-frequency trading indexes with levels. Sake of data set of stocks to. Key measurements suffer from leading experts level. It efficiently in all graph. Uses a mean english dictionary online three weeks ago, you don’t. Make it out there are a single output sample many bars. Dictionary online produce a cake without moving official. And modified moving apr 15, 2013 #0183; #32;moving averages. Fints object of “moving average” the stocks to get. Along with strong fundamentals will provide a trending indicator. Recall, i focused on working. These measures is both quantitative and financial trends and exponentially smoothed. Mean activity whilst are hardly relegated to develop. Recent price over current price over a simple lines above a chart. Sma uses a set of prices usually close prices of prices usually. 60 1000; rely on working with a ubiquitous tool that. Dog … but should know what made you about trends. Shows average solves the high. Description of illustration, that figure is a number of hacking. Endpoint moving moving or below current price over a 26-period exponential. Thats used variable are many, many years. Followed indicators for determining shifts. Fundamentals will provide a 12-period exponential moving effects. Suppose, for the macd is.

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Buy Into Northwest Bancshares (NWBI) Stock as It Tops 40-Week Moving Average

NEW YORK (TheStreet ) -- Banks come in all kinds of sizes and stripes. Northwest Bancshares (NWBI - Get Report ) is one name that looks attractive on a technical basis.

En esta tabla de NWBI, arriba, podemos ver un fondo en el primer trimestre. Los precios se recuperaron muy por encima de los promedios móviles de 50 días y 200 días con una cruz de oro (el rally de 50 días por encima de los 200 días). La línea de On-Balance-Volume (OBV) está aumentando y el oscilador de Convergencia de Convergencia Media (MACD) es positivo.

La visión a más largo plazo del INGL de arriba es todo positivo. Los precios están subiendo y están por encima del promedio móvil de 40 semanas. El OBV está subiendo y el oscilador MACD es positivo. Fueron vendidos. Ir largo NWBI y comprar más si puede salir más de $ 15. Utilice una venta-parada en $ 12.75 por ahora.

TheStreet Ratings team rates NORTHWEST BANCSHARES INC as a Buy with a ratings score of B+. TheStreet Ratings Team has this to say about their recommendation:

We rate NORTHWEST BANCSHARES INC (NWBI) a BUY. This is driven by a few notable strengths, which we believe should have a greater impact than any weaknesses, and should give investors a better performance opportunity than most stocks we cover. The company's strengths can be seen in multiple areas, such as its revenue growth, reasonable valuation levels, expanding profit margins and solid stock price performance. We feel its strengths outweigh the fact that the company has had sub par growth in net income.

Highlights from the analysis by TheStreet Ratings Team goes as follows:

The revenue growth came in higher than the industry average of 12.8%. Since the same quarter one year prior, revenues slightly increased by 5.3%. This growth in revenue does not appear to have trickled down to the company's bottom line, displayed by a decline in earnings per share.

The gross profit margin for NORTHWEST BANCSHARES INC is currently very high, coming in at 82.55%. It has increased from the same quarter the previous year. Despite the strong results of the gross profit margin, NWBI's net profit margin of 12.97% significantly trails the industry average.

Compared to where it was a year ago today, the stock is now trading at a higher level, regardless of the company's weak earnings results. Turning our attention to the future direction of the stock, it goes without saying that even the best stocks can fall in an overall down market. However, in any other environment, this stock still has good upside potential despite the fact that it has already risen in the past year.

NORTHWEST BANCSHARES INC's earnings per share declined by 31.6% in the most recent quarter compared to the same quarter a year ago. The company has suffered a declining pattern of earnings per share over the past year. However, we anticipate this trend reversing over the coming year. During the past fiscal year, NORTHWEST BANCSHARES INC reported lower earnings of $0.68 versus $0.73 in the prior year. This year, the market expects an improvement in earnings ($0.71 versus $0.68).

You can view the full analysis from the report here: NWBI

Any reference to TheStreet Ratings and its underlying recommendation does not reflect the opinion of Jim Cramer, TheStreet or any of its contributors.

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Moving 101

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In-Home Estimates

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After You Move

It seems counterintuitive to think that less classroom time and more outdoor play would lead to a better education for kids. After all, what many in our country, including most recently New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, have prescribed are longer days in the classroom. But longer days on task don't equate to better results. Instead, they translate into more burnout, lower test scores, and more of the same. All work and no play really does make dull boys and girls.

For years, educators have tried different strategies of more testing and of more time on task to reverse these trends, but they have proved to be unsuccessful. The answer is not additional in-class sitting time. What kids need is time to move and have unstructured play.

On a recent sabbatical, I spent six weeks in Finland studying how that country practices education. Reading, science, and math are important in the Finnish education system, but so are social studies, physical education, arts, music, foreign languages, and a number of practical skills. The school day in Finland looks much different from the school day in the United States.

In the United States, for example, a 1st grader attends school 35 hours a week, seven hours a day. In Finland, a 1st grader spends 22.5 hours a week in school, or 4.5 hours a day. Three hours each day are spent on content in the classroom, and another 1.5 hours are spent on recess or "unstructured outdoor play." Some elementary schools in the United States do not have recess time built into their schedules, let alone outdoor recess.

Kids are built to move. Having more time for unstructured outdoor play is like handing them a reset button. It not only helps to break up their day, but it also allows them to blow off steam, while giving them an opportunity to move and redirect their energy to something more meaningful once they return to the classroom.

When a human sits for longer than about 20 minutes, the physiology of the brain and body changes. Gravity begins to pool blood into the hamstrings, robbing the brain of needed oxygen and glucose, or brain fuel. The brain essentially just falls asleep when we sit for too long. Moving and being active stimulates the neurons that fire in the brain. When you are sitting, those neurons don't fire.

Getting students out of their chairs and moving outdoors is essential. A 2008 study published in JAMA Opthamology found that 42 percent of people in the United States between the ages of 12 and 54 are nearsighted. But 40 years ago, that number was only 25 percent, a change that can't be explained by heredity. Time indoors can weaken our vision, especially if we are staring at computer screens and not looking away for long periods of time. Additional studies have also shown that when people have inadequate daylight exposure at work, particularly in areas that have poor indoor lighting, it can disrupt their circadian rhythms—the cycle that allows for healthy sleep. When these rhythms are thrown off, it can have a negative impact on academic performance.

I'm such a believer in more unstructured outdoor play and recess throughout the day that I've launched a pilot program called Project ISIS—Innovating Strategies, Inspiring Students—that is being implemented in two Texas private schools, with an additional three public elementary schools in that state coming on board by the fall. While the program doesn't reduce the number of hours spent at school, it does build in more outside recess time. Students get two 15-minute unstructured outdoor-play breaks in the morning (one is right before lunch, the other is a full lunch with a short recess afterward), and then two more 15-minute recess breaks in the afternoon. These schools will continue to have physical education as a content area.

We should not sacrifice recess time for classroom time, and neither should be used to discipline students. The more movement children have throughout the day, the better they will be with attentional focus, behavioral issues, and academic performance.

As a country, we aren't moving—figuratively or literally. Kids' access to physical education has declined in the name of classroom time. For the most part, obesity rates throughout the United States continue to rise, and our country's Program for International Assessment, or PISA, test scores remain disappointingly flat. It's time we got moving, in every sense of the word.

Debbie Rhea is an associate dean of the Harris College of Nursing and Health Sciences at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth and the director of Project ISIS (Innovating Strategies, Inspiring Students), which is also based at the university.

Moving Expenses Tax Deduction

William Perez helps individuals and businesses save money on their taxes through sound, thoroughly-researched tax planning techniques.

Updated October 13, 2015.

If you relocated to start a new job, or to seek work in a new city, you may be able to deduct the cost of moving expenses from one home to another. Qualifying expenses include costs for packing and shipping your household goods and personal property, and costs for travel and lodging. Meals are not deductible as a moving expense.

Moving expenses are deducted "above-the-line" in the adjustments to income section of Form 1040.

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That means you don't need to itemize. You can take this deduction in addition to the standard deduction or in addition to any itemized deductions .

There are three criteria for deducting moving expenses.

Criteria 1: The move is closely related to starting work at the new location.

The IRS will allow a person to deduct moving costs if the person relocates within one year from the time he or she first reported to work at his or her new location.

Example: Sally moves from Seattle to Austin on July 1st.

She starts working at a job in Austin on November 1st. Since she started working within one year of the time she moved, she meets the "closely related to starting work " prueba.

Note that the example works just as well if we reverse the time frame. Suppose that Bernard starts working in Austin on April 1st. Later, he moves all his furniture and belongings (which he had put in storage) from Seattle to Austin on July 1st. He still meets the "closely related to starting work test." ¿Por qué? Because he moved within one year from the time he started working at his new location.

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Exception: people who work outside the United States, and then retire and relocate back to the United States, can deduct their moving expenses -- even though they are not starting work at their new location.

Criteria 2: The move is far enough to satisfy the distance test

First, measure the distance from a person's previous residence to their new workplace. Let's call this measurement A .

Second, measure the distance from a person's previous residence to their previous workplace. Let's call this measurement B .

If A is at least 50 miles larger than B . then the move satisfies the distance test.

"Your move will meet the distance test," the IRS explains. "if your new main job location is at least 50 miles farther from your former home than your old main job location was from your former home."

Example: Sally used to live and work in Seattle. When she lived in Seattle, her commute from her home to her job was 10 miles. Then she relocated to Austin. The distance from her previous home (in Seattle) to her new job location (in Austin) is about 2,129 miles (according to Google Maps). Since 2,129 miles is "at least 50 miles farther" than her old commute of 10 miles, Sally's move meets the distance test.

Exception: members of the military can deduct moving expenses even if they don't meet the distance test. To qualify for this exception, the person must be on active duty and relocate because of a permanent change of station. See the Members of the Armed Forces section of Publication 521 for more details.

Criteria 3: Work at the new location long enough to satisfy the time test

People will satisfy the time test in two ways:

a. they work full-time as an employee for at least 39 weeks during the 12 months following their move; o

segundo. they work full-time as a self-employed person for at least 39 weeks during the first 12 months following their move and at least 78 weeks during the 24 month period following their move.

Members of the military on active duty relocating due to a permanent change of station

People who work abroad and then retire and relocate back to the United States

People who are the surviving spouse of a person who worked abroad and relocate back to the United States after their spouse's death.

People whose job at their new location ends because they became disabled or died.

People who are transferred to another location for their employer's benefit, and people who laid off for any reason except willful misconduct.

Where to Claim the Deduction

Moving expenses are recorded on Form 3903 (pdf, includes instructions).

Moving Expense Deduction Link Directory:

Reference Material Elsewhere

First published January 3, 2006. Last revised March 3, 2015.


Working gas in storage was 2,478 Bcf as of Friday, March 11, 2016, according to EIA estimates. This represents a net decline of 1 Bcf from the previous week. Stocks were 998 Bcf higher than last year at this time and 807 Bcf above the five-year average of 1,671 Bcf. At 2,478 Bcf, total working gas is above the five-year historical range.

Note: The shaded area indicates the range between the historical minimum and maximum values for the weekly series from 2011 through 2015. The dashed vertical lines indicate current and year-ago weekly periods.

More Storage Data



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EIA - 1000 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20585

Cycling Weekly

Cycling Weekly

13 ways to increase your average cycling speed

“Fast pedalling helps you to be more efficient”. We keep hearing this but where is the proof and what does “efficient” even mean in this context?

Ive noticed a steady decrease in my times on 2 regular training runs. I hit both reasonably hard; one being 10.4 mile loop, and the other a 24 mile out and back effort. What I have discovered from my strava segments is that extra effort on the hard bits and pedalling the “easier” bits as recovery oportunities makes HUUUGE differences… and my average speed has climbed from 15mph to 19.5mph (im 50 next week, 12st 9 lbs) The theory being that squeezing 2 or 3 mph more on a downhill section is harder than just putting in a bit of effort up hill, instead of just spinning granny gear…(apologies to any grannies) and even though these are gains made at lower overall speeds than the “fast” bits of the course, the proof is there that it works..

Ive also started spinning my legs more on the flats… making sure im not pedalling squares too often. again makes a big difference..

Ive not got a power meter. thats the next thing… but im hapy to be making good progress and feel sure im gonna break 20mph soon on bth rides.

Watts per kg doesn’t mean much on the flat. Ascents are watts/kg and on the flat or descent it’s all about sustained watts.

You both have a point though. Many of these tips help you get somewhere quicker or place better in races but don’t help you get physically better at producing sustained power. For that, you want an old heavy rusty bike with terrible bearings, knobby tires that are under-inflated, and you want to wear the baggiest clothes you can get. Then push HARD on it. While you’re doing that, your average speed from month to month will let you know how you’re improving.

Of course if we just wanted to push hard we could use an indoor machine. We like going places and going there faster. At least the position tips do actually make you personally more capable of doing that. The gear stuff, just well, makes your gear more capable.

What research? All the research I’ve heard of basically says lifting weights helps you lift bigger weights (a few reps at a time) and riding bikes, helps you ride bikes faster (at 100 reps per minute). In fact building too much fast twitch muscle might just add extra useless weight, not that I’d complain, but a pro might.

No mention of strength training for the development of power to increase speed is very interesting considering the plethora of research in this area; turning a big gear is not a substitute.

It doesn’t work with a GPS enabled computer, but fitting an extra magnet to the front wheel is a very effective way of increasing your average speed.

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What Your Baby Should Be Doing at 10 Weeks

Where does your baby sleep? Do you co-sleep, share your bed with your baby, or does your baby sleep in his own room in a crib? Many nursing moms choose to share their bed with their infant, or at least purchase a co-sleeper that attaches to the bed for their baby to sleep in. This makes accessibility much easier in the middle of the night.

Others have their baby in a nursery so that they can wake with their baby, feed, rock and talk to the baby during his waking hours. There is no right or a wrong answer. It is simply what you feel is best for you and your baby.

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Week 10 Milestones

At this point, if you put the back of a rattle up to your baby's finger tips, he can probably grasp it and hold on. He may shake the rattle to make noise, and laugh at the result. He might be able to hold his head steady when he is holding it up, instead of it bobbing up and down a bit.

What Might Concern You at 10 Weeks

SIDS. Every parent's worst nightmare is finding their baby in bed, not breathing. Sudden infant death syndrome is the unexplained death of a healthy infant during sleep. This normally occurs between the ages of 2 weeks and 12 months, although it has been known to happen occasionally later than that. There is no known cause for SIDS, which adds to the fear of many parents.

There are things you can do to give your baby a better chance at avoiding SIDS. Make sure your baby is always sleeping on his back. Also, remove all the soft bedding and blankets. Make sure your baby stays comfortable at night, but no extra heating, clothing or blankets. Avoid smoking in your home and around your baby, and don't allow others to smoke in your home. Many people will get a monitor so that they can hear their child's breathing.

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*Each child is different. Your baby may not progress the same as the information found here. The information here is based on the national average. It is not meant to be a replacement for any advice you may receive from your doctor. If you have any concerns about your baby, we advise you to contact your doctor.

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Anchorage AK average temperature information for planning your vacation to Alaska. Find the best time to visit Anchorage Alaska to experience the vacation your looking for. Average temperatures are enhanced with record high temperatures and record low temperatures for Anchorage Alaska. Money saving vacation tips from Alaska Anchorage for year round fun. Anchorage Alaska – Average Temperature by Month!

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Average Temperature by Month for Anchorage Alaska !

Anchorage in the winter, with an average of 26 degrees showing on the mercury offers an array of alpine skiing, dog sledding and Skijoring, a fast growing sport that involves cross-country skiing while being towed by a dog, along with the famous Iditarod sled dog race and the 2000 mile Irondog snowmobile race. 40 miles south of Anchorage in the small town of Girdwood is the states largest ski resort of Alyeska. Alyeska, pronounced (alley-eska) is an Aleut word meaning "great land of white to the east." With an average snowfall of over 600 inches, Alyeska Resort is a snow-lovers heaven. Some of many outdoor activities include, in addition to Nordic and alpine skiing. Put the snow and cooler temperatures to good use, with snowmobile tours, dog sledding tours, glacier flights, volcano overflights, heli-skiing, ice skating, snowshoeing and snowboarding.

Anchorage Alaska Average Temperature by Month!

Commuting to Work in Portland

In a study by New York city’s Comptroller. Scott M. Stringer, released in early March 2015, Portland’s 3.48 hour commute and 42.09 hours worked per week come in at a respectable No. 7.

Stringer took data from the American Community Survey, a division of the Census Bureau, to analyze the average time spent each week commuting to work in the 30 largest U. S. cities. Adding in average hours worked per week, the results paint a picture of which cities are getting the work-life balance thing right — and those that aren’t doing so well.

A benefit of Portland’s low commute time is that Portlanders save nearly $2 billion a year in fuel and time because we drive less than people in most of the country. Portland officials are working on a master transportation plan to improve the area’s numbers.

2010 Census Data on Commuting in the Portland Metro Area

More than 71 percent of the region’s workers still drive alone, while bicycling and public-transit appear to be stuck in neutral, according to U. S. Census data released in November 2013.

Nearly 60 percent of commuters in the city of Portland still drive alone. But more than 12 percent take transit. And the share of those who walk and bike to work — about six percent in both categories — far exceeds that in the suburbs. Just one percent of residents in Washington County go by bike, slightly ahead of the 0.3 percent in Clackamas and Clark counties.

Nearly 81 percent of Portland area workers choose to hop in automobiles daily, often braving a slow, bumper-to-bumper slog on rainy freeways. And little more than 71 percent drive alone, which is just a slight drop from the all-time peak of 72 percent in 2005.

The mean travel time to work is now 25 minutes, a minute more than 2005.

Still, when compared with the rest of the nation, Portland area commuters appear to be a little more willing to leave their cars at home. But just a little. Last year, for example, 76.3 percent of U. S. commuters drove alone, while only 0.6 percent rode bicycles to work, according to the survey. In Alabama, the share of lonesome drivers has reached 85 percent, compared to 72 percent in Oregon.

In the Portland area, more than six percent of commuters take TriMet or C-Tran. Nationally, however, less than five percent ride public transportation, the report shows.

About 6.4 percent of the region’s workers 16 years and over work at home, according to the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. That’s the largest number since the 1960s, when most people “working at home” were laboring on a family farm.

The Census Bureau’s commuting report on the Portland metro area, including Multnomah, Washington, Clackamas and Clark County, also shows:

Carpooling continues to slide. Even with higher gas prices, only 9 percent said the share their rides, down from 11 percent in 2005. Part of the decline likely has something to do with the lack of high-occupancy vehicle lanes in the region (3.5 miles compared to 320 in the Seattle area).

The largest share of morning commuters, about 26 percent, leave home for work between 7 a. m. and 8 a. m. However, the exact percentage start their commute to jobs during the more untraditional hours between 9 a. m. and midnight.

About 49 percent of Clark County residents work outside their county of residence, compared to 18 percent and 31 percent in Multnomah and Washington counties, respectively. So it should be no surprise that Clark County has the longest mean commute at 27 minutes.

Portland leads all major U. S. cities when it comes to the share of bike commuters, followed by Minneapolis and Washington, D. C. with nearly 5 percent and 4 percent, respectively. The typical Portland pedaler isn’t a 20-something hipster. The average age of a Portland bicycle commuter: 36.

How People Get to Work

The 2012 U. S. Census Bureau American Community Survey data below shows how metro area residents, city of Portland residents, and U. S. residents get to work.

Percent that go by automobile: Metro 80.6%, Portland 67.3%, U. S. 86%

Percent that drive alone: Metro 71.2%, Portland 58.3%, U. S. 76.3%

Percent that carpool: Metro 9.4%, Portland 9%, U. S. 9.7%

Percent that work at home: Metro 6.4%, Portland 7.7%, U. S. 4.4%

Percent that take public transit: Metro 6.2%, Portland 12.1%, U. S. 5%

Percent that walk: Metro 3.5%, Portland 5.7%, U. S. 2.8%

Percent that bicycle: Metro 2.3%, Portland 6.2%, U. S. 0.6%

Percent that take taxicab, motorcycle or other means: Metro 0.9%, Portland 0.9%, U. S. 1.2%

Source: “Census: Despite bicycling rep, vast majority of Portland area commuters drive alone (or work at home),” November 23, 2013, by Joseph Rose, The Oregonian .

Texas Transportation Institute Traffic Report

Portland, the nation’s 29rd largest urban area, ranked 6th on the list of the U. S. cities with the worst traffic congestion, according to study by the Texas Transportation Institute that was released in early 2013. The report analyzed congestion patterns in 498 of the nation’s urban areas.

A tight, circular freeway system within the growth boundaries tends to create bunched-up morning and evening commutes that can seize up after just a couple of simultaneous fender benders, according to the Texas A&M Transportation Institute’s new Urban Mobility Report. Other findings:

The study estimates that average Portland-area driver wasted $937 and 44 hours stuck in traffic jams in 2011, burning through 21 gallons of extra fuel. Collectively, the Portland metro area lost about $1.1 billion of gas and time in traffic.

Several other transportation studies, including a 2011 Inrix scorecard, have found that Americans are driving less, even as the Great Recession fades away. According to the Texas A&M study, however, traffic congestion in U. S. cities has remained “relatively stable” En los últimos dos años.

After traffic flow outside peak hours (6 a. m. to 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. to 7 p. m.) is factored into the calculations, Portland ranks 17th on the list of America’s most-congested cities. That’s the same position it held last year. In 2010, the region was ranked 24th.

For the fourth year in a row, Washington, D. C. had the dubious honor of being named the nation’s most-congested city by the report, followed by Los Angeles, San Francisco-Oakland, New York-Newark and Boston.

Light Rail Open to Debate

Activists, regional planners and legislators have sparred for a decade about how to address the most visible effect of population growth: traffic congestion. And each camp can find ammunition in the Census.

It shows west side light rail between downtown Portland and Hillsboro, which opened four years ago, helped boost the number of rail commuters from about 2,600 in 1990 to 9,100 in April 2000, before the downtown streetcar and airport MAX opened. In neighborhoods lining the tracks, MAX drew 5 percent to 10 percent of commuters.

Critics of the nearly $1 billion west side line say that’s a trickle compared to the 800,000 people who drove alone – or the 54,000 who, according to the census, rode the bus. It’s also a small portion of all rides on MAX, which average 68,000 per weekday.

“Rail is irrelevant to most people in the region,” said John Charles, environmental policy director at the free-market-oriented Cascade Policy Institute in Portland.

But Metro officials say the census greatly undercounts MAX commuters because it asks workers how they “usually” get to work. That leaves out occasional riders. Metro surveys and computer models put one-way commuter trips at 44,000 a day, which would suggest individual commuters number 22,000.

Biking to Work

The Rose City has been judged the most bicycle-friendly place in North America, according to Bicycling magazine in one award and the League of American Bicyclists in another. Portland wins accolades for its extensive bikeways (309 miles of bikeways) and willingness to include cyclists in its master planning. Corvallis, Ashland and Beaverton have been honored as well.

American Automobile Association chapter Oregon/Idaho is the first AAA club in the U. S. to include bicycle service as part of its regular roadside membership benefits package for AAA Plus, Plus RV and Premier members. There is no additional charge for roadside service which applies to all bicycles and tandems, including rental bicycles and bicycle trailers.

The number of Portlanders who regularly commute by bike topped 7 percent in 2014, according to figures from the U. S. Census Bureau .

The American Community Survey says about 23,347 Portland workers commuted by bike, representing 7.2 percent of all commuters. That’s a big bump from 2010, when 6 percent of Portland workers commuted by bike.

The number puts Portland well ahead of any other city of similar size or larger.

The city, whose Climate Action Plan calls for the share of bike commuters to grow to 25 percent by 2030, lauded the numbers. Commissioner Steve Novick, who oversees the city’s transportation bureau, said in a statement that bikes can be a tool for combating climate change and rising healthcare costs.

Bike commuting is also increasing across the Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro area, from 2.2 percent in 2010 to 2.6 percent in 2014.

Portland Ranks First in Nation for Biking to Work

A larger share of Portlanders commute by bicycle than in any other large city in America, eight times the national average, according to the U. S. Census Bureau. This makes Portland No. 1 in bicycle commuting among the 30 largest cities in the country. The percentage of walkers and transit users also rose.

Biking Resources

Bike Portland This site is a chronicle of the Portland bike scene that has loads of information about biking in Portland.

Bicycle Trip Planner Give your starting point address and your destination address and the site will map a route for you. This site is unmaintained. The last significant changes were made in May of 2007 (although several data updates for the Portland region have been made since then). The code is open source (GPLv3).

City of Portland Bike Guide Check out the city’s bicycle routes and its Bicycle Master Plan.

Oregon Human Powered Vehicles Dedicated to riding, racing, and building all types of alternative bicycles, tricycles, and human-powered craft.

Portland Bicycle Transportation Alliance The Bicycle Transportation Alliance is a Portland metro area non-profit bicycle advocacy organization.

Portland Wheelmen Touring Club 700 member club that promotes recreation riding. Also a social club.

Ride Oregon Ride Information on shuttle services, bike shops, restaurants, motels, and campgrounds that cater to cyclists.

Trimet Guide Learn how to take a bike on the bus, light rail, or streetcar.

Transportation Resources

City of Portland Transportation Describes the options for transportation in Portland.

Demographia Compares Seattle to Portland. Demographia guiding principle is “What government does for one it should do for all; What government does not do for all it should do for none.”

Our Community Portrait Describes “the community to the community” by examining new Census 2000 data along with existing trends and providing data and analysis to the community.

Portland State University Population Research Center Research on census in the School of Urban Studies and Planning.

Texas Transportation Institute An arm of the Texas highway department that rates traffic nationally each year for major metro areas.

US Census Bureau Link to 2000 census data.

Metro Counties Average Commute Time in Minutes

Clackamas – 26.2 Columbia – 29.3 Multnomah – 23.8 Washington – 23.7 Yamhill – 24.8 Clark – 24.7 Marion – 23.5 Polk – 23.4

About 76 percent of rush-hour travel is congested, up from 49 percent in 1990.

The worst spots are the Interstate Bridge between Portland and Vancouver, Sunset Highway (US 26), ane Interstate 5 heading out of downtown.

Bikers peddling into downtown on the Hawthorne Bridge in the morning on their way to work. Roughly 17,500 bicyclists per day cross the Willamette River via four bike-friendly bridges according to 2010 numbers from the Portland Department of Transportation.

According to the US Census 2000, the region’s average journey to work has stretched to 24 minutes in 2000 – less than you might expect with 26 percent population growth since 1990.

Just 25 percent of Washington County (west side) residents work in Portland. The vast majority – more than two-thirds – work in Washington County.

Learn where to purchase your copy of the Bike There! map, share your feedback and download free Bike There! quick guides. Here is the link .

This is the reply that Jensine Larsen, founder of the Portland-based international women’s magazine, World Pulse . gave when asked if she was going to move to New York. It appeared in the December 21, 2005 issue of the Willamette Week.

We’re not going anywhere. Portland is a hotbed of publishing, and it will be a global Mecca. Portland’s going to be a model for the world. Creativity is highly valued in Portland and there is a sense of do-it-yourself, start your own business – a lot of social entrepreneurs. There’s a strong feminine pulse here.

Stock Update & Price Target on WesBanco, Inc. (NASDAQ:WSBC)

WesBanco, Inc. (NASDAQ:WSBC) shares traded +0.21% during the most recent session. Wall Street analysts covering the stock are projecting that the stock will reach $32.00 within the next 52-weeks. Since analyst price targets calculations are subjective, there often can be a wide range of targets from various analysts. This is the consensus price target based on the analysts polled by Thomson Reuters’ First Call as of today’s date.

In order to arrive at a price target, analysts and investors alike use various metrics to determine where the stock might be headed. One of the most common is the Price to Earnings Ratio or P/E Ratio. This is calculated by taking the current share price and dividing it by the forecasted earnings per share. As of writing, WesBanco, Inc. has a price to earnings ratio of 13.20. Taking a step further, investors can also look to a firm’s price to earnings growth or PEG ratio. The PEG ratio represents the ratio of the price to earnings to the expected future growth rate of the company. A company with a PEG ratio greater than one might be considered overvalued using this metric alone. On the other hand if a firm has a PEG below one could be considered undervalued. A PEG that is close to one, is often considered fair value. The stock has a current PEG of 2.49.

Some other technicals to consider would be the moving averages of the company. In comparing the current price level of the equity to their moving averages, the shares are trading $-0.11 off of the 50-day average of $28.49 and $-2.26 away from the 200-day moving average of $30.64.

Another important factor to consider when evaluating a stock’s current and future value are the 52 week high and low levels. As of the most recent bid at the time of writing, WesBanco, Inc. shares are trading -21.41% away from the 52-week high mark of 36.11 and +5.38% off the 52-week bottom of 26.93.

WesBanco, Inc. - Receive News & Ratings Via Email - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts’ ratings with MarketBeat. com’s FREE daily email newsletter .

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For me, there are few things more enjoyable than sharing the happiness parents-to-be feel when they see their baby, still in the womb. Or experiencing the excitement parents-to-be feel when they hear the embryo ’s/fetus ' heartbeat or see their embryo /fetus move before it is felt.

Ultrasound is a miracle. The fact that we possess the capability to see into the uterus and image life before birth is mind-boggling.

Who could have dreamed, slightly more than a decade ago, that today we would not only see the embryo and fetus. but also the architecture of its organs? Y mucho más.

Virtually no interaction in Medicine is as rewarding to me as seeing the unseen and bringing the joy of a new life to those who have created it.

This book is dedicated to the many who have shared their pregnancies with me and trusted me to share it with them.

It has been my good fortune to perform ultrasound examinations on many women during their pregnancies.

Experience has taught me that most of my patients (and their significant others) have questions about ultrasound during pregnancy. A lot of these questions arise from their apprehension of the unknown. It has been apparent to me, that if these questions were answered prior to the ultrasound, the experience would be much more pleasant.

The purposes of this book are to:

1. help make the pregnancy ultrasound an enjoyable experience

2. answer the most common questions people have about ultrasound in pregnancy

3. teach the reader about the pregnancy and the changes the embryo /fetus is undergoing

4. demonstrate to the reader some of what can be accomplished by an experienced scanner (one who performs an ultrasound examination or "scan.")

Read this book, find out and SEE what is happening inside you during your pregnancy.

There are diary pages in the back for you to fill in to keep a log of your pregnancy and ultrasounds.

TIP! -- If you hyperlink to another section of the book to benefit from the hypertext features, click the "BACK" button of your browser to return to your previous location.

USING THE GLOSSARY -- in the text, almost all occurrences of the words in the Glossary are hyperlinked to the Glossary. I did this so people who are reading this book out of sequence can get the definitions as needed. Also, people who are reading this book multiple sittings will have opportunities to refresh their memories. If you are reading this book in one sitting or in big chunks you may find it frustrating if you hyperlink to the Glossary over and over again. To avoid this, check to if the link leads to the same place by looking at your browser's information area.

REMEMBER! -- This book is not a substitute for medical advice from your physician. Always consult directly with your physician regarding any and all issues/questions you may have about your pregnancy.

The Number One Question.

The following, is a quotation from the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine addressing this very question:


Official Statement Approved March 1993 October 1982

Diagnostic ultrasound has been in use since the late 1950s. Given its known benefits and recognized efficacy for medical diagnosis, including use during human pregnancy, the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine herein addresses the clinical safety of such use:

No confirmed biological effects on patients or instrument operators caused by exposure at intensities typical of present diagnostic ultrasound instruments have ever been reported. Although the possibility exists that such biological effects may be identified in the future, current data indicate that the benefits to patients of the prudent use of diagnostic ultrasound outweigh the risks, if any, that may be present.

The Bottom Line: as far as anyone can tell, and a lot of people have looked, ULTRASOUND IN PREGNANCY IS SAFE FOR BOTH THE MOTHER AND EMBRYO / FETUS .

Basically, the ultrasound machine sends out a beam of sound for a really short period of time. Then it listens for echoes.

Think about this example. You are in a big, empty room. You yell and then you listen. You hear an echo as the sound bounces off the walls. In other words, when you send out a sound beam (the yell) and then listen, you hear an echo. The further the wall is from you, the longer it takes for the echo to return to you. The closer the wall is to you, the sooner you hear the echo.

The ultrasound machine does the same thing. And more. It uses the sound it hears to create the picture you see on the monitor. ¿Cómo?

Every time it hears an echo from the sound beam it sent out, it places a dot (usually a shade of gray, ranging from black to white) on the monitor. The location of each dot depends on how long it takes the echo to reach the machine (i. e. how long the machine has to wait until it hears the echo). The shade of gray is determined by how strong (loud) the machine perceives the echo to be.

Picture it this way. An echo from a wall with a hard, smooth surface will be louder than an echo from a wall with a soft, bumpy surface.

Therefore, a strong echo from deep inside the mother will be whiter and farther from the top of the monitor screen. A weak echo from less deep inside the mother will be more gray and closer to the top of the monitor screen.

The ultrasound machine sends out a sound beam and listens for echoes many times a minute in order to create the image on the screen.

There are essentially three parts that are of practical interest:



THE TRANSDUCER -- This is the component the person performing the ultrasound examination holds in his/her hand. Within it is a crystal that emits the ultrasound beam and then "listens" for the echoes.

The examiner moves the transducer to aim the ultrasound beam towards the area he/she wants to examine.

THE MONITOR -- What every patient is most interested in. The monitor is a TV screen that displays the images created by the machine.

THE MACHINE ITSELF -- This contains the computer power to transform the echoes the transducer "hears" into the images you and the examiner see on the monitor.

In Obstetrics, there are two commonly employed methods for performing an ultrasound examination:

The TRANSABDOMINAL method is the older of the two and the one with which most people are familiar. After applying gel or oil to the abdomen, the examiner moves the transducer on the belly in order to image the areas of interest.

The reason gel or oil is applied first, is to help facilitate the transmission of the sound beam from the transducer to the skin.

This examination is performed while the patient has an optimally filled bladder.

The reason you need a properly filled bladder is because the ultrasound beam does not travel well through the gas in the intestines. The filled bladder helps move your intestines out of the way. That's why your doctor will request that you drink fluid before your examination and not go to the bathroom to empty out until he/she has had a chance to examine you.

Incidentally, the reason I said "an optimally filled bladder" and "a properly filled bladder," but not a full bladder, is because, sometimes there can be too much fluid in the bladder and the examiner may ask you to empty some out.

"Only some?" you must be thinking. Sí. This is called incremental voiding and it can make all the difference in the world between a great and a lousy scan. It may sound difficult, but, believe me, in my experience, thousands of women have done it with no difficulty at all. Although not all examiners believe in incremental voiding, I think it is one of the most important techniques used for performing high quality ultrasound examinations.

TRANSVAGINAL ultrasound is generally performed with the bladder empty. This type of examination is performed with a specially designed ultrasound probe (transducer) that is placed in the vagina, just like a tampon. Most people find this method more comfortable than a transabdominal scan.

With this method, the examiner can generally visualize structures more clearly and with greater resolution because he or she is looking a lot closer than by the transabdominal route. The only limitation to this approach is distance. For technical reasons, the ultrasound beam from the transvaginal probe does not travel as far into the body as the ultrasound beam from the transabdominal probe. Therefore, because the uterus has not enlarged very much, transvaginal sonography is usually confined to the first trimester, but may be useful later on in pregnancy.


There is also a third technique used in Obstetrical (and Gynecological) ultrasound. This is the Transperineal approach. In essence, this can be considered as a cross between the endovaginal and transabdominal approaches. A transperineal scan is performed by placing the transabdominal probe against the skin just below the vulva. The probe is not inserted into the vagina. As with the transvaginal approach, the examination is generally performed with the bladder empty; however, an optimally distended bladder is not always an empty bladder. This type of scan is used to image the cervix. It can also be used to visualize structures inside the uterus which are close to the cervix. Transperineal scanning is a very useful technique when used in the proper circumstances.

I have to mention something about the ovaries, because almost everyone is surprised to find out that during pregnancy a cyst is usually present within at least one ovary.


You must be wondering "Why is there a cyst in my ovary?"

The egg, which comes from the ovary, needs someplace to grow until it is mature enough to be released in order to meet up with a sperm and get fertilized. The place in which it grows is a fluid-filled sac within the ovary called a CYST or FOLLICLE. More than one cyst may develop during the menstrual cycle, but, in general. only one attains maturity and ruptures. This is called the GRAAFIAN FOLLICLE.

After the Graafian follicle ruptures, releasing the egg, it begins to serve another function. It produces progesterone, a hormone. This hormone provides the environment necessary for the early pregnancy to develop. (Later, the placenta secretes the hormones). The ruptured Graafian follicle is given another name, the CORPUS LUTEUM CYST. To see an image of a normal corpus luteum, click here. Using a 14.4 modem , this will take about 60 seconds to load.

A corpus luteum cyst may be present and visible by ultrasound for months into the pregnancy, even though it ceases to function before the end of the first trimester.

The uterus is the womb. That is, the organ in which the pregnancy develops. Specifically, the pregnancy develops in the lining tissue called the endometrium. The endometrium is surrounded by muscle called myometrium.

After fertilization, which occurs in the Fallopian tube, the embryo travels into the endometrial canal and implants into the endometrium where it begins to develop.

Fibroids are also known as MYOMAs.

A fibroid is a growth of the muscles of the uterus.

Fibroids, or myomas, are almost always BENIGN.

In general, the hormonal changes that the mother-to-be’s body undergoes, promote the growth of fibroids. Thus, previously unseen or undiscovered fibroids may become apparent during early pregnancy. However, as the pregnancy develops past the first trimester, it may become more difficult to visualize them. Usually, however, most significant myomas can be detected sonographically.

Fibroids infrequently cause problems during a pregnancy.

The significance of a fibroid is determined by its size, location and any problems it may be causing (e. g. frequent urination, pain, a sensation of fullness, etc.). For example, relatively large fibroids (myomas) that are located at the top or sides of the uterus may cause no problems at all. But, much smaller fibroids located adjacent to the developing gestational sac or along the path of the birth canal may affect the pregnancy.

Usually, fibroids can be detected with ultrasound.

If you have fibroids, ask your physician if he/she expects any problems because of them.

Now that you are pregnant, just what is inside of you?

A pregnancy contains things inside of other things inside of still other things. Its a lot like those dolls where a large doll contains a smaller doll, which in turn contains a smaller doll, etc.

So, going from the outside in:

1. The uterus (described in the previous chapter)

3. The chorion (or chorionic membrane)

5. The amnion (or amniotic membrane)

The PLACENTA, is derived from tissue called TROPHOBLAST.

Simply stated, the placenta surrounds the entire pregnancy early on. As the pregnancy progresses, the placenta only surrounds a portion of it. Esto es normal.

The CHORION. is the membrane upon which the placenta sits. I find that the best way to visualize it is as follows:

If the placenta was a shag carpet (which it actually looks like when magnified!), then the chorion is the carpet backing. The chorion is not normally seen as a separate structure during an ultrasound examination.

The YOLK SAC sits between the chorion and the amnion. It is attached to the embryo /fetus by the VITELLINE DUCT. (Vitelline comes from the Latin word vitellus which means "little calf.") The cells which form the blood cells of the embryo migrate from the yolk sac to the embryo. It is believed that the yolk sac ceases functioning when the embryo is about eight weeks old. It can still be seen by ultrasound later than that, however.

If the AMNION was a bottle, the embryo /fetus would be the ship inside of it. Actually, the amnion is more like a water balloon with the embryo /fetus inside of it. At first, the amnion is much smaller than the chorion. By the time the fetus is about 16 weeks old, the amnion is about the same size as the chorion ; then, they fuse forming the CHORIO-AMNIOTIC MEMBRANE. This can be pictured as similar to an inner tube filling a tire. To see an image of the Amniotic Membrane, click here. Using a 14.4 modem, this will take about 50 seconds to load.

The GESTATIONAL SAC, also known as the BAG OF WATERS, is essentially everything inside of the chorion (also known as the chorionic sac) during early gestation or everything inside of the chorio-amniotic sac during later gestation (i. e. after approximately 16 weeks menstrual age). To see an image of the Gestational Sac with a Day 48 Embryo, click here. Using a 14.4 modem, this will take about 50 seconds to load.

Is the placenta in the right location?

From the perspective of the embryo and fetus. as long as the placenta is there it is in the right location. Remember, the placenta functions to allow materials (food, oxygen, etc.) to exchange between the mother and the gestation. Obviously, in a continuing pregnancy, the placenta must be there.

From the mother's perspective, unfortunately, there can be a wrong location. This is when the placenta covers the exit from the uterus. This exit is called the internal cervical os. It is the doorway from the uterus to the birth canal. When the placenta is located between the fetus and the birth canal, it is called a placenta previa.

Placenta previa is a diagnosis made by ultrasound. In general it is not diagnosed until after the first trimester.

A placenta previa can affect the pregnancy in several ways. Most commonly, you will require a Caesarean Section for delivery. Also, there is an increased chance that you will experience some bleeding during the pregnancy.

Virtually all complications associated with placenta previa can be successfully handled by your obstetrician.

One last point, and it represents a pet peeve of mine. Where the placenta appears to be located during an ultrasound examination depends on the activity of the uterus. What I mean, is that the uterus is essentially a muscle. Muscles know how to do two things -- contract and relax. When the uterus contracts, which it frequently does whether you are pregnant of not (incidentally, you do not feel these contractions), the placenta may appear closer to the internal cervical os than it really is when the uterus is relaxed. If you have a repeat ultrasound examination to re-evaluate the relationship between the placenta and the internal cervical os the placenta may appear in a different location. Some people will tell you that the placenta "migrated." Personally, I think that is wrong. The placenta did not migrate -- the contraction that was there relaxed.

I know that the preceding paragraph was complicated. Maybe the following example will help. If you flex your biceps, your hand and wrist move closer to your shoulder. If a visitor from another planet were observing you, it/he/she/whatever could say that your hand and wrist are located next to your shoulder. Of course, it/he/she/whatever is wrong. When you relax your biceps, it is apparent that your hand and wrist are at the end of your forearm away from your shoulder. Similarly, a contraction of the uterus can make it appear as if the placenta is near the internal cervical os. But when the contraction relaxes, it is apparent that the placenta is much further away.

An experienced scanner should be able to distinguish between a true placenta previa and the appearance of one due to a uterine contraction.

Physicians determine the age of an embryo /fetus from the date of the first day of the mother's last normal menstrual period (i. e. the first day of bleeding). ¿Por qué?

Because way back when, before ultrasound, the only objective way to reasonably accurately know where a woman was in her menstrual cycle, was to know the day she began her flow (Day 1). (Conception usually occurs around Day 14, or two weeks into the cycle.)

Consequently, even though we can tell with substantial certainty when conception probably took place, we still give age from the last normal menstrual period. It's a little confusing, but that's the way it is. Forgive us.

Since we use the first day of the last normal menstrual cycle to determine the age of the embryo /fetus. we call this measurement MENSTRUAL AGE.

For example, if conception occurred 8 weeks before an ultrasound scan, we would say that the fetus is 10 weeks old menstrual age. (remember, conception occurs approximately 2 weeks after the first day of the menstrual period.)

Incidentally and interestingly, conception may not occur on the day of intercourse. It may occur within several days of intercourse. This is due to the fact that the sperm and egg may take some time to find each other and the sperm can live for several days within a woman.

The age of a pregnancy is determined in different ways at different times during gestation.

Before an embryo is visible, but the sac in which it will grow (the gestational sac) is visible, a measurement called the MEAN SAC DIAMETER (MSD ) is used.

The MSD is obtained by measuring the gestational sac in its three largest perpendicular dimensions, adding those values and dividing by three.

Once the embryo becomes visible, the measurement used to determine age is the CROWN-RUMP LENGTH (CRL ).

By the time the fetus reaches 12 weeks of age, we use measurement of the BIPARIETAL DIAMETER (BPD ) to determine age. The parietal bones are parts of the skull. They are located at the sides of the head. To obtain a BPD. we measure across the skull, from side to side.

By sixteen weeks of age, almost everybody measures two other things, in addition to the BPD. to determine fetal age. These are the FEMUR LENGTH (FL ) and the ABDOMINAL CIRCUMFERENCE (AC).

The femur is the thigh bone. The bone between the knee bone and the hip bone. The abdominal circumference is the distance around the fetal belly.

To determine fetal age, the examiner:

2. determines the age indicated by each and

3. averages them to obtain the fetal age.

So how accurate are we when we tell you how old the embryo /fetus is?

Very accurate early on. less accurate later on.

From 5 - 6 weeks our range is +/ - 4 days.

From 7 - 11 weeks our range is +/ - 5 days.

From 12 - 16 weeks our range is +/ - 7 days.

From 17 - 26 weeks our range is + - 10 days.

From 27 - 28 weeks our range is +/ - 2 weeks.

From 29 - 40 weeks our range is +/ - 3 weeks.

Why are we less accurate as the pregnancy gets older? Think of fetal development as a race in which all the participants are normal. Everybody is at the starting line at the same time. As the race progresses, some pull ahead and others stay behind. At the starting gun, all the racers are bunched together. One mile into the race, the racers are spread out. Two miles into the race, the racers are more spread out. The longer the race, the farther out the field is spread. All the racers are normal, some just race faster, some race slower. Likewise with development. As the gestation progresses, taller fetus es get taller, bigger fetus es get bigger, etc. Just like normal people come in a variety of sizes and shapes, so do normal fetus es.

REMEMBER, fetal development is not a race. A bigger fetus does not necessarily mean better. A smaller fetus does not necessarily mean worse.

Normally, the overwhelming majority of women deliver within +/- two weeks of their expected due dates.

As you may recall from the preceding chapter, the earlier in pregnancy an ultrasound examination is performed, the more accurate it is. Therefore, an expected due date based upon an earlier ultrasound is more accurate than one based upon a later scan.

Okay, here is the most confusing thing to deal with. Suppose that an earlier scan predicts one due date and a later scan predicts another. In general, the first scan is going to be closer to the true due date. Remember that there may be differences in growth rate among fetus es/embryo s. These differences become greater and more apparent as the pregnancy progresses.

The first scan, if done well, should always be the most accurate for the purpose of determining the due date.

Using what is called Nagele's Rule is an easy way to estimate your expected due date. It is most accurate if your cycles are 28 days long and you ovulate on Day 14.

Step 1 -- Determine the first day of your LMP

Step 2 -- Add 7 days

Step 3 -- Subtract 3 months

Step 4 -- Add 1 year

If you had either an Artificial/Intrauterine Insemination (AI or IUI ), IVF. TET, ZIFT. or GIFT. you can use Applebaum's Rule to estimate your expected due date:

Step 2 -- Subtract 7 days

Step 3 -- Subtract 3 months

Step 4 -- Add 1 year

A heartbeat is detectable by 42 days gestational age (six weeks from your last normal menstrual period = LNMP or LMP ). This is generally true for a technically adequate ultrasound examination and if the mother is correct about the date of her LNMP. It is usually easier to detect a heartbeat using transvaginal technique than transabdominal technique. As mentioned above, this is due to the fact that the transvaginal ultrasound probe is closer to the embryonal heart.

Please remember, although the embryo may be Day 42 size (six weeks menstrual age), there is still a range of + / - of 4 days. Therefore, do not be discouraged if a heartbeat is not seen when you expect it, especially:

if you are uncertain of your LMP

if your cycles are longer than 28 days

if your menstrual cycles are irregular in duration

If you have any questions, talk to your physician about it.

Not only can a heartbeat be seen by Day 42, it can also be heard using Doppler technique. (Doppler is a technique I will describe later).


There is no doubt that the fetus can be seen moving during the eighth week menstrual age. Just because the fetus does not move during a scan, it does not mean that anything is wrong.

In general, the mother feels the fetus move by the eighteenth week. This perception of fetal movement is technically called "quickening." If the placenta is located anteriorly (on the front wall of the uterus), movement may not be felt until later. This is probably because the placenta acts as a cushion between the moving fetus and the mother.

The amount of growth the embryo/fetus undergoes depends on its gestational age. The earlier in gestation, the faster it grows. For example, between six weeks and seven weeks of age, the embryo triples in size. From six to eight weeks it grows about five times bigger. Between seven and eight weeks, however, it grows about 1.6 times its size. The following chart, compares growth from the sixth week on:



Until about eight weeks gestational age, the embryo weighs less than a gram. Below is a list of average weights by week of age. More accurate determinations of weight are made in the second and third trimesters by measuring the femur length and the abdominal circumference. This chart is reproduced in the Appendix. In general, male fetus es weigh more than females.

REMEMBER: These numbers are averages. Greater or lesser weights may be perfectly normal and healthy.


Weight increase since eight weeks MA

Until the eleventh week of gestation, males and females appear similar. Even if you took the fetus out of the womb (uterus) and looked directly at it, it would be difficult to tell male from female, at this time. The final appearance of the genitals does not occur until about the fourteenth week.

Ultrasound can reliably determine gender by sixteen weeks gestational age (85% accuracy or better).

You have to understand though, that this is not always easy and the person performing the examination must get "just the right shot." Also, the external genitalia are not very large at this time and sometimes difficult to visualize by ultrasound. To see an image of a male fetus, click here. using a 14.4 modem, this will take about 60 seconds to load.

A full-term pregnancy is defined as 36 weeks in duration or until the fetus weighs 2500 grams. Normal pregnancy can last until 40 weeks.

We tend to talk about development in terms of TRIMESTERs. Each trimester is 3 months in duration.


The MSAFP blood test measures the amount of a protein called AFP. or alpha feto-protein, in the mother's blood. It is a screening test that is recommended for all pregnant women. Elevated (high) values are associated with fetal NEURAL TUBE DEFECT S (NTD s) and VENTRAL WALL HERNIA s while low values have been associated with chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus. An NTD is an abnormality in which the skull or spine has failed to develop normally.

Because it is a screening test, only about 5 percent of all mothers with elevated MSAFP values and only about 10 per cent of all mothers with low MSAFP values carry an abnormal fetus. Therefore, if your blood test is abnormal, it is still very, very likely that your fetus IS NORMAL .

The TT ("Triple Test")is similar to the MSAFP blood test, except that each measures two other substances in the blood of the mother -- beta hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) and unconjugated estriol (also called E3, a form of estrogen). By determining the ratios of AFP to hCG to E3, the TT is believed to be more accurate in detecting the presence of chromosomal abnormalities. The TT is also known as the AFP-Plus blood test.

If either of these tests is abnormal, you may have an ultrasound examination to:

2. look for anatomic abnormalities associated with abnormal chromosomes

4. check for fetal viability

5. check to see how many fetus es are present

Provided that you are far enough along in your pregnancy, the ultrasound examination you have may be a complete Level II (explained below).

I chose to tell you about the LEVEL II ULTRASOUND EXAMINATION for several reasons:

1. I believe it is valuable

2. Many people have questions about it

3. Many people do not understand its purpose

First, a little history. The term "Level II " is somewhat of a misnomer in this day and age. Its origins are in the early days of ultrasound where a more detailed ultrasound examination was performed to explain the abnormal results of a screening blood test, called the MSAFP Blood Test (see above). To explain those results, a "Level II " study was performed. Physicians still use the term "Level II " because it is a convenient short-hand way of communicating among ourselves, even though the purpose of the Level II has changed.

Today, the Level II ultrasound, is an examination designed to look for anatomic abnormalities of the fetus. It is generally performed between 18 and 22 weeks menstrual age. There are six basic reasons for doing this:

1. To detect problems which may be incompatible with life outside the uterus.

2. To detect problems which may require the presence of specialized personnel in the delivery room.

3. In the event of an abnormality, to help parents-to-be prepare (e. g. contact support groups, etc).

4. If an abnormality is found, to allow parents the option of intervention, a follow-up ultrasound and/or genetic testing.

5. The maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP) blood test or "Triple Test" (TT) was abnormal.

6. To provide reassurance to the prospective parents that their fetus is all right.

What does the examiner look for while performing a Level II ultrasound? Interestingly, it depends. Guidelines for a Level II have been set by different organizations.

These organizations are:

The American College of Radiology

The American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine

The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Each organization's guidelines are different, although they are somewhat similar to each other.

In general, the examiner will look at the fetal brain (echoencephalography), heart (echocardiography), stomach, kidneys, spine and umbilical cord insertion site (the area of the navel or umbilicus or "belly button"). In addition, the examiner will determine the position of the fetus. the amount of amniotic fluid present (too much, too little or the correct amount) and the location of the placenta. Some examiners do more than others, but most people do at least the things I have mentioned. To see images from a "Level II" ultrasound examination, click here. Using a 14.4 modem, this will take about 120 seconds to load.

If an abnormality is found, your doctor may recommend genetic testing, e. g. an amniocentesis. This is because some anatomic problems are associated with genetic abnormalities.

Who should do the Level II ultrasound? This is a tough question. Firstly, I feel that all Level II s should be interpreted by a physician experienced in interpreting Level II s. There are many physicians who do not scan, but review and interpret the work of technologists. Secondly, the person performing the Level II should be experienced and specially trained in the performance of the study. Thirdly, the equipment used to perform the study should be adequate. Fourthly, if the person performing the Level II is the person interpreting the study, then you, the patient, can know the results by the end of the examination instead of waiting to find out. I think this is courteous.

In conclusion, my opinion is that a Level II ultrasound examination should be performed by an experienced individual (preferably a physician) using adequate equipment and interpreted by a physician with experience in doing this kind of work.

For your information, there are examinations which are performed that are designed to look in greater depth at single organs or organ systems (e. g. the skeleton, heart, brain, etc.) These studies are variously called, among other things, LEVEL III, TARGETED or DIRECTED ultrasound examinations.


"Need" is the key word. This will depend on several factors:

1. How healthy the pregnancy is. As you can imagine, the less healthy a pregnancy is, the more it may need to be followed by ultrasound.

2. How your physician was trained. Habits physicians develop affect how they practice medicine. If your physician is not accustomed to using the information ultrasounds provide, then he or she may order fewer studies. If your physician is accustomed to relying heavily on such information, then he or she may order more studies. It just depends.

3. How conclusive the prior ultrasound was. By this I mean that sometimes the results of the ultrasound are uncertain and questions remain. This can be absolutely normal and does not mean that anything is wrong. For example, it is possible to have an inconclusive study if the fetus is in a position where not all of its anatomy is visible. Those parts which cannot be seen cannot be evaluated. Therefore, you may need another examination to evaluate what could not be seen at the time of the earlier exam.

4. Was another test abnormal? If, for example, the Triple Test or MSAFP test was abnormal, your physician may request an ultrasound. Had the test been normal, the ultrasound may not have been requested.

There are other reasons affecting the number of ultrasounds your physician may request. But, you get the picture -- there is no way to predict how many you will "need."

Various diagnostic procedures may be performed during pregnancy to diagnose different conditions which may occur. Virtually all of these should be performed under continuous ultrasound guidance to prevent injury to the fetus. Among these procedures are:

performed to test the amniotic fluid for the presence of chromosomal abnormalities, NEURAL TUBE DEFECT s or VENTRAL WALL HERNIA s in the fetus. Later in pregnancy, it may be performed to assess fetal lung maturity prior to delivery. To perform an amniocentesis, the physician inserts a needle through the mother's abdomen into the gestational sac ("bag of waters") and withdraws some fluid. The fluid is then tested. When looking for chromosomal abnormalities, the cells in the fluid are evaluated. When looking for neural tube defect s, ventral wall hernia s or fetal lung maturity, chemicals in the fluid are evaluated.

to test placental tissue for the presence of fetal chromosomal abnormalities. CVS is generally performed in either one of two ways. The first is similar to an amniocentesis. A needle is inserted through the mother's abdomen into the placenta, not into the gestational sac. Placental tissue is withdrawn through the needle. The second method is to place a plastic tube, known as a catheter, through the cervix into the placenta. Placental tissue is withdrawn through the catheter.

a needle is placed into an umbilical vessel to test the blood of the fetus for the presence of abnormalities. To perform a PUBS, the physician inserts a needle through the mother's abdomen into the gestational sac ("bag of waters"), into the umbilical cord and withdraws some blood. The blood is then tested.

a small amount of skin is removed from the fetus to test for certain abnormalities. To perform a fetal skin biopsy, the physician inserts a sampling device through the mother's abdomen into the gestational sac ("bag of waters") and removes some fetal skin. The sample is then tested.

Color Doppler imaging is used mainly to image blood vessels which are difficult to see using the gray-scale image only.

Using color Doppler technique, flowing blood appears as an area of color in an otherwise gray-scale image.

Spectral Doppler is used to obtain information regarding the qualities of the blood that is flowing in a vessel.

Copyright 1998-2008, Michael Applebaum, MD, JD, FCLM. Todos los derechos reservados. Suite 935 East, 845 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611- 2252, (312) 337-0732 Please send comments regarding this Web site to webmaster@drapplebaum. com

AC -- Abdominal Circumference. A measurement used to determine fetal age.

AFAFP -- Amniotic Fluid Alpha FetoProtein. Alpha fetoprotein found in the amniotic fluid. See AFP

AFP -- Alpha FetoProtein. A chemical found in the amniotic fluid and the mother's blood which is produced by the pregnancy.

AFP-Plus -- A blood test performed on the mother's blood to detect certain fetal abnormalities. It is usually performed between sixteen and nineteen weeks menstrual age. The same as the Triple Test.

Amniocentesis -- A testing procedure in which a needle is inserted into the amniotic sac ("bag of water") and fluid is withdrawn. The fluid, including the cells in it, is analyzed for chromosome and biochemical abnormalities.

Amnion -- One of the fetal membranes. It surrounds the fetus and is inside the chorion. By approximately 16 weeks, the amnion fuses to the chorion to form a unified double membrane, the "chorio-amniotic" membrana.

BPD -- Biparietal Diameter. A measurement used to determine fetal age.

Cervical Canal -- the birth canal.

Chorion -- One of the fetal membranes. It surrounds the fetus and is outside the amnion. By approximately 16 weeks, the amnion fuses to the chorion to form a unified double membrane, the "chorio-amniotic" membrana.

Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS ) -- A testing procedure in which a sample of tissue is removed from the placenta and analyzed for chromosome abnormalities.

cm -- Centimeters. There are 2.54 centimeters in an inch.

Color Doppler -- An ultrasound technique used to locate areas of motion, such as blood flowing within vessels.

Corpus Luteum -- literally, a "yellow body." What a dominant follicle evolves into after it ruptures. A normally functioning corpus luteum secretes progesterone in amounts adequate to support a pregnancy.

CRL -- Crown-Rump Length. A measurement used to determine embryonal or fetal age.

Cyst -- A fluid-filled structure.

Doppler -- In ultrasound, a technique used to detect and evaluate moving structures. It is usually applied to the evaluation of blood flowing in vessels.

Embryo -- The developing human up to 10 weeks menstrual age

Endovaginal Ultrasound -- An ultrasound examination performed with an ultrasound transducer placed in the vagina. Same as transvaginal.

Fetus -- The developing human from 10 weeks menstrual age until delivery

FL -- Femur Length. A measurement of the length of the thigh bone used to determine fetal age.

Follicle -- A functional cyst within the ovary.

Gestation -- The pregnancy itself, also the period of time between conception and birth.

GIFT -- Gamete IntraFallopian Transfer

Internal Cervical Os -- the portion of the birth canal by the uterus.

IVF -- In Vitro Fertilization

lb -- pound, as in 16 ounces

Level II Ultrasound -- An ultrasound examination performed to evaluate the fetus for structural/anatomic abnormalities.

LMP or LNMP -- Last Menstrual Period or Last Normal Menstrual Period. A shorthand term for the date of the first day of normal menstrual bleeding prior to getting pregnant.

mm -- Millimeters. There are 10 millimeters in a centimeter. There are 25.4 millimeters in an inch.

MSAFP -- maternal serum alpha fetoprotein. Alpha fetoprotein found in the mother's blood. See AFP

MSAFP-PLUS -- A blood test performed on the mother's blood to detect certain fetal abnormalities. It is usually performed between sixteen and nineteen weeks menstrual age. The same as the Triple Test and AFP-Plus.

MSD -- Mean Sac Diameter. The size of the gestational sac ("bag of waters"). Usually measured during the first trimester.

Nagele's Rule -- A method of estimating the due date.

NTD -- neural tube defect. Any of a group of abnormalities related to the fetal brain and spine.

oz -- Ounce, as in 16 to a pound.

Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling -- see PUBS

Placenta -- The after-birth. Where nutrition goes from mother to the gestation.

Placenta Previa -- a placenta located in front of the internal cervical os, blocking the birth canal

Probe -- The ultrasound transducer. The instrument the person performing the ultrasound examination holds.

PUBS -- Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling. A test for fetal abnormalities in which blood is removed from the umbilical cord.

Scan -- The ultrasound examination.

Scanner -- The person performing the ultrasound examination.

Sonographer -- The technician performing the ultrasound examination.

Sonography -- Literally, writing with sound.

Sonologist -- The physician performing the ultrasound examination.

TET -- Tubal Embryo Transfer

Transabdominal -- An ultrasound examination performed with the transducer on the abdomen.

Transducer -- The ultrasound transducer. The instrument the person performing the ultrasound examination holds.

Trophoblast -- embryonal tissue that contributes to the formation of the placenta.

TT -- Triple Test. A blood test performed on the mother's blood to detect certain fetal abnormalities. It is usually performed between sixteen and nineteen weeks menstrual age. The same as the AFP-Plus Test.

Ultrasound -- Sound beyond the range of human hearing.

Umbilicus -- the "belly button."

Ventral Wall Hernia -- a protrusion of the contents of the fetus, usually its abdominal organs, outside of its body.

Vitelline Duct -- Connects the yolk sac to the embryo/fetus.

Yolk Sac -- An embryonal structure upon which the early embryo is located. The earliest embryonal heartbeat is detectable adjacent to this structure.

ZIFT -- Zygote IntraFallopian Transfer

This baby diary includes worksheets for the ultrasound examinations and other tests you and your baby MAY have during the pregnancy.

REMEMBER: There is no standard or fixed number of ultrasounds you should of must have. Your doctor will determine that based upon his/her particular way of practicing medicine and your clinical condition.

Date of first day of LMP ____/____/_____ or Date of AI, IUI, ET, GIFT, ZIFT, TET ____/____/____

Estimated date of delivery using either Nagele's or Applebaum's Rule ____/____/____

Physician's Phone Number

Names of Physician's Associates

Name of Hospital at Which You Will Deliver

Hospital Phone Number

Hospital Labor and Delivery Ward Phone Number

Who to Call After You Deliver

Emergency Phone Numbers


Institution Where the Ultrasound is Performed

Address of Institution

Phone Number of Institution

Date of Examination ____/____/____

Expected Embryonal/Fetal Age Based on LMP _____weeks _____days Expected Embryonal/Fetal Age Based on Date of AI, IUI, ET, GIFT, ZIFT, TET ____weeks ____days

Person Performing the Exam

Name of Physician Interpreting Exam

Heart Rate of Embryo/Fetus _______ beats per minute

Estimated Gestational Age by Ultrasound _____weeks _____days


Institution Where the Ultrasound is Performed

Address of Institution

Phone Number of Institution

Date of Examination ____/____/____

Expected Embryonal/Fetal Age Based on LMP _____weeks _____days Expected Embryonal/Fetal Age Based on Date of AI, IUI, ET, GIFT, ZIFT, TET ____weeks ____days

Person Performing the Exam

Name of Physician Interpreting Exam

MSAFP/Triple Test or AFP Plus Result Normal Abnormal

"Level II" Resultados

Estimated Fetal Age by Ultrasound _____weeks _____days

Estimated Fetal Weight _____gm or _____oz

Fetal Heart Rate _____ beats per minute

Fetal Brain Normal Abnormal

Fetal Spine Normal Abnormal

Fetal Heart Normal Abnormal

Umbilical Cord Insertion Site Normal Abnormal

Fetal Kidneys Normal Abnormal

Cervical Length Normal Abnormal

Género Masculino Femenino

Names Under Consideration

Copyright 1998-2008, Michael Applebaum, MD, JD, FCLM. Todos los derechos reservados. Suite 935 East, 845 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611- 2252, (312) 337-0732 Please send comments regarding this Web site to webmaster@drapplebaum. com

Gregor. us

October 15, 2008

Just as oil hit its 200 week moving average of 50.00 in January 2007, when the East Coast bathed in freakish warm weather, today during a time of financial heavy weather we have once again hit that marker, at 75.00.

Readers know my views, on the current price level. Briefly, oil below 80.00 for any length of time will pull supply from the market. In fact, from Alberta, Canada to Russia and to Asia, oil below 100.00 is already having an influence on plans to bring on new supply. As the global, natural decline rate now stands at 7.00%, we are going to see declines in global crude oil production. The most obvious source will be from non-OPEC supply, where the majority of the world’s expensive, hard to reach oil resides. I have long said that oil below 80.00 for 6 months would be the set up for a run to 160.00 and likely 200.00. That may seem impossible now with the c ollapse of the world’s economy and our impending return to the Stone Age . but those numbers could be hit as soon as next Autumn. The dynamic is a familiar one: lower prices stimulate demand, but more importantly, will likely cause Asian countries to build strategic, government supplies. In the interim, another year passes with the world consuming more of the easy oil–not as much of the expensive oil–only to find that when demand returns, it’s harder to bring on supply.

Finally, let’s remember that the bull market in crude oil has “ended” every year for the past 4 years. Especially in 2004, when oil repriced above 40.00. That makes for a nice bookend to 2008, which I view as another repricing year, when oil repriced at 100.00. While today’s 75.00 would appear to negate that analysis, I would just remind that most asset prices in the world have been pushed to an extreme in a very short amount of time, on the back of an historic financial event.

Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA)

2. Elegibilidad

You could get Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA ) if all of the following apply:

you’re 18 or over (there are some exceptions if you’re 16 or 17 - contact Jobcentre Plus for advice)

you’re under State Pension age

you’re not in full-time education

you’re in England, Scotland or Wales

you’re available for work

you’re actively seeking work

you work on average less than 16 hours per week

The rules are different in Northern Ireland.

Use a benefits calculator to check if you can get JSA .

Claim with your partner (joint claim)

You must make a joint claim with your partner if all the following apply:

you both want to claim JSA

at least one of you is 18 or over

you’re both under State Pension age

neither of you are responsible for a child

Contact Jobcentre Plus if you’re not sure about making a joint claim.

18 to 19 year olds

You can’t usually get JSA if your parents receive Child Benefit for you.

If you’ve just left education, you won’t be able to get JSA until your parents stop getting Child Benefit for you. You may be able to get Income Support instead.

Full-time students

Full-time students can’t usually get JSA until their course has officially finished - check the date with your college or university.

If you have children, you may be able to claim JSA during the summer holiday.

Part-time students

You can get JSA while studying part time (including part-time Open University Courses) as long as:

you take a job if it’s offered to you

you do everything you can to look for work, as agreed with your work coach

If you want to take a short course (2 weeks or less), check with your work coach before you start.

New or recently returned to the UK

You may be able to get JSA if you can prove you’ve been living in the UK, the Isle of Man, the Republic of Ireland or the Channel Islands for at least 3 months before you claim, and you’re either:

New Day, New Plan

The Background

Yes I know we have all heard it before. New Year. New Me. And as we all know, it is complete and utter rubbish. There are two types of people who start with this mentality.

The first is the 90%, we try and go to the gym; we try to eat healthily and for the most part we succeed (for a month or two). Then life gets in the way and we have that Mars bar during hungry hour (3pm-4pm when clock watching in the office begins) .

The second are the 10%. You know the ones, the Instagram hotties who’s New Year, New Me means becoming 5% hotter again by having even leaner chicken six times a day. We all wish we could be these people but it is important we remember that most of their rhetoric is unrealistic and only snapshots of a very different reality.

Onto how we fail…

The Classic Failures

One of the biggest reasons why the 90% of us fail is because we set ourselves unobtainable targets. Once we inevitably fail we quickly convince ourselves there is no longer any point in carrying on. I am guilty of it. You are guilty of it. That’s just the way it is.

However the biggest trap we all fall into with New Year, New Me is that we actually believe it. That becoming vegan, going to the gym five times a week and stopping alcohol consumption will make us happier. It won’t, it just won’t, especially if you attempt to try and do them all at the same time. Think about it, you just took all the fun out of your life … all at once! It was always doomed to fail.

Now its time to explain what I mean…

The Moving Forward

Last year was hard for me for a number of reasons I won’t dwell upon. I know, “oh woe is me” but I’m not feeling sorry for myself, I’m just stating a fact.

I’ve gotten myself way out of shape and feel lethargic and unhealthy. I am not going to become an Instagram hottie. I am not going to run a marathon in three months from my “couch to 26 mile workout plan”. I am certainly not cutting out every bit of fat, sugar and alcohol.

What I am going to do is create achievable targets and (by use of this blog) make myself accountable.

Time for some planning…

El plan

The biggest challenge I face when wanting to stay healthy is my career. I am a mid-twenties graduate trying to learn how to do my job well. Nothing like a deadline to make you work late and miss that workout. Additionally I often have to travel with my work causing unhealthy eating (and drinking) habits with workouts completely going out of the window.

To combat all these standard and personal issues I have decided to make a simple flexible workout which doesn’t require complex TRX equipment and fifty different dumbbells.

Press-ups (5 sets)

Sit-ups (5 sets)

Bodyweight Squats (5 sets)

Tricep Dips (5 sets)

Eso es. I know seems like a lot of effort to tell you something so simple. I aim to add in cardio (mainly swimming) to add some variety.

Now onto the key to this…

The Logic

The only requirement of this workout is that I set a baseline (maximum reps) and record each workout. Every two weeks I will baseline again in order to track my progress.

The logic behind this is to build a habit rather than change any behaviour. I can complete the core exercises anywhere in the world and it should never take longer than half and hour. I will make sure I pack my trainers whenever I travel so I am always able to go for a run with a spare twenty minutes.

El fin

No excuses right? Incorrecto. There will always be excuses but given the workouts simplicity and ease it is embarrassing not to complete…hopefully.

See you in a week! METRO

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Maternity pay

Useful information on statutory maternity pay (SMP) and maternity allowance (MA) and advice on your entitlement to each.

Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP)

You are entitled to Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) if you have been in the same job for at least 26 weeks and by the 15th week before your baby is due, and you earn at least an average of £95 per week before tax.

What is Statutory Maternity Pay?

As of 1st April 2007 SMP is for 39 weeks. Your employer pays it to you and then claims most or all of it back from the Inland Revenue. You can get it even if you don't plan to go back to work. You do not have to pay SMP back if you don't return to work.

Who can get SMP?

You get SMP if:

You have worked for the same employer for at least 26 weeks by the end of the 15th week before the expected week of childbirth (which is approximately the 26th week of pregnancy). In other words you need to have started the job before you got pregnant, and you are still in your job in the 15th week before your baby is due - even if it's only for one day that week - or you are off sick or on holiday, and you actually receive at least £102.00 (before tax) per week in earnings, on average the eight weeks (if you are paid weekly) or two months (if you are paid monthly) up to the last pay day before the end of the 15th week before your baby is due.

To get SMP you must give the correct notice to your employer. If you are not sure if you're entitled to SMP ask anyway. Your employer will work out whether or not you should get it and if you don't qualify they will give you form SMP I to explain why.

How much SMP will I get?

SMP is paid at two rates:

For the first six weeks you get 90% of your average earnings. The average is calculated from the pay you actually received in the eight weeks or two months up to the last pay day before the end of the qualifying week (i. e. the 15th week before your due date).

You will then get up to £128.73 per week for the remaining 33 weeks, or 90% of your average earnings if this is less. Your employer pays your SMP in the same way as your salary is paid. They deduct any tax and National Insurance contributions.

When can I get SMP?

As with maternity leave, the earliest you can start your SMP is 11 weeks before the expected week of childbirth. You can work right up until the date the baby is born, unless:

you have a pregnancy-related illness/absence in the last 4 weeks of your pregnancy or

your baby is born before you have started your maternity leave. SMP usually starts on the Sunday after you go on maternity leave. So if your last day of work is a Friday or Saturday it will start immediately. If your maternity leave and pay is triggered by one of the reasons above, your SMP will start as follows:

if you are off sick with a pregnancy-related illness in the last four weeks of pregnancy, your SMP will start on the day after your first day of absence from work. Asi que. if you phone in sick on a Wednesday, your SMP will start on Thursday.

if you give birth before the start of your maternity leave, your SMP will start on the day following the actual date of birth.

You cannot get any SMP for any week in which you work - even part of a week. Asi que. if your SMP is triggered midweek by one of the reasons above you will start to receive it in the week following the week you stopped work and if you return to work early your SMP will stop.

Do I still get SMP if my job ends after the 15th week before my baby is due?

You can still get SMP as long as you are employed in the 15th week before your baby is due and you meet the normal qualifying conditions stated above. It doesn't matter if you are off sick or on holiday that week. Once you have qualified for SMP you are entitled to receive it for the full 26 weeks. This is true even if you are made redundant, you leave your job or a fixed term contract comes to an end at any time after the 15th week before your baby is due or during your maternity leave. Remember SMP is not repayable if you are not going back to work and your employer can claim back all or most of it from the Inland Revenue regardless.

My employer gives extra maternity pay. Do I have to repay it if I don't go back to work?

If your employer has given you extra (contractual) maternity pay you only have to repay it if that was agreed in advance or specifically stated in your maternity policy. You only ever have to repay the extra contractual pay, never the SMP part of your maternity pay. SMP is 90% of your wages for 6 weeks and £128.73 per week for the remaining weeks (or 90% of your average earnings if this is less) and is yours to keep whether you go back or not.

Maternity Allowance (MA)

you can get it if you have changed jobs during pregnancy or

you do not earn enough to get SMP or

you are unemployed or self-employed during pregnancy.

¿Qué es?

Maternity Allowance (MA) is paid for 39 weeks. You may qualify for it if you do not qualify for SMP from your employer, for example, because you started a new job when you were already pregnant, your earnings are too low or you are self-employed.

You can claim standard-rate MA if:

you have worked for at least 26 weeks of the 66 weeks before the expected week of childbirth, and you can find 13 weeks (not necessarily in a row) in which you earned over £30 per week on average.

You should choose the weeks in which you earned the most. You can add together earnings from more than one job. If in doubt, ask your local Jobcentre Plus for form MAI and make a claim. They will work out whether you can get the benefit. If you are not entitled to MA. they should automatically use the same claim form to check whether you can get Incapacity Benefit instead.

The earliest you can claim MA is 15 weeks before your baby is due and the earliest it can be paid to you is 11 weeks before you are due. You should put in your claim form as early as possible and notify the Jobcentre Plus of the date you intend to stop work.

How much it Maternity Allowance?

There are two rates:

Standard-rate MA is £128.73 per week for 39 weeks.

90 per cent of your average weekly earnings, if this calculation results in a figure which is less than the standard rate of MA.

Incapacity Benefit (IB)

If you do not qualify for Maternity Allowance but have paid some National Insurance contributions during the last three years, but not many recently.

What is incapacity benefit?

A weekly allowance which can be paid to women who don't qualify for SMP or Maternity Allowance. It is also possible to get IB if you are incapable of working because of illness or disability.

Who gets incapacity benefit?

You get IB if you have paid or been credited with enough National Insurance contributions during the last three tax years that do not overlap the current calendar year. Your Jobcentre Plus will work out whether you can get the benefit. If in doubt, claim To claim IB. use the claim form for Maternity Allowance (MA I from the Jobcentre Plus) If you are not entitled to MA. the Jobcentre Plus should check automatically to see if you can get IB.

How much do I get?

It is from £71.10 per week from six weeks before your baby is due until two weeks after your baby is born.

For more information on maternity pay Click Here .

Chat or Ask a Question:

If you have a question about this article or something else, visit our friendly forums & ask the AskBaby community .

hi, i have been working at the same job for 2 years and started my maturnity leave on 8th of March but took 3 weeks holiday before hand and on the 29th of march i apparently got made redundent but only got told a couple of weeks ago when i went for a random coffee with my employer which is also my friend which makes things a bit awkward, i was gettin maturnity pay from them but now am not getting anything as the company that has taken over wont pay it so i have no job and no money and am seriously stressed out and need help on wot i can claim for benefit wise as my partener works but is on low income, if anybody can PLEASE HELP ME i would be so gratefull xxx

18th May 2010, 5:20pm

Hi, I'm 26weeks pregnant. I work 2 part time jobs and earn an total average of £125 a week. As this total includes earning from both jobs does this mean I will claim SMP or SMA? If I am entitled to SMP how much is each employer expected to pay each? IF anyone can help it would be great! Thank youm

18th May 2010, 5:17pm

Help and advice please. I have worked for the same employer for 8.5years. I moved to Canada with this employer 6.5yrs ago and I will be retuning to the UK, still with the same employer in April this year. My concern is what my entitlements will be in the UK I will not have worked the 26 out of the "66 week test period" en el Reino Unido. I will be taking a break for 5 weeks when I return to the UK so will not start my new role until the first of June and my baby is due on Nov 2nd. Does anyone know how the benefits work re this situation?

14th Apr 2008, 8:41am

mrw she is still entitled to go back to the same job and have the same position offered to her but she can also ask for flexible working hours if she wishes i am in the same situation and she is also entitled to ma (*maternity allowance) £112.00 per week from the jobcentre while on maternity and is allowed 9 mths leave paid at this rate her employer has to consider her request for flexible working hrs but if they refuse she can appeal against the decision but its not really worth it if they said no to start with

adele from the day you start you are entitled to pay weather it be from the jobcentre or your employer all the help will be on the jobcentre web page look up make a claim and it tells you all you are entitled to and where to apply for it hope all helps

26th Mar 2008, 9:02am

just had one question - if you are getting SMP from your employer, and then you decide you would like to work elsewhere while you are on maternity leave, do you still get SMP from your previous employer or is it automatically stopped? basically, can you claim SMP from one employer while you are working somewhere else?

27th Feb 2008, 9:17am

My wife is expecting in August, however she will have only been with her new employer six months by this time. Does anybody know what her options would be if she wanted to go back on reduced hours given the short amount of time she would have spend with her new employer?

17th Jan 2008, 10:11am

ive worked part time 20 hours per week for 10 months in a heavy job left work as not a good job while pregant do i quilfiy for state maternity money if so how much? Gracias

21st Dec 2007, 10:23am


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Average Salary in Canada – Average Canadian Salary

Canadian Salaries – Wages in Canada – Average Pay in Canada

Average Salary in Canada

If you moved to Canada from another western economy a few years ago, you would most likely have found Canadian wages a bit lower than you expected.

This is generally not the case now.

The average salary in Canadian dollars has risen by around 22 percent since 2007.

In 2015 the average hourly earnings accross all employess in either full ot part-time work was $25.11. This compares to $20.56 in 2007.

Canadian Average Hourly Earnings 2015

Looking at weekly wages in the table below we see that the highest paid sector by a considerable margin is mining and oil/gas drilling, followed by work in the utilities: water, electricity and telecommunications.

The accommodation and food services sector followed by the arts, entertainment and recreation sector provide their employees with the lowest average weekly salaries.

Average Weekly Wages in Canada in 2014

Average Weekly Wage June 2015

Average Weekly Wage June 2013

Average Weekly Wage June 2011

Forestry, logging and support

Mining and quarrying, and oil and gas extraction

Transportation and warehousing

Information and cultural industries

Finance and insurance

Real estate and rental and leasing

Professional, scientific and technical services

Management of companies and enterprises

Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services

Health care and social assistance

Arts, entertainment and recreation

Accommodation and food services

Other services (excluding public administration)

Looking at jobs throughout Canada, typical wages are as follows:

Average Hourly Wages in Canada in 2015

AV. Hourly Wage

Retail Sales / Sales Clerk

Data Entry Clerk

Computer Engineer (not software)

Computer & Info Sys Manager

In practice, wages vary from city to city and province to province – sometimes quite widely. Here are pay scales for jobs in Toronto, Calgary and Winnipeg :

And here are more detailed salaries for jobs in Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, Fredericton, Halifax, Windsor-Essex County, Kitchener, Ottawa, Guelph, Prince Edward Island, Saskatoon, Montreal and Winnipeg:

Average Salary in Canada by Career and Location: Updated 2014

Erie, Pennsylvania

According to our research of Pennsylvania and other state lists there were 154 registered sex offenders living in Erie, Pennsylvania as of March 18, 2016 . The ratio of number of residents in Erie to the number of sex offenders is 656 to 1.

Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with mortgages in 2013: $2,071 (2.5%) Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with no mortgage in 2013: $2,177 (2.4%)

Nearest city with pop. 200,000+: Buffalo, NY (83.1 miles , pop. 292,648).

Nearest city with pop. 1,000,000+: Philadelphia, PA (295.9 miles , pop. 1,517,550).

Single-family new house construction building permits:

1997: 21 buildings , average cost: $88,900

1998: 17 buildings , average cost: $92,900

1999: 32 buildings , average cost: $83,400

2000: 32 buildings , average cost: $85,400

2001: 17 buildings , average cost: $51,000

2002: 11 buildings , average cost: $157,900

2003: 42 buildings , average cost: $89,100

2004: 56 buildings , average cost: $84,100

2005: 34 buildings , average cost: $106,700

2006: 27 buildings , average cost: $119,900

2007: 142 buildings , average cost: $76,800

2008: 3 buildings , average cost: $79,900

2009: 10 buildings , average cost: $127,000

2010: 20 buildings , average cost: $109,200

2011: 6 buildings , average cost: $135,800

2012: 40 buildings , average cost: $129,700

Number of permits per 10,000 residents

Production occupations (13%)

Sales and related occupations (10%)

Food preparation and serving related occupations (10%)

Office and administrative support occupations (7%)

Construction and extraction occupations (7%)

Installation, maintenance, and repair occupations (5%)

Management occupations (5%)

Office and administrative support occupations (19%)

Sales and related occupations (12%)

Personal care and service occupations (9%)

Food preparation and serving related occupations (8%)

Health diagnosing and treating practitioners and other technical occupations (7%)

Management occupations (7%)

Education, training, and library occupations (7%)

Average climate in Erie, Pennsylvania

Based on data reported by over 4,000 weather stations

Tornado activity:

Erie-area historical tornado activity is slightly below Pennsylvania state average. It is 40% smaller than the overall U. S. average.

On 5/31/1985 , a category F4 ( max. wind speeds 207-260 mph) tornado 14.3 miles away from the Erie city center .

On 5/31/1985 , a category F4 tornado 17.0 miles away from the city center killed 12 people and injured 82 people and caused between $5,000,000 and $50,000,000 in damages.

Earthquake activity:

Erie-area historical earthquake activity is near Pennsylvania state average. It is 86% smaller than the overall U. S. average.

On 9/25/1998 at 19:52:52 , a magnitude 5.2 (4.8 MB , 4.3 MS , 5.2 LG , 4.5 MW , Depth: 3.1 mi , Class: Moderate , Intensity: VI - VII) earthquake occurred 46.2 miles away from the city center On 1/31/1986 at 16:46:43 , a magnitude 5.0 (5.0 MB) earthquake occurred 66.1 miles away from Erie center On 1/26/2001 at 03:03:20 , a magnitude 4.4 (3.9 MB , 4.4 LG , 4.3 LG , Depth: 3.1 mi , Class: Light , Intensity: IV - V) earthquake occurred 39.2 miles away from the city center On 10/7/1983 at 10:18:46 , a magnitude 5.3 (5.1 MB , 5.3 LG , 5.1 ML) earthquake occurred 316.5 miles away from the city center On 6/20/2006 at 20:11:18 , a magnitude 3.8 (3.5 MW , 3.8 LG , Depth: 3.1 mi , Class: Light , Intensity: II - III) earthquake occurred 62.3 miles away from Erie center On 7/27/1980 at 18:52:21 , a magnitude 5.2 (5.1 MB , 4.7 MS , 5.0 UK , 5.2 UK) earthquake occurred 338.9 miles away from the city center Magnitude types: regional Lg-wave magnitude (LG), body-wave magnitude (MB), local magnitude (ML), surface-wave magnitude (MS), moment magnitude (MW)

Natural disasters:

The number of natural disasters in Erie County (7) is smaller than the US average (12). Major Disasters (Presidential) Declared: 4 Emergencies Declared: 3

Causes of natural disasters: Floods: 2 , Storms: 2 , Hurricane: 1 , Snowfall: 1 , Snowstorm: 1 , Tornado: 1 , Tropical Depression: 1 , Tropical Storm: 1 , Wind: 1 , Winter Storm: 1 (Note: Some incidents may be assigned to more than one category).

Birthplace of: John Boyd (military strategist) - Military writer , Dorothy Dietrich - Magician , Tom Flynn (author) - Novelist , Harry Markopolos - Writer , Harry Kellar - Magician , Francis H. Griswold - Soilder , John Mark Gannon - Catholic bishop , Alice Robie Resnick - Judge , Eric Hicks - 2005 NFL player (Kansas City Chiefs, born . Jun 17, 1976) , Richard E. Ellsworth - General.

Medal of Honor Recipients

Medal of Honor Recipient born in Erie: George Maus Lowry.


Hospitals in Erie:



ERIE VA MEDICAL CENTER (Government Federal, provides emergency services, 135 EAST 38TH STREET)




MILLCREEK COMMUNITY HOSPITAL (Voluntary non-profit - Church, 5515 PEACH STREET)

SAINT VINCENT HEALTH CENTER (Voluntary non-profit - Church, 232 WEST 25TH STREET)



UPMC HAMOT (Voluntary non-profit - Private, provides emergency services, 201 STATE STREET)

Airports , heliports and other landing facilities located in Erie:

Erie International/Tom Ridge Field Airport ( Runways: 2 , Commercial Ops: 52 , Air Taxi Ops: 10,000 , Itinerant Ops: 11,414 , Local Ops: 5,886 , Military Ops: 768)

Bayfront Garage Heliport

St Vincent Health Center Heliport

Thermal G. Ranch Gliderport

See details about airports , heliports and other landing facilities located in Erie , PA

Amtrak station:

ERIE (14TH & PEACH ST.) . Services: partially wheelchair accessible, enclosed waiting area, public restrooms, public payphones, paid short-term parking, paid long-term parking, call for taxi service, public transit connection.

Colleges/Universities in Erie:

Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Erie-Behrend College ( Full-time enrollment: 4,025; Location: 4701 College Drive; Public; Website: psbehrend. psu. edu/; Offers Master's degree )

Gannon University ( FT enrollment: 3,760; Location: 109 W Sixth St; Private, not-for-profit; Website: www. gannon. edu; Offers Doctor's degree )

Mercyhurst University ( FT enrollment: 2,888; Location: 501 E 38th St; Private, not-for-profit; Website: www. mercyhurst. edu; Offers Doctor's degree )

Fortis Institute-Erie ( FT enrollment: 1,439; Location: 5757 W 26th St; Private, for-profit; Website: www. fortis. edu)

Great Lakes Institute of Technology ( FT enrollment: 540; Location: 5100 Peach Street; Private, for-profit; Website: www. glit. edu)

Erie Institute of Technology Inc ( FT enrollment: 427; Location: 940 Millcreek Mall; Private, for-profit; Website: www. erieit. edu)

Erie Business Center-Erie ( FT enrollment: 253; Location: 246 W Ninth St; Private, for-profit; Website: www. ErieBC. edu)

Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine ( FT enrollment: 143; Location: 1858 W Grandview Blvd; Private, not-for-profit; Website: www. lecom. edu; Offers Doctor's degree )

Triangle Tech Inc-Erie ( FT enrollment: 132; Location: 2000 Liberty St; Private, for-profit; Website: www. triangle-tech. edu)

Northwest Regional Technology Institute ( FT enrollment: 47; Location: 3104 State St; Private, for-profit; Website: www. nwrti. com)

Other colleges/universities with over 2000 students near Erie:

Edinboro University of Pennsylvania ( about 18 miles; Edinboro, PA ; Full-time enrollment: 6,746)

Allegheny College ( about 33 miles; Meadville, PA ; FT enrollment: 2,249)

Jamestown Community College ( about 44 miles; Jamestown, NY ; FT enrollment: 3,384)

SUNY at Fredonia ( about 45 miles; Fredonia, NY ; FT enrollment: 5,523)

Grove City College ( about 67 miles; Grove City, PA ; FT enrollment: 2,560)

Clarion University of Pennsylvania ( about 73 miles; Clarion, PA ; FT enrollment: 5,771)

Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania ( about 73 miles; Slippery Rock, PA ; FT enrollment: 8,424)

Biggest public high schools in Erie:

Private high schools in Erie:

CATHEDRAL PREPARATORY SCHOOL ( Students: 613; Location: 225 W 9TH ST; Grades: 9 - 12; Boys only )

MERCYHURST PREPARATORY SCHOOL ( Students: 611; Location: 538 E GRANDVIEW BLVD; Grades: 9 - 12)

VILLA MARIA ACADEMY ( Students: 335; Location: 2403 W 8TH ST; Grades: 9 - 12)

ERIE FIRST CHRISTIAN ACADEMY ( Students: 241; Location: 8150 OLIVER RD; Grades: KG - 12)

BETHEL CHRISTIAN ( Students: 117; Location: 1781 W 38TH; Grades: PK - 12)

COMMUNITY COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL ( Students: 79; Location: 5800 OLD ZUCK RD; Grades: 2 - 12)

ABRAXAS LEARNING CENTER ( Students: 54; Location: 121 W 14TH ST; Grades: 8 - 12)

HARBOR CREEK CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ( Students: 36; Location: 4719 BUFFALO RD; Grades: 1 - 12)

Biggest private elementary/middle schools in Erie:

OUR LADY OF PEACE ELEM SCHOOL ( Students: 506; Location: 2401 W 38TH ST; Grades: PK - 8)

OUR LADYS CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ( Students: 437; Location: 606 LOWELL AVE; Grades: PK - 8)

ST LUKE SCHOOL ( Students: 368; Location: 425 E 38TH ST; Grades: PK - 8)

VILLA MARIA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ( Students: 368; Location: 2551 W 8TH ST; Grades: PK - 8)

ST JAMES ELEMENTARY ( Students: 278; Location: 2602 BUFFALO RD; Grades: PK - 8)

OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL SCHOOL ( Students: 244; Location: 1531 E GRANDVIEW BLVD; Grades: PK - 8)

DR GERTRUDE A BARBER NATIONAL INSTITUTE ( Students: 243; Location: 100 BARBER PL; Grades: PK - PK)

ST JOHN-HOLY ROSARY EASTSIDE CATHOLIC SCHOOL ( Students: 172; Location: 504 E 27TH ST; Grades: PK - 8)

LUTHER MEMORIAL LEARNING CENTER ( Students: 156; Location: 220 W 11TH ST; Grades: KG - 8)

ERIE DAY SCHOOL ( Students: 156; Location: 1372 W 6TH ST; Grades: PK - 8)

Library in Erie:

ERIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY ( Operating income: $5,896,259; Location: BLASCO MEM LIB, 160 E FRONT ST; 466,449 books ; 296 e-books ; 27,881 audio materials ; 18,452 video materials ; 13 local licensed databases ; 41 state licensed databases ; 890 print serial subscriptions ; 12 electronic serial subscriptions )

User submitted facts and corrections:

Metro Health has recently closed its doors.

WERG is now 90.5 FM

Under Hospitals/Medical Centers, you need to add: Shriners Hospitals for Children. Remove: Metro Health Center (it has gone out of business as of April 2003).

Under Hospitals/Medical Centers, you need to add: Shriners Hospitals for Children. Remove: Metro Health Center (it has gone out of business as of April 2003).

WQHZ, WRIE, WXKC, WXTA, are now owned by Citadel Broadcasting. But I don't know if Citadel Broadcasting is an LLC

Under Hospitals/Medical Centers, you need to add: Shriners Hospitals for Children. Remove: Metro Health Center (it has gone out of business as of April 2003).

Notable locations in Erie: Veterans Stadium (A). Glenwood Park Zoo (B). Colonial Plaza (C). East Erie Plaza (D). Cranch Park (E). Lake Park (F). Euclid Park (G). Chautauqua Park (H). Twelfth and Pittsburgh Plaza (I). West Erie Plaza (J). Park Plaza (K). Liberty Plaza (L). Perry Plaza (M). Grandview Plaza (N). Joseph Martin Golf Course (O). Erie International Main Terminal (P). Presque Isle State Park Marina (Q). Lampe Marina (R). Cherry Marina (S). Austin Dock Number Four (T). Display/hide their locations on the map

Main business address in Erie include: ERIE INDEMNITY CO (A). ERIE FAMILY LIFE INSURANCE CO (B). Display/hide their locations on the map

Churches in Erie include: Glenwood Church (A). Trinity Lutheran Church (B). Holy Trinity Lutheran Church (C). Mount Calvary Lutheran Church (D). Saint Stephens Lutheran Church (E). Saint Matthew's Lutheran Church (F). Lamb of God Lutheran Church (G). Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church (H). First Christian Church (I). Display/hide their locations on the map

Lakes: Big Pond (A). Niagara Pond (B). Long Pond (C). Horseshoe Pond (D). Ridge Pond (E). Cranberry Pond (F). Display/hide their locations on the map

Parks in Erie include: Grove Drive Park (1). Washington Park (2). Roma Park (3). Crush Park (4). Andrews Parks (5). Woodlawn Park (6). Victory Park (7). Bayview Park (8). Pebble Lake Park (9). Display/hide their locations on the map

Tourist attractions: Firefighters Historical Museum Inc (Cultural Attractions - Events - & Facilities; 428 Chestnut Street) (1). Splash Lagoon Water Park Resort (Water Parks & Slides; 8091 Peach Street) (2). Erie Art Museum (Cultural Attractions - Events - & Facilities; 411 State Street) (3). Erie County Historical Society & Museums (Cultural Attractions - Events - & Facilities; 419 State Street) (4). Watson Curtze Mansion & Erie Planetarium (Planetariums; 356 West 6th Street) (5). Experience Children's Museum (Cultural Attractions - Events - & Facilities; 420 French Street) (6). Brothers Bowling Association (Arcades & Amusements; 3618 Main Street) (7). Erie SeaWolves Baseball (Arcades & Amusements; 110 East 10th St) (8). Hospitality Network Services (Recreational Trips & Guides; 1030 West Bayfront Parkway) (9). Display/hide their approximate locations on the map

Hotels: Greenwood Inn (4535 East Lake Road) (1). Downtown Super 8 Motel (205 West 10th Street) (2). El Patio Motel (2950 West 8th Street) (3). Hampton Inn (8050 Old Oliver Road) (4). Days Inn Erie (7415 Schultz Road) (5). Courtyard Erie (7792 Peach Street) (6). Beachcomber Inn Inc (2930 West 6th Street) (7). Econo Lodge (I 90 & Rte 19) (8). Benjamin's (16 East 10th Street) (9). Display/hide their approximate locations on the map

Courts: Home Ec Community Development - Court Of Common Pleas - District Just (1563 West 38th) (1). Federal Bureau of Investigation (717 State Street Suite 400) (2). Pennsylvania Commonwealth - Superior Court Of Pennsylvania (3250 West Lake Road) (3). Courts - Federal - Appeals Court (17 South Park Row) (4). Home Ec Community Development - District 06-2-01 Robie Thomas - Court Of Common P (556 West 4th) (5). Home Ec Community Development - District 06-03-01 Krahe Mark - Court Of Common P (3921 Buffalo) (6). Home Ec Community Development - Court Of Common Pleas - Court Appointed Special Advocate (140 West 2nd) (7). Courtcall Erie 6th Judicial Court Of Pa (140 West 6th Street) (8). Home Ec Community Development - Court Of Common Pleas - Home Ec Community Develop (West Library) (9). Display/hide their approximate locations on the map

Erie County has a predicted average indoor radon screening level between 2 and 4 pCi/L (pico curies per liter) - Moderate Potential

Air pollution and air quality trends (lower is better)

Air Quality Index (AQI) level in 2012 was 98.9 . This is worse than average.

Drinking water stations with addresses in Erie and their reported violations in the past:

COLONY WATER ASSOCIATION ( Population served: 160 , Purch surface water): Past health violations:

Treatment Technique (SWTR and GWR) - In AUG-2008 . Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (SEP-26-2008) , St Compliance achieved (SEP-26-2008) , St Violation/Reminder Notice (SEP-26-2008)

Treatment Technique (SWTR and GWR) - In JUL-2008 . Follow-up actions: St Violation/Reminder Notice (SEP-15-2008) , St Public Notif requested (SEP-15-2008) , St Compliance achieved (SEP-15-2008)

Past monitoring violations:

Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between JUL-2013 and SEP-2013 , Contaminant: TTHM . Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (NOV-08-2013), St Violation/Reminder Notice (NOV-08-2013), St Compliance achieved (NOV-08-2013), St Public Notif received (JUN-23-2014)

Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between JUL-2013 and SEP-2013 , Contaminant: Total Haloacetic Acids (HAA5) . Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (NOV-08-2013), St Violation/Reminder Notice (NOV-08-2013), St Compliance achieved (NOV-08-2013), St Public Notif received (JUN-23-2014)

Monitoring of Treatment (SWTR-Unfilt/GWR) - In AUG-2011 . Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (OCT-05-2011), St Public Notif received (OCT-05-2011), St Compliance achieved (OCT-05-2011), St Violation/Reminder Notice (OCT-05-2011)

Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between JUL-2011 and SEP-2011 , Contaminant: Total Haloacetic Acids (HAA5) . Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (NOV-16-2011), St Compliance achieved (NOV-16-2011), St Violation/Reminder Notice (NOV-16-2011)

Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between JUL-2011 and SEP-2011 , Contaminant: TTHM . Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (NOV-16-2011), St Compliance achieved (NOV-16-2011), St Violation/Reminder Notice (NOV-16-2011)

2 routine major monitoring violations

11 other older monitoring violations

CROSS STATION MOBILE HOME PARK ( Population served: 94 , Groundwater): Past monitoring violations:

Monitoring of Treatment (SWTR-Unfilt/GWR) - In JAN-2014 , Contaminant: GROUNDWATER RULE . Follow-up actions: St Violation/Reminder Notice (MAR-14-2014), St Compliance achieved (MAR-14-2014)

Monitoring of Treatment (SWTR-Unfilt/GWR) - In DEC-2012 , Contaminant: GROUNDWATER RULE . Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (JAN-31-2013), St Compliance achieved (JAN-31-2013), St Violation/Reminder Notice (JAN-31-2013)

Monitoring of Treatment (SWTR-Unfilt/GWR) - In NOV-2012 , Contaminant: GROUNDWATER RULE . Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (DEC-27-2012), St Compliance achieved (DEC-27-2012), St Violation/Reminder Notice (DEC-27-2012)

Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between APR-2012 and JUN-2012 , Contaminant: Chlorine . Follow-up actions: St Violation/Reminder Notice (JUN-13-2012), St Compliance achieved (JUN-13-2012)

Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between APR-2011 and JUN-2011 , Contaminant: Chlorine . Follow-up actions: St Violation/Reminder Notice (JUN-05-2011), St Compliance achieved (JUN-05-2011)

One routine major monitoring violation

One regular monitoring violation

5 other older monitoring violations

NATL FUEL GAS SHENANGO SVC CTR ( Population served: 60 , Groundwater): Past health violations:

MCL, Monthly (TCR) - Between JUL-2008 and SEP-2008 , Contaminant: Coliform . Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (OCT-03-2008) , St Public Notif received (OCT-03-2008) , St Compliance achieved (OCT-03-2008) , St Violation/Reminder Notice (OCT-03-2008)

MCL, Monthly (TCR) - Between OCT-2005 and DEC-2005 , Contaminant: Coliform . Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (SEP-13-2006) , St Public Notif received (SEP-13-2006) , St Compliance achieved (SEP-13-2006) , St Formal NOV issued (SEP-13-2006)

Past monitoring violations:

2 routine major monitoring violations

MAR DA JO DY CAMPGROUNDS ( Population served: 50 , Groundwater): Past health violations:

MCL, Monthly (TCR) - Between JUL-2014 and SEP-2014 , Contaminant: Coliform . Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (AUG-26-2014) , St Compliance achieved (AUG-26-2014) , St Formal NOV issued (AUG-26-2014)

MCL, Acute (TCR) - Between JUL-2014 and SEP-2014 , Contaminant: Coliform . Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (AUG-27-2014) , St Compliance achieved (AUG-27-2014) , St Formal NOV issued (AUG-27-2014)

Past monitoring violations:

Monitoring, Source Water (GWR) - Between JUL-30-2014 and AUG-30-2014 , Contaminant: E. COLI . Follow-up actions: St Compliance achieved (AUG-26-2014), St Violation/Reminder Notice (AUG-26-2014)

3 routine major monitoring violations

4 regular monitoring violations

ST BONIFACE USHERS CLUB ( Population served: 50 , Groundwater): Past health violations:

MCL, Monthly (TCR) - Between JUL-2013 and SEP-2013 , Contaminant: Coliform . Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (SEP-04-2013) , St Compliance achieved (SEP-04-2013) , St Formal NOV issued (SEP-04-2013)

MCL, Monthly (TCR) - In DEC-2007 , Contaminant: Coliform . Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (FEB-19-2008) , St Public Notif received (FEB-19-2008) , St Compliance achieved (FEB-19-2008) , St Violation/Reminder Notice (FEB-19-2008)

MCL, Monthly (TCR) - Between OCT-2007 and DEC-2007 , Contaminant: Coliform . Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (FEB-19-2008) , St Public Notif received (FEB-19-2008) , St Compliance achieved (FEB-19-2008) , St Violation/Reminder Notice (FEB-19-2008)

Past monitoring violations:

Monitoring, Repeat Major (TCR) - In DEC-2007 , Contaminant: Coliform (TCR) . Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (FEB-19-2008), St Public Notif received (FEB-19-2008), St Compliance achieved (FEB-19-2008), St Violation/Reminder Notice (FEB-19-2008)

2 routine major monitoring violations

PEBBLE BEACH CAMPGROUND ( Population served: 30 , Groundwater): Past health violations:

MCL, Monthly (TCR) - Between JUL-2010 and SEP-2010 , Contaminant: Coliform . Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (OCT-07-2010) , St Public Notif received (OCT-07-2010) , St Compliance achieved (OCT-07-2010) , St Violation/Reminder Notice (OCT-07-2010)

MCL, Acute (TCR) - Between JUL-2010 and SEP-2010 , Contaminant: Coliform . Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (OCT-07-2010) , St Public Notif received (OCT-07-2010) , St Compliance achieved (OCT-07-2010) , St Violation/Reminder Notice (OCT-07-2010)

Past monitoring violations:

Monitoring of Treatment (SWTR-Unfilt/GWR) - In AUG-2013 , Contaminant: GROUNDWATER RULE . Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (OCT-03-2013), St Compliance achieved (OCT-03-2013), St Formal NOV issued (OCT-03-2013)

Monitoring, Source Water (GWR) - Between OCT-17-2011 and NOV-17-2011 , Contaminant: E. COLI . Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (OCT-09-2012), St Compliance achieved (OCT-09-2012), St Violation/Reminder Notice (OCT-09-2012)

Monitoring, Source Water (GWR) - Between JUN-08-2011 and JUL-08-2011 , Contaminant: E. COLI . Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (AUG-01-2011), St Public Notif received (AUG-01-2011), St Compliance achieved (AUG-01-2011), St Violation/Reminder Notice (AUG-01-2011)

Monitoring, Source Water (GWR) - In AUG-2010 , Contaminant: E. COLI . Follow-up actions: St Public Notif received (NOV-22-2010), St Violation/Reminder Notice (NOV-22-2010), St Compliance achieved (NOV-22-2010), St Public Notif requested (NOV-22-2010)

3 routine major monitoring violations

2 regular monitoring violations

MCKEAN RECREATION PARK ( Population served: 25 , Groundwater): Past health violations:

MCL, Monthly (TCR) - Between JUL-2014 and SEP-2014 , Contaminant: Coliform . Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (AUG-26-2014) , St Compliance achieved (AUG-26-2014) , St Formal NOV issued (AUG-26-2014)

LAKE ERIE SPEEDWAY ( Population served: 25 , Groundwater): Past health violations:

MCL, Monthly (TCR) - Between JUL-2011 and SEP-2011 , Contaminant: Coliform . Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (NOV-28-2011) , St Public Notif received (NOV-28-2011) , St Compliance achieved (NOV-28-2011) , St Violation/Reminder Notice (NOV-28-2011)

MCL, Acute (TCR) - Between JUL-2011 and SEP-2011 , Contaminant: Coliform . Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (NOV-28-2011) , St Public Notif received (NOV-28-2011) , St Compliance achieved (NOV-28-2011) , St Violation/Reminder Notice (NOV-28-2011)

Past monitoring violations:

Monitoring, Check/Repeat/Confirmation - Between JUL-2012 and SEP-2012 , Contaminant: Arsenic . Follow-up actions: St Violation/Reminder Notice (OCT-26-2012), St Compliance achieved (OCT-26-2012)

Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between APR-2012 and JUN-2012 , Contaminant: Chlorine . Follow-up actions: St Public Notif requested (AUG-07-2012), St Public Notif received (AUG-07-2012), St Compliance achieved (AUG-07-2012), St Violation/Reminder Notice (AUG-07-2012)

Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between JUL-2011 and SEP-2011 , Contaminant: Chlorine . Follow-up actions: St Violation/Reminder Notice (NOV-28-2011), St Compliance achieved (NOV-28-2011)

Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between APR-2011 and JUN-2011 , Contaminant: Chlorine . Follow-up actions: St Violation/Reminder Notice (AUG-26-2011), St Compliance achieved (AUG-26-2011)

Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) - Between JUL-2010 and SEP-2010 , Contaminant: Chlorine . Follow-up actions: St Violation/Reminder Notice (NOV-19-2010), St Compliance achieved (NOV-19-2010)

One routine major monitoring violation

2 regular monitoring violations

8 other older monitoring violations

Percentage of residents living in poverty in 2013: 29.2% (22.9% for White Non-Hispanic residents . 38.5% for Black residents . 54.5% for Hispanic or Latino residents . 42.3% for American Indian residents . 100.0% for Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander residents . 49.7% for other race residents . 46.8% for two or more races residents )

Average household size:

Percentage of family households:

Percentage of households with unmarried partners:

Likely homosexual households (counted as self-reported same-sex unmarried-partner households)

Lesbian couples: 0.4% of all households

Gay men: 0.3% of all households

People in group quarters in Erie in 2010:

2,792 people in college/university student housing

715 people in nursing facilities/skilled-nursing facilities

622 people in local jails and other municipal confinement facilities

416 people in other noninstitutional facilities

209 people in emergency and transitional shelters (with sleeping facilities) for people experiencing homelessness

129 people in correctional residential facilities

103 people in residential treatment centers for adults

97 people in group homes intended for adults

53 people in residential treatment centers for juveniles (non-correctional)

45 people in maritime/merchant vessels

24 people in group homes for juveniles (non-correctional)

22 people in mental (psychiatric) hospitals and psychiatric units in other hospitals

13 people in hospitals with patients who have no usual home elsewhere

4 people in workers' group living quarters and job corps centers

People in group quarters in Erie in 2000:

2,352 people in college dormitories (includes college quarters off campus)

1,160 people in nursing homes

583 people in local jails and other confinement facilities (including police lockups)

454 people in other noninstitutional group quarters

330 people in homes for the mentally retarded

249 people in wards in general hospitals for patients who have no usual home elsewhere

149 people in homes or halfway houses for drug/alcohol abuse

143 people in religious group quarters

120 people in orthopedic wards and institutions for the physically handicapped

69 people in hospitals/wards and hospices for chronically ill

69 people in other hospitals or wards for chronically ill

67 people in other group homes

49 people in other types of correctional institutions

37 people in mental (psychiatric) hospitals or wards

37 people in training schools for juvenile delinquents

30 people in halfway houses

22 people in unknown juvenile institutions

3 people in other nonhousehold living situations

Erie compared to Pennsylvania state average:

Median household income below state average.

Median house value below state average.

Unemployed percentage below state average.

Median age below state average.

Renting percentage above state average.

Banks with most branches in Erie (2011 data):

Northwest Savings Bank: 12 branches . Info updated 2009/11/23: Bank assets: $7,975.9 mil , Deposits: $5,985.6 mil , headquarters in Warren, PA , positive income . Mortgage Lending Specialization , 172 total offices

PNC Bank, National Association: 12 branches . Info updated 2012/03/20: Bank assets: $263,309.6 mil , Deposits: $197,343.0 mil , headquarters in Wilmington, DE , positive income . Commercial Lending Specialization , 3085 total offices , Holding Company: Pnc Financial Services Group, Inc. The

Citizens Bank of Pennsylvania: 8 branches . Info updated 2010/09/24: Bank assets: $32,316.9 mil , Deposits: $25,297.1 mil , headquarters in Philadelphia, PA , positive income , 396 total offices , Holding Company: Uk Financial Investments Limited

First National Bank of Pennsylvania: Summit Township Branch, West 8th Street, West Ridge Branch, Grandview Plaza Branch, State Street Branch . Info updated 2012/01/10: Bank assets: $9,581.0 mil , Deposits: $7,462.2 mil , headquarters in Greenville, PA , positive income . Commercial Lending Specialization , 291 total offices , Holding Company: F. N.b. Corporation

Marquette Savings Bank: 3404 Liberty Street Branch, 3801 Sterrettania Road, Erie Branch, 2304 West 12th St Branch, at 920 Peach Street . Info updated 2009/12/02: Bank assets: $758.9 mil , Deposits: $641.9 mil , local headquarters , positive income . Mortgage Lending Specialization , 12 total offices

First Niagara Bank, National Association: East Avenue Branch, Eighth & State Street Branch, Millcreek Branch, Kearsarge Branch . Info updated 2011/06/09: Bank assets: $32,750.6 mil , Deposits: $19,595.4 mil , headquarters in Buffalo, NY , positive income . Commercial Lending Specialization , 351 total offices , Holding Company: First Niagara Financial Group, Inc.

CNB Bank: Erie Asbury Road Office Branch, 10th Street Branch, Erie Main Office Branch . Info updated 2009/08/05: Bank assets: $1,579.5 mil , Deposits: $1,354.4 mil , headquarters in Clearfield, PA , positive income . Commercial Lending Specialization , 27 total offices , Holding Company: Cnb Financial Corporation

The Huntington National Bank: State Street Branch, Peach Street Branch, Pittsburgh Ave Branch . Info updated 2012/04/02: Bank assets: $54,183.4 mil , Deposits: $44,300.3 mil , headquarters in Columbus, OH , positive income . Commercial Lending Specialization , 878 total offices , Holding Company: Huntington Bancshares Incorporated

Community National Bank of Norwestern Pennsylvania: Millcreek Branch at 2420 Zimmerly Road , branch established on 2000/06/05 . Info updated 2006/11/03: Bank assets: $78.0 mil , Deposits: $62.6 mil , headquarters in Albion, PA , positive income , 5 total offices

Fire-safe hotels and motels in Erie, Pennsylvania:

Comfort Inn, 8051 Peach St, Erie, PA 16509 . Phone: (814) 866-6666

Bel Aire Clarion Hotel & Conference Center, 2800 W 8th St, Erie, PA 16505 . Phone: (814) 833-1116, Fax: (814) 838-3242

Motel 6 Erie, 7575 Peach St, Erie, PA 16509 . Phone: (814) 864-4811

Travelodge, 6101 Wattsburg Rd, Erie, PA 16509 . Phone: (814) 825-3100, Fax: (814) 825-0857

Swanville Motel, 5455 W RDG Rd, Erie, PA 16506 . Phone: (814) 833-3157

Microtel Inn, 8100 Peach St, Erie, PA 16509 . Phone: (814) 864-1010

Residence Inn By Marriott, 8061 Peach St, Erie, PA 16509 . Phone: (814) 864-2500

Econolodge-erie, 8050 Peach St, Erie, PA 16509 . Phone: (814) 866-5544, Fax: (814) 866-5544

22 other hotels and motels

All 30 fire-safe hotels and motels in Erie, Pennsylvania

Educational Attainment (%) in 2013

Erie government finances - Expenditure in 2006 (per resident):

Construction - Housing and Community Development: $2,220,000 ($22.05) Regular Highways: $1,890,000 ($18.77) Parks and Recreation: $1,518,000 ($15.08)

Current Operations - General - Other: $14,370,000 ($142.74) Police Protection: $13,792,000 ($137.00) Sewerage: $11,895,000 ($118.16) Local Fire Protection: $9,986,000 ($99.19) Housing and Community Development: $8,665,000 ($86.07) Regular Highways: $4,371,000 ($43.42) Parks and Recreation: $2,852,000 ($28.33) Solid Waste Management: $2,577,000 ($25.60) Water Utilities: $1,641,000 ($16.30) Financial Administration: $1,400,000 ($13.91) Central Staff Services: $1,033,000 ($10.26) General Public Buildings: $552,000 ($5.48) Judicial and Legal Services: $510,000 ($5.07) Protective Inspection and Regulation, NEC: $290,000 ($2.88)

Employee Retirement - Corporate Stocks: $66,001,000 ($655.61) Total Cash and Deposits: $39,365,000 ($391.03) Corporate Bonds: $19,381,000 ($192.52) Benefit Payments: $13,780,000 ($136.88) Withdrawals: $3,000 ($0.03)

General - Interest on Debt: $4,469,000 ($44.39)

Intergovernmental to Local NEC - General - Other: $2,133,000 ($21.19)

Other Capital Outlay - Solid Waste Management: $1,043,000 ($10.36) Central Staff Services: $963,000 ($9.57) Regular Highways: $821,000 ($8.16) Housing and Community Development: $520,000 ($5.17) Police Protection: $365,000 ($3.63) General - Other: $255,000 ($2.53) Local Fire Protection: $75,000 ($0.75) Sewerage: $61,000 ($0.61) Parks and Recreation: $49,000 ($0.49)

Total Salaries and Wages: $31,663,000 ($314.52)

Erie government finances - Revenue in 2006 (per resident):

Charges - Sewerage: $17,511,000 ($173.94) Solid Waste Management: $3,978,000 ($39.51) All Other: $2,586,000 ($25.69) Parks and Recreation: $612,000 ($6.08) Housing and Community Development: $65,000 ($0.65)

Employee Retirement - Earnings on Investments (calculated): $13,270,000 ($131.82) Local Employee Contribution: $2,298,000 ($22.83) From Parent Local Government: $1,721,000 ($17.10) From Other Governments: $1,676,000 ($16.65)

Federal Intergovernmental - Housing and Community Development: $7,262,000 ($72.14) All Other: $1,155,000 ($11.47)

Local Intergovernmental - All Other: $962,000 ($9.56) Housing and Community Development: $425,000 ($4.22)

Miscellaneous - Special Assessments: $2,629,000 ($26.11) Fines and Forfeits: $1,707,000 ($16.96) Donations From Private Sources: $1,265,000 ($12.57) Interest Earnings: $1,161,000 ($11.53) General Revenue, NEC: $845,000 ($8.39) Rents: $256,000 ($2.54)

State Intergovernmental - All Other: $3,757,000 ($37.32) Housing and Community Development: $2,082,000 ($20.68) Highways: $1,974,000 ($19.61) General Local Government Support: $133,000 ($1.32)

Tax - Property: $24,590,000 ($244.26) Individual Income: $6,210,000 ($61.69) Occupation and Business License, NEC: $3,062,000 ($30.42) Documentary and Stock Transfer: $763,000 ($7.58) Public Utility License: $644,000 ($6.40) Other Selective Sales: $587,000 ($5.83)

Erie government finances - Debt in 2006 (per resident):

Long Term Debt - Beginning Outstanding - Unspecified Public Purpose: $213,156,000 ($2117.35) Outstanding Unspecified Public Purpose: $204,568,000 ($2032.04) Retired Unspecified Public Purpose: $8,588,000 ($85.31)

Erie government finances - Cash and Securities in 2006 (per resident):

Bond Funds - Cash and Securities: $13,163,000 ($130.75)

Employee Retirement - Total Other Securities: $43,924,000 ($436.31) Total Federal Securities: $18,020,000 ($179.00)

Other Funds - Cash and Securities: $8,319,000 ($82.64)

Sinking Funds - Cash and Securities: $761,000 ($7.56)

3.00% of this county's 2011 resident taxpayers lived in other counties in 2010 ($42,081 average adjusted gross income )

Strongest AM radio stations in Erie:

WJET (1400 AM; 1 kW; ERIE, PA; Owner: NM LICENSING, LLC)



WFNN (1330 AM; 5 kW; ERIE, PA; Owner: NM LICENSING, LLC)





WEYZ (1530 AM; daytime; 1 kW; NORTH EAST, PA)




WJR (760 AM; 50 kW; DETROIT, MI; Owner: ABC, INC.)

Strongest FM radio stations in Erie:












W285AI (104.9 FM; ERIE, PA; Owner: WILLIAM T. SHANNON)






TV broadcast stations around Erie:



WQLN ( Channel 54; ERIE, PA; Owner: PUBLIC B/C OF NW PENN. INC.)




Fatal accident count (per 100,000 population)

Erie on our top lists :

#28 on the list of "Top 100 cities with oldest houses (pop. 50,000+)"

#32 on the list of "Top 100 cities with old houses but young residents (pop. 50,000+)"

#34 on the list of "Top 100 cities with shortest commuting times (pop. 50,000+)"

#55 (16503) on the list of "Top 101 zip codes with the largest percentage of Yugoslavian first ancestries (pop 5,000+)"

#74 (16507) on the list of "Top 101 zip codes with the largest percentage of Slavic first ancestries (pop 5,000+)"

#91 (16509) on the list of "Top 101 zip codes with the largest percentage of Soviet Union first ancestries"

#93 (16503) on the list of "Top 101 zip codes with the largest percentage of Sudanese first ancestries"

#94 (16504) on the list of "Top 101 zip codes with the largest percentage of Polish first ancestries (pop 5,000+)"

#95 (16510) on the list of "Top 101 zip codes with the largest percentage of Iraqi first ancestries (pop 5,000+)"

#8 on the list of "Top 101 counties with the lowest percentage of residents relocating from other counties between 2005 and 2006"

#11 on the list of "Top 101 counties with the highest Sulfur Oxides Annual air pollution readings in 2005 (µg/m 3 )"

#17 on the list of "Top 101 counties with the lowest percentage of residents relocating to other counties in 2006"

#30 on the list of "Top 101 counties with the highest Sulfur Oxides 24-hour air pollution readings in 2005 (µg/m 3 )"

#43 on the list of "Top 101 counties with the largest number of people moving out compared to moving in (pop. 50,000+)"

Top Patent Applicants

Ajith Kuttannair Kumar (182)

Wolfgang Daum (45)

Glenn Robert Shaffer (31)

Bret Dwayne Worden (29)

William M. Anthony (23)

Henry Todd Young (17)

Frederick W. Zeyfang (16)

Sethu K. Madhavan (15)

Anthony A. Anthony (13)

Douglas R. Wroblewski (13)

Total of 767 patent applications in 2008-2016.


Buy Signals From the 30 & 50-Week Moving Average on the Japanese Market

The strong recovery in world equity markets that started in March last has continued throughout the summer. In a previous bulletin email last M ay, we highlighted that both the 30-week moving average and the Coppock Indicator had given 'BUY' signals at the end of April for several markets. More 'BUY' signals using these indicators were given for several other markets throughout May.

The more conservative 30 & 50-Week moving average indicator, as put forward by Mark Shipman in his book 'Little Effort, Big Money', has given a 'BUY' signal for the Japanese market at the close of business on Friday, 27th August. For a 'BUY' signal to be given, the 30-week moving average must cross the 50-week moving average while rising. Since 1970, the signal has been effective in signalling further upside over the medium term in approximately two out of three occassions.

Members should study the historical data available at the members section of the web site -

Market Buy & Sell Signals. Often, when a 'BUY' signal has been given on the 30 & 50-week moving average indicator the market backs and fills for a while. You can check this for yourself by looking through the historical data. We have taught this indicator at the 1-day seminar since early 2008. The chart opposite shows the indicator for the Japan Nikkei Index at 27th August 2009.

Rory Gillen 31st August 2009

GillenMarkets aims to show DIY investors in our online 'Members Area' how to manage pension/savings monies in a risk controlled way. We provide professional, unbiased stock and fund analysis and investment strategies that are easy to follow and implement. Our goals are the same as yours - to generate maximum returns with minimal risk in your portfolio over the medium to long term. Why not try our 'Introductory Offer' and get instant access to our 'Members Area'.


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Sophocles’ tragedies hinge on a reversal of fortune brought about by the tragic figure’s aggressive arrogance, which is called, in Greek:

CHE-305 Separations HW #2 Due 9/30/15 at start of class Compose the assignment in Microsoft Word with a concise, yet descriptive, summary of the approach taken and solutions obtained that contains well-formatted graphs from Excel. Numerical results should be formatted as Word tables. Attach hand calculations as separate sheets, but only with a compelling reason. No need to include raw data tables! Do not use lined, three hole punch paper and use plain white paper or engineering forms for any hand calculations. Staple your work! 1. Producing an Equilateral Triangle Diagram for Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium Data With a little cleverness, Excel can be “tricked” into plotting a triangle diagram… or you can find some nice pre-made Excel spreadsheets online. Plot the data below on an equilateral triangle diagram in Excel. Tie Line Data (each row is 1 line, 3 points per line) Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering Print version ISSN 0104-6632 Braz. J. Chem. Eng. vol.21 no.4 São Paulo Oct./Dec. 2004 http://dx. doi. org/10.1590/S0104-66322004000400014 Liquid-liquid equilibria of propionic acid – water – solvent (n-hexane, cyclohexane, cyclohexanol and cyclohexyl acetate) ternaries at 298.15 K D. Özmen; U. Dramur; B. Tatli Department of Chemical Engineering, Istanbul University, 34850, Avcilar – Istanbul, Turkey, E-mail: dilekus@istanbul. edu. tr Using the experimental tie line data, what are the distribution coefficients for each experiment (1-5)? What are the slopes of the experimental tie lines (1-5)? Find an equation to interpolate slopes between tie lines. Now, given the triangle diagram produced, what are the compositions of the extract and raffinate streams if 400 g of a 33 wt% mixture of propionic acid in water is contacted with 550 g of cyclohexanol? What is the minimum amount of cyclohexanol (grams) that could be added to 375 g of the PA-water solution would result in 2 phases? What is the maximum? What is the formula for converting Cartesian coordinates to a triangular coordinates? 2. Provide a brief (2 paragraph) summary of the computational models used to predict liquid-liquid equilibrium for three-component systems. What are the important physical properties, assumptions, equations, etc. that are used to formulate such models?

5. Define the properties of a possible software solution that may enable GM to implement OTD. How would GM implement such a system?

The functional skeleton is made up of: Definition of the … Lee mas.

ield ENGL 2110-01 Midterm You must write an essay for each of the following prompts. Part I: Write a 1500 word essay (you may go over this word count, but you should not fall short of this word count) on the following prompt: Many of the readings that we have covered up to this point in the class have considered the native population that explorers encountered when they came to the “New World.” For this essay, you should examine the readings from any two of the explorers that we have encountered to this point to compare and contrast the similarities and differences between the ways that these two explorers interacted with the indigenous peoples. The thesis for this essay should make an argumentative claim as to which approach was/is more effective, and the writer should use quotations in each body paragraph (formatted correctly according to MLA style guidelines, with attributive tags to introduce the quotations and in-text citations following each quotation) to support the argument the writer is making. Please note that you should avoid summarizing the texts. Instead, your focus should be on making an argument about the ways that these explorers deal with the indigenous populations. Part II: Write a 1000 word essay (you may go over this word count, but you should not fall short of this word count) on the following prompt: Now that you have considered how the explorers interacted with the indigenous populations that they encountered, it then becomes necessary to examine how the native population viewed the explorers. Choose one of the readings that we covered in the creation/emergence accounts from Native American authors. You will then make an argumentative claim for your thesis statement about the way that this writer presents the relationship between the indigenous peoples and the European explorers. Is this a positive relationship, according to this writer? Does the writer think this is a negative relationship? You should also use quotations in each body paragraph (formatted correctly according to MLA style guidelines, with attributive tags to introduce the quotations and in-text citations following each quotation) to support the argument you are making. Please note that you should only discuss one text, and that you should avoid summarizing the text and instead focus on building and supporting an argument about the way that the author views the effect that the explorers have had or will have on the native population. Due: A typed Midterm Exam is due at the beginning of class on Wednesday, September 30th. Format: The exam should be formatted according to MLA guidelines, and it should be stapled in the upper left hand corner. It has to be from the book: The Concise Health Anthology of American Literature.

1) _____ 100 closely spaced chips are on the surface of a 10-cm-high by 20-cm-wide circuit board. Each chip generates heat at a rate of 0.08 W, which is transferred by convection and radiation to the surrounding medium at 40°C. Heat transfer from the back surface of the board is negligible. If the combined convection and radiation heat transfer coefficient on the surface of the board is 22 W/m2 -°C, the average surface temperature of the chips is: a) 72.4°C b) 58.2 °C c) 49.1 °C d) 66.5 °C e) 40.4 °C

Show that the atomic packing factor for BCC is 0.68.

While our Thursday started off the same way Wednesday ended (and Tuesday for that matter) with a thick deck of low clouds, chilly temperatures and pockets of mist and drizzle, nicer weather is en route. A wind shift to the west will dry out the atmosphere and allow for skies […]

A series of thunderstorms passed over the northern part of Cape Cod Bay Thursday evening sending a nice outflow boundary and accompanying shelf cloud southward across the Bay. People all over the Cape were snapping photos of the ominous sky. Here’s some of the shots of that boundary moving over […]

Low pressure is expected to develop off the coast of the Southeastern United States on Saturday evening and reach the Outer Banks of North Carolina by Sunday afternoon. The system will then rapidly deepen and move quickly northeastward toward the region Sunday afternoon and night. The storm – which may […]

While our Thursday started off the same way Wednesday ended (and Tuesday for that matter) with a thick deck of low clouds, chilly temperatures and pockets of mist and drizzle, nicer weather is en route. A wind shift to the west will dry out the atmosphere and allow for skies […]

Numerous weather systems are moving through the region this week, keeping forecasters on their toes and likewise limiting the amount of nice weather around the Northeast. One system that’s been on our weather charts for several days is a potential coastal storm late in the weekend and early next week. […]

Timeline: Clouds will thicken up tonight and snow will develop on the Cape not too long after daybreak (precipitation could begin as a few sprinkles or a light mix of rain and snow – but will go quickly to steady snow). Once the snow develops, it will quickly transition from […]

Here’s today’s NASA/MODIS satellite image. Ice has thickened around the area with a good portion of Nantucket Sound now covered. Here’s how the Cape looked earlier in the year: All 4 combined:

Friday Evening Update: The snowfall forecast map has been updated. The main change was to adjust for a colder storm out on Nantucket and the Outer Cape and to increase potential snowfall amounts a bit across the region. The main forecast concern remains the placement of the northernmost edge of […]

A major – potentially historic – winter storm will impact the region starting Monday evening and lingering into Wednesday afternoon. The system will bring a variety of hazards, including heavy snow, powerful – likely damaging – northeast winds, power outages and severe coastal flooding and beach erosion as onshore winds […]

A strong frontal boundary propelled southward by a piece of arctic energy is likely to cross the region on Friday. While this feature looks relatively innocuous on our surface charts, it has the looks of a system that may deliver a couple of hours of interesting/crazy weather to New England…including […]

Low pressure passing south of the region combined with departing high pressure will create a tightening pressure gradient over the area tonight. Winds will steadily increase this evening and gusts will approach 40 mph later tonight. Overnight, a few gusts to 50 mph are possible in spots. Here is a […]

Gusty southwest winds out ahead of a weak surface trough today will diminish as high pressure builds eastward into the region tonight. By Tuesday afternoon, a ridge of high pressure will extend from the waters east of the Carolinas northward into New England. The axis of high pressure overhead implies […]

The possibility of a late week snowstorm hinges on the timing and movement of 2 key features later this week. The first is a polar vortex rotating through Eastern Canada (destined to deliver us some very chilly air later this week) and the second is a strong shortwave expected to […]

There’s an opportunity for a winter storm late in the week / next weekend as cold air briefly returns to the region, is well positioned over the Lakes and Northeast, and energy runs eastward from the nation’s midsection and rotates around a PV north of New England. For nearly a […]

The op GFS, ECMWF, CMC and UKMET all show another sizable low pressure tracking out of the Mississippi River Valley and into the Great Lakes during the middle part of next week…in not too disimiliar a fashion to yesterday’s and last week’s storm systems. While it’s too early to lock […]


More Buy Signals From the 30 & 50-Week Moving Average Indicator

Last May, we highlighted that both the 30-week moving average and the Coppock Indicator had given 'BUY' signals at the end of April for several markets. More 'BUY' signals using these indicators were given for several other markets throughout May.

In late August, the more conservative 30 & 50-Week moving average indicator gave a 'BUY' signal for the Japanese market at the close of business on Friday, 27th August. Several more developed markets have now given 'BUY' signals on the 30 & 50-Week moving average indicator as at 11th September 2009 including the US, UK and Irish markets (we don't track all markets).

For a 'BUY' signal to be given on this indicator, the 30-week moving average must cross the 50-week moving average while rising. Since 1970, the indicator has been effective in signalling further upside over the medium term in circa two out of three occassions.

Members should study the historical data available in the spreadsheets at the members section of the web site. Often, when a 'BUY' signal has been given the market backs and fills for a while. You can check this for yourself by looking through the historical data. We have taught this indicator at the 1-day seminar since early 2008 following its write up in Mark Shipman's very useful book 'Big Money, Little Effort'.

Rory Gillen 11th Sepetmber 2009

GillenMarkets aims to show DIY investors in our online 'Members Area' how to manage pension/savings monies in a risk controlled way. We provide professional, unbiased stock and fund analysis and investment strategies that are easy to follow and implement. Our goals are the same as yours - to generate maximum returns with minimal risk in your portfolio over the medium to long term. Why not try our 'Introductory Offer' and get instant access to our 'Members Area'.

The MACD – Buy or Sell on this Indicators Predictions?

The 50-Day Moving Average – A Bearish Sign?

“. Last week, however, was a big disappointment from a technical perspective, as equities broke support. The S&P 500 Index (SPX - 1,295.22) not only fell below potential support at the 1,340 level -- an area that acted as resistance on multiple occasions last year. The Russell 2000 Index (RUT - 747.21) fell below the 780 area. The CBOE Market Volatility Index (VIX - 25.10) advanced above the 21 area. ” - Delta-Hedging Effect on the Stock Market. May 21, 2012

“. It has been a punishing last six weeks or so in the stock market – and markets continued to decline last week, erasing most of the gains achieved since the middle of January. For the first time since January 18, the S&P 500 traded below. and early rally attempts fizzled quickly. It is important to note the deterioration in the technical picture since late March, when. "The risk of a deeper correction remains high. ” - The Week Ahead in the Stock Market. May 21, 2012

Stocks continued to fall last week, and the S&P 500 Index (SPX) is down about 7% over the last three weeks. This is causing some discussion about indicators that are breaking down, and suggesting rough times ahead. The indicators may sound scary -- but frequently, when you look at the numbers, they tell you nothing about what is to come. One such indicator was easily observed earlier last week, when a downturn was analyzed in the SPX's 50-day moving average.

The 50-Day Moving Average

The 50-day moving average is a very commonly followed moving average. As such, it can be a nice mechanism for following trends. If the stock you are following is above its 50-day moving average, this can be considered bullish (and vice versa if the underlying is below that trendline).

This analysis is taken a step further to check out what direction the trendline is moving to get an overall feel for how things are going. Of recent note on the S&P 500 Index (SPX ) is the fact that its 50-day moving average recently turned lower after trending higher since November.

On the surface, it would be expected that this would be a short-term ”bearish” sign, but that isn't the case at all. In fact, since 2000, this has actually been a bullish event! As you can see below, the overall returns from a 50-day moving average that is pointing lower after a month of trending higher actually beats the at-any-time returns across the board.

Two of the last three times this has happened, the move lower in the trendline has come within days of marking the eventual trading lows for that move. In other words, it's been a very good time to get very long.

The MACD Sell Signal and the SPX

“…..The moving average convergence/divergence (MACD) histogram for the S&P 500 Index (SPX) on a monthly chart officially moved above the zero line on Thursday, March 01…..and suggests the overall uptrend is still firmly in place for the bulls… this with when we had a MACD sell signal back in September…..” - MACD – A Technical Buy Signal . March 5, 2012

Moving on to the week ahead, observation of the MACD indicator on the SPX weekly chart provides more insight to market strategies – this is of an opposite of what was observed early March – see excerpt above.

The MACD calculates the difference between two moving averages (typically, the 12- and 26-period), and then finds a moving average of that difference (typically, a 9-period moving average).

In the bottom chart below, the red line shows the difference between the two moving averages, while the dotted red line is the 9-period moving average. The histogram shows whether the MACD line is above or below the dotted line. Many analysts call it a sell signal when that histogram turns negative, which just happened recently. The top chart shows the SPX, and marks prior instances when there was a buy or sell signal based on this indicator. Since signals can happen fairly frequently during certain times in the market -- within this study the first signal only is shown over any given three-month period. Taking a quick look at the chart, the buy and sell signals seem to be mixed. Some of them were good signals, but others were pretty bad.

Understanding the Results

It is not always a bad sign for the market when a MACD sell signal appears on the S&P 500 weekly chart. To quantify this result, an observation of what has actually happened going forward after one of these sell signals, by going back to 1990 to find the dates of all such buy and sell signals to see how the market performed afterwards.

The third table shows the typical returns for the SPX since then. This is one of those cases where it's misleading to call it a sell signal. The market actually performs better than average after a "sell" signal, and even outperforms the "buy" signals.

However, it is to be noticed in the MACD/SPX chart above that the MACD line is at a pretty high level. That suggests that the market had been performing very well, and some might say it was leaning overbought. Therefore, by further study, by looking at MACD sell signals on the weekly SPX chart -- but only considering signals that happened when the MACD line was above 15 -- this left just 12 signals -- but the returns after those signals were great times to buy.

Just because it's called a sell signal does not mean you should sell. The analysis above shows that the MACD on a weekly SPX chart has been a terrible indicator to follow. In fact, the kind of "sell" signal that the market has produced most recently has marked huge buying opportunities in the past, so it shouldn't be a surprise if this one is, as well.

”Success is simple. Do what's right, the right way, at the right time. ”

Option Tip for your Success! Options traders are not successful because they win. Options traders win because they are successful.

The 10 Most Walkable Cities in America

The 10 Most Walkable Cities in America

Cities that make life easier for pedestrians are, to many, better places to live. Studies have shown that walkable urban areas are healthier, wealthier and safer (perhaps in part because wealthy people can afford to live in nicer places)—and anyway, who doesn’t want to go outside every once in a while?

If getting around without a car appeals, you should head to New York City or San Francisco (if you can afford either). That’s according to a new ranking of the most walkable large US cities by Redfin, a real estate analysis website and brokerage.

The site uses something it calls Walk Score, an algorithm to measure how convenient it is to do daily errands without wheels, on a 100-point scale. It doesn’t take into account public transit systems (there’s a different score for that), but looks at things like the walking distance to schools, restaurants, and grocery stores, from any given point.

“It’s a population-rated average, sampled at every block,” explains Matt Lerner, VP of products at Redfin. “We’re basically sampling the walk score for every block in the city, weighted by the number of people who live there.” Cities are scored by where the population is, and aren’t penalized for non-walkable areas like shipping ports, industrial districts, and airports.

Most of the cities in the Redfin top 10 are unsurprising. NYC, San Francisco, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, and Washington D. C. all got big before the automobile age, so they were made for moving on foot. But the top scores for Miami, Oakland, and Seattle point to the fact that history isn’t all that matters. Cities can change to cater to pedestrians instead of, or at least in addition to, cars.

Lots of cities have become more pedestrian-friendly since Redfin’s last rankings, in 2011. Four years ago, New York City and San Francisco had basically the same score (about 85). Now, the Big Apple’s several points up, thanks to pro-walking efforts like booting cars out of Times Square, Lerner says.

Detroit didn’t crack the top ten, but its score went up 2.2 points, to 52.2, in part thanks to the downtown arrival of big companies like Quicken Loans, bringing restaurants, shops, and businesses with them. New Orleans’ score rose nearly a point, as it develops more affordable housing and revitalizes commercial districts in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Miami has seen a surge of development, with new mixed-use commercial and residential areas opening up in the past few years. So there’s good news for pedestrians all over the country.

If you’re only interested in a top 10 walkable city, here’s who came out on top:

New York: 87.6 San Francisco: 83.9 Boston: 79.5 Philadelphia: 76.5 Miami: 75.6 Chicago: 74.8 Washington, D. C. 74.1 Seattle: 70.8 Oakland: 68.5 Baltimore: 66.2



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posted: 2016-03-14 8:21pm

updated: 2016-03-15 8:28pm

Jan 10, 2014: 1:45 PM CST

In a follow-up to yesterday’s “Color-Charting the S&P 500 Trend Structure with 100 week Moving Average ,” I received a few suggestions to normalize the chart using percentage terms – and that’s an excellent idea.

Let’s take a look not just at the recent bull/bear trend structure and percentage performance of the S&P 500 to its 100 week SMA, but go back to the 1970’s and answer the following burning questions:

“At what point was the S&P 500 MOST over-extended (and under-extended) from its 100 week Average?”

“What happened next?”

And of course “What does the past suggest about the present?”

We’ll start with a broader perspective and then take it decade-by-decade to reveal the visual data:

As seen in the prior update which compared price distance from the 100 week SMA, the charts in this update show the same data on the middle indicator (Price minus 100 week SMA) but also takes it one step further to highlight the percentage comparison so we can normalize the visual data.

For example, the S&P 500 recently reached an all-time high “over-extension” from its 100 week SMA. That’s interesting, but it doesn’t provide the complete picture because the index value similarly reached an all-time high near 1,850.

Let’s compare the historical chart above (from 1977 to 1996) to highlight two values:

First, in 1983, the S&P 500 traded 24% above its 100 week SMA.

Second, right before the crash of 1987, the S&P 500 reached its highest (greatest) over-extension, trading 25.% above its 100 week SMA. Price accomplished this feat directly before a collapse in the index.

While the S&P 500 did indeed reach the greatest price over-extension recently, was it greater than the high achieved in the 1980’s bull market?

When we view the historical chart from a percentage comparison basis, we see that the index (at all-time highs) trades “only” 16.6% above its 100 week SMA.

On a comparison basis, the 1980s was a stronger period – again from a percentage basis relative to the 100 week SMA – than the current stimulated bull market.

Interestingly enough, the S&P 500 did reach its greatest percentage (and price) distance away from its 100 week SMA to the downside during the 2008 Financial Crisis period.

The index recorded a record low value of 88% beneath its falling 100 week SMA (ironically again near the exact bottom in early 2009).

For comparison, the “worst” bear market value occurred during late 2002 when the index traded 42% beneath its 100 week SMA.

Though not shown on the chart (of the last 30 years), the S&P 500 traded 60% beneath its 100 week SMA in October 1974 during a bear market.

For even more detailed comparisons, I separated the S&P 500 and 100 week SMA performance (price and percentage) performance by decade as seen in the next four color-charts (click ‘ Continue Reading ‘ for the full post of the detailed charts):

We can make interesting comparisons based on the visual data and draw possible insights for the future based on similar “over-extended” historical values.

Follow along with members of the Daily Commentary and Idealized Trades summaries for real-time updates and additional trade planning parameters as we watch a “hold and bounce” or “break and retrace” scenario play out in the near future.

Corey’s new book The Complete Trading Course (Wiley Finance) is now available along with the newly released Profiting from the Life Cycle of a Stock Trend presentation (also from Wiley).

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New Jobless Claims Remain Steady; Four-Week Moving Average Declines

New Jobless Claims Remain Steady; Four-Week Moving Average Declines

Article excerpt

Bloomberg Business News

WASHINGTON _ The number of Americans filing first-time jobless claims held steady last week, suggesting employers may be easing up on the pace of layoffs.

New claims for state unemployment insurance were unchanged at a seasonally adjusted 369,000. In the previous week, claims fell by 27,000, originally reported as a 28,000 decline.

Meanwhile, the four-week moving average for claims, a less volatile gauge of employment conditions, fell to 377,250 from 378,750 the previous week.

"While we do have a weaker labor market situation, it's not that bad," said Carl Steen, an economist with Maria Fiorini Ramirez Inc. in New York, who sees claims leveling off at between 360,000 and 375,000 per week.

Still, he said that if the June monthly employment report, which will be released today, shows labor market conditions deteriorated further, new claims will accelerate once again.

Before Thursday's Labor Department report, economists anticipated an increase of 4,000 first-time jobless claims to 372,000, according to a survey by Bloomberg Business News.

The jobless claims report comes as Federal Reserve policymakers met a second day to consider whether to lower the overnight bank lending rate. The Fed began raising rates in February 1994 to stave off the inflation that often accompanies an economic expansion. Now, though, analysts and investors are concerned that the economy has slowed so much that it risks falling into recession.

One factor acting to restrain new claims last week: Many people likely waited to file for unemployment benefits until after the new quarter began July 1, because the level of benefits is tied to the most recent government cost of living adjustments, analysts said.

The overall trend in both the weekly jobless claims and monthly employment reports suggests that businesses, faced with higher borrowing costs, have slowed hiring and stepped up layoffs this year.

Weekly claims, which hovered in the 325,000 range late last year, have risen steadily this year, reaching a recent peak of 396,000 in mid-June. Meanwhile, the government's separate employment report showed average monthly job growth of only 114,000 during the first five months of the year. ...

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The Growing Muslim-American Market

When it comes to wooing Muslim Americans, U. S. marketers are pretty oblivious, leaving potential customers to scramble for product information on their own. Are Halal meals at Kentucky Fried Chicken Halal enough? How about Oreos? What's new at Forever 21 that is hot and modest? Is that mutual fund compliant with Shariah investment principles? But while the universe of advertisers reaching out to these estimated 6 to 8 million Americans has remained pretty small, there are signs of new awareness of this growing demographic. National marketers like Ann Taylor, ESPN, Verizon and U. S. Healthcare are popping up on Web sites like hijabtrendz. com or chillyoislamyou. com, as well as in niche publications. And Hallmark sells Eid cards, to help celebrate the holiday marking the end of Ramadan. "Best Buy even included the phrase 'Happy Eid' in a holiday flyer that also mentioned Christmas and Hanukkah last year," S. Saad Ahmed, director of sales and strategy for the Los Angeles-based Muslim Ad Network, tells Marketing Daily, "which was definitely a kind of olive branch to Muslim Americans." "Companies like Staples and HSBC are also reaching out to this market, which is worth about $200 billion and any effort to connect with them -- not even with overt Islamic messaging, but just little touches like including people who look like they might be Muslim -- is appreciated. "When companies target the Muslim community in their marketing communications, we see them flock to engage with that brand -- not only to purchase its products, but to become loyal brand advocates." But marketing to such a diverse group can be tricky. While many are recent immigrants and of Middle Eastern descent, others are natives of cities like Washington, D. C.; Dearborn, Mich.; Houston; Los Angeles; Columbus, Ohio; and Boston; many are African-Americans. Some are religious and traditional, others are secular. And a Muslim's decision-making process is often different. Research shows that Muslims are less influenced by price and value when compared to other American consumer groups, and are also keener on brand names. Their shopping behavior is more gender-specific; over one-third of Muslim men say their wives buy their clothes, compared with just 18% of the general population." Details are important. For a communications company, for example, someone offering calling plans that are specific to Egypt would want to use Egyptian Arabic, but in a more general sense, it might mention Eid -- that holiday means it's time to call back home to Muslims of any nationality… By Sarah mahoney of Media Post

7 million in the U. S.; 1 million in Canada.

Larger than Norway, Finland, Denmark, Switzerland & Suecia.

Annual growth rate of 6% versus 0.9% for total U. S. 2

Interaction between Indigenous and Immigrant Muslims is limited.

Same size community as Hispanics 25 years ago.

1 Zogby International, August 2000 2 U. S. Census Data 2000

Data Provided by Bridges TV - American Muslim Lifestyle Network

American Muslims are Younger

67% of adult American Muslims are under 40 years old

67% of the adult American population is over 40 years old 3

American Muslims are younger and future of America:

American Muslim 1

American Muslims 2

Total Americans 3

1 Cornell University 2 Zogby International, August 2000 3 U. S. Census Data 2000

American Muslims are Well-Educated

67% of American Muslims have a Bachelor's degree or higher

44% of Americans have a Bachelor’s degree or higher 3

The Variance for Advanced Degrees is even greater.

One in ten American Muslim HH has a physician / medical doctor

American Muslims 1

American Muslims 2

Total Americans 3

1 Cornell University 2 Zogby International, August 2001 3 Statistical Abstract of the U. S. 2001

American Muslims are Affluent

U. S. Average income is $42,158 per year (U. S. Census 2000)

66% of American Muslim HH's earn over $50,000 / year

26% of American Muslim HH's earn over $100,000 / year

Annual Household Income range for American Muslims:

Source: Cornell University April 2002

Top 10 Occupations of American Muslims

Small Business Owner

Source: Cornell University April 2002

Under-Represented Occupations for Muslims

American Muslims are under-represented in occupations that make public policy and influence public opinion

Few American Muslims pursue Print/TV/Film media

American Muslims are unlikely to be in state legislatures and courts where laws are made and practiced.

Source: Cornell University April 2002

Market Analysis of American Muslims

A sizable market with 8 million people

2.3 million households in North America

Growing at 6% annual growth rate.

Will double to 16 million by 2014.

Bigger than Norway, Finland, Denmark or Sweden.

Growth Factors: birth rates, conversions & inmigración.

A younger, well-educated and affluent target market.

25% larger family size than U. S. average.

Survey design and analysis by Cornell University

Research sponsored by BridgesTV

Survey sent to 5,000 random recipients

Industry average: 3% to 5% response rate

Cornell University study: 15% response rate

Is high response rate proxy for high demand for TV

The study has heavier Immigrant Muslim bias.

Survey conducted in April 2002

Source: Cornell University April 2002

Top Five Cars Owned by American Muslims

Top U. S. brands: GM, Ford and Daimler-Chrysler

Top 5 cars owned by American Muslims are:

Source: Cornell University April 2002

American Muslims are considering American Cars

67% of AM's plan to buy a new car every 3.3 years.

American Muslims are leaning towards American-made cars

Source: Cornell University April 2002

Subway is the preferred Fast Food Restaurant

Several write-in's: "we avoid fast food"

Meat needs to be Halal (Kosher)

American fast-food owners may be missing out on a key market

Chains offering non-meat options such as Pizza Hut, Domino's may have done better

Need for Halal products is high

Source: Cornell University April 2002

American Muslims prefer Palmolive for Dishes

Palmolive and Dawn gained share versus six months ago

Current share of dish liquid in American Muslim homes:

Source: Cornell University April 2002 Data Provided by Bridges TV - American Muslim Lifestyle Network

Number of Mosques in the United States by State

Demographic Facts

Mosques in the United States: 1,209

American Muslims associated with a mosque: 2 million

Increase in number of mosques since 1994: 25 percent

Proportion of mosques founded since 1980: 62 percent

Average number of Muslims associated with each mosque in the United States: 1,625

U. S. mosque participants who are converts: 30 percent

American Muslims who "strongly agree" that they should participate in American institutions and the political process: 70 percent

U. S. mosques attended by a single ethnic group: 7 percent

U. S. mosques that have some Asian, African-American, and Arab members: nearly 90 percent

Ethnic origins of regular participants in U. S. mosques: South Asian (Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, Afghani) = 33 percent African-America = 30 percent Arab = 25 percent Sub-Saharan African = 3.4 percent European (Bosnian, Tartar, Kosovar, etc.) = 2.1 percent White American = 1.6 percent Southeast Asian ( Malaysian, Indonesian, Filipino) = 1.3 percent Caribbean = 1.2 percent Turkish = 1.1 percent Iranian = 0.7 percent Hispanic/Latino = 0.6 percent

U. S. mosques that feel they strictly follow the Koran and Sunnah: more than 90 percent

U. S. mosques that feel the Koran should be interpreted with consideration of its purposes and modern circumstances: 71 percent

U. S. mosques that provide some assistance to the needy: nearly 70 percent

U. S. mosques with a full-time school: more than 20 percent

The information above was drawn from the "Mosque in America: A National Portrait," a survey released in April 2001. It is part of larger study of American congregations called "Faith Communities Today," coordinated by Hartford Seminary's Hartford Institute for Religious Research in Connecticut. Muslim organizations cosponsoring the survey are the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Islamic Society of North America, the Ministry of Imam W. Deen Muhammed, and the Islamic Circle of North America.

(Chart based on information from the Hartford Institute for Religious Research)

U. S. Mosques population by background

(Data from U. S. Department of State, April 2001) 22.4 percent of American Muslims were born in the United States (American Muslim Council, August 2000). & Middot; 61.8 percent of all American Muslims are college graduates (American Muslim Council, August 2000). & Middot; 58.1 percent of American Muslims are men and 41.9 percent are women (American Muslim Council, August 2000). Data Provided by Bridges TV - American Muslim Lifestyle Network Muslim American Ethnicity

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NIFTY to hold 100 week moving average

NIFTY’s 100 WSMA of 7690 should act as strong support for the markets

M oving averages are one of the most commonly used tools in technical analysis. Analysts across the globe use different variations of moving averages across different number of time periods. These moving averages not only help in defining market trends, but also help in figuring out change in trends. It also helps determine major supports and resistance levels.

Moving averages can be calculated on daily or weekly values, depending on investors’ objective. Investors use shorter duration moving averages such as 5-DMA, 14-DMA, 26-DMA, 50-DMA, etc, for tracking short-term trends and 100-DMA, 150-DMA, 200-DMA, as also 100 week moving average (WMA) and 200 WMA for monitoring long term trends. On 24 September 2015, Nifty closed at 7869 levels, just a couple of hundred points away from 100-week simple moving average of 7690.

The ongoing uncertainty in the global markets is keeping investors at bay. China-led global slowdown and the uncertainty over impending interest rate hike in the US has kept investors guessing on the clear direction of the markets.

There is risk-off happening globally, with FIIs selling riskier assets such as equities. Since 10 August 2015, when China announced devaluation of its currency, FIIs have sold over Rs29,000 crore worth of Indian equities. Nifty, which corrected by 11.7 per cent between 7 August and 7 September 2015, has bounced back by 5.5 per cent during 7-21 September, but volumes are falling. Despite the recent recovery, investors are shying away from the equities.

During this entire correction, equity mutual funds have consistently bought equities. As per AMFI data, equity mutual funds have invested over Rs11,000 crore in equities in August 2015. DIIs have collectively invested over Rs25,000 crore between 10 August and 23 September 2015.

Globally, emerging markets dependent on commodities are struggling to manage their finances, as commodity prices have remained weak. Brent crude is now trading at $48 per barrel. Base metal prices too have fallen due to weak demand. Experts expect commodity prices to continue to remain weak for an extended period.

The sharp fall in commodities has come as a blessing in disguise for India, as its economy is primarily dependent on imported crude. This has helped India lower inflation and control ballooning deficit. India’s CPI inflation fell to 3.66 per cent in August 2015. WPI inflation too fell to -4.95 per cent, the 10th consecutive month of negative inflation. This trend should encourage RBI to lower interest rates.

T he government has its focus on long-term growth plans. It has cut down subsidies and reduced wasteful expenditure. It has announced various measures to encourage investments in infrastructure projects to revive demand. As demand recovers and interest rates fall, India will see strong revival of the capex cycle, driving full-fledged economic recovery.

Fall in commodity prices has already started reflecting in the financials of the corporate sector, in the form of higher gross margins. Revival in revenue growth, coupled with falling interest rates, will drive growth.

After the recent correction, markets are now quoting at reasonable P/E multiples of mid-teens – lower than the historical long-term average. Despite global uncertainties, India is relatively on a firm footing.

On the downside, India is facing the risk of a second consecutive year of below-normal monsoon, which could adversely impact rural demand and re-ignite inflationary pressure in the economy. There is also too much uncertainty in the global markets. These factors may temporarily deter RBI from aggressively cutting interest rates in the near term. In such a scenario, it is unfair to expect outperformance in Indian markets in the near term. However, once this turbulence subsides, India will once again resume its long-term structural bull run. In the short term, Nifty should take support around its 100-week moving average, which currently stands around 7690.

This article was originally published in Business India Magazine. Write to us at news@valuelineadvisors. com

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are personal and the author is not responsible in any manner for the use which might be made of the above information. None of the contents make any recommendation to buy, sell or hold any security and should not be construed as offering investment advice.

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Former Cushing Academy star Conor Sheary has grown into NHL player with Penguins

By Bill Doyle Telegram & Gazette Staff Posted Feb 24, 2016 at 11:00 PM Updated Feb 25, 2016 at 1:04 PM

BOSTON — When Conor Sheary was a freshman, he was cut from the Cushing Academy hockey team.

He was only 5 feet tall and weighed just 100 pounds.

“I was really small so I didn’t expect to the make the team,” él dijo. “So it wasn’t a big deal.”

Sheary still isn’t very big, just 5-foot-8, 175 pounds, but he’s made it to the NHL and he played for Pittsburgh in a 5-1 loss to the Boston Bruins Wednesday night at the Garden. And wouldn’t you know it, Cushing and Pittsburgh share the same mascot, the Penguins.

Sheary made the Cushing Academy team the second year he tried out and played three seasons for the prep school in Ashburnham.

“I grew a little bit,” he said, “and that kind of caused some motivation as well, not making the team.”

He collected 30 goals and 41 assists for 71 points in 31 games in his final season in the 2009-10 season. During his first year on the Cushing hockey team, former Celtic and current Phoenix Suns guard Phil Pressey played for Cushing’s basketball team. They lived in the same dorm.

“We’re both under-sized guys,” Sheary said. “So it’s special coming from the spot. It’s pretty cool.”

Sheary went on to play for UMass-Amherst, finishing with 38 goals and 66 assists in his four years there.

Undrafted, Sheary signed an AHL contract with Wilkes-Barre-Scranton late in the 2013-14 season and he had 6 goals and 5 assists for 11 points in 15 playoff games.

Last season, he scored 20 goals in the regular season and 5 in the playoffs for WB-Scranton, prompting the parent-club Pittsburgh Penguins to sign him last July to a two-year entry level contract.

Sheary began this season playing for former Bruins coach Mike Sullivan in WB-Scranton, but he was recalled by Pittsburgh on Dec. 15, three days after Sullivan replaced the fired Mike Johnston as head coach. The next day the left winger made his NHL debut in a 3-0 loss at the Garden to the Bruins, the team he grew up watching. Two days after that, the Penguins hosted the Bruins and Sheary skated on a line with Sidney Crosby. He collected his first NHL goal and assist.

Page 2 of 3 - “That was awesome,” él dijo. “It was nice I got to do it at Pitt in front of our own fans.”

After his fast start, the points didn’t pile up for Sheary and the Penguins demoted him to WB-Scranton for a couple of weeks in January, but he’s been back with the parent club since Feb. 1.

Sheary collected 36 points in 30 games for WB-Scranton this season, but he has only 5 points (3 goals, 2 assists) in 26 games for Pittsburgh.

“It was a little bit tougher at first,” él dijo. “I think once I found kind of my role and what I need to be successful, I think I’ve become a little bit more comfortable.

Obviously, the points aren’t going up as much as they were in Wilkes-Barre, but that comes with just time and ice time and stuff like that. I’m comfortable with my linemates and I’m comfortable with my game right now.”

Midway through the first period, Sheary had his best scoring chance, but Tuukka Rask gloved his shot. The Bruins swept the season series from the Penguins, 3-0, and out-scored them, 14-3.

“They’re a really structured team,” Sheary said. “They play well in the neutral zone so it’s hard to get the puck in their end and they defend their net really well.”

Sheary, 23, lived for five years in Winchester before moving to Melrose, home of Bruins television analyst Andy Brickley. He followed his sister to Cushing Academy.

Courtney Sheary played hockey for Cushing and then for the University of New Hampshire.

Conor Sheary was twice named Cushing’s best offensive player and in his final year he made the New England Prep School All-Star team. He also led the Cushing baseball team in batting average, runs and stolen bases.

Sheary is one of more than a dozen Cushing graduates who went on to play in the NHL. Others include Chris Bourque, son of Bruins legend Ray Bourque, and Worcester’s Tom Poti.

Page 3 of 3 - —Contact Bill Doyle at william. doyle @telegram. com. Follow him on Twitter @BillDoyle15.

EDITOR'S NOTE: The tapes of Justice Souris were adversely affected by persistent interference, under freak circumstances, from a radio broadcast signal that caused more than a few phrases to become distorted or unrecognizable. The tapes were made high in a tower of the Renaissance Center during heavy fog. The reader's indulgence is asked. R. F.L.

Justice Souris discusses his family history, living in Detroit and then Ann Arbor as a student, and joining the Air Force in 1943. He then talks about returning to the University of Michigan in 1945 to finish his degree and complete law school.

Mr. Lane: The date of this tape is November 5, 1990. an oral history interview sponsored by the Michigan Supreme Court Historical Society. We're in the office of former Justice Theodore Souris in the Renaissance Center, 34th floor and Mr. Souris is sitting behind his desk and with him is Roger Lane representing the Historical Society. As I mentioned, Mr. Souris, I would like to get first into. let's call if family background. Now, you were born and raised in Detroit, is that not true?

Justice Souris: Yes.

Mr. Lane: And your father was a business man in wholesale meats. ¿es eso?

Justice Souris: Yes.

Mr. Lane: Can you tell about the family a little bit. brothers and sisters and where you lived?

Justice Souris: I had a sister who died when she was five and I was 10, therefore, I was the only child in the family, and my father died when I was 14. My mother and I lived together until I went to the University of Michigan Undergraduate in January, 1943.

Mr. Lane: Did your father die suddenly? Did he die a traumatic death or.

Justice Souris: He died at a very early age. He was in his 40's when he died and otherwise in apparently good health. He had been working very hard and died of a heart attack.

Mr. Lane: He was an immigrant, was he not?

Justice Souris: Oh, yes, as was my mother.

Mr. Lane: Do you feel that he instilled the immigrant values, traditional American values in you?

Justice Souris: I don't know that he did because of his fairly early death, but I think that my knowledge of my background and our acquaintances in the community, within the Greek community particularly, certainly had a significant bearing on the values that I developed in my.

Mr. Lane: Did he leave your mother and you in a position of physical comfort?

Justice Souris: No, he had just begun a new business, had invested everything he owned in that business at the time of his death. Of course, everything was lost at the time of his death. The business was just about to begin operation when he died.

Mr. Lane: Was it a solo venture?

Justice Souris: Yes.

Mr. Lane: You were not old enough at that time.

Justice Souris: No, I was only 14 years old.

Mr. Lane: That's right. You were in what. high school?

Justice Souris: I was in high school at that time.

Mr. Lane: Was there a very traumatic period then?

Justice Souris: Sure, absolutely. It was a period that simply devastated my mother who was a very young widow with a teenage son to raise.

Mr. Lane: Would she have been about in her late 30's or 40's?

Justice Souris: My mother was in her late 30's then. that's right, late 30's. mid 30's, and it took her a couple of years really to emerge from a state of absolute devastation. The shock was such that I can remember her functioning almost in a catatonic state. It was a very difficult period.

Mr. Lane: Was there family support?

Justice Souris: No, we had no family.

Mr. Lane: But you did live in the Greek community, and was there support there?

Justice Souris: Well, her friends from the community were very helpful to her, obviously. We lived at that time in Grosse Pointe. We had moved into Grosse Pointe in the late 1930's or early 1940's. I'm not sure when..shortly before my father died. We had a doctor whose name was Alexander Blain.

Mr. Lane: Blaindes?

Justice Souris: Blain. he sensed my mother's need for societal support and was sensitive enough to realize that this was a very delicate matter for him to broach to her and he did it in a way I'll never forget. He suggested to her that she help him as a volunteer at his hospital which was the Blain Clinic on the east side of Detroit. It was during the war, remember, and he was short of nursing help. He knew that my mother had always wanted to be a nurse but never was able to pursue that objective. So she volunteered. She went to Blain Hospital and she worked for old Dr. Blain as a floating nurse in an operating room. Her role was to. she was the only person in the room who was not sterile. That is to say, she could move from the operating room to the outside and back again. And after a relatively short period of time as a volunteer for a day or so, he suggested to her that perhaps she would like to work for him full-time. She worked for there forty years before she retired. This was just a marvelous thing for her because it put her into societal settings that were totally different from her own experience, and gave her an opportunity to move out into the community, to make many friends from various aspects of life, various phases of life. It made it possible for me, quite candidly, to leave home for Ann Arbor rather than to stay in Detroit. It made it possible for me to go into the service with much less concern for my mother than I otherwise would have had, had she not been able to function as she was at Blain, and of course, the experience at Blain brought her back to reality also. It eased the terrible emotional trauma of my father's death.

Mr. Lane: Was there great financial strain?

Justice Souris: Sure. Absolutamente.

Mr. Lane: How were you able to take off for Ann Arbor financially?

Justice Souris: My mother was provided for by her work. I had a couple of very modest scholarships that came to me and I worked. I worked long hours.

Mr. Lane: The scholarships, I assume, were academic scholarships.

Justice Souris: Sure.

Mr. Lane: Based on good performance.

Justice Souris: Yes.

Mr. Lane: Were you. did you have extraordinarily good records when you were in high school?

Justice Souris: Yes, I did.

Mr. Lane: Can you tell us a little about it? Were you first in class and that sort of thing?

Justice Souris: No, but it was a good record.

Mr. Lane: Which school was it?

Justice Souris: Grosse Pointe High School. We had. it's strange, I've been talking about this with friends recently. We were not particularly interested in girls in those days.

Mr. Lane: This was the tail end of the depression, was it not?

Justice Souris: Sure, it was the middle of World War II. This was in. beginning in 1940. I graduated in January of 1943 from high school, so you had vestiges of the depression, but you also had the war years. There was an enormous press for academic achievement. There was concern about the war. There was concern about professions. We had a superior group of students, I think, at the high school, and as I say, we weren't interested in girls, and girls weren't interested in boys, at least not in the group in which I traveled, but we were interested in one another as students. What we did was we studied together, not in the way students study today. We simply worked together in the library, for example. We went out and had chocolate cakes or whatever, and we talked about our work. When I graduated from high school, there were nine of us from my class, boys and girls, who went to Ann Arbor, and we went together, and we stayed together during the three semesters I remained in Ann Arbor before I went into the service. We were all enrolled either in the Engineering School or in the Literary School. We were in classes together, and we supported one another.

Mr. Lane: You entered University at age 16, is that correct?

Justice Souris: No, no. I was 17. I was 17 when I started Ann Arbor.

Mr. Lane: Did you have any idea of the law thing?

Justice Souris: Yes, I did. I had in mind law. No one in my family had been a lawyer. The only person I knew well who was a lawyer was Tom Roumell, who much later became a Wayne Circuit Judge, and Tom was, back in the 1930's, late 1930's, practicing law. I had written him a letter and said to him that I had an interest in the law - what could he tell me about it? He wrote me a very lovely letter. It was a long letter. He was a brand-new lawyer. He had just started his practice in Chicago with a friend of his, and together with this letter, he sent me a thesaurus, Roget's Thesaurus, which I still have. It was a very touching thing for him to do, and I'll never forget that. It was an inspiration to me, it really was, because here was a young lawyer who was expressing his absolute, pure, unadulterated joy in being a lawyer, and that certainly stimulated my desire to pursue a law career.

Mr. Lane: Were there other factors of that type of inspiration? Did you have, for example, in high school perhaps, a teacher who had a great influence on you and who gave you a thrust toward literature?

Justice Souris: Yes, many. We had really an outstanding faculty. I can remember a french teacher whose name was McGaw, and she taught french as if it were the most important subject in the world; made us think so. I remember a teacher of World Literature who was, at that time in my eyes, at least, ancient. She must have been in her 60's.

Mr. Lane: How old was she, did you say?

Justice Souris: She must have been in her 60's, but I thought of her as ancient. I had a history teacher by the name of Selmeier, Roy Selmeier who was also coach of the Debating Club, Debating Team, and I had a mathematics teacher by the name of Zimmerman. All of these people had an enormous influence on me and an enormous influence on everyone in our group that I described earlier. We weren't really competing against one another, we were competing against ourselves. I think that was the sort of attitude that these people instilled in us, these teachers instilled in us.

Mr. Lane: Did this come right out of the classroom or what is the ancillary activities, the Debate Club?

Justice Souris: No, not really. out of the classrooms.

Mr. Lane: You got out of high school what people.

Justice Souris: Absolutely superior. absolutely superior, and when we went to Ann Arbor, we were all rather surprised that others who were classmates of ours in Ann Arbor did not have that kind of experience. The kids from Cass Tech in Detroit and from Central in Detroit were our competitors. These were the kids who achieved in Ann Arbor what we were achieving. I guess maybe that is typical of the fact that these were two really great schools in the Detroit Public School system just as ours was in Grosse Pointe.

Mr. Lane: What did you do to keep bread and butter on the table?

Justice Souris: I worked the entire time I was in Ann Arbor except for one semester, my last year in law school. I worked at the Railroad Station trucking freight in Ann Arbor.

Mr. Lane: You mean you ran those carts back and forth where you put the stuff in the baggage car and that sort of thing?

Justice Souris: Yes, like refrigerators and stoves on hand-trucks. It was a marvelous experience. It was something that I rather enjoyed doing at the time because it was a complete break from the academic work that I was doing. It was hard, physical manual labor.

Mr. Lane: How much did you weigh at that time?

Justice Souris: Oh, I never weighed more than 110 - 115 pounds, but you know, you had the principles of leverage working for you if you knew how to use them. From there, I went to work. I also waited tables for sorority houses for meals. I went to work for Fred Basom. He was a professor of engineering, had charge, as well as the academic responsibilities, of the blueprint room in the engineering department, in the old Engineering building. I went to work for him running blueprints, and he did not care when I worked so long as I got the work done, so I worked there for three semesters, the three semesters I was in school before being called to service. We were on a three semester a year basis around the clock at that time, so it made it possible for me to get those three semesters in before being called to service.

Mr. Lane: Was it tough to get work in those days for a student?

Justice Souris: No, it wasn't, not in my experience.

Mr. Lane: The competition was reduced, I suppose, because of the war.

Justice Souris: Sure, sure. You could have whatever job you wanted.

Mr. Lane: Did you borrow? Did you have to borrow?

Justice Souris: No, I never borrowed in my life, except to buy a house.

Mr. Lane: It wasn't the fashion then, was it? And now it is the fashion.

Justice Souris: No, it wasn't the fashion.

Mr. Lane: Am I saying it wrong?

Justice Souris: No, I think you're absolutely right. My children don't borrow, and I think they're unusual in that respect. They don't borrow because they've been brought up believing that cash is better than a credit card.

Mr. Lane: Did you do well in school under those circumstances?

Justice Souris: I didn't excel, but I did all right. I did quite well. I got into the law school without any difficulty.

Mr. Lane: What took you away? This was later, right? You didn't get into the law school prior to your military stay?

Justice Souris: No, no, no. I had only a year and one-half of college credits. Then I was called to active duty in the Air Force in January, 1943.

Mr. Lane: How old were you?

Justice Souris: I was still 17. I'm sorry. I was called to active duty in January, 1944. I was 18. I joined the Air Force in June or July of 1943 when I was still 17. I was called to active duty in January, 1944, and I had just completed. I was two weeks shy of completing the third semester, and some of my professors gave me early examinations; others refused to do so, one of whom was William Payton who was the accounting professor, of great renown who would not give me a special examination because of the burden upon him to devise an examination. I never forgot that.

Mr. Lane: Were you eligible, age-wise, to join the Air Force when you did, or did you have to.

Justice Souris: No, I was eligible to join it when I did at 17. I'm not sure, Roger, now that you ask about it. I'm almost certain that I was eligible to join. I wouldn't have lied about something like that.

Mr. Lane: Well, you know, you can sort of anticipate. I was going to ask eventually about the case that. I can't recall the name of it, I can find it quickly, which may jump to mind instantly of the 17 year old employee in some kind of a construction job, when you wrote this case.

Justice Souris: Yes, I remember that one.

Mr. Lane: Remember that one? And this kid.

Justice Souris: Lied about his age.

Mr. Lane: He did, and then there was a question of liability and that sort of thing.

Justice Souris: Yes, and the Legislature provided that under-age employees who were injured on the job were entitled to double compensation and I think I wrote that that was a judgment the legislature was entitled to make. It made it. Relatively simple decision to reach.

Mr. Lane: Well, of course there was the question, I guess, of fraudulent representation. I know that, but for that, he never would have been employed in the first place.

Justice Souris: That's right.

Mr. Lane: But I didn't mean to get deeply into that. I just thought it might have.

Justice Souris: No, I had completely forgotten about that case. Was that case the Halfacre case?

Mr. Lane: I have it here. I'll tell you who. I think it was who. he called it to mind. I talked to Lloyd Fell and asked him what sort of things that he remembered that he thought might be worth playing out.

Justice Souris: My old law clerk who became one of my partners.

Mr. Lane: He is up in Cheboygan now. Somebody gave me his name.

Justice Souris: He's my partner. We have an office in Cheboygan.

Mr. Lane: I didn't know that. You have quite a record, and what I'm trying to do is to scan, at least, the cases, so I can be better informed as we go along.

Justice Souris: I have not looked at those cases as a whole in years and years. Occasionally, I have come across one in my work, but I'd be happy to discuss whatever I can remember.

Mr. Lane: Oh, well, we'll do that later, but let's. I just wanted to see if there is any connection between your experience. Now, you signed up and then some months later, actually went on active duty. What did you do, and where did you go?

Justice Souris: I was assigned to the Air Cadet Program. It was a training program for pilots, navigators and bombadiers. When I was called to active duty in January, 1944, shortly thereafter, the Battle of the Bulge occurred, and we were, at that time, in mid-1944 in our primary training. I think it was called primary flight training. We had gone through basic training. We were just then beginning to fly single engine planes.

Mr. Lane: Were you down in Texas.

Justice Souris: No, I was in. I ultimately got to Texas, but this was all done in Pittsburgh. Our first training was at a little airport, air base called Butler near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We did our work there in what I think was Piper Cubs. I'm not certain of that, but.

Mr. Lane: (comment is unclear)

Justice Souris: Right after that training, we were stationed at the University of Pittsburgh and took academic training plus flight training at Butler. Right after that program ended and the Battle of the Bulge suggested that things were going fairly well and that we probably would not be in a war attitude for a prolonged period in Europe, the Air Force cut back as did the Naval Air Force, its training program. Instead of transferring us to other units, it hung onto us and put us in pools, so-called pools of talent. These were young kids, many of whom were college students. They had. the Air Force itself had selected what it deemed to be the cream of the crop of available talent, and these were the kids who were stuck in pools around the country.

Mr. Lane: You were with what pool?

Justice Souris: Oh, I went from Pittsburgh to Georgia, and Georgia to Alabama, from Alabama to Texas, back to Alabama, ultimately up to Ohio and Mississippi and Louisiana. We moved around from Air Force base to Air Force base and for reasons I don't quite understand, the Air Force was not able to assign us to any duty which meant that we were stagnating. We had nothing to do. Nothing whatever to do except those things that we, ourselves, decided to do. At some point, I was in Mississippi, I decided to offer my services, whatever they were, to the so - called Courts and Boards Office at the Air Force base at Greenville, Mississippi. It was the legal office, the adjutant's office in the Air Force, and I functioned really as a clerk in that office for as long as I was assigned to the base. We had a number of problems, race problems on that base, that forced the legal officer to use me as an investigator, as an aide, and that was my first experience really with race problems - absolutely frightening.

Mr. Lane: And with an investigation toward a judicial determination.

Justice Souris: Not judicial really. We had a black airman, sergeant, who had been arrested in the town and had been kept in jail without notifying the military authorities of his presence there.

Mr. Lane: Was he in uniform?

Justice Souris: Yes, and it was well-known that he was from the area. He was arrested. He had $300.00 at the time of his arrest. That was taken from him. It was a long, miserable story that I don't want to get into, very, very lengthy, and it was. a circumstance in which the sheriff and a lawyer in the community were keeping this man as a slave, in a figurative sense, and when we found out that an airman from the base was in jail and had been for a number of months, when we found out.

Mr. Lane: Did you say "months"?

Justice Souris: Yes. we had to get him released, and we did. It certainly wasn't through the judicial process, but we got him released.

Mr. Lane: How could have a person have been gone for that period of time without his immediate superiors being.

Justice Souris: He had been stationed. he had been transferred to Alaska, and was home on leave when he was arrested, so the Alaskan authorities simply thought that he was AWOL, the Air Force people in Alaska. We, in Mississippi, didn't know that he was in jail. When we found out, of course, then we notified our counterparts in Alaska and ultimately got him released and sent on his way. It was an eye-opener for me.

Mr. Lane: Had you been in the south before for any period of time?

Justice Souris: Only in the army, only in the service. In those days, our units were segregated. There were no blacks in the Air Force. There were black units, but they weren't integrated.

Mr. Lane: Otis Smith was in one of those.

Justice Souris: Yes, and Coleman Young.

Mr. Lane: And there were some others.

Justice Souris: Oh, yes.

Mr. Lane: I think Clifton Wharton was one of them.

Justice Souris: Kermit Bailer.

Mr. Lane: Coleman until he got to be Secretary of Transportation?

Justice Souris: Yes, Bill Coleman.

Mr. Lane: Did this whet your taste for the law? Did this have any.

Justice Souris: Sure, absolutely. The legal officer in charge of the office in Mississippi was from New Orleans. He was a young lawyer who happened to be in the Air Force assigned to legal duties. I don't know to what extent he had practiced. He had practiced a number of years before going into the service, but only a few, and he, too, was an inspiration to me in a sense that he was absolutely dedicated to the task he was assigned as a lawyer, and at risk to his life and to his wife's, and let's say to mine, too. We did what we had to do to free the black serviceman we had never before met. We didn't know anything about it, but it was an obligation that we had and with his leadership, we accomplished this. Each of us was transferred away from the base soon thereafter, and no reason. the stated reason wasn't because of what we had done

Mr. Lane: Was the resolution of this matter extra legal?

Justice Souris: No, I would prefer to say that it was non-judicial.

Justice Souris: We threatened to blow the lid on what the sheriff and the mayor of the community and the lawyer had done. We called in the Department of Justice. They were going to send an investigator out. When the sheriff and the mayor found out that that had been done, they entered into an agreement with us to release the man, and once we had him released, there wasn't any point in pursuing the matter. As a matter of fact, we weren't in a position to pursue it because we were transferred.

Mr. Lane: Was he charged with something?

Justice Souris: No. Well, I don't know whether he was charged with anything. He was ostensibly arrested for assault and battery and robbery from his own home, but I don't remember that there was any formal charge.

Mr. Lane: This left a lasting impression on you?

Justice Souris: Sure, as it would on anyone.

Mr. Lane: Was this towards the end of your Air Force.

Justice Souris: No, it wasn't. It was really no more than six or seven months after I entered the service.

Mr. Lane: How long were you in.

Justice Souris: Almost two years. I got out in November, 1945, right after the war ended, and I returned to Ann Arbor immediately, and resumed my course work in Ann Arbor. Maybe a couple of weeks or maybe a month after the semester had begun.

Mr. Lane: What course were you following?

Justice Souris: At that time, I was on what was called a "combined curriculum". At the end of three years, I was to have been admitted to the law school and at the end of another three years in law school, I would have been granted both a law degree plus a Bachelor's degree. Shortly after I got back to Ann Arbor, I made the decision not to pursue that combined curriculum because I did not have enough time to get the courses I really wanted, and that was, in my view, my only chance in life to study subjects that were of interest to me.

Mr. Lane: What were some of the subjects that were not on track, that you were.

Justice Souris: Literature.

Mr. Lane: English literature, or?

Justice Souris: English literature, world literature, history, political science and the humanities, and that's just exactly why I took a double major in history and political science, and I had a fair amount, a fairly large amount of English, some philosophy, not much, but some.

Mr. Lane: I picked up quite a significant allusion to Plato in one of your. I wondered a little about it.

Justice Souris: I don't remember that.

Mr. Lane: Well, I think what I'm referring to is your remarks upon the presentation of George Edward's portrait. You nominated him as the worthy member of Plato's army of judges.

Justice Souris: I recall that, vaguely.

Mr. Lane: Well, I have it somewhere. I will show it to you. But at any rate, you did go ahead and get your undergraduate degree, right?

Justice Souris: And then started law school.

Mr. Lane: Immediately?

Justice Souris: Right away, because I was running out of money.

Mr. Lane: Didn't you have Veteran's benefits by then?

Justice Souris: Yes, but you know, as welcome as they were, I still had to work. They weren't enough to meet my needs, and in any event, I would have run out of GI Bill benefits before the end of my last semester. I would have run out. I would not have been covered in the last semester, so I continued to work.

Mr. Lane: During this period.

Justice Souris: During that time, incidently, one of my history professors, Professor VanderVelde, a great man who taught me American Constitutional History, offered me a job as an assistant curator at the Michigan Historical Collection which was then located in the Rackham Building, and that got me away from the railroad yard and the blueprint department at the Engineering School, and put me in more of an academic setting, and it gave me an opportunity to work more comfortably.

Mr. Lane: How did you live in those days? Did you share quarters in one of the residential houses there, or did you live in a.

Justice Souris: No, I lived in rooming houses.

Mr. Lane: You didn't live in a dormitory?

Justice Souris: Only in the first two semesters I was in Ann Arbor before going into the service. Yo recogi. the first and the third semester, if I recall correctly, and the dormitory was not open in the summer (I think that's correct). in any event, those of us from the high school all lived together in that dormitory, and it was just a great opportunity for us to maintain those friendships, those relationships.

Mr. Lane: That strikes me as distinctly unusual. I don't remember of hearing of such a thing. Was this fairly. did the Cass Tech graduates live together in this same fashion?

Justice Souris: I don't mean to say that we all lived together because we wanted to stay together. It just so happened that we had all signed up for the dormitory, and we all were admitted to the dormitory, and we all were there during that period of time. It was fortunate circumstances.

Mr. Lane: Did this have some kind of a reinforcing effect on your academic pursuits?

Justice Souris: Certainly, certainly.

Mr. Lane: The fellows that you had studied with when you were a senior in high school were natural companions in sort of an academic way, and.

Justice Souris: You didn't want to acknowledge to them that you weren't doing very well, so you strived to excell just as we did in high school. It was that kind of relationship. It wasn't a one-on-one competition, but it was rather an effort to maintain the group's intellectual integrity, its level of achievement.

Mr. Lane: Did you stay in some touch back in Grosse Pointe?

Justice Souris: Back in Grosse Pointe?

Mr. Lane: Well, I'm thinking of your high school teachers?

Justice Souris: Some.

Mr. Lane: . pretty good sense of attachment with some of those?

Justice Souris: No, not at all, because you know, it wasn't long before I was in the service, and that sort of thing. That just isn't done. It wasn't done at that time.

Mr. Lane: When you got into law school then, did you develop. what do I call it. a mentor relationship with any particular member of the faculty that you looked to for many years?

Justice Souris: No, no. Law school to me was a very difficult period of time. Era. I worked, I was in law school.

Mr. Lane: Did you work in law-related activities?

Justice Souris: Well, as a matter of fact, I worked both for the Historical Collections and also for the American Judicature Society which had its offices in Hutchins Hall in the law school. My recollection is that I stopped working for the Judicature Society before I entered law school. I think it had moved its headquarters to Chicago at that time, shortly thereafter, in any event. But I worked. that was the only law-related activity I had during the entire time I was in undergraduate school and in law school. Law school was a real challenge to me for one reason that has followed me most of my life. I was among the very youngest in the service in my group. Many of the people in my group in the service had been reassigned to the Air Force after having done a tour abroad overseas. These were gunners, for example who had served overseas, had been returned to the states and had been assigned for pilot training or navigator training, bombardier training, and they were, by and large, older men. When I got to law school. remember, this was shortly after the war. it would have been in the summer of 1947, we had an enormous number of veterans entering law school who had returned to college, completed their college work and were on the last leg home, and so the average age of my law school class was extraordinarily high, and these were men of vastly greater experience than I, so I was very conscious of the competitive atmosphere of law school at that time, and worked extraordinarily hard.

Mr. Lane: Did you come out with good results? Of course, they were good. Quiero decir.

Justice Souris: I was not a star of the law school class, but I wasn't trying to be, either. I was anxious to get through as quickly as I could and as well as I could. I managed all right. I managed quite well, as a matter of fact, but I got through in two years and three summers. We were on an accelerated program. The law school recognized as did the undergraduate school, that it had to serve the needs of returning veterans, and economically, they were in a position where they had to accelerate their educations in order to be able to earn decent livings, and so the law school provided three semesters a year just as the undergraduate school had done. When I started. when I returned to Ann Arbor in November, 1945, I stayed in Ann Arbor from then until August, 1949 without a break except for the short vacations between semesters, and completed my undergraduate work, completed my law school work on a rapid, accelerated basis.

Mr. Lane: You were in the class then of 1949?

Justice Souris: Yes.

Mr. Lane: Were there others in your class finishing school at approximately the same time that came to have an influence on your career? You hear, you know, from time to time of persons who were in the same class, and they crossed paths later. I was wondering if there were some persons, for example, who steered you towards what eventually became your Supreme Court appointment.

Justice Souris: No, no. Realmente no.

Mr. Lane: There were no.

Justice Souris: I should say this. I met Mennen Williams when I was studying in the basement of the law library in Ann Arbor one night, late one night.

Mr. Lane: What was he doing there?

Justice Souris: He was looking for the men's room.

(End of side 1, tape 1)

Justice Souris talks about knowing G. Mennen Williams and Neil Staebler, practicing law after graduating, being involved in the election recounts of 1950 and 1952. He then discusses the effects that this involvement had on his career and his eventual unexpected appointment to the Michigan Supreme Court.

Mr. Lane: Was he then in a government position?

Justice Souris: This was in 1947 or 1948. 1947. When was his campaign for governor.

Justice Souris: This was in the early months of 1948. He was with Neil Staebler whom I had known, and Neil introduced me to Mennen as the next governor, and we chatted for a while, and that was the end of my encounter with Mennen, but I worked for him.

Mr. Lane: Excuse me. How did you know Neil Staebler at that time? He was a pretty big.

Justice Souris: Neil had returned to Ann Arbor from his Naval service at about the same time that I returned to Ann Arbor from the Air Force, and we were both active in an organization called the American Veterans Committee.

Mr. Lane: Oh, I remember that. AVC.

Justice Souris: AVC, and from there, Neil moved into the Democratic Party, and I had become active in the Young Democrats on campus, and when Mennen was running for governor, of course I did what I could to give him support, and that continued throughout my professional career until I was appointed to the bench. He was an inspiration. He really was. He was young, he was articulate, conveyed the sense of a social commitment. He brought young people into the political process that only a John Kennedy thereafter was able. John Kennedy and Adlai Stevenson, and in bringing those two names into this conversation, I want to reveal to you as clearly as I can my own political predilections. They obviously followed the liberal Democratic view of right and wrong.

Mr. Lane: When did this charismatic appraisal, feeling about him, about Williams begin to crystalize? It certainly wasn't your chance meeting.

Justice Souris: No, no. certainly not. It had begun even before that chance meeting. We had encountered enormous resistance to Mennen's candidacy by the Democratic Party in those days.

Mr. Lane: He was a renegade, was he not?

Justice Souris: He was a renegade, and the Democratic Party in the late 1940's was run by the Teamsters Union and by a man named John Franco, who was then, if I recall correctly, Democratic State chairman. George Fitzgerald, his lawyer in Detroit who represented the Teamsters Union, was a very important political figure in those days and George and I subsequently became good friends though we were political enemies in those days. I had been organizing Young Democratic organizations around the state on college campuses, and.

Mr. Lane: How did you get into that kind of activity? Was it something that came just from within or did somebody spur you to do it?

Justice Souris: No, I think it was a deeply felt need to participate in the business of government. Remember, we had just gone through a terrible war. We had returned to campus with idealistic views of our own role in society. The opportunities were there, and there was a feeling of participation in a group activity, a very important thing at that time, and it was very exciting. It was very exciting particularly because we won.

Mr. Lane: Did you go to Eastern and Central and places like that?

Justice Souris: Yes.

Mr. Lane: Now, this would have been while you were still in school?

Justice Souris: That's right.

Mr. Lane: When you got out of school, you graduated in August, then what?

Justice Souris: I continued my activities, political activities in what was then the 14th Congressional District.

Mr. Lane: Had you joined a law firm?

Justice Souris: Yes, in Detroit. Fulton and Donovan.

Mr. Lane: Is that the Donovan who is the father of.

Justice Souris: Julie.

Mr. Lane: Julie Darlow?

Justice Souris: Julie Darlow, yes.

Mr. Lane: How did you happen to make that connection?

Justice Souris: One of my law professors asked me what I intended to do when I graduated law school, and I told him I thought I'd go to Midland, Michigan. I had looked at the state's distribution of lawyers and the per capita income of citizens and concluded that Midland, Michigan was the prime place for a young lawyer to be. It had the highest per capita income of any county in the state. It had the fewest number of lawyers per capita practicing privately than any other community in the state. It had a symphony orchestra. It had a decent library. It was a lovely architecturally attractive community. It had a number of other things that just appealed to me, and so I had made plans to practice law with a classmate of mine, Floyd Wetmore. Floyd went to Midland, and has practiced there all this life. No lo hice. I was dissuaded from doing so by the law professor who thought that I was, to use his terms, "throwing away assets" I didn't recognize by leaving my home town. He kept telling me that I had friendships that would be of value to me in my practice that I didn't realize at the time; people from my high school class, people from my community, my family friends who would come to me as a lawyer. Well, they never did. Nunca lo hicieron. Most of my high school friends moved away from Detroit. They didn't stay, and family friends weren't in the sorts of business activities that required my services. In any event, he sent me to two lawyers. One was Frank Donovan, and the other was James I. McClintock, both friends of his. He said to tell them that in his view, they were both working too hard and needed more help, and I was the person to give it to them. I think he also wrote them. In any event, I made arrangements to meet with each of them. I met with each of them. They were practicing in separate law firms. To make a very long story short, each of them offered me a job. I accepted the first offer, Frank's offer, and later that day when Jim offered me a job, I had to tell him I had already accepted another position. He expressed regret, and in August, I started working for Frank. In November, I discovered that the two friends were merging their law firm, and so I ended up working for the only two people I ever asked for a job.

Mr. Lane: Was Donovan and was McClintock. were they both sympathetic to your political activity?

Justice Souris: Heavens, no. They were very, very rabid Republicans, and they did nothing to dissuade me except in kidding me about my political views, but they certainly didn't attempt to force me in any way.

Mr. Lane: Now, this gets us very close to 1950, right?

Justice Souris: Yes.

Mr. Lane: 1950 was a critical election, right?

Justice Souris: Yes.

Mr. Lane: Was that the big recall. I don't mean "recall", recount year, or was it two years later?

Justice Souris: Both, 1950 and 1952, we had two consecutive elections in which we were involved in recounts.

Mr. Lane: I want you to think back now. Was there something about this that was, and I have in mind that a lot of other references that I come across, people, lawyers (almost always). "I helped in the recounts", and you know, I could renumerate some of these people. a lot of whom later showed up somewhere in William's administration, on the bench.

Justice Souris: Yes, George Edwards, Horace Gilmore, any number of others, were active in the recounts, as was I.

Mr. Lane: Was this a kind of crusading atmosphere?

Justice Souris: Oh, indeed.

Mr. Lane: There was a great emotional charge to this.

Justice Souris: They were trying to steal the election from us, Roger.

Mr. Lane: Okay, all right. And you rallied in like a hard pressed football team in the fourth quarter who was going to save its reputation.

Justice Souris: There was a crusade.

Justice Souris: It was indeed.

Mr. Lane: That's what I was. I only began to sense this belatedly. I was aware, naturally, as one would be. The second one was a double recount, wasn't it, in 1952? Was there not a. over the individual. was there one of them that was sort of halted and then there was a second phase to it?

Justice Souris: I don't remember that.

Mr. Lane: Okay, there were just the two in 1950 and 1952. Was 1952 the real squeaker?

Justice Souris: The 1,400 vote margin. That was. I say "1,400", it may have been 1,100. 1,132. Harry Kelly was the opponent, and I can remember many years later serving with Harry on the Supreme Court. One day, I described to him what my role was in the recount, and he was surprised. He didn't known it, of course. I said, "Harry, I have among my mementos, a telegram that you sent to Mennen conceding defeat during the tail end of the recount". Oh, he just had to have a copy of that, so I made a copy of that for him.

Mr. Lane: What was your role precisely? I have in mind that three years later, you were appointed to Chairman of the State Board of Canvassers.

Justice Souris: I can't tell you that I had any particular title or anything like that, but I was very active in the recount. I devoted an enormous amount of time to it.

Mr. Lane: Where did you function?

Justice Souris: Right here in Detroit, and we had to be prepared to go into court, to challenge the process, that they were not going the way we wanted to go. We had to devise a tactic, an approach, a fundamental approach to the process, the recount. We had to.

Mr. Lane: You had paper ballots in those days, didn't you.

Justice Souris: They were all paper, virtually all paper ballots. There were only a few machines precincts. The machine precincts were almost inviolate. That it to say, once sealed, they couldn't effectively be challenged, and I always had the feeling that there were large shenanigans going on in the machine precincts.

Mr. Lane: But now, grew out of this, among other things, grew quite a camaraderie of those young lawyers like yourself who participated and then you were to rub shoulders later in your career.

Justice Souris: Horace Gilmore became Deputy Attorney General, and I think that Horace. remember Sid Woolner?

Justice Souris: Sid was very active in the recount, and Sid became Mennen's Executive Director, Executive Secretary, I think we called him at that time.

Mr. Lane: He had been a Deputy Secretary of State for a while.

Justice Souris: He had been, yes. At the time of my appointment to the bench, Sid and Horace were very instrumental. I think that it was they who brought my name to Mennen's attention, and.

Mr. Lane: Let's review that. Now part of.

Justice Souris: Let me go back. Let me go back, because after the recount.

Mr. Lane: This was quite a dramatic appointment.

Justice Souris: Yes.

Mr. Lane: And did cause a lot of comment and speculation.

Justice Souris: Let me go back, because after the recount in which, incidently, Phil Hart was active also. Phil was appointed district director of the Office of Price Stabilization. Horace Gilmore became his Chief Enforcement Officer. Sid Woolner was Deputy Director of the Office of Price Stabilization, and Phil's General Counsel was Sam Ostrow. Sam had been in the Office of Price Administration early in World War II, and so was knowledgeable about regulating prices, but Sam was, at that time, an elderly lawyer, and Phil, whom I had known politically, asked me if I would come over as Assistant General Counsel to help Sam who had agreed to take the job for only a short period of time and, upon Sam's departure, I would become General Counsel. Well, my partners thought that it was a pretty good idea to do that early in my career, to see that aspect of life, and I went. I told Phil that I would be able to stay only 18 months, 1-1/2 years. I couldn't justify staying much longer than that.

Mr. Lane: And at what time on the calendar was this?

Justice Souris: 1951 or 1952. I had been in practice for only two years, and.

Mr. Lane: You were about 27 or something?

Justice Souris: Oh, no. Yo era. yes, 26 or 27. We had DiSalle, Mike DiSalle, Price Administrator. He was very close to Phil. He had pretty much assigned the responsibility for the automotive industry to our office in Detroit, wisely so. So much of my activity was focused upon the automobile industry, and the parts manufacturing industry, and shortly after I went on board, Sam Ostrow phased out and the question then became how to appoint me as the General Counsel with as little experience as I had. The government regulations required "x" number of years before you could be entitled to "x" dollars in salary. Well, Phil didn't think that was very fair since I was doing the work, and doing it without any criticism. not only the title but also the salary. He had great difficulty accomplishing that. It ultimately was done. for a long period of time, I functioned as Acting General Counsel, and my salary was less than the General Counsel would have been entitled to get. Ultimately, that was taken care of. It was a long struggle. In any event, I became quite close to Horace, Sid and Phil in those years, and we maintained our friendships throughout the 1950's.

Mr. Lane: These appointments in Federal agencies flowed from the Truman administration. Was there somebody often walking in the, was instrumental in steering the.

Justice Souris: No, it was strictly Phil's request. He had the power to appoint. I didn't know anyone in Washington. Harold Leventhal was General Counsel at the Office of Price Stabilization and he ultimately became a member of the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. In any event, in 1952 or 1953, I returned to my practice, and I served Mennen in two ways. First, I was a member of the Board of Canvassers, but secondly, on a very informal basis, I reviewed potential judicial appointees.

Mr. Lane: How did that work? Did he have just you, or was there a little committee?

Justice Souris: There was a little committee. There were three of us at one time.

Mr. Lane: Who were the others?

Justice Souris: Vic Baum, Ted Sachs and I, and our function was a rather interesting one. It was simply to provide Mennen with information about professional competence. We looked at pleadings, we talking to lawyers who had contacts with the prospects, always in a very low-key basis so as not to reveal our purpose. I don't think more than a handful of people in the state knew that Mennen was getting this sort of information from us. Ours was not a political function to perform. We could not say to him, "this is a dumb move politically. You shouldn't even be considering it". Our function was simply to give him the information that he needed to determine whether the applicant had the professional qualifications for the appointment, and for young lawyers to have that responsibility, it was quite an obligation.

Mr. Lane: And Governor Williams took a very personal interest in these things, too, did he not?

Justice Souris: Yes, he did.

Mr. Lane: Vic Baum told me one time that he called his Rabbi and spoke to him for 45 minutes.

Justice Souris: Mennen had suggested to me on more than one occasion that he wanted to appoint me to the bench, Circuit Court, and I said, "No, I wasn't ready for that". I had not very much practice. I had been a lawyer only since 1949, and I just didn't think that it was appropriate for a young person to go on the bench that early. I had a growing practice. I was enjoying my work. I didn't want to leave for bench work. I never really wanted to be a judge. Finally, in 1959, in January, 1959, I got a call from Sid who asked if I would be willing to help Mennen, that old Judge Moynihan had died in December, I believe, of 1958, and he was scheduled for retirement, and so a whole flock of candidates had filed for that spring election, among them being Judge Moynihan's son, young Joe. There were maybe a dozen candidates, and there were other judges retiring at that time, so the judicial field was a huge field of self - starters, some of whom were colleagues of Mennen, who were proteges of Mennen, and he had a choice to make. He could either appoint one of them to give that appointee a leg up on the election, or he could appoint an old-timer for whom appointment would be a capstone to a career, or he could appoint somebody like me who could not succeed himself but who would look upon this year as a year of opportunity to help the bench work off the enormous back-log that had developed on that bench. When I talked with Sid, he explained all that to me. Mennen's objective was to avoid the political morass, picking someone and forsaking all the others. He wanted to avoid having to select an old-timer, and he felt that this was a marvelous opportunity to put a young man on the bench who would help reduce the back-log. I talked to my partners, and they thought it was a great idea because I would then have an opportunity to see what it was like on the other side of the bench, and I had a whole career ahead of me as a practicing lawyer.

Mr. Lane: Was the docket jam in Wayne County at that time critical?

Justice Souris: Yes, yes.

Mr. Lane: Very, very messy, bad situation.

Justice Souris: Yes, because the average age on the bench was very high. Mennen had been appointing new members to that bench for the preceding four or five years but the average age was still high. As a matter of fact, in 1958 and 1959, there was a fair number scheduled for retirement. Bob Toms was one of them. Joe Moynihan was another. Ferguson was another. In any event, and there were only eighteen on the bench then, you see. It wasn't until some years later when the bench started being enlarged and ultimately grew to the size it is today. But, I went on that bench asking the assignment clerk to give me as many trials, as many jury trials as he could assign to me. I didn't want to take equity cases over which I would have a continuing responsibility because I knew I wasn't going to be there more than that one year, but jury trials, I could try until, you know, I dropped from exhaustion. On occasion, I was actually trying two jury cases at one time. I would be drawing a jury while a preceding jury was deliberating on a trial. I thoroughly enjoyed that year, but it was perfectly clear to me at the end of the year that I would never want to be a Circuit Judge. It was exciting, stimulating, but at the end of the year, I began seeing the same questions I had at the beginning of the year, and there was so much repetition in the work that the Circuit bench was doing. It never really appealed to me.

Mr. Lane: You apparently invested great energy and zeal in this assigned role. Was this shared by some of your colleagues, or were a lot of.

Justice Souris: I'd say half of them were drones. The William's judges were all young, bright-eyed, bushy - tailed. They were still very much interested in their work. They were good judges. It was like a breath of fresh air, and I shared. my appointment was on the 19th floor, and on.

Mr. Lane: City County Building.

Justice Souris: City County Building on the 19th floor with George Bowles. He and I shared a bathroom together, and we spent quite a bit of time together. George was a superb judge, absolutely superb judge. Horace was on the bench, Circuit bench at that time. Wade McCree was on the bench. Ted Bohn was on the bench.

Mr. Lane: Baum, I think.

Justice Souris: Yes, Vic had gone on to. yes, Vic was on the bench. Joe Rashid was on the bench. These were all people for whom I had a high regard and they were all very helpful to a young judge, a new judge and all of that.

Mr. Lane: During this period, did you have any intimation that come the end of the year, you would be asked to serve on the Supreme Court bench?

Justice Souris: No, no. De ningún modo. As a matter of fact.

Mr. Lane: It was known, was it not, that Voelker was bailing out?

Justice Souris: No, it wasn't known at all. John ran in the spring of 1959 for election to the bench, and he won, and everybody assumed that he was going to continue, that he was going to begin that term.

Justice Souris: Absolutely. As a matter of fact, I had. my partners and I had agreed that I would return to the firm and that I would invite to join me Bob Toms, the Circuit Judge Bob Toms for whom I had enormous respect. He was retiring at the age of 70, but he had to. He was physically and intellectually just as vigorous as he was when he was 40, and I loved that man. I invited him to join us. He said yes, he would. He was surprised that anyone would want him, but we planned on going back to the bench, to the firm, rather, together, on January 1, 1960.

Mr. Lane: And you had you. as I understand it, the firm changed its name and there were announcements printed up and that sort of thing.

Justice Souris: Yes.

Mr. Lane: When. do you remember precisely when you got the first word?

Justice Souris: No, I don't remember the date, but it was on a Wednesday, and I found that on Wednesday, just before the end of the year, the firm's announcements went out for delivery after the first of the year. The call I got. the first call I got was again from Sid Woolner, supported by a call from Horace Gilmore, who was on the Wayne Circuit at that time.

Mr. Lane: He knew what was up?

Justice Souris: Yes, and they wanted me to consider becoming Attorney General, as the governor was considering appointing Paul Adams, who was Attorney General, to the Supreme Court upon John's resignation. John resigned or announced his resignation in December, 1959. Now, once again, my partners thought going on the Administrative Board as Attorney General was a great idea because it would give me enormous exposure, wonderful opportunity to meet people, marvelous experience and clearly, I would never be elected to it, and therefore, I would be back in practice within the year. I had served as a Circuit Judge for a year and would serve as Attorney General for a year, so I said yes, I would be delighted. I viewed the Attorney Generalship as the most important office for a lawyer to have in this state, a marvelous opportunity.

Mr. Lane: Let me make sure I am hearing you correctly. Was this what the word was that came Wednesday from Sid Woolner?

Justice Souris: Yes.

Mr. Lane: Attorney General?

Justice Souris: Yes.

Mr. Lane: Okay. This would have been two or three days before the end of the year, right?

Justice Souris: I think we would have been maybe two days before the end of the year. I say "Wednesday". I am almost certain it was a Wednesday. In any event, on Thursday, the next day, I had a call from someone, I think it was Sid, who asked if I could meet with Mennen that evening around 6:00, that he would send a car for me, and we would meet at the country club.

Mr. Lane: This was in Grosse Pointe or somewhere?

Justice Souris: Yes, and I said "sure". I had a call.

Mr. Lane: Were you in your office at the City County Building?

Justice Souris: No, I was in my office, and when I got home just before 6:00, I got a call from Al Kaufman from the Detroit Times and Al, who was an old friend of mine, said that he wanted to confirm a rumor that Vic Baum was going to be appointed to the Supreme Court, and I said, "Al, please don't print that. It will be a source of great embarrassment to you and to Vic because that isn't the way it is going to happen. I can't tell you what is going to happen, but that isn't what is going to happen". Well, Al, to this day, I'm sure, thinks that I knew I was going to be appointed. All I knew was that Paul Adams was going to go on the Supreme Court. When I got to the country club and met with Mennen, he told me that he had decided, instead, to appoint me to the Supreme Court. I said, "You can't do that. I'm too young". We chatted for two or three hours, and he kept telling me that I wasn't too young, that I had more experience as a lawyer than most of the incumbent justices and of course, knowing most of them, I knew he was right. He said that he had no concern about my electability. One of the things he said to me was that my name was short, it was unusual and people would remember it. They might not be able to remember it specifically, but they would remember that it was an odd name, and he thought that my chances of election were pretty good. He said to me that he was appointing me because of my age, because I was then, I think. 30.

Justice Souris: 33, that I would have a lifetime to devote to the Supreme Court. I said I wasn't really prepared to make that kind of commitment. He said, "Well, you will be". And we talked about judicial philosophy in a very obtuse way. It was a philosophical discussion, and I was absolutely astonished at the breadth of this man's knowledge of legal principles and of the judicial process, and of the respective roles of the three branches of government. I must say, as an aside, I think he found it much more difficult as a member of the court ultimately to acknowledge the separate roles the three branches are to perform that he was able to articulate in our meeting. I say that without any disrespect for him, but that was a very enlightening discussion with him, and the intrigue for me was not so much sitting as a member of the Supreme Court but, rather, working with colleagues like Talbot Smith and George Edwards for both of whom I had an enormous respect, both of whom were my friends. Working with Gene Black whom I knew and admired, but not as a friend. John Voelker I had campaigned for. I had helped elect, so I knew him, but again, not as a friend. George and Talbot I regarded as giants, assumed it would be a great experience, great fun to work with them, so I said yes. Again, I didn't expect to be elected.

Mr. Lane: What were the mechanics of having (unclear) when you're at the country club at 9:00 or 10:00 at night? What then was done? Did the Governor call up Paul or. do you remember how the word was disseminated?

Justice Souris: I don't. He obviously worked through Paul Weber to get the word out, and I frankly. remember the surprise of the legal community and political community. You know, I was nobody. I had no following. I had no recognition in the state, excepting only among lawyers, a fairly large number of lawyers in Michigan with whom I had worked as a lawyer.

Mr. Lane: Putting it in the reverse (unclear), did he call for any explanation of why, having once sided in favor of Adams that he.

Justice Souris: Never discussed the issue with him. He never told me. I never asked.

Mr. Lane: He was called upon to explain publicly.

Justice Souris: When?

Mr. Lane: He did offer some little bit of explanation.

Justice Souris: When was that?

Mr. Lane: Right after.

Justice Souris: At the time of my appointment?

Mr. Lane: Yes, I could show you some clips I have here if you're interested.

Justice Souris: No, what did he say?

Mr. Lane: Well, what he said was kind of odd. He said when he was pressed, conceding apparently he had sorted out somewhat that this was likely to happen, that Adams was likely to be appointed. He was a logical choice, prominent in the upper peninsula, Attorney General and all the rest.

Justice Souris: Succeeding an upper peninsula Justice.

Mr. Lane: Right. All this made political sense to a lot of people, and he had other predictions. (Unclear), and so Williams was asked how come?

Justice Souris: This young fellow, why were you appointing him, an unknown?

Mr. Lane: "How did you happen to pick this guy over this other fella that we all knew was in line for the job?" Now, this is the reporter's way of putting it, and he said, "Ordinarily, as a matter of policy, I don't discuss how I make these choices, but in this case, there seems to be a justification for saying something, and I will have a brief explanation and it is that Paul Adams is needed where he is as Attorney General, and there is a lot of thinking. I guess he said in the party. I guess he said that he should be kept where he is, and he did not then, though. I think the issue was raised about his opposition as Attorney General to Scholle, and Gus was asked about this.

Justice Souris: That hadn't yet. that hadn't.

Mr. Lane: This was in the legislative reapportionment suit.

Justice Souris: Yes, I guess it had. It must have started by that time.

Mr. Lane: Gus said that he had never discussed the matter with the Governor. He knew that Adams respected (unclear). Being on the other side, he.

Justice Souris: He represented the Secretary of State.

Mr. Lane: Well, I guess he must have. this part of it wasn't explained, but I guess the inference was that he didn't find it hard to take that position, but at any rate, I'm just supplying that from my own mind. It was not talked about in these news clippings that I am referring to. At any rate, it was a shocker, wasn't it?

Justice Souris: It was, indeed.

Mr. Lane: Your colleagues must have thought so?

Justice Souris: I suppose. I remember the Detroit Times published the firm's announcement, an engraved announcement. published it, the whole thing and told the story of the surprise ending of my being appointed to the bench quite unexpectedly and about Toms' taking over the office that had been prepared for me.

Mr. Lane: Well, this was quite a dramatic. see, one of the reasons that I wanted to hear about this was it was quite a. whatever significance is put on the event, it certainly was striking.

Justice Souris: One of the most striking from my perspective was that I was the first Greek appointed to a state Supreme Court in the history of this country.

Mr. Lane: Is that right?

Justice Souris: And to my knowledge, none other has been since then, but to the Greek community. I shouldn't say it that way, to the. is there an ethnic community?

Mr. Lane: Well, sure.

Justice Souris: It was a great appointment.

Mr. Lane: The Democratic Party in those times, very assiduously cultivated that. You remember this, I'm sure.

Justice Souris: Indeed I do, because everywhere I went thereafter, I was embraced by members of all sorts of ethnic communities who viewed my appointment as a clear signal that what happened to me could happen to their people, to their boys, you know, and there was just a marvelous, marvelous base from which I could campaign, and did.

Mr. Lane: So here was December 30th or whatever the date might have been and then three or four days later, you were in Lansing, taking your oath. ¿Es eso correcto?

Justice Souris: That's right, and the first case argued was the case of Stolicker versus Board of Canvassers.

Mr. Lane: Did you have to disqualify yourself?

Justice Souris: Oh, yes.

Mr. Lane: What was that case? Yo no.

Justice Souris: That case. it had to do with the election process. It had to do with apportionment, and it was brought out of Port Huron by Peter Bradt who was Gene Black's law partner before Gene went on the bench. The complaint was pure Gene Black's. Now, before I was sworn in, Gene and I were assigned the same office in Lansing. You know what I mean, in the Capital Building.

Mr. Lane: You mean adjoining offices?

Justice Souris: No, we had a single office. We had two desks in the office, and we worked together.

Mr. Lane: Well. holy Moses.

Justice Souris: Well, remember, we didn't work regularly in Lansing. We used that office only when we were in Lansing hearing cases. But, before I was sworn in, Gene gave me a 56 page opinion, or maybe it was 65 pages. It was on the Stolicker case. They were scheduled for arguments the following day, and he said he would appreciate my reviewing the opinion that night and letting him know the following morning whether I could join him. I said, "Gene, you must be out of your mind. I was a member of the Board of State Canvassers. How can I participate as a Justice". Well, he says, "That doesn't matter".

Mr. Lane: Do you remember Joe Mihelich?

Justice Souris: Yes, very well.

(end of side 2, tape 1)

Justice Souris talks briefly about being on the Canvassing Board in 1956 and its relation to his first Supreme Court case and then discusses his first weeks on the Court and changes he instituted in regards to acquiring copies of briefs and creating "Window Reports." He also discusses statistical analyses of the Court's work and then returns to the discussion about his first case, Stolicker vs. Board of Canvassers.

Mr. Lane: Returning for a minute.

Justice Souris: Where did you come from?

Mr. Lane: I had come from Minneapolis, but my long experience had been in Illinois. I had been in Minneapolis only a short time, but Illinois was where I cut my political teeth, if you would say such a thing about a reporter, where I got all my questions. In fact, Dick Daley was a senator in Illinois when I first, a state senator, and then later, he was Revenue Director, but when it came to this five vote controversy.

Justice Souris: You mean Mihelich and O'Hara in the Democratic Party, right?

Mr. Lane: In the spring. that would be what, August, somewhere in there, of 1956.

Justice Souris: Was it in 1956?

Mr. Lane: Yes, and the matter came to the Canvassing Board.

Justice Souris: I think I was chairman.

Mr. Lane: You were chairman, and you served with Zoe Burkholz.

Justice Souris: That's right, Zoe Shaefer Burkholz.

Mr. Lane: Esther Waite.

Justice Souris: Esther Waite.

Mr. Lane: And there was a fella by the name of Schneider.

Justice Souris: Schneider, Paul Schneider from the upper peninsula.

Mr. Lane: And what you four people did in that three days or so, as I remember, in Lansing. You had Ted Sachs and you had a fella by the name of Foley representing O'Hara.

Justice Souris: Yes, Pat Foley.

Mr. Lane: Pat Foley, and he did an able piece of work and so did Ted Sachs, and here were the four people there with a search light on you. The AFL-CIO had a very key interest in this.

Justice Souris: In Mihelich.

Mr. Lane: You bettcha, and here was Ted Sachs carrying the water for him legally, and you finished up late one. I think it was the third day of this thing and it was, let's say, 11:30 p. m. or 12:00 a. m. at night, over in one of the rooms of the capitol and everybody decided that the thing was washed up and as a result, the count stands. There were just five votes, and you had gone through these paper ballots meticulously, and decided whether if the line crossed the box when you pulled it out on the other side, and that sort of knew whether this was something that was defective, you know. And you made the innumerable decisions, on the spot. You see, I, at the time, wasn't as much aware as I am now of what role you had played in the recounts. Maybe Esther Waite had (unclear), but this made a very.

Justice Souris: I think Zoe Schaefer had (unclear) on the other side.

Mr. Lane: This made a very profound impression to me which isn't much of a point here, but it showed me as an outsider, how things were. I didn't know whether this was typical or not. I can remember arguing with Albie Kaufman about the road contractors and the liquor licenses and Albie said, "You've got it wrong". But, let's see. We're getting back to. this is 1956. Let's get back to.

Justice Souris: 1960, in January. January 4, 1960.

Mr. Lane: Gene Black and you in one barren room on the third floor of the capitol. I suppose you probably had a common secretary, did you not?

Justice Souris: No, as a matter of fact, we didn't. His secretary was Eleanor, and my secretary was Delores.

Mr. Lane: Eleanor Cowan?

Justice Souris: Eleanor Cowan. Eleanor worked for Gene as a private lawyer. I guessed she worked for him when he was in the Attorney General's office, and she worked for him while he was on the Supreme Court. She ultimately retired. She was an absolutely superb secretary. I had also an absolutely superb secretary by the name of Delores Sienkiewcz who worked for me in my law firm and in the court with me when I was appointed to the Supreme Court. When I left the court, she stayed on and ultimately went to work for Jerry Bronson on the Court of Appeals.

Mr. Lane: Spell her name, if you can.

Justice Souris: Sienkiewcz.

Mr. Lane: See somebody might sometime transcribe this, and that would be a tough one.

Justice Souris: I believe that is the spelling, and Delores, after Bronson, became secretary for Phil Jourdan in the Wayne Circuit when he was appointed by Governor Blanchard.

Mr. Lane: Let's go back, if I may interrupt, to your entry on the seat. Here, you were appointed to the Supreme Court. You must have checked in on January 2, 3, or 4th, whatever it was and it was probably on the second floor?

Justice Souris: No, I think that what happened was that when I was told I'd be appointed, I guess the announcement was made, and I called the Chief Justice who was at that time John Dethmers. I called Dethmers. maybe he called me, but in any event, I asked him if he would be good enough to send me a set of the briefs and records, and he said, "Oh, you mean those that are going to be assigned to you?", and I said, "No, I want the briefs and records of all of the cases." "Oh", he said, "We don't do that." And I said, "Well, if I'm going to be participating, I think I have an obligation to read what the lawyers. " Well, the short of it was, he had a stack of briefs and records sent to me of the cases that were being argued that first week in January. We were hearing cases two weeks at a time then, but he sent me just the first week. I went through those records over the New Year holiday which was a relatively short period of time. As a consequence of my asking for all of the records and briefs in all of the cases, it became apparent to other members of the court that I was doing this and getting them, and they began asking for the same thing, and before long, all of the members of the court were getting all of the briefs and all of the records. I was appalled to learn that they weren't available to everybody before then.

Mr. Lane: Do you know if prior to that time, another court, and the members of the court, new members, came in, picked their places. was there, in fact, just one set of records of the case to be considered, and was there just one or two or three copies of the briefs? What was the. this was before the days of mass, automatic copying, of course.

Justice Souris: No.

Mr. Lane: You had the "window matter" tradition. The motions, for example, but was there some physical limitation that this had always been there and they just said, "Well, one set is enough" or would there be enough of the briefs for each one of the members of the court?

Justice Souris: There were enough briefs for all members of the court. All members of the court didn't get the briefs excepting only in those cases which they were expected to write.

Mr. Lane: Was this a matter of routine?

Justice Souris: Oh yes, absolutely, and the extra copies of the briefs would simply languish in the clerk's office, and ultimately would be thrown away.

Mr. Lane: The rules then required that there would be eight copies or?

Justice Souris: I think the rules then required nine copies, or whatever the total copies, but "window matters" were handled the same way. "Window matters", we as lawyers had to furnish extra copies for distribution to the justices, but they never saw them.

Mr. Lane: Where did they come to rest?

Justice Souris: In the clerk's office. The clerk would assign the "window matters" on a rotating basis for the justices, and only the original would be assigned out, and the justice to whom it was assigned would make an oral report to the bench, an oral report. I got into a rather tense confrontation with Justice Carr who was then the dean of the bench one day when he made an oral report on a "window matter", an application for leave to appeal, and I had reviewed that application on my own. I had been asking for copies of the applications, and had been getting them, and I made the mistake of saying in the conference, "Justice Carr, I think you might have overlooked the fact that. as revealed by the record". He withered me, his stare, silent for a moment, and then advised me that he never overlooked any material, and proceeded with his report. Well, I dissented from the recommendation. Subsequently, I shared the information with other members of the court with whom I was communicating effectively. We decided that we would ask for copies of the "window matters", all of them, and that we would divide the "window matters" among us. At that time, Gene. Gene Black. Tom Kavanagh, George Edwards and Talbot Smith and I, the five of us, did just that. We would prepare written reports on those "window matters" even if they weren't assigned to us, so all five of us, at least, had the benefit of a report on the "window matters". We all had underlying documents. We were in a much better position to make intelligent decisions on those applications than we ever had been before.

Mr. Lane: This had not been done prior to January, 1960?

Justice Souris: No, that's right.

Mr. Lane: What did you call the reports? Did you call them "reports".

Justice Souris: "Window matters".

Mr. Lane: Did somebody. say Carr had walked in and said, "I understand that you are discussing this matter with other people. Can I see a copy of the report?"

Justice Souris: We had no difficulty sharing the reports with others if they wanted.

Mr. Lane: Did, at this time, become instituted a process, if you know what I'm trying to get at.

Justice Souris: Ultimately.

Mr. Lane: . that, where there was a defined title for something that was not in the process, and I'm just wondering if, at that time, you called it "Commissioner's Report", or "Justice's Report".

Justice Souris: No, no. We called them "Window Reports". We did that, Roger, for maybe three or four years. It wasn't until 1964 or 1965 when we appointed our first commissioner. We did it ourselves. We extended the practice to cases as well. Me gustaría.

Mr. Lane: Was this quite early on in your career?

Justice Souris: Right away, and I couldn't function without preparing for the hearings in a organized fashion. I couldn't simply read as if I were reading a trashy novel. I had to systematize the process of judgment. What I did for myself, I shared with others. They, in turn, began sharing with me. We ultimately were able to persuade all members of the court with the exception of Leland Carr. I don't think Leland Carr ever prepared a written report on the "window matters", but the rest of us did, and we circulated them. So you had an opportunity in advance of the hearing to know what the recommendation was going to be and why, and you had an opportunity to send a counter-report, and that's what we called them - "a counter-report", to the other justices saying, "I disagree with Justice Lane's recommendation in 'window matter' so-and-so, and these are my reasons".

Mr. Lane: Was this systemized in a sense that it was provided that the clerk would make the distribution, it would be so many days in advance of the conference?

Justice Souris: Sure, absolutely.

Mr. Lane: But this all began.

Justice Souris: After I got to the court. Now, the other thing that happened was that when we appointed our first Commissioner, who was Joe Planck, a marvelous choice, because he was a skilled trial lawyer, an experienced man of mature years who had super judgment, and who was losing his hearing, and it was for that reason he felt he could not justify appearing in court any longer on behalf of his clients because he couldn't hear everything. This was a marvelous opportunity for him to finish his career in a position of high respect and responsibility. He helped the court.

Mr. Lane: In those days, a loss of hearing was.

Justice Souris: Devastating.

Mr. Lane: . for a practicing lawyer.

Justice Souris: Absolutely.

Mr. Lane: There were none of the modern devices that you could function with.

Justice Souris: In any event, when he came aboard, he simply took over the responsibilities that we were performing ourselves, each of us as justices, and he prepared the written reports for circulation to everybody, and then we responded to Commissioner Planck's reports, either agreeing or disagreeing.

Mr. Lane: He originated this.

Justice Souris: Yes.

Mr. Lane: . the analytical work.

Justice Souris: Yes, but we all had the underlying documents, and we were all able to test the validity of his recommendations by reference to the underlying documents. If we disagreed with him, we had a factual basis for disagreement.

Mr. Lane: Of course, the entire record would not be distributed, would it, at that stage?

Justice Souris: No, only the documents that would accompany the application for leave to appeal, or the other emergency applications that the court was hearing. Then Howard Ellis came along as our second Commissioner. He, too, was a lawyer of mature years who had practiced in Detroit, who had an extensive trial experience, and he knew what he was talking about when he made a recommendation.

Mr. Lane: When did these men get into the process? Do you remember which year, and do you remember how they were chosen? Who it was, for example, who said, "I think we ought to get Planck"?

Justice Souris: I think that it was Gene Black and John Dethmers who brought Planck to the court's attention. Gene knew Joe Planck as a trial lawyer. John Dethmers was a good friend of Joe Planck's. Gene would normally have been antagonistic to a Joe Planck because Joe had been president of the State Bar of Michigan, and Gene had very little respect for the organized bar as an organization, but he respected Joe's wisdom, his experience. I didn't know Joe, other than the fact that I had run into him as a president of the State Bar, but I came to rely on Joe very much. I came to like him very much. He was a man of impeccable integrity, a man who worried about his work, who felt obliged to give everything he had to the task of helping the court, and then Howard Ellis came along. Howard was recommended to the court by Harry Kelly, and.

Mr. Lane: Do you recall years for this?

Justice Souris: No, I don't. It was after 1965.

Mr. Lane: After 1965.

Justice Souris: Yes. It was either in 1965 or thereafter.

Mr. Lane: I see, four or five years that you were functioning in the process that you had described having originated.

Justice Souris: Oh, yes. All alone with one law clerk.

Mr. Lane: Wasn't there (unclear).

Justice Souris: It was absolutely incredible. When I look back on the statistical record of the court in those days, I am very much amused by the current statistics, and references to the work load of the court as being overwhelming. In those days, Roger, looking only at the cases that ultimately ended in full-blown opinions and decisions, over 300 a year. We didn't have a Court of Appeals, remember. The first four years in my. the first five years, really, in my service on the Court, we had no Court of Appeals, no intermediate Court of Appeals. We did it all, and it was not a unique year, if I wrote as many as 60 opinions in a year. Gene Black and I, I think, wrote more opinions than any of the others on the court consistently.

Mr. Lane: Do you know if your product, let's call it. I'm thinking now of written opinions. do you have any reason to know whether (unclear) the greatest, the biggest of any of the persons that served on the court?

Justice Souris: During the time I served, yes, it was.

Mr. Lane: Did you ever take the trouble to analyze this out?

Justice Souris: Well, I did. I had Frank Knox, my law clerk, do an analysis of my cases.

Mr. Lane: Frank Knox?

Justice Souris: Oh, yes. (unclear)

Mr. Lane: Oh, did he? I was going to ask if you did this, and you weren't. I would like to ask you if it is not too voluminous for the historical purpose that brings me here, to.

Justice Souris: Let me just say a word on that. I have turned over all of Talbot Smith's papers to the Historical Collection in Ann Arbor. Before he died, Talbot had asked me to review his papers and to put them in the hands of the Historical Collection. I plan to do the same thing with my papers and with them will go this analysis that I am referring to.

Justice Souris: It simply shows how many cases each of us wrote, how many we dissented in, how many we wrote for the court, what the decisions were. I have an analysis of cases by subject matter as well. (unclear) I had hoped we would be able to use it as a (unclear), a reference, a quick way of getting into my work for the time I was there. I never found much occasion to do it, but it's interesting to me, and I thought that my children would be interested some day.

Mr. Lane: Well, I get the sense that in other places. now, let's say, California had a lot of turmoil out there. In, I think it was the June issue of the California Bar, the Bar Association publication, was a very analytical, systematically handled article about the performance of the Supreme Court in the preceding year that went into the output of the various justices by name, the numbers of dissents, and how they swung together on certain issues.

Justice Souris: We used to do that here in Michigan. The Wayne University Law School Law Review published every year a statistical analysis of the distribution of votes in the Michigan Supreme Court, and it began doing that for the Court of Appeals, for the first couple of years of the Court of Appeals, and then it suddenly stopped doing it.

Mr. Lane: Did it also stop for the Supreme Court?

Justice Souris: Yes. I don't know why, but I haven't seen it in years. Jerry Kelman's brother, Maurice, who was then and may still be a faculty member of Wayne's Law School, has done some work on the statistical analysis of the Court's work, and he is a very sensitive, very able observer of the Supreme Court. Now, someone else has done extensive work along those lines. He is a political scientist from Michigan State. His name escapes me at the moment, but he is well-known and highly regarded. I don't regard him too highly.

Mr. Lane: You don't mean the Supreme Court of the United States?

Justice Souris: Yea.

Mr. Lane: Oh, I know him.

Justice Souris: He has analyzed not only the U. S. Supreme Court, but many years ago, he undertook to explain the decisions of the Michigan Supreme Court for a period just prior to my going there in a way which I thought, frankly, was intellectually dishonest. He characterized the Court's decisions as purely political, showing a division between Democrats and Republicans on the Court, and in order to accomplish that, he had to classify some Democrats as old line Democrats and some Democrats as liberals in order to justify the conclusion he reached, and I just felt that it was a perversion of the use of statistics.

Mr. Lane: (unclear) I asked Otis Smith for somewhat the same as to his product on the court, and he said, "Well, when I ran in 1966, he was together, and yet he didn't give me much hope that I was ever going to see it", because, I think, he just didn't know where. you know, he moved a couple of times. Then I called his law clerk, his former law clerk, Mike Stafford, and I asked him if he could help me. Well, he was very obliging over the phone, but I don't even know whether to expect. would he have had reason to keep that sort of thing. That's part of the tragedy of this whole business.

Justice Souris: I do have the material. I have it right here.

Mr. Lane: You know. oh, do you? I had occasion to write Mary Coleman, trying to set up a date, and she reacted in sort of quasi-alarm. She said, "I have given all my stuff away, to the Law Library and so on", and so now, I'm trying to get together a few limited things to jog our memories.

Justice Souris: I have all sorts of materials that. you know, I have speech materials, and research stuff that I've collected. The Talbot Smith papers. incidently, the Historical Collection is now part of the Bentley Historical Library.

Mr. Lane: Is there a Bentley and Burton, two different ones?

Justice Souris: I don't think so. His papers will be closed until the death of the last surviving member of the court on which he served, that is to say, George Edwards and John Voelker, Gene now having died. I didn't think that it would be. prudent to let those papers see the light of day until then.

Mr. Lane: Let me say this. I would like to ask you if you would consider, when you had more time, to rifle through some of these things that you have, and give me, if you feel that you're able to do it, some of the kinds of statistical material that wouldn't compromise anybody or that you feel free to associate with the.

Mr. Lane: I turned it off thinking that you were going to need a while looking at this.

Justice Souris: I asked Hal Hoag to bring together for me a chronology of the court's membership showing who replaced whom, when, and for how long they served, and he prepared a list showing succession of justices to the Michigan Supreme Court. For example, I succeeded John Voelker. John Voelker replaced Emerson Boyles, Boyles replaced William Potter and Potter replaced John Bird.

Mr. Lane: It goes way back.

Justice Souris: Yes.

Mr. Lane: How far back does it go?

Justice Souris: 1910, and.

Mr. Lane: That was when the court went to eight members, was it, in 1918?

Justice Souris: Yes. Here is some material that I think Maurice Kelman prepared. I am almost certain of it, showing the statistical analysis of the court's work.

Mr. Lane: Anything that you feel that you give to me, I would pleased to copy them.

Justice Souris: Here is. Gene Black wrote more opinions than any of us. He had 370 opinions during the years 1960 through 1967. I didn't complete 1968's calculation. He had 370. I had 337 opinions. The next highest was John Dethmers with 238. That surprises me. Harry Kelly with 234. That surprises me, but this is an analysis that might be of some interest to you.

Mr. Lane: Well, I think that. I'm just trying to project what might be analytical materials to somebody. some day, there is going to be, I assume, a good history of the Michigan Supreme Court.

Justice Souris: Well, I. yes, here is some material from Maurice Kelman. Why don't I do this? This is the statistical material.

Mr. Lane: This is from Maurice Kelman?

Justice Souris: Yes. I'll give you a copy of his letter which accompanied it, and it explains the methodology.

Mr. Lane: When would this have been?

Justice Souris: 1963. June 19, 1963. Here is some material from Otis Smith. This was the material he was talking about.

Mr. Lane: Here we are back again to Stolicker.

Justice Souris: Stolicker. Gene was disappointed when I told him I could not join in the opinion. All I knew was that I had been a member of the Board of State Canvassers. He didn't quite see it that way. I didn't know at the time his role in preparing the pleadings for that case, but I'm absolutely convinced that he had a heavy hand in doing so, because when I ultimately looked at the pleadings, they were typical Gene Black material. He used words like weapons, and he had a tremendous capacity for expressing himself very forcefully in measured tones. Nobody could mistake, however, the force behind the words he used. I had a great admiration for his skill as a writer. I had a great admiration for the man, but there was a measure of instability, emotional instability that prevented him from achieving the kind of control of the court that should have been his to command. He had the broadest practice of any member of the court. He had the longest experience as a trial lawyer of any member of the court including Harry Kelly, and he had the broadest. I was about to say the broadest vision, but he really didn't. I think that Talbot Smith certainly had a broader vision of the role of the court in modern society, but I once said to Gene, "If you didn't live to hate, this would be called the 'Black Court'". His response was something of a smile that signified that I had come pretty close to the truth. He was known to hate. There was never any relationship that I know of, in his experience that I know about that didn't involve hatred for someone or something. It was a very great talent the man had.

Mr. Lane: Did you remember hearing anything that supplied an explanation, a personal explanation for this?

Justice Souris: I once asked him why he found it so necessary to vent his spleen, and the only thing he said to me was "If, throughout your life, your friends thwarted you, you'd understand me a little better. When I played guard or tackle on a semi-pro team, the only time I ever got the ball and was able to run for a touchdown, one of my teammates tackled me." It's a strange thing for a man like him to say to me. But I think, as I look back on his experience as Attorney General, as a Circuit Judge, as a Justice of the Supreme Court, and through the various changes on the court, he would establish a relationship, and then it would terminate. He would establish another relationship, and then it would terminate. There was never a prolonged and lasting relationship except with John Voelker, but John served only two years, and I would have expected that relationship to deteriorate too. In any event, when I told him that I would not join him in the opinion, and I reiterated that advice to him the following day before taking my oath, as soon as I had taken my seat, the first case announced was the Stolicker case. I recused myself, went into chambers. When I returned to the bench after that case had been argued, George Edwards who was sitting next to me, if I recall correctly, leaned over and said, "Have you heard what happened", and I said, "No, what happened?" Well, by that time, the next case was being called, and I could not find out. All I knew was that something had happened, and I could sense it in the courtroom. At the first recess, I was told that after the arguments, the courtroom was filled with reporters. Members of the Court felt that was unusual, not that there were reporters present, but that there were so many present. After the case was argued, he (Black) announced from the bench that he had his opinion in the case which he had filed with the clerk with sufficient copies for distribution to the press. Well, mind you, this was an announcement of an opinion being filed in a case, obviously prepared before oral arguments and long before the members of the court had an opportunity to consider, to deliberate and to decide the ultimate outcome of the case. At the conference at the finish of that day, I waited for someone to make a motion to strike the opinion from the files of the court, and no one did, and none the second day and then the third day. On Thursday of that week, obviously nobody was going to make a move. I was new to the court. I didn't particularly. I wasn't afraid of antagonizing anyone. I wasn't looking for a fight, but it seemed to me to be quite outrageous that that sort of thing could happen.

Mr. Lane: Who had signed the opinion?

Justice Souris: No one, only he. Only he. It was just his opinion.

Mr. Lane: What. filed with the clerk?

Justice Souris: Filed with the clerk.

Mr. Lane: What was it supposed to represent?

Justice Souris: His opinion.

Mr. Lane: The decision of the court?

Justice Souris: No, just his opinion, and as I recall it, he had sent the opinion around to the justices with a memo saying, "This is what I plan to write and file. I'm giving it to you in advance of the arguments so that you will all have the opportunity to take your best hold and write against me". Something inflammatory like that. In any event, I made the motion to strike the opinion from the files, the records of the court, based solely upon the fact that it was precipitous. It was filed before the court had an opportunity to consider it, and obviously written before the. I thought it was an affront to the court, and the motion carried. As I recall it, Tom M. Kavanagh and Harry Kelly were the only ones who voted with Gene against the motion. Dethmers and Carr joined the rest of us. An opinion was written for the court. Talbot undertook to write, and my recollection is that Talbot wrote an opinion that became the opinion of the court. Gene did not re-file his opinion, so that lengthy opinion that I'mtalking about never was published. I've got a copy of it and others have copies of it, I'm sure, but it was just a scandalous thing. That was my introduction to the court. My introduction to Gene Black and the genesis of the antagonism that was evident during the entire time I was on the court. There were periods of time when he and I got along just fine. As a matter of fact, in our personal relationship, we were quite friendly. I had decided very early in my relationship with Gene that the only way to deal with him was to stand up to him. To slug it out with him toe to toe. He was a bully, and that he would bully me unless I established that capacity early on, and so while I wasn't spoiling for a fight, I wasn't going to run away from one either. We got along just fine. Lo haría. we would be engaged in intellectual combat, and he would stop talking. He would pack his bags and leave for Port Huron predictably. Within 48 hours or 72 hours, there would be a diatribe in the mail in the form of an opinion or a supplement to his opinion or an addendum, or at times, a complete revision, but it was fascinating to watch this. I could predict it, tell exactly when it was going to happen. What a pity. What a waste of talent.

Mr. Lane: How do you explain the background. he had to have known that you were a member of the Board of Canvassers, Chairman, a party to the case? Was it not de rigueur in procedure at that time to withdraw oneself when you were.

(end of side 1, tape 2)

Justice Souris discusses his beginnings on the Michigan Supreme Court and the relationships among the members of the court. He also talks about court process, writing court opinions, a case involving the UAW, and running for election. He begins discussing court reform, the case of Parker vs. Port Huron, and the Colacasides case concerning the one-man grand jury law.

Mr. Lane: When you were in that position, I thought that it was absolutely a rigid practice on an Appellate Bench, particularly.

Justice Souris: Anybody.

Mr. Lane: Well, the canons called for this, my goodness. Do you think that he was trying to overpower you? He must have known. If this were.

Justice Souris: I'm not sure he did initially, Roger, but he persisted in his insistence that I could sit and nobody would raise the question.

Justice Souris: See, the suit was in the name of the Board of State Canvassers. As I recall it, we weren't named individually, but it was a suit against the Board, and it's entirely conceivable that he wasn't aware that I was a member of the Board or it had slipped his mind, but ultimately, he knew it because I told him, and even in the face of that knowledge, he insisted that I could sit which was manifest nonsense.

Mr. Lane: Well now, in your early period on the court, the two of you shared this office. Was your relationship such that you could tactfully prepare and converse on the telephone.

Justice Souris: Surely. There were no secrets, but.

Mr. Lane: What was Talbot Smith's opinions.

Justice Souris: Obviously, in those circumstances. as a matter of fact, that rarely happened, because when we were in Lansing sharing offices, we were generally either on the bench or in the conference room with the other justices. We used the office only as a convenience. His secretary and my secretary worked there during the day and occasionally, I would work during the evening. Occasionally, he would work during the evening, but I generally stayed with Talbot. Talbot and I would go out to the Kellogg Center where we would spend the night. We didn't want to go to the hotels because of legislators and lobbyists and unsavory types like newspaper men, and people like that, would be there, and it would be an embarrassment to have to say, "I'm sorry. I can't talk with you about this", so we stayed out at Kellogg Center, he and I did.

Mr. Lane: Where did you do the substance of your work?

Justice Souris: In Detroit.

Mr. Lane: Where in Detroit?

Justice Souris: At the Detroit College of Law. I had offices. I had two offices in the college, in the Law School there, inside of the doorway. My secretary had one, my law clerk shared that office with her, and I had the other. We had access to the law library and it was a very convenient place for me to work. Charley King who was dean of the law school at that time called me upon the announcement of my appointment, and he offered me space at the college. He reminded me that George Edwards had worked at the Wayne Law School Library when he was first appointed to the court and before he went up to Lansing, before he moved his family to Lansing. Charley said, in a very gracious way, that it would be a benefit to the law school, it would grace the law school if I would agree to have my offices there. It was like an answer to a prayer, because I had planned on either establishing an office in my private home or somehow or another finding an office that would be inexpensive in Detroit. This was free space with a complete law library at my disposal, and it was in an academic setting apart from the legal profession. I wouldn't run into any lawyers, practicing lawyers who had cases before us. I wouldn't run into legislators or lobbyists. I was in my own little world.

Mr. Lane: How about Black and his relationship with other members of the court? Was it all pretty much the same? I heard that you were his particular target in sarcasms, derisions, criticisms.

Justice Souris: Maybe so in print. Maybe so in his opinions, because he and I frequently squared off. I took it silently for many years until finally. I can't remember the year. the Trbovich case. whatever the year. I decided that there wasn't any point in letting him walk all over me, that there was a time to respond, and I responded, but

Justice Souris: Gene was cruelly derisive of Carr and Dethmers in the conferences. He made no effort to disguise his utter contempt for them. He was tenderly, sensitively solicitous of Harry Kelly, and my amateur psychiatrist's analysis was that Gene really was a very shy person, very tender, sensitive individual who responded to those he regarded as crippled, physically and intellectually crippled, and so if he thought you weren't quite all there, he could be very tender. If he thought you were suffering pain, he could be very tender, and he was to Harry who lived with pain ever since World War I. The man's endurance was absolutely astonishing to us all, and you know, we all covered for Harry. We did things, we wrote opinions for him, not many, but occasionally when he was obviously in distress. We all tried to help him, and Gene particularly. Gene was privately contemptuous of Tom Kavanagh but openly aligned with Tom. He needed Tom's votes and therefore never to his face would say the things that he would say to the rest of us about Tom. He was not a fan of Otis Smith's.

Mr. Lane: Did he provoke Otis Smith in the glass breaking.

Justice Souris: Sure. I can't remember what the controversy was about, but it was an insulting comment to Otis. It was a provocative statement, and Otis was leaning back in his chair when it was made, and he came smashing down like this, moving forward to the table, and his hand came down on the table, and it shattered this 1/4" plate glass, or maybe it was 1/2". No lo sé. It was a thick plate glass, and poor Otis was mortified, devastated. Otis is not a man of violence, but he has enormous strength.

Mr. Lane: Do you know what I recall his telling me many years ago? I didn't even bring it up because I'm so uncertain in a fact kind of way of what I remember him saying. There was a lot of buzz about this, and there was speculation in the newspapers. I talked to Otis one time, and he told me what happened in brief. My recollection of what he said as he brought his fist down, "Black, I wouldn't say that to a nigger." This is Otis Smith talking to me as best I can recall what he said at the time.

Justice Souris: I don't remember that at all, and it is not language that Otis would have used.

Mr. Lane: No, not unless he was in total fury.

Justice Souris: No, even in a total fury, Otis would not. There was another incident of violence on the court while I was there. Gene was sitting on one side of the conference table, and George and I were sitting on the other side of the conference table, and the other justices were arrayed around the table. Gene and George were having it out about a case that was. I don't remember the case, but they were obviously in total disagreement with one another, and Gene said something very provocative to George, insulting to George. I can remember George taking his glasses off, throwing them across the table, and starting. he got out of his chair, walked behind me. walked is not an appropriate word. he lunged behind me, came around the head of the table where John Dethmers was sitting. Gene, in the meantime, came the other way to meet George at the head of the table. Dethmers was caught in the middle, and to his credit, managed to keep them apart long enough for the rest of us to grab both Gene and George. They were like enraged bulls, and when a few seconds, moments passed, they each realized what they were doing and immediately calmed down and returned to the session, got back to normal. No blows were struck, but they came perilously close. Those were the only two incidents of physical violence that I experienced while I was on the court. That was almost nine years.

Mr. Lane: Were the members of the court other than Gene Black knowledgeable about his habit of writing stuff to newspaper people. I don't know what, because I did not receive this stuff. I was a late-comer, but I worked out of the same place where the other reporters for the capitol, and I saw those special delivery fat envelopes stuffed into the pigeon holes for certain people, primarily from the Detroit papers and sometimes the Booth papers. once in a while, I would think I'd see his reflection in the newspapers. It could have been speech, but I also suspected, because of the way he treated the Michigan courts, that he probably send memorandums.

Justice Souris: Opinions. I got, when I was on the Circuit Court, I got an opinion from him in a case. it might have been a case in which I was involved as a Circuit judge, but I doubt it. This was a case which he thought I'd have some professional competence about, and he asked for my comments. I know he did that with a lot of lawyers in the state. I know that he did that with trial judges whose opinions he was reviewing. He saw nothing wrong with that.

Mr. Lane: How did the other members of the court receive his practice of the type of filing of memorandum for publication in reports.

Justice Souris: Addendums, as he called them. He was entitled to do that. He could revise his opinion before publication. There wasn't anything wrong with revising it by simply adding an addendum. What difference did it make? As far as I was concerned, it didn't make any difference at all. I thought that it manifested. it was a reflection upon him, not to the court. Nobody else did it. I guess Paul Adams did it once. I don't think I ever did it.

Mr. Lane: . The gentlemanly professional judicial proper thing to do, if somebody questioned an aspect of your opinion before it was published, you would then be in contact with that person and say, "Listen, I can't change this", or "Come to think of it, I don't know that I really need that paragraph in there", and you'd take it out.

Justice Souris: Or, you might revise your opinion to meet the challenge. Very frequently, judges will write a concurring opinion to one by Mr. Justice Lane, to suggest that this is a case of enormous juris prudential importance because it involves the separation of powers doctrine. "I don't view it at all as a separation of powers case, and these are my reasons." It's perfectly legitimate. Well, if it's legitimate to do that in the body of an opinion, why can't they do it as an addendum that doesn't involve revising the basic thing. I didn't find that to be troublesome. One of the things that did trouble me about the court was the concurrence in result. During the entire time I was on the court, I don't think I ever. Estoy seguro. I never concurred in the result only. One of the reasons. the reason was that I felt we all had an obligation to explain the reasons for our decision. That was the function opinions served If I can't sign your opinion because it doesn't reflect my reason for voting the way you explained in your opinion, then I'm obliged to write a separate opinion, succinctly, hopefully, that explains the difference between my views and your views. Concurring in result, seems to me always to disguise the basis of the court's decision, made it difficult for lawyers and judges to understand the Court's development of the law, the common law, primarily, rather than statutory law. It was always a practice that I not only disdained but also criticized among my colleagues, even those with whom I was most closely aligned. I just didn't think it was right to do it. Gene, of course, concurred in the result for. it was a lazy man's way of voting without having to explain the reason for the vote that you took. Now, in Gene's case, it wasn't a question of indolence; no one could, with a straight face, claim that Gene wasn't an enormously energetic member of the court. But for his own purposes, he sometimes would save his views. He wouldn't reveal them. You see, this was a conspiratorial approach to the business of judging on a collegial court that no one else in my service on that court manifested. We had a view. We expressed it. He husbanded his views. He saved them up, and he would take great delight in demonstrating the wisdom of his having abstained from the precipitous expression of opinion.

Mr. Lane: Let me back up a little bit. I'm referring now to seemed to me that you kind of (unclear) of the modern day history in the court, and.

Justice Souris: I really don't remember that.

Mr. Lane: It starts out significantly with a comment by Roscoe Pound who referred to the Michigan Supreme Court as having a bad eminence. What did you make out of that? Was it clear to you what was he really saying?

Justice Souris: He was criticizing the process the Supreme Court of Michigan followed in those days. I think his remarks were in the early 1950's, maybe earlier than that, but I think they in the early 1950's when the common complaint was then, in the profession in Michigan, was Michigan Supreme Court decisions were one-man decisions just as I mentioned, and what was meant by that was the work load of the court was divided eight ways, and indeed, as I explained earlier, each justice received only 1/8 of the cases, 1/8 of the briefs and records, namely only those briefs and records in the cases assigned to him to write, in advance of oral argument.

Mr. Lane: And this was the established procedure for a long time prior to your coming.

Justice Souris: Yes, for many, many years before the 1950's, and it started to change when Talbot Smith was appointed to the court in 1955, and George came shortly thereafter, and the two of them began dissenting but, Roger, if you go back and look at the opinions of the Michigan Supreme Court during all of the 1940's and the first five years of the 1950's, you'll see very, very, very few dissents, very few and even fewer concurrences which meant that almost all of the decisions of the court were unanimous decisions. Well, that is manifest nonsense. What happened was that everybody signed one another's opinions without bothering to review the records in those cases. Unless there was something in the opinion that was personally offensive, that raised a flag, a warning, he signed it and let it go. If it was internally consistent with his notion of law, whether it accurately reflected the trial or the facts elicited at the trial was never really tested. I can remember another case involving Justice Carr. It was the Wingaert case out of Ann Arbor. It was a case involving the rape of a blind woman, blind student, and Justice Carr wrote the opinion in the case, I called him up and I said, "I'm afraid you overlooked a fact that I find in the record, find it to be of primary importance in assessing the crime", and he didn't bother even listening to what I had to say. As a matter of fact, I wrote him. I didn't call him. I wrote him, and he wrote back, and he said that he had reviewed the entire record when he wrote his opinion, and he didn't find it necessary to do it again, and if I disagreed with anything he had said in his opinion, then I had better be prepared to write my own, which I proceeded to do. Never again, thereafter, did I engage in any discussion with Justice Carr about cases.

Mr. Lane: Now, that was the dissent on the insanity defense.

Justice Souris: Yes, that's right.

Mr. Lane: I read (unclear) that I can handle and with a little bit of guidance, and I thought that was a extraordinary episode of difficult but extremely thorough microscopic kind of analysis.

Justice Souris: That was our function.

Mr. Lane: Well, that's right. You took each of the psychiatrists, each of their testimony, and there was a question of the timing, as there would be in an insanity defense. what about when the event occurred, and then how about at trial and that sort of thing. Is that the definitive word still in Michigan on the insanity defense?

Justice Souris: I really don't know. I don't get involved in such cases, and I really have not followed the issue.

Mr. Lane: Let me ask you about another case just because it comes to mind and it's one of a kind, as far as I'm aware in recent Michigan law, and that's the Cross case where you wrote on UAW appeal, I think it was, of contempt. The holding was, if I remember, that the judge, that the injunction was properly issued.

Justice Souris: Improperly issued.

Mr. Lane: Was it not "properly"? Pensé. that's what I was going to. why don't you say what was going on, because I thought what happened there was that the UAW had been decertified and that sort of thing, and the thing was all sort of washed out, but then you started out with not the usual way you start out an opinion. You said this is a case of Civil War over ten years or something like that, and then I thought that while you devoted. no, I shouldn't be doing all this.

Justice Souris: Roger, I don't remember the facts of the case, but what I do remember is that it involved the issuance of an ex parte restraining order in circumstances which I thought the law precluded. For example, there was no evidence that the regularly constituted law enforcement agencies of the state were incapable of maintaining law and order, and in those circumstances, I don't think the law of Michigan permits a judge to intrude. I think that the injunction, the restraining order that was requested on an ex parte basis never should have been issued excepting under the most extraordinary circumstances and the strongest possible proofs, not assertions or allegations but proofs that the local police, the state police, the governor of the state, cannot maintain order. That is the only justification for permitting a court to intrude itself in controversies of that kind, particularly labor controversies, where you have the might of the state on one side or another; on one side or the other, either for management or against management, on the strength of an ex parte showing without absolute proof. What I wrote in that case, I hoped would survive forever, because I think it is sound law, and the only way to justify the court's role in such a controversy. There was no reason in the world why the lawyers for the other side. I think the lawyers for the UAW, could not have been notified that an application was going to be made for injunctive relief, and if there had been a contested hearing, then that would have been an entirely different matter. The showing would still have to be the same, the showing would still have to establish. the proof would still have to establish that the regularly constituted law enforcement agencies were incapable of functioning without the assistance of a judicial decree, injunctive relief.

Mr. Lane: In this case, do you think or do you recall whether you thought at the time that the executive authorities, meaning the police, had kind of abdicated their responsibilities?

Justice Souris: Yes.

Mr. Lane: And cast it upon the courts.

Justice Souris: Absolutely. Absolutamente. "Why should we risk the political damage to our candidacy for re-election" as sheriff, for example. "If you induce the management to get an injunction from the court. now we're cast in the role of enforcing the court's order, not our vision of law and order."

Mr. Lane: Was this not a recurring issue?

Justice Souris: It had been.

Mr. Lane: This was definitive.

Justice Souris: At that time.

Mr. Lane: Well, it is to this day. I happened to look at the Holland school case, and it is cited there.

Justice Souris: I would hope so. I would think so, but again, I don't get involved in those controversies any longer, and I really don't know.

Mr. Lane: Something possibly not apropos to this, but you know when you ran for re-election, or.

Justice Souris: For election.

Mr. Lane: For election, one of the news stories mentioned that John Feikens took a table, and this was part of evidence of Republican support for your candidacy. Do you remember that? What is your relationship, or what was it then?

Justice Souris: John and I were friends, professional friends. I can't remember whether we ever had a case together or not, but we knew one another. When I was appointed, he expressed his pleasure. He was one of a fair number of prominent Republican trial lawyers who supported my candidacy. John was one, Max Badgley from Jackson was the leader of the pack. He and Bill McInally, his former partner who was a Democrat, organized what they called the Society for the Preservation of Stare Decisis, the function of which was to raise money for my candidacy, and he got John involved - Max did. Max got prominent lawyers from all over the state to support my candidacy on the strength of their knowledge of me as a trial lawyer, and as someone who was honest and didn't have horns growing out of his forehead and all that sort of thing.

Mr. Lane: It was a bit unusual in those times.

Justice Souris: Sure it was.

Mr. Lane: That must have made you feel pretty good.

Justice Souris: Well, it did, indeed. Max and his group really were the genesis of the organizations that I established throughout the state with a Republican and a Democrat co-chairman, and my expectation was that I would be able to campaign, as in truth, a non - partisan. I didn't want to run as a Democrat or as a Republican or as anything other than a lawyer seeking to establish his position on the court. John came to me, as a matter of fact, before the summer of 1960, and he wanted to know if I would accept the nomination of the Republican Party as well as the Democratic Party. There was a condition attached to it. The condition was that I would persuade the Democratic Party through Neil Staebler to agree in advance to endorse the candidacies of the next two incumbents who happened to be John Dethmers and Harry Kelly, and I said to him that I wouldn't even carry that message to Neil Staebler. I thought that it would. as much as I liked John, I sensed that it would be a fraud on the people of this state if you think that the two political parties ought to be endorsing the same candidate. What you're saying is that you don't believe the selection process, the nomination process should be partisan. If you really believe that, then let's try to change the process, let's not try to disguise it, and that was the last I heard of that. John and I have been friends ever since the early 1950's.

Mr. Lane: You must have gotten some pleasure from his appointment to (unclear)

Justice Souris: That's right. I remember his calling me and asking what I thought he should do. Should he take it or should he not? I said, "You need to take it even if you can serve only for the balance of this year. The fact that you will have been a district judge will be an enormous benefit to you as a practicing lawyer". I wrote to Phil Hart who was then Junior Senator.

Justice Souris: I wrote to and talked at great length with Pat McNamara who had an implacable dislike for John. There was something that John said about Pat during the first campaign Pat ran for Senate. John said something about a plumber running for the United States Senate, and it offended Pat. He never forgot it, and he would not forget. He simply would not forget, and as much as many of us tried to persuade him that John wasn't an evil man and was a good lawyer and would make a fine judge, Pat never would agree to that.

Mr. Lane: That was during the period of the extraordinary circumstances, was it not, when Blair Moody died?

Justice Souris: Yes.

Mr. Lane: After having filed for re-election, and McNamara was left alone to get the nomination.

Justice Souris: That's right, and obviously was elected, and then had to run again eight years later, six years later.

Mr. Lane: I think there were a lot of standard Democrats that were not too moved with that.

Justice Souris: We were not too happy with Pat McNamara because he was running against our favorite, Blair Moody, and I must say, once Pat took his seat and we got to know him, I campaigned with Pat and traveled around the state with him. I came to admire him mightily. I think that Pat was a man who was absolutely. served the people of this state very well during the time he was in the Senate. He was no intellect, but he didn't pretend to be, either, which was to his credit.

Mr. Lane: Justice Souris, let's address another aspect of the reform movement, let's call it, that was gathering steam when you came on the court, and you mentioned in this tribute to George Edwards the idea. the court, for a long time, I think as you put it, had clung to the infallibility of its own decisions by simply rigidly adhering to its past decisions, right or wrong, and when you got on the court, or sometime in this period, there were a lot of things that changed. I think Parker vs. Port Huron was part of this.

Justice Souris: Actually, the change began before I got to the court, Roger, and it was really winding down when I got there. The major changes had occurred. I came onto the court at the tail end of the cyclical movement of the court from right to left, and I'm. grateful for the opportunity to have participated in it in any role at all, but by the time I got there, there had been enormous changes that had been accomplished primarily, and I think I'm right in putting it that way, by Talbot Smith, who is not fully appreciated yet by the people of Michigan. He will be some day.

Mr. Lane: Well, it took five votes, did it not, to carry the.

Justice Souris: Yes, but you see, you had five votes with Justice Kavanagh's appointment to the court, and you had Talbot, Gene Black, George Edwards, John Voelker and Tom Kavanagh, and so my ascension to the Supreme Court simply replaced the fifth vote with my vote, John's vote with mine, and so I didn't change the balance. I simply continued the dominance of the liberal, so-called liberal, wing of the court.

Mr. Lane: You wrote with some vigor on this subject, I seem to recall.

Justice Souris: Yes, I thought with absolute conviction that if the court concluded that its prior judgments were wrong in the development of the common law; you know, I emphasize the importance of the common law to a State Supreme Court because that's the one area of the law in which the court legitimately can be creative. It is the writer of law, it is the origin of law. It has the obligation to declare the law, and to modify those declarations of law when it is persuaded that it has been wrong in the past.

Mr. Lane: In the sense, is this not true, say the Port Huron case where the societal premises on which earlier cases had been decided no longer applied?

Justice Souris: That's right. Está bien. The facts change.

Mr. Lane: The underlying.

Justice Souris: . social facts, yes.

Mr. Lane: Do you remember the Super-X judgment?

Justice Souris: Oh, yes.

Mr. Lane: What does that really stand for?

Justice Souris: Nothing. Absolutely nothing, because it was a decision that. it was a decision that was reached on an even division of the bench, and if I recall correctly, there were only six of us who participated in the final decision, 3 and 3. We dumped that dilemma on Clerk Don Winter's shoulders because he had to decide whether or not to issue a writ of mandamus, and on a split vote like that, he didn't know which way to go, and I think he simply didn't issue it, which is precisely what we had hoped he would do.

Mr. Lane: Was it not Super-X license. it was related to a pharmacy license, in Battle Creek.

Justice Souris: Yes.

Mr. Lane: And this outfit had one for 30-odd years, and (unclear).

Justice Souris: I don't remember the facts. What I remember about that case, Roger, is a very unpleasant memory. One of the members of the court participated in the initial decision notwithstanding his son was a member of the law firm representing one of the parties. When I discovered that, I was absolutely outraged, and I wrote a memo first to him and then to the court when he refused to recuse himself, in which I said that I was prepared to write publicly on the failure of that Justice to recuse himself. I don't recall with certainty, but I think I circulated to the members of the court what I proposed to write, and he ultimately recused himself on the re-hearing. I can't remember the details of it, but it was a very unpleasant experience from that standpoint.

Justice Souris: And I think it was Paul Adams who also recused himself because he was Attorney General and had advised the Board, so we ended up with only six participating justices.

Mr. Lane: What do you recall, if there is any particular significance to it, of the Colacasides case where you upheld the one man grand jury law? Do you remember that?

Justice Souris: I wrote that case with Mike O'Hara. I authored the opinion, made some changes at Mike's suggestion, and then persuaded him to join me in the opinion. It was the first and only Supreme Court opinion that shows two authors at the masthead that I know about. Maybe it has happened before or since, but I am not aware of it. Mike and I had a good personal relationship. We disagreed vigorously in our opinions, but we spent a lot of time together.

Mr. Lane: Well, the one-man grand jury was a pretty unusual animal, widely criticized at that time, correct?

Justice Souris: Yes, it was, and with good reason. The question was, did the legislature have the ability to provide for a one-man grand jury, and the answer is yes. You know, I personally found it to be abhorrent practice.

(end of side 2, tape 2)

Justice Souris continues talking about the one-man grand jury case and his view on the role of the court. He then talks about other cases concerning government immunity and the relation that such cases and court decision have with the creation and revision of law. He further discusses such issues as presumption of undue influence, summary judgment, the right of discovery, and the type of law he practices.

Justice Souris: While I found the one-man grand jury process abhorrent, it was within the legislature's ken, and we had to recognize that. That seems to me to be a popular misconception of my attitudes as a justice of the court. I find people even today saying to me that I was a radical member of the court. I wasn't a radical member of the court. I was one of the most conservative members of the court in the sense that I insisted that the court go back to first principles whenever we had a controversy, for example, involving statutory interpretation. What was our function? Our function was to determine what the legislature intended by the language it used. When we started substituting our own notions of what the legislature intended, then we were over - stepping our bounds, and I was frequently critical of the court for doing that. When we dealt with the common law, on the other hand, I felt that our role was much less restricted than it was when we were simply interpreting statutory law. When we were applying the common law, we were in the arena of judge-made law, and we had the obligation, in other words, the power to change that law when we were convinced that injustice was being done by perpetuation of the rule that the court itself had announced earlier in time. I don't think that that view can correctly be characterized as radical. I think that is a very conservative approach to the business of a collegial state court's function in the judicial process.

Mr. Lane: Do you remember how you came down on those issues that appeared before the court a couple of times, at least, where there was a matter of statutory clauses. appeal of governmental immunity. Some of the statutes way back. they had to be sure. like if you were. they had a claim against the Highways Department, what they call it. a culvert was sticking out, and ruined my car. There was a case where a person in a slip and fall, freak slip and fall event, had been disabled very severely. Do you remember that case?

Justice Souris: Was that the sidewalk case?

Mr. Lane: I think so.

Justice Souris: I didn't write it. It was handed down, I think, before I got to the court, and I think Talbot Smith worked on it.

Mr. Lane: But there was like a 60 day, very brief time during when.

Justice Souris: Yes, I remember that.

Mr. Lane: And there was a two year period, I think. At any rate, that isn't in discord with what you were just saying.

Justice Souris: No, not at all.

Mr. Lane: How about the law of Worker's Comp. ley.

Justice Souris: Carter?

Mr. Lane: Well, okay. Carter, let's take that one. That was the psychotic breakdown case.

Justice Souris: General Motors, yes.

Mr. Lane: Wasn't that a first of a kind?

Justice Souris: Yes, and yet it wasn't. Roger, that was a decision that, again, I thought and still do, was rooted in precedent. I took great pains with that opinion to trace the history of Michigan's law of compensation for emotional injury, and what I did was to show in that opinion that Michigan had recognized, our court had recognized, the compensability of emotional injuries since the early years of the century. The only thing to distinguish the Carter case from earlier cases was that there was no single traumatic event which caused the emotional damage. For example, there were earlier cases that involved a worker who was struck in the back by a falling wrench. The wrench was dropped by a workman working on a scaffold.

Mr. Lane: That wasn't the Redfern case, was it?

Justice Souris: It might have been the Redfern case. The injury to the back was of little significance. The back was cured, but there was a psychological effect that followed that trauma, that physical trauma, and the court had no difficulty in finding compensability. There was another case in which workers, female workers in a factory were overcome, and there was an hysterical amnesia, an hysterical something or other, that resulted from their smelling fumes from a damaged piece of equipment. The fumes themselves didn't cause the collapse, the fainting. It was simply a response, a hysterical response to the fumes which they believed were harmful, and the court didn't find it difficult to provide compensation. There were any number of similar cases and I referred to them and explained them, and built upon those cases and finally reached the Carter case in which there wasn't a single event. There was, instead, a whole series of events, day after day after day, constant repetitive experiences of a production line worker which ultimately had an emotional effect. In the center case, and this was very significant, the only psychological testimony in the case came from the plaintiff. There was absolutely no effort made to counter that testimony by General Motors. General Motors offered no expert at all, attempted only to undermine the credibility of the plaintiff's expert by cross-examination and failed. Our task, as an Appellate Court, was to determine whether the Board, the Appeal Board had sufficient evidence in the record to support its ruling, and it did. No question about it, and I reached that conclusion quickly, no problem at all. I spent most of my time in the opinion trying to explain why this wasn't such a dramatic change from the past, that it was a logical extension of the law of compensability of emotional injuries. The case elicited enormous outrage from defense lawyers and from the medical profession and from the manufacturing industries. I had a telephone call. I had a letter first from a very close friend of mine who was a doctor who wanted to know why, as close as we were, I hadn't consulted with him about the medical significance of the decision, and my response to him was, "My friend, if I had been willing to consult with you, I would have been willing to consult with others about other cases as well as this one, and that isn't what judges of the court are supposed to do". He ultimately came around. He understood what I said.

Mr. Lane: As I recall, and I again don't want to make claim to expertise here, but it was a very poignant, as you say. developed the issue in a succession of what.

Justice Souris: Well, almost precedents.

Mr. Lane: Precedents..whatever you call them.

Justice Souris: My objective was to develop the background of my ruling, my holding, in such a way that it would demonstrate that the common law, and we're really talking about common law even though we're applying the Workers Compensation statute, works in incremental fashion. Sometimes, you can move the law one full step at a time. Here, you are at this point, and the next decision will carry you to this point, but more often than not, what happens is that you take 1/2 step instead of a full step in developing a legal concept, and that's what happened in this case, in the Carter case. We were really taking only a 1/2 step, not the giant step that our critics portrayed us as taking. It was just a half-step removed from those cases in which there was a single traumatic event; in this case, there were a series of traumatic events.

Mr. Lane: How would you describe your writings on several governmental immunity issues? I think Lloyd Fell said this was the first of a succession, and finally the largest of. the idea of governmental immunity just sort of broke ground across the country.

Justice Souris: My memory of this, Roger, was that in 1968 when I left the court, we had. the court had begun to articulate a relatively simple principle that would be universally applicable to governmental and charitable immunity cases, and it related really to the notion of charitable immunity, judge-made immunity at least for any such institution, that if there were to be immunity, it ought to be granted by the legislature that has the capacity to consider policy issues that courts rarely are equipped to consider and even more rarely, to decide. That is a legislative policy in most cases. In 1968, as I recall it, the issue was one of retroactivity. To what extent should our current rulings abrogating the immunity of the sovereign apply retroactively in cases that were pending at the time of this decision. I gather, though I haven't gotten involved in it since I left the court, that the issue became far more complex in the few years that followed my departure and ultimately, the legislature got involved. I don't know where governmental immunity is today.

Mr. Lane: I think. legislature developed sort of a feeble formulation at one time that was hard to read, and you couldn't tell what it was supposed to say, and the court had many more innings on this subject matter and finally in Ross vs. Consumers Power in 1982, the court split and then came back and in 1984, gathered together eight or nine cases and established a fairly coherent rule and applied it. I wanted to ask you about the Thom case. Do you remember that?

Justice Souris: That was the case in which one of the witnesses said "some damned fool built a home in a hole".

Mr. Lane: I didn't know about that.

Justice Souris: Wasn't that the case that involved the highway being built in front of a private dwelling?

Mr. Lane: There were two allegations that were the principle case in this. view and access.

Justice Souris: Access is what I remember. That was funny. I don't remember anything about that case other than that one trenchant comment, I think it was an expert witness who said, "Looking at the house reminded me that some damned fool built his home in a hole".

Mr. Lane: I think that was a significant case because.

Justice Souris: It was a reverse condemnation case, as I recall.

Mr. Lane: Here is this fellow who has a farm. you probably had lots of cases like this, and along comes a highway builder, and they rip up not only his front lawn but let's say, they throw up a big embankment, 40 feet high, so he can't see out of his living room, and.

Justice Souris: And now he had to cross the highway to get to his field on the other side of the road.

Mr. Lane: That's right, and you said very explicitly that this is a compensable taking of.

Justice Souris: Right.

Mr. Lane: And I think the courts have been reluctant to factor in. and remember, this followed a period of intense activity of this sort. We brought these fellows from Washington and everywhere to condemn highway right of way. Interspousal tort immunity. Do you remember that case? Mosier vs. Carney and there were a couple of other cases that were tied in. There were three factual circumstances, as I recall, that you treated alike as to. I think four or five members of the court were a little split off here.

Justice Souris: Yes. I haven't thought of that in a long time. There too, the question involves one of the court's earlier notions, that family members suing one another inevitably would involve fraud.

Mr. Lane: Collusion.

Justice Souris: Collusion, sure.

Mr. Lane: And the gossamer strain of marital tie or something. you wrote that in, too. Do you remember that?

Justice Souris: No, I don't. I was offended by the notion that anyone could be injured and denied compensation because someone else in similar circumstances might engage in collusion with a defendant in order to defraud an insurance company. It would seem to me that we were painting with too broad a brush; we denied any recovery to anyone in those relationships.

Mr. Lane: These cases. at least, I think two of the three were fatalities in automobile accidents where there was a question of fault with respect to one of the spouses who was deceased, and could the children, in the one case, or could the surviving spouse.

Justice Souris: Yes, and in those cases, the court's articulated reason. that is to say, we must discourage such law suits because they would have an undermining effect on the marital relationship, no longer existed. See, those were circumstances in which the court articulated a reason which wasn't the real reason for its opinion, its decisions. The real reason for its decisions in the old days was that the court did not want to encourage fraud on insurance companies. Two couples or a married couple getting together, saying one was negligent against the other, knowing that the source of funds for compensation did not bleed the spouse but, rather, the insurance company. The Court couldn't say that, but the rationale for the decision. we articulated the rationale as being for the purpose of preserving the sanctity of marriage.

Mr. Lane: There is another case, that I understand it, a definitive case procedurally in Michigan - In Re Woods. Do you remember that, where you wrote on the evidentiary effect of presumption?

Justice Souris: Yes. Presumption of undue influence. The first case I argued in the Michigan Supreme Court after I left the bench was a case in which In Re Woods was controlling. I represented the estate of Matilda Wilson, and there were a lot of dollars riding on the case in the trial court.

Mr. Lane: Was it an undue influence case?

Justice Souris: Yes. There was also another case at the same time in which I represented the estate of someone by the name of Thoma, and that case got to the Supreme Court involving the same issue that was involved in the Matilda Wilson case. I remembering arguing the Thoma case and John Dethmers who wrote against me in In Re Woods saying to me from the bench, "Mr. Justice Souris, do I understand you to be saying to this court that if you were still a member of the court today, you would be much less inclined to sign the opinion you signed in In Re Woods and much more amenable to the reasoning of the opinion in dissent". I took the opportunity to say, "Mr. Justice Dethmers, you and I continue to disagree upon the meaning of In Re Woods," and I explained to him again that my purpose, the majority's meaning in that case, the holding in that case, was that once there is any evidence of benefit to a fiduciary, then there is a presumption of undue influence that can be rebutted. In the case of Thoma, and as it turned out, in the case of Matilda Wilson, there was no evidence of benefit to the fiduciary. There was simply the fact that the fiduciary wrote the instrument.

Mr. Lane: Didn't put himself.

Justice Souris: That's right. And that's the way he wrote the opinion in Thoma, and that opinion got me off the hook in the trial court in Wilson because the objecting daughter, having seen the Thoma decision, decided not to appeal.

Mr. Lane: Is this not still the law of Michigan?

Justice Souris: You bet it is.

Mr. Lane: Is this a common principle of jurisprudence across the country?

Justice Souris: No, it really isn't, and I'll tell you why, Roger. In Re Woods at that time, was the only or one of the very few opinions on this subject of undue influence and presumptions, linking the two, that analyzed carefully the procedural way in which presumptions are handled by courts. Most decisions involving presumptions simply refer to the concept of presumptions and reach the conclusion without analysis. Here, you had facts that required careful analysis in order to demonstrate that the scrivener In Re Woods, if I recall correctly, had, in fact, benefitted from his handiwork, and it was that which gave rise to the presumption, but that's only the beginning of the analysis. Then we have to explain that the presumption was a rebuttable one, not an irrebuttable one, and why is that so. Well, then why it's so, and then you have to analyze the facts to determine in this case, the presumption was not rebutted.

Mr. Lane: The courts backing, prior to this claim, were just choked with undue influence cases.

Justice Souris: Yes. They were analyzing what was meant, so I tried to bring some order to the disorder that existed. You know, that case was an interesting one for another reason. I wrote that case with a feeling that this is cut to a pattern. You introduce the case, identify the legal issues, discuss the legal issues, identify the facts of the legal issues, and then reach a conclusion, and we were doing that opinion after opinion after opinion. That got boring. After the third or fourth year, you were writing the same sort of stuff, and I started experimenting with opinions. I remember one of the most gratifying approaches was to start with the discussion of the law before you identified the parties. "This is a case that involves an issue of presumption of undue influence", for example. "Presumption includes statutory presumption, common law presumption, rebuttable presumptions. These are the differences". You develop the general law that ultimately governs this case, and then you begin discussing the facts of the case and the application of those facts to the law that you've already described. That was a far more gratifying way to me to write an opinion. I used it on occasion. I couldn't do it in all cases, of course, but it was a change of pace. That helped.

Mr. Lane: I wanted to get you to express yourself some on the attitude towards. I would say the excessive use by trial judges of the summary judgment rule, directed verdict, that sort of thing.

Justice Souris: I wrote an opinion in a case involving Dick Durant.

Mr. Lane: Is that the libel suit?

Justice Souris: It was a case involving Larry Lindemer, George Bashara, Dick VanDusen.

Justice Souris: Stahlin. Durant vs. Stahlin, and there was another companion case called Miller. It's in these materials that I gave you. In any event, what I tried to do there was to establish the ground rules for applying a 1963 court rule dealing with summary judgments. We had two types of summary judgments, only one of which really permitted examination of facts, facts demonstrated by affidavits, by deposition transcript, by documentary evidence, things of that nature. And the only question was, were the facts material, and were they in dispute, and if the answer to each of those questions was yes, then we could not grant summary judgment. It was a very simple concept, but the trial judges had a great deal of difficulty applying it, and lawyers had a great deal of difficulty understanding it.

Mr. Lane: Was your Wingaert case one such case?

Justice Souris: No, that was a criminal case. I don't think that involved summary judgment. But in any event, we were, I think, successful for a while anyway in laying out the correct way to apply those two court rules in the different circumstances in which they applied. My concern about summary judgment was that in the earlier days back in the 1940's and early 1950's, summary judgment was used to deny people of the right of trial by jury. It was used to take back disputes away from juries and to favor, in the process, defendants. In the years that immediately preceded the Durant case, it seemed to me that trial judges had swung too far to the other side, that they were afraid of granting summary judgment when summary judgment legitimately should have been granted because there was an absence of disputed fact, and so what I tried to do in those decisions was to describe the process in such a way that it could be used legitimately, whether it meant taking a case away from a jury or whether it meant the dispute could be submitted to a jury. The jury trial issue is always a very troublesome one for me because I had an abiding regard for trial by jury as one of the keystones of our system of government. It troubled me that our court in the earlier years had undermined that right, as it did again, incidently when, in my view, it unjustifiably authorized the reduction of the number of jurors from 12 to 6, and permitted non-unanimous jury verdicts. I can't imagine anything more destructive than that to the jury's role in determining community values. That was what the jury was designed to provide the judicial system, and when you say that 6 jurors can provide that as reliably as 12, I don't think you know what you're talking about. Es tan simple como eso.

Mr. Lane: You, in speaking to the court in the Edwards Court presentation, said this sentence: "While I regret, sometimes deeply, the role George and I both played in extending the right of discovery, nonetheless, those rules without any doubt substantially enhanced the opportunities of the people", and so on. What is your feeling as to discovery in practice stands now?

Justice Souris: It is used much broader than it should be. It has become a weapon rather than a shield. It has encouraged pleading cases that are non-existent until discovery reveals facts to support hunches. It encourages litigation with the sometimes forlorn hope that facts will emerge to justify the allegations. It is enormously expensive as an exercise. I've got a case I've been handling that will cost litigants, all of them, hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars to try because the discovery process is so pervasive in this country today and because it is so readily available to litigants. They want to know all that there is to know about every aspect of the controversy, even the obviously immaterial, on the off chance that they might discover something that is relevant, and it is just prohibitively expensive. It has changed the face of the practice of law. It has changed the face of the profession.

Mr. Lane: What is the remedy?

Justice Souris: The remedy is to restore discovery to the control of judges.

Mr. Lane: Can this be done by court rule or how to you.

Justice Souris: Yes, by court rule. You simply prohibit discovery beyond a very limited amount, without a court order authorizing it. You want a deposition, let the court decide whether you have sound reason for seeking, cross-examining by deposition. If you want documents, why in the name of heavens do you permit document discovery to be conducted seriatim. The first request for production of documents, 11th request for production of documents. Interrogatory is the same way. Why in the name of heavens don't we stop this? Why do we permit lawyers to continue asking questions round after round after round? Why don't we say.

Mr. Lane: You could starve the enemy into submission if you've got enough money.

Justice Souris: And even if that isn't your objective, the burden that is upon the litigants is enormous.

Mr. Lane: Do you recall exactly what the change was and how it came about that you're referring to here?

Justice Souris: Yes. Back in 1960 when I joined the Court, the Court was considering new rules, the 1963 Court rules, the rules that were adopted in 1963. Charlie Joiner and Jason Honigman had prepared some amendments to the rules, and they had followed the practice in Iowa and in the Federal system. Both instances called for wide-open discovery. It was a dramatic change from the practice in which I had grown up. It was a dramatic change in the history of such matters in Michigan. As it turned out, Gene and I were the only two members of the court who really were negative about the change, and who resisted and insisted upon modifying some of the proposals that Jason and Charlie Joiner had made and supported. I got to the Court with a golden opportunity to stall the whole process. I viewed it as imperative that it be stalled in order to give me time to get up to speed. I wasn't going to be voting on something as important as this without mastering the changes that were being proposed. When I started in on the process, there were many things that were being proposed I disagreed with. On some, I prevailed; on others, I did not. We finally adopted the rules. My recollection is that Gene persisted in dissenting. I finally acceded on the basis that many of my proposals, many of my objections had been met by change and in good conscience, I couldn't lead them down that path and then vote against them. I regretted it in retrospect. I should have stuck with Gene on that issue and insisted that Michigan keep its tradition of judge - controlled discovery. The argument was that judges didn't have time any longer to maintain that kind of control over discovery. My response today would be if they had retained those obligations to monitor discovery, the explosion of litigation might not have been as severe in Michigan as it was and has been. People are starting law suits just in the fond hope that they will discover a basis. Now, without the equivalent of Federal Rule 11 which imposes sanctions for pleading without factual support, we're trying to close the barn door. I'm not sure that's the way to do it. It would be more effective if we required the factual proof of a claim in hand before the complaint is filed.

Mr. Lane: Would that have to originate, in practical terms, with Supreme Court itself? No law.

Justice Souris: Well, a law committee charged with the obligation of proposing changes in the court rules could do it, but. and I suppose a law committee could advocate that the court re - consider the discovery rules, but ultimately, the court would have to do it.

Mr. Lane: Is there much writing of people who are listened to professionally, along the lines that you have just spoken?

Justice Souris: I don't think so. I see some by judges, but nobody listens to judges except when they write opinions, you know. They have obvious axes to grind, and people discount what judges say, particularly trial judges.

Mr. Lane: What would you say about the state of the child custody law, and as you experienced it then, and as it is now?

Justice Souris: I don't know what it is now. Realmente no.

Mr. Lane: In the best interest of the child, still.

Justice Souris: Well, I hope so.

Mr. Lane: But what is that? In re Mathers. I don't think you wrote that one, did you? That was Otis Smith, was it?

Justice Souris: Yes, but I had a hand in it, a heavy hand in it.

Mr. Lane: You apparently suffered over that.

Justice Souris: Months and months and months. I wrote In re Ernst, if I recall correctly, and In re Ernst was a case in which Vic Baum was the trial judge, as I recall. In any event, I wrote that the best interest of the child obviously has to govern, and at that time, there was a presumption that favored the father for male children over a certain age and the mother for all children under a certain age and for daughters up to a certain age, and that never made much sense to me unless there were an overriding standard that required consideration of the best interest of the child. Shouldn't you permit the presumption to be overridden if the inquiry established that the interests of the child would be better served?

Mr. Lane: Is that a statutory presumption that you described a moment ago?

Justice Souris: Yes, I'm sure it was.

Mr. Lane: Is it still in the law?

Justice Souris: I don't know, Roger. Realmente no lo sé. I hate to keep saying that. Sooner or later, you're going to ask me, "What kind of law do you practice?"

Mr. Lane: I'm going to ask you pretty soon, and I'll do it right now. You left the court in your vigorous prime. You were in your middle or young 40's, and you practiced law for 22 years, 23 years almost since then. Is there a role for former justices of the Supreme Court, either formally or informally, in something like an advisory council to the court, meet once a year, bring up things like, "My gosh, isn't it time something was done about discovery. It is going wild". Is there a role? Ahora mira. I'm thinking of you. I'm thinking of Otis Smith. There are others.

Justice Souris: You need to be very careful about that because so long as we are practicing before the court. Roger, I feel so strongly about it that early on, I was asked to take an assignment by the court, and I said, "No, I wouldn't" because I'm still practicing. How does it look for me to practice law as your adversary this morning, and this afternoon, you appeared before me as an assigned judge on the Court of Appeals or as a trial judge somewhere? How does that look? That actually happened with Mike O'Hara. I had people complaining bitterly to me about being on the opposite side of controversies when he worked for Honigman, and sitting as an assigned judge on the Court of Appeals after his defeat on the Supreme Court. They were incensed by that. I wouldn't have any part of that. That's one of the reason, that is the reason, I wouldn't have a portrait presented to the court. As long as I am practicing, I just find it offensive to think of any lawyer against whom I am practicing law looking at my photograph, my picture, my painting on the walls of the Supreme Court.

Mr. Lane: Does it personally strike you that when you go to the court, how that must seem.

Justice Souris: If I had never been on the court and here I stand arguing a case before the Supreme Court. Tom Brennan, my opponent, and there he is on the walls of the court. That would be very offensive.

Mr. Lane: Well, Brennan. he really isn't practicing.

Justice Souris: I understand that. I'm just using him as an example.

Mr. Lane: But there are others. Otis is practicing, in a sense.

Justice Souris: Carrying it further in response to your question, I think that while I always have enjoyed the social contacts with the court since I left, I think that any more formalized relationship would be perceived as wrong. Why should I have the ear of the court just because I had been on the court 22 years ago? What could I add? I could be a spokesman for the interests I represent as a lawyer, in the chambers - that is wrong, and it shouldn't be countermanded.

Mr. Lane: There is one important subject that I think of right now that I somehow omitted to bring up to this point. Would you trace your contact and your convictions, your assessment of the court's handling of the reapportionment issue at the time that you first encountered it, 1960? You ultimately knew that you early espoused, and it's almost cut off from the other comments. Your rationale has ultimately come to prevail. state of law as to the constitutional matter is at rest because of the words that you wrote back in 1963 or 1964.

Justice Souris: I didn't know that any other human being on earth recognized that, Roger.

Mr. Lane: I'm not going to stop and tell you what happened on my first New Year's in Michigan which was in. I came back, and here were these people sitting in a conference room in the Capitol. New Year's was about to strike. There was a ridiculous. and I was sitting at the end with two little kids, two or three years old at the time. I just knew when all this was over, I would go out and write something for the paper. 2:00 a. m. on January 1, and that's what happened. I would seethe about this. anyway, I paid attention to apportionment. What would be your observation about the whole sweep of this issue, and it may not be over yet?

Justice Souris: I think the apportionment cases that I participated and wrote were the most.

(end of side 1, tape 3)

Justice Souris continues to discuss the issue of apportionment and the case of Scholle vs. Secretary of State. He discusses Justices Talbot Smith and George Edwards in regards to some of the decisions they wrote. He concludes his interview with a discussion of the judicial selection process.

Justice Souris: . were really the most important cases that were before the court during the entire 8-1/2 or 9 years of my service on the court. They changed the way in which we govern ourselves. For that reason, they had much more direct and lasting impact upon the citizens of this state and, indeed, the citizens of this country than any of the other cases in the court during the time I served. I don't take credit for that. The credit belongs to Talbot Smith because it was Talbot whose opinion I signed, that he wrote, the dissenting opinion in Scholle vs. Secretary of State. That was the seminal judicial work on reapportionment in modern times that emerged in language strikingly similar when the Supreme Court made its decision in Baker vs. Carr. The Scholle case and the Baker case were pending in the Supreme Court at the same time. It was just a matter of chance that Baker was selected by the court for decision rather than Scholle.

Mr. Lane: But in 1960, you and Smith split with Edwards, did you not, on the laws of.

Justice Souris: Yes.

Mr. Lane: Did this. was this enormously complicated by the flux that was occurring with the writing of a new Michigan constitution?

Justice Souris: No, it wasn't. It hadn't been written, you see.

Mr. Lane: But then the next chapter in 1962, it was being written. And then there was 1964, and it was written, but the Supreme Court of the United States. you realized that some of those cases had 50 and 52 cases of headnotes. Adelante. I didn't mean to interrupt you.

Justice Souris: The Scholle case forced the court to consider the philosophical basis for a representative government, and Talbot wrote in support of the concept of one-man, one-vote, and he did it in a way that tracked the historical development about our beliefs about the republican form of government, representative form of government, and he did it by, again, by reliance upon precedent. Tracing the development of the thought of representation in the republican form of government to the constitutional language which required apportionment every ten years, to reflect changes, and when you reached that point, what can that mean other than the parameters of the constitution intended every ten years that there would be an adjustment of districts to equalize them in their population, numbers, people represented. I find, once again, Talbot Smith is underrated by his own people, but not by thoughtful, legal scholars around the country. I think he's recognized by others as the giant he was in terms of what he wrote in that case. Subsequent cases involving the new constitution's imposition of responsibility upon the Supreme Court for making decisions involving reapportionment by the commission seemed to me to have violated the concepts of separation of powers. We were asked in those subsequent cases following the 1963 decision. 1963 constitution, to perform functions that were non-judicial in nature, and that's when I wrote that I thought that our role. it is an inappropriate role for a court to perform. We were asked. we were not asked to exercise a judicial function. We were asked simply to act as referees to determine which of competing plans most nearly met the constitutional standards. Well, what if we concluded that neither really meets the constitutional standards? What was the power we had? We had no power to modify any of the plans. We had to pick between A, B, C, or D, or however many plans are submitted to us, and we could gag over picking A over B, but we had to pick A because it most nearly satisfied the constitutional standard. That's what happened with the Kleiner plan. The Kleiner plan certainly was no work of art. It had its flaws as well as the other plan did. The plan's name escapes me.

Mr. Lane: Hannah. ¿alguna cosa?

Justice Souris: The Hannah plan.

Mr. Lane: Hannah-Brucker plan.

Justice Souris: Yes, but it most closely complied with the constitutional mandate.

Mr. Lane: Did you not, in 1964, say that the court should exercise its powers of equity to do this even though it was a repugnant role, or do I not follow this?

Justice Souris: I think what I said was that we should refuse to perform in a non-judicial way. We should exercise our own inherent power as a court of equity to require, as I recall it, re - districting on a district-wide, state-wide basis. I felt that that was within our power to do, but no one else did until Tom Giles Kavanagh came along. Tom took his lumps on that.

Mr. Lane: He sure did.

Justice Souris: That's what we get paid for.

Mr. Lane: Going back to the first expression, which I believe was 1960.

Justice Souris: 1960.

Mr. Lane: Was that the minority opinion of Smith's?

Justice Souris: Yes.

Mr. Lane: George Edwards wrote the majority.

Justice Souris: George wrote a separate opinion in support of the majority view and caught holy unshirted hell from his former colleagues on the UAW for it. As a matter of fact, I remember vividly George had been invited, as I had been, to attend the UAW convention in Grand Rapids the day of our decision in the Scholle case. I talked George into going anyway, because he knew he would be vilified, and my argument was "better now than three months from now when it will be even more difficult for you to face these people. Face them. You have nothing to apologize for. You called it the way you saw it, and you performed as your oath required you to. If they don't understand that, then there is nothing you can do to alter their attitudes". Well, he was mistreated terribly. When we walked into the lobby of the hotel, people shunned him, openly scorned him and greeted me effusively. That was very embarrassing and very troublesome to me. It was that night that I had a conversation with Gus Scholle, and Gus was very upset, not because of George's vote against the position he was advocating in that case but rather because George, who had been like a brother to Gus Scholle, had not told him in advance what he was going to do. So I said to Gus, and it was very important to me to have the opportunity to do so, "Gus, you know, you're about to consider an endorsement of me, and I want you to know up front, you can't expect that from me any more than you could expect it from George". It was coincidence that the sequence of events occurred as they did, but there was a very important need to make sure that he understood what my role as a justice would be, totally independent of the people who were supporting my candidacy. I couldn't live with myself if I hadn't confidence in my own independence, and I needed to be able to express that to him before the fact, not after.

Mr. Lane: Really, in essence, the nub of George and his role as I remember was "Look, this may be 14th amendment question, but we don't know yet, and it's being resolving. "

Justice Souris: It will be resolved in Washington.

Mr. Lane: Wasn't that about what he said?

Justice Souris: Yes. That's precisely what he said. He relied on Frankfurter's "political thicket" warning, and that was a legitimate position to take, but I thought misguided. In view of the fact that we were dealing with Michigan's constitution as well as the Federal constitution, concepts were the same, we were still obliged to apply Michigan law and federal law. The fact that the Federal Supreme Court hadn't yet spoken didn't mean that we didn't have the obligation to speak. Lo hicimos.

Mr. Lane: You know, there's one thing that I guess I can't help but bring up. one event in the court while you were there. This goes back to Gene Black. Do you remember the county apportionment cases in Kent and Muskegon Counties?

Justice Souris: Yes.

Mr. Lane: Do you remember play by play what happened in them? Well, the court on, let's say it was Wednesday. Tuesday of the week, filed its opinions deciding them. One of them was 4:4, and one of them was 4:3 that Gene Black hanging off. The result was, and he apparently somewhere in the disposition, a footnote or somewhere said, "If I didn't do this, it would be the most ludicrous thing on the face of the earth that you could imagine, that a judicial body on the same day found adjoining counties, contradictory answer to the same question", and then the next day, he came into the Clerk's office and added his name to the record copy of the second opinion.

Justice Souris: I don't remember any of that.

Justice Souris: I don't remember any of that.

Justice Souris: No.

Mr. Lane: This was one of the most extraordinary events that is imaginable for a review court.

Justice Souris: I haven't any recollection of it.

Mr. Lane: Have your secretary make a copy. This is a very crude. you need to refresh your memory on this because this was an event that when you write your own history. ask her to make a copy of this. I think you will find it so difficult to read in the form it's in that it will come out better off the copy. I should explain this thing that there is for a while, when I was with the Free Press, they had a little spot in the Sunday paper that I was supposed to fill, and this was one of those. Sometimes they call them "thumb-suckers", human nature topic and then you talk about it. Anyway, I mentioned what the facts were, and then I point out right in the middle, two Democratic justices called the court situation anarchy and the damnest thing I ever saw. I can't identify who said that. A Republican justice found it ludicrous and ridiculous. Chief Justice Kavanagh told reporters, "I couldn't see how it could be more preposterous and you can quote me", and he was not accustomed to talking that way to newspaper people. Listen, I just didn't know how the hell this was ever going to be resolved, and I don't to this day, but somehow it was. That was a matter to remember where the constitution of Michigan talked about County supervisors being accorded the right, the absolute right to a place on the County Board. Is the Supervisor of Grand Rapids Township if you can conceive of such a thing and then Wheatfield Township would be accorded to the membership on account of the (unclear). You keep that and take a look at it. I don't know really how far to. would you like to say anything about the judicial selection process, either as it applies to the Supreme Court or to the Michigan Court?

Justice Souris: Sure, I advocated for many, many years, going back to 1963 a proposal that would satisfy just about any rational need and it goes back to my experiences with Mennen Williams, the role I filled as a member of a small, select committee that was limited in its function to providing only an analysis of judicial competence. My proposal has been that the constitution provide for the selection of a committee consisting of eight people, two to be selected every two years or one every year, to serve for eight year terms. Their function would be to provide a governor with evaluations of professional competence of those the governor is proposing to appoint to the judiciary. Not as appointees, but those he is proposing to appoint.

Mr. Lane: It gives the commissioner less. (unclear).

Justice Souris: One or two or three or 1/2 dozen. However many he wants, and the commission's evaluation of those prospective appointees is narrowly confined to professional competence, and will be kept confidential, absolutely confidential, excepting only for the evaluation of the prospect ultimately appointed. So, when the governor makes his choice, having been given that information about professional competence, and having obtained from other sources that are readily available to a governor, the political considerations, the social considerations, the ethnic considerations, all of the other factors that go into, quite properly, the selection of judges, he knows when he makes his appointment that the commission's evaluation of that appointee will be made public with the appointment. If it is a negative evaluation, he'd better be prepared to take the political flack of appointing someone the commission determines is not qualified, or he had better be anxious to accept the political gain by appointing someone the commission believes is highly qualified. Now, the commission's stature is obviously the key to all of this.

Mr. Lane: How do you keep it?

Justice Souris: It doesn't really matter. You can appoint. you can have the governor appoint members to the commission subject to Senate confirmation. You can require that they be bi - partisan, that is to say, half Republican, half Democrats. You can require all sorts of other conditions and it really doesn't matter so long as you make sure that the commission is staffed by people who have the capacity to make those judgments, the professional qualification judgments. I mean, I suppose you could have professors from law schools. No me importa.

Mr. Lane: Did you propose this?

Justice Souris: Oh, yes. Muchas veces. I've spoken on the subject, have written on the subject.

Mr. Lane: Have you?

Justice Souris: Oh, yes, and people think it's an intriguing notion. See, what I've done really is to try to recognize the impact of politics on the selection process. You can't get rid of it, and the only way you can diminish the adverse consequences it to try to channel the political forces so that the governor is forced to take into account his political risks by appointing someone who is not qualified and to enhance those risks by publishing the commission's report while protecting the governor's frustrated prospects by keeping their evaluations private.

Mr. Lane: Of course, it's the least effective the day before election, isn't it or the day before. a lame duck. before you went out of office. You wouldn't much care then.

Justice Souris: Yes, but I think the appointee would. If I were rated unqualified by a blue-ribbon commission, would I say to the governor, "Forget it, governor, I don't need that" or would I say, "Go ahead and appoint me anyway, and I'll take the embarrassment". You know, it's somewhat different, Roger, than having the Detroit Bar Association rate you as unqualified.

Mr. Lane: How about the practice. slightly different, justices working in isolation. Is there any reason that that should not be discouraged, to encourage them to be together for at least periods of some fairly frequent times or periods of significant length to interact, or is that an illusion?

Justice Souris: I think that's an illusion, particularly so long as you have elected judges, Roger. You're not going to have the quality of intellect that can relate with other intellects in a constructive way. When I was on the court, there were three or four justices who worked in Lansing. When I first got there, there were Dethmers, Carr, Kavanagh and Edwards, so from the very beginning, those four were in Lansing and I can assure you that there was very little exchange, very little communication between those four, any two of the four, even Dethmers and Carr did not communicate in a judicial way. They didn't talk about their cases any more than Tom and George did. Some of us talked with one another on the telephone, frequently, regularly, almost every day, and I thought that was as effective a way of communicating as could be imagined. Today, you have modern equipment. You can communicate by computer, you can communicate by fax machine. These are marvelous devices that permit you to work anywhere in the world without having to live with one another. It goes back to the concept Fitz explored with you. He mentioned once or twice during his interview with you the statement that someone made, "We are selected to serve on the court as strangers for eight-year terms". I used to tell my esteemed colleagues that I wouldn't select any one of them as my law partner, but I was compelled to serve with them.

Mr. Lane: Tell me what went on in the decision to leave the court.

Justice Souris: I wasn't sure.

Mr. Lane: You need for the tape, I think, to say what you said.

Justice Souris: I had gone on the court when I was 33. I was 42 in 1968, and I had to make a decision whether to run for another full term. I had served on the court for 8-1/2 years and the other 1/2 year came as a result of the change in the constitution which added one year to the term of all incumbent justices. I had wanted to get off the court as early as 1963. I had reached the point of. there was a certain element of frustration involved, it was a sense of futility. I had reached a point where we were repeating the cases that we had decided years ago. The cast of characters had changed, but the cases were the same, not to the same extent, but the challenge was no longer there. I think Talbot's departure was a terrible blow to me, and then George's departure was the final blow. I no longer was serving with anyone who attracted me to the court in the first place, and I always had a notion that I left the practice too early. Remember I told you that I didn't expect to be elected to the court, but I was, and there I was. I had maybe a quaint notion, when you're elected to an eight year term, you are to serve eight years, and I deviated from that very briefly when in 1963, I toyed with the idea of getting off the court, and then I was brought to my senses. I couldn't simply quit. If I had quit in 1963, Romney would have had a replacement to pick, and I was almost positive, knowing him as I did, and liking him, but knowing his political views, that he would appoint someone whose views would be anathema to mine, to me. In any event, when 1968 came, I had fulfilled my contract with the people of Michigan. I had served the full eight years and anything after January, 1968 was the result of changes in the constitution I didn't have anything to do with, so I felt free to leave. There was one provision in the new constitution that gave me great satisfaction, and that was the provision that said that upon the first death, retirement or resignation from the bench, the number of justices would be reduced from eight to seven. I prayed every morning that Harry would stay in good health, and that Justice Carr, the others would stay in good health, so that I would at least have the option. I did everything I had to do in December of 1967, November and December, 1967 to prepare for a race if something happened that I had to run. I couldn't conceive it, but I wanted to keep my options open. In March of 1968, my wife finished her bar examination, and I felt, at that point, free to make my decision, which I did, that I would leave the court in July, fourth of July, symbolically. Well, it actually turned out to be the first of July, but my objective was to declare my independence. I knew from the preparation I had done since fall, winter, that I would be able to raise as much money as I needed to, and that I had lots of support throughout the state. I wasn't concerned about election.

Justice Souris: Everybody thought that Ned Piggins would be my opponent. I didn't think that at all. I didn't think that Piggins stood a chance of nomination. I thought John Gillis would be nominated hands down, and I thought I could take John Gillis. When I announced my resignation, John called me and said that he felt like the guy standing on top of the long ladder, hanging onto the gutter while someone took the ladder away from him.

Mr. Lane: This is Gillis?

Justice Souris: Yes - John. In any event.

Mr. Lane: The Piggins thing played no significant thing in all of this?

Justice Souris: Not to me.

Mr. Lane: Who was it, Black or somebody kept promoting Piggins as the Republican candidate.

Justice Souris: I don't think that Black did, but I think Piggins did.

Mr. Lane: Maybe that's what I'm thinking of.

Justice Souris: Piggins was very much interested in running, and so was John. Piggins was too far removed from the political battle field to realize that John had done his homework, had prepared well for a convention, much more than Piggins, and I'm absolutely certain that John would have had it.

Mr. Lane: So the result was, when you stepped down, there was no nomination.

Justice Souris: That's right, and that meant, which was a part of it, too, that Mike O'Hara was running all alone. So, instead of being one of four candidates, he was one of two. Tom Kavanagh, Tom Giles Kavanagh, was then in a position to go head to head with Michael O'Hara, and Tom won. Mike was devastated when he lost. He was outraged that a name candidate, Tom Kavanagh had beaten Mike O'Hara who, in turn, had beaten Paul Adams. The next election pitted John Dethmers and Harry Kelly against John Swainson and G. Mennen Williams. I could have written that scenario in 1968.

Mr. Lane: It was Dethmers and who else?

Justice Souris: Kelly.

Mr. Lane: Wasn't Kelly disqualified. did Kelly run?

Justice Souris: Well, I take that back. Estás absolutamente en lo correcto. Kelly did not run. It was McGregor who ran, wasn't it. In any event, that's right. We knew that Kelly was not going to run, and so it was only John Dethmers.

Mr. Lane: And with Swainson and Williams, I think (unclear).

Justice Souris: Oh, yes it was. As a matter of fact, that the fall-off of votes cast for judicial candidates compared to the votes cast for Governor was one of my concerns, and I spent a lot of time during the campaign trying to encourage a higher percentage of votes. I don't think I succeeded. My recollection was that it wasn't very much higher than.

Mr. Lane: Well, I think we ought to call it quits for this.

Justice Souris: Thank you.

Mr. Lane: You know, just consider.

(end of side 2, tape 3)

Sample Average Monthly Budget For a Single Person Or College Student

Posted September 20th, 2011 in Budgeting by Jeremy Waller

Not long ago I wrote on how to make a budget plan. If you really want a detailed look at how to set up a reasonable budget for yourself then take a look there. If you are learning to budget or just want some easy to follow numbers though then I’ll try to break it down in this post.

Since I don’t know your specific situation I’m going to use some very broad assumptions.

I’m going to base this sample budget on someone working full time at $10/hr. That’s probably a pretty safe number for someone who is just getting out on their own.

If you make less than that then you’ll have to cut some of the numbers below. If you make more then follow the budget below and save the rest!

Here’s a sample average monthly budget for a single person:

$135 – Ahorros

$135 – Caridad

$375 – Alquilar

$100 – Utilidades

$50 – Cell Phone

$100 – Car Payment

$75 – Gas

$80 – Seguro de auto

$140 – Comida

$200 – Cuidado de la salud

That totals $1,390 per month which should be close to what your take-home pay is at $10/hour and 40 hours/week.

Breaking Down The Numbers

I put these first on the list because I believe they’re the two most important things.

You might be thinking that there’s no way you can afford to put $270 per month towards saving and charity. I highly highly discourage you from cutting those out of your budget. The earlier you can establish those disciplines in your life the easier it will be.

Out of all the numbers in the sample budget above the amount for housing seems really slim. $375 for rent won’t get you much more than a shack in most places. But if you can snag a roommate you should be able to find a decent apartment for $750.

Depending on where you live utilities may be included with your rent. If so that gives you an extra $100 you can put towards another category.

I also included $50 for a cell phone. Even though you could live fine without a cell phone very few people are going to give their phone up. $50 per month should be plenty to cover this expense.

Unless you live in a city where you can walk everywhere you are going to have transportation expense.

$100 per month for a car payment is enough to get you a car in the $4,000 – $5,000 range. You shouldn’t have any problem finding a reliable car in this price range. It may not be the sweetest ride, but it’s in your budget.

With a car come the necessary expenses of gas and insurance. Most insurance companies like for you to pay every 6 months, but you can usually get them to break it out into monthly payments.

If you shop around you can probably find an average monthly car insurance payment of $80 or less.

This is one of the easiest categories to blow. The average cost of food per month for one person isn’t much if you eat at home.

But, if you eat out a lot $140 isn’t going to cut it. Eating at home is so much cheaper.

That doesn’t meat you can’t ever go grab a burger, but limit it to a couple of times per month.

When I was in college my food budget was $25 per week. I ate a lot of ramen noodles and hot dogs.

This will always be a big part of your budget throughout your entire life. Healthcare is expensive.

If you’re under 26 you may be able to get coverage under your parents’ insurance at a reasonable rate.

If you can’t get coverage that way then see if you can get coverage at a discount through your school.

Otherwise do a lot of shopping around. Insurance rates vary wildly from company to company.

A Note on Frugality

When you’re single and have a limited income frugality is your friend. Always be looking for ways to save money.

Don’t be afraid to use coupons.

Share a house or apartment with more than 1 roommate

Learn to love cheap meals like pasta

Don’t have a pet

Don’t smoke

Buy as many things second hand as you can (furniture, clothes, etc.)

Use free WiFi instead of paying for internet

Subscribe to Netflix and get movies for a month for the same price as going to 1 movie in the theater.

Living on a budget when you’re young (or not young) may not be the most appealing thing. But it’s a great discipline that will keep you out of debt and give you a jump start to a better financial future as you move forward in life.

Judith Singer says:

You seem to have forgotten clothing. Once you count winter coats, boots, shoes, running shoes, as well as everyday apparel, that’s easily $100 per month. You also forgot household goods such as laundry detergent, paper towels, and toilet paper; personal items such as soap, shampoo and makeup; and any form of entertainment. Do you really expect someone on this level budget, especially a young person, to save, much less give to charity, rather than go out at least one night a week? Get real.

Hey Judith –

I probably should make an adjustment for clothing, but $100 per month is way too high.

I didn’t just pull these numbers out of thin air – this is pretty stinkin’ close to my own budget when I was in college.

I could also clarify where household goods fit it. In our budget, all of that is lumped in with our food – it’s just easier to track since we usually buy groceries and food in the same trip.

Regarding savings and charity, you must have missed this paragraph:

“You might be thinking that there’s no way you can afford to put $270 per month towards saving and charity. I highly highly discourage you from cutting those out of your budget. The earlier you can establish those disciplines in your life the easier it will be.”

I didn’t have any problem including that in my budget when I was in college.

This budget isn’t all roses and candy. It’s a real world budget – one that I lived on not very long ago.

If you want to go out and spend money you don’t have. Multa. Hazlo. Just don’t be surprised when you wake up and find yourself thousands of dollars in debt.

Thanks for this post! Really helpful as I’m trying to set up my own budget. It’s great to see someone actually include charity and savings in a budget – they’re overlooked far too often. 10% of every paycheck I get is cut to charity – it’s the first thing to go. I made a few tweeks of my own, but this is pretty much my new budget! ¡Gracias!

*Sigh* This obviously wasn’t written by a girl.

Tampons, makeup, shampoo, face wash, toothbrush, contact lens solution, school supplies…. venga. these everyday necessities aren’t optional. They add up quickly.

You also forgot “entertainment”. I guarantee you that you had fun while you’re in college. Whether it was video games, going to the movies, going out… I think $10 a week for entertainment is completely reasonable to include in one’s budget.

I’d also encourage young people to start an emergency fund. Separate from savings, this emergency fund would be used if you need a new battery for your car, a speeding ticket, or anything other unforeseen expense etc. etc.

Guilty as charged. I didn’t have to buy makeup, etc – but all of my personal care items were included in my grocery budget.

I really just tried to cover the essentials in this budget. Setting aside money for entertainment is important, but not at the expense of something like utilities.

I waited tables when I was in college, most of the money I spent on entertainment was when I had a good week and brought in more than my budgeted income.

Obviously, the example I set out above isn’t perfect. It won’t work for everyone in every situation, but I think it’s a good outline that you can modify to fit your own particular situation.

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Michael D. Heath-Caldwell M. Arch.

Diary of James Caldwell

Monday 20 January 1806:

At Trentham Attending Lieutenancy Meeting. Appeals Militia & Levy on Massc. Engaged all day Sir Jno. Chetwode Mr Mainwaring, Kinnersley & yo

Tuesday 21 January 1806:

En casa. I this day compleated(sic) the 47 year of my age. It gave rise to abundance of good resolutions, as to making the greatest & best use of time which seems every year passing with increased swiftness but I had the happiness to reflect, & to hope at least, that the last year had not been spent without a fair and reasonable discharge of duty both public & privado.

Wednesday 22 January 1806:

En casa. Engaged on the farm & various Matters.

Diary of Anne Marsh-Caldwell

22 nd January 1806.

Died, William Pitt, the greatest statesman that ever held the reins of government in England. His last words were “oh my country.” I have ever believed him to be the most wise and virtuous of ministers. Ahora está muerto. I believe him so still and I glory in the idea that I have always supported him. His enemies have broke his heart. They may all now praise him but if is of no use. Expressions made use of by J. C. on this occasion. It is the general opinion here that since the meeting in the navy this reign has not seen a more dangerous event. Mr Pitt’s death I understand was occasioned by excessive guilt[?] exhausted his nerves so that he could get little or no sleep and having of a delicate constitution he had been accustomed from infancy to drink so much wine that it had injured his stomach so much as to destroy entirely his appetite.

Diary of James Caldwell

Thursday 23 January 1806:

At Trentham again attending Meeting under the Assessed Taxes – Appeals – Sirs Jno Chetwode, J Fletcher, J Heathcote & yo. A long, laborious, & fatiguing day having left home at 8 in the morning & not getting back till near 7 at night without any rest or refreshment. Sirs Jno Chetwode & J Fletcher left early.

Diary of Anne Marsh-Caldwell

23 rd January 1806, Tuesday

Mr Fouchécourt came again. He tells us that for three days the good news of the Battle of Wiskaw was positively believed. The Duke of York at least was so confident that he gave him a Colonel’s commission to raise a regiment in La Vendee, the report arose from this circumstance. Mlle Jacobe wrote to her father to tell him of affairs, the victory and gave the details which I inserted before the vessel which brought over the dispatches was lost and Sir Arthur Paget’s were lost so when believed would have confirmed the account.

Diary of James Caldwell

Friday 24 January 1806:

En casa. Engaged with Mr Gilbert pursuant to appointment perusing Briefs & Papers, & considering the Case of Banford & Mountford being the special Jury Cause referred to us from the last Stafford Assizes. An almost perfect coincidence in the opinion which we had without any previous Communication with each other found in this business. Mr Gilbert & Mr Wood dined. The latter staid all night

Saturday 25 January 1806:

En casa. Engaged on the farm in the morning. Afterwards with Mr Penlingtons Tenantsr eceiving Rents, sorting Acct of Repairs &c. &c. Mr P & his son dined.

Sunday 26 January 1806:

Monday 27 January 1806:

Hacer. Engaged on various matters previous to setting off tomorrow to the Assizes.

Went to Stafford early. Served on the Grand Jury Heavy Calendar. S. Edwd. Littleton Foreman.

Friday 28 March 1806:

Discharged about one oClock. Land tax Commrs. Reunión. Came to Stone to dinner. Engaged with Mr Robinson on Navg. Affairs Carrying Business &c. Returned home at night.

Saturday 29 March 1806:

En casa. Engaged on Farm &c. &c.

Diary of Anne Marsh-Caldwell

29 th March 1806, Wednesday

Miss Allen. Set out with my Aunt and Mary on a journey to Scarborough in a chaise and four. My Aunt took her two servants on the Barouche to Congleton 9 miles. Stopped at the 13 th Bull and Swan. It rained and therefore we were able to see but little upon the road, passed by Moreton, an old house, now a farm which formerly was a gentleman’s seat Moreton now by no means taking the title, now, as for some time the family residence. Past Astbury 1 mile from Congleton, is curious on account of its old Church to the body of which the steeple appears only joined by a small building much newer and lower than the rest. The country about Congleton appears well cultivated. To Buxton 16 miles. Stopped at the Great Hotel in the crescent. The road about four miles from Congleton begins to wind among the mountains. The land makes a pretty good appearance as we advanced farther on, the country became more desolate consisting of a large stone pastures of barren land separated by rough stone walls with now and then a wretched cottage and a few starved children. The hills are high and steep but when we entered Derbyshire the moorlands were still more wild, dreary and desolate heath and fern covered the ground principally and the starved cows now make way for sheep who somehow or other contrive to pick up where with to keep life in the body which most other two legged or four legged animals would have a good deal of difficulty in doing. “Abyss on abyss arise,” and it is a very tedious drive up and down these steeped hills before we got a sight of one on which a few cottages made in the banks of lime kiln rubbish at length gave us the hope of seeing Buxton. That town with the land immediately surrounding it summed something like what the land of Promise must appear from the wilderness but a sad sight would it have been to the children of Israel to have seen such a Canaan after all their difficulties for good as it appears fixed in such a situation much labour and patience must it require to make it subsist comfortably. The poor souls in the lime cottages, the houses in the town except the inns are very poor, but these make a good contrast. The Crescent is a very fine building. We alighted at Mrs Hall’s Great Hotel, the piazzas were poorly filled. We went to the baths, it looked so smoky and dark that I did not want[?] to jump in though the Bathing women put me in mind that the day was unfavourable, the water tasted to me warm and very bad but on this point I forebear to press because I cannot understand anything about their composition or whether habit may render them more agreeable. TheInn is a very good one. From Buxton to Middleton 12 miles. After going one mile toFairfield and passing over a goose common we bid adieu to the two legged part of the creation always excepting crows and again entered the wilderness. Dreary and very dull it was till we came to Tideswell, so called from a well that has a tide, and the Vale of Middleton Dale here. It is very beautiful. For nearly a mile the road winding in a deep dell between fine rocks. There is a [pass?] after Fairfield, a fine view going down a Vale [leading?] to the Gee Tor in this [strange?]. We found the Geranina Pralinso, another Geranium that we have in the garden at Linley, and two or three other flowers that we have not at Linley.

Middleton to Sheffield 12 miles. We passed over part of thePikeForest, the ride is very pleasant. Sheffieldis rather a dirty, its manufactures are hardware principally. Sheffield to Barnsley 14 miles. The road is very pleasant with a great many gentlemen’s houses upon it. At Barnsleywe stayed all night.

Diary of James Caldwell

Sunday 30 March 1806:

En casa. Service as usual. In the afternoon Mr Kindley called.

30 th March 1806, Thursday

Before breakfast we set out forWakefield, 10 miles. On the road we passed by Chirct, Sir Thomas Pilpot’s[?] very beautiful place. We had a view of Thorn House, B Gaskell equ. and several other beautiful seats to Tadcaster, 19 miles. We went a new road not pointed out by Casey. It is a very pleasant one. We kept the [calder?] in view for great part of the road. To York 9 miles, a very flat road. The Minster is seen for some time before the city. It makes the only fine object in the stage.

Diary of James Caldwell

Monday 31 March 1806:

Hacer. Engaged writing long letter to Sr. Jno. Chetwode in reply to one which I had received from him relative to the Representation of the County in case of vacancy. Alcock.

Tuesday 1 st April 1806

At Burslem with Elizabeth in the Gig. Returned to dinner. Mr Fourchiquour

Wednesday 2 April 1806:

At home, Mr Swinnerton of Butterton to prevail upon me to undertake the final Settlemt. of all Disputes Chancery Causes &c. relative to the Delphonse Colliery & affairs which I agreed to do in case Mr Gilbert were joined with me in the Reference & the Parties would agree that we should begin de Nove[sic] [de Novo = anew]. Jos. Soragy relative to Prosecution of Rob. Podmore a Prisoner in Chester Castle by Mr Gilbert which appearing a hard case Memd. to speak to Mr Gilbert. Letter to Mr Swinnerton explaining the principle on which I would state the reference.

Thursday 3 April 1806:

In the morning at Clough Hall, calling upon Mr Gilbert when upon my representation he consented to undertake the reference with me on the principle aforesaid in my Letter to Mr Swinnerton. Viewed with him his House, Grounds &c. Promised to consider of Podmore Case.

Friday 4 April 1806:

At Newcastle Engaged with Mr Bent on the intended application to Parliament for repeal of the obnoxious restrictions in the Malting business previous to his setting off to London as one of the Delegates. Returned to dinner. In the afternoon Mr W Kinnersley on the reference which I had undertaken in the affairs of the late Mr John Blackwell. Perusing Copartnership Acct &c. &c. Letter from Mr Joseph Smith relative to the Disputes with the Navg. Co. &c. &erio; considering the same.

Saturday 5 April 1806:

Closely engaged all day perusing papers & considering the Question intended to be brought forwards at the Navigation Genl. Assembly next week as to the continuance & extension of the Carrying Trade & making Memdms. preparatory to drawing out Observations at some length on this important Question.

Sunday 6 April 1806:

En casa. Service &c.

Monday 7 April 1806:

Engaged very closely all day drawing out & compleating(sic) Observations relative to the Carrying Trade on the Canal & the necessity for continuing it on the principles hitherto adopted but with such increased energy as recent Circumstances may have rendered necessary.

Tuesday 8 April 1806

At Stone engaged all day on the Committee

Wednesday 9 April 1806:

Hacer. General Assembly numerously attended. Delivered my Sentiments at some length, & concluded by moving a Resolution for continuing the Trade on the System hitherto pursued but with such increased energy and activity as recent Circumstances & occurrences may have rendered necessary; and that a Committee be appointed to consider of the best means of carrying this Resolution into effect. This motion seconded by Jno Daniel Esq. who had hitherto uniformly voted for relinquishing the Trade, but who acknowledged that a change had taken place in his Sentiments from the reasons that had been stated, and carries unanimously. Returned home at night. Fixed with Mr Chatterley for Reference Ld. Stafford & Hollins Execrs. on Tuesday next.

Thursday 10 April 1806:

En casa. Engaged on the farm &c. &c. Indispuesto

Having promised Mr Walhouse & Mr Lester to send them each a Copy of my Memoir on the Carrying Trade, correcting the same for that purpose. In the forenoon Mr Gilbert relative to Rob. Podmores prosecution: which he had desired his Atty not to. [defend] Circumstances being very favourable for the Prisoner.

Saturday 12 April 1806:

At Newcastle to get Copies made of the paper on the Carrying Trade, Mr Beckett relative to sale of the Houses on the Marsh. Returned to dinner.

Sunday 13 April 1806:

En casa. Service &c. &c.

Monday 14 April 1806:

Engaged finally correcting Copies of the paper on the Navigt. Carrying Trade, & afterwards writing Letters therewith to Mr Walhouse & Mr Lester. Alcock & in the afternoon a Mr Ward of Derby & Jas. Alcock. Musick.

Tuesday 15 April 1806:

At Newcastle attending on Reference between Lord Stafford & Exors of Mr Hollins. Revd. Mr Butt, Mr Chatterley Mr Griffin & Mr Fenton, when I had the pleasure to decide upon this business in a manner with which all parties expressed their satisfaction. Afterwards dined at Newcastle with a Party. Mr Swinnerton relative to his reference &c. &c.

Wednesday 16 April 1806:

En casa. Engaged perusing papers & Accts relative to the Reference between the Exors of the late Mr Jno Blackwell deceased & Mr Andrew Blackwell, appointed for tomorrow. In the afternoon Mr Walthall & Mr Jos Adams. The former with Deeds for my execution relative to the Manor of Mere in consequence of my having been made a Justice in some former one & which I Executed Accordingly.

Thursday 17 April 1806:

Perusing Deeds which had been sent for my execution by Messrs Dennet & Grieves of London as one of the Exors of the late Mr Wedgwood & executing the same. Afterwards at Newcastle to have attended the Reference in Blackwells affairs, but found that the parties were not fully prepared Notice of which by some mistake had failed to reach me. Returned to dinner.

Friday 18 April 1806:

En casa. Engaged on the farm & various matters. Enlargement of garden at Farm

Saturday 19 April 1806:

Hacer. Hacer. M Hindley Macclesfield Commrs. perusing various papers &c.

Sunday 20 April 1806:

En casa. Mr Bent & Mr Hindley came to dinner. Malt restrictions business. Macclesfield Deeds & papers &c. &c.

Monday 21 April 1806:

En casa. Engaged on farm, Planting Cabbage for winter use for Cattle. 500d To Observe the Produce carefully. At Rode Heath meeting Sr. Thos Broughton. House at Rode Heath. Salmons Accounts &c. In the afternoon Jas. Gibbons relative to Removal of the Port Office to his House. Alcock

Tuesday 22 April 1806:

En casa. Engaged compleating(sic) and copying out my will, the arrangements of which had engaged my thoughts for some time past. Of the three things that Aristotle i said to have repented him of, one was, “ that he had lived one day not having his will made.” Standings Hist of Philosophy. Mr Fourchiquour.

Wednesday 23 April 1806:

Hacer. Engaged on the Farm, Grounds &c. &c. In the evening Mr Fritche.

Thursday 24 April 1806:

Hacer. writing sundry Letters. Perusing various papers &c. &c.

Friday 25 April 1806:

Saturday 26 April 1806:

Hacer. Drawing Agreemt. the Macclesfield Brewery. In theEvening MrWittenhall, canvass for vote in favour of Col. Parker, representing that Mr Wilbraham Egerton had declined offering himself for the County & had given his Interest to Col. Parker. At parting, told Mr W that I wished to be distinctly understood, that if Mr W G had offered I had made up my mind to give him any support in my power that I would make no promise adverse to Mr Davenport of. [Coffectham] should he chose to offer himself. That in respect to anybody else, I shall feel it right to see what was the wish & Sense of the County.

Sunday 27 April 1806:

En casa. Service as usual

Monday 28 April 1806:

Hacer. Engaged on the farm & various matters

Tuesday 29 April 1806:

Hacer. Mr Fourchiquour. In the afternoon Mr Robinson Junr. of Stone with various cases Opinions & other papers relative to the Question of the hability of the Proprietors of the Canal to make compensation to the owners of Mines over which the Canal passes. When I appointed to meet Mr Robinson senr. at Newcastle on Monday next on the business.

Wednesday 30 April 1806:

Perusing & considering Navign. Papers left with me yesterday. Afterwards at Butterton dining returned in the Evening.

Thursday 1 May 1806:

Engaged again on Do. &erio; various other matters.

Diary of James Caldwell

Thurs 31 July 1806:

At Trentham calling on Lord Stafford.

Friday 1 st August 1806

At Trentham Inn Attending Land tax Appeals. Afterwards dining at Lord Staffords. Lord & Lady Carlisle, Lord & Lady Cawdor. Col & Mr Sloane & Lady Gertrude Miss Byron. Lord Gower Lady Charlotte. A very pleasant & agreeable day. After Tea long walk in the Grounds & Jardines

Saturday 2 August 1806:

At Etruria with Stamford calling on Mr Wedgwood

Sunday 3 August 1806:

Monday 4 August 1806:

Tuesday 5 August 1806:

Wednesday 6 August 1806:

At Newcastle attending the Races. In the Evening at the Ball. Lady Stafford (to whom I introduced Stamford) Ld. Gower Mr Wm Booth. Mr Sloane & Lady Gertrude &c. &. Returned home in the Evening

Diary of Anne Marsh-Caldwell

6 th August 1806, Wednesday

Newcastleraces very well attended. The Marchioness of Stafford and family, Lady G, and Mr Slone, Mr Mrs McDonald came from Trentham. The Ball at night was very well attended. Lord Gower, Sir H. M. Mainwaring Stevens came.

Diary of James Caldwell

Thursday 7 August 1806:

Diary of Anne Marsh-Caldwell

7 th August 1806, Thursday

Went to the [‘ball’ crossed out] course to play.

Diary of James Caldwell

Friday 8 August 1806:

At the Loggerheads [village approx. 10m SW of Stoke] in the morning. From thence to Chippenhall Mill attending on. in a special Jury Cause to be tried at the ensuing Assizes relative to water course & irrigación. Fatiguing day. MrWebbthe only other special juror who attended. Returned to Newcastle Race Course about ½ past 6. Cold meal at Mr Basnetts. Returned home at night. Very numerous Meeting at the Races & (I think) great impression made by the courteous & wise behaviour of Lady Stafford & her party.

Diary of Anne Marsh-Caldwell

8 th August 1806, Friday

My sisters went to the course. We returned home at night. Mr McDonald and Mr Tatton Stewards.

Diary of James Caldwell

Saturday 9 August 1806:

En casa. Recovering fatigue having been much exhausted with the exertions of the few foregoing Days.

Sunday 10 August 1806:

En casa. Mr Bent & Mr Jno. Heathcote dined. Shrewsbury Concerns &c. &c.

Diary of Anne Marsh-Caldwell

10 th August 1806, Sunday

Mr W Bent, Mr J Heathcote dined at Linley Wood.

Eliza and Maria Bent came and stayed till Saturday

Diary of James Caldwell

Thursday 14 August 1806:

At Stafford, being not only summoned on the Grand Jury but on three Special Jury Causes. Had the satisfaction by an intimation of my sentiments to induce the parties Mr Hand of Abbots Bromley & Mr Jervis of the Hill near Dragton to consent to an amicable Settlement of the Cause on the. in which I had attended on Friday the 8; which was referred to myself Mr Harvey & Mr Wedge. I do not know that on any occasion I have better deserved the name of a Peace Maker, or that I had more happily seen the points of a Case.

Diary of Anne Marsh-Caldwell

14 th August 1806, Thursday [Saturday?]

A fine day. Mango Pash intended to go as far as Timbuctoo but was informed that it was so entirely possessed by the Moors that it was impossible.

Eliza and Maria Bent left us.

Diary of James Caldwell

Friday 15 August 1806:

Returned home. Dined at Stone

Diary of James Caldwell

Thursday 4 September 1806:

At Trentham attending Meeting to receive Lists of Militia preparatory to carrying into effect the Training Bill. General Licensing day. In the Hundred of Pirehill North 226 Public Houses. Dined. Sirs Thos Broughton, Jno. Chetwode. Tho Fletcher Mr Fletcher, Mainwaring, Whitworth, Steadman & yo.

Friday 5 September 1806:

En casa. Harvest &c.

Saturday 6 September 1806:

At Newcastle with Eliza. In the Evening received Letters from the Mayor & Town Clerk apprizing me that the Prince of Wales intended to visit the Borough &c. &erio; desiring me to be in readiness to give my assistance on the occasion.

Sunday 7 September 1806:

At Newcastle this morning in consequence of the forgoing notification. Drawing Address to be presented &c &c Returned to Dinner.

Monday 8 September 1806:

At Newcastle again attending Meeting of the Corporation in the Town Hall on Motion for granting the Liberties & Privileges of the Borough to the Prince of Wales. Reading Draft of the Address which I had prepared & which was warmly & Unanimously approved.

Diary of Anne Marsh-Caldwell

8 th September 1806, Monday

Diary of James Caldwell

Tuesday 9 September 1806:

En casa. Mr Fourchiquour. In the Evening received note from the Marquis of Stafford with Invitation to meet the Prince of Wales at Dinner at Trentham on Friday at 6 o’Clock. Mr Fourchiquour all night.

Diary of Anne Marsh-Caldwell

9 th September 1806, Tuesday

Mr De Fouchécour came.

Diary of James Caldwell

Wednesday 10 September 1806:

At Newcastle attending Meeting making arrangements for Reception of the Prince of Wales. Visit to Mr Tollets, which we had engaged to make tomorrow postponed Mrs Tollet being ill & Mr Sparrow who was to have been of the Party & myself unable to attend on Account of the Prince.

Diary of Anne Marsh-Caldwell

10 th September 1806, Wednesday

The girls came home. Mr Fritche.

Diary of James Caldwell

Thursday 11 September 1806:

En casa. Various matters. Writing letters to the Mayor with various particulars to be attended to tomorrow.

Diary of Anne Marsh-Caldwell

11 th September 1806, Thursday

H. R.H. the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Clarence came to Newcastle and had the freedom of the borough presented to them in the town hall. Papa, as Recorder made a speech and read an address which his R. H. answered in a most pleasing manner. We were all present. The Prince is a very [‘gentlemanly’ crossed out] Princely looking man but he has lost all traces of beauty. The Duke certainly is everything rather than handsome. Papa dined at Trentham.

Diary of James Caldwell

At Newcastle early. In the afternoon, between 3 & 4 o’Clock the Prince of Wales, attended by the Duke of Clarence, Marquis of Stafford, Lord Horrowly, Lord Petersham, Lord Crewe. LordGranvilleLevesonGower, Lord Chief Baron, LordGower, Honble. John Gilbert. Mr McDonald Mr Wilbraham, Col Leigh, Major Bloomfield, Mr Vernon Mr R Heathcote &c. arrived at the Town Hall: at the bottom of which they had alighted. A Green Baize had been laid along the Hall up the stairs & so all the way to the Hustings. The Corporation were arranged in one side, the Subjects on the other from the Bottom of the stairs to the Bottom of the Hall, the Senior Alderman being lowest, the Mayor & I with the Town Clerk & Mr Leigh the Clergyman stood at the foot of the Stairs. As soon as the Prince alighted, which he first did with the Duke of Clarence & Marquis of Stafford, we made an obeisance, then advanced half way, the Maces following us, & made another, when we approached him a third was performed. The Subjects & Aldermen then formed in procession & walked first up the stairs, The Maces followed, then the Mayor & I with the Town Clerk & Clergyman. The Prince with the Duke & Marquis followed. Having conducted the Prince to the Hustings which he ascended with the Duke, His R. H. & having called up Lord Stafford the Town Clerk notified that the Corporation were then assembled in Common Hall, upon which I addressed his R. H. the Prince of Wales in the following words.

May it Please Your Royal Highness; In the capacity in which I have the honor(sic) to stand before Your Royal Highness, as Recorder of this Borough, I humbly beg leave to read to Your Royal Highness, the Address of the Mayor Recorder, Justices, Bailiffs and Common Council of this Corporation; and which with Your Royal Highness permission their chief Magistrates will have the honor to present to Your Royal Highness on this highly interesting and gratifying occasion of Your Royal Highness presence in this Borough, accompanied by Your Royal Highness’ illustrious Brother.

I then proceeded to read the following written Address which I had prepared for the occasion

To His Royal Highness George Augustus Frederic Prince of Wales &c. &c.

We the Mayor, Recorder, Justices Bailiffs and Common Council of the Corporation of Newcastle under Lyme, beg leave to offer our most sincere and hearty congratulations on Your Royal Highness; Arrival in the Borough.

Inviolably, and cordially attached as we have ever been to Your Royal Highness; august House, under whose auspices this Nation has attained so unexampled a height of Glory, Prosperity, and Happiness; we cannot be so unmindful of our Duty, and Obligation as not to be impressed with the most profound respect for Your Royal Highness, as well as with the warmest sense of gratitude for the distinguished favour conferred upon us in being thus indulged with an Opportunity of approaching Your Royal Highness Person, accompanied by Your Royal Highness’ illustrious Brother.

As the only means in our power by which to crave these Sentiments and feelings, we humbly presume to tender to Your Royal Highnesses the Liberties and Privileges of this ancient Borough; and should Your Royal Highness graciously permit the Roll of Burgesses to be adorned and dignified with the names of Your Royal Highnesses it will not only afford an additional proof of Your Royal Highnesses Condescension, but be transmitted on Record to Posterity as our pre-eminent and fondest Honor.

The Mayor then presented the Address which His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales was pleased to make the following Reply which His R. H. read from a written paper.

Mr Mayor, Recorder, Justices, Bailiffs and Common Council of the Corporation of Newcastle under Lyme.

The distinguished manner in which I have been received in your populous borough is a proof of the affection and attachment which bear to the House of Brunswick, and on this occasion to my Person in particular; it is most truly dear to my heart to observe these sentiments pervade every part of the Country & all Ranks of the People; It cannot fail to impress upon me the most anxious wish for the continuance of Your Prosperity and I do assure you that at all times, it shall be my first object to promote it.

I accept with satisfaction the freedom of Your very ancient Borough, for myself and my Brother and derive great pleasure from the enrolment(sic) of Our Names amongst those of the Burgesses.

This paper the Prince of Wales (who when he had read it) descended from the Hustings Delivered into my own hand. His R. Highness then partook, standing, of the Collation which had been prepared & set on two Tables across the Room for the Prince &c & the other down the Room the whole length. The space on the left hand side the Table coming up from the Stairs, was packed with well dressed Company & produced altogether a striking effect. On attending the Prince down stairs he desired me to alter the paper he had given me by insisting the name of His Brother which had been omitted, & which I afterwards did by introducing the words scored under, & which His R. H. said were what he wished. He then stood a few minutes in the Hall during which I had the honour of conversing with him & which he did with great affectability & good humour particularly noticing the fineness of the Men in the Grenadier Company of Newcastle Volunteers who were drawn up in the Hall &c. &c. The Company then set off to Trentham; where at 6 o’Clock I joined them. At dinner there were two tables. At the first the Prince of Wales, Duke of Clarence, M of Stafford, Lady Horrowly (who did the honours of the Table owing to Lady Stafford & Lady Charlotte having been most unfortunately attacked with the Measles) Lord Horrowly, Lord Crewe, Lord Petersham, Lord Chief Baron, Lord Granville Leveson Gower, Lord Gower, JohnTalbot, Mr Macdonald, Col Leigh, Major Bloomfield, Mr R Heathcote, Archdeacon Woodhouse, Admiral Child, Dr Burt J Wedgwood & mí mismo. The Prince of Wales as well as the Duke of Clarence behaved with the greatest affability & politeness & the former certainly appears to be an accomplished gentleman. The Duke showed great good humour & sprightliness.

On returning into the Drawing Room I had the satisfaction to have many Compliments paid me on the Address & on my speaking & reading particularly by Lord Stafford who told me that the Prince had mentioned it more than once, by Mr McDonald &c. &c. Not long after I had been in the Drawing Room the Duke of Clarence came up to me and saidMrCaldwellboth my Brother & I have been extremely gratified by what we have witnessed today. We paid the closest attention and not only the Address but your speaking & reading obtained our highest approbation. My Brother has spoken of it to me more than once. On my observing that I would not be extremely sensible of so polite & flattering a mention the Duke stopped me short saying – You must not take it so. I do assure you I am not making. [Compliments] My Brother & I were equally struck and he has several times mentioned you since to me. I had the honour of a very long conversation with him on various subjects in the course of which he took every opportunity of saying very gratifying things to me & acquitted himself throughout with the greatest ease familiarity & good humour. He observed. other things that the situation I had been placed was a very trying one, & would have tried any man. I did not leave Trentham till nearly twelve oClock.

Saturday 13 September 1806:

At Newcastle this morning on various matters. The Prince was this day drawn through the Town by the Burgesses on his way to Longport.

Sunday 14 September 1806:

Monday 15 September 1806:

At Newcastle again being the Fair. As I was standing accidentally at the Roebuck Door the Prince passed on his way to Rowley when he favoured me with the most gracious notice, bowing repeatedly & turning himself round in the Carriage to look back & which he did motioning with his hand to me till the Carriage intercepted our view of each other.

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